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746 lines
/*Substitutions and fills in file, cppskel.dat
Area Fills
@ZZ0 Form the dialog in constructor
@ZZ1 Defined Control Names in Object Def.
@ZZ2 Data struct def
@ZZ3 Variable names in 'read'
@ZZ4 Variable names in 'write'
@ZZ5 Ancestor constructor call
@ZZ6 Uses_ stuff
@ZZ7 include of tcolortx.h, tinplong.h
@ZZ8 Links
@XX1 Dialog's Symbol (as TMyDialog)
@XX2 Dialog's ancestor (usually TDialog)
@XX3 Dialog's registration TStreamRec (as RMyDialog)
@XX4 Filename (upper case)
@XX5 Filename (lower case)
#define Uses_TStringCollection
#include <tv.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <dir.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "readscpt.h"
ofstream outf;
ifstream data;
#define BIG 300
char s[BIG], upperName[MAXFILE], lowerName[MAXFILE];
Boolean needcontrol1 = False;
char* quoted(const char* s)
//if the first char of s is '@', assumes a variable wanted and strips the '@'
//else returns a double quoted string or 0 for empty string
static char q[300];
if (s[0] == '@')
{strcpy(q, &s[1]);
return q;
strcpy(q, "\""); //the first quote in place
if (*s == '\0' || !s) return "0";
strcat(q, s);
short l = strlen(q);
q[l] = '\"';
q[l+1] = '\0';
return q;
void aField(ViewObj *P, char* fieldtype)
outf << " " << fieldtype << " " << P->FieldName << "; //" << P->Obj <<endl;
void aVar(ViewObj *P)
if (strcmp(P->VarName, "control") != 0)
outf << " " << P->Obj << " *" << P->VarName << ";\n";
//the following extend the ViewObj struct's to also write the code
struct DialogWriteObj : DialogObj {
virtual void writeCode();
struct ButtonWriteObj : ButtonObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
struct InputLongWriteObj : InputLongObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeFields() {aField(this, "long");} ;
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
struct LabelWriteObj : LabelObj {
virtual void writeCode();
struct HistoryWriteObj : HistoryObj {
virtual void writeCode();
struct InputLineWriteObj : InputLineObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeFields();
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
struct ClusterWriteObj : ClusterObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeFields() {aField(this, "ushort");} ;
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
struct ListBoxWriteObj : ListBoxObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeFields() {aField(this, "TListBoxRec");} ;
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
struct ScrollBarWriteObj : ScrollBarObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeVars();
struct MemoWriteObj : MemoObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeFields();
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
struct StaticTextWriteObj : StaticTextObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
struct ColoredTextWriteObj : ColoredTextObj {
virtual void writeCode();
virtual void writeVars() {aVar(this);};
//now that we know the final extensions of ViewObj, we can write the
//getKind function
ViewObj *getKind(recType Kind)
{ ViewObj *P;
switch (Kind) {
case Dlg : P = new DialogWriteObj(); break;
case Button : P = new ButtonWriteObj(); break;
case InputL : P = new InputLineWriteObj(); break;
case Labl : P = new LabelWriteObj(); break;
case Histry : P = new HistoryWriteObj(); break;
case ILong : P = new InputLongWriteObj(); break;
case CheckB: P = new ClusterWriteObj(); break;
case RadioB: P = new ClusterWriteObj(); break;
case MultiCB: P = new MultiCheckBoxObj(); break;
case ListB: P = new ListBoxWriteObj(); break;
case ScrollB : P = new ScrollBarWriteObj(); break;
case Memo: P = new MemoWriteObj(); break;
case SText: P = new StaticTextWriteObj(); break;
case CText : P = new ColoredTextWriteObj(); break;
default : P = 0; break;
return P;
char * getWinFlagWords(ushort w, char *s)
//given the set bits return names in 'or' form
static char *flagArray[4] = {
"wfMove", "wfGrow", "wfClose", "wfZoom"};
s[0] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
if ((w & 1) == 1 && flagArray[i][0] != '\0')
strcat(strcat(s, flagArray[i]), " | ");
w >>= 1;
int l = strlen(s);
if (l > 4)
s[l-3] = '\0'; //remove last " | "
return s;
char * getEventWords(ushort w, char *s)
