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File List
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*** Packing List File
*** Family Scrapbook v2.01
*** 21-Jan-1994
The complete Family Scrapbook v2.01 package should contain the
following files. Please ensure that each file is present. If
any of these files are missing then the package is not complete
and is not suitable for distribution to others.
Files are listed by which disk they should be on. This list is
for a 5 1/4 inch, DD (360k) copy of Family Scrapbook. To create
a 3 1/2 inch, DD (720k) copy, use 2 720k disks and combine disks
1 and 2 on the same diskette. To make an HD copy (1.2M or 1.44M),
combine all disks onto 1 HD diskette. Duplicate filenames may be
overwritten or not...it does not matter.
Note: Filename that end with the underscore character _ indicate
a compressed file. These files are uncompressed during the
installation procedure.
Disk 1:
File Name Purpose of File
------------ ---------------------------------------------------
FILE_ID DIZ "Description In ZIP" file, for BBSs
INSTALL EXE Installation program
FSB EX_ Family Scrapbook main program executable
FSB FN_ VGA font file
FSBNDX EX_ Index rebuild executable
FSBBACK EX_ Backup/Restore executable
TTEDIT EX_ Tiny Tafel Editor executable
HISTORY DOC Update history
OMB DOC ASP Ombudsman Statement
DESCRIBE DOC Sample descriptions for catalogs, BBSs, etc.
LICENSE DOC License To Use and Warranty information
VENDOR DOC Distribution License, for any person, organization,
BBS, disk vendor, etc., that wishes to pass out
copies of Family Scrapbook.
PACKING LST This text file
README Brief install/description/contact info
Disk 2:
File Name Purpose of File
------------ ---------------------------------------------------
FILE_ID DIZ "Description In ZIP" file, for BBSs
FSB OV_ Family Scrapbook main program overlay file
BLANK DA_ Default "Blank Charts/Forms" data file
BLANK ND_ Default "Blank Charts/Forms" index file
MARGINS DA_ Default left-margin print settings file
PRINTER DA_ Printer driver database file
TIMELINE DA_ Interesting events timeline data file
README Brief install/description/contact info
Disk 3:
File Name Purpose of File
------------ ---------------------------------------------------
FILE_ID DIZ "Description In ZIP" file, for BBSs
FSBEDIT EX_ Text file editor executable
FSBFIX EX_ Database file repair executable
FSBGED EX_ Gedcom I/O executable
FSBPRN EX_ Printer driver database executable
FSBVIEW EX_ PCX file viewer executable
C1790 AS_ Blank form: 1790 US Census
C1800 AS_ Blank form: 1800 and 1810 US Census
C1820 AS_ Blank form: 1820 US Census
C1830 AS_ Blank form: 1830 US Census
C1840 AS_ Blank form: 1840 US Census
C1850 AS_ Blank form: 1850 US Census
C1860 AS_ Blank form: 1860 US Census
C1870 AS_ Blank form: 1870 US Census
C1880 AS_ Blank form: 1880 US Census
C1900 AS_ Blank form: 1900 US Census
C1910 AS_ Blank form: 1910 US Census
C1920 AS_ Blank form: 1920 US Census
CBRITISH AS_ Blank form: British Census
CCHK AS_ Blank form: Census Check Summary
CLOG AS_ Blank form: Correspondance Log
CONSANG AS_ Blank form: Chart of Consanguinity
FGS1 AS_ Blank form: Family Group Sheet, page 1
FGS2 AS_ Blank form: Family Group Sheet, page 2
FINQUIRY AS_ Blank form: Family inquiry
PINQUIRY AS_ Blank form: Person inquiry
RELATE AS_ Blank form: Relationship Chart
RLOG AS_ Blank form: Research Log
FSB DO_ Family Scrapbook user's manual
ABOUT DO_ TTEDIT: Info about the Tiny Tafel Editor, it is
only needed if the editor is not loaded through
Family Scrapbook.
ADVICE DO_ TTEDIT: Advice on creating and matching TTs
GENDATA DO_ TTEDIT: Fidonet Gendata echo info
TMS DO_ TTEDIT: Tafel Matching System info
TTCS DO_ TTEDIT: Tiny Tafel Collection Service info
WHYTT DO_ TTEDIT: Why make a TT, and what exactly is it?
TTCS T_ TTEDIT: sample TTCS Tiny Tafel Collection
README Brief install/description/contact info