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Text File | 1995-01-10 | 52.3 KB | 1,101 lines |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Formula One Grand Prix Editor _
- \X/ © Steve Smith and Phil Smith, October 1994, Version 2.75b []/ |o__
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- The Original & The Best!
- Dedicated to all Amiga Formula One Grand Prix addicts!
- Thanks to Steve Coe, Fred Neaves, Simon Harmel, Phil O'Malley, Andrew
- Costin, Simon Shorrock, Michael Eracleous, Steve Broadbent and
- everyone else who has written to me regarding F1Ed. Most special thanks
- go to Steve Coe for writing so many Fido Net messages to me, you are
- really the most enthusiastic fan of F1GP the World has ever seen, and
- that's official!
- Of course, biggest thanks of all should go to Geoff Crammond for creating
- the best Amiga game ever.
- ***************************************************************************
- ***************************************************************************
- *Formula One Grand Prix, published by Microprose, is © 1991 Geoff Crammond*
- ***************************************************************************
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CONTENTS []/ |o__
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- 1.1 Purpose
- 1.2 Why?
- 1.3 What does it do?
- 1.4 Similar utilities already in existence
- 2.1 Main menu
- 2.2 The edit screen
- 2.3 Edit global options
- 2.31 General options
- 2.32 Re-define keys
- 2.33 Camera angles
- 2.34 Miscellaneous
- 2.4 Statistics Editor
- 2.41 The Buttons!
- 2.42 Using the 1994 laptimes file included
- 2.43 Making a new set of statistics
- 4.0 HELP!
- 4.1 Trouble shooting
- 4.2 Tutorials
- 4.21 Using the 1994 data to play Grand Prix
- 4.22 Changing one of the existing teams to one of your own
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.0 INTRODUCTION []/ |o__
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This utility allows you to edit the various team/driver characteristics
- within Geoff Crammond's Formula One Grand Prix. The changes that are made
- are written directly to the executable file "F1GP" so there is no need to
- mess around with Loading driver names or altering settings before you start
- the game.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.2 WHY?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Formula One Grand Prix was the most innovative Amiga game for a very long
- time when it was released back at the beginning of 1992. However since then
- Microprose seem to have ignored the Amiga version, whilst at the same time,
- the P.C. version of F1GP was released and updated four or five times to add
- such wonderful features as head to head modem link. If you haven't played
- the P.C. version, try and take a look, it's awesome.
- The Amiga version could have been just as good, but to my knowledge
- Microprose never bothered to update it. To go someway towards compensating
- for this, I decided to have a hack at the file to see what could be changed.
- The answer was a surprising amount of stuff. Obviously, I couldn't add
- features like the head to head modem link, but what you can change has, in
- my view, improved the long term playability of the game. Let me know what
- you think.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- · Team/Engine names.
- · Driver names.
- · Team performance levels.
- · Driver performance levels in both qualifying and race trim.
- · Car colours.
- · Crash helmet colours (this only takes effect whilst you are on the
- track, and not on the Driver Selection screen).
- · Pit crew colours.
- · Switch each driver on and off (you must have at least 26 drivers, or
- else the game will crash).
- · Choose which driver(s) are under human control when the game starts.
- · Editing of the default settings:
- - Race length
- - Qualifying session length
- - Practice length
- - Skill level
- - Fast Windows on/off
- - Animations on/off
- - Number of Multi-player turns
- - Quick Race track (specify, or have F1GP ask you)
- · Statistics Editor. Enter lap times from real G.P . and F1Ed will
- use the data to calculate Team and Driver performances for that
- extra touch of authenticity.
- · Supplied with 1994 and 1993 data file, and 11 race 1994 statistics
- file.
- · Redefine the keys used in the game.
- · Alter the camera setup used in the extra views.
- · Supports general release European version and special 3 disk version
- of Formula One Grand Prix (A600 Wild, Wierd and Wicked pack).
- · Change the speed at which the computer cars travel round corners
- (making the game that little more competitive).
- · Choose the performance of your own car, or use the performance
- programmed in to the editor for which ever team you are driving for.
- · Select the probability of a wet race.
- ~~~
- · Remove the manual protection. Although it is perfectly possible,
- there needs to be some incentive not to pirate the game.
- · Possibility of a comprehensive "sound lab" in which you can replace
- all the samples in the game. We've got sound samples of a Ford V8,
- Ferrari V12 and Renault V10 which will of course be included.
- · Choose how likely an accident is to put you (or the computer
- drivers) out of the race.
- · Driver aids available at all levels of competition (to make the game
- realistic if you happen to be driving for Benetton!)
- · Change the points scored for each finishing position. This should
- allow the introduction of, for example, Indy Car data files. Of
- course, this also allows you to keep F1GP up to date if the
- regulations are changed.
