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Chapter 14
Input Device Support
260 Fastgraph User's Guide
The selection of application input devices is an important part of
designing a program for the IBM PC and PS/2 family of systems. The keyboard
and mouse are the most popular, and in fact more and more applications,
especially those that use a graphical interface, actually require a mouse to
use the product. Another input device, primarily used in entertainment
software, is the joystick. Although not as popular as the mouse, joysticks
nevertheless can simplify the use of certain applications. Fastgraph
provides support for these three types of input devices, and this chapter
will discuss this in detail.
Keyboard Support
Fastgraph's keyboard support includes routines to read keystrokes, check
the state of certain keys, and set the state of these keys. In addition,
Fastgraph provides a low-level keyboard handler that replaces the BIOS
keyboard handler to increase keyboard responsiveness. These routines are
independent of the other parts of Fastgraph and thus do not require that you
call fg_setmode. All keyboard-related routines work in text and graphics
video modes.
The IBM PC and PS/2 keyboards produce two types of character codes --
standard codes and extended codes (extended codes are sometimes called
auxiliary codes). The standard codes correspond to the 128 characters in the
ASCII character set. In general, pressing keys on the main part of the
keyboard, or on the numeric keypad with NumLock turned on, will generate a
standard code. The 128 extended codes are specific to the IBM PC and PS/2
keyboards. Some common keystrokes that produce extended codes are keys on
the numeric keypad with NumLock turned off, the function keys, or pressing
Alt with another key. The following tables show the standard and extended
keyboard codes.
Table of standard keyboard codes
key code key code key code key code
(none) 0 space 32 @ 64 ` 96
Ctrl+A 1 ! 33 A 65 a 97
Ctrl+B 2 " 34 B 66 b 98
Ctrl+C 3 # 35 C 67 c 99
Ctrl+D 4 $ 36 D 68 d 100
Ctrl+E 5 % 37 E 69 e 101
Ctrl+F 6 & 38 F 70 f 102
Ctrl+G 7 ' 39 G 71 g 103
Ctrl+H 8 ( 40 H 72 h 104
Ctrl+I 9 ) 41 I 73 i 105
Ctrl+J 10 * 42 J 74 j 106
Ctrl+K 11 + 43 K 75 k 107
Ctrl+L 12 , 44 L 76 l 108
Ctrl+M 13 - 45 M 77 m 109
Ctrl+N 14 . 46 N 78 n 110
Ctrl+O 15 / 47 O 79 o 111
Ctrl+P 16 0 48 P 80 p 112
Ctrl+Q 17 1 49 Q 81 q 113
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 261
Ctrl+R 18 2 50 R 82 r 114
Ctrl+S 19 3 51 S 83 s 115
Ctrl+T 20 4 52 T 84 t 116
Ctrl+U 21 5 53 U 85 u 117
Ctrl+V 22 6 54 V 86 v 118
Ctrl+W 23 7 55 W 87 w 119
Ctrl+X 24 8 56 X 88 x 120
Ctrl+Y 25 9 57 Y 89 y 121
Ctrl+Z 26 : 58 Z 90 z 122
Ctrl+[ 27 ; 59 [ 91 { 123
Ctrl+\ 28 < 60 \ 92 | 124
Ctrl+] 29 = 61 ] 93 } 125
Ctrl+^ 30 > 62 ^ 94 ~ 126
Ctrl+- 31 ? 63 _ 95 Ctrl+BS 127
Table of extended keyboard codes
code key
3 Ctrl+@
15 Shift+Tab (back tab)
16-25 Alt+Q to Alt+P (top row of letters)
30-38 Alt+A to Alt+L (middle row of letters)
44-50 Alt+Z to Alt+M (bottom row of letters)
59-68 F1 to F10
71 Home
72 up arrow
73 PgUp
75 left arrow
77 right arrow
79 End
80 down arrow
81 PgDn
82 Ins
83 Del
84-93 Shift+F1 to Shift+F10
94-103 Ctrl+F1 to Ctrl+F10
104-113 Alt+F1 to Alt+F10
114 Ctrl+PrtSc
115 Ctrl+left arrow
116 Ctrl+right arrow
117 Ctrl+End
118 Ctrl+PgDn
119 Ctrl+Home
120-131 Alt+1 to Alt+= (top row of keys)
132 Ctrl+PgUp
In addition, four keys generate the same standard codes as other control key
combinations. These keys are:
key same as code
Backspace Ctrl+H 8
Tab Ctrl+I 9
Enter Ctrl+M 13 Escape Ctrl+[ 27
262 Fastgraph User's Guide
The CapsLock, NumLock, and ScrollLock keys do not generate a standard or
extended code when pressed. Instead, they toggle between off and on states.
Reading Keystrokes
When you press a key or key combination, the standard or extended code
representing that keystroke is stored in the ROM BIOS keyboard buffer. This
buffer can hold up to 16 keystrokes and thus provides a type-ahead
capability. Fastgraph includes three routines for reading keystroke
information from the keyboard buffer. The fg_getkey routine reads the next
item in the keyboard buffer if one is available (that is, if a key has been
pressed). If the keyboard buffer is empty (meaning no key has been pressed),
fg_getkey waits for a keystroke and then reports information about it.
Another routine, fg_intkey, reads the next keystroke from the keyboard buffer
if one is available. If the keyboard buffer is empty, fg_intkey immediately
returns and reports this condition. The fg_intkey routine is useful when a
program must continue performing a task until a key is pressed. We've
already seen the third routine, fg_waitkey, which flushes the keyboard buffer
and then waits for another keystroke. Unlike fg_getkey and fg_intkey,
fg_waitkey does not return any keystroke information. It is most useful in
"press any key to continue" situations.
Both fg_getkey and fg_intkey require two one-byte arguments passed by
reference. If the keystroke is represented by a standard keyboard code,
fg_getkey and fg_intkey return its code in the first argument and set the
second argument to zero. Similarly, if the keystroke generates an extended
code, the routines return its code in the second argument and set the first
argument to zero. If the fg_intkey routine detects an empty keyboard buffer,
it sets both arguments to zero.
