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- +++++++++++++++++++++++
- V3.36 - 12 October 1997 (155064 bytes)
- o The GPPatch HUD now indicates (with a '>' before the driver name) when
- cars are in the pit lane
- o Greek language now supported
- Bug Fixes:
- o Negative values for the sliders in the display window now get rendered
- properly (didn't work with helvetica, at least)
- o Infinite qualifying tyres feature broke in v3.32 - it's now possible to
- turn this cheat off again when saving to the binary
- o Keyboard shortcuts now work for localized MX gadgets (radio buttons)
- ============================================================================
- V3.35 - 7 September 1997 (154868 bytes)
- Bug Fixes:
- o In v3.34, the system would lock up after exiting from the cockpit (ie
- pressing Esc) if F1GP-Ed was loaded and the GPPatch window was open
- o Fixed the GPPatch driver list and info bar so they work properly if you
- decide to reduce the number of cars during a game playing session
- o The Czech locale catalog now works again
- ============================================================================
- V3.34 - 31 August 1997 (154856 bytes)
- o Updated f1gp.library (now V35.4): New patch will make F1GP take notice of
- the VBR on systems which normally use it - this means that if you usually
- have to disable the VBR to get F1GP to work, then you no longer need to
- do so
- o The Amiga's audio filter can now be set to your preferred setting
- whenever you play the game
- o It is now possible to have wet practice and qualifying sessions
- o Added a new multiplayer patch which makes player cars indestructible when
- the computer is driving them. This is grouped with the "Fix Speed
- Problems" patch (previously named "Multiplayer Fix")
- o The position of the GPPatch HUD can now be preset
- o Lap records can now be loaded and mixed with the current records
- o Shortcut "Today" button provided in the lap record editor
- o Improved "Less cars in races" patch - it is no longer possible to finish
- 26th in a race when less than 26 cars start the race!
- Bug Fixes:
- o Viewing current backdrops now works with version C of the game - before
- F1GP-Ed would try to access the wrong disk
- o Fixed harmless enforcer hits which occurred when printing out the driver
- performance
- o The target display, use team hp and driving aids cheat options will now
- be read correctly when loading from the binary / memory
- o The default position status will now be saved to the binary correctly
- o With certain display positions, the left of the GPPatch stats screen
- would get chopped off - fixed
- o Sometimes, the GPPatch driver stats screen would have vertical bars
- running down it if the HUD was on - fixed
- o Position 2 for the snapshot keys broke in v3.33
- o Removed a bug in the save to memory routine which caused car setups
- to get trashed during a championship season, which made the game crash
- during the final races of the season in some circumstances
- ============================================================================
- V3.33 - 18 May 1997 (152636 bytes)
- o Recoded all routines that load to / save from the F1GP binary or memory
- using a different approach. This was done to drastically reduce the
- likelyhood of me making mistakes in the future which cause the F1GP binary
- to be corrupted - see below...
- Bug Fixes:
- o Idiotic bug introduced in v3.32 which affects versions B and C of the
- game. As a result if you saved to the binary it will now be corrupt :(
- Tell-tale signs include the menu titles in the game being corrupt
- o If you move a team and/or driver up or down in the editor lists and then
- click on one of the buttons to open a colour editor, the correct colours
- are now displayed
- ============================================================================
- V3.32 - 7 May 1997 (151256 bytes)
- o GPPatch "turbo keys" can now be disabled
- o "Exit to DOS - Are you sure?" requester in the game can now be skipped
- o The time it takes for a pitstop can now be adjusted
- o Colours can now be imported from (and exported to) IFF image / palette
- files
- o "Practice Fuel Load" feature has been improved - the fuel load calculated
- will now be exactly the same as the fuel load in a race of the same
- number of laps
- o Localized a lot of the older strings that couldn't be translated before
- o Optimized (40% reduction) the data used to draw the images in the colour
- editors - this means the colour editors will open faster initially and
- the images will be drawn a little bit faster.