- · Default controller options (ie. set up your analogue joystick only
- once in F1Ed, and save the calibration information back to the F1GP
- executable). I've now got an analogue joystick, but there doesn't
- appear to be an OS legal routine for reading it! However, there is
- a quick and dirty way, so I guess I'll have to use that.
- · Track editor :-))) (Just kidding!). Actually, it's always amazed me
- that Microprose never released Track Packs for F1GP. They must have
- a track editor themselves, and each track is a single file. I would
- have paid money to be able to race at Kyalami, Aida, Donnington
- and the other tracks which have been modified.
- Please note that due to the current Commodore buy-out shambles, the Amiga is
- now very much entering it's twilight years, if you don't believe this, then
- I'm afraid you're looking at the computer industry from a sentimental,
- nostalgic viewpoint. If you wan't proof, just look at the Amiga's software
- release schedule for Christmas 1994 and Spring 1995 ... where are all the
- major titles such as Transport Tycoon, Magic Carpet, TFX, Inferno, F1GP II
- or NASCAR?? I could go on for pages as to the reasons/evidence behind the
- Amiga's current demise, but it would be out of place. The Amiga is no
- longer my main machine, a DX2-66 P.C. has taken it's place. For that
- reason, although I still have an Amiga, I cannot guarantee that any of the
- above features will be added to F1Ed, and neither can I guarantee that there
- will be future versions. Please take this in to account before deciding you
- wish to register.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This utility was inspired by a similar utility, also known as "F1ED", on the
- PC. However, for the ultimate "one-up-manship", this editor can do much
- more than the PC version! I'm currently looking into writing a version of
- F1Ed with will run under Windows and allow all the hacks found in the Amiga
- version, plus much, much more. However, please don't write to me about this
- at the moment, I'm too busy to implement anything.
- After the first version of F1Ed was publically released, Oliver Roberts
- released a utility for the Amiga called F1GP-Ed. Instead of using a custom
- screen layout and buttons similar to that found in F1Ed, it uses the
- standard Amiga intuition user-interface. It's a similar piece of software
- to F1Ed in function, but does the job through a different user interface. If
- you received F1Ed directly from me you will find the latest Freeware version
- of F1GP-Ed, and also a demo of the latest registered version.
- Multiplex of Chrome released GP Patch which allows you to speed up the game
- (this is rather silly, because it doesn't make the game smoother, just
- faster). More importantly, it will display the name of the driver who is
- currently ahead of you (and the gap). This is highly useful function that
- is missing from the Amiga version of the game (but can be found in the P.C.
- version). Please note, this patch does have limitations. Because it has
- it's own built in editor for the game, any car colours or driver names you
- have edited in F1Ed or F1GP-Ed will be overwritten. Also, it only currently
- works on the standard 4 disk version of F1GP. I heard a rumour that the
- author's hard disk crashed and the source code was lost. I haven't actually
- written to him yet, but it sounds like he doesn't intend to develop GP Patch
- any further.
- At the time of writing, I have been in correspondence with someone who
- claims to have worked out the structure of the F1GP Circuit files. However,
- I have had to pass his details on to Oliver Roberts as I simply wouldn't
- have time to implement a track editor within F1Ed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.0 INSTRUCTIONS []/ |o__
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- Run F1ED from Workbench or CLI, an about screen will be displayed, click on
- "O.K.". The main menu will then appear.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If we first look at the middle box on the screen, you will see four menu
- items:
- With this option you can load data-files (including all the team, driver and
- preferences information for Grand Prix) that have previously been created
- with "Save Data".
- When selected a file-requester will appear, use this to find and select the
- data-file you wish to use. To enable you to discover which files contain
- F1Ed data, files matching the correct length will appear as light blue in
- the file requester window.
- F1Ed will automatically detect whether you are opening a data file from
- V2.0, V2.5 or V2.75.
- The first called "Standard.F1ED" contains the default settings as supplied
- with the game. Secondly, we have included a 1994 data file "1994Data.F1ED",
- this file's car and driver colours are accurate as of the Hungarian G.P. of
- 1994. The performance figures are based on an average of the all the races
- which have taken place during 1994. The 1993 Data File from V2.0 has also
- been included.
- If you don't wish to load a data file, you will find that F1Ed is
- automatically set-up with an up-to-date (at the time of writing) version of
- the 1994 data file when first loaded.
- You can of course create your own data files using the next option.
- This option will allow you to save the settings you have just edited to a
- data file of your choice. This file can be opened at a later date using the
- "Load Data" option.
- The settings used when you run the game are stored in the main executable
- file "F1GP". If you have the A600 Wild, Wierd, Wicked pack version, this is
- is a 582988 byte file on disk 1. If you have the 'normal' shop version of
- Grand Prix it's a 582992 on disk 2. If the game is installed on your hard
- disk the file is in the main grand prix directory.