//given the set bits return names in 'or' form
static char *flagArray[16] = {
"evMouseDown", "evMouseUp", "evMouseMove", "evMouseAuto",
"evKeyDown", "0x20", "0x40", "0x80", "evCommand", "evBroadcast",
"0x400", "0x800", "0x1000", "0x2000", "0x4000", "0x8000"};
s[0] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
if ((w & 1) == 1 && flagArray[i][0] != '\0')
strcat(strcat(s, flagArray[i]), " | ");
w >>= 1;
int l = strlen(s);
if (l > 4)
s[l-3] = '\0'; //remove last " | "
return s;
char * getOptionWords(ushort w, char *s)
//given the set bits return names in 'or' form
static char *flagArray[16] = {
"ofSelectable", "ofTopSelect", "ofFirstClick", "ofFramed",
"ofPreProcess", "ofPostProcess", "ofBuffered", "ofTileable",
"ofCenterX", "ofCenterY", "ofValidate", "0x800", "0x1000",
"0x2000", "0x4000", "ofShoehorn"};
s[0] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
if ((w & 1) == 1 && flagArray[i][0] != '\0')
strcat(strcat(s, flagArray[i]), " | ");
w >>= 1;
int l = strlen(s);
if (l > 4)
s[l-3] = '\0'; //remove last " | "
return s;
short bitCount(ushort w) //numbers of set bits in the word
short count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
if ((w & 1) == 1)
w >>= 1;
return count;
void doBitOutput(const char* var, const char* pre, ushort actual,
ushort defaul, char* (func)(ushort w, char* s))
//output something like "foo->options |= ofSelectable or ofFramed;"
//and/or "foo-> options &= ofTopSelect;"
//actual is the bits set and defaul are the default settings
//it's known that actual and defaul are not equal on entry
char s[100];
ushort NOTs, ORs, diff ;
diff = actual ^ defaul; //the bits that are different
if (bitCount(diff) > 5) { //this is too complex--output hex number
outf << " " << var << pre << " = 0x" << hex << actual << dec <<";\n";
NOTs = diff & defaul; //the bits not in defaul
ORs = diff & actual; //the extra bits in actual
s[0] = '\0';
if (NOTs != 0) {
outf << " " << var <<pre;
if (bitCount(NOTs) == 1)
outf << " &= ~" << func(NOTs, s) << ";\n";
outf << " &= ~(" << func(NOTs, s) << ");\n";
s[0] = '\0';
if (ORs != 0)
outf << " " << var << pre << " |= " << func(ORs, s) << ";\n";
void doTRect(ViewObj *P)
outf << "(TRect(" << P->X1 << ", " << P->Y1 << ", "
<< P->X2 << ", " << P->Y2 << ")";
void insertControl(const char *Name)
outf << " insert(" << Name << ");\n\n";
void doOpEvent(ViewObj *P)
{if (P->DefEvMsk != P->EvMsk)
doBitOutput(P->VarName, "->eventMask", P->EvMsk, P->DefEvMsk, getEventWords);
if (P->DefOptns != P->Optns)
doBitOutput(P->VarName, "->options", P->Optns, P->DefOptns, getOptionWords);
void writeHelpCtx(char * VarName, char* H, ushort Ctx)
if (*H != '\0') {
if (strcmp(H, "hcNoContext")) {
outf << " " << VarName << "->helpCtx = " << H << ";\n";
else if (Ctx != 0) {
outf << " " << VarName << "->helpCtx = " << Ctx << ";\n";
void start(ViewObj *P)
outf << " " << P->VarName << " = new " << P->Obj;
void finish(ViewObj *P)
writeHelpCtx(P->VarName, P->HelpCtxSym, P->HCtx);
void flagsOut(ushort flags)
if (flags == 0) outf << "bfNormal";
else {
short plus = 0;
if ((flags & 1) != 0) {
plus = 1; outf << "bfDefault"; }
if ((flags & 2) != 0) {
if (plus) outf << "|";
plus = 1;
outf << "bfLeftJust";}
if ((flags & 4) != 0) {
if (plus) outf << "|";
plus = 1;
outf << "bfBroadcast"; }
if ((flags & 8) != 0) {
if (plus) outf << "|";
outf << "bfGrabFocus"; }
void ButtonWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ", " << quoted(ButtonText) << ", ";
if (*CommandName != '\0')
outf << CommandName;
else outf << CommandValue;
outf << ", ";
outf << ");\n";
void LabelWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << " insert(new " << Obj;
outf << ", " << quoted(LabelText) << ", " << LinkName << "));\n\n";
void HistoryWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << " insert(new " << Obj;
outf << ", (TInputLine*)" << HistoryLink << ", " << HistoryID << "));\n\n";
void InputLongWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ", " << (LongStrLeng+1) << ", " << LLim << ", " << ULim << ", "
<< ILOptions << ", " << quoted(LongLabelText) << ");\n";
void InputLineWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ", " << (StringLeng+1) << ");\n"; //Note: add 1
void InputLineWriteObj::writeFields()
outf << " char " << FieldName << "[" << (StringLeng+1) //Note: add 1 !
