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- AGA Experience Vol 3. ©1997 SAdENESS Software - All Rights Reserved
- . .. ... .... ___________________________ .... ... .. .
- INDEX: Anims
- Contents:-
- Air Combat - Massive animation from a Wild Party
- Index: Commercial
- Contents:-
- XCad2000 - Full version
- Index: Demos
- Contents:-
- 2nd World - Syndrome's demo for the SP4
- Ard - Demo by Ambrosia
- Assault - Demo by Capsule
- Atlantica - Released by Nucleus
- Atome - Demo released at the SP3 by Skarla
- Blips n Bleeps - new demo
- Born Dead - New demo by Syndrome
- Career - 1 of 2 intros by Capsule
- Choose Your Weapon - Demo by TEK NeoScientists
- Cliches - Demo by Artificial People
- Contraz - New release by Mystic
- Cryogenia - First ever release for LogicProbe
- Cyberia - Demo released by Scoopex
- Darkside - Demo by the Black Lotus
- Deadline - Demo by Doom
- Dim - New AGA Demo
- Disco - Demo release by drifters
- Dreamscape - Demo by Triumph
- Dr-Flora - new demo release
- Elytsdeppir - Demo called Smellon.Elytsdeppir
- Endolymfa - Demo released by Balance
- EveryWhere - New demo by CDL
- Extreme - Demo from Balance
- Fade - new demo
- Frontier - demo by Hardwired
- Glow - Glow by The Black Lotus
- Goa - Another demo by the Black Lotus
- Golden Rate Killer - New demo released at the SP4
- Gyrate - Assembly 96 demo by Wrath Design
- Harmony - New demo by Haujobb
- Hardcore - Syndrome's winning demo at the SP4
- Hazchemix - Demo by Amnesty
- Heart Light - Demo by Solaris and Syndrome
- Huddersfield - AGA Vidule by TONY
- Insane - New release from Extend
- Into the Void - Subspace's first demo
- Jees - Demo from Mellow Chips
- Ketogane - From Puzzle
- Konie - Poszly konie po Betonie
- Kosher - New demo
- Kugalskap - Demo release by Ephidrena
- Limes Inferior - Demo by Dinx Project
- Live! - Demo released by Silicon
- Makaveli - Second place at the Party 6
- Massive Killing Capacity - Demo from RamJam
- Mental Hangover - Demo from Scoopex
- Mimosa - New demo
- Mind Abuse - New release by LED
- Mnemonic - Mnemonic by Ephidrena
- Muscles - New demo
- Naturally - Demo from Cirion
- Nostalgic Reflection - Released by Quirk Productions
- November Light - Demo by Sunshine Productions
- Once Upon - New demo
- Papadeo - Demo by Floppy
- Pimu Lukun'n Up - New demo
- Pinch - New release by Spaceballs
- Plane Zero - Demo from Vector
- Plumb - Demo released by Session
- Polmos - New demo
- Puppets - Demo by Ehidrena
- Real FD - New Demo
- Riverhorse - 2nd at the South Sealand 96
- ROCKet - Demo from the Party 96
- Seven Sins - Another Demo from Scoopex
- Severed - New demo
- Sex In Bubblegum Factory - New demo released at the SP4
- Skylined - Demo by Dutch Division of PSB
- Soi - New demo released at a Party
- Spaceman - Demo by Aero
- Space Lamer - Demo by Igitt 486
- Spalva - Demo called SpaceAlienVampire
- Spring - Demo by the Dutch Division of PSB
- Stick With Me - Saturne Part 4 demo by Mongolian Production
- Strange Days - New release by Venture
- Sub Zero - Massive demo from Syndrome
- Sumea - Faktory 2 - Demo by Virtual Dreams
- Sustain - New Demo
- Sway - New demo called Sway
- Szarzy2 - Another demo by the Dutch Division of PSB
- Tahiti - New Demo
- Tcc - New demo release
- TeinTe - New demo released at the SP4
- The Gate - Demo by Artwork
- The Hammer - Under the Hammer by Zaborra
- Time Chaos - Released at the SP4 by Pure
- Tint - 040 fixed version by the The Black Lotus
- Tintology-Vogue - Demo by Venture
- Traffic - Stunning new demo
- Tristard - Demo released at a Party
- TRSI - TRSI are back with a new demo
- Twin Peaks - New demo, not compatible with Amiga 4000
- Twisted Colours - Twisted Colours demo from CRAZE
- Vertigo - Demo by Abyss
- Videoclip - Demo by Zugriff
- Wind - Another new AGA Demo
- Wit Porter - New demo
- Worlds - Demo by GODS
- YourAstralPilot - Released at the Remedy 96
- ZeroGravity - Demo by Venus Art
- INDEX: Docs/
- Contents:-
- Cult of Gaming - Gaming magazine
- Dreamland1 - First issue of this UFO magazine
- Dreamland2 - UFO Magazine
- Oepir8 - AGA diskmag
- Rage #2 - Scene magazine
- Word 11 - Latest in Scene, Games, Football, Various.