- Rather than load the whole file into memory, the editor will read the
- information it needs from the appropriate places. When you have finished
- editing the settings, you will need to write them back to the same
- executable file in order to use them in the game. If you are reading F1GP
- from a floppy disk, this is quite a slow process ... please be patient.
- A progress bar has been added in Version 2.5 which allows you to see how
- much longer you have to wait. However, this will only really appeal to
- floppy disk users. If you have F1GP installed on your hard disk, the
- reading and writing or data will be almost instantaneous.
- From version 2.75b, files matching the correct length of the F1GP executable
- will be coloured green in the file requester window.
- WARNING: This option will make changes to the executable file "F1GP". NEVER
- be held responsible for any damage this editor may cause.
- First of all, a warning, I purchased my copy of Grand Prix when it was first
- released (February 1992). As far as I know Microprose never updated Formula
- One Grand Prix (Other than a few simple changes for the A600 pack version,
- mostly caused by removing the intro animation), despite the fact that there
- have been at least 4 updates to the P.C. version which was released a year
- later!. However, if there are any other different versions of Grand Prix
- out there, the editor will not work with them (unless the main file is the
- same). We have included primitive version checking, if the executable is
- not exactly the length F1Ed expects, you will not be allowed to read
- from/write to the file. This will probably also mean that you will be
- unable to edit "cracked" versions of the game. Come on guys, F1GP is a
- great game, go out and buy it. The 168 page manual is a great read! Anyway
- if you are reading F1GP from a floppy disk, this is quite a slow process ...
- please be patient.
- From version 2.75b, files matching the correct length of the F1GP executable
- will be coloured green in the file requester window.
- O.K., so now you know how to open/write files using this utility.
- When you have opened a file for editing, your attention should then turn to
- the top box, which contains four buttons.
- The first "Edit Team" opens the editor screen (See 2.2) for the team name
- which is currently displayed in the black box directly below. The other two
- buttons "<" and ">" cycle through the team names. The next option "Edit
- Global Game Options" (See 2.3) allows you to alter the default settings (eg.
- Race distance, skill level etc.). The final option so far, Statistics
- Editor, allows you to use real race results to set the performance figures.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When you click on "Edit Team" a different screen appears. At the bottom of
- this screen is a picture of a formula one racing car. You will notice that
- Team 1 has a slightly different shape at the front of the car. Geoff
- Crammond did this to allow for the Marlboro logo on the front of the
- McLaren. For this reason, even though McLaren currently don't have the 1
- and 2 numbers for their cars, we suggest you leave them as the first team.
- Directly beneath this picture is the palette of the colours available to
- you. To change any part of the car, click on the colour you wish to use on
- the palette (the currently selected colour is shown to the right of the
- palette), and then click on the polygon to which the colour is to be
- applied.
- Next to the picture of the car is another bank of buttons. Click on "Pit
- Crew" and the car will change to a picture of the teams pit crew, which can
- be edited in the same way as the car.
- If there is at least one driver in the team you are currently editing, you
- will also be able to edit helmet colours. Under the "Pit Crew" icon, you
- will see buttons labelled "Helmet 1" and "Helmet 2". When you click on
- either of these buttons, the picture will change to the crash helmet of
- either driver 1 "Helmet 1", or driver 2 "Helmet 2". Change the colours of
- the crash helmet in the same way as you would the car or pit crew.
- If you make a mistake while setting the colours of car, pit-crew, or
- helmets, you can use the undo button remove the last change you made. The
- undo feature is 'Multi-level' so if you keep clicking you can undo up to 20
- changes.
- Above the picture, you can change the setup of the team and drivers. First,
- you can change the text in the black boxes. Click on the box you wish to
- change, and then make alterations using the keyboard. When you press
- return, the cursor will appear in the next box. You can also use the up and
- down cursor keys to move the cursor from box to box.
- You can change the settings for the team, and for each driver within that
- team. Simply click the mouse at the point on the scale which you want.
- I've included a box next to each scale displaying the actual value currently
- set. For the teams, the highest performance level is 1279, the lowest is 0.
- For each driver, 1 is the best setting down to 34 for the worst. "Qual" and
- "Race" signify the separate settings for Qualifying sessions and the Race
- itself.
- To choose which drivers should be human controlled in the game, the button
- on the right of the word "Select" is used. It can be toggled between a tick
- and a cross by clicking on it. The driver is computer controlled when it is
- a cross, and human controlled when it is a tick. The program makes sure you
- have at least one driver selected. If this wasn't the case, F1GP would
- crash.
- To allow the removal of teams/drivers no longer competing in the
- Championship, you can click on the "Off" button. Alternatively, if you wish
- to "switch" back on any teams/drivers you click on the "Turn On" button.
- There are two circumstances when you will not be able to "Turn Off" drivers:
- - You cannot switch off a car which is selected for human control.
