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654 lines
* xwind.c
* This file contains the XWindows code for the display-as-you-trace feature.
* from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
* Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
* NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
* with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
* than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
* which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
* named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
* POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
* Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
* Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
* This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
* DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
* DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
/* */
/* X Windows code for POV-Ray. */
/* Written by Christopher J. Cason. */
/* CIS 100032,1644 */
/* Internet 100032.1644@compuserve.com */
/* */
/* */
/* Original IBM VGA "colour" output routines for MS/DOS by Aaron A. Collins. */
/* */
/* Converted for X Windows and arbitrary #of colours by Christopher J. Cason. */
/* */
/* This will deliver approximate colorings using HSV values for the selection.*/
/* The palette map is divided into 4 parts - upper and lower half generated */
/* with full and half "value" (intensity), respectively. These halves are */
/* further halved by full and half saturation values of each range (pastels). */
/* There are three constant colors, black, white, and grey. They are used */
/* when the saturation is low enough that the hue becomes undefined, and which*/
/* one is selected is based on a simple range map of "value". Usage of the */
/* palette is accomplished by converting the requested color RGB into an HSV */
/* value. If the saturation is too low (< .25) then black, white or grey is */
/* selected. If there is enough saturation to consider looking at the hue, */
/* then the hue range of 1-63 is scaled into one of the 4 palette quadrants */
/* based on its "value" and "saturation" characteristics. */
/* */
/* */
/* define X_GETS_ARGS if you want to use X options such as '-display xxx:n.n' */
/* */
#define DBL double
#define NAME "POV-Ray"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <x11/xlib.h>
#include <x11/xutil.h>
#include <x11/stringdefs.h>
#include <x11/intrinsic.h>
#include <x11/shell.h>
#include "config.h"
#define MIN_COLOURS 128
#define MAX_COLOURS 256
#define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
char filename [192] ; /* don't really need it */
unsigned gWidth ; /* +wxxx */
unsigned gHeight ; /* +hyyy */
unsigned gScreenNumber ; /* screen number */
unsigned nColours ; /* colours available */
unsigned quarterPalette ; /* 1/4 of nColours */
unsigned CooperationLevel = 5 ; /* for message loop */
unsigned screenWidth ; /* of root screen */
unsigned screenHeight ; /* ditto */
unsigned long gColours [MAX_COLOURS] ; /* colour lookup */
GC gGc ; /* graphics context */
Screen *gScreen ; /* the X screen */
XImage *gXimage = NULL ; /* to buffer the trace */
Widget gParent ; /* parent widget */
Widget gPopupwindow ; /* trace displayed here */
Window gWindow ; /* child of gPopupWin.. */
Display *gDisplay ; /* X display connection */
Colormap gColourmap ; /* the colourmap */
XtAppContext gAppcontext ; /* application context */
/* in POVRAY.C */
unsigned alt_main (unsigned argc, char *argv []) ;
/* */
/* set a pixel in an XImage */
/* */
void SetPixel (Display *display, XImage *ximage, Window window, GC gc, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned index)
static unsigned lastY = 0 ;
if (lastY > y) lastY = y ;
if (y != lastY)
/* for efficiency, only display the pixels after a full line is buffered */
