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* ibm.c
* This module implements the IBM-PC specific routines for POV-Ray.
* from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
* Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
* NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
* with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
* than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
* which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
* named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
* POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
* Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
* Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
* This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
* DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
* DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
/* Original IBM VGA "colour" output routines for MS/DOS by Aaron A. Collins.
This will deliver approximate colorings using HSV values for the selection.
The palette map is divided into 4 parts - upper and lower half generated
with full and half "value" (intensity), respectively. These halves are
further halved by full and half saturation values of each range (pastels).
There are three constant colors, black, white, and grey. They are used
when the saturation is low enough that the hue becomes undefined, and which
one is selected is based on a simple range map of "value". Usage of the
palette is accomplished by converting the requested color RGB into an HSV
value. If the saturation is too low (< .25) then black, white or grey is
selected. If there is enough saturation to consider looking at the hue,
then the hue range of 1-63 is scaled into one of the 4 palette quadrants
based on its "value" and "saturation" characteristics.
Further SVGA, MVGA mods by Aaron A. Collins:
SVGA, MVGA assembler routines originally by John Bridges.
VESA assembler routines from FRACTINT, by The Stone Soup Group
AT&T VDC600 SVGA mods to DKB Trace 2.01 module IBM.C by John Gooding
This file now represents the collective wisdom of the VGAKIT34 package,
with support for all of the SVGA types known to mankind. Seriously,
VGAKIT34 is an excellent technical reference for IBM programmers wishing
to do any sort of SVGA video access, and it encompasses nearly all of the
SVGA adapters in use today. It was written by John Bridges, a.k.a.
CIS:73307,606, GENIE:J.BRIDGES. It was originally coded in IBM 80x86
assembler, and since DKBTrace is a completely "C"-based package, I have
converted John's assembler routines all into "C". These may be a tad bit
slower, but they should be compatible across a wide variety of 80x86/(S)VGA
machines. Note if you have a regular cheapo VGA card like myself, included
is "MODE13x" or MVGA (modified VGA) mode (some call it "tweaked", but I
call it "Simulated SVGA"), which gives 360x480 on any reasonably register-
compatible plain vanilla VGA card. This mode gives a good simulated 640 by
480 screen resolution. I did not implement all the neat hi-res modes of
all the various SVGA adapters, if you select a trace size bigger than the
program and/or card can handle (most likely 640x480), it is dynamically
scaled to fit the available resolution, so you'll be able to see a rough
approximation of an 800x600 trace even on any el-cheapo VGA card at 320x200
resolution. The VESA VGA mode was freely adapted from FRACTINT, whose GIF
reading routines we are already using in DKBTrace. I hope my conversion
of it works properly.
There is still a reported problem with the EVEREX autodetect returning
TRIDENT. In fact EVEREX uses a TRIDENT chip set, but apparently there
is some difference in operation. There are cryptic diagnostic messages
such as T0000, etc. printed as a result of the autodetection routines
to help track down why the error is happening. If you are experiencing
problems with EVEREX or TRIDENT, make note of the letter-4 digit code you
are given. There is now an autodetect for VDC600 that I hope will work
universally. A similar problem as the EVEREX exists, in that the VDC600
is detected as a PARADISE because it uses the PARADISE chip set. I am now
looking for what I believe to be the model number in the BIOS ROM of the
VDC600 to differentiate between the two. I hope this works with all
VDC600's, as I only had one example to work from. Please send all bug
reports to Aaron Collins at the "You Can Call Me RAY" BBS, the number is
in the authors.txt document.
POV-Ray Enhancements:
(S)VGA B&W 64 Greyscale code courtesy of Grant Hess 6/21/91
16/24-bit HGWS/TIGA/TRUECOLOR code courtesy of Jay S. Curtis 11/15/90
VGA "332" palette routines courtesy of Alexander Enzmann 7/20/91
Additional support for VESA and Tseng Labs 256 and 32768 color modes by
Charles Marslett (CIS: 75300,1636). Resolution is selected to be the
lowest possible and still fit the image entirely on the screen. 4/28/91
ATI VGA Wonder XL Support for 32,768 color mode and all other SVGA modes
by Randy Antler. Also image centering, outline box, and forces SVGA mode
for small images. Minor bug fixes and cleanups as well. 9/11/91
Combined IBMPRO.C and IBM.C into 1 file.
B.Pulver 10/20/91
Corrected defects in the centering and high color support for VESA modes
(particularly necessary for the newer 24-bit color cards and S3 based
Windows accellerator cards) -- Charles Marslett, 12/8/91 to 4/25/92.
Extended Doug's dithering code to other high color modes and eliminated
a bad validity check in the 24-bit code high color cards. Had to add
an "#include <float.h>" to ibmconf.h for the WATCOM C compilers with the
patchlevel C include files -- Charles Marslett, 10/4/92.
Added support for Diamond Speedstar 24X. Uses a modified copy of some
of the Paradise code. There is no AutoDetect functionality for this
card, though. Note that a couple of pixels (about 14), namely those
that straddle bank boundaries will be displayed incorrectly.
-- Lutz Kretzschmar, 10/30/92
Fixed (obvious) bug for displaying images larger than screen
resolutions. Strange no-one caught it, it didn't work!. The line coord
cache is set to the max value by the box() function. Added code to
reset the values inside box().
Added bank switch checking inside pixels for truecolor modes.
Added HiColor display in 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions for Diamond
SpeedStar 24X. -- Lutz Kretzschmar, 11/05/92
Added TARGA+ display adapter support and reworked find_go32() to make
the VESA and TARGA routines work properly with DJ's port of IBMGCC
- Aaron A. Collins, 2/2/93.
Completed Intel Code Builder code for VESA 1.2 support. - B.Pulver 2/15/93
Added: Set palette to P_332 if Hi/True color VESA init fails.
Doubled dithering matrixes to support 2048Xxxxx images.
Added code to disable dithering @ rez over 2048Xxxxx.
Added message warning user of failure if no_valid_mode is called
during VESA initialization attempt. - B.Pulver 5/13/93
Found consistency bug in previously fixed find_go32(), so this too
has been fixed. Found DJGCC's setvbuf() was blowing up the VESA/TARGA
"answer" area (in low real mode accessable mem) after a disk write, so
the setvbuf() function has been dummied up in this file to do nothing.
Added some DEBUG_VIDEO diagnostics for figuring out problems running a
TARGA+ display on the Intel Code Builder. - Aaron A. Collins, 8/2/1993
Updated Watcom VESA support for DPMI. -- Carl Peterson 1/94
#define DITHERED /* Defined to test Doug Muir's dithering code */
/*#define DEBUG_VIDEO*/ /* Uncomment to display Video initialization info during program startup. */
/*#define SVBOK*/ /* Uncomment to use setvbuf in GCCDOS anyway. */
int diaged; /* excessive diagnostic message clamp */
#include <dos.h> /* MS-DOS specific - for int86() REGS struct, etc. */
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "frame.h"
#include "povproto.h"
#if !defined(DOS386) && !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined(__386__) && !defined(GCCDOS)
#include "tiga.h" /* HGWS/TIGA function library include files - not supported by 32 bit compilers */
#include "tigadefs.h"
#include "extend.h"
#include <io.h> /* for low-level open() funct, etc. */
#include <fcntl.h> /* for low-level open() modes O_RDWR, O_BINARY, etc. */
/* Compiler specific setups & defines. */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
extern unsigned _stklen = 12288; /* fairly large stack for HEAVY recursion */
#define CLD asm cld
#define _asm asm
#define _far far
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#include <float.h>
#define CLD clear_direction()
unsigned short __8087cw = IC_AFFINE | RC_NEAR | PC_64 | 0x007F;
void clear_direction(void);
#pragma aux clear_direction = 0xFC parm [] modify nomemory;
/* CCP - Added following defintions */
#ifdef __386__
typedef unsigned long DWORD;
#define D32RealSeg(P) ((((DWORD) (P)) >> 4) & 0xFFFF)
#define D32RealOff(P) (((DWORD) (P)) & 0xF)
static struct rminfo { /* DPMI Real Mode Call structure */
long EDI;
long ESI;
long EBP;
long reserved_by_system;
long EBX;
long EDX;
long ECX;
long EAX;
short flags;
} RMI;
/* CCP - End */
#define ax eax
#define bx ebx
#define cx ecx
#define dx edx
#define di edi
#define int86 int386
#define int86x int386x
#ifdef _INTELC32_
#pragma interrupt (int10) /* Need to install user INT10 handler for VESA. */
/* Use MSC 6.0a compatible mode. NOANSI switch in Makefile */
#include <stk.h> /* Stack support for user INT10. */
#define CLD cld()
void int10();
void (*prev_int10)();
void cld (void) /* Clear direction flag. */
unsigned int flags;
flags = _getflags();
flags = flags & (!_FLAG_DIRECTION);
_setflags (flags);
#ifdef __ZTC__
#include <math.h>
#include <int.h>
#ifndef DOS386
#ifndef DOS16RM
unsigned _stack = 12288;
#define CLD
#ifndef min
#define min(x,y) ((x) < (y)? (x): (y))
#ifdef DOS386
extern unsigned short _x386_zero_base_selector;
#define _disable()
#define _enable()
#define _cdecl
#ifdef DOS16RM
void *D16SegAbsolute(long absadr, short size);
void D16SegCancel(void *segptr);
#define _disable()
#define _enable()
unsigned char *display_base;
#define _disable() int_off()
#define _enable() int_on()
#ifdef GCCDOS
#include <errno.h>
#include <pc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
unsigned char *find_go32(int *go32_offset);
#define _cdecl
#define _far
#define CLD
#define CLD _asm cld
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
int matherr(struct exception *); /* Math error traps. */
#ifdef GCCDOS
int matherr(struct libm_exception *);
int _cdecl matherr(struct exception *);
signed short r_err[2][2050]; /* Allow up to 2048x??? resolutions. */
signed short g_err[2][2050];
signed short b_err[2][2050];
/* The supported VGA adapter types 1 - 9, A - Z. 0 is for auto-detect. */
#define BASIC_VGA 1 /* 1 - Tested: AAC */
#define MODE13x 2 /* 2 - Tested: AAC */
#define TSENG3 3 /* 3 - Tested: William Minus */
#define TSENG4 4 /* 4 - Tested: William Minus */
#define VDC600 5 /* 5 - Tested: John Gooding */
#define OAKTECH 6 /* 6 - Untested */
#define VIDEO7 7 /* 7 - Untested */
#define CIRRUS 8 /* 8 - Tested: AAC */
#define PARADISE 9 /* 9 - Tested: John Degner */
#define AHEADA 17 /* A - Untested */
#define AHEADB 18 /* B - Untested */
#define CHIPSTECH 19 /* C - Untested */
