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- SplitTime v1.7
- by
- Rene Smit
- August 1997
- This document describes SplitTime, a public domain utility which gives you
- three split times during your laps in World Circuit/Formula One Grandprix.
- If you have any comments, buglists or suggestions feel free to mail me at
- rsdi@xs4all.nl
- My home page is located at
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsdi/
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- I hereby state that I am not responsible for any damage or loss of
- data, whether or not caused by using either SplitTime or PrintSplits.
- Distribution
- ------------
- You may copy SplitTime to everyone as long as you copy the original
- lha file containing the following files:
- - SplitTime (c) 1995-97 Rene Smit
- - SplitTime.doc
- - PrintSplits (c) 1995 Rene Smit
- - libs/f1gp.library (c) 1995-97 Oliver Roberts
- The f1gp.library was made by Oliver Roberts. The version of the library
- included here is 35.2.
- What's new?
- -----------
- Fixed in v1.7:
- - Fixed an Enforcer hit. SplitTime would unhook from f1gp even after you
- quit f1gp, which could result in a crash.
- Added in v1.6:
- - Command line options to specify the position of the indicator light.
- Added in v1.5:
- - Should now really work with all versions of F1GP, and with kickstart 1.3.
- Version 1.3 is a special "F1GP Accessoires disk" version, released in
- December 1995. Version 1.4 is the same except for some minor changes,
- like a friendlier way of sending signals, which are not noticable by the
- user.
- Added in v1.3/v1.4:
- - Autosave option.
- - Safer way of displaying split times.
- - Added split times in race.
- - Changed the virtual lap time row to a virtual times column.
- - Added a light on the dashboard that indicates if a split is improved.
- What is SplitTime?
- ------------------
- SplitTime is a utility that displays split times at every quarter of a
- track while you drive F1GP (so you need that game to use it). Not only
- the splittimes are displayed, but also the best splittimes before they
- show up (like on TV). Note that I use 3 split times on every track and
- that they are exactly at 25%, 50% and 75%, while on TV they now use
- only 2 split times (intermediates) at specific points on the track.
- Why do I need it?
- -----------------
- This utility let's you know how well you're on your way while driving a
- lap, so you don't have to drive the whole lap before knowing if you drove
- well. Normally, you have your own physical markers and locations at which
- you look at the timer to know how fast you're on your way, but now you can
- forget those and use these very accurate splittimes instead. If you finish
- a lap and forget the split times you drove, don't worry, they can be
- viewed in the SplitTime window, as well as some other info.
- Is this all?
- ------------
- No, this is not all. Besides showing (best) splittimes it also keeps track
- of the best split differences, calculated by looking at the time between
- two consecutive splittimes. The four best differences are always remembered
- and from these, virtual split times are calculated, which means that you are
- able to see what time you could have driven if you had done a perfect lap.
- All times can be saved to disk so nothing will be lost. This means that
- once you have improved a splittime you will see it on your display from
- then on every time you are gonna play f1gp again. The car number is saved
- with each split difference, so if more people are driving with the same
- datafile and they use different car numbers, you can see to whom each split
- difference belongs. Also, the lap in which it was driven is stored so you
- can see in which lap you drive a certain part best and determine how you
- can best warm up your tyres. Note that f1gp does not reset the lap number
- to 1 if you drive into your pit position in qualify, instead of pressing
- 'q'.
- What do I require?
- ------------------
- - Any Amiga. People using kickstart 1.x will miss the commandline options,
- and will have default options.
- - F1GP by Microprose, any version (European F1GP, World Circuit or the
- A600 WWW version).
- - Oliver Roberts' f1gp.library, necessary for SplitTime to work.
- f1gp.library is included with SplitTime in the directory 'libs'. You need
- to copy the library to your libs: directory. If you already have one from
- the latest f1gp-ed, you don't need to do that as the f1gp.library supplied
- with f1gp-ed is always the same or newer as the one included here.
- How do I start it?
- ------------------
- Start this program after f1gp is run and it shows 'please wait', from cli
- or workbench (although SplitTime doesn't support tooltypes yet).
- It is also possible to run it without f1gp, in which case only the times
- can be viewed, but it's better to use PrintSplits for that (see below).