- Bug Fix:
- o When loading a prefs file (from ENV:F1GP-Ed) which was saved before v3.20
- the F1GP Binary path no longer has a missing '/' (if there was one in
- the path to begin with :-)
- ============================================================================
- V3.31 - 2 March 1997 (151000 bytes)
- o Increased available range for the horizontal display position (-30 to 30)
- Bug Fixes:
- o The display position can now be saved to (and loaded from) the F1GP binary
- o Due to optimizations in v3.30 loading from memory would deselect all
- drivers in F1GP - fixed
- o The palette is now read correctly when loading from memory
- o GPPatch should now handle all horizontal display positions - in v3.30
- if the position was less than -16, the display would be corrupted
- ============================================================================
- V3.30 - 23 February 1997 (151008 bytes)
- o The "in-game" palette can now be altered
- o GPPatch: font is now user selectable, HUD size can be preset, HUD can
- be enabled automatically, the "right-shift" car setup change can be
- disabled. Reduced chip ram usage, plus the required chip ram is now
- allocated dynamically (only if you actually install GPPatch). Display
- position is no longer hardcoded - uses same position as F1GP is using
- o Added Hall of Fame options to the Statistics window to configure the
- HoF lap record output
- o Added option to allow the "Abandon Qualifying" requestor to be skipped
- o The position of the game display can now be preset
- o Moved "frame rate", "target display" and "detail" options to the new
- Display window
- o Moved "reverse steering help" option to the Car Control window - god
- knows why I didn't put it there to begin with! ;-)
- o Improved the way the Graphics window trys to load the image - if it fails
- to open the file, it will try and open the file (without path) from the
- same directory as the graphics settings file
- o Cockpit designs can now be viewed directly from within F1GP-Ed
- o The backdrop (.bkg) files used by F1GP's menus can now be replaced with
- other images
- o Main window can now be resized
- o Optimized all memory load/save and patch install/removal routines
- o Improved font sensitivity calculations for proportional fonts - should
- result in more compact windows (tested with over 50 different fonts)
- o Updated f1gp.library - V35.2 (minor code optimizations)
- o Altered behaviour of the PATCH and SAVETOMEM tooltypes/cli options - if
- any of these are specified and F1GP isn't present in memory, error
- messages won't be displayed any more
- Bug Fixes:
- o Saving cockpit designs to memory now works properly
- o Fixed bug in Nigel Rowe's McLaren-D cockpit (gear indicator no longer
- blanks out)
- ============================================================================
- V3.23 - 3 December 1996 (140248 bytes)
- o The "super-steering help" which is activated when using an analog
- joystick can now be disabled
- o When saving a new datafile, if ENV:Sys/def_F1GP-Ed.info exists it will
- be used as the datafile's icon. Otherwise the built-in icon will be
- used (as before)
- o New default datafile icon
- o Preliminary 1997 season datafile + Nigel Rowe's updated McLaren cockpit
- Bug Fixes:
- o The GPPatch HUD will now work when using a high res mouse pointer - at
- last!
- o Harmless enforcer hits removed from file requesters that start with
- a blank directory field
- o Foreign character keyboard shortcuts are now recognized
- ============================================================================
- V3.22 - 20 October 1996 (139812 bytes)
- o Added a feature to local speed factor window to automatically adjust
- the speed factor when different frame rates are used
- o New patch to restore system clock after leaving the cockpit in F1GP
- o It's now possible to alter the amount of fuel you get at the start of
- a practice/qualifying session
- o Removed the LOADF1GP delay which was introduced in V3.20. Instead the
- delay can be defined using the new DELAY tooltype/option
- o The "1991 Performance" text which is displayed when you win a
- championship is now altered in respect to the "Level Button" text you
- specify
- o Multiplayer Fix patch improved. Player cars under computer control
- now get the HP of the team instead of a hardcoded value (716 - Ace)
- Bug Fixes:
- o Online help now works even if you omit the HELPFILE tooltype - it should
- default to the English guide file
- o The directory for datafiles was getting corrupted (only when using the
- German catalog file), as one of the buffers was too small
- o The cursor position in the data gadget (in the lap record editor) now
- resets to the beginning after entering a date
- o The "All" save mode in the sound sample window didn't always work
- correctly when the samples were too large, resulting in incorrect and
- unnecessary error messages
- o During a race the GPPatch driver times list was inaccurate as the race
- time was calculated from the moment you enter the cockpit, instead of
- starting when the lights go green. The race times should now be 100%
- accurate
- o In multiplayer races the GPPatch HUD and driver gaps were in relation
- to the best player during the first turn (after the first changeover
- this problem didn't occur) instead of sticking with the player being
- controlled
- ============================================================================
- V3.21 - 6 September 1996 (138184 bytes)
- Bug Fixes:
- o Saving to memory using v3.20 crashed on Amigas with a 68000!
- o Selecting "All the Same" in the options window would select "Random", and
- vice versa - fixed.