- - When the number of currently selected drivers falls below 27 (you must
- have at least 26 cars or else the game will crash).
- Click on "O.K." to finish editing.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- When this option is selected from the main menu, a new menu appears. Use
- the mouse to choose one of the following options:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A new screen will appear which allows you to change:
- As in the Race setup menu in the game, from Rookie to Ace. This was put
- in to save you having to fiddle with the game settings each time you
- play Grand Prix.
- Ditto the above. When using "1991 Level", the figures actually
- correspond to those you set using the edit team option.
- Set the length of the practice session, as Race Setup Menu in game.
- (from 5 minutes to 120 minutes).
- Set the length of the qualifying session,as Race Setup Menu in game.
- (from 15 minutes to 120 minutes).
- Set the percentage of the race distance to be covered, as Race Setup
- menu in game (10% to 100%).
- The number of turns for each driver in multiplayer mode.
- The number of laps to be used for the quick race.
- Set the circuit on which the quick-race will be held.
- Use the cycle gadget to select whether the game should bring up the
- track selection menu to allow you to choose a circuit when you select
- quick race, or use the above selected quick-race circuit as normal.
- Use the cycle gadget to choose whether the game shows the normal "QUICK
- RACE" "MAIN MENU" choice when it first loads, or if it jumps straight to
- the main menu.
- Use the cycle gadget to choose whether fast windows are on or off when
- the game first loads.
- Use the cycle gadget to choose whether animations are set to on or off
- when the game first loads.
- Return to the Global Options menu.
- Return to the first, main, menu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This brings up a new screen which allows you to change which keys are used
- for different functions in the game.
- The following is a list of the functions you will be prompted to set a key
- for, along with their defaults.
- Accelerate (A)
- Brake (Z)
- Steer Left (<)
- Steer Right (>)
- Gear Shift (SPACE)
- Reverse Chase View (DEL)
- Forward Chase View (HELP)
- Return to Cockpit (KEYPAD 7)
- Return to Pits (Q)
- Return to cockpit is not normally available to A600 users, because of the
- keypad problem (ie. the lack of it!). There is another key on the keypad
- which we have been unable to track down. This key (INS or 0) allows you to
- view an accident which has just occured. If we can find it, we'll allow you
- to change it in the next version. Also, during qualifying, you press the
- accelerate key to move into accelerated time. Although changing the
- accelerate key from 'A' to something different will also change the key you
- need to press to go into accelerated time, you must still press 'A' to leave
- accelerated time. Again, if we can find why this is, we'll change it.
- When the keys have been set, click on O.K. to return to the Global Options
- Menu.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Choose this option and the camera angle editing screen appears.
- Using the following options the camera angles can be completely changed. It
- is quite tricky to get the hang of this, so its best to start by looking at
- the presets, see below.
- This changes the height of the forward and reverse chase views, and the
- TV style external view (0-1500)
- This changes the zoom used for the forward and reverse chase views
- (0-40535)
- This changes the height of the cockpit view (0-255)
- This changes the speed at which the forward and reverse chase views
- catch up with the car (0-127)
- This changes the the length of time before the TV style tracking view
- moves on to the next camera (0-50)
- As mentioned above, there are some preset camera set ups included.
- These can be moved through using the cycle gadget below the other camera
- bars, and are as follows:
- - F1GP Default Camera Set Up
- The usual set up used by F1GP.
- - Rear Wing 'Cam (Chase View)
- A closer, Virtua Racing, style chase view.
- - Nose/Gearbox 'Cam (Chase View)
- Use the reverse and forward chase views as full screen, low, cockpit
- views.
- - Steve Coe's Blimp View
- Not exactly a blimp view,but sets the forward and reverse chase views
- to a long way from the car.
- - Zoomed in Chase View No Tracking
- A nice view to watch a race from, rather than controlling the car.
- Return to the Global Options menu.
- Return to the first, main, menu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- These options are, as the title suggests, for changing things that don't
- fit into the other catagories.
- Set the probability of a wet race (0 - 100%)
- Change the computer cars cornering speeds (0 - 128). Please note that
- only small changes should be made to this number. If you increase it too
- far you will find the computer cars corner as if on rails, rendering the
- game totally impossible.
- Set the performance of the human players car (0 - 127). The cycle gadget
- below this changes between using the performance set in the scroll bar,
- and using the performance set up for the players team. We recommend
- setting up your own team with a suitable team performance figure.
- Click on this to decrease every teams performance by +/- 10 BHP.
- Click on this to increase every teams performance by +/- 10 BHP.
- Return to the Global Options menu.
- Return to the first, main, menu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The statistics editor is one feature of F1Ed that we are very proud of. It
- is unique to F1Ed, and is not featured in any F1GP editors currently
- available for the P.C. or Amiga.