XPutImage (display, window, gc, ximage, 0, lastY, 0, lastY, gWidth, gHeight) ;
lastY = y ;
XPutPixel (ximage, x, y, gColours [index]) ;
/* */
/* create an XImage */
/* */
XImage *CreateXImage (Display *display, Visual *visual,
unsigned depth, unsigned width, unsigned height)
unsigned format ;
unsigned number_of_bytes ;
XImage *ximage ;
format = depth == 1 ? XYBitmap : ZPixmap ;
ximage = XCreateImage (display, visual, depth, format,
0, NULL, width, height, XBitmapPad (display), 0) ;
if (ximage == NULL) return (NULL) ;
number_of_bytes = ximage->bytes_per_line * ximage->height ;
if ((ximage->data = malloc (number_of_bytes)) == NULL) return (NULL) ;
return (ximage) ;
/* */
/* create an XImage to be compatible with the supplied widget */
/* */
XImage *CreateXImageFromWidget (Widget widget, unsigned width, unsigned height)
unsigned depth ;
XImage *ximage ;
Visual *visual ;
Display *display ;
XtVaGetValues (widget, XtNdepth, &depth, XtNvisual, &visual, NULL) ;
display = XtDisplay (widget) ;
ximage = CreateXImage (display, visual, depth, width, height) ;
return (ximage) ;
/* */
/* make an XImage given a widget, width and height */
/* */
XImage *MakeImage (Widget widget, unsigned width, unsigned height)
unsigned x ;
unsigned y ;
XImage *ximage ;
if ((ximage = CreateXImageFromWidget (widget, width, height)) != NULL)
for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++)
for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++)
XPutPixel (ximage, x, y, gColours [0]) ;
return (ximage) ;
/* */
/* redraw the traced data using the XImage */
/* */
void processExpose (XExposeEvent *expose)
if (gXimage == NULL || (void *) gWindow == NULL) return ;
XPutImage (gDisplay, gWindow, gGc, gXimage,
expose->x, expose->y,
expose->x, expose->y,
expose->width, expose->height) ;
/* */
/* this is called by the COOPERATE macro from within POVRAY */
/* */
void XTraceEventHandler (void)
XEvent event ;
static unsigned cooperationCounter = 10 ;
if (CooperationLevel < 10 && --cooperationCounter) return ;
cooperationCounter = 11 - CooperationLevel ;
if (CooperationLevel > 5)
/* loop until all messages retrieved */
while (XtAppPending (gAppcontext))
XtAppNextEvent (gAppcontext, &event) ;
if (event.type == Expose && event.xexpose.window == gWindow)
if (event.xexpose.count == 0) processExpose (&event.xexpose) ;
return ;
XtDispatchEvent (&event) ;
/* only process 1 event */
if (XtAppPending (gAppcontext))
XtAppNextEvent (gAppcontext, &event) ;
if (event.type == Expose && event.xexpose.window == gWindow)
if (event.xexpose.count == 0) processExpose (&event.xexpose) ;
return ;
XtDispatchEvent (&event) ;
/* */
/* called if the user closes the popup window during a trace */
/* */
void destroyProc (Widget widget)
XDestroyImage (gXimage) ;
XFreeGC (gDisplay, gGc) ;
gPopupwindow = NULL ;
/* */
/* create a popup window, centered on the screen */
/* */
Widget CreatePopupWindow (Widget parent, char *name, unsigned width, unsigned height, void (*destroyProc) (Widget))
int n ;
unsigned x = 0 ;
unsigned y = 0 ;
Arg args [8] ;
Widget window ;
n = 0 ;
if (width < screenWidth)
x = screenWidth / 2 - width / 2 ;
if (height < screenHeight)
y = screenHeight / 2 - height / 2 ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNwidth, width) ; n++ ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNheight, height) ; n++ ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNx, x) ; n++ ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNy, y) ; n++ ;
window = XtCreatePopupShell (name, topLevelShellWidgetClass, parent, args, n) ;
XtAddCallback (window, XtNdestroyCallback, destroyProc, window) ;
return (window) ;
/* */
/* allocate a colour based on the RGB values and place it at index */
/* */
void set_palette (unsigned index, unsigned red, unsigned green, unsigned blue)
XColor colour ;
colour.pixel = gColours [index] ;