- ============================================================================
- V3.20 - 1 September 1996 (138176 bytes)
- o Calculator window - allows calculation of teams' HP and driver
- performance ratings by entering lap times
- o The graphics window can now load IFF ILBM images (requires
- iffparse.library)
- o Altered the way lap records and dates are entered and displayed - a
- lot nicer now. However, these custom gadgets will only work properly
- with KS 2.0+ - this was unavoidable due to missing/unimplemented features
- in the KS 1.x version of gadtools.library :(
- o Saving/loading to/from the F1GP binary is now handled in a different way.
- Instead of selecting the "f1gp" from a file requester every time, you
- just need to set it once in the main window
- o It is now possible to have wet races at Phoenix (USA)
- o The tyre compound used by computer cars can now be altered
- o The default tyre selection can now be altered
- o HELPFILE tooltype / cli option to allow the location and name of the
- F1GP-Ed.guide file to be altered
- o The sound sample window has been enhanced to provide extra features
- o New menu item to allow saving to a datafile, F1GP binary and memory
- all in one go
- o Minor GUI enhancements (up/down buttons in team/driver windows ghosted
- when appropriate)
- o Corrected spelling of page on the german password protection screen in
- the game (Siete -> Seite)
- o Added short delay after loading F1GP (when the LOADF1GP option is
- present) in order to stop F1GP-Ed installing patches and things before
- the F1GP task has been initialized
- o Documentation and installer available in german.
- o New language catalogs: spanish and norwegian
- Bug Fixes:
- o Using the cursor keys to select entries in the list gadgets in the team,
- driver, setup and record windows now works properly
- o After many hours of "hair-pulling" trying to work out why F1GP started
- doing weird things and crashing for no apparent reason, I discovered I
- needed to make some alterations to my code (compiler related). This was
- due to the increasing size of F1GP-Ed. AFAIK, this didn't effect earlier
- versions.
- o The allocation of pit bays during races with less than 26 cars now works
- properly
- o The multiplayer bug fix saga continues... After changeovers cars should
- now get the correct HP when Use Team HP is on
- ============================================================================
- V3.16 - 3 July 1996 (123108 bytes)
- Bug Fix:
- o Messed up the load from F1GP binary / memory routines in V3.14 - the
- following were not read correctly: Nice Audio, Fast GUI, Timing,
- File Filter, Default Dir, Fast Windows, Animations and the Analog
- Joystick switch! Saving wasn't affected
- ============================================================================
- V3.15 - 23 June 1996 (123092 bytes)
- o Cursor keys can now be used to select entries of list view gadgets in
- various windows
- Bug Fixes:
- o Major bug in V3.14 which caused F1GP-Ed to crash when saving to memory
- on 68000 machines - fixed
- o Race positions are now always correct after completing a race which
- starts with less than 26 cars (no blank spaces in the top positions)
- ============================================================================
- V3.14 - 12 June 1996 (122676 bytes)
- o Added a feature to the local speed factors patch which automatically
- reduces the speed factor when racing in wet weather
- o It is now possible to start a race with less than 26 cars, via a new
- memory patch
- o New feature which enables you to choose whether audio interrupts
- should be disabled - this means music modules can be played in the
- background when navigating the game menus without interruption
- o Code optimizations and minor GUI enhancements
- o Recompiled with DICE 3.20
- Bug Fixes:
- o Exiting via Ctrl-C now removes patches from F1GP - before it caused F1GP
- to crash!