- For the options you need to start SplitTime from the cli with the following
- synopsis:
- This is what each option does (KS 2.0+ only; to KS 1.x users it will
- appear as none of these options are specified, except for the QUIT option):
- Specify filename for the datafile. If not specified, the filename
- s:SplitTime.dat will be used. If the file does not exist, it will
- be created when the data is saved from within the program.
- Old versions will be converted.
- Display suspend delay, the time that the (split)time is shown on
- the dashboard before it's replace by the clock again. Default 5
- seconds (the game originally uses 10 secs for the laptime). It may
- not be negative or more than 10 seconds.
- If specified, SplitTime wil automatically update the window contents
- if an improvement has been made while you were driving.
- If specified, SplitTime wil automatically save the split times.
- This option will enable the AUTOUPDATE option, and will save the
- times at the same moment as the automatic update occurs.
- Will disable split times in the race.
- Will disable the little light that indicates a split improvement.
- If specified, SplitTime will automatically quit if f1gp quits. The
- data will be saved before it does so. Kickstart 1.x users will have
- this enabled.
- Specify left offset for window.
- Specify top offset for window.
- Tell SplitTime to shut up.
- Specify the x position of the indicator light, ala F1GP-Ed
- cockpit graphics coordinates.
- Has to be between 0 and 320 (exclusive), else a default
- position is used (for y position too). Kickstart 1.x users will
- always have the default position, which is (227, 112).
- Specify the y position of the indicator light.
- Has to be between 87 and 184 (exclusive).
- How do I use it?
- ----------------
- When f1gp is found, a window is opened. The window will be full of '-:--.---'
- lines when you start it, but after driving a lap they will already be filled
- with times. At the top is a line that tells you the name of the currently
- selected track ('not selected' at first). The bottom line will give you some
- info about what's going on. In between there is the real data. There are
- seven columns: Spl, Car, Lap, BestDiff, VirtTime, BestTime and LastTime.
- The 'Spl' column contains the split number for each row. There are four
- rows (1/4 ... 4/4).
- The 'Car' and 'Lap' columns contain the car number and lap number in which
- each best split difference is done. The lap is always 2 or higher in non-race
- sessions since the first lap is a warm-up lap. For the race the lap will be
- 1 or higher.
- The 'BestDiff' column shows you the best split difference, i.e. it shows how
- much time it took to drive the corresponding quarter of the track, and this
- only gets updated when it's improved.
- The 'VirtTime' column is derived from the 'BestDiff' column and shows the
- virtual split times you could have driven if the best split differences had
- been done in one go. The 4th one is your virtual laptime (this one was shown
- in previous versions).
- The 'BestTime' column contains the best split time at each quarter of the
- track. The one at the bottom will match your best laptime, and for this one
- additional info is being stored (although not shown) like the setup, traction
- control on or off, and more. This info can be viewed with the external
- split data viewer PrintSplits (use the VERBOSE option).
- The column most to the right, 'LastTime', contains the split times that have
- been driven the last time. Once you cross the first split with your car they
- will be cleared again.
- As you drive laps and switch back to the workbench to look at the SplitTime
- window, you can click the mouse button in the window or press <return>
- while it is selected to get an update of your times. If the AUTOUPDATE option
- was specified, the times will be updated automatically and the workbench
- screen will be brought to front to let you watch them. You'll see that the
- improved times will be highlighted in order to help you notice where you
- drove better than the previous time.
- Note that the autoupdate updates the times when the system is enabled, i.e
- after you press <esc>, so only times that have been updated since the last
- time you left cockpit will be highlighted. If the AUTOSAVE option was
- specified the times will be saved as well (look out, you cannot revert
- the data anymore).
- Besides this, you can be kept up to date of your performance while you're
- driving too. A little light on the right (above the 'player' light), will
- have a certain colour after each split. If you improve a split time but
- not a split diff, it will be grey. If you improve a split diff but not a
- split time it will be dark yellow. If you improve both the split time and
- split diff it will be light yellow. Else it will be off (black). If you
- find this light distracting you can turn it off with the NOLIGHT option.
- And if you think it's in the wrong place (for example with a new cockpit),
- you can change its position with the LIGHTX and LIGHTY options.
