DP Tool Club 12
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This is a typical contents list for the diskette I'll send when you register
ECHON ARC 811 8-06-92 11:28p Echo without CR/LF
NOTREADY ARC 1629 8-06-92 11:28p Dummy disk driver - reserves drive let
SET1234 ARC 739 8-06-92 11:29p Makes reset button do a warm boot
VTREE2 ARC 17674 8-06-92 11:29p Highly modified VTREE
BGIRES ZIP 8735 11-07-92 12:09a Make BGI files into resources
BP7BUGS2 ZIP 18107 20-05-93 10:01p BP 7 bug list
CACHEMON ZIP 12410 8-06-92 11:46p TSR disk cache monitor
CLEAN ZIP 8576 23-07-90 10:25p Clean floppy disk
CLEARMEM ZIP 1713 6-06-91 8:32p Clear unused TP memory
DMPPRG21 ZIP 47129 18-05-93 10:19p Dumpprog version 2.1
DV87 ZIP 1239 14-08-90 1:17p Desqview 80x87 fix
ERR87_13 ZIP 13697 24-01-93 11:11a Error 207 diagnostic unit
FINDHELP ZIP 14785 27-04-93 10:18p Search .TPH files
FULLDB13 ZIP 14410 15-10-91 11:08p Full debug info for TP 6
GLUE ZIP 9046 8-06-92 11:47p Replaces DOS stub
HLP2TPH ZIP 34043 28-10-93 8:31p Convert TurboPower .HLP to Borland TPH
INTRFC4 ZIP 20332 23-12-90 5:12p Dumps interface for TP 4 .TPU
INTRFC5 ZIP 33867 8-06-92 11:48p Incomplete TP 5.0 .TPU dumper
INTRFC55 ZIP 47560 8-06-92 11:49p TP 5.5 TPU dumper
INTRFC63 ZIP 56368 20-07-92 8:52p TP 6.0 TPU dumper
LASTLOOK ZIP 26342 31-08-93 10:31p Last minute checks of TP .EXE files
LOGGER ZIP 6397 2-02-91 7:26p Log program args and I/O
MOUSEFIX ZIP 8504 29-04-91 11:02a Fix mouse in DV
NEXTCLUS ZIP 3406 8-06-92 11:12p Find next cluster to be used by DOS
NMI ZIP 1511 8-06-92 11:57p Fix NMI problems in Desqview
NOPRTSCR ZIP 280 22-02-91 10:30a Turn off printscreen
OPENFIL3 ZIP 2987 24-06-93 9:16p Print list of open files in TP program
PAUSEDEV ZIP 6063 23-01-93 7:02p TP device driver code - PAUSE command
PROB20 ZIP 69101 21-04-89 11:04a Probability calculator
SAVEMOUS ZIP 8923 8-06-92 11:51p Saves mouse status for later restore
SCANHREG ZIP 265393 14-01-94 9:40p Registered version of SCANHELP
SHOWF251 ZIP 31160 24-06-93 9:40p Graphical display of files on disk
STREAM15 ZIP 73914 28-03-93 10:01a Many different types of streams
STRIPPED ZIP 8655 29-05-92 11:14p Detects TDSTRIP damage
TDHIDE ZIP 14204 24-05-93 9:58p Shrink TD debug info
TP6BUGS7 ZIP 30661 9-01-93 7:41p TP 6 bug list
TP6MAP2 ZIP 21188 23-09-91 9:00p TP 6 file map
TPDETECT ZIP 7897 25-08-92 8:20a Detect TP executables
TPDEV ZIP 5587 29-05-91 12:00a Device driver written in TP
TPFORT18 ZIP 28331 8-06-92 11:38p Links MS Fortran to TP
TPMAPPER ZIP 24929 8-06-92 11:16p Maps TP 6 executable
TPMATCH ZIP 10370 24-02-91 10:43a Pattern matching code
TPU2TPS ZIP 7951 8-05-93 8:57a TP 6.0 system replacement helper
TRASH ZIP 22719 3-01-93 11:39p Detects trashed registers
TVBUGSP1 ZIP 11622 21-05-93 10:02p TurboVision bug list
UNDOCFCT ZIP 25048 28-08-91 11:06p Undoc functions in Windows .EXEs
VCPIMAP ZIP 5004 8-06-92 11:55p Map VCPI memory usage