#define ATIVGA 20 /* D - Tested: William Earl */
#define EVEREX 21 /* E - Tested: A+B problem - Larry Minton */
#define TRIDENT 22 /* F - Tested: A problem - Alexander Enzmann */
#define VESA 23 /* G - Tested: Charles Marslett/AAC/BP */
#define ATIXL 24 /* H - Tested: Randy Antler */
#define PARADISE24X 25 /* I - Tested: Lutz Kretzschmar */
/* J - N -- 5 more reserved SVGA adapter types */
#define TRUECOLOR 31 /* >= O isn't an (S)VGA - note this is a "marker" display type only!!! */
#define TIGA_16 31 /* O - Tested: Jay S. Curtis */
#define TIGA_24 32 /* P - Tested: Jay S. Curtis */
#define TRUE_640 33 /* Q - 640 x 480 truecolor Tested: Jay S. Curtis */
#define TRUE_800 34 /* R - 800 x 600 truecolor Tested: Jay S. Curtis */
#define TRUE_1024 35 /* S - 1024 x 768 truecolor Tested: Jay S. Curtis */
#define TARGA 36 /* T - TARGA+ in AOM Tested: Aaron A. Collins */
/* U - Z -- 6 more reserved Non-SVGA (True-Color) adapter types */
#define MISCOUT 0x3c2 /* VGA chip msic output reg. addr */
#define SEQUENCER 0x3c4 /* VGA chip sequencer register addr */
#define CRTC 0x3d4 /* VGA chip crt controller reg addr */
char *vga_names[] =
{ /* POV-Ray command line option: */
"", /* '0' is autodetect */
"Standard VGA", /* 1 */
"Simulated SVGA", /* 2 */
"Tseng Labs 3000 SVGA", /* 3 */
"Tseng Labs 4000 SVGA", /* 4 */
"AT&T VDC600 SVGA", /* 5 */
"Oak Technologies SVGA", /* 6 */
"Video 7 SVGA", /* 7 */
"Video 7 Vega (Cirrus) VGA", /* 8 */
"Paradise SVGA", /* 9 */
"", /* misc ASCII */
"", /* reserved */
"Ahead Systems Ver. A SVGA", /* A */
"Ahead Systems Ver. B SVGA", /* B */
"Chips & Technologies SVGA", /* C */
"ATI SVGA", /* D */
"Everex SVGA", /* E */
"Trident SVGA", /* F */
"VESA Standard SVGA", /* G */
"ATI VGA Wonder XL 32K Color SVGA", /* H */
"Diamond SpeedStar 24X SVGA", /* I */
"", /* spare SVGAs */
"Hercules GWS/TIGA 16-bit", /* O Here on is reserved for non-SVGA cards */
"Hercules GWS/TIGA 24-bit", /* P TIGA is unsupported by the 32 bit compilers */
"TrueColor 640 x 480", /* Q */
"TrueColor 800 x 600", /* R */
"TrueColor 1024 x 768", /* S */
"Truevision TARGA Plus" /* T */
unsigned int vptbl[] = /* CRTC register values for MODE13x */
0x6b00, /* horz total */
0x5901, /* horz displayed */
0x5a02, /* start horz blanking */
0x8e03U, /* end horz blanking */
0x5e04, /* start h sync */
0x8a05U, /* end h sync */
0x0d06, /* vertical total */
0x3e07, /* overflow */
0x4009, /* cell height */
0xea10U, /* v sync start */
0xac11U, /* v sync end and protect cr0-cr7 */
0xdf12U, /* vertical displayed */
0x2d13, /* offset */
0x0014, /* turn off dword mode */
0xe715U, /* v blank start */
0x0616, /* v blank end */
0xe317U /* turn on byte mode */
unsigned short screen_height, screen_width;
unsigned short svga_width = 640; /* width of a scan line on the screen */
unsigned short svga_height = 480; /* number of scan lines on the screen */
unsigned short svga_yincr = 640; /* width of a scan line in video memory */
int lastx, lasty, lastline; /* Pixel / Line Caches */
unsigned int x_off = 0; /* Offsets for image centering option */
unsigned int y_off = 0;
int whichvga = BASIC_VGA; /* BASIC_VGA mode by default */
int vga_512K = FALSE; /* Flag for whether or not >= 512K VGA mem */
int bpp = 8; /* Number of bits per pixel */
unsigned char cur_page = 255; /* SVGA current page (bank) number */
unsigned int map_code = 0; /* Default map code is 0 */
unsigned long gran = 65536L; /* SVGA granule size (64K by default) */
#ifdef _INTELC32_
unsigned char *answer; /* Code Builder answer area for VESA BIOS calls */
#ifdef DOS16RM
unsigned char *answer; /* ZTC 16 answer area for VESA BIOS calls */
static char save[260];
unsigned long tl;
#ifdef GCCDOS
volatile unsigned char *answer; /* GCC answer area for VESA BIOS calls */
int di_val, c_val, t_val, ds_val;
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#ifdef __386__
/* CCP - Added variables to save answer segment and selector */
/* - Changed name of vesabuffer to answerSel */
unsigned int answerSel; /* Save area for the selector pointer */
unsigned char *answer; /* Watcom 386 answer area for VESA BIOS calls */
unsigned char answer[260]; /* Answer area for VESA BIOS calls */
unsigned char answer[260]; /* Answer area for VESA BIOS calls */
unsigned short vesamode; /* Current VESA BIOS supported mode */
#if !defined(DOS386) && !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined(__386__) && !defined(GCCDOS)
int dither_matrix[4][4]=
{0,8,2,10}, /* HGWS/TIGA dither matrix */
{12,4,14,6}, /* this may not be needed? */
char hpt[3]; /* HWGS/TIGA information passing area */
char _far *hptr=hpt; /* HWGS/TIGA information passing area ptr */
CONFIG config;
DBL Height_Adjust = 1.0; /* Fudge factors for SVGA scaling */
DBL Width_Adjust = 1.0;
unsigned short pixel_len;
unsigned short red_ndx, blue_ndx, green_ndx;
/* VESA VBE standard mode numbers */
struct {
unsigned short modenum;
unsigned short width;
unsigned short height;
unsigned short bpp;
unsigned short gsize;
} modelist[] = {{0x100, 640, 400, 8, 0}, {0x101, 640, 480, 8, 0},
{0x103, 800, 600, 8, 0}, {0x105, 1024, 768, 8, 0},
{0x107, 1280, 1024, 8, 0}, {0x10D, 320, 200, 16, 5},
{0x10E, 320, 200, 16, 6}, {0x10F, 320, 200, 24, 8},
{0x110, 640, 480, 16, 5}, {0x111, 640, 480, 16, 6},
{0x112, 640, 480, 24, 8}, {0x113, 800, 600, 16, 5},
{0x114, 800, 600, 16, 6}, {0x115, 800, 600, 24, 8},
{0x116, 1024, 768, 16, 5}, {0x117, 1024, 768, 16, 6},
{0x118, 1024, 768, 24, 8}, {0x119, 1280, 1024, 16, 5},
{0x11A, 1280, 1024, 16, 6}, {0x11B, 1280, 1024, 24, 8}};
unsigned int bitmask[] = {0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000F, 0x001F,
0x003F, 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF, 0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF,
0x7FFF, 0xFFFF};
int r_shift, g_shift, b_shift;
unsigned int r_mask, g_mask, b_mask;
extern unsigned int Options;
extern char DisplayFormat, PaletteOption, Color_Bits;
extern int First_Line, Last_Line;
extern int First_Column, Last_Column;
int AutodetectVGA(void);
int cirrus(void);
int chkbank(unsigned int, unsigned int);
void palette_init(void);
void newbank(void);
void set_palette_register(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned);
void hsv_to_rgb(DBL, DBL, DBL, unsigned *, unsigned *, unsigned *);
void rgb_to_hsv(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, DBL *, DBL *, DBL *);
void atiplot(int, int, int, int, int);
void box(int, int, int, int);
int _cdecl box_fprintf( FILE *stream, char *format,...);
#ifdef DOS386
void get_real_buf(short *real_buf, unsigned char _far **ptr);
static short real_buf[2];
static unsigned char _far *real_ptr;
Note: for non-32-bit compilers, we can have a long in the struct and
still get word-aligned packing. For 32-bit compilers, we want to use
all shorts so we don't force longword alignment of the members, which
can create gaps in the structure due to the member ordering within.
typedef struct /* TARGA+ I/O Command Array */
unsigned short IOCmd; /* Command Type */
short IOxi; /* Initial x position */
short IOxf; /* Final x position */
short IOyi; /* Initial y position */
short IOyf; /* Final y position */
short IOxd; /* Destination X */
short IOyd; /* Destination Y */
#if !defined(DOS16RM) && !defined(DOS386) && !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined (__386__) && !defined(GCCDOS)
unsigned long IOcolor; /* Color value */
unsigned short IOcolorLo; /* Color value Low Order */
unsigned short IOcolorHi; /* Color value High Order */
unsigned short IORegsOff; /* Structure Buffer Ptr Offset*/
unsigned short IORegsSeg; /* Structure Buffer Ptr Segment*/
unsigned short IORLstOff; /* Register List Offset */
unsigned short IORLstSeg; /* Register List Segment*/
unsigned short IOBoardNum; /* Active Board Number */
unsigned short IOStrucSiz; /* Structure Size */
} TGACommand;
typedef TGACommand _far *TGACommandPtr;
int TGAHandle; /* global TARGA+ file handle used by open() */
#ifdef GCCDOS
volatile unsigned short *TGARegs; /* global TARGA+ register array Pointer */
volatile TGACommandPtr command; /* TARGA+ Command Structure Pointer */
unsigned short tregs[130];
TGACommand tcmd; /* TARGA+ Command Structure */
unsigned short *TGARegs = tregs; /* global TARGA+ register array Pointer */
TGACommandPtr command = &tcmd; /* TARGA+ Command Structure Pointer */
void SetTGARegs(int, int, union REGS*, struct SREGS*);
void display_init(width, height) /* Set video to requested or best mode */
int width, height;
union REGS inr, outr;
struct SREGS segs;
unsigned char _far *fp;
#ifdef DOS386
unsigned int tmp_word;
unsigned short _far *mp;
unsigned int u, granule, vesamodes[64];
int i, maxvesamode;
time_t l, lt;
int show_display_type = FALSE;
if (DisplayFormat == '?') {
DisplayFormat = '0';
show_display_type = TRUE;
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#ifdef __386__
/* CCP - Changed answer alloc to DPMI call to return segment and selector */
inr.x.ax = 0x0100; /* DPMI allocate DOS memory */
inr.x.bx = 17; /* Number of paragraphs requested */
int86(0x31, &inr, &inr);
answerSel = inr.x.dx; /* Save selector for free memory function */
answer = (void *) ((inr.x.ax & 0xFFFF) << 4);
/* CCP - End */
#ifdef DOS16RM
display_base = (unsigned char *)D16SegAbsolute(0xA0000, 0);
answer = (unsigned char *)D16SegAbsolute(0x00580, 0x110);
for (u=0; u < 257; u++)
save[u] = answer[u];
#ifdef GCCDOS
if (DisplayFormat == '0' || DisplayFormat == VESA + '0' || DisplayFormat >= TRUECOLOR + '0')
answer = find_go32(&di_val);
else answer = NULL;
/* from the real mode offset (di_val) and the virtual addr of "answer", determine real DS segment value */
ds_val = (unsigned int)((((unsigned long)answer & 0x0FFFFFFF) - (unsigned long)di_val) >> 4);
command = (TGACommandPtr)(answer + 0x800);
TGARegs = (unsigned short *)(answer + 0x880);
c_val = di_val + 0x800;
t_val = di_val + 0x880;
#ifdef _INTELC32_
prev_int10 = _dos_getvect ( 0x10 ); /* Save previous handler pointer */
_dos_setvect ( 0x80000010, int10 ); /* Install user Int 10h handler */
if (_dos_allocmem(17, &answer) != 0) { /* defined at the end of this file. */
printf ("Memory allocation failure for VESA detect.\n");
#ifdef DOS386
get_real_buf(real_buf, &real_ptr);
lastline = -1; /* make sure we display the 1st line... */
screen_height = height; /* requested screen height and width */
screen_width = width;
if (screen_width <= 2048) {
for (i=0; (unsigned short)i < screen_width + 2; i++) {
r_err[0][i] = 0;
r_err[1][i] = 0;
g_err[0][i] = 0;
g_err[1][i] = 0;
b_err[0][i] = 0;
b_err[1][i] = 0;
if (DisplayFormat != '0') /* if not 0, some display type specified */
whichvga = (int)(DisplayFormat - '0'); /* de-ASCII-fy selection */
else {
whichvga = AutodetectVGA();
lt = l = time(&l);
if (show_display_type) { /* If display format is ? */
printf("Display detected: (%c) %s Adapter", whichvga + '0', vga_names[whichvga]);
if (whichvga < TRUECOLOR) /* if not a True-Color graphics card */
printf(", with %s 512K RAM\n", vga_512K ? ">=" : "<");
while (time(&l) < lt + 5); /* display detected VGA type for 5 secs */
if (whichvga < TRUECOLOR && !vga_512K) /* not enough RAM for 640 x 480? */
whichvga = MODE13x; /* then try for next best mode... */
if (whichvga < TRUECOLOR) { /* If an (S)VGA (not True-Color graphics card) */
if (whichvga == CIRRUS) /* Register Compatible VGA? */
