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PRINTVB Version 1.3c
PRINTVB.EXE is a Visual Basic program. VB source code files (.frm, .bas,
.txt and .mak) are formatted by PRINTVB so that they are more readable and
make use of your specific system fonts. Page margins are user selectable
and various print options are provided to give you a printout of only the
desired code information. Procedures are individually selectable from a
file for inclusion in your code listings. Further, project files in a .mak
file may be individually or collectively selected for a print job.
Header info including time and date of the printout as well as time and date
of the file are automatically included in the listings. Print settings are
saved for use in your next execution of PRINTVB.EXE.
PRINTVB requires that VBRUN200.DLL be present in your "windows" directory.
VBRUN200.DLL is readily available from most BBS's and from Compuserve.
Scan BBS directories containing "BASIC" programming info or "Visual Basic"
program info to find VBRUN200.DLL. On Compuserve, VBRUN200.DLL is available
in the MSBASIC forum under the filename "VBRUN2.ZIP" in the VBWIN-General
library (library No. 5). PRINTVB requires Windows v3.1, and will refuse to
run under v3.0. This is unfortunately necessary because PRINTVB calls
functions in the Windows 3.1 operating system that are not available in
Windows 3.0.
Unzipped files should be installed in the following locations:
File Name File Type Destination Directory
1. PRINTVB.EXE Main Executable file Any Directory
3. SPIN.VBX Custom control file C:\windows\system
4. CMDIALOG.VBX Custom control file C:\windows\system
5. README.TXT Text file none required
6. License.TXT Text file none required
The files should be installed into the appropriate directory in
accordance with the above table. Of course the above presumes that your
hard drive is designated "C:". If windows is located on your "D" (or other)
hard drive or your windows directory has a pathname other than
\windows\system then substitute the appropriate pathname.
PRINTVB.HLP should be located in the same directory as PRINTVB.EXE
else it will not be found when accessed by PRINTVB.EXE.
PRINTVB.EXE will create a PRINTVB.INI file in its directory if this
file cannot be found. This file is a text file containing the setup
information that PRINTVB loads upon initial execution. CAUTION: do not
change the entries in PRINTVB.INI using a text editor else you may alter
the predefined format of the file and the code sequences necessary for the
option feature lines to be recognized. The parameters ARE case sensitive.
If you ever wish to return to the default settings of PRINTVB simply delete
the PRINTVB.INI file located in the directory with PRINTVB.EXE.
CAUTION: If upon unzipping the files you do not see the -AV
parameter reported by PKUNZIP when authenticity verification is confirmed,
then make certain to check for viruses or other contaminents that might be
present. The author cannot guarantee the programs are free from virus
infection if you do not get the -AV report.
PRINTVB is written in Visual basic 2.0. It requires Windows version 3.1
to run. If you run PRINTVB under Windows 3.0 or less, the program will
notify you of the incorrect Windows version and end. PRINTVB is a Windows
program and will not run from the DOS prompt.
PRINTVB is SHAREWARE and continued use of the program beyond a reasonable
evaluation period is a violation of copyright law. A reasonable evaluation
period is 30 days.
You are invited to upload the original .zip file to your local BBS or
distribute PRINTVB to others, so long as the original .zip file is
distributed and the files are not distributed as a part of a shareware
collection on a floppy disk, CD-ROM or other medium used for distribution
of software that is sold for profit unless written permission is obtained
from the author his successors or assigns.
Prices: PRINTVB is $14.95 (U.S.) for each copy purchased. Add $3.00
shipping expenses for locations within the U.S. and $8.00 for
foreign shipping locations. Send your order request with floppy
requirements to Kyle Brant at the address listed below.
To obtain a copy of the source code, include an additional $20.00
with your order.
Use of the program is restricted to only one user at a time. This means the
program can be installed on more than one computer for use by a single
registered owner so long as only one of the copies of PRINTVB is running at
any particular moment in time. Other use limitations, warranty disclaimers
and terms are contained in the document license.doc contained in the zip
archive. Use of PRINTVB implies your agreement to the terms set forth above
and contained in the license.doc file.
PRINTVB is not to be distributed on a "for profit" basis as part of a
shareware disk or shareware CD without the prior written consent of the
author and agreed payment of a reasonable royalty for each copy sold.
You can register PRINTVB via the SWREG forum of Compuserve. Use the GO
command and SWREG as the forum name. When prompted, use the registration
ID number: 1482
to access the online registration process. The process is self-explanatory
and prompts you for the appropriate information. Upon receiving notice of
your registration, I will supply you a PRINTVB registration number that
corresponds to the name used during the registration process.
If you have any questions or comments contact Kyle Brant via Compuserve
mail at CIS 74220,2420, leave a message in the MSBASI forum of Compuserve,
or at America Online user name KYLESB, or via regular mail or telephone at:
Kyle Brant
5441 Fenmore Road
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Telephone (317) 297-9801
Copyright 1993 Kyle S. Brant
All Rights Rerved