- INDEX: Docs/AmigaMonitor
- Contents:-
- The Amiga Monitor Monthly - Issue 1.1 (Run Via HTML Menu)
- The Amiga Monitor Monthly - Issue 1.2 (Run Via HTML Menu)
- The Amiga Monitor Monthly - Issue 1.3 (Run Via HTML Menu)
- The Amiga Monitor Monthly - Issue 1.4 (Run Via HTML Menu)
- The Amiga Monitor Monthly - Issue 1.5 (Run Via HTML Menu)
- The Amiga Monitor Monthly - Issue 1.6 (Run Via HTML Menu)
- INDEX: Docs/AmigaReport
- Contents:-
- Amiga Report 4.05 - March 31, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.06 - April 23, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.07 - May 16, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.08 - June 12, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.09 - June 30, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.10 - July 24, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.11 - August 27, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.12 - September 23, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.13 - October 18, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.14 - November 13, 1996
- Amiga Report 4.15 - December 31, 1996
- Amiga Report 5.01 - January 23, 1997
- Amiga Report 5.02 - February 21, 1997
- INDEX: Docs/Misc+Reviews
- Contents:-
- AmiFast.txt - MINI-REVIEW: AmiFast Zip-to-SIMM convert
- Applecd600e.txt - Review of the Apple CD 600e
- Envoy.txt - Review of Envoy v2.0b
- HyperCOM1.txt - REVIEW: HyperCOM1 serial port for A1200
- KB100.txt - REVIEW: KB100 adaptor for AT keyboard
- Pawstrac.txt - Review of PAWStrac
- Wildfire.txt - REVIEW: Wildfire 68060 accelerator for A
- XRef.txt - REVIEW: XRef version 1.1
- Index: Ready To Run Games
- Contents:-
- 521 - Workbench 3.0 game
- AB3Dii XTRA - Extra level for Alien Breed 3D II
- Ampu v1.01 - New Worms clone
- BattleDuel - New version with Internet link facility
- Blobz - Lemmings Clone
- Bloodbath - Pisstake of the Mac version. VCop clone
- Bograts Demo - Demo to Vulcans Superb puzzler
- Boom - Dynablaster/Bomberman clone
- Bounty Hunter - Jump n Shoot
- Burn Out Demo - Forget what the media says, try it for yourself
- Cantaloupe - Baed on the C64 game Sensitive
- Capital Punishment - Update 1.1, fix for Capital Punishment
- Capital Punishment - Same as above but setup in DMS format
- DentEd - Early demo and level editor
- Destroy - Demo of a new game
- Devil - Virtual Reality 3D Game
- DK-1200 - AGA Donkey Kong
- Engines - New racing game
- Evils Doom - A demo of this superb RPG
- F1 Editor - F1 Grand Prix Editor
- Flyin High - AGA Racing game, needs a lot of Chip Ram Free
- FoundationEd - Settlers clone editor and screenshots
- Frontal Assault - Scorched Tanks clone
- Genetic Species - A new Doom clone
- Kumquat - A very addictive game
- Lightspeed - Very fast racing game
- Logical Stones - puzzle game
- Maniac Ball - Breakout clone
- Minskie Furballs - Brilliant Tetris clone
- Pairs - Shanghai clone
- Racer - New texture mapped racing game
- Romanik - Massive 14meg board game!
- Screech - AGA Demo of this Supersprint clone
- Shoot em Up - Mmmm ...A shoot em up
- Slipstream - Wipeout clone
- SpaceStone - New AGA game
- StepFive v1.3 - New puzzle game
- Strangers - Sideway scrolling beat em up
- SuperBallz - Marble Madness clone
- Survive - Ant-like game
- TinToy - Demo of the AGA platformer
- Tiny3D - Early version of a new game
- Torque - Uridium clone
- Tron95 - Tron clone
- VKDeluxe Demo - Demo of the superb Virtual Karting Deluxe
- War Blood - Cannon Fodder clone
- Wheels - AGA Driving game
- WheelsOnFire - Updated new version - demo.