- o Multiplayer fix fixed again - computer driven player cars should now
- go at the correct speed at the start of races (before any changeovers)
- o Pit light position now saved properly to the "f1gp" file
- o Loading from the binary/memory now trys to set the "Target Display"
- option accordingly (> 8fps only)
- o With the GPPatch HUD on, pressing the key to bring up the driver list
- now works properly - before the display was sometimes corrupted
- o Harmless enforcer hit removed from keyboard shortcut processing routine
- o No enforcer hit when specifying FONT without FONTSIZE (size now defaults
- to 8)
- ============================================================================
- V3.12 - 10 March 1996 (122916 bytes)
- o Under KS 3.0 or higher, the colour editors always attempt to open on the
- current screen (ie including Workbench) if enough free colours are
- available, otherwise they will use their own custom screen (as before)
- o Altered the traction control gadget text slightly and description in
- documentation to make it less ambiguous
- o 1996 season datafile, 2 new example sound samples and 2 new example
- cockpit designs added to the distribution
- o A few minor changes
- Bug Fixes:
- o In the team editor the pit order is no longer messed up after moving
- teams about
- o Multiplayer fix fixed (!) - hopefully this will fix the problem of the
- player cars being called into the pits continuously after the first
- allocated pit stop in multiplayer games
- o Slight incompatibility between older versions of GadTools and V39+
- discovered - a few things recoded accordingly
- o The main window will now open when switching back to the Workbench screen
- from a custom screen under KS 1.x
- o Routine that detects whether you have pressed help in a string or integer
- gadget has been fixed - it sometimes brought up a help page when making
- colour selections in palette gadgets under KS 3.x for example
- ============================================================================
- V3.11 - 12 December 1995 (122436 bytes)
- o Steering help can now be removed for reverse gear
- o Added QUIT tooltype / cli option
- o Added "Patch After Loading" option to Settings menu
- o Improved Ctrl-C handling
- Bug Fix:
- o The "Level Name" is now saved correctly to World Circuit - previously
- the WC binary got corrupted slightly
- ============================================================================
- V3.10 - 25 November 1995 (121772 bytes)
- o Improved the cockpit graphic replacement feature - a larger picture is
- now used (extra things to change)
- o Positions of various dashboard indicators can now be relocated
- o Added new feature from PatchF1GP 1.9 - pit lane speed limit
- o Added "Position Snapshot" feature (from Grant's HackF1GP)
- o Added a "Multiplayer Fix" for multiplayer games - player cars under
- computer control should now travel at a similar speed to computer cars
- o When saving F1GP name, record & setup files the correct checksum is
- added to the file, so now files that F1GP-Ed saves are identical to if
- they were saved via the game
- o Under KS 2.0 or higher, you can now "drop" a F1GP-Ed datafile icon onto
- the main window (ie now a AppWindow) and it will be loaded for you
- o Most keyboard shortcuts are now localized
- o Added a "memory save" menu shortcut
- o A few minor GUI changes
- o Now requires f1gp.library V35
- Bug Fixes:
- o Some keyboard shortcuts didn't work - instead they produced a software
- failure! This has been fixed
- o The GPPatch HUD now always shows just the drivers' surnames
- o When using the Driver Editor without the Team Editor window being open
- no longer results in possible software failures
- o The "Use Team HP" feature now works properly in multiplayer games.
- o "Save to memory" clashes with patches when running more than one copy of
- F1GP-Ed at the same time have been removed
- o Fixed World Circuit quit patching (f1gp.library)
- ============================================================================
- V3.03 - 27 September 1995 (114624 bytes)
- o Added a lap counter to the GPPatch status line for qualifying and
- practice sessions
- Bug Fix:
- o V3.02 didn't work as it should have done for registered users - hopefully,
- this version will :-)
- ============================================================================
- V3.02 - 18 September 1995 (114584 bytes)
- o "Pit Light Off" feature moved to the Preferences file editor. The
- Miscellaneous memory patch window has gone for the time being
- o Added ASYNCHELP tooltype/cli option - by default, synchronously help
- is now used
- o Catalog translations now available for Germany and the Czech Republic
- Bug Fixes:
- o Major problem with the main string localization routine which meant that
- the wrong strings were displayed most of the time with a F1GP-Ed.catalog
- file present - things now work as they should have done in V3.0
- o Changed one of the load routines. In particular, the Zoom option in the
- Camera window is now read correctly from the F1GP binary
- o When opening a colour editor, on the rare occurance the screen will not
- be opened when it should have been. I hope to have fixed this now
- o Finally decided to fix the integer rounding errors that occured with the
- PlayerHP & FinishHP after multiple load/saves to the binary or memory
- ============================================================================
- V3.01 - 4 September 1995 (114812 bytes)
- o Now uses and requires "f1gp.library" - a little something I knocked up
- to make things a lot neater and to remove clashes between F1GP-Ed and
- other utilities (e.g. SplitTime, GPPerf). This is a major change, but
- there is no noticable difference to the user
- o Added an option to specify how many fast laps can be done in qualifying
- before the pit light comes on
- Bug Fixes:
- o Colours are no longer corrupted in the colour editors under KS 3.x
- o The brake balance for race setups is now printed correctly
- o Fixed some memory loss that occured during initialization failure
- o Corrected an invalid link in the guide (Menu index)
- ============================================================================
- V3.0 - 28 August 1995 (114988 bytes)
- V2.99 AF - 3 July 1995 (109964 bytes - public beta)
- o Brand new GUI layout - more modular
- o Complete rewrite of virtually all code resulting in greater efficiency
- o Traction control, frame rate, car responsiveness alteration and
- 2-button gear changing - same as in PatchF1GP V1.8 by Grant Reeve
- o Various routines from GPPatch V2.20 by Toni Wilen, including time gaps,
- lap time charts, hud display and game speed - GPPatch was altered to
- run on version C of F1GP, to be removable and to have user definable
- keys by me :)
- o Separate Speed Factors for each circuit.