whichvga = MODE13x; /* MODE13x if > 320x200, else... */
if (screen_height <= 200 && screen_width <= 320 &&
PaletteOption != HICOLOR && PaletteOption != FULLCOLOR)
whichvga = BASIC_VGA;
if (whichvga == TSENG4 && PaletteOption == HICOLOR) {
inr.x.ax = 0x10F1; /* check and see if it's true... */
#ifdef DOS386
int86_real(0x10, &inr, &inr);
int86(0x10, &inr, &inr);
if ((int) inr.h.al != 0x10 || (int)inr.h.bl == 0) {
printf("Error - High Color Palette Option Unavailable\n");
#ifdef _INTELC32_
_dos_setvect(0x10, prev_int10); /* Restore previous handler */
_dos_freemem((unsigned) answer); /* Free DOS buffer */
switch (whichvga) {
case MODE13x:
inr.x.ax = 0x0013; /* Setup to VGA 360x480x256 (mode 13X) */
svga_width = 360; /* Fake 640 mode actually is 360 */
svga_yincr = 90;
case VDC600:
inr.x.ax = 0x005E; /* Setup to VGA 640x400x256 (mode 5EH) */
svga_height = 400; /* This is the only SVGA card w/400 Lines */
inr.x.ax = 0x0053; /* Setup to VGA 640x480x256 most SVGAs */
case AHEADA:
case AHEADB:
inr.x.ax = 0x0061;
case EVEREX:
inr.x.ax = 0x0070; /* BIOS Mode 0x16 for EV-678? */
inr.h.bl = 0x30;
case ATIVGA:
if (screen_width <= 1024 && screen_height <= 768) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0064;
svga_width = 1024;
svga_height = 768;
svga_yincr = 1024;
if (screen_width <= 800 && screen_height <= 600) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0063;
svga_width = 800;
svga_height = 600;
svga_yincr = 800;
if (screen_width <= 640 && screen_height <= 480) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0062;
svga_width = 640;
svga_height = 480;
svga_yincr = 640;
case ATIXL:
inr.x.ax = 0x0072;
svga_width = 640;
svga_height = 480;
svga_yincr = 640;
inr.x.ax = 0x005d;
case VIDEO7:
inr.x.ax = 0x6f05;
inr.h.bl = 0x67;
if (screen_height <= 400) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0078;
svga_height = 400;
inr.x.ax = 0x0079;
inr.x.ax = 0x005f;
if (PaletteOption == HICOLOR)
if (screen_height <= 480 && screen_width <= 640) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0062;
svga_width = 640;
svga_height = 480;
svga_yincr = 640;
else { /* 800 by 600 and beyond */
inr.x.ax = 0x0063;
svga_width = 800;
svga_height = 600;
svga_yincr = 800;
r_mask = g_mask = b_mask = 0xF8;
r_shift = 7;
g_shift = 2; /* These are a left-shifts */
b_shift = 3; /* This is a right-shift */
svga_yincr <<= 1; /* two bytes per pixel */
else /* Truecolor mode. Force 640x480 */
inr.x.ax = 0x0072;
svga_width = 640;
svga_height = 480;
svga_yincr = 640*3; /* 3 bytes per pixel */
bpp = 24;
pixel_len = bpp/8;
red_ndx = 0; /* Order in Frame buffer is RGB */
green_ndx = 1;
blue_ndx = 2;
vga_512K = TRUE; /* Always has 1MB */
case TSENG3:
case TSENG4:
if (screen_height <= 200 && screen_width <= 320) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0013; /* setup to VGA 320x200 for 32K mode */
svga_width = 320; /* allow scaling to run at 320x200 */
svga_height = 200;
svga_yincr = 320;
else if (screen_height <= 350 && screen_width <= 640) {
inr.x.ax = 0x002D;
svga_height = 350;
else if (screen_height <= 400 && screen_width <= 640 && whichvga == TSENG4) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0078;
svga_height = 400;
else if (screen_height <= 480 && screen_width <= 640) {
inr.x.ax = 0x002E;
else { /* 800 by 600 and beyond */
inr.x.ax = 0x0030;
svga_width = 800;
svga_height = 600;
svga_yincr = 800;
if ((screen_height > 600 || screen_width > 800) && whichvga == TSENG4) {
if (PaletteOption == HICOLOR) {
inr.x.ax = 0x0030; /* Limit to 800x600 in HiColor mode */
svga_width = 800;
svga_height = 600;
svga_yincr = 800;
else {
inr.x.ax = 0x0038;
svga_width = 1024;
svga_height = 768;
svga_yincr = 1024;
case VESA:
inr.x.ax = 0x4F00; /* Call function 0 to get VGA info */
#ifdef _INTELC32_
for (u=0; u<256; u++)
answer[u] = 0;
inr.w.edi = (unsigned)answer;
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr); /* Get thru int 10h inr outr */
#ifdef DOS386
for (u=0; u<256; u++)
real_ptr[u] = 0;
inr.x.di = real_buf[0]; /* deposit results here */
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = real_buf[1]; /* get segment of answer */
int86x_real(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
for(u=0; u<sizeof(answer); u++)
answer[u] = real_ptr[u];
#ifdef GCCDOS
for (u=0; u<256; u++)
answer[u] = 0;
inr.x.di = di_val; /* deposit results here */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
#ifdef DOS16RM
for (u=0; u<256; u++)
answer[u] = 0;
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
inr.x.di = 0x580; /* deposit results here */
segs.es = 0; /* get segment of answer */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
/* CCP - Added Watcom section */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#ifdef __386__
for (u=0; u<256; u++) /* clear answer buffer */
answer[u] = 0;
/* Set up real-mode call structure */
memset(&RMI, 0, sizeof(RMI));
RMI.EAX = 0x4F00; /* Call function 0 to get VGA info */
RMI.ES = D32RealSeg(answer); /* put DOS seg:off of answer into es:di */
RMI.EDI = D32RealOff(answer);
segread(&segs); /* init our selectors */
inr.x.ax = 0x0300;
inr.x.bx = 0x10;
inr.x.cx = 0;
segs.es = FP_SEG(&RMI); /* get segment of rmi */
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(&RMI); /* deposit results here */
int86x(0x31, &inr, &outr, &segs);
outr.x.ax = RMI.EAX; /* for code below */
/* CCP - End */
for (u=0; u<256; u++) /* clear answer buffer */
answer[u] = 0;
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(answer); /* deposit results here */
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = FP_SEG(answer); /* get segment of answer */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
if ( outr.x.ax != 0x004F || answer[0] != 'V' ||
answer[1] != 'E' || answer[2] != 'S' ||
answer[3] != 'A' ) { /* if response unsuccessful */
printf("Error - VESA BIOS Extensions Not Available: code=%04X<%c%c%c%c>\n",
outr.x.ax, answer[0],answer[1],answer[2],answer[3]);
#ifdef DOS16RM
for (u=0; u < 257; u++)
answer[u] = save[u];
#ifdef _INTELC32_
_dos_setvect(0x10, prev_int10); /* Restore previous handler */
_dos_freemem((unsigned) answer); /* Free DOS buffer */
#ifdef _INTELC32_
mp = (char *)(*(unsigned short *)(answer + 14) +
(((long)*(unsigned short *)(answer + 16)) << 4));
for (i = 0; i < 64 && mp[i] != 0xFFFF; i++) /* for all modes available */
vesamodes[i] = mp[i]; /* copy to local mode list */
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector,
*(unsigned short *)(answer+14) /* get mode tbl. pointer */
+ (*(unsigned short *)(answer+16) << 4));
for (u=i=0; i < 64 && (tmp_word=fp[u]|(fp[u+1]<<8)) != 0xFFFF; i++, u += 2)/* for all modes available */
vesamodes[i] = tmp_word; /* copy to local mode list */
#ifdef DOS16RM
tl = *(unsigned short *)(answer + 14) +
(((long)*(unsigned short *)(answer + 16)) << 4);
mp = (unsigned short *)D16SegAbsolute(tl, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 64 && mp[i] != 0xFFFF; i++) /* for all modes available */
vesamodes[i] = mp[i]; /* copy to local mode list */
D16SegCancel((void *)mp);
mp = (unsigned short *)MK_FP(answer[16]+(answer[17]<<8),
answer[14]+(answer[15]<<8)); /* get mode tbl. pointer */
for (i = 0; i < 64 && mp[i] != 0xFFFF; i++) /* for all modes available */
vesamodes[i] = mp[i]; /* copy to local mode list */
/* Get VESA modes attributes list. */
maxvesamode = i; /* note end of list */
bpp = (PaletteOption == HICOLOR)? 16: (PaletteOption == FULLCOLOR)? 32: 8;
svga_width = 0;
svga_height = 0;
vesamode = 0;
for (i = 0; i < maxvesamode; i++) {
inr.x.ax = 0x4F01; /* VESA BIOS fetch attributes call */
inr.x.bx = inr.x.cx = vesamodes[i]; /* Get attrs for mode */
#ifdef _INTELC32_
inr.w.edi = (unsigned)answer; /* Stash results here. */
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr);
#ifdef DOS386
inr.x.di = real_buf[0]; /* Deposit results here */
segread(&segs); /* Get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = real_buf[1]; /* Get segment of answer */
int86x_real(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
for(u=0; u<sizeof(answer); u++)
answer[u] = real_ptr[u];
#ifdef GCCDOS
inr.x.di = di_val; /* deposit results here */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs); /* BIOS fetch attrib call */
#ifdef DOS16RM
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
inr.x.di = 0x580; /* deposit results here */
segs.es = 0;
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs); /* BIOS fetch attrib call */
/* CCP - Added watcom section */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#ifdef __386__
memset(&RMI, 0, sizeof(RMI));
RMI.EAX = 0x4F01; /* VESA BIOS fetch attributes call */
RMI.ECX = vesamodes[i];
RMI.ES = D32RealSeg(answer); /* put DOS seg:off of answer into es:di */
RMI.EDI = D32RealOff(answer);
segread(&segs); /* init our selectors */
inr.x.ax = 0x0300;
inr.x.bx = 0x10;
inr.x.cx = 0;
segs.es = FP_SEG(&RMI); /* get segment of rmi */
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(&RMI); /* deposit results here */
int86x(0x31, &inr, &outr, &segs);
inr.x.cx = RMI.ECX; /* for debug code below */
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(answer); /* deposit attribs here */
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = FP_SEG(answer); /* get segment of answer */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs); /* BIOS fetch attrib call */
if ((answer[0] & 0x11) != 0x11)
if ((answer[0] & 0x02) == 0) {
printf("VESA mode without full information found [%03X]\n",
for (u=0; u < sizeof(modelist)/sizeof(modelist[0]); u++)
if (vesamodes[i] == modelist[u].modenum) {
*(unsigned short *)(answer+18) = modelist[u].width;
*(unsigned short *)(answer+20) = modelist[u].height;
answer[25] = (unsigned char)modelist[u].bpp;
answer[36] = 0;
if (answer[25] == 16) {
answer[31] = 5;
answer[32] = (unsigned char)(modelist[u].gsize + 5);
answer[33] = (unsigned char)modelist[u].gsize;
answer[34] = 5;
answer[35] = 5;
else if (answer[25] == 24 || answer[25] == 32) {
answer[31] = (unsigned char)modelist[u].gsize;
answer[32] = (unsigned char)(modelist[u].gsize * 2);
answer[33] = (unsigned char)modelist[u].gsize;
answer[34] = (unsigned char)modelist[u].gsize;
answer[35] = (unsigned char)modelist[u].gsize;
answer[0] |= 0x02;
else if (answer[25] == 16 && answer[31] == 0 && answer[33] == 0 &&
answer[35] == 0) {
printf("VESA 1.1 extended information found for mode %03X\n",
answer[31] = 5; /* VESA 1.1 Programming guideline */
answer[32] = 10; /* default high color is 5-5-5 */
answer[33] = 5;
answer[34] = 5;
answer[35] = 5;
if ((answer[0] & 0x02) && ((int)answer[25] == bpp ||
(bpp == 32 && (int)answer[25] == 24) ||
(bpp == 16 && (int)answer[25] == 15))) {
if ((svga_height < screen_height || svga_width < screen_width) &&
*(unsigned short *)(answer+18) >= svga_width &&
*(unsigned short *)(answer+20) >= svga_height)
vesamode = vesamodes[i];
else if (svga_height >= *(unsigned short *)(answer+18) &&
svga_width >= *(unsigned short *)(answer+20) &&
*(unsigned short *)(answer+18) >= screen_width &&
*(unsigned short *)(answer+20) >= screen_height)
vesamode = vesamodes[i];
if (vesamode == vesamodes[i]) {
printf("VESA mode selected: %03X\n", vesamodes[i]);
if ((answer[2] & 0x05) == 0x05)
map_code = 0x0000; /* Select A page */
else if ((answer[3] & 0x05) == 0x05)
map_code = 0x0001; /* Select B page */