- Wendetta 2175 - Shoot em up
- Wendetta 2175 - Another demo level
- Wendetta 2175 - And another demo level of this great shoot em up
- Xtremeed - Allows you to edit cups/seasons in Xtreme Racing
- Index: Icons+/Backdrops
- Contents:-
- AGA Backdrops - Fantasy workbench 3 backdrops
- EM Backdrops - Good collection of backdrops with thumbnails
- MagicRabbits Patterns4 - Workbench patterns from MR
- Twisted Magic WB - More backdrops
- ULPatterns 2 - Collection of patterns
- ULPatterns 3 - Collection of patterns
- Useless Patterns - Another collection of WB Patterns
- Useless Patterns 2 - Another collection of WB Patterns
- Useless Patterns 3 - Another collection of WB Patterns
- Wangi Patterns 1 - Workbench patterns
- Wangi Patterns 2 - Second in the pack of pattern
- Wangi Patterns 3 - Third set of WB Patterns
- Index: Icons+/Icons
- Contents:-
- 64 Colour Icons v1 - New 64 colour icon collection
- AESIcons7 - 7th in the collection
- Aminet - Icons for the Aminet CD
- ATRcons2 - Second in the Collection
- CEDIcons - 8 colour icons
- Cybericonsinst - Cyber Icons installer script
- Defgvn - Replacement for Magic Workbench
- FWB Icons - First icon pack released
- FWB Icons 2 - Second pack
- FWB Icons 3 - Third pack of icons
- GoldED - Good collection of icons
- IconPack1 - Simpsons icons
- JTE MWB Icons 10 - 10th in the collection
- Magic Country - Collection of country flags on icons
- MagicDock - Another good collection of icons & drawers
- MagicRabbits Icons 11 - MagicRabbits icons collection
- MagicRabbits Icons 12 - MagicRabbits icons collection
- MagicRabbits Icons 13 - MagicRabbits icons collection
- MagicRabbits Icons 14 - MagicRabbits icons collection
- MagicRabbits Icons 15 - MagicRabbits icons collection
- MagicRabbits Icons 17 - MagicRabbits icons collection
- MagicRabbits Icons 18 - MagicRabbits icons collection
- MiamiMWB Icons - Small collection of icons
- MUI MWB Icons - Magic User Interface icons
- MWB8 - Dopus Icons
- MWB Stuff 5.2 - Large icons collection
- MWB Stuff 6 - Same again
- NetIcons - More icons, net orientated
- Rigsbys Icons - Icon collection
- Rodney Icons - Icons by Rodney
- RomShaShi - Roms Shapesifter icons
- Sams WB - First in a new collection of icons
- Sams WB 3 - Third in the series of Sams WB
- Sams WB 4 - Latest in the icon collection
- Toolmanager - Toolmanager icons
- TTIcons - New magic WB icons and stuff
- Video Text MWB - Magic Workbench icons for VideoText Software
- Index: Icons+/Icons/Packs
- Contents:-
- Arctangents Pack 16 - Sixteenth in the series
- Arctangents Pack 17 - Seventeenth in the series
- UberBench -
- Index: Icons+/NewIcons
- Contents:-
- AESIcons 7 - Seventh in the collection
- AESIcons 8 - Eighth in the collection
- AESIcons 9 - Latest in the collection
- BeIcons - BeBox sytle newicons
- Buggs Icons - Some newicons for WB
- Icon.Z - New icons collection
- Milconz - New Icon collection
- Ni4Dock - Newicons for toolmanager docks
- ObiWan - New Icon Dock images
- Prolite - Newicon collection
- Zip New Icons
- Index: Slideshows
- Contents:-
- Dreams - New slideshow by Cydonia
- Image FX - Slideshow of Image FX's effects.
- SteelWorld - Released by Vajrayana
- Walhalla - Slideshow released at the SP4 by Illusion
- Wasted Dreams - Pics from new Vulcan game.
- Wild Thing - Great new slideshow
- Yogo - New slideshow
- Index: Business
- Contents:-
- Amigabase - Brilliant database program.
- Index: Comms
- Contents:-
- AmFTP - MUI FTP program.
- AmIRC - MUI IRC program.
- Chatbox - New IRC program.
- Ibrowse demo - Demo of MUI web browser.
- Miami - Dead simple to set up TCP prog (MUI)
- STFax - New fax program
- VNG - Demo of new MUI web browser.
- Yam - MUI email program.
- Index: Demos
- Contents:-
- ArtEffect - Brand new Amiga art prog like Photoshop.
- ArtStudio - Art package/image processor demo.
- Burnit - Demo of great new CDR software.
- DrawStudio - Great new structured drawing prog.
- FM2 - Font Machine2 demo.
- Ged - Gold ed - text editor demo.
- PPaint - Paint program like DPaint.
- Pronet - Electrical circuit design prog.
- StormC - Demo of excellent new Amiga C package.
- TP5eDemo - English demo of Turbo Print 5.
- Index: Disk Tools
- Contents:-
- AmiCDFS - Best CDROM filesystem.
- MakeCD - CDR burning software.
- OptyCDPlayer - Amazing audio CD player (MUI)
- SCSIBench - Test the speed of your SCSI devices.
- Zip Tools - Various tools for Zip drive owners.
- ZJtools - Zip and Jazz drive tools.
- Index: Educational
- Contents:-
- DGraph - Equations and more.
- Drafu - Draw A Function - mathematics.
- Plotter3D - Plots nice 3D functions.
- Index: Demos
- Contents:-
- AmigaVGB - Gameboy emulator.
- Emucpc - Amstrad CPC emulator.
- Fmsx - MSX emulator.
- Frodo - accurate C64 emulator.
- MagicC64 - Fast C64 emulator.
- PCTaskdemo - Demo of new PC emulator.
- PCTaskpatch - Updated PCT 4.