Example 14-1 is a simple program that uses the fg_getkey routine. It
solicits keystrokes and then displays the two values returned by fg_getkey,
one of which will always be zero. The variable key receives the key's
standard code, while aux receives its extended code. Note that fg_getkey is
the only Fastgraph routine in the program; this can be done because the
keyboard support routines are logically independent from the rest of
Fastgraph. The program returns to DOS when you press the Escape key.
Example 14-1.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
#define ESC 27
void main()
unsigned char key, aux;
do {
printf("key = %3d aux = %3d\n",key,aux);
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 263
while (key != ESC);
Example 14-2 reads keystrokes using the fg_intkey routine at half-second
intervals (18 fg_waitfor units equals one second). As in the previous
example, the program displays the standard and extended codes for each
keystroke. However, example 14-2 will continuously execute the while loop
even if no keystrokes are available, in which case the key and aux values
will both be zero. The program returns to DOS when you press the Escape key.
Example 14-2.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
#define ESC 27
void main()
unsigned char key, aux;
do {
printf("key = %3d aux = %3d\n",key,aux);
while (key != ESC);
When you use fg_intkey in a "tight" loop that does little else, you
should force a small delay within the loop by calling fg_waitfor as in
example 14-2. Typically a delay of one or two clock ticks is enough.
Without this delay, the BIOS may not be able to handle all keyboard activity,
and thus some keystrokes may not be available to your program.
Testing and Setting Key States
As mentioned earlier, the CapsLock, NumLock, and ScrollLock keys do not
generate a standard or extended code when pressed but instead toggle between
off and on states. Fastgraph includes routines for checking the state of
these keys, as well as setting the state of the CapsLock and NumLock keys.
The Fastgraph routines fg_capslock, fg_numlock, and fg_scrlock
respectively read the state of the CapsLock, NumLock, and ScrollLock keys.
Each routine has no arguments and returns the key state as its function
value. A return value of 0 means the associated key is in the off state,
while 1 indicates the key is in the on state. If the keyboard does not have
a ScrollLock key, fg_scrlock considers the key off and returns a value of
Example 14-3 is a simple program that uses the fg_capslock, fg_numlock,
and fg_scrlock routines to print messages describing the current state of
these three keys.
264 Fastgraph User's Guide
Example 14-3.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
void main()
if (fg_capslock())
printf("CapsLock is on.\n");
printf("CapsLock is off.\n");
if (fg_numlock())
printf("NumLock is on.\n");
printf("NumLock is off.\n");
if (fg_scrlock())
printf("ScrollLock is on.\n");
printf("ScrollLock is off.\n");
You also can set the state of the CapsLock and NumLock keys within a
program. Fastgraph includes two routines, fg_setcaps and fg_setnum, for this
purpose. Each routine requires an integer argument that specifies the new
key state. If the argument value is 0, the key will be turned off; if the
value is 1, the key will be turned on. Example 14-4 uses fg_setcaps and
fg_setnum to turn off CapsLock and NumLock.
Example 14-4.
#include <fastgraf.h>
void main(void);
void main()
On most keyboards, changing key states with fg_setcaps or fg_setnum also
will change the keyboard state light to reflect the new key state. However,
some older keyboards, especially when used on PC, PC/XT, or Tandy 1000
systems, do not update the state light. This makes the state light
inconsistent with the true key state.
Low-Level Keyboard Handler
Fastgraph includes a low-level keyboard handler that replaces the BIOS
keyboard handler. The replacement handler intercepts keystrokes ahead of the
BIOS and thus eliminates the annoying beep that sounds upon filling the BIOS
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 265
keyboard buffer. Fastgraph's keyboard handler is especially well-suited to
game development because it increases keyboard responsiveness in high-speed
action games. However, when the low-level keyboard handler is enabled, it is
not possible to use fg_getkey, fg_intkey, fg_waitkey, or any third party
functions that use BIOS or DOS services for keyboard activity. For this
reason, a program that enables the low-level keyboard handler must disable it
before exiting to DOS.
The low-level keyboard handler can be enabled and disabled at any time.
The fg_kbinit routine is provided for this purpose. To enable Fastgraph's
low-level keyboard handler, pass the value 1 to fg_kbinit. To disable
Fastgraph's handler and re-enable the BIOS keyboard handler, pass the value
zero. No harm is caused if you try to enable Fastgraph's keyboard handler
when it is already active, or if you try to disable it when the BIOS handler
is active.
When the low-level keyboard handler is enabled, you can use the
fg_kbtest routine to check if keys are currently pressed or released. This
routine provides the only mechanism for accessing the keyboard when the low-
level handler is enabled. It specifies the keys through the use of scan
codes. If the corresponding key is pressed, fg_kbtest returns 1. If it is
released, the routine returns zero. The following table lists the scan codes
returned by pressing the keys on a standard PC keyboard.
Table of scan codes
scan scan scan scan
key code key code key code key code
Esc 1 I 23 X 45 F9 67
1 2 O 24 C 46 F10 68
2 3 P 25 V 47 NumLock 69
3 4 [ 26 B 48 ScrLock 70
4 5 ] 27 N 49 Home 71
5 6 Enter 28 M 50 Up arrow 72
6 7 Ctrl 29 , 51 PgUp 73
7 8 A 30 . 52 KP- 74
8 9 S 31 / 53 L arrow 75
9 10 D 32 R shift 54 KP5 76
0 11 F 33 KP* 55 R arrow 77
- 12 G 34 Alt 56 KP+ 78
= 13 H 35 Space 57 End 79
BS 14 J 36 CapsLock 58 Dn arrow 80
Tab 15 K 37 F1 59 PgDn 81
Q 16 L 38 F2 60 Ins 82
W 17 ; 39 F3 61 Del 83
E 18 ' 40 F4 62 (unused) 84
R 19 ` 41 F5 63 (unused) 85
T 20 L shift 42 F6 64 (unused) 86
Y 21 \ 43 F7 65 F11 87
U 22 Z 44 F8 66 F12 88
There are actually more scan codes defined for PC keyboards than listed
in this table. Such scan codes are generated when a key is pressed as a
combination of one or more keys, such as when the shift and slash keys are
pressed together to produce a question mark (?) character. Fastgraph's low-
266 Fastgraph User's Guide
level keyboard handler is designed to report the pressing or releasing of
keys themselves, as opposed to reporting the actual characters so produced.