<< "]; //" << Obj << endl;
void doAtText(char *s) // an '@' reference string
while (*s) {
char c = *s++;
switch (c) {
case 0x3 :
case '@': break;
case '\\' :
if (*s == 'n') s++;
else outf << c;
default : outf << c;
void doText(char *s)
{ //split up a long string into several lines. String cannot exceed 254
if (!*s) {
outf << 0;
if (strlen(s) > 254) s[254] = '\0'; //truncate if too big
outf << '\"';
short count = 47;
while (*s) {
if (s[0] == '\\' && s[1] == 'n' && s[2]) {
outf << s[0] << s[1] << "\"\n \"";
count = 5;
s++; //extra increment to pass 'n'
else {
outf << *s;
if (count > 75 && *s) {
outf << "\"\n \"";
count = 5;
outf << '\"';
void StaticTextWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ", ";
if(Text[0] == '@' || Text[0] == 3 && Text[1] == '@')
outf << ");\n";
void ColoredTextWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ", ";
if(Text[0] == '@' || Text[0] == 3 && Text[1] == '@')
outf << ", 0x" << hex << Attrib << dec << ");\n";
void ScrollBarWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ");\n";
void ScrollBarWriteObj::writeVars()
if (strcmp(VarName, "control1") != 0) //control1 is used by TMemo
else needcontrol1 = True;
void ListBoxWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ", " << Columns << ", ";
if (*ScrollBar != '\0')
outf << "(TScrollBar*)" << ScrollBar << ");\n";
else outf << "0);\n";
void MemoWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << ", " ;
if (*HScroll != '\0')
outf << "(TScrollBar*)" << HScroll << ", ";
else outf << "0, ";
if (*VScroll != '\0')
outf << "(TScrollBar*)" << VScroll << ", 0, ";
else outf << "0, 0, ";
outf << BufSize << ");\n";
void MemoWriteObj::writeFields()
outf << " ushort " << FieldName << "; //" << Obj << " text length\n";
outf << " char " << TextFieldName << "[" << BufSize << "]; //"
<< Obj << " text\n";
void ClusterWriteObj::writeCode()
for (int i=0; i < Items; i++)
outf << ",\n new TSItem(\"" << (char *)LabelColl->at(i) << "\"";
outf << ", 0";
for (i = 0; i <= Items; i++)
outf << ")";
outf << ";\n";
void DoControls(void *p, void*)
{ViewObj *P = (ViewObj*)p;
void DialogWriteObj::writeCode()
outf << " TView *control";
if (needcontrol1) outf << ", *control1;\n";
else outf << ";\n";
if (DefEvMsk != EvMsk)
doBitOutput("", "eventMask", EvMsk, DefEvMsk, getEventWords);
if (DefOptns != Optns)
doBitOutput("", "options", Optns, DefOptns, getOptionWords);
if (WinFlags != 5) //5 is the default
doBitOutput("", "flags", WinFlags, 5, getWinFlagWords);
writeHelpCtx("this", HelpCtxSym, HCtx); //!! needs work !!
outf << endl;
ScriptColl->forEach(DoControls, 0);
char* SkelDatName(char *exe, char* rtn)
//find where to locate cppskel.dat. Use drive, directory of this exe file
char drive[MAXDRIVE];
char dir[MAXDIR];
char name[MAXFILE];
char ext[MAXEXT];
fnsplit(exe, drive, dir, name, ext);
fnmerge(rtn, drive, dir, "CPPSKEL", ".DAT");
return rtn;
void subst(char *p) //make a substitution for @XXn
char tail[BIG];
short n = *(p+3) - '0'; //get the @XX #
*p = '\0'; //terminate s at the '@'
strcpy(tail, p+4); //keep the rest of the line
switch (n) {
case 1 : //this would be @XX1
strcat(s, Dialog->Obj);
strncat(s, tail, BIG-strlen(s));
case 2 :
strcat(s, "TDialog");
strncat(s, tail, BIG-strlen(s));
case 3 :
strcat(s, "R"); //subst 'R' for 'T'
strcat(s, Dialog->Obj+1); //less the 'T'
strncat(s, tail, BIG-strlen(s));
case 4 :
strcat(s, upperName);
strncat(s, tail, BIG-strlen(s));
case 5 :
strcat(s, lowerName);
strncat(s, tail, BIG-strlen(s));
void doWriteItems(void *p, void* first)
ViewObj *P = (ViewObj*)p;
if (*P->VarName != '\0' && strcmp(P->VarName, "control") != 0
&& strcmp(P->VarName, "control1") != 0) {
if (*(int*)first) {
outf << " os";
*(int*)first = False;
outf << " << " << P->VarName;
void doTheWriteItems()
{//code to Write pointers in 'Write'
int first = True;
ScriptColl->forEach(doWriteItems, &first);
if (!first) outf << ";\n"; //if !first, there is at least one item