bpp = answer[25]; /* Handle 24 or 32 bpp */
svga_width = *(unsigned short *)(answer+18);
svga_height = *(unsigned short *)(answer+20);
r_shift = answer[32] + answer[31] - 8;
g_shift = answer[34] + answer[33] - 8;
b_shift = answer[36] + answer[35] - 8;
r_mask = 0xFF - bitmask[8 - answer[31]];
g_mask = 0xFF - bitmask[8 - answer[33]];
b_mask = 0xFF - bitmask[8 - answer[35]];
b_shift = - b_shift;
if (bpp == 16 && (b_shift < 0 || r_shift < 0 || g_shift < 0)) {
printf("Adapter not supported currently in high color modes!\n");
printf("Shifts required are RED:%d, GREEN:%d, BLUE:%d\n",
r_shift, g_shift, b_shift);
printf("Bit masks: RED:%d, GREEN:%d, BLUE:%d\n",
r_mask, g_mask, b_mask);
printf("Field positions: RED:%d, GREEN:%d, BLUE:%d\n",
answer[36], answer[34], answer[32]);
printf("Field widths: RED:%d, GREEN:%d, BLUE:%d\n",
answer[35], answer[33], answer[31]);
if (vesamode == 0){
lt = time(&l);
printf("\nSelected VESA Mode could not be initialized!!!\n");
printf("If you are trying to use HiColor or TrueColor modes they\n");
printf("may not be supported by your VESA BIOS.\n\n");
printf("Using standard 320x200x256 VGA for this run.\n");
printf("\nPausing 10 seconds...\n");
while (time(&l) < lt + 10);
goto no_valid_mode;
inr.x.ax = 0x4F01; /* VESA BIOS fetch attributes call */
inr.x.bx = inr.x.cx = vesamode; /* Get attrs for mode */
#ifdef _INTELC32_
inr.w.edi = (unsigned)answer; /* Stash results here. */
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr); /* Get thru INT 10 */
#ifdef GCCDOS
inr.x.di = di_val; /* Deposit results here */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
#ifdef DOS386
inr.x.di = real_buf[0]; /* Deposit results here */
segread(&segs); /* Get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = real_buf[1]; /* Get segment of answer */
int86x_real(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
for(u=0; u<sizeof(answer); u++)
answer[u] = real_ptr[u];
#ifdef DOS16RM
segread(&segs); /* Get our DS, etc. */
inr.x.di = 0x580; /* Deposit results here */
segs.es = 0;
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
/* CCP - Added watcom section */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#ifdef __386__
memset(&RMI, 0, sizeof(RMI));
RMI.EAX = 0x4F01; /* VESA BIOS fetch attributes call */
RMI.ECX = vesamode; /* Get attrs for mode */
RMI.ES = D32RealSeg(answer); /* put DOS seg:off of answer into es:di */
RMI.EDI = D32RealOff(answer);
segread(&segs); /* init our selectors */
inr.x.ax = 0x0300;
inr.x.bx = 0x10;
inr.x.cx = 0;
segs.es = FP_SEG(&RMI); /* get segment of rmi */
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(&RMI); /* deposit results here */
int86x(0x31, &inr, &outr, &segs);
outr.x.ax = RMI.EAX; /* for code below */
/* CCP - End */
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(answer); /* Deposit attribs here */
segread(&segs); /* Get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = FP_SEG(answer); /* Get segment of answer */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs); /* BIOS fetch attrib call */
if (outr.x.ax != 0x004F){
lt = time(&l);
printf("\nSelected VESA Mode could not be initialized!!!\n");
printf("If you are trying to use HiColor or TrueColor modes they\n");
printf("may not be supported by your VESA BIOS.\n\n");
printf("Using standard 320x200x256 VGA for this run.\n");
printf("\nPausing 10 seconds...\n");
while (time(&l) < lt + 10);
goto no_valid_mode;
svga_yincr = *(unsigned short *)(answer+16);
granule = *(unsigned short *)(answer + 4); /* "granule" size */
if (granule < 1)
granule = 1;
gran = 1024L * granule;
inr.x.ax = 0x4F02; /* VESA BIOS initialize video mode call */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#ifdef __386__
inr.x.ebx = vesamode; /* CCP BP */
if (svga_yincr == svga_width && PaletteOption == HICOLOR)
if (svga_width == 640 && svga_height == 200) {
svga_width = 320;
svga_yincr = 1024;
else {
svga_yincr = svga_width * 2;
if (PaletteOption == FULLCOLOR) {
if (r_shift == 0 && g_shift == 0 && b_shift == 0) {
r_shift = 16;
g_shift = 8;
b_shift = 0;
if (r_mask != 0xFF || g_mask != 0xFF || b_mask != 0xFF ||
(r_shift & 0x07) || (g_shift & 0x07) || (b_shift & 0x07)) {
printf("Adapter not supported currently in full color modes!\n");
printf("Shifts required are RED:%d, GREEN:%d, BLUE:%d\n",
r_shift, g_shift, b_shift);
printf("Bit masks: RED:0x%02x, GREEN:0x%02x, BLUE:0x%02x\n",
r_mask, g_mask, b_mask);
printf("Field positions: RED:%d, GREEN:%d, BLUE:%d\n",
answer[36], answer[34], answer[32]);
printf("Field widths: RED:%d, GREEN:%d, BLUE:%d\n",
answer[35], answer[33], answer[31]);
red_ndx = r_shift >> 3;
green_ndx = g_shift >> 3;
blue_ndx = (-b_shift) >> 3;
pixel_len = bpp/8;
printf("Byte offsets: R=%d, G=%d, B=%d\n", red_ndx, green_ndx,
#if !defined(DOS386) && !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined(__386__) && !defined(GCCDOS)
case TIGA_16: /* Set up TIGA modes. Real mode compilers only. */
case TIGA_24:
case TRUE_640:
case TRUE_800:
case TRUE_1024:
if ((int)(DisplayFormat - '0') == whichvga) /* not autodetected */
if (tiga_set(CD_OPEN) < 0) /* Attempt to open the TIGA CD */
printf("Error - TIGA CD Not Installed.");
goto TIGA_error;
if (!set_videomode(TIGA, INIT_GLOBALS | CLR_SCREEN))
printf("Error #1 Initializing TIGA.");
goto TIGA_error;
if (install_primitives() < 0) /* load if not already loaded */
if (!set_videomode(TIGA, INIT)) /* reinit if due to full heap */
printf("Error #2 Initializing TIGA.");
goto TIGA_error;
else if (install_primitives() < 0)
printf("Error Installing TIGA Primitives.");
#ifdef DOS16RM
for (u=0; u < 257; u++)
answer[u] = save[u];
switch (whichvga)
case TIGA_16: /* initialize demo globals */
if ((config.mode.disp_vres == 640) && (config.mode.disp_psize == 16))
Color_Bits = 5;
svga_width = 640;
svga_height = 480;
svga_yincr = 640;
set_config(1,0); /* 16 bit (was 2,0 ???? - AAC) */
else whichvga = TIGA_24;
case TIGA_24:
if ((config.mode.disp_vres == 480) && (config.mode.disp_hres == 512))
svga_width = 512; /* NTSC standard television resolution */
svga_height = 480;
svga_yincr = 512;
set_config(4,0); /* 24 bit */
else whichvga = TRUE_640;
case TRUE_640:
if ((config.mode.disp_hres == 640) && (config.mode.disp_psize == 32))
svga_width = 640;
svga_height = 480;
svga_yincr = 640;
set_config(0,0); /* 24 bit */
else whichvga = TRUE_800;
case TRUE_800:
if ((config.mode.disp_vres == 600) && (config.mode.disp_hres == 800))
svga_width = 800;
svga_height = 600;
svga_yincr = 800;
set_config(2,0); /* 24 bit */
else whichvga = TRUE_1024;
case TRUE_1024:
svga_width = 1024;
svga_height = 768;
svga_yincr = 1024;
case TARGA: /* TARGA Plus board in Advanced Operating Mode */
TGAHandle = open("TARGPLUS", O_RDWR | O_BINARY ); /* equivalent to TARGA+ "GraphInit() call */
if (TGAHandle != -1) { /* equivalent to TARGA+ "SetRawMode()" call */
inr.x.ax = 0x4400; /* get current info on device */
inr.x.bx = TGAHandle; /* TARGA+ handle */
#ifdef DOS386
int86_real(0x21, &inr, &inr);
int86(0x21, &inr, &inr);
inr.h.dh = 0;
inr.h.dl |= 0x20; /* or in 'RAW' bit. */
printf("DIAG: inr.h.dl = %02X\n", inr.h.dl & 0x00FF);
inr.x.ax = 0x4401; /* write it back */
#ifdef DOS386
int86_real(0x21, &inr, &inr);
int86(0x21, &inr, &inr); /* status of operation is !regs.x.cflag */
diaged = FALSE;
printf("DIAG: SetTGARegs(5, 0) -");
SetTGARegs( 5, 0, &inr, &segs); /* equivalent to TARGA+ "ResetBoard()" call */
#ifdef DOS386
int86x_real(0x21, &inr, &inr, &segs);
int86x(0x21, &inr, &inr, &segs); /* call DOS */
diaged = FALSE;
printf("DIAG: SetTGARegs(0,1) -");
SetTGARegs( 0, 1, &inr, &segs); /* equivalent to TARGA+ "ReadAll()" call */
#ifdef GCCDOS
command->IORegsOff = (unsigned short)t_val; /* real mode offset pointer to TGARegs structure */
command->IORegsSeg = (unsigned short)ds_val;
command->IORegsOff = (unsigned short)FP_OFF(TGARegs); /* pointer to structure */
command->IORegsSeg = (unsigned short)FP_SEG(TGARegs);
printf("DIAG: command = %p, TGARegs = %p, IORegsOff = %04X, IORegsSeg = %04X\n", command, TGARegs, command->IORegsOff, command->IORegsSeg);
#ifdef DOS386
int86x_real(0x21, &inr, &inr, &segs);
int86x(0x21, &inr, &inr, &segs); /* call DOS */
svga_width = TGARegs[0]; /* sense frame buffer width and height */
svga_height = TGARegs[1];
if (show_display_type) {
printf("Current Display Mode: %dx%d\n", svga_width, svga_height);
while (time(&l) < lt + 5) /* display detected Display Mode for 5 secs */
if (!svga_width || !svga_height) {
printf("Error - TARGA Plus Registers Read Invalid Values\n");
#ifdef _INTELC32_
_dos_setvect(0x10, prev_int10); /* Restore previous handler */
_dos_freemem((unsigned) answer); /* Free DOS buffer */
else {
printf("Error Opening TARGA+ Device - TARGAP.SYS driver not installed?\n");
#ifdef _INTELC32_
_dos_setvect(0x10, prev_int10);/* Restore previous handler */
_dos_freemem((unsigned) answer);/* Free DOS buffer */
default: /* BASIC_VGA */
if ((PaletteOption == HICOLOR) || (PaletteOption == FULLCOLOR))
inr.x.ax = 0x0013; /* setup to VGA 320x200x256 (mode 13H) */
svga_width = 320; /* allow scaling to run at 320x200 */
svga_height = 200;
svga_yincr = 320;
bpp = 8;
if (whichvga >= TRUECOLOR) /* if True-Color then it has no palette */
goto exit_point;
lt = l = time(&l);
printf("Display detected: (%c) %s Adapter", whichvga + '0', vga_names[whichvga]);
if (whichvga < TRUECOLOR) /* if not a True-Color graphics card */
printf(", with %s 512K RAM", vga_512K ? ">=" : "<");
printf("\n ax=%04X, bx=%04X, cx=%04X\n", inr.x.ax, inr.x.bx, inr.x.cx);
printf(" %dx%d, yincr=%d\n", svga_width, svga_height, svga_yincr);
printf(" shifts(R,G,B)=%d,%d,%d\n", r_shift, g_shift, b_shift);
printf(" masks(R,G,B) =%d,%d,%d\n", r_mask, g_mask, b_mask);
while (time(&l) < lt + 5) /* display detected VGA type for 5 secs */
#ifdef DOS386
int86_real(0x10, &inr, &outr); /* do the BIOS video mode sel. call */
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr); /* do the BIOS video mode sel. call */
if (whichvga == MODE13x) { /* Tweak VGA registers to get higher res! */
outpw(SEQUENCER, 0x0604); /* disable chain 4 */
outpw(SEQUENCER, 0x0F02); /* allow writes to all planes */
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = display_base;
fp = MK_FP(0xA000, 0);
for (u = 0; u < 43200; u++) { /* clear the whole screen */
fp = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xA000, u);
*fp = 0; /* set all bytes to 0 */
outpw(SEQUENCER, 0x0100); /* synchronous reset */
outp(MISCOUT, 0xE7); /* use 28 mhz dot clock */
outpw(SEQUENCER, 0x0300); /* restart sequencer */
outp(CRTC, 0x11); /* ctrl register 11, please */
outp(CRTC+1, inp(CRTC+1) & 0x7f); /* write-prot cr0-7 */
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) /* write CRTC register array */
outpw(CRTC, vptbl[i]);
if (PaletteOption == HICOLOR && whichvga == TSENG4) {
if ((int)inr.h.al == 0x78) /* if it was mode 78 */
inr.x.bx = 0x2F; /* make it 2F... */
inr.x.bx = (unsigned int)inr.h.al;
inr.x.ax = 0x10F0;
int86(0x10, &inr, &inr); /* Go from 256 color to 32K color mode */
r_mask = g_mask = b_mask = 0xF8;
r_shift = 7;
g_shift = 2;
b_shift = 3;
svga_yincr <<= 1;
if (whichvga != ATIXL && PaletteOption != HICOLOR && PaletteOption != FULLCOLOR)
palette_init(); /* if we get here it has a normal 256 color palette DAC */