It is thus not possible for the keyboard handler to report the scan code for
a multi-key character. If needed, such characters can be identified by the
scan codes generated for each individual key in the sequence. For example, a
question mark character would be reported as a forward slash (scan code 53)
generated while pressing the left shift (42) or right shift (54) keys.
Example 14-5 illustrates the use of Fastgraph's low-level keyboard
handler. It first uses fg_kbinit to enable Fastgraph's keyboard handler and
displays a message stating this. Then, at approximately one second
intervals, the program calls fg_kbtest to check which of the four arrow keys
are pressed and displays an appropriate message. Pressing Escape restores
the BIOS keyboard handler and exits to DOS.
Example 14-5.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
#define ESC 1
#define LEFT 75
#define RIGHT 77
#define UP 72
#define DOWN 80
void main()
printf("Keyboard handler enabled.\n");
do {
printf("keys pressed: ");
if (fg_kbtest(LEFT)) printf("Left ");
if (fg_kbtest(RIGHT)) printf("Right ");
if (fg_kbtest(UP)) printf("Up ");
if (fg_kbtest(DOWN)) printf("Down ");
} while (fg_kbtest(ESC) == 0);
printf("Keyboard handler disabled.\n");
Mouse Support
The mouse is a very popular input and pointing device, especially in
graphically-oriented programs. Fastgraph contains several routines to
support mice. These routines perform such tasks as mouse initialization,
controlling and defining the mouse cursor, and reporting information about
the mouse position and button status.
The underlying software that controls the mouse is called the mouse
driver. Fastgraph's mouse support routines provide a high-level interface to
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 267
this driver. The Microsoft Mouse and its accompanying mouse driver have
become an industry standard, and other manufacturers of mice have also made
their mouse drivers Microsoft compatible. For this reason, the Fastgraph
mouse support routines assume you are using a Microsoft or compatible mouse
Unfortunately, not all mouse drivers are created equal. That is, some
drivers are not Microsoft compatible, even though they may be advertised as
such. In some cases, these incompatibilities are rather trivial, but others
are significant. For example, early versions of some third party mouse
drivers had real problems in the EGA graphics modes. The Microsoft mouse
driver, the Logitech mouse driver (version 3.2 or above), and the DFI mouse
driver (version 3.00 or above) are known to work well with Fastgraph's mouse
support routines. Any other Microsoft compatible mouse driver also should
work properly.
Initializing the Mouse
There are two steps required to use Fastgraph's mouse support routines
within an application program. First, you must install the mouse driver.
This is done before running the application, typically by entering the
command MOUSE at the DOS command prompt. Second, you must use the Fastgraph
routine fg_mouseini to initialize the mouse within the program.
The fg_mouseini routine has no arguments and returns a "success or
failure" indicator as its function value. If the return value is -1, it
means fg_mouseini could not initialize the mouse (either because the mouse
driver is not installed, or the driver is installed but the mouse is
physically disconnected). If fg_mouseini returns a positive integer value,
the mouse initialization was successful. The value itself indicates the
number of buttons (either 2 or 3) on the mouse. If you don't call
fg_mouseini, or if fg_mouseini can't initialize the mouse, none of
Fastgraph's other mouse support routines will have any effect.3
Example 14-6 illustrates how to initialize the mouse. Unlike the
keyboard support routines, Fastgraph's mouse support routines require that
fg_setmode be called first. In this example, we simply pass fg_setmode the
value -1 to initialize Fastgraph for whatever video mode is in effect when we
run the program. The program then calls fg_mouseini and prints a message
indicating whether or not the initialization was successful. If it was, the
message includes the number of buttons on the mouse.
Example 14-6.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
void main()
(3) If you use another mouse library or communicate directly with the
mouse driver, you must still call fg_mouseini if your program runs in
modes 13 through 18. Otherwise, Fastgraph won't know that your program
is using a mouse and may display graphics incorrectly.
268 Fastgraph User's Guide
int status;
status = fg_mouseini();
if (status < 0)
printf("Mouse not available.\n");
printf("%d button mouse found.\n",status);
You should be aware that certain mouse drivers do not fully initialize
the mouse when a program changes video modes. This problem most frequently
occurs when you restore the original video mode at the end of a program that
has called fg_mouseini. When changing video modes, you must first make the
mouse cursor invisible (this is described in the next section), change the
video mode, and then call fg_mouseini again to initialize the mouse for the
new video mode.
XVGA and SVGA Mouse Considerations
Mouse drivers do not have the ability to directly display the mouse
cursor in XVGA and SVGA graphics modes (modes 20 to 29). Hence, Fastgraph
must display the mouse cursor through an interrupt handler that is activated
whenever the mouse moves. The handler is automatically installed when you
call fg_mouseini in modes 20 to 29.
If you do not disable this handler before your program exits, it will
remain "hooked" to the mouse driver. This will most likely hang your system
the next time you try doing anything of consequence. The fg_mousefin routine
removes Fastgraph's mouse interrupt handler from the mouse driver. In XVGA
and SVGA graphics modes, you should call fg_mousefin just before restoring
the original video mode, as illustrated below:
Again, calling fg_mousefin is required only in XVGA and SVGA graphics modes.
Calling it in other video modes is not applicable, though it causes no
In the standard VGA/MCGA 256-color mode (mode 19), white pixels in the
mouse cursor are displayed in color 15. This is inconsistent with other
graphics modes, where the mouse cursor's white pixels are displayed in the
highest-numbered color value available in that mode. Fastgraph corrects this
inconsistency in XVGA and SVGA 256-color graphics modes by displaying white
mouse cursor pixels in color 255. Like color 15, color 255 is white by
default. This allows you to redefine color 15 in your 256-color applications
without interfering with the mouse cursor colors.