- o Presets for F1GP detail level and keyboard control method
- o Alternative HP setting for when race completed
- o Removal of HP degradation
- o Set the time delays before yellow flags are shown and cars are removed
- from the track
- o Alteration of the cockpit bitmap graphic used in F1GP
- o Removal of checksums in F1GP so that it's possible to load record and
- setup files that F1GP-Ed saves out
- o Title bar added to the F1GP screen, which means you can switch screens
- in F1GP by clicking in the top-right corner of the screen
- o Presetting of the F1GP file requester filter button
- o Certain keys used in F1GP can now be user defined
- o Provided some presets for camera angles and car damage
- o Can print out team/driver ratings, as well as lap records and car setups
- (in a variety of combinations, including Hall of Fame format)
- o Pit light off in qualifying option
- o Restructured the way "Selected" drivers are set in F1GP and F1GP-Ed
- o F1GP-Ed can now open on its own custom screen and with user selectable
- font, as well as a user selectable public screen
- o Colour editors now have the exact palette used by F1GP and the time
- taken to initialize the region maps has been reduced.
- o Improved error messages when running under KS 2.0 or higher.
- o F1GP's task priority is always set to -100 when F1GP is detected in
- memory, resulting other tasks running at normal speed. This doesn't
- affect the actual game (ie while driving) as it multitasking is disabled.
- o F1GP-Ed now uses dos ReadArgs() to handle command line operation, which
- also means limited cli options when running on KS 1.x :-(
- o Settings file now saved in ENV:F1GP-Ed (instead of S:)
- o Most F1GP-Ed customization is now done by using ToolTypes
- o New CLI (KS 2.0+) and ToolType options
- o The "GetFile" gadget image now shows up with KS 1.x
- o Most of the strings are now localized, meaning that F1GP-Ed can work in
- any language provided a catalog file and locale.library (WB 2.1+) are
- found
- Bug Fixes:
- o Increasing the Speed Factor, while the "Use Team HP" setting is selected
- no longer has the side effect of increasing the steering sensitivity,
- which rendered the car impossible to drive
- o When the SAVETOMEM cli option is used, the first available driver slot
- sometimes got "selected" by F1GP as well as your choices. This shouldn't
- happen anymore
- o Maximum HP is now 1431 (instead of 1432)
- o Minimum Speed Factor is now 15000 (instead of 0)
- ============================================================================
- V2.45 - 11 June 1995
- Bug Fixes:
- o The slow duplicate car which was partially removed in the last version
- has now been removed completely (fingers crossed). It was showing up on
- quick races and races after qualifying was skipped, ultimatly resulting
- in F1GP to crash.
- o "Filter Dirs" ASL V40 incompatibility fixed.
- o Enforcer hit in the autoload requester removed.
- o Recompiled with Dice 3.01
- ============================================================================
- V2.44 - 20 April 1995
- Bug Fix:
- o Due to a side effect of allowing drivers 36-40 in teams 19 and 20, in the
- previous version, F1GP became confused and sometimes there would be
- duplicate drivers - one of which drived slowly and in a strange coloured
- car. I hope I've sorted this problem out now.
- ============================================================================
- V2.43 - 30 March 1995
- o First release since the theft of my Amiga. As a consequence of this
- theft, the keyfiles are in a new format and, therefore, any keyfiles
- sent out with previous versions won't work with this version or future
- versions (ask me for a new keyfile if you need one).
- o You can now use drivers 36-40 in teams 19 and 20 without problems
- o Recompiled with Dice 3.0
- Bug Fixes:
- o The maximum length of team and engine names should have been 12 instead
- of 13 - using 13 characters caused the next name to be erased.
- o F1GP-Ed no longer locks up if there is not enough memory to open a
- colour editor.
- o Loading car setups or lap records caused F1GP-Ed to crash when certain
- windows were not open - fixed.
- o If the brake balance of race setups was set towards the rear it was
- replaced with the qualifying brake balance, when they were printed out -
- fixed.
- o If you don't use the Topaz 8 font, and your chosen font is too big for
- some windows (not all), it should have been set back to Topaz 8, but due
- to a bug in the GadToolsBox source this was not always the case. So,
- each window can now have its own font (ie it remembers the right font).
- ============================================================================
- V2.42 - 29 January 1995
- o Added new feature for analog joystick owners to allow separate buttons
- to change up/down gears.
