DP Tool Club 12
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Assembly Source File
114 lines
; int1C -- A medium model template to define an interrupt handler for INT 1C
; (if flag=1) or to replace the original INT 1C handler (if flag=0).
; Prototype: void int1C(int flag);
EXTRN _status1:word ; C global variable for button 1 status
EXTRN _status2:word ; C global variable for button 2 status
EXTRN _fg_button:far ; Fastgraph routine
int1C_TEXT SEGMENT byte public 'CODE'
int1C_CS dw ? ; holds original INT 1C segment address
int1C_IP dw ? ; holds original INT 1C offset
orig_DS dw ? ; holds original data segment
_int1C PROC far
push bp ; save caller's BP register
mov bp,sp ; make BP point to argument list
push si ; save caller's SI register
push di ; save caller's DI register
mov dx,[bp+6] ; get the flag parameter
or dx,dx ; replace the old interrupt handler?
jz replace ; yes, branch to that processing
; define a new handler for INT 1C
define: mov ax,ds ; put current data segment in AX
mov cs:orig_DS,ax ; save it in the control information area
mov al,1Ch ; interrupt vector to save
mov ah,53 ; function 53: get interrupt vector
int 21h ; get the interrupt vector
mov cs:int1C_CS,es; save the segment
mov cs:int1C_IP,bx; save the offset
push ds ; save our DS register
mov dx,offset handler ; get offset of interrupt handler
mov ax,seg handler; get segment of interrupt handler
mov ds,ax ; put it in DS
mov al,1Ch ; interrupt vector to change
mov ah,37 ; function 37: set interrupt vector
int 21h ; change the INT 1C vector to our handler
pop ds ; restore our DS register
jmp short return ; return to the caller
; replace the original handler for INT 1C
replace: push ds ; save our DS register
mov dx,cs:int1C_IP; put original INT 1C offset in DX
mov ds,cs:int1C_CS; put original INT 1C segment in DS
mov ah,37 ; function 37: set interrupt vector
mov al,1Ch ; interrupt vector 1C
int 21h ; restore original INT 1C vector
pop ds ; restore our DS register
return: xor ax,ax ; in case int1C was called as a function
pop di ; restore our DI register
pop si ; restore our SI register
pop bp ; restore our BP register
_int1C ENDP
handler PROC far ; interrupt handler that replaces INT 1C
cli ; disable interrupts while handler is active
push ax ; save registers that may be altered
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push si
push ds
push es
mov ds,cs:orig_DS ; retrieve the original data segment
mov ax,1 ; use joystick 1
push ax ; pass joystick number to button routine
call _fg_button ; AX = button status for joystick 1
add sp,2 ; remove the argument
or _status1,ax ; update the status variable for joystick 1
mov ax,2 ; use joystick 2
push ax ; pass joystick number to button routine
call _fg_button ; AX = button status for joystick 2
add sp,2 ; remove the argument
or _status2,ax ; update the status variable for joystick 2
pop es ; restore altered registers
pop ds
pop si
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
iret ; return from the interrupt routine
handler ENDP