colour.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue ;
colour.red = (65535 * red) / 256 ;
colour.blue = (65535 * blue) / 256 ;
colour.green = (65535 * green) / 256 ;
XStoreColor (gDisplay, gColourmap, &colour) ;
/* */
/* Conversion from Hue, Saturation, Value to Red, Green, and Blue and back */
/* From "Computer Graphics", Donald Hearn & M. Pauline Baker, p. 304 */
/* Extracted from the POV machine specific file IBM.C and modified for X */
/* */
/* See the start of this file for information as to how this code works */
/* */
void hsv_to_rgb (DBL hue, DBL s, DBL v, unsigned *r, unsigned *g, unsigned *b)
DBL i ;
DBL f ;
DBL p1 ;
DBL p2 ;
DBL p3 ;
DBL xh ;
DBL nr ;
DBL ng ;
DBL nb ;
if (hue == 360.0) hue = 0.0 ;
xh = hue / 60.0 ; /* convert hue to be in 0..6 */
i = floor (xh) ; /* i = greatest integer <= h */
f = xh - i ; /* f = fractional part of h */
p1 = v * (1 - s) ;
p2 = v * (1 - (s * f)) ;
p3 = v * (1 - (s * (1 - f))) ;
switch ((int) i)
case 0 :
nr = v ;
ng = p3 ;
nb = p1 ;
break ;
case 1 :
nr = p2 ;
ng = v ;
nb = p1 ;
break ;
case 2 :
nr = p1 ;
ng = v ;
nb = p3 ;
break ;
case 3 :
nr = p1 ;
ng = p2 ;
nb = v ;
break ;
case 4 :
nr = p3 ;
ng = p1 ;
nb = v ;
break ;
case 5 :
nr = v ;
ng = p1 ;
nb = p2 ;
break ;
default :
nr = ng = nb = 0 ;
*r = (unsigned) (nr * 255.0) ;
*g = (unsigned) (ng * 255.0) ;
*b = (unsigned) (nb * 255.0) ;
void rgb_to_hsv (unsigned r, unsigned g, unsigned b, DBL *h, DBL *s, DBL *v)
DBL m ;
DBL r1 ;
DBL g1 ;
DBL b1 ;
DBL nr ;
DBL ng ;
DBL nb ;
DBL nh = 0.0 ;
DBL ns = 0.0 ;
DBL nv ;
nr = (DBL) r / 255.0 ;
ng = (DBL) g / 255.0 ;
nb = (DBL) b / 255.0 ;
nv = max (nr, max (ng, nb)) ;
m = min (nr, min (ng, nb)) ;
if (nv != 0.0) ns = (nv - m) / nv ;
if (ns == 0.0)
/* hue undefined if no saturation */
*h = 0.0 ;
*s = 0.0 ;
*v = nv ;
return ;
r1 = (nv - nr) / (nv - m) ; /* distance of color from red */
g1 = (nv - ng) / (nv - m) ; /* distance of color from green */
b1 = (nv - nb) / (nv - m) ; /* distance of color from blue */
if (nv == nr)
if (m == ng)
nh = 5.0 + b1 ;
nh = 1.0 - g1 ;
if (nv == ng)
if (m == nb)
nh = 1.0 + r1 ;
nh = 3.0 - b1 ;
if (nv == nb)
if (m == nr)
nh = 3.0 + g1 ;
nh = 5.0 - r1 ;
*h = nh * 60.0 ; /* return h converted to degrees */
*s = ns ;
*v = nv ;
/* */
/* set up the X palette */
/* try to allocate at least as many colours as MIN_COLOURS */
/* exit with an error if we cannot get at least this many */
/* divide the available colour up into four quadrants, and divide each */
/* quadrant up into specific hues from 0 to 359 degrees */
/* */
void palette_init (void)
unsigned m ;
unsigned r ;
unsigned g ;
unsigned b ;
DBL hue ;
DBL sat ;
DBL val ;
for (nColours = MAX_COLOURS ; nColours >= MIN_COLOURS ; nColours--)
if (XAllocColorCells (gDisplay, gColourmap, False, NULL, 0, gColours, nColours))
break ;
if (nColours < MIN_COLOURS)
printf ("failed to allocate colour cells needed for display\r\n") ;
exit (1) ;
quarterPalette = nColours / 4 ;
/* for the first quarter of the palette ... */
for (m = 1 ; m < quarterPalette ; m++)
/* normalise to 360 */
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL) (m)) / (DBL) quarterPalette ;
hsv_to_rgb (hue, 0.5, 0.5, &r, &g, &b) ;
set_palette (m, r, g, b) ;
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL) (m)) / (DBL) quarterPalette ;
hsv_to_rgb (hue, 1.0, 0.5, &r, &g, &b) ;
set_palette (m + quarterPalette, r, g, b) ;
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL) (m)) / (DBL) quarterPalette ;
hsv_to_rgb (hue, 0.5, 1.0, &r, &g, &b) ;
set_palette (m + quarterPalette * 2, r, g, b) ;
hue = 360.0 * ((DBL) (m)) / (DBL) quarterPalette ;
hsv_to_rgb (hue, 1.0, 1.0, &r, &g, &b) ;
set_palette (m + quarterPalette * 3, r, g, b) ;
set_palette (0, 0, 0, 0) ; /* black */
set_palette (quarterPalette, 255, 255, 255) ; /* white */
set_palette (quarterPalette * 2, 128, 128, 128) ; /* dark grey */