- o ReqTools requesters are now only used as the last resort, making F1GP-Ed
- slightly more "Style Guide" complient. Use RTPatch to force ReqTools
- requesters, if you prefer them.
- o Improved efficiency of window opening routines, and put "locks" on windows
- while they are being opened and drawn.
- Bug Fixes:
- o Major bug which caused version C of F1GP to crash just after loading, has
- been fixed.
- o Corrected the default for "Fast Windows", and the default pit crew
- colours.
- ============================================================================
- V2.41 - 17 January 1995
- o Improved F1GP detection for the load/save memory options. In V2.40,
- F1GP-Ed could only detect F1GP if the 'f1gp' file was run.
- o The "Filter Dirs" no longer affects the sound sample file requesters, as
- I found it incredibly tedious having to switch it off everytime I wanted
- to save a sample which wasn't exactly the same size as recommended.
- o F1GP-Ed executable size reduced a little.
- Bug fixes:
- o Major bug removed - F1GP no longer crashes when you or the computer cars
- have used 4 sets of qualifying tyres, when the "Infinite Q Tyres" feature
- is switched off!
- o On-line help now works on the F1GP Prefs menu. Menu help, in general, now
- works with KS 3.0 (and above), and bugs resulting from use of menu help
- have been fixed.
- o When any slider gadgets show 95, on-line help was always brought up
- unwantedly - this was partially due to a bug in GadToolsBox, but I have
- now altered the code so it works correctly.
- o Using ASL file requesters and the Filter Dirs option caused F1GP-Ed to
- lock up - now fixed.
- ============================================================================
- V2.40 - 3 January 1995
- o Added an option to load a single car setup to the car setup editor.
- o Added options to read/write to a resident copy of F1GP running in memory,
- rather than to the binary file.
- o New CLI option "SaveToMem".
- o New options in the Hacks 2 window which allow use of Q Tyres in practice,
- infinite Q Tyres and a faster F1GP GUI.
- o A couple of things tidied up regarding filenames and dirs when using the
- CLI options or the Autoload feature.
- Bug fixes:
- o The "Use Topaz 8" options caused "selected" button gadgets in the main
- window to get confused sometimes. This is now fixed.
- o Selecting "All the Same" in the options window would select "Random", and
- vice versa - fixed.
- o When running under KS 1.x the Hacks 2 window is now activated when opened,
- like other windows.
- ============================================================================
- V2.31 - 26 November 1994
- Bug fixes:
- o The "Separate Qual/Race Car Setups" option was displaying the opposite to
- what it should have been - fixed.
- o The Day and Month gadgets did not work properly stopped working in V2.30,
- due to them only allowing a single digit instead of 2.
- o The "Use Topaz 8" option stopped working in V2.30, causing the system to
- lock-up!
- o The "Zoom" camera parameter is no longer altered after saving to the
- binary, which did cause problems.
- ============================================================================
- V2.30 - 16 November 1994
- o Added a camera view adjustment editor to the Hacks II window.
- o Added a car setup editor to the lap record editor window, and altered the
- "Extras" menu to make way for this.
- o Finally decided to support the "Separate Setups" option from F1GP race
- options, because of the new car setup editor - Hacks window altered.
- o Transformed the text doc into AmigaGuideĀ® format and rewrote some sections,
- which allowed me to implement on-line help.
- o The main structure of F1GP-Ed's source code has changed to increase
- efficiency - GadToolsBox generated code was less efficient.
- o Added an AmigaDOS "Version" string.
- o Provided an "Installer" script.
- Bug Fixes:
- o The "Animations" checkbox in the "Options" window did not work properly -
- it always took the value from "Fast Windows".
- o F1GP-Ed V2.13+ would not run from the CLI on KS 1.x systems due to a bug
- (???) in KS 1.x. To fix this, the initial stack check is not carried out
- when running on KS 1.x.
- o The Lap Record editor now gets updated when new records are loaded
- independently.
- ============================================================================
- V2.21 - 23 October 1994
- o Added a lap record editor, and rearranged the "Extras" menu to make space
- for this.
- o Slight decrease (30%) in the time taken to enable the "Click Graphics"
- option. There is no longer a long delay when quitting F1GP-Ed if the
- option has been enabled at some point.
- o Further optimizations in the source code.
- o When the "Colour Ed Selection" is set to "By Colour", and "UNDO" is pressed,
- the current palette colour now remains unchanged.
- Bug Fixes:
- o When using the "Output as Text" option, if any of the years of the dates
- were < 1985, the date would be completely wrong.
