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- HARD DISK INSTALLATION: ( sorry, no install script for this old version )
- Decide where you want OctaMED-Pro on your hard disk.
- Create a directory or "drawer" there called OctaMED.
- Put the OctaMED-Pro floppy disk in DF0:.
- Then open a CLI window, ( or use Sid, Dopus ), and enter the following for
- each file name listed below:
- COPY DF0: TO work:Music/OctaMED file name
- | | |
- | | Each of the files
- | | listed below.
- The disk or |
- partition name. The path description,to OctaMED-Pro dir.
- Copy to the OctaMED directory: (files marked * MUST be copied)
- MODS (dir) Some demonstration songs
- Docs (dir) Documents
- Programmers (dir) Information for programmers
- Docs.info Doc directory icon
- Programmers.info Programmers directory icon
- OctaMED * The main program
- OctaMEDPlayer The stand-alone player program
- OctaMED.gfx1 * Graphics data } or WHATEVER.gfx1 etc
- OctaMED.gfx2 * Graphics data } on where you
- OctaMED.gfx3 * Graphics data } purchased
- OctaMED.gfx7 * Graphics data } OctaMED from.
- OctaMEDPlayer The stand-alone song player
- OctaMED.info * OctaMED-Pro's icon file
- OctaMEDPlayer.info OctaMEDPlayer's icon file
- You need only the files marked with an asterisk to run the program.
- You may want to move OctaMEDPlayer into your "C:" directory so you can
- easily run it from the CLI without having to type out the path description.
- 3
- The more control a program offers, the more you must study and learn to
- use it effectively. OctaMED-Pro provides the ability to control virtually
- every aspect of your composition. As a result, it has what may seem at first a bewildering number of control
- s and screen gadgets.
- The aim of this manual is to provide you with the information you need to
- use all the power of OctaMED-Pro. It is a reference book, rather than a
- tutorial.
- It groups explanations of controls by the screens on which they appear.
- If you have used a SoundTracker style of music composer, the BLOCK EDITOR
- will be familiar to you. However, because OctaMED-Pro offers so many new
- features and unique techniques, reading this manual is necessary to use
- the program effectively.
- If you are new to Tracker composers, first read the BLOCK EDITOR
- instructions. The BLOCK EDITOR is the heart of the program, where you enter
- music and will do most of the work of creating music.
- Begin by playing and looking at the demonstration song.
- Next you might enter some music from a sheet music score.
- After you have this experience,you will have gained enough facility to
- begin experimenting with your own music.
- OctaMED-Pro uses a number of screens to perform various tasks and 3
- areas are always visible regardless of which screen is in use:
- STATUS BAR offers information and controls you frequently need.
- The MENU PANEL opens the editors and control panels.
- The TIMER provides a way to time songs.
- 4
- Among the screens, there are five separate editors:
- BLOCK EDITOR Composing, entering and editing music.
- GRAPHIC NOTATION EDITOR A traditional notation music editor.
- SAMPLE EDITOR Sample and modify sampled instruments.
- SYNTHETIC SOUND EDITOR Designing synthetic waveform sounds.
- SAMPLE LIST EDITOR To edit and organize instrument files.
- Also,there are ten panels for composing songs,controlling, instruments,
- and file handling operations.
- FILES PANEL Loads/saves songs and instruments in various formats.
- PLAY PANEL Controls tempo, volume, filters, and sequence lists.
- INSTR PANEL Loads,transposes,adjusts various types of sound.
- BLOCK PANEL Cuts,pastes,opies,deletes blocks and song parts.
- EDIT PANEL Controls track sound and note editing.
- MISC PANEL Clears and quits the program, and sets preferences.
- VOL PANEL Sets the master, and proportional volume for tracks.
- MIDI PANEL Controls MIDI instruments/writes maps/MIDI messages.
- TRANS PANEL Adjusts pitch song, block, track or instrument.
- RANGE PANEL Complex cutting and editing of large areas of a song.
- In addition to these, there are four special purpose editors:
- Programmable Input Key Editor on the EDIT PANEL
- Play Sequence List Editor on the PLAY PANEL MIDI
- Map Editor on the MIDI PANEL MIDI
- Message Editor on the MIDI PANEL
- Waveform Sequence Editor on the SYNTHETIC SOUND EDITOR
- You select buttons by putting the mouse pointer on them and clicking
- (usually) with the left mouse button. There are two types of buttons.
- Some perform an immediate action one time. Others select settings that
- remain in effect until you reset them. The second type of button changes
- color when selected.
- 5
- PROPORTIONAL GADGETS look like slider controls. There are two methods of
- adjusting these. You may drag the slide indicator to the desired setting
- or click the directional arrows that you will usually find associated with
- the gadget.
- STRING GADGETS require that you click inside them to mae them active
- before you can enter or alter the text.
- NUMERICAL STRING GADGETS work in a similar way, but they may also have
- plus and minus buttons that you can use as an alternative way to increase
- or decrease the numbers in the gadget. Another type of numerical gadget
- you change by clicking and holding the
- left mouse while entering a single key stroke from the keyboard.
- There are also NUMERIC GADGETS on the STATUS BAR that you can change by
- clicking the numbers themselves in the gadget. For example, in the case
- of a three digit number, clicking on the right digit with the left mouse
- button increases the number by one,the
- right mouse button decreases it by one.
- Clicking the second digit changes the number by ten, while clicking
- the left-most digit changes it by a hundred.
- Teijo Kinnunen and R.Burt-Frost are the copyright owners of all versions
- of OctaMED. This version four is NOT public domain but is released as
- FREEWARE, ( copyright retained ).
- RBF Software were the original owners of Amiganuts United, but this is now
- a seperate company and has NO affiliation with RBF Software and all
- RBFSoftware programs are no longer sold by Amiganuts.
- OctaMED-Pro is sold without warranty.
- The owners and distributors have made every effort to keep OctaMED-Pro
- as bug free as is reasonably possible, but neither the author nor
- R.Burt-Frost is responsible for any loss or damage caused by this program
- and loading and running the program, you are agreeing to this.
- 6
- If you wish to contact the publisher and joint Copyright owner of OctaMED,
- then write enclosing an s.a.e. or IRC coupon TO:
- R.Burt-Frost. C/O., RBF SOFTWARE
- 169,Dale Valley Road,Hollybrook,Southampton. SO16 6QX. England
- Teijo Kinnunen Programming, design and graphics.
- Ray Burt-Frost Ideas,support and continual suggestions.
- Larry McIntire/EdWiles/Teijo/Ray This manual.***
- Marcus Pol Intro graphics.
- Izrael Simila OctaMED and Player icons.
- Frederic Bouquerel The title bar OctaMED-Pro logo.
- Steve Hayes Electronic Arts IFF-loader (Fish disk #64).
- COMMODORE For a GREAT electronic masterpiece !
- Please include the version number of your OctaMED Disk.
- If you need a response to your letter, please enclose an I.R.Coupon.
- If on the net you can e-mail rbfsoft@cix.compulink.co.uk
- or connect to the OctaMED BBS on +44 703 703446