set_palette (quarterPalette * 3, 192, 192, 192) ; /* light grey */
/* */
/* display code called directly by POV-Ray via [machine-name].C */
/* */
void x_display_finished ()
void x_display_init (unsigned width, unsigned height)
unsigned n ;
unsigned y = 0 ;
unsigned x = 0 ;
unsigned long white ;
unsigned long black ;
Arg args [20] ;
gDisplay = XtDisplay (gParent) ;
gScreen = XtScreen (gParent) ;
gScreenNumber = XScreenNumberOfScreen (gScreen) ;
gColourmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen (gScreen) ;
screenWidth = DisplayWidth (gDisplay, gScreenNumber) ;
screenHeight = DisplayHeight (gDisplay, gScreenNumber) ;
white = WhitePixel (gDisplay, gScreenNumber) ;
black = BlackPixel (gDisplay, gScreenNumber) ;
n = 0 ;
x = screenWidth / 2 - gWidth / 2 ;
y = screenHeight / 2 - gHeight / 2 ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNx, x) ; n++ ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNy, y) ; n++ ;
XtSetValues (gParent, args, n) ;
gWidth = width ;
gHeight = height ;
gPopupwindow = CreatePopupWindow (gParent, NAME, width, height, destroyProc) ;
XtRealizeWidget (gPopupwindow) ;
XtMapWidget (gPopupwindow) ;
gWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow (gDisplay, XtWindow (gPopupwindow), 0, 0, width, height, 0, white, black) ;
XSetWindowBackground (gDisplay, gWindow, black) ;
XMapWindow (gDisplay, gWindow) ;
XtPopup (gPopupwindow, XtGrabNonexclusive) ;
palette_init () ;
gGc = XCreateGC (gDisplay, gWindow, 0L, NULL) ;
gXimage = MakeImage (gPopupwindow, width, height) ;
/* draw a rectangle into the XImage to show trace progress */
for (x = 0 ; x < width ; x++)
XPutPixel (gXimage, x, 0, white) ;
XPutPixel (gXimage, x, height - 1, white) ;
for (y = 0 ; y < height ; y++)
XPutPixel (gXimage, 0, y, white) ;
XPutPixel (gXimage, width - 1, y, white) ;
XSelectInput (gDisplay, gWindow, ExposureMask) ;
void x_display_close ()
if (gPopupwindow)
XtDestroyWidget (gPopupwindow) ;
void x_display_plot (unsigned x, unsigned y, char Red, char Green, char Blue)
unsigned colour ;
DBL h ;
DBL s ;
DBL v ;
if (gPopupwindow == NULL) return ;
rgb_to_hsv ((unsigned) Red, (unsigned) Green, (unsigned) Blue, &h, &s, &v) ;
if (s < 0.20) /* black or white if no saturation of colour ... */
if (v < 0.25)
colour = 0 ; /* black */
else if (v > 0.8)
colour = quarterPalette ; /* white */
else if (v > 0.5)
colour = quarterPalette * 3 ; /* light grey */
colour = quarterPalette * 2 ; /* dark grey */
colour = (unsigned) ((DBL) quarterPalette * h / 360.0) ;
if (colour == 0)
colour = 1 ; /* avoid black, white or grey */
if (colour > quarterPalette)
colour = quarterPalette ; /* avoid same */
if (v > 0.50)
colour += quarterPalette * 2 ; /* colours 128-255 for high intensity */
if (s > 0.50) /* more than half saturated ? */
colour += quarterPalette ; /* colour range 64-128 or 192-255 */
/* only displays after a full line is received (the Y co-ordinate changes) */
SetPixel (gDisplay, gXimage, gWindow, gGc, x, y, colour) ;
/* */
/* our main routine. when XWIND is linked in this is main () for POV-Ray */
/* */
int main (unsigned argc, char *argv [])
unsigned n ;
unsigned count = 0 ;
Arg args [20] ;
strncpy (filename, argv [0], sizeof (filename)) ;
n = 0 ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNmappedWhenManaged, False) ; n++ ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNallowShellResize, False) ; n++ ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNwidth, 10) ; n++ ;
XtSetArg (args [n], XtNheight, 10) ; n++ ;
/* define X_GETS_ARGS if you want to use X options such as '-display xxx:n.n' */
#ifdef X_GETS_ARGS
gParent = XtAppInitialize (&gAppcontext, NAME, NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL, args, n) ;
gParent = XtAppInitialize (&gAppcontext, NAME, NULL, 0, &count, NULL, NULL, args, n) ;
/* call POV-Ray ! */
alt_main (argc, argv) ;
return (0) ;