- o Bug when using "Click Graphics" on the car for team 1 - clicking on the
- Nose>>Cockpit part would sometimes colour the wrong part.
- o Possible chance of memory corruption which occurred when using the
- Autoload file requester has been removed.
- ============================================================================
- V2.20 - 29 September 1994
- o Discovered that the A600 WWW F1GP binary is slightly different. F1GP-Ed
- now supports this version.
- o F1GP-Ed will now replace any sound sample in the game.
- Bug Fixes:
- o Somehow, the "Driving Aid Cheat" option in the Hacks window stopped
- working - it works now though.
- o In V2.13, reading Car Setup files into F1GP-Ed proved impossible as I
- made a slight mistake in the new file handling code. Lap Record files
- were trying to be read instead. Works fine now.
- o Minor bug in the default team names: Team 10 was named as "Sorrell"
- instead of "Masuka Realm".
- o Slight bug in new file handling routine, which may have caused corrupted
- filenames and titles in some requesters.
- o Slight mistake in the PAL Timing code, the mistake did not seem to cause
- any problems, but I have corrected it anyway.
- o Major bug when saving an engine sample. If the sample was less than 21160
- bytes, F1GP-Ed would probably corrupt the memory, resulting in "Software
- Failures".
- ============================================================================
- V2.13 - 19 September 1994
- o Improved file handling (now uses less stack) and added an option to filter
- files in most of the F1GP-Ed requesters. As a consequence F1GP-Ed now needs
- ReqTools V38+ or ASL V38+ - not much of a loss, as ReqTools requesters are
- far better than ASL V36 requesters anyway.
- o Now, F1GP-Ed will not run if you are using a stack size < 4000 bytes - an
- error message will be displayed instead.
- o Made low memory checking robust (it was totally inadequate). F1GP-Ed will
- never crash in low memory conditions - it will just abort what it is doing
- and wait for you to respond.
- o "Checking" the "Click Graphics" options in the Settings menu will now
- allocate the data needed, if it has not been allocated already. However,
- this data will only be freed when you quit F1GP-Ed.
- Bug Fixes:
- o Still a few errors in the graphics data - there are definitly no more
- errors now!
- o Bug when using the cursor keys to change colours in the colour editor
- causing the hilight to be turned on - fixed.
- ============================================================================
- V2.12 - 12 September 1994
- o The Colour Editors have now been improved. It is now possible to alter
- parts by colour and it is also possible to click on the actual graphics
- instead of clicking the part name gadgets. I then had to add 2 options
- to the settings menu.
- Bug Fix:
- o The graphics data for the colour editors had a few minor errors -
- corrected them.
- ============================================================================
- V2.11 - 31 August 1994
- o When loading F1GP name, setup or records files into F1GP-Ed, the default
- directory for the file requesters will be the same as the dir specified in
- the hacks window.
- Bug Fixes:
- o After saving a new sample to the binary, the directory used for datafiles
- was being replaced with the bin dir - not a major bug, but caused me (and
- others, I expect) some confusion with datafiles being saved in the wrong
- place.
- o If you clicked on a "Edit xxx..." colour editor button when the colour
- editor was already open, the colour editor would iconify itself, instead
- of just being brought into view - fixed.
- o Slight bug in the damage, analog stats and speed factor gadgets if you
- entered a value over 65535. The value should have been decreased to the
- maximum, and now is.
- o Whoops... the maximum damage should have been 32767. 32768 does the same
- as zero!
- ============================================================================
- V2.10 - 25 August 1994
- o First release for REGISTERED users.
- o Totally rewrote the GUI using GadToolsBox. All of the windows used by
- F1GP-Ed can now be open and used at the same time, including 3 separate
- colour editors. New option for the config menu which remembers windows
- that are open and their positions. The GUI is now font adaptive. Font
- adaptivity can be disable with the new Use Topaz option on the settings
- menu. When running under KS 3.0 "New Look" menus will be used. All this
- meant rewriting most of the code (or rearranging it), which may have
- introduced bugs - but hopefully not!
- o Renamed the Configuration menu to Settings.
- o Can now use the right mouse button to toggle the hilight in the colour
- editors - also moved the palette to the left so it is easier to access.
- The colour editor no longer uses the KS 2.0 default colours for the
- window - instead the same colours are used as the ones set in Workbench
- preferences.
- o Added an option to reorder the allocation of garages in the pit lane
- (doubles as an alternative team selector).
- o Can now change the number of points that are awarded to the top 10
- finishers during a season.
- o Provided an option to print out lap records and car setups to a file (aka
- F1GP-LapSet - but with more options).