if (whichvga == CHIPSTECH) { /* (not sure why this is necessary) */
outpw(0x46E8, 0x001E); /* put chip in setup mode */
outpw(0x103, 0x0080); /* enable extended registers */
outpw(0x46E8, 0x000E); /* take chip out of setup mode */
outp(0x3D6, 0x10);
exit_point: /* we get here if there is no palette to initialize */
if (whichvga == VESA && vesamode == 0x13) {
bpp = 8;
svga_height = 200;
svga_width = 320;
/* svga_yincr = 320; */
if (screen_height <= svga_height)
y_off = (svga_height - screen_height)/2;
Height_Adjust = (DBL)screen_height / (DBL)svga_height;
if (screen_width <= svga_width)
x_off = (svga_width - screen_width)/2;
Width_Adjust = (DBL)screen_width / (DBL)svga_width;
box(0, 0, width-1, height-1);
/* Draw a box around the viewport, if defined */
if(First_Column > 1 || Last_Column < width ||
First_Line > 1 || Last_Line < height)
box (First_Column, First_Line, Last_Column-1, Last_Line-1);
#if defined(DOS16RM)
for (u=0; u < 257; u++)
answer[u] = save[u];
#ifdef _INTELC32_
_dos_setvect(0x10, prev_int10); /* Restore previous handler */
_dos_freemem((unsigned) answer); /* Free DOS buffer */
int AutodetectVGA() /* Autodetect (S)VGA Adapter Type */
unsigned char _far *biosptr;
unsigned char tmp_byte;
unsigned int tmp_word;
unsigned int retval;
union REGS inr, outr;
struct SREGS segs;
#if !defined(DOS386) && !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined(__386__) && !defined(GCCDOS)
if (tiga_set(CD_OPEN) >= 0) /* Try initializing HGWS/TIGA Adapter */
vga_512K = TRUE; /* All True-Color Adapters are > 512K! */
if ((config.mode.disp_vres == 640) && (config.mode.disp_psize == 16) == TRUE)
if ((config.mode.disp_vres == 480) && (config.mode.disp_hres == 512) == TRUE)
if ((config.mode.disp_hres == 640) && (config.mode.disp_psize == 32) == TRUE)
if ((config.mode.disp_vres == 600) && (config.mode.disp_hres == 800) == TRUE)
TGAHandle = open("TARGPLUS", O_RDWR | O_BINARY ); /* try equivalent to TARGA+ "GraphInit() call */
if (TGAHandle != -1) /* if open attempt was successful... */
close(TGAHandle); /* close it up again */
return(TARGA); /* and say we detected a TARGA+ card */
inr.x.ax = 0x4F00; /* Test for VESA Adapter */
#ifdef _INTELC32_
inr.w.edi = (unsigned)answer;
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr);
#ifdef GCCDOS
inr.x.di = di_val; /* deposit results here */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
#ifdef DOS386
inr.x.di = real_buf[0]; /* deposit results here */
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = real_buf[1]; /* get segment of answer */
int86x_real(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
for(tmp_word=0; tmp_word<sizeof(answer); tmp_word++)
answer[tmp_word] = real_ptr[tmp_word];
#ifdef DOS16RM
inr.x.di = 0x580; /* deposit results here */
segs.es = 0;
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs);
/* CCP - Added watcom section */
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#ifdef __386__
memset(&RMI, 0, sizeof(RMI)); /* Test for VESA Adapter */
RMI.EAX = 0x4F00; /* Call function 0 to get VGA info */
RMI.ES = D32RealSeg(answer); /* put DOS seg:off of answer into es:di */
RMI.EDI = D32RealOff(answer);
segread(&segs); /* init our selectors */
inr.x.ax = 0x0300;
inr.x.bx = 0x10;
inr.x.cx = 0;
segs.es = FP_SEG(&RMI); /* get segment of rmi */
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(&RMI); /* deposit results here */
int86x(0x31, &inr, &outr, &segs);
outr.x.ax = RMI.EAX; /* for code below */
/* CCP - End */
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
inr.x.di = FP_OFF(answer); /* deposit results here */
segread(&segs); /* get our DS, etc. */
segs.es = FP_SEG(answer); /* get segment of answer */
int86x(0x10, &inr, &outr, &segs); /* BIOS adapter identify call */
if (outr.x.ax == 0x004F && answer[0] == 'V' && answer[1] == 'E' &&
answer[2] == 'S' && answer[3] == 'A') {
vga_512K = TRUE; /* assume all VESA's have >= 512K */
return (VESA);
#ifdef DOS386
biosptr = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0x000C0040);
#ifdef DOS16RM
biosptr = (unsigned char *)D16SegAbsolute(0xC0040, 16);
biosptr = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xC000, 0x0040); /* Test for ATI Wonder */
if (*biosptr == '3' && *(biosptr + 1) == '1')
_disable(); /* Disable system interrupts */
outp(0x1CE, 0xBB);
if (inp(0x1CD) & 0x20)
vga_512K = TRUE;
_enable(); /* Re-enable system interrupts */
#ifdef DOS16RM
D16SegCancel((void *)biosptr);
return (ATIVGA);
inr.x.ax = 0x7000; /* Test for Everex &| Trident */
inr.x.bx = 0;
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr);
if (outr.h.al == 0x70)
if (outr.h.ch & 0xC0)
vga_512K = TRUE;
outr.x.dx &= 0xFFF0;
if (outr.x.dx == 0x6780)
return (TRIDENT);
if (outr.x.dx == 0x2360)
return (TRIDENT);
if (outr.x.dx == 0x6730) /* EVGA? (No BIOS Page Fn.) */
return (EVEREX);
return (EVEREX); /* Newer board with fetchable bankswitch */
outp(0x3C4, 0x0B); /* Test for Trident */
tmp_byte = (unsigned char) inp(0x3C5);
if ((tmp_byte > 1) && (tmp_byte < 0x10))
vga_512K = TRUE;
return (TRIDENT);
if (cirrus()) /* Test Video7 Vega VGA (Cirrus) */
return (CIRRUS);
inr.x.ax = 0x6F00; /* Test for Video7 SVGA */
inr.x.bx = 0; /* note - Vega VGA (Cirrus) will */
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr); /* pass this test - test Cirrus 1st */
if (outr.h.bh == 'V' && outr.h.bl == '7')
inr.x.ax = 0x6F07;
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr);
if ((outr.h.ah & 0x7F) > 1)
vga_512K = TRUE;
return (VIDEO7);
outp(0x3CE, 9); /* Test for Paradise */
if (!inp(0x3CF))
outpw(0x3CE, 0x050F); /* Turn off write protect on regs */
if (chkbank(0,1)) /* if bank 0 and 1 same not para. */
{ /* FALSE == banks same... (C) */
if (chkbank(0, 64)) /* if bank 0 and 64 same only 256K */
vga_512K = TRUE;
retval = PARADISE;
#ifdef DOS16RM
biosptr = (unsigned char *)D16SegAbsolute(0xC0039, 16);
if ((*biosptr == '1') && (*biosptr+1 == '6')) /* p/n 003116 */
retval = VDC600; /* a real Paradise is p/n 003145 */
D16SegCancel((void *)biosptr);
biosptr = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xC000, 0x0039);/* Test for AT&T VDC600 */
if ((*biosptr == '1') && (*biosptr+1 == '6')) /* p/n 003116 */
retval = VDC600; /* a real Paradise is p/n 003145 */
return (retval);
inr.x.ax = 0x5F00; /* Test for Chips & Tech */
inr.x.bx = 0;
int86(0x10, &inr, &outr);
if (outr.h.al == 0x5F)
if (outr.h.bh >= 1)
vga_512K = TRUE;
return (CHIPSTECH);
outp(0x3D4, 0x33); /* Test for Tseng 4000 or 3000 Chip */
tmp_word = (unsigned int) inp(0x3D5) << 8;
outpw(0x3D4, 0x0A33);
outp(0x3D4, 0x33);
retval = BASIC_VGA;
if ((inp(0x3D5) & 0x0F) == 0x0A)
outpw(0x3D4, 0x0533);
outp(0x3D4, 0x33);
if ((inp(0x3D5) & 0x0F) == 0x05)
retval = TSENG4;
outpw(0x3D4, tmp_word | 0x33);
outp(0x3D4, 0x37);
if ((inp(0x3D5) & 0x0A) == 0x0A)
vga_512K = TRUE;
outp(0x3BF, 0x03); /* Enable access to extended regs */
outp(0x3D8, 0xA0);
outp(0x3D8, 0x29); /* Enable mapping register access */
outp(0x3D8, 0xA0);
tmp_byte = (unsigned char) inp(0x3CD); /* save bank switch reg */
outp(0x3CD, 0xAA); /* test register w/ 0xAA */
if (inp(0x3CD) == 0xAA)
outp(0x3CD, 0x55); /* test register w/ 0x55 */
if (inp(0x3CD) == 0x55)
outp(0x3CD, tmp_byte); /* restore bank switch reg */
if (retval != TSENG4) /* yep, it's a Tseng... */
retval = TSENG3;
vga_512K = TRUE;
return (retval);
outpw(0x3CE, 0x200F); /* Test for Ahead A or B chipsets */
tmp_byte = (unsigned char) inp(0x3CF);
if (tmp_byte == 0x21)
vga_512K = TRUE; /* Assume all Ahead's have 512K... */
return (AHEADB);
if (tmp_byte == 0x20)
vga_512K = TRUE;
return (AHEADA);
if ((inp(0x3DE) & 0xE0) == 0x60) /* Test for Oak Tech OTI-067 */
outp(0x3DE, 0x0D);
if (inp(0x3DF) & 0x80)
vga_512K = TRUE;
return (BASIC_VGA); /* Return 1 if Unknown/BASIC_VGA */
int cirrus() /* Test for presence of Cirrus VGA Chip */
unsigned char tmp_byte;
unsigned int crc_word, tmp_word;
int retcode = FALSE;
outp(0x3D4, 0x0C); /* assume 3Dx addressing, scrn A start addr hi */
crc_word = (unsigned int) inp(0x3D5) << 8; /* save the crc */
outp(0x3D5, 0); /* clear the crc */
outp(0x3D4, 0x1F); /* Eagle ID register */
tmp_byte = (unsigned char) inp(0x3D5); /* nybble swap "register" */
tmp_word = (((tmp_byte & 0x0F) << 4) | ((tmp_byte & 0xf0) >> 4)) << 8;
outpw(0x3C4, tmp_word | 0x06); /* disable extensions */
if (!inp(0x3C5))
tmp_word = (unsigned int) tmp_byte << 8;
outpw(0x3C4, tmp_word | 0x06); /* re-enable extensions */
if (inp(0x3C5) == 1)
retcode = TRUE;
outpw(0x3D5, crc_word | 0x0c); /* restore the crc */
return (retcode);
int chkbank(bank0, bank1) /* Paradise SVGA specific stuff */
unsigned int bank0, bank1; /* returns TRUE if banks are different RAM */
static unsigned int value = 0x1234;
unsigned int _far *fp;
unsigned int temp;
unsigned int oldval0, oldval1;
#ifdef DOS386 /* Point out into display RAM */
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xB8000);
fp = (unsigned int *)MK_FP(0xB800, 0); /* Point out into display RAM */
outp(0x3CE, 9);
outp(0x3CF, bank0); /* save prior video data and write test values */
oldval0 = *fp;
*fp ^= value;
if (*fp != (oldval0 ^ value)) {
*fp = oldval0;
return FALSE; /* No RAM there at all -- can't be 512K */
outp(0x3CE, 9);
outp(0x3CF, bank1); /* save prior video data and write test values */
oldval1 = *fp;
*fp ^= value;
if (*fp != (oldval1 ^ value)) {
*fp = oldval1;
outp(0x3CE, 9);
outp(0x3CF, bank0);
*fp = oldval0;
return FALSE; /* No RAM there at all -- can't be 512K */
if (*fp != oldval0) {
*fp = oldval1;
outp(0x3CE, 9);
outp(0x3CF, bank0);
*fp = oldval0;
return TRUE; /* pages cannot be the same RAM */
outp(0x3CE, 9);
outp(0x3CF, bank0);
temp = *fp;
outp(0x3CE, 9);
outp(0x3CF, bank1);
*fp = oldval1;
outp(0x3CE, 9);
outp(0x3CF, bank0);
*fp = oldval0;
if (temp == oldval0)
return FALSE; /* pages are the same RAM */
return TRUE; /* independent values, so not same RAM */
void atiplot(x, y, r, g, b) /* ATI VGA Wonder XL 32K color display plot */
int x, y, r, g, b;
char plane=0;
unsigned offset, tmp_word;
unsigned long address;
unsigned short _far *fp;
address = y * 1280L + x * 2L;
offset = (unsigned)(address % 65536L);
plane = (char)(address / 65536L);
outp(0x1CE, 0xB2); /* NOTE: this used to be the atibank() funct. - AAC */
tmp_word = (unsigned int)((plane << 1) | (inp(0x1CF) & 0xE1));
outpw(0x1CE, (tmp_word << 8) | 0x00B2);
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000 + offset);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = (unsigned short *)(display_base + offset);
fp = (unsigned short *)MK_FP(0xA000, offset);
*fp = (unsigned short)(r * 1024 + g * 32 + b);
void SetTGARegs(cmd, read, r, s) /* Setup TARGA+ Register Array Subroutine */
int cmd; /* Command number */
int read; /* 1 if read, 0 if write */
union REGS *r; /* accumulator registers */
struct SREGS *s; /* segment registers */
if (read)
#ifdef GCCDOS
r->x.ax = 0x440A; /* GCCFIX will make this an IOCTL Read */
r->x.ax = 0x4402; /* set up IOCTL Read */
#ifdef GCCDOS
r->x.ax = 0x440B; /* GCCFIX will make this an IOCTL Write */
r->x.ax = 0x4403; /* set up IOCTL Write */
r->x.bx = TGAHandle; /* TARGA device handle */
r->x.cx = sizeof(TGACommand); /* read/write a whole cmd struct */
#ifdef GCCDOS
r->x.dx = c_val; /* real mode offset of Command structure */
r->x.dx = (unsigned short) FP_OFF(command); /* Address of Command structure */
s->ds = (unsigned short) FP_SEG(command);