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 269
Controlling the Mouse Cursor
The mouse cursor indicates the current position of the mouse. By
default, the cursor is a small white arrow in graphics modes and a one-
character rectangle in text modes. After you use fg_mouseini to initialize
the mouse, the mouse cursor is invisible. To make it visible, you must use
the fg_mousevis routine. This routine has a single integer argument that
defines the mouse cursor visibility. If it is 0, the mouse cursor will be
invisible; if it is 1, the mouse cursor becomes visible.
If the mouse cursor is in an area of the screen that is being updated,
or if it moves into this area during the update process, you must make the
mouse cursor invisible. Additionally, when performing any video output in
the native EGA and VGA graphics modes (modes 13 through 18), you also must
make the mouse cursor invisible. Instead of checking for these conditions,
it is more convenient and efficient to make the mouse cursor invisible during
all screen updates and then make it visible again when the updating is
finished. Finally, you must make the mouse cursor invisible whenever you
change the visual page number with fg_setvpage.
After you initialize the mouse, the cursor is positioned in the center
of the screen. Moving the mouse of course changes the cursor position, but
you also can position the mouse cursor with the Fastgraph routine
fg_mousemov. This routine has two arguments that specify the new horizontal
and vertical cursor position. The position is expressed in screen space
units for graphics modes, while it is expressed in character cells for text
modes. The fg_mousemov routine moves the cursor whether or not it is
Sometimes it is useful to restrict the mouse cursor to a specific area
of the screen. The Fastgraph routine fg_mouselim prevents the mouse cursor
from moving outside the specified rectangular area. It requires four
arguments that specify the minimum horizontal coordinate, maximum horizontal
coordinate, minimum vertical coordinate, and maximum vertical coordinate of
this area. Again, the coordinates are expressed in screen space units for
graphics modes and character cells for text modes.
One of the most important functions of the mouse driver is to translate
the horizontal and vertical mouse movements into a position on the screen.
The mouse reports these movements to the mouse driver in units called mickeys
(one mickey is about 1/200 of an inch). By default, moving the mouse 8
mickeys in the horizontal direction moves the mouse cursor one horizontal
pixel. Similarly, moving the mouse 16 mickeys vertically moves the cursor
one vertical pixel. Fastgraph provides a routine named fg_mousespd that can
change these values, which effectively allows you to control the speed at
which the mouse cursor moves relative to the movement of the mouse itself.
The fg_mousespd routine requires two arguments that define the number of
mickeys required for eight pixels of mouse cursor movement. The first
argument specifies this for the horizontal direction, and the second for the
vertical direction.
Example 14-7, which runs in any graphics mode, demonstrates the
fg_mousevis, fg_mousemov, fg_mouselim, and fg_mousespd routines. The program
first establishes the video mode, initializes the mouse, and fills the screen
with a white rectangle. Next, the program calls fg_mousevis to make the
mouse cursor visible and then calls fg_mouselim to restrict the mouse cursor
270 Fastgraph User's Guide
to an area one-fourth the size of the screen, centered in the middle of the
screen. At this point you should move the mouse cursor around the screen to
see the effect of fg_mouselim and note the speed at which the cursor moves
relative to the mouse itself. The program continues when you press any key.
The program then uses fg_mousemov to move the mouse cursor to each
corner of the region established by fg_mouselim. The call to fg_waitfor
keeps the cursor in each corner for two seconds, unless you move the mouse.
Note how the program tries to move the mouse cursor to each corner of the
screen, but since doing so would move the cursor outside the defined region
of movement, fg_mousemov just positions the cursor at the nearest point
possible within this region. The last call to fg_mousemov moves the cursor
back to the middle of the screen. After doing this, the program calls
fg_mousespd to change the mouse cursor speed. The values passed to
fg_mousespd (16 and 32) are twice the defaults and therefore make you move
the mouse twice as far as before to move the mouse cursor the same distance.
When you run the program, compare the mouse sensitivity to the original
speed. After a keystroke, the program returns to DOS.
Example 14-7.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int maxx, maxy;
int old_mode;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
if (fg_mouseini() < 0) {
maxx = fg_getmaxx();
maxy = fg_getmaxy();
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 271
Reporting the Mouse Status
It is obviously important to be able to track the mouse position and
button status. The Fastgraph routines fg_mousepos and fg_mousebut enable you
to do this.
The fg_mousepos routine returns information about the current mouse
cursor position and button status. It requires three integer arguments, all
passed by reference. The first two arguments respectively receive the
horizontal and vertical coordinates of the mouse cursor. These values are
expressed in screen space units for graphics modes and character cells for
text modes. The third argument receives a three-bit mask containing the
button status as indicated below.
number meaning
0 1 if left button pressed, 0 if not
1 1 if right button pressed, 0 if not
2 1 if middle button pressed, 0 if not
For example, if both the left and right buttons are pressed, the button
status will be set to 3. If the mouse only has two buttons, bit 2 will
always be zero.
Another routine, fg_mousebut, is available for returning the number of
button press or release counts that have occurred since the last check, or
since calling fg_mouseini. Each mouse button maintains its own separate
counters, so fg_mousebut returns this information for a specific button.
Additionally, fg_mousebut returns the horizontal and vertical position of the
mouse cursor at the time the specified button was last pressed or released.
The fg_mousebut routine takes four integer arguments, of which the last
three are passed by reference. The first argument specifies the button of
interest (1 means the left button, 2 is the right button, and 3 is the middle
button). If this value is positive, button press counts will be reported.
If it is negative, release counts will be reported. The second, third, and
fourth arguments respectively receive the press or release count, the
horizontal mouse cursor position at the time of the last press or release,
and the vertical position at that same time. If the press or release count
is zero, the mouse cursor position is returned as (0,0). The coordinate
positions are expressed in screen space units for graphics modes and
character cells for text modes.