- o Renamed the "Tyre Grip" hacks option to "Speed Factor" as tyre grip is not
- an accurate description of the function.
- o Improved error checking when loading/saving files.
- o Removed stack checking as F1GP-Ed now uses less stack (< 2000 bytes), plus
- the stack check code would increase the executable by over 10K bytes.
- Bug Fixes:
- o Removed a bug which caused crashes when using the colour editors. This
- bug has been resident since V0.1! There were only a few isolated cases,
- but when developing the new GUI the bug grew in frequency.
- o For some reason I forgot to save the default dir from the hacks window in
- the datafile - it was still being saved in the config file. I have
- corrected this now.
- o Bug in the damage gadgets - DICE does not like the maximum value for some
- reason, so I have halved it to 32768.
- ============================================================================
- V2.04 - 26 November 1994 (86560 bytes)
- Bug fix:
- o V2.03 failed to work with the A600 WWW version of F1GP, due to me
- accidently pressing the delete key while editting the source code!
- ============================================================================
- V2.03 - 19 November 1994 (Update of V2.02 & bug fixes from V2.10-V2.21)
- o Added support for the A600 WWW version of F1GP.
- o Added a couple of other non-F1GP-Ed things from the registered version (ie
- AmigaGuideĀ® documenation, Installer script & Version string)
- Bug fixes:
- o Minor bug in the default team names: Team 10 was named as "Sorrell"
- instead of "Masuka Realm".
- o Slight mistake in the PAL Timing code, the mistake did not seem to cause
- any problems, but I have corrected it anyway.
- o Major bug when saving an engine sample. If the sample was less than 21160
- bytes, F1GP-Ed would probably corrupt the memory, resulting in "Software
- Failures".
- o Removed minor errors from the colour editor graphics data
- o Slight bug in the damage, analog stats and tyre grip gadgets if you
- entered a value over 65535. The value should have been decreased to the
- maximum, but I made a slight mistake in the source code :)
- o Whoops... the maximum damage should have been 32767.
- ============================================================================
- V2.02 - 27 July 1994
- o Added an option to adjust the timing according to whether PAL or NTSC is
- being used.
- o Added a keyfile processor which loads in relevant information about the
- registered user and enables the `Timing' option.
- ============================================================================
- V2.00 - 23 June 1994
- o Added memory check routines to try and prevent F1GP-Ed crashing in low
- memory conditions.
- o Added an option to the configuration menu to allow the user to disable the
- quit requester.
- o Added an UNDO button to the colour editor.
- o Removed the Read and Write cycle gadgets as they have become pretty
- pointless at the moment as there are only 2 ways you can read and write.
- Extra items added to the file menu to cope with these changes.
- o Renamed the prefs menu to configuration menu, due to possible confusions
- between F1GP Preferences and prefs.
- o Splitted the F1GP Preferences into 2 separate windows.
- o Added a new F1GP Preferences menu to access these 2 windows and provide
- options to reset the options and hacks to normal.
- o Added an option to save a new engine sound sample to the F1GP binary.
- o Added alot of new features in the new Hacks section of Preferences.
- Briefly these are: Manual selection, driver aid cheat, damage, skip menus,
- use team settings, choose quick race, wet race probability, tyre grip,
- Player HP and additional A1200 keyboard layout.
- o New format for the F1GP-Ed datafile. Old format still recognized though.
- o Major rewrite of file handling routines, resulting in more reliable and
- faster saves, but a slight increase in the code size for these.
- o A few other cosmetic changes also, including some graphics.
- Bug Fixes:
- o When writing to the binary, F1GP-Ed will assign no drivers to any teams
- that will not be used (ie excluded by Max Teams setting). This will
- ensure that no cars will go extra slow, but means that the drivers that
- were erased cannot be read back from the binary.
- o Changed the Max HP to 1432 (logically correct, but not fully tested!)
- o F1GP-Ed should now use less stack
- o The crowd no longer disappears if you use the default data.
- ============================================================================
- V1.02 - 30 May 1994
- o Discovered that F1GP-Ed did not work with World Circuit, so support is now
- included.
- o Added another confirmation requester to make sure users don't overwrite
- the wrong files.
- o Altered the colour editor palette slightly.
- ============================================================================
- V1.01 - 23 May 1994
- o Added dynamic stack allocation, so that the stack would never overflow
- causing requesters to crash.
- ============================================================================
- V1.00 - 22 May 1994
- First public release of F1GP-Ed.
- ============================================================================
- V0.2 Beta - 17 April 1994
- First release of the editor - for beta testers only.