if (!diaged)
diaged = TRUE;
printf(" Sizeof TGACommand = %d, command = %p, dx = %08lX, ds = %04X\n", r->x.cx, command, r->x.dx, s->ds);
command->IOCmd = cmd; /* set current I/O command */
command->IOStrucSiz = 260; /* size in bytes of sizeof(TGARegs) = unsigned short [130] */
#if defined( DOS386 )
void setmany(palbuf, start, count)
unsigned char palbuf[256][3];
int start, count;
unsigned char _far *fp;
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
unsigned i;
/* Put the contents of the new palette into real memory, the only
place I know that won't impact things is the video RAM. */
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000);
for (i=start;i<start+count;i++) {
fp[3*(i-start) ] = palbuf[i][0];
fp[3*(i-start)+1] = palbuf[i][1];
fp[3*(i-start)+2] = palbuf[i][2];
regs.x.ax = 0x1012;
regs.x.bx = start;
regs.x.cx = count;
regs.x.dx = 0;
sregs.es = 0xA000;
int86x_real(0x10, ®s, ®s, &sregs);
/* Now clear off the values that got dumped into the video RAM */
for (i=0;i<3*count; i++)
*fp++ = 0;
void palette_init() /* Fill VGA 256 color palette with colors! */
register unsigned m;
unsigned r, g, b;
register DBL hue, sat, val;
#ifdef DOS386
unsigned char palbuf[256][3];
if (PaletteOption == GREY) /* B/W Video Mod */
for (m = 1; m < 64; m++) /* for the 1st 64 colors... */
set_palette_register (m, m, m, m); /* set m to rgb value */
for (m = 64; m < 256; m++) /* for the remaining, at full value */
set_palette_register (m, 63, 63, 63);
if (PaletteOption == P_332) /* 332 Video Mod */
for (r=0;r<8;r++)
for (g=0;g<8;g++)
for (b=0;b<4;b++) {
m = (r * 32 + g * 4 + b);
#ifdef DOS386
palbuf[m][0] = r * 9;
palbuf[m][1] = g * 9;
palbuf[m][2] = b * 21;
set_palette_register(m, r * 9, g * 9, b * 21);
#ifdef DOS386
setmany(palbuf, 0, 256);
/* otherwise, use the classic HSV palette scheme */
set_palette_register(0, 0, 0, 0); /* make palette register 0 black */
set_palette_register(64, 63, 63, 63); /* make palette register 64 white */
set_palette_register(128, 31, 31, 31); /* make register 128 dark grey */
set_palette_register(192, 48, 48, 48); /* make register 192 lite grey */
for (m = 1; m < 64; m++) /* for the 1st 64 colors... */
sat = 0.5; /* start with the saturation and intensity low */
val = 0.5;
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL)(m)) / 64.0; /* normalize to 360 */
hsv_to_rgb (hue, sat, val, &r, &g, &b);
set_palette_register (m, r, g, b); /* set m to rgb value */
sat = 1.0; /* high saturation and half intensity (shades) */
val = 0.50;
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL)(m)) / 64.0; /* normalize to 360 */
hsv_to_rgb (hue, sat, val, &r, &g, &b);
set_palette_register (m + 64, r, g, b); /* set m + 64 */
sat = 0.5; /* half saturation and high intensity (pastels) */
val = 1.0;
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL)(m)) / 64.0; /* normalize to 360 */
hsv_to_rgb (hue, sat, val, &r, &g, &b);
set_palette_register (m + 128, r, g, b); /* set m + 128 */
sat = 1.0; /* normal full HSV set at full intensity */
val = 1.0;
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL)(m)) / 64.0; /* normalize to 360 */
hsv_to_rgb (hue, sat, val, &r, &g, &b);
set_palette_register (m + 192, r, g, b); /* set m + 192 */
void display_finished ()
if (Options & PROMPTEXIT)
fprintf (stdout,"\007\007"); /* long beep */
fflush (stdout); /* make sure its heard */
while(!kbhit()) /* wait for key hit */
if (!getch()) /* get another if ext. scancode */
void display_close() /* setup to Text 80x25 (mode 3) */
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS segs;
#ifdef __386__
regs.x.ax = 0x0003;
int86(0x10, ®s, ®s);
/* CCP - Use DPMI to free answer buffer */
regs.x.ax = 0x0101; /* DPMI free DOS memory */
regs.x.dx = answerSel; /* Descriptor (memory) to be freed */
int86 (0x31, ®s, ®s);
/* CCP - End */
if (whichvga < TRUECOLOR) {
regs.x.ax = 0x0003;
int86(0x10, ®s, ®s);
else { /* must be non-SVGA */
#if !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined(GCCDOS) && !defined(DOS16RM) && !defined(DOS386)
if (whichvga <= TRUE_1024)
set_videomode(PREVIOUS, INIT);
if (whichvga <= TARGA) {
diaged = FALSE;
printf("DIAG: SetTGARegs(0,0) -");
SetTGARegs(0, 0, ®s, &segs); /* equivalent to TARGA+ "WriteAll()" call */
#ifdef GCCDOS
command->IORegsOff = (unsigned short)t_val; /* real mode offset pointer to TGARegs structure */
command->IORegsSeg = (unsigned short)ds_val;
command->IORegsOff = (unsigned short)FP_OFF(TGARegs); /* pointer to structure */
command->IORegsSeg = (unsigned short)FP_SEG(TGARegs);
printf("DIAG: command = %p, TGARegs = %p, IORegsOff = %04X, IORegsSeg = %04X\n", command, TGARegs, command->IORegsOff, command->IORegsSeg);
#ifdef DOS386
int86x_real(0x21, ®s, ®s, &segs);
int86x(0x21, ®s, ®s, &segs); /* call DOS - status of operation is !regs.x.cflag */
close(TGAHandle); /* close file channel to targap.sys driver */
#ifdef DOS16RM
/* plot a single RGB pixel */
void display_plot (x, y, Red, Green, Blue)
int x, y;
unsigned char Red, Green, Blue;
union REGS inr;
struct SREGS segs;
register unsigned char color, svga_page;
unsigned char _far *fp;
unsigned int svga_word;
unsigned long svga_loc, nsvga_loc, lcolor;
DBL h, s, v, fx, fy;
int i, r, g, b, re, ge, be, ri, gi, bi;
if (x == First_Column) /* first pixel on this line? */
if (screen_width <= 2048) {
for(i=0;(unsigned short)i < screen_width+2;i++)
r_err[(y+1)&1][i+x_off] = 0;
g_err[(y+1)&1][i+x_off] = 0;
b_err[(y+1)&1][i+x_off] = 0;
lastx = -1; /* reset cache, make sure we do the 1st one */
lasty = lastline; /* set last line do to prior line */
y += y_off;
x += x_off;
/* Scaling factors precomputed per RHA in Height_Adjust or Width_Adjust */
if (screen_height > svga_height) /* auto-scale Y */
fy = (DBL)y / Height_Adjust;
y = (int)fy; /* scale y to svga_height */
if (y <= lasty) /* discard if repeated line */
lastline = y; /* save current working line */
if (screen_width > svga_width) /* auto-scale X */
fx = (DBL)x / Width_Adjust;
x = (int)fx; /* scale x to svga_width */
if (x <= lastx) /* discard if repeated pixel */
lastx = x; /* save most recent pixel done */
if (whichvga == ATIXL)
atiplot(x, y, (int)Red, (int)Green, (int)Blue);
if (whichvga == TARGA)
diaged = TRUE; /* I have this particular diag turned off for now - AAC */
/* printf("DIAG: SetTGARegs(2,0) -"); */
SetTGARegs(2, 0, &inr, &segs); /* equivalent to TARGA+ "PutPixel()" call */
command->IOxi = x;
command->IOyi = (svga_height - 1) - y; /* the stupid-ass TARGA+ board is upside down!! */
switch(TGARegs[4]) { /* sense pixel depth */
case 1: /* 8 bits total */
lcolor = (unsigned long)((int)(0.299 * (DBL)Red) + (int)(0.587 * (DBL)Green) + (int)(.114 * (DBL)Blue));
case 2: /* 16 bits total */
lcolor = (unsigned long)(((int)Blue & 0x00f8) >> 3) + (unsigned long)(((int)Green & 0x00f8) << 2) + (unsigned long)(((int)Red & 0x00f8) << 7);
case 4: /* 32 (and 24) bits total */
lcolor = ((unsigned long)Red << 16) + ((unsigned long)Green << 8) + (unsigned long)Blue;
#if !defined(DOS16RM) && !defined(DOS386) && !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined (__386__) && !defined(GCCDOS)
command->IOcolor = lcolor;
command->IOcolorLo = (unsigned short)(lcolor);
command->IOcolorHi = (unsigned short)((lcolor & 0xFFFF0000L) >> 16);
#ifdef DOS386
int86x_real(0x21, &inr, &inr, &segs);
int86x(0x21, &inr, &inr, &segs); /* call DOS to perform the pixel write */
return; /* status of operation is !regs.x.cflag */
#if !defined(DOS386) && !defined(_INTELC32_) && !defined(__386__) && !defined(GCCDOS)
if (whichvga == TIGA_16)
set_fcolor(((unsigned)Red << 10) + (Green << 5) + Blue);
draw_point(x, y);
if (whichvga == TIGA_24 || whichvga == TRUE_640 || whichvga == TRUE_640 || whichvga == TRUE_1024)
hpt[0] = Green;
hpt[1] = Red;
hpt[2] = Blue;
host2gsp(hptr, ((whichvga == TIGA_24) ? 0x4000L : 0x8000L) * y + ((long) x << 5), 3, 0);
if (PaletteOption == FULLCOLOR) {
svga_loc = ((unsigned long)svga_yincr) * y + x * pixel_len;
svga_page = (unsigned char)(svga_loc/gran);
svga_loc %= gran;
if (svga_page != cur_page) {
cur_page = svga_page;
if (whichvga == VESA)
inr.x.bx = map_code; /* map code = 0 or 1 */
inr.x.ax = 0x4F05;
inr.x.dx = (unsigned int)svga_page;
#ifdef DOS386
int86_real(0x10, &inr, &inr);
int86(0x10, &inr, &inr);
else if (whichvga == PARADISE24X) /* need to do special bank */
{ /* switching with Paradise */
newbank(); /* chips. */
outp(0x3CD, (unsigned char)svga_page);
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000 + (unsigned int)svga_loc);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = display_base + (unsigned int)svga_loc;
fp = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xA000, (unsigned int)svga_loc);
if (svga_loc + 2 < gran) { /* if pixel doesn't cross */
fp[blue_ndx] = (unsigned char)Blue; /* bank, draw all of it */
fp[green_ndx] = (unsigned char)Green;
fp[red_ndx] = (unsigned char)Red;
else { /* otherwise do bank */
cur_page++; /* switch for next bank */
if (svga_loc+blue_ndx >= gran) {
nsvga_loc = (svga_loc+blue_ndx) % gran;
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000 + (unsigned int)nsvga_loc);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = display_base + (unsigned int)nsvga_loc;
fp = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xA000, (unsigned int)nsvga_loc);
*fp = (unsigned char)Blue;
if (svga_loc+green_ndx >= gran) {
nsvga_loc = (svga_loc+green_ndx) % gran;
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000 + (unsigned int)nsvga_loc);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = display_base + (unsigned int)nsvga_loc;
fp = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xA000, (unsigned int)nsvga_loc);
*fp = (unsigned char)Green;
if (svga_loc+red_ndx >= gran) {
nsvga_loc = (svga_loc+red_ndx) % gran;
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000 + (unsigned int)nsvga_loc);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = display_base + (unsigned int)nsvga_loc;
fp = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xA000, (unsigned int)nsvga_loc);
*fp = (unsigned char)Red;
if (PaletteOption == HICOLOR) {
svga_loc = ((unsigned long)svga_yincr) * y + (x << 1);
svga_page = (unsigned char)(svga_loc/gran);
svga_loc %= gran;
if (svga_page != cur_page) {
cur_page = svga_page;
if (whichvga == VESA)
inr.x.bx = map_code; /* map code = 0 or 1 */
inr.x.ax = 0x4F05;
inr.x.dx = (unsigned int)svga_page;
#ifdef DOS386
int86_real(0x10, &inr, &inr);
int86(0x10, &inr, &inr);
else if (whichvga == PARADISE24X) /* need to do special bank */
{ /* switching with Paradise */
newbank(); /* chips. */
outp(0x3CD, (unsigned char)svga_page);
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000 + (unsigned int)svga_loc);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = display_base + (unsigned int)svga_loc;
fp = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xA000, (unsigned int)svga_loc);
if (screen_width <= 2048) {
r = ri = (int)Red + (int)r_err[y&1][x+1]/16;
g = gi = (int)Green + (int)g_err[y&1][x+1]/16;
b = bi = (int)Blue + (int)b_err[y&1][x+1]/16;
if(ri > 255) ri = 255;
if(gi > 255) gi = 255;
if(bi > 255) bi = 255;
if(ri < 0) ri = 0;
if(gi < 0) gi = 0;
if(bi < 0) bi = 0;
ri &= r_mask;
gi &= g_mask;
bi &= b_mask;
re = r - ri;
ge = g - gi;
be = b - bi;
r_err[y&1][x+2] += (signed char)(7*re);