Example 14-8 runs in any graphics video mode and illustrates the use of
the fg_mousepos and fg_mousebut routines. The program first establishes the
video mode and then initializes the mouse (the program exits if the
272 Fastgraph User's Guide
initialization fails). It next fills the entire screen with a white
rectangle and then calls fg_mousevis to make the mouse cursor visible.
The main part of example 14-8 is a while loop that polls the mouse at
three-second intervals (the call fg_waitfor(54) delays the program for three
seconds). Within the loop, the program first uses fg_mousebut to get the
number of times the left mouse button was pressed in the last three seconds.
Following this, the fg_mousepos routine gets the current mouse position. The
program then displays this information in the upper left corner of the
screen; note how fg_mousevis is used to make the cursor invisible during
graphics operations. The program continues until you press the right mouse
button, checked by the call to fg_mousebut at the end of the loop.
Example 14-8.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
int buttons, count;
int x, y;
char string[25];
old_mode = fg_getmode();
if (fg_mouseini() < 0) {
do {
sprintf(string,"X=%3d Y=%3d count=%4d",x,y,count);
while (count == 0);
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 273
Defining the Mouse Cursor
By default, the mouse cursor is a small white arrow in graphics modes
and a one-character rectangle in text modes. In graphics modes, you can
change the mouse cursor to any 16 by 16 pixel image with the Fastgraph
routine fg_mouseptr (in the CGA four-color graphics modes, the cursor size is
8 by 16 pixels). You cannot change the mouse cursor shape in text modes, but
you can use the Fastgraph routine fg_mousecur to define how it interacts with
existing characters on the screen.
Text Modes
To change the mouse cursor in text modes, you must first define two 16-
bit quantities called the screen mask and cursor mask. The following figure
defines the format of each mask.
bits meaning
0 to 7 ASCII character value
8 to 11 foreground color
12 to 14 background color
15 blink
Notice how this structure parallels the character and attribute bytes
associated with each character cell. The default screen mask is 77FF hex,
and the default cursor mask is 7700 hex.
When you position the mouse over a specific character cell, the mouse
driver uses the current screen and cursor masks to determine the mouse
cursor's appearance. First, the mouse driver logically ANDs the screen mask
with the existing contents of that character cell. It then XORs that result
with the cursor mask to display the mouse cursor.
For example, consider how the mouse cursor is produced in the 80-column
color text mode (mode 3). Suppose a specific character cell contains the
ASCII character 0 (48 decimal, 30 hex) and an attribute byte that specifies a
white (color 15) foreground on a blue background (color 1) and does not blink
(blink bit 0). The binary structure of the character and its attribute are:
attribute character
0 001 1111 00110000
Now let's see what happens when we apply the screen and cursor masks to the
character and its attribute.
attribute/character 0001 1111 0011 0000 (1F30 hex)
default screen mask 0111 0111 1111 1111 (77FF hex)
result of AND 0001 0111 0011 0000 (1730 hex)
274 Fastgraph User's Guide
default cursor mask 0111 0111 0000 0000 (7700 hex)
result of XOR 0110 0000 0011 0000 (6030 hex)
The resulting character (30 hex) is the original character, but the new
attribute (60 hex) represents a black foreground with a brown background and
does not blink. As long as the mouse cursor remains positioned on this
character cell, it would appear black on brown.
When we use the default screen and cursor masks, the mouse cursor will
always display the original character and it will not blink. The cursor
foreground color will be 15-F, where F is the displayed character's
foreground color. Similarly, the cursor background color will be 7-B, where
B is the displayed character's background color. The default masks will
virtually always produce a satisfactory mouse cursor.
It is possible, however, to change the appearance of the mouse cursor in
text modes by using your own screen and cursor masks. The Fastgraph routine
fg_mousecur does just that. It expects two arguments, the first being the
cursor mask and the second the screen mask. Example 14-9 demonstrates the
use of fg_mousecur. The program displays some text and uses the default
mouse cursor. After waiting for a keystroke, the program calls fg_mousecur
to define a new mouse cursor. The new cursor is similar to the default
cursor, but it displays the foreground colors in the opposite intensity as
the default cursor. The program then waits for another keystroke before
returning to DOS.
Example 14-9.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int old_mode;
int row;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
if (fg_mouseini() < 0) {
for (row = 0; row < 25; row++) {
fg_text("example 14-9",12);
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 275
Graphics Modes
Defining the mouse cursor in graphics video modes also requires creating
a screen mask and cursor mask, but as one might expect, the structure of
these masks is vastly different from for text modes. In fact, it closely
resembles the mode-independent bit map format used by the fg_drawmap routine.
Although their structure differs, the way the mouse driver applies the masks
is the same as in the text modes. That is, the driver displays the mouse
cursor by first logically ANDing video memory with the screen mask, and then
XORing that result with the cursor mask.
Let's begin by looking at the masks for the default mouse cursor in
graphics modes. The size of each mask (and hence the mouse cursor) is 16
pixels wide and 16 pixels high. As mentioned earlier, the default cursor is
a small white arrow with a black outline around it. Here are its screen and
cursor masks expressed as binary values.
screen cursor cursor
mask mask appearance
1001111111111111 0000000000000000 **
1000111111111111 0010000000000000 *x*
1000011111111111 0011000000000000 *xx*
1000001111111111 0011100000000000 *xxx*
1000000111111111 0011110000000000 *xxxx*
1000000011111111 0011111000000000 *xxxxx*
1000000001111111 0011111100000000 *xxxxxx*
1000000000111111 0011111110000000 *xxxxxxx*
1000000000011111 0011111111000000 *xxxxxxxx*
1000000000001111 0011111000000000 *xxxxx*****
1000000011111111 0011011000000000 *xx*xx*
1000100001111111 0010001100000000 *x* *xx*
1001100001111111 0000001100000000 ** *xx*
1111110000111111 0000000110000000 *xx*
1111110000111111 0000000110000000 *xx*
1111111000111111 0000000000000000 ***
The mouse driver first ANDs the screen mask with video memory at the
mouse cursor position. This means the screen mask 1 bits leave video memory
intact, while the 0 bits change the corresponding pixels to black. Next, the
mouse driver XORs the result with the cursor mask. This time the cursor mask
0 bits leave video memory unchanged, while the 1 bits change the
corresponding pixels to white. This produces a mouse cursor as shown above
on the right, where a dot ( ) represents an unchanged pixel, an asterisk (*)
a black pixel, and an x a white pixel. The following table summarizes the
cursor appearance for all possible combinations of mask bits.