- The window doesn't have any buttons, but every command can be given by
- pressing a key while the window is activated. For normal use you don't even
- have to touch a key, as clicking the mousebutton on the window will select
- the track that you just drove on (if you did so) and will update all the
- times. The times are saved automatically when f1gp quits and the QUIT option
- has been specified when you started SplitTime. If you didn't, then the times
- can only be saved with the 's' key or have them saved automatically when
- you quit by pressing the <escape> key. There are no filerequesters, but the
- data will be saved to s:SplitTime.dat or to the file that was specified
- on the commandline. The same goes for the 'load' command ('l' key).
- If you want to quit but don't want to save the data you can use the close
- button of the window, or use ctrl-c in the shell you started SplitTime from.
- Here is the list of keystrokes:
- 1..9a..g select a track:
- 1=Phoenix, 2=Interlagos, ..., g=Adelaide.
- crsr up select first track (Phoenix).
- crsr down select last track (Adelaide).
- crsr left select previous track.
- crsr right select next track.
- 's' save all data to disk.
- 'l' load all data (no questions asked!).
- <return> update display (or click the mousebutton in the window).
- <del> clear all times of currently selected track (you will be
- asked for confirmation, press 'y' to confirm).
- F1-F4 will erase the corresponding split difference.
- F6-F9 same as F1-F4, but will erase a split time.
- <esc> save (if something has changed) all data and quit.
- Kickstart 1.x users won't be able to use the cursor keys or the function
- keys due to a system bug.
- What about my old datafile?
- ---------------------------
- If you have used SplitTime v1.0 before this one you have probably a datafile
- for it. SplitTime v1.3 can load the old datafile, but it won't have the new
- data I added (setup and stuff). If you save it again, it will be converted
- to a new datafile.
- The datafile format hasn't changed anymore since v1.1.
- How do I print the data?
- ------------------------
- I have made an external print program named PrintSplits which will print
- your data to standard output (use the redirection option or the copy to
- clipboard option of the shell to get it into a file).
- Usage:
- Name of the datafile. You have to specify the keyword NAME, else
- ReadArgs thinks it's the track number :)
- If not specified, "s:SplitTime.dat" will be tried.
- Track number of which you want to print the data.
- If not specified, data of all tracks will be printed.
- If specified, some extra information will be printed like the
- setup and horsepower used for the best lap (4th best split time).
- It will also print if traction control was on or off.
- If specified, only a list of all the tracks with each track
- number will be printed, so you can see what number to specify
- for a track.
- Some notes about using SplitTime
- --------------------------------
- Sometimes the split time is clocked in the middle of a corner. This can
- be annoying since the time then depends on the moment you brake for the
- corner. For example, if you brake too late into the corner, the split time
- will be good, but the next split time will probably be a bad one since
- you exit the badly taken corner with lower speed. Such split times mess
- up the virtual record a bit in a way that it tells you that you can drive
- a certain time, but that it's not the case in reality.
- Of course it's possible for me to change the locations at which the splits
- are clocked, but I wanted to keep them this way because then they would
- be the same as on the pc. I may have changed it though in a next version.
- Whenever you mess up a split time or difference like this, you are able
- to clear each individual difference with keys F1 to F4, and each split time
- with keys F5 to F9 (not with kickstart 1.x). Or clear everything in one go
- with the <del> key.
- When driving with different setups, frame frates or other configurations,
- the virtual times can be affected also. It is advised to use a different
- datafile for each configuration so you can always compare the virtual
- record or individual split times/differences.
- It is better _not_ to quit and/or (re)start SplitTime in the middle of a
- session. Although nothing serious can go wrong it is possible that the
- best laptime the game keeps track of will be erased by SplitTime, or
- the other way round.
- People I want to thank
- ----------------------
- Thanks go to:
- - Grant Reeve for helping me and beta-testing.
- - Oliver Roberts for beta-testing and support.
- - Dave Wright for testing with kickstart 1.3.
- - Edo Nijmeijer, Maarten van Schouwen, Patrick Giesbergen and
- Robert Schaftlein, also for beta-testing.
- - Trevor Kellaway, who also made SPLITTIM on the pc which gave
- me the idea to code it for the Amiga.
- - All the people who gave me feedback!