- As you have already probably noticed, it is possible to alter the
- performance of each individual team and driver using F1Ed. The statistics
- editor has been incorporated so that the performances of the teams and
- drivers in F1GP can be as close as possible to the real World Championship
- teams and drivers. The statistics editor will let you record the details of
- up to twenty Grand Prix, using some or all of these details, F1Ed can create
- a set of team and driver performance figures. To use the statistics editor,
- you must be able to supply F1Ed with the fastest lap time each driver
- recorded during both qualifying sessions and the race itself. This
- information is readily available in publications such as Autosport.
- Qualifying lap times appear on the BBC Ceefax service during each G.P.
- weekend.
- Using the statistics editor, you can choose how many races are included in
- the performance calculation. For instance, you may like to play F1GP with
- Ferrari being the fastest team. If this is the case, you can ask the
- statistics editor to just work with the figures for the 1994 German G.P. If
- you prefer a more mixed level of performance, you can pick one street
- circuit, one fast circuit and one intermediate circuit. You can also
- specify a range in to which each team's performance must fall. For
- instance, you can specify that the slowest team's performance figure is
- 850HP, and the quickest team's performance figure is 1100HP, the statistics
- editor will calculate the other team performances to fall within this range.
- If this information is not readily available to you, we have supplied the
- quickest lap times recorded at each Grand Prix this year in the file
- "1994LapTimes" which can be read by the Statistics editor.
- This is the first release of the statistics editor, so some of the current
- limitations may be altered in later versions. Currently, if there is no
- data available for a certain driver, the performance figure which already
- exists will be used. Also the statistics editor does not recognise a
- particular driver's name. For instance, the lap times file supplied works
- correctly with our own 1994 data file. However, if you have swapped some of
- the teams or drivers around, you will find the information in the statistics
- editor does not change.
- To enable you to identify the lap time files in your F1Ed directory, all
- file names containing the phrase "laptimes" will be coloured light grey in
- the file requester window.
- NOTE: The lap times are NOT stored in the standard F1Ed data file. You must
- save and load lap time files from within the statistics editor.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you can't be bothered to read the tutorials for the statistics editor
- (2.42 and 2.43) heres an explanation of what all those buttons and gadgets
- do!
- .--------------------------------------------------------------------------.
- |Add new race |
- || |
- || Insert new race after current race |
- || | Move through the loaded races |
- || | Delete current race | |
- || | | .---.--------------' The name of the current race|
- || | | V V ___________________________ | |
- || | `-> [DELETE] [<] [>] [___________________________]<---' |
- || `---> [INSERT] |
- |`-----> [ADD] .---->[/] INCLUDE IN CALCULATION |
- | / _____ |
- |A Tick shows ----' FASTEST TEAM [_____] <-.__.--The performance levels|
- |that this race is SLOWEST TEAM [_____] <-' of the fastest and|
- |part of the calculation slowest teams at the|
- | end of the calculation|
- |Return to Main Menu ->[MAIN MENU].>[SAVE] [LOAD]<. |
- | .-------' `--Load new statistics |
- |Save all the statistics -' [CALCULATE]<-------. |
- | _ _ _________________________`-Calculate and change all|
- |Move through-->[<][>] [_________________________] the driver and team per-|
- |drivers ________ -ormances based on the|
- | .->QUALIFYING TIME [0:00.000] ^ statistics. |
- | | FASTEST RACE LAP [0:00.000] | |
- |Drivers best -' ^ | |
- |Qualifying Time | Drivers name |
- | Drivers fastest |
- | race time |
- `--------------------------------------------------------------------------'
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To use the included 1994 lap times data file, do the following:
- As these statistics are for the 1994 data file "1994Data.F1Ed" which is
- also included with the editor, make sure this is loaded in the normal
- way first.
- Now enter the statistics editor.
- Next click on the "LOAD" option, select the "1994LapTimes" file and click
- "Open File"
- Now click "CALCULATE" and the performance figures are set.
- Click "MAIN MENU", and the save the the altered details as you would a
- normal data file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To make a new set of statistics do the following:
- Have the set of names, car colours etc. that you wish to set the
- performance of loaded first.
- Enter the statistics editor.
- Select "ADD". A box will appear asking for the race name, click in the
- black box and type the name of the race you wish to add, and then click
- "O.K.".
- The name of the race will appear near the top of the screen, along with a
- ticked box marked "Include in Calculation". You can untick this later if
- you don't want the calculations to include this race.
- The first drivers name will also appear, near the bottom of the screen,
- followed by empty places to enter the fastest qualifying and race lap
- performed by that driver.
- Click in the empty "Qualifying Time" box and enter the fastest qualifying
- lap performed by the driver, the cursor will then move to the "Fastest
- Race Lap" box, continue by entering this.