276 Fastgraph User's Guide
screen mask bit cursor mask bit resulting cursor pixel
0 0 black
0 1 white
1 0 unchanged
1 1 inverted
The color of an "inverted" pixel is n-k, where n is the maximum color
number in the current video mode, and k is the color of the pixel being
replaced. Also, "black" and "white" pixels are not necessarily these colors
in 16-color and 256-color modes. More correctly, "black" pixels are
displayed in the color assigned to palette 0, and "white" pixels are the
displayed in the color assigned to palette 15 (255 in XVGA and SVGA 256-color
modes). If you're using the CGA color modes, "black" pixels are displayed in
the background color, and "white" pixels appear in color 3 (whose actual
color is determined by the selected CGA palette).
With an understanding of the way the default mouse cursor works in
graphics modes, we're now ready to define our own mouse cursor. Shown below
are the screen mask, cursor mask, and resulting appearance for a solid plus-
shaped cursor. The hexadecimal equivalents of the binary mask values are
also given.
----- screen mask ---- ----- cursor mask ----
binary hex binary hex appearance
1110000000111111 E03F 0000000000000000 0000 ...*******......
1110000000111111 E03F 0000111110000000 0F80 ...*xxxxx*......
1110000000111111 E03F 0000111110000000 0F80 ...*xxxxx*......
0000000000000111 0007 0000111110000000 0F80 ****xxxxx****...
0000000000000111 0007 0111111111110000 7FF0 *xxxxxxxxxxx*...
0000000000000111 0007 0111111111110000 7FF0 *xxxxxxxxxxx*...
0000000000000111 0007 0111111111110000 7FF0 *xxxxxxxxxxx*...
0000000000000111 0007 0111111111110000 7FF0 *xxxxxxxxxxx*...
0000000000000111 0007 0111111111110000 7FF0 *xxxxxxxxxxx*...
0000000000000111 0007 0000111110000000 0F80 ****xxxxx****...
1110000000111111 E03F 0000111110000000 0F80 ...*xxxxx*......
1110000000111111 E03F 0000111110000000 0F80 ...*xxxxx*......
1110000000111111 E03F 0000000000000000 0000 ...*******......
1111111111111111 FFFF 0000000000000000 0000 ................
1111111111111111 FFFF 0000000000000000 0000 ................
1111111111111111 FFFF 0000000000000000 0000 ................
If we wanted to make the mouse cursor hollow rather than solid, the masks and
resulting cursor appearance would look like this.
----- screen mask ---- ----- cursor mask ----
binary hex binary hex appearance
1110000000111111 E03F 0000000000000000 0000 ...*******......
1110111110111111 EFBF 0000000000000000 0000 ...*.....*......
1110111110111111 EFBF 0000000000000000 0000 ...*.....*......
0000111110000111 0F87 0000000000000000 0000 ****.....****...
0111111111110111 7FF7 0000000000000000 0000 *...........*...
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 277
0111111111110111 7FF7 0000000000000000 0000 *...........*...
0111111111110111 7FF7 0000001000000000 0200 *.....x.....*...
0111111111110111 7FF7 0000000000000000 0000 *...........*...
0111111111110111 7FF7 0000000000000000 0000 *...........*...
0000111110000111 0F87 0000000000000000 0000 ****.....****...
1110111110111111 EFBF 0000000000000000 0000 ...*.....*......
1110111110111111 EFBF 0000000000000000 0000 ...*.....*......
1110000000111111 E03F 0000000000000000 0000 ...*******......
1111111111111111 FFFF 0000000000000000 0000 ................
1111111111111111 FFFF 0000000000000000 0000 ................
1111111111111111 FFFF 0000000000000000 0000 ................
Note that the center bit defined in the cursor mask causes the corresponding
pixel in video memory to be inverted.
There is one more item needed to define a graphics mode mouse cursor
completely. That item is the hot spot, or the actual screen position used or
reported by the mouse driver. For the plus-shaped cursors just constructed,
it would be sensible to define the hot spot in the center of the plus. The
hot spot is specified relative to the upper left corner of the cursor, so its
position within the cursor would be (6,6) -- that is, six pixels to the right
and six pixels below the upper left corner. You can specify the hot spot
offsets using negative values or values above 15 to position it outside the
mouse cursor matrix if desired.
The Fastgraph routine fg_mouseptr defines a mouse cursor in graphics
modes. The first of its three arguments is a 32-element integer array,
passed by reference. The array's first 16 elements contain the screen mask,
and its second 16 elements contain the cursor mask. The remaining two
arguments respectively specify the horizontal and vertical offsets for the
hot spot. The fg_mouseptr routine has no effect in a text video mode.
Example 14-10 is similar to example 14-9. It shows how to define a
graphics mode mouse cursor using fg_mouseptr. The values stored in the solid
and hollow arrays define the screen and cursor masks for the solid and hollow
plus-shaped mouse cursors discussed earlier. After making the mouse cursor
visible, the program uses the default mouse cursor until a key is pressed.
Following this, it changes to the solid cursor. After another keystroke, the
program changes to the hollow cursor. When you run example 14-10, compare
the differences among the three mouse cursors.