r_err[y&1][x] += (signed char)re;
r_err[(y+1)&1][x+1] += (signed char)(5*re);
r_err[(y+1)&1][x+2] += (signed char)(3*re);
g_err[y&1][x+2] += (signed char)(7*ge);
g_err[y&1][x] += (signed char)ge;
g_err[(y+1)&1][x+1] += (signed char)(5*ge);
g_err[(y+1)&1][x+2] += (signed char)(3*ge);
b_err[y&1][x+2] += (signed char)(7*be);
b_err[y&1][x] += (signed char)be;
b_err[(y+1)&1][x+1] += (signed char)(5*be);
b_err[(y+1)&1][x+2] += (signed char)(3*be);
*(unsigned short _far *)fp = (unsigned short) /* stash 16-bit pixel */
(((unsigned long)ri << r_shift) |
((unsigned long)gi << g_shift) |((unsigned long)bi >> b_shift));
*(unsigned short _far *)fp = (unsigned short) /* stash 16-bit pixel */
(((unsigned long)(Red & r_mask) << r_shift) |
((unsigned long)(Green & g_mask) << g_shift) |
((unsigned long)(Blue & b_mask) >> b_shift));
*(unsigned short _far *)fp = (unsigned short) /* stash 16-bit pixel */
(((unsigned long)(Red & r_mask) << r_shift) |
((unsigned long)(Green & g_mask) << g_shift) |
((unsigned long)(Blue & b_mask) >> b_shift));
if (PaletteOption == GREY) /* RGB are already set the same, so */
color = (unsigned char)(Green >> 2); /* really, any color will do... */
else if (PaletteOption == P_332) {
if (screen_width <= 2048) {
r = (int)Red + (int)r_err[y&1][x+1];
g = (int)Green + (int)g_err[y&1][x+1];
b = (int)Blue + (int)b_err[y&1][x+1];
ri = (r+18)/36;
gi = (g+18)/36;
bi = (b+42)/84;
if (ri > 7)
if (gi > 7)
if (bi > 3)
if (ri < 0)
if (gi < 0)
if (bi < 0)
color = (unsigned char)(((ri<<5) + (gi<<2) + bi));
re = r - ((255 * ri) / 7);
ge = g - ((255 * gi) / 7);
be = b - ((255 * bi) / 3);
r_err[y&1][x+2] += (signed char)((7*re)/16);
r_err[y&1][x] += (signed char)(re/16);
r_err[(y+1)&1][x+1] += (signed char)((5*re)/16);
r_err[(y+1)&1][x+2] += (signed char)((3*re)/16);
g_err[y&1][x+2] += (signed char)((7*ge)/16);
g_err[y&1][x] += (signed char)(ge/16);
g_err[(y+1)&1][x+1] += (signed char)((5*ge)/16);
g_err[(y+1)&1][x+2] += (signed char)((3*ge)/16);
b_err[y&1][x+2] += (signed char)((7*be)/16);
b_err[y&1][x] += (signed char)(be/16);
b_err[(y+1)&1][x+1] += (signed char)((5*be)/16);
b_err[(y+1)&1][x+2] += (signed char)((3*be)/16);
color = ((Red & 0xE0) | ((Green & 0xE0) >> 3) | ((Blue & 0xC0) >> 6));
color = ((Red & 0xE0) | ((Green & 0xE0) >> 3) | ((Blue & 0xC0) >> 6));
else { /* Translate RGB value to nearest of 256 palette Colors (by HSV) */
rgb_to_hsv((unsigned)Red,(unsigned)Green,(unsigned)Blue, &h, &s, &v);
if (s < 0.20) { /* black or white if no saturation of color... */
if (v < 0.25)
color = 0; /* black */
else if (v > 0.8)
color = 64; /* white */
else if (v > 0.5)
color = 192; /* lite grey */
color = 128; /* dark grey */
else {
color = (unsigned char) (64.0 * ((DBL)(h)) / 360.0);
if (!color)
color = 1; /* avoid black, white or grey */
if (color > 63)
color = 63; /* avoid same */
if (v > 0.50)
color |= 0x80; /* colors 128-255 for high inten. */
if (s > 0.50) /* more than half saturated? */
color |= 0x40; /* color range 64-128 or 192-255 */
switch (whichvga) /* decide on (S)VGA bank switching scheme to use */
case BASIC_VGA: /* none */
svga_loc = svga_yincr * y + x;
case MODE13x: /* faked */
svga_word = 1 << (x & 3); /* form bit plane mask */
svga_word = (svga_word << 8) | 2;
outpw(SEQUENCER, svga_word); /* tweak the sequencer */
svga_loc = svga_yincr * y + (x >> 2);
default: /* actual bank switch for all SVGA cards */
svga_loc=((unsigned long)svga_yincr) * y + x;
svga_page=(unsigned char)(svga_loc/gran);
svga_loc %= gran;
if (cur_page != svga_page) /* if not in correct bank */
cur_page = svga_page; /* set new working bank */
if (whichvga != VESA)
#ifdef DOS386
fp = MK_FP(_x386_zero_base_selector, 0xA0000 + (unsigned int)svga_loc);
#ifdef DOS16RM
fp = display_base + (unsigned int)svga_loc;
fp = (unsigned char *)MK_FP(0xA000, (unsigned int)svga_loc);
*fp = color; /* write normalized pixel color val to bitplane */
void newbank() /* Perform SVGA bank switch on demand - Voila! */
register unsigned char tmp_byte, tmp_byte1;
register unsigned int tmp_word;
union REGS regs;
static unsigned char xlateT3[] = {0x40, 0x49, 0x52, 0x5B, 0x64, 0x6D,
0x76, 0x7F};
static unsigned char xlateT4[] = {0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55,
0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC, 0xDD, 0xEE, 0xFF};
switch (whichvga)
case VDC600: /* AT&T VDC 600 */
tmp_byte = (unsigned char) (cur_page << 4); /* was >> 12... */
outp(0x03CF, tmp_byte);
case OAKTECH: /* Oak Technology OTI-067 */
tmp_byte = (unsigned char)(cur_page & 0x0F);
outp(0x3DF, (tmp_byte << 4) | tmp_byte);
case AHEADA: /* Ahead Systems Ver A */
outpw(0x3CE, 0x200F); /* enable extended registers */
tmp_byte = (unsigned char)(inp(0x3CC) & 0xDF); /* bit 0 */
if (cur_page & 1)
tmp_byte |= 0x20;
outp(0x3C2, tmp_byte);
outp(0x3CF, 0); /* bits 1, 2, 3 */
tmp_word = (unsigned int)((cur_page >> 1 )|(inp(0x3D0) & 0xF8));
outpw(0x3CF, tmp_word << 8);
case AHEADB: /* Ahead Systems Ver B */
outpw(0x3CE, 0x200F); /* enable extended registers */
tmp_word = (unsigned int)((cur_page << 4) | cur_page);
outpw(0x3CF, (tmp_word << 8) | 0x000D);
case EVEREX: /* Everex SVGA's */
outp(0x3C4, 8);
if (cur_page & 1)
tmp_word = (unsigned int)(inp(0x3C5) | 0x80);
else tmp_word = (unsigned int)(inp(0x3C5) & 0x7F);
outpw(0x3C4, (tmp_word << 8) | 0x0008);
tmp_byte = (unsigned char)(inp(0x3CC) & 0xDF);
if (!(cur_page & 2))
tmp_byte |= 0x20;
outp(0x3C2, tmp_byte);
case ATIVGA: /* ATI VGA Wonder (and the XL) */
outp(0x1CE, 0xB2);
tmp_word = (unsigned int)((cur_page << 1) | (inp(0x1CF) & 0xE1));
outpw(0x1CE, (tmp_word << 8) | 0x00B2);
outp(0x3CE, 6); /* set page size to 64K */
tmp_word = (unsigned int)(inp(0x3CF) | 4) << 8;
outpw(0x3CE, tmp_word | 0x0006);
outp(0x3C4, 0x0b); /* switch to BPS mode */
inp(0x3C5); /* dummy read?? */
tmp_word = (unsigned int)(cur_page ^ 2) << 8;
outpw(0x3C4, tmp_word | 0x000E);
case VIDEO7: /* Video-7 VRAM, FastRAM SVGA cards */
tmp_byte1 = tmp_byte = (unsigned char)(cur_page & 0x0F);
outpw(0x3C4, 0xEA06);
tmp_word = (unsigned int)(tmp_byte & 1) << 8;
outpw(0x3C4, tmp_word | 0x00F9);
tmp_byte &= 0x0C;
tmp_word = (unsigned int)((tmp_byte >> 2) | tmp_byte) << 8;
outpw(0x3C4, tmp_word | 0x00F6);
tmp_word |= (inp(0x3C5) & 0xF0) << 8;
outpw(0x3C4, tmp_word | 0x00F6);
tmp_byte = (unsigned char)((tmp_byte1 << 4) & 0x20);
outp(0x3C2, (inp(0x3CC) & 0xDF) | tmp_byte);
case CHIPSTECH: /* Chips & Technology VGA Chip Set */
outp(0x3D7, cur_page << 2); /* this is all that's necessary?? */
case PARADISE24X: /* Diamond Speedstar 24X */
case PARADISE: /* Paradise, Professional, Plus */
outpw(0x3CE, 0x050F); /* turn off VGA reg. write protect */
tmp_word = (unsigned int)(cur_page << 4) << 8;
outpw(0x3CE, tmp_word | 0x0009);
case TSENG3: /* Tseng 3000 - Orchid, STB, etc. */
outp(0x3CD, xlateT3[cur_page & 0x07]);
case TSENG4: /* Tseng 4000 - Orchid PD+, etc. */
outp(0x3CD, xlateT4[cur_page & 0x0F]);
case VESA: /* VESA standard mode bank switch */
regs.x.ax = 0x4F05; /* VESA BIOS bank switch call */
regs.x.dx = cur_page;
regs.x.bx = map_code; /* Map code 0 or 1? */
#ifdef DOS386
int86_real(0x10, ®s, ®s);
int86(0x10, ®s, ®s); /* Do the video BIOS interrupt */
void set_palette_register (Val, Red, Green, Blue)
unsigned Val;
unsigned Red, Green, Blue;
union REGS Regs;
Regs.x.ax = 0x1010; /* Set one palette register function */
Regs.x.bx = Val; /* the palette register to set (color#)*/
Regs.h.dh = (char)(Red & 0x3f); /* set the gun values (6 bits ea.) */
Regs.h.ch = (char)(Green & 0x3f);
Regs.h.cl = (char)(Blue & 0x3f);
int86(0x10, &Regs, &Regs); /* Do the video interrupt */
/* Conversion from Hue, Saturation, Value to Red, Green, and Blue and back */
/* From "Computer Graphics", Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, p. 304 */
void hsv_to_rgb(hue, s, v, r, g, b)
DBL hue, s, v; /* hue (0.0-360.0) s and v from 0.0-1.0) */
unsigned *r, *g, *b; /* values from 0 to 63 */
register DBL i, f, p1, p2, p3;
register DBL xh;
register DBL nr, ng, nb; /* rgb values of 0.0 - 1.0 */
if (hue == 360.0)
hue = 0.0; /* (THIS LOOKS BACKWARDS BUT OK) */
xh = hue / 60.0; /* convert hue to be in 0,6 */
i = floor(xh); /* i = greatest integer <= h */
f = xh - i; /* f = fractional part of h */
p1 = v * (1 - s);
p2 = v * (1 - (s * f));
p3 = v * (1 - (s * (1 - f)));
switch ((int) i)
case 0:
nr = v;
ng = p3;
nb = p1;
case 1:
nr = p2;
ng = v;
nb = p1;
case 2:
nr = p1;
ng = v;
nb = p3;
case 3:
nr = p1;
ng = p2;
nb = v;
case 4:
nr = p3;
ng = p1;
nb = v;
case 5:
nr = v;
ng = p1;
nb = p2;
nr = ng = nb = 0;
*r = (unsigned)(nr * 63.0); /* Normalize the values to 63 */
*g = (unsigned)(ng * 63.0);
*b = (unsigned)(nb * 63.0);
void rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b, h, s, v)
unsigned r, g, b;
DBL *h, *s, *v;
register DBL m, r1, g1, b1;
register DBL nr, ng, nb; /* rgb values of 0.0 - 1.0 */
register DBL nh = 0.0, ns, nv; /* hsv local values */
nr = (DBL) r / 255.0;
ng = (DBL) g / 255.0;
nb = (DBL) b / 255.0;
nv = max (nr, max (ng, nb));
m = min (nr, min (ng, nb));
if (nv != 0.0) /* if no value, it's black! */
ns = (nv - m) / nv;
ns = 0.0; /* black = no colour saturation */
if (ns == 0.0) /* hue undefined if no saturation */
*h = 0.0; /* return black level (?) */
*s = 0.0;
*v = nv;
r1 = (nv - nr) / (nv - m); /* distance of color from red */
g1 = (nv - ng) / (nv - m); /* distance of color from green */
b1 = (nv - nb) / (nv - m); /* distance of color from blue */
if (nv == nr)
if (m == ng)
nh = 5. + b1;
nh = 1. - g1;
if (nv == ng)
if (m == nb)
nh = 1. + r1;
nh = 3. - b1;
if (nv == nb)
if (m == nr)
nh = 3. + g1;
nh = 5. - r1;
*h = nh * 60.0; /* return h converted to degrees */
*s = ns;
*v = nv;
void box(x1, y1, x2, y2) /* RHA's draw a thin white box funct. */
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
int i;
for (i = x1+1; i < x2; i++)
lastx = -1; lasty = -1; lastline = -1;
display_plot(i, y1, 255, 255, 255);
lastx = -1; lasty = -1; lastline = -1;
display_plot(i, y2, 255, 255, 255);
for (i = y1; i <= y2; i++)
lastx = -1; lasty = -1; lastline = -1;
display_plot(x1, i, 255, 255, 255);
lastx = -1; lasty = -1; lastline = -1;
display_plot(x2, i, 255, 255, 255);
lastx = -1;
lasty = -1;
lastline = -1;
#if !__STDC__
#if !defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined (__ZTC__)
/* BCC has srand but doesn't set __STDC__ same as Zortech */
/* ANSI Standard psuedo-random number generator */
int rand(void);
void srand(int);
static unsigned long int next = 1;
int rand()
next = next * 1103515245L + 12345L;
return ((int) (next / 0x10000L) & 0x7FFF);
void srand(seed)
int seed;
next = (unsigned long int)seed;
/* Math Error exception struct format:
int type; - exception type - see below
char _far *name; - name of function where error occured
long double arg1; - first argument to function
long double arg2; - second argument (if any) to function
long double retval; - value to be returned by function
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
#define EDOM 7 /* MSC is 33 */
#define ERANGE 8 /* MSC is 34 */
int matherr(e)
struct exception *e;
#ifdef GCCDOS
int matherr(e)
struct libm_exception *e;
int _cdecl matherr(e)
struct exception *e;
if (Options & DEBUGGING) {
/* Since we are just making pictures, not keeping nuclear power under
control - it really isn't important if there is a minor math problem.