- If either of these figures were not set for any reason, leave the time as
- "0:00.00" and it will be ignored in the calculation. If no figures are
- entered for the driver, their performance levels will not be changed by
- the statistics editor.
- Now click on the ">" button along side the drivers name to move onto the
- next driver, and repeat the process until you have set all the figures for
- this race.
- If you wish to add another race, click on "ADD" again and repeat the
- process.
- Once you have finished you need to set the range other which the figures
- will be set. This is done by telling the program what the peroformance of
- the fastest and slowest teams will be by clicking in the "FASTEST TEAM"
- and "SLOWEST TEAM" boxes, and entering the figures you wish to use. The
- defaults (and normal figures) are 1000 and 850.
- Now click on the "SAVE" button and save your statistics (They probably
- took ages to enter and you wouldn't want to lose them would you?).
- Now click on the "CALCULATE" button to start the calculating and changing
- of your team and driver performance figures, a progress bar will appear
- giving you an idea how long the calculations will take.
- Thats It! Now click on "MAIN MENU" to move back to the main menu, and
- then save your newly calculated team and driver details in the usual way.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.0 60HZ SCREEN MODE SWITCHER []/ |o__
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- We released this editor to improve F1GP on the Amiga. Another way to
- improve the way the game plays and looks, is to run your Amiga in 60Hz mode.
- Geoff Crammond must have designed the game with the NTSC market in mind, as
- there is a large black border at the bottom of the screen, and the cars and
- scenery look "squashed". We've included in this archive, a short 60Hz mode
- switcher. This one is particularly good as it has a go at emulating the ECS
- hardware on a non-ECS Amiga (unfortunately this emulation won't work on
- F1GP, but does on some other games like Test Drive). However, If you have
- an ECS or AGA chipset Amiga (which is basically any Amiga from the A500+
- upwards), you'll be able to play the game in fullscreen mode. Is it my
- eyes, or does the game also run slightly quicker/smoother in this mode?
- We have added an icon which calls the tool "IconX" to run 60hz emulator.
- This is because if you use 60Hz directly from Workbench, it crashes. IconX
- opens a CLI window first, and then runs 60Hz Emulator.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.0 HELP! []/ |o__
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (Q) When I click on the F1Ed icon from workbench or try to load F1Ed from
- CLI nothing happens.
- (A) This could be because you F1Ed can't find the libraries it needs, F1Ed
- looks for the following libraries in your "LIBS:" directory:
- mathieedoubas.library
- mathieedoubtrans.library
- If in doubt, start F1Ed from your Workbench disk.
- (Q) I've tried everything and I still get a"This is not the F1GP executable"
- message when I try to read from or write to the executable.
- (A) If you are NOT using a pirate copy of the game and believe it to just be
- a different version, make a backup of the disk containing the F1GP
- executable file, and post it to me *with a stamped address envelope* at
- the address below.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Still can't figure it out? *Sigh* O.K. here's a couple of simple tutorials
- explaining a couple of simple tasks which can be performed with F1Ed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.21 Using the 1994 data to play Grand Prix
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you run F1GP from floppy disks:
- If you have the Wild, Wierd and Wicked pack version of Grand Prix, make a
- backup of disk 1, otherwise backup disk 2 (To find out how to backup a
- disk, see your Workbench manual).
- If you are using Workbench to copy the disk, make sure that the text "Copy
- of"is removed from the beginning of the back-up copy's name.
- Next load F1Ed (Easy!)
- Click "O.K." to get past the About screen, and then click "Load Data".
- When the directory has appeared on screen,use the mouse to drag the "Scroll
- bar" on the right hand side of the directory until you spot a file call
- "1994Data.F1Ed" (all F1Ed data files are coloured light blue, and have
- "F1Ed Data" next to them in the file requester window). Click on this file,
- and then on "Open File".
- Wait for the "Loading from F1Ed V2.75 data file" message to disappear.
- The program is now set with data for the 1994 season. You can use the left
- and right arrows under the team name at the top of the screen to scroll
- through the teams, should you wish to.
- Now click on the "Write Data to Executable" option.
- When the F1Ed directory appears, wait until the drive light goes out.
- If F1GP is installed on your harddisk:
- Click in the "Directory" box, and enter the path of Grand Prix (e.g.
- "HD1:Games/GP", "DH0:gp" etc.)
- If you run F1GP from floppy disks:
- Remove the F1Ed disk, click in the "Directory" box, insert your backup
- F1GP disk into your computers disk drive, type "DF0:" and press return.
- When the Grand Prix directory appears, use the scroll bar again to find the
- file called "F1GP" (as with the data file, F1GP executable files are
- coloured coded green, and have the phrase "F1GP Game" next to them), click
- on it, and then on "Save File". The program then writes the 1994 data into
- your version of Grand Prix. When it has finished, click on "Quit".