Example 14-10.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void main(void);
int solid[] = {0xE03F,0xE03F,0xE03F,0x0007,0x0007,0x0007,0x0007,0x0007,
int hollow[] = {0xE03F,0xEFBF,0xEFBF,0x0F87,0x7FF7,0x7FF7,0x7FF7,0x7FF7,
278 Fastgraph User's Guide
void main()
int old_mode;
int column, row, last_row;
old_mode = fg_getmode();
if (fg_mouseini() < 0) {
column = fg_xalpha(fg_getmaxx()/2) - 6;
last_row = fg_yalpha(fg_getmaxy()) + 1;
for (row = 0; row < last_row; row++) {
fg_text("example 14-10",13);
CGA Considerations
The mouse driver treats the screen and cursor masks differently in the
CGA four-color graphics modes (modes 4 and 5) than in the other graphics
modes. In the CGA modes, each pair of mask bits corresponds to one pixel.
This means the masks more closely resemble the mode-specific format used by
fg_drwimage instead of the mode-independent format of fg_drawmap.
Fastgraph uses a different default mouse cursor for modes 4 and 5. Its
screen and cursor masks, as well as the resulting cursor appearance, are
shown in the following diagram.
screen cursor cursor
mask mask appearance
0000111111111111 0000000000000000 **
0000001111111111 0011000000000000 ***
0000000011111111 0011110000000000 ****
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 279
0000000000111111 0011111100000000 *****
0000000000001111 0011111111000000 ******
0000000000000011 0011111111110000 *******
0000000000000011 0011111100000000 *******
0000000000111111 0011111110000000 *****
0000000000001111 0011000011000000 ******
0000110000001111 0000000011000000 ** ***
1111111100000011 0000000000110000 ***
1111111100000011 0010000000110000 ***
1111111111000011 0000000000000000 **
1111111111111111 0000000000000000
1111111111111111 0000000000000000
1111111111111111 0000000000000000
As you can see, the resulting mouse cursor is eight pixels wide instead of
Another important point concerning mouse cursors in modes 4 and 5 is the
chance of pixel bleeding, or the changing of colors within the mouse cursor
as it moves horizontally. Bleeding will occur if you use the bit pairs 01 or
10 in either mask to represent a pixel. In the default masks for modes 4 and
5, note that only the binary values 00 and 11 appear as bit pairs. Keep this
in mind if you create your own masks in these video modes.
Joystick Support
The third type of input device supported by Fastgraph is the joystick.
Although joysticks are not as popular as mice, they are often preferable when
a user's reactions are critical, such as in an arcade-style game. Fastgraph
includes routines for initializing a joystick, reading a joystick's position
or button status, and making a joystick behave analogously to the keyboard.
These routines are independent of the rest of Fastgraph and thus do not
require that you first call the fg_setmode routine.
Joysticks are connected to a system through a game port. The PCjr and
Tandy 1000 systems come equipped with two game ports, and hence support two
joysticks. On other systems in the IBM family, you can install a game port
card that contains either one or two game ports. If the card only has one
game port, you can use a splitter cable to fork two joysticks into the port.
Initializing Joysticks
Before you can use any of Fastgraph's joystick support routines with a
specific joystick, you must initialize that joystick. The fg_initjoy routine
performs this task. This routine requires a single integer argument that
specifies which joystick to initialize, either 1 or 2. If successful,
fg_initjoy returns 0 as the function value. If the machine has no game port,
or if the requested joystick is not connected to the game port, fg_initjoy
returns -1. When you use fg_initjoy, the joystick being initialized must be
centered (that is, the stick itself must not be tilted in either direction).
Example 14-11 uses the fg_initjoy routine to try to initialize both
joysticks. For each joystick, the program prints a message stating whether
or not the initialization was successful.
280 Fastgraph User's Guide
Example 14-11.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
void main()
if (fg_initjoy(1) < 0)
printf("Joystick 1 not available.\n");
printf("Joystick 1 found.\n");
if (fg_initjoy(2) < 0)
printf("Joystick 2 not available.\n");
printf("Joystick 2 found.\n");
Reporting Joystick Status
Each joystick can report three items: its horizontal position, its
vertical position, and the button status. Fastgraph includes routines for
obtaining each of these quantities.
The fg_getxjoy and fg_getyjoy routines respectively return the
horizontal and vertical position of the indicated joystick. Both routines
require a single integer argument, whose value is either 1 or 2, to identify
the joystick. The requested position is returned as the function value.
Horizontal coordinates increase as the joystick moves to the right, while
vertical coordinates increase as the joystick moves downward. If fg_initjoy
did not initialize the specified joystick, or if your program hasn't yet
called fg_initjoy, both fg_getxjoy and fg_getyjoy will return the value -1.
Joystick characteristics vary more than those of any other input device.
The values returned by fg_getxjoy and fg_getyjoy depend on the system's
processor speed and the brand of joystick used. It often suffices to know
the joystick position relative to its previous position, in which case the
actual coordinate values do not matter. However, if you must rely on
specific coordinate values, your program must perform some type of manual
joystick calibration and then scale the coordinates reported by fg_getxjoy
and fg_getyjoy as needed.
The other piece of information joysticks provide is the button status.
Most joysticks have two buttons, called the top and bottom buttons. Others
have three buttons, but one of them duplicates the functionality of another
(for example, a joystick might have one bottom button on its left side and
another on its right side). The Fastgraph routine fg_button returns the
joystick button status as its function value. Like fg_getxjoy and
fg_getyjoy, the fg_button routine requires a single argument that specifies
the joystick number. The meaning of the returned value is shown below.
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 281
value meaning
0 neither button pressed
1 top button pressed
2 bottom button pressed
3 top and bottom buttons pressed
You don't need to call fg_initjoy before using fg_button. If the
specified joystick is not present, the fg_button routine will return zero.
Example 14-12 uses fg_getxjoy, fg_getyjoy, and fg_button to poll both
joysticks at half-second intervals. It then displays the joystick number (1
or 2), horizontal position, vertical position, and button status for each
joystick. As the program runs, you can move the joysticks and watch how the
movements affect the displayed coordinate values. The program continues
doing this until you press Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Break to stop it.