This routine traps and ignores them. Note: the most common one is
a DOMAIN error coming out of "acos". */
switch (e->type) {
case DOMAIN : printf("DOMAIN error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
case SING : printf("SING error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
case OVERFLOW : printf("OVERFLOW error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
case UNDERFLOW: printf("UNDERFLOW error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
case TLOSS : printf("TLOSS error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
case PLOSS : printf("PLOSS error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
#ifdef EDOM
case EDOM : printf("EDOM error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
#ifdef ERANGE
case ERANGE : printf("ERANGE error in '%s'\n", e->name); break;
default : printf("Unknown math error in '%s'\n",e->name);break;
return (1); /* Indicate the math error was corrected... */
#ifdef GCCDOS
unsigned char *find_go32(go32_offset)
int *go32_offset;
static unsigned char *memptr = (unsigned char *)0xE0000000;
static unsigned char buf[0x1000];
static unsigned char buffer[256];
union REGS reg;
unsigned char *p, *filename, *last_p;
int occur = 0, indx;
/* AAC - this old code used the current directory name as
a search string, which proved to be not unique enough!
reg.x.si = (int)buf;
reg.h.ah = 0x47;
int86(0x21, ®, ®);
strcpy(buf, "tmXXXXXX"); /* make us up a VERY unique filename/search string! */
filename = mktemp(buf);
for (p = &memptr[0xA0000-1-strlen((char *)buf)]; p != memptr; p--) /* find it */
if (buf[0] == *p && strcmp((char *)buf, (char *)p) == 0)
last_p = p;
if (!occur) { /* AAC - was "if (p == memptr)" - there should be more than 1 occurrence in mem!! */
printf("Unable to locate the GO32 communication buffer, fatal error!\n");
/* else printf("Found %d occurrences of string, last one = %p\n", occur, last_p); */
reg.h.ah = 0x1A;
reg.x.dx = (int)buf;
int86(0x21, ®, ®);
reg.h.ah = 0x4E;
reg.x.dx = (int)"*.*";
int86(0x21, ®, ®);
getcwd(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); /* somehow this is affecting where we wind up at */
indx = strlen(buffer); /* get our cur. dir name len */
if (indx < 2) /* bump count if in root (special case?) */
indx = 2;
*go32_offset = (reg.x.dx & 0xFFFF) - 43; /* this is always right */
return(last_p - 3 - indx); /* this moves around of it's own will... :-( AAC */
#ifdef _INTELC32_
void int10 ( void ) /* User Int 10h Protected-Mode Interrupt Handler */
_XSTACK *ebp; /* Stack frame passed to real-mode handler */
_XSTACK *ebx; /* Stack frame returned to interrupted process */
ebp = (_XSTACK *) _get_stk_frame(); /* Get stack frame address */
if ((ebp->eax & 0x0000FFFE) != 0x4F00) { /* Check for function = 4F00/1h */
(*prev_int10)(); /* Call previous handler? */
if ((ebp->edi & 0xFFF00000) != 0) {
ebx = (_XSTACK *) _get_ebx();/* Get return stack frame address */
ebx->eax = 0x0000104F; /* Return code of 0x10=Extended mem err */
ebp->flg |= _FLAG_CARRY; /* Set carry flag to indicate an error */
ebp->opts |= _STK_NOINT; /* Bypass real-mode handler */
/* Put the segment value from the physical address in the ES. */
ebp->es = (short)((ebp->edi & 0x000FFFF0) >> 4);
ebp->edi &= 0x0000000F; /* Offset value from physical address */
ebp->opts = 0; /* Pass to real-mode handler */
void print_ibm_credits()
fprintf (stderr," \n");
fprintf (stderr,"╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n");
box_fprintf (stderr," Persistence of Vision Raytracer Ver %s%s",POV_RAY_VERSION,COMPILER_VER);
box_fprintf (stderr," %s",DISTRIBUTION_MESSAGE_1);
box_fprintf (stderr," %s",DISTRIBUTION_MESSAGE_2);
box_fprintf (stderr," %s",DISTRIBUTION_MESSAGE_3);
fprintf (stderr,"║ Copyright (c) 1993 POV-Team ║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"╟────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢\n");
fprintf (stderr,"║ POV-Ray is based on DKBTrace 2.12 by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"║ Contributing Authors: (Alphabetically) ║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"║ Steve Anger Steve A. Bennett David K. Buck ║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"║ Aaron A. Collins Alexander Enzmann Dan Farmer ║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"║ Douglas Muir Bill Pulver Robert Skinner ║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"║ Scott Taylor Drew Wells Chris Young ║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"║ Other contributors listed in the documentation.- ║\n");
fprintf (stderr,"╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝");
fflush (stderr);
/* Stats kept by the ray tracer: */
extern long Number_Of_Pixels, Number_Of_Rays, Number_Of_Pixels_Supersampled;
extern long Ray_Sphere_Tests, Ray_Sphere_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Box_Tests, Ray_Box_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Blob_Tests, Ray_Blob_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Cone_Tests, Ray_Cone_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Disc_Tests, Ray_Disc_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Plane_Tests, Ray_Plane_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Triangle_Tests, Ray_Triangle_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Quadric_Tests, Ray_Quadric_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Poly_Tests, Ray_Poly_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Bicubic_Tests, Ray_Bicubic_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Ht_Field_Tests, Ray_Ht_Field_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Ray_Ht_Field_Box_Tests, Ray_HField_Box_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Bounding_Region_Tests, Bounding_Region_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Clipping_Region_Tests, Clipping_Region_Tests_Succeeded;
extern long Calls_To_Noise, Calls_To_DNoise;
extern long Shadow_Ray_Tests, Shadow_Rays_Succeeded, Shadow_Cache_Hits;
extern long Reflected_Rays_Traced, Refracted_Rays_Traced;
extern long Transmitted_Rays_Traced, Istack_overflows;
extern time_t tstart, tstop;
extern DBL tused;
extern FRAME Frame;
extern char Input_File_Name[FILE_NAME_LENGTH], Output_File_Name[FILE_NAME_LENGTH], Stat_File_Name[FILE_NAME_LENGTH];
void print_ibm_stats()
long hours,min;
DBL sec;
FILE *stat_out;
long Pixels_In_Image;
if (Options & VERBOSE_FILE)
stat_out = fopen(Stat_File_Name,"w+t");
stat_out = stdout;
Pixels_In_Image = (long)Frame.Screen_Width * (long)Frame.Screen_Height;
fprintf (stat_out,"\n");
fprintf (stat_out,"╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out," Persistence of Vision Raytracer Ver %s%s",POV_RAY_VERSION, COMPILER_VER);
fprintf (stat_out,"║────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out," %s statistics",Input_File_Name);
if(Pixels_In_Image > Number_Of_Pixels)
box_fprintf (stat_out," Partial Image Rendered");
fprintf (stat_out,"║────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out," Image Resolution %d pixels wide x %d pixels high",Frame.Screen_Width, Frame.Screen_Height);
box_fprintf (stat_out," # Rays Calculated : %10ld",Number_Of_Rays);
box_fprintf (stat_out," # Pixels Calculated : %10ld", Number_Of_Pixels);
box_fprintf (stat_out," # Pixels Supersampled : %10ld",Number_Of_Pixels_Supersampled);
fprintf (stat_out,"║────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out," Ray -» Shape Intersection Tests");
box_fprintf (stat_out," Type Tests Succeeded Percentage");
fprintf (stat_out,"║────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out," Sphere %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Sphere_Tests, Ray_Sphere_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Sphere_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Sphere_Tests) *100.0 ) );
box_fprintf (stat_out," Plane %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Plane_Tests, Ray_Plane_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Plane_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Plane_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Triangle %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Triangle_Tests, Ray_Triangle_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Triangle_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Triangle_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Quadric %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Quadric_Tests, Ray_Quadric_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Quadric_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Quadric_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Blob %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Blob_Tests, Ray_Blob_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Blob_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Blob_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Box %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Box_Tests, Ray_Box_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Box_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Box_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Cone\\Cyl. %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Cone_Tests, Ray_Cone_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Cone_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Cone_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Disc %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Disc_Tests, Ray_Disc_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Disc_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Disc_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Quartic\\Poly %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Poly_Tests, Ray_Poly_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Poly_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Poly_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Bezier Patch %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Bicubic_Tests, Ray_Bicubic_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Bicubic_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Bicubic_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Height Fld %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Ht_Field_Tests, Ray_Ht_Field_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_Ht_Field_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Ht_Field_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Hght Fld Box %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Ray_Ht_Field_Box_Tests, Ray_HField_Box_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Ray_HField_Box_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Ray_Ht_Field_Box_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Bounds %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Bounding_Region_Tests, Bounding_Region_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Bounding_Region_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Bounding_Region_Tests) *100.0 ));
box_fprintf (stat_out," Clips %10ld %10ld %10.2f", Clipping_Region_Tests, Clipping_Region_Tests_Succeeded, ( ((DBL)Clipping_Region_Tests_Succeeded/(DBL)Clipping_Region_Tests) *100.0 ));
fprintf (stat_out,"║────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out, " Calls to Noise Routine : %10ld", Calls_To_Noise);
box_fprintf (stat_out, " Calls to DNoise Routine : %10ld", Calls_To_DNoise);
fprintf (stat_out,"║────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out," Shadow Ray Tests : %10ld",Shadow_Ray_Tests);
/* SJA */
box_fprintf (stat_out," Shadow Cache Hits : %10ld",Shadow_Cache_Hits);
/* SJA */
box_fprintf (stat_out," Blocking Objects Found : %10ld",Shadow_Rays_Succeeded);
box_fprintf (stat_out, " Reflected Rays : %10ld", Reflected_Rays_Traced);
box_fprintf (stat_out, " Refracted Rays : %10ld", Refracted_Rays_Traced);
box_fprintf (stat_out, " Transmitted Rays : %10ld", Transmitted_Rays_Traced);
box_fprintf (stat_out, " I-Stack overflows : %10ld", Istack_overflows);
if(tused==0) {
STOP_TIME /* Get trace done time. */
tused = TIME_ELAPSED /* Calc. elapsed time. Define TIME_ELAPSED as */
/* 0 in your specific CONFIG.H if unsupported */
if (tused != 0){
/* Convert seconds to hours, min & sec. CdW */
hours = (long) tused/3600;
min = (long) (tused - hours*3600)/60;
sec = tused - (DBL) (hours*3600 + min*60);
fprintf (stat_out,"║────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────║\n");
box_fprintf (stat_out," Rendering Time : %5ld hours %2d minutes %4.2f seconds", hours,min,sec);
fprintf (stat_out,"╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝\n");
if (Options & VERBOSE_FILE)
/* Output a string to stream with vfprintf formatted for ibm stat screen. */
/* String should be <80 chars */
int _cdecl box_fprintf( FILE *stream, char *fmt , ... )
va_list marker;
char buffer[160];
int len,i;
buffer[0] = '║';
va_start( marker, fmt );
vsprintf( buffer+1, fmt, marker );
va_end( marker );
len = strlen (buffer);
buffer[i] = ' ';
strcpy (buffer+73,"║\n");
return( fputs(buffer,stream) );
* DJGCC's setvbuf() is totally screwed up. Don't use it;
* at least not until a later version than DJ 1.10/GCC 2.4.1.
* Or if you want to live dangerously define SVBOK to say that
* setvbuf is ok.
#ifdef GCCDOS
#ifndef SVBOK
int setvbuf(file, buffer, mode, size) /* replace theirs with ours */
FILE *file;
char *buffer;
int mode, size;
return (0); /* dummy up general success and return */