- Now run Grand Prix as usual and the game will be set up with 1994 data.
- If you run F1GP from floppy disks:
- Make sure that when you run F1GP, you are using the backup that you
- actually made the changes to!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.22 Changing one of the existing teams to a new one of your own
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you run F1GP from floppy disks:
- If you have the Wild, Wierd and Wicked pack version of Grand Prix, make a
- backup of disk 1, otherwise backup disk 2 (To find out how to backup a
- disk, see your Workbench manual).
- Next load F1Ed
- Click "O.K." to get past the About screen, and then click "Read Data from
- Executable".
- If F1GP is installed on your harddisk:
- Click in the "Directory" box, and enter the path of Grand Prix (e.g.
- "HD1:Games/GP", "DH0:gp" etc.)
- If you run F1GP from floppy disks:
- Remove the F1Ed disk, click in the "Directory" box, insert your backup
- F1GP disk into your computers disk drive, type "DF0:" and press return.
- When the Grand Prix directory appears, use the scroll bar again to find the
- file called "F1GP", click on it, and then on "Open File".
- The program will now be set with the data from your version of Grand Prix.
- Use the left and right arrows under the team name at the top of the screen
- to find, for example, Williams.
- Click on "Edit Team".
- A screen will appear with all the statistics for your team,and a picture of
- your car.
- First change the Team, Engine, and Driver names by click on the black box
- containing the old ones, deleting it, and then entering your own.
- Next re-paint the car by first clicking on the colour you want from the
- palette at the bottom of the screen, and then on the part of the car you
- wish to re-colour. By clicking on the "Helmet 1" button you can edit the
- first drivers helmet in the same way, "Helmet 2" is used for the second
- drivers helmet, and "Pit Crew" to change the colour of the teams pit crew.
- Next check that the driver you wish to control is selected. Do this by
- checking that the icon next to the word "Selected" on the drivers panel, is
- a tick (If it isn't, click on it).
- When you have finished,click on the "O.K." icon to return to the Main Menu.
- Now click on the "Write Data to Executable" option.
- If the F1GP directory does not appear:
- If F1GP is installed on your harddisk:
- Click in the "Directory" box, and enter the path of Grand Prix (e.g.
- "HD1:Games/GP", "DH0:gp" etc.)
- If you run F1GP from floppy disks:
- Make sure the F1GP disk is in the internal drive, click in the
- "Directory" box, type "DF0:" and press return.
- Next use the scroll bar again to find the file called "F1GP", click on it,
- and then on "Save File". The program then writes your new data into your
- version of Grand Prix. When it has finished, click on "Quit".
- Now run Grand Prix as usual and the game will be set up with your team
- included.
- If you run F1GP from floppy disks:
- Make sure that when you run F1GP, you are using the backup that you
- actually made the changes to!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- See it's easy.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5.0 HISTORY []/ |o__
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- ---- Version 1.0 - Released February 1994 ----------------------------------
- Change Team/Engine names.
- Driver names.
- Team performance levels.
- Driver performance levels in both qualifying and race trim.
- Car colours.
- Supplied with 1993 data file.
- ---- Version 2.0 - Released March 1994 -------------------------------------
- Change Crash helmet colours
- Switch each driver on and off
- Change the following default settings:
- Race length
- Qualifying session length
- Practice length
- Skill level
- Added 1994 Data File
- ---- Version 2.5 - Released August 1994 ------------------------------------
- Now compatible with A600 Wild Wierd and Wicked pack version of F1GP
- Change Pit crew colours.
- Choose which driver(s) are under human control when the game starts
- Improved file requester handling under Kickstart 1.3
- Change the following default settings:
- Fast Windows on/off
- Animations on/off
- Number of Multi-player turns
- Quick Race track (specify, or have F1GP ask you)
- ---- Version 2.75 - Released September 1994 --------------------------------
- Statistics Editor.
- Change the keys used in the game.
- The camera setup used in the extra views.
- Change the computer cars "tyre grip", speeding them up on corners.
- Adjust the human players HP or just use the team performance figures.
- Select the probability of a wet race.
- Click buttons for more accuracy on scroll bars.
- When editor starts, 1994 data is automatically set-up.
- ---- Version 2.75b - Released October 1994 --------------------------------
- - Not a major release, just a few bug fixes: doesn't do anything new -
- Fixed bug in writing data to 4 disk executable which caused "glitches"
- on some of the in-game menus. F1Ed2.75b will also fix the cosmetic
- damage this caused.
- Due to popular demand, a custom written file requester, which sorts &
- colour codes the important files used by F1Ed and therefore makes them
- easier to identify. This file requester is not as intelligent as the
- ASL requester used in previous versions,but will work on Kickstart 1.3
- and integrates better with the rest of F1Ed. Note: the "Volumes"
- button will not work under Kickstart 1.3, we believe this is because
- the function used to read the list of devices was not available in
- Kickstart 1.x.