Example 14-12.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
void main()
int b, x, y;
while (1) {
x = fg_getxjoy(1);
y = fg_getyjoy(1);
b = fg_button(1);
printf("1: %3d %3d %1d\n",x,y,b);
x = fg_getxjoy(2);
y = fg_getyjoy(2);
b = fg_button(2);
printf("2: %3d %3d %1d\n\n",x,y,b);
There are two ways of effectively monitoring joystick button status.
One is to call fg_button at many places in your program and then take the
necessary action depending on the button status. However, the preferable
method is to extend the BIOS time-of-day interrupt to check the button status
at each clock tick (there are 18.2 clock ticks per second), set a flag if a
button is pressed, and then check the flag as needed in your program.
Information on changing the BIOS time-of-day interrupt appears in Appendix C
of this document.
Keyboard Emulation
Although we can use the fg_getxjoy and fg_getyjoy routines to monitor
relative joystick movements, it is usually easier to do this with another
Fastgraph routine, fg_intjoy. This routine is similar to the fg_intkey
282 Fastgraph User's Guide
routine in that it returns two values that are equivalent to the standard or
extended keyboard codes for analogous keystrokes.
The fg_intjoy routine needs three arguments. The first argument
specifies the joystick number, either 1 or 2. The second and third
arguments, both one-byte quantities passed by reference, receive the standard
and extended keyboard codes analogous to the joystick movement and button
status. The second argument receives a value of 13 (the standard keyboard
code for the Enter key) if any joystick button is pressed; it receives a
value of 0 if not. The third argument receives a value corresponding to the
extended keyboard code for one of the directional keys on the numeric keypad,
as summarized in the following table.
joystick position corresponding key extended key code
up and left Home 71
up up arrow 72
up and right PgUp 73
left left arrow 75
centered (no action) 0
right right arrow 77
down and left End 79
down down arrow 80
down and right PgDn 81
The fg_intjoy routine will set both key code arguments to zero if the
specified joystick has not yet been initialized.
Example 14-13 is similar to example 14-11, but it uses fg_intjoy in
place of fg_getxjoy and fg_getyjoy to report relative joystick position.
This program does not report the joystick button status as example 14-11
does, but you could readily add this feature to it.
Example 14-13.
#include <fastgraf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main(void);
void main()
char key, aux;
while (1) {
printf("1: %2d %2d\n",key,aux);
printf("2: %2d %2d\n\n",key,aux);
Chapter 14: Input Device Support 283
Special Joystick Considerations
If you develop a program that supports only one joystick, you should use
joystick 1. The reasons for this are twofold. First, it will make your
program consistent with most other products that support joysticks. Second,
and perhaps more importantly, many Tandy 1000 series machines cannot
determine if joystick 2 is present when neither joystick is connected. This
means if you use joystick 2 instead of joystick 1 in a single joystick
program, you won't be able to tell if a joystick is available when running on
a Tandy 1000.
Summary of Input Routines
This section summarizes the functional descriptions of the Fastgraph
routines presented in this chapter. More detailed information about these
routines, including their arguments and return values, may be found in the
Fastgraph Reference Manual.
FG_BUTTON returns information about the state of either joystick's
FG_CAPSLOCK determines the state of the CapsLock key.
FG_GETKEY waits for a keystroke (or reads the next entry from the BIOS
keyboard buffer). It returns the keystroke's standard or extended keyboard
FG_GETXJOY and FG_GETYJOY return the horizontal and vertical coordinate
position of the specified joystick. The actual coordinates depend on the
processor speed and brand of joystick used.
FG_INITJOY initializes joystick 1 or 2 and must be called before using
fg_getxjoy, fg_getyjoy, or fg_intjoy. It returns a status code indicating
whether or not the initialization was successful.
FG_INTJOY returns the standard and extended keyboard codes analogous to
the current position and button status of the specified joystick.
FG_INTKEY reads the next entry from the BIOS keyboard buffer and returns
the keystroke's standard or extended keyboard code. It is similar to
fg_getkey, but it does not wait for a keystroke if the keyboard buffer is
FG_KBINIT enables or disables the Fastgraph low-level keyboard handler.
If the keyboard handler is already in the requested state, nothing happens.
FG_KBTEST determines if the key having the specified scan code is now
pressed or released. The low-level keyboard handler must be enabled for this
routine to work properly.
FG_MOUSEBUT returns information about mouse button press or release
counts, as well as the mouse cursor position at the time of the last button
press or release.
284 Fastgraph User's Guide
FG_MOUSECUR defines the appearance of the mouse cursor in text video
FG_MOUSEFIN unhooks Fastgraph's XVGA or SVGA mouse handler from the
mouse driver. This routine should be used just before reverting to text mode
in programs that have called fg_mouseini in XVGA or SVGA graphics modes. It
has no effect in other video modes.
FG_MOUSEINI initializes the mouse and must be called before any of
Fastgraph's other mouse support routines. It returns an error status if the
mouse driver has not been loaded, or if the mouse is not connected.
FG_MOUSELIM defines the rectangular area in which the mouse cursor may
FG_MOUSEMOV moves the mouse cursor to the specified character cell (in
text modes) or screen space position (in graphics modes).
FG_MOUSEPOS returns the current mouse position and button status.
FG_MOUSEPTR defines the shape and appearance of the mouse cursor in
graphics video modes.
FG_MOUSESPD defines the number of mickey units per eight pixels of
cursor movement. This effectively controls the speed at which the mouse
cursor moves relative to the movement of the mouse itself.
FG_MOUSEVIS makes the mouse cursor visible or invisible.
FG_NUMLOCK determines the state of the NumLock key.
FG_SCRLOCK determines the state of the ScrollLock key (which is not
present on some keyboards).
FG_SETCAPS controls the state of the CapsLock key.
FG_SETNUM controls the state of the NumLock key.
FG_WAITKEY flushes the BIOS keyboard buffer (that is, removes any type-
ahead characters) and then waits for another keystroke.