void doReadItems(void *p, void* first)
ViewObj *P = (ViewObj*)p;
if (*P->VarName != '\0' && strcmp(P->VarName, "control") != 0
&& strcmp(P->VarName, "control1") != 0) {
if (*(int*)first) {
outf << " is";
*(int*)first = False;
outf << " >> " << P->VarName;
void doTheReadItems()
{//code to read pointers in 'read'
int first = True;
ScriptColl->forEach(doReadItems, &first);
if (!first) outf << ";\n"; //if !first, there is at least one item
void doFields(void *p, void* first)
{ // fieldnames for the data transfer struct
ViewObj *P = (ViewObj*)p;
if (*(int*)first && *P->FieldName != '\0') {
outf << "struct " << Dialog->FieldName << " {\n";
*(int*)first = False;
void doTheDataStruct()
{//code to build the data transfer struct
if (Dialog->FieldName[0]) { //no fieldname, no datarecord
if (present[ListB]) //if we have listbox, define TListBoxRec
outf <<
"#if !defined(__TListBoxRec)\n"
"#define __TListBoxRec\n"
"struct TListBoxRec\n"
" TCollection* collection;\n"
" short focused;\n"
int first = True;
ScriptColl->forEach(doFields, &first);
if (!first) outf << " };\n\n"; //if !first, there is at least one field
void doVars(void *p, void*)
{ViewObj *P = (ViewObj*)p;
void doTheVars()
//define variables whose names are not "control"
ScriptColl->forEach(doVars, 0);
outf << endl;
void ancestorConstructor()
outf << " TDialog";
outf << ", " << quoted(((DialogWriteObj*)(Dialog))->Title) << "),\n";
void doUsesStuff()
static char* uses[] = {"TDialog", "TButton", "TStaticText", "TColoredText",
"TInputLine", "TLabel", "THistory", "TInputLong", "TCheckBoxes",
"TRadioButtons", "TMultiCheckBoxes", "TListBox", "TMemo", "TScrollBar"};
short ts = 0;
for (recType i = Button; i <= ScrollB; ((int)i)++)
if (present[i]) {
outf << "#define Uses_" << uses[i] << endl;
ts |= (i == CheckB || i == RadioB || i == MultiCB);
if (ts)
outf << "#define Uses_TSItem\n";
void doLinks(void *p, void*)
{char *P = (char*)p;
outf << "__link(R" << (char*)((P)+1) << ")\n"; //subst 'R' for 'T'
void doIncludes()
if (present[CText])
outf << "#include \"tcolortx.h\"\n";
if (present[ILong])
outf << "#include \"tinplong.h\"\n";
// The following exit procedure is required in order to view error
// messages before Turbo Vision wipes out the screen
int exit_flag = 1;
void exitfunc(void)
if( exit_flag )
cout << "\nStrike Enter key to continue" << endl;
char c;
#pragma exit exitfunc 100
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// argv[1] is script file
// argv[2] is .src name
// argv[3] is error filename
if (argc < 3) {
cout << "Usage: cppsrc2 <script filename> <source filename> [error filename]";
if (argc >= 4) {
freopen(argv[3], "w", stdout);
exit_flag = 0; // won't need hold up on exit
data.open(SkelDatName(argv[0], s), ios::in);
if (!data.good()) {
cout << "Can't open cppskel.dat" << endl;
readScriptFile(argv[1]); //argv(1) is temporary script file
outf.open(argv[2], ios::out);
if (!outf.good()) {
cout << "Can't open source file" << endl;
fnsplit(argv[2], 0, 0, upperName, 0);
strupr(upperName); //for use later
strcpy(lowerName, upperName);
while (!data.eof()) {
data.getline(s, BIG);
if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ0") == 0) Dialog->writeCode();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ1") == 0) doTheVars();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ2") == 0) doTheDataStruct();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ3") == 0) doTheReadItems();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ4") == 0) doTheWriteItems();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ5") == 0) ancestorConstructor();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ6") == 0) doUsesStuff();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ7") == 0) doIncludes();
else if (strcmp(s, "@ZZ8") == 0) classCollection->forEach(doLinks, 0);
else {
char *p = strstr(s, "@XX");
while (p) {
p = strstr(s, "@XX");
outf << s << endl;
cout << "completed" << endl;
return 0;