- ----- Version 2.75i - In existance, but not released yet ! ----------------
- F1Ed "International" Can read a configuration file containing the text used
- throughout the editor. Thanks to Steve Broadbent and the Amiga F1GP Club
- who are converting F1Ed to German for me.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ O[____o\-
- Firstly, I've had to update this text substantially because Amiga Computing
- magazine possibly (although I don't really believe it) didn't understand the
- phrase "may be distributed provided NO charge is made", and included F1Ed on
- their coverdisk without my permission. Let me set this straight down the
- line. If you are intending to make or charge any money what-so-ever through
- the distribution of F1Ed, no matter how un-related you may feel it to be,
- then DON'T unless you have my permission! (I AM a reasonable person!) This
- by saying charge, I include distribution fees, media costs and overheads of
- any kind. If you obtained F1Ed by parting with money, please let me know
- where you got it from.
- Personally, Amiga Computing's argument of coverdisk software not making
- people buy the magazine doesn't hold truth. Most letters I have received
- have been from people who never normally buy Amiga Computing, but just
- bought the one issue which had F1Ed on the coverdisk. Amiga Computing is
- £3.99 per copy. I wonder out of their circulation of over 50,000 how many
- people bought the magazine specifically to use F1Ed? The maths are
- frightening!
- The exception to the rules are Visage Computers (who I know provide a good
- honest cheap service and may therefore distribute F1Ed at their standard
- P.D. rate), and Barkman Computers in Kingston and Ealing.
- If we are maligning your own perfectly good P.D. Library, please send us an
- example of your work, and if we believe you are providing good value for
- money, your name will be added to the list. Feel free, in fact we encourage
- you, to upload this utility to any BBS, providing they don't operate on a
- premium rate number (eg. 0898). This documentation must always be
- included.
- All of these conditions do not stop the average user making a copy (or as
- many copies as they like) for their relatives or mates.
- This utility took me a long time to devise and write, the first versions
- were considered as absolute freeware (providing ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE IS
- MADE). However, from now on, and purely to cover my costs, F1Ed will be
- shareware. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in crippling software, so
- registered versions of F1Ed will be no different to their P.D. equivelant
- (maybe you'll have to keep clicking on some annoying requester, but then
- thats life!). The idea of registering is not just to show your
- appreciation for my work, but also to have any subsequent major versions of
- F1Ed sent to you in the post on the day of release. If you want to
- register, send me £5. If I'm over-whelmed with £5 notes (which I sadly
- doubt!), a percentage of the money will be donated to a Grand Prix related
- charity. Please note, due to the current shambles which is collectively
- called the Commodore U.K./CEI buy-out, the Amiga has very much been forced
- in to an early grave. Since the last version of F1Ed was released, the
- Amiga is now no longer my main machine. For this reason, it cannot be
- guaranteed that there will be future versions of F1Ed. BTW, Please don't
- write to me to tell me that the Amiga community is perfectly healthy. I
- know a number of people who have had Amigas for more than 6 years who are
- now selling up and moving across to the P.C. instead. For sure, the Amiga
- will be around in a few years time, but it is not possible to predict what
- kind of software support to expect. At the time of writing, there is not a
- single major release scheduled for Winter 94/Spring 95 period - unless you
- want dodgy football games. On the P.C., we've just seen NASCAR racing,
- Transport Tycoon and Doom II with F1GP II and Dark Forces amongst the many
- great titles lined up for next spring. Sadly, you could have the best
- computer in the World, but without software support, you might as well pack
- up and go home. That's just my opinion, but you may want to take all of
- this in to account before deciding whether to register F1Ed or not.
- There are currently two people to contact to register your copy of F1Ed:
- Germany:
- Steve Broadbent
- Amiga F1GP Club
- (Full address TBA)
- Rest of World:
- Steve Smith
- 34 Wolsey Drive
- Kingston Upon Thames
- Surrey
- KT2 5DN
- U.K.
- Internet email : steves@a4000.demon.co.uk
- FidoNet Netmail : Rock of Gibralta BBS 2:254/4
- (Please note, I have NOT included my phone number because I do not wish to
- receive phone calls. This is not because I don't want to speak to F1Ed
- users, it's just inconvenient for the other people living with me if the
- phone is ringing all the time). If you are writing to me with a problem
- (and you aren't a registered user) and want me to reply, please remember to
- include a stamped addressed envelope.
- Finally, thanks to my brother Phil who created all of the graphics found in
- F1Ed (offers of commercial work will ALWAYS be more than welcome at the
- above address!)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Formula One Grand Prix ... _
- \X/ ... Not so much a game, but a way of life! []/ |o__
- ----------------------------------------------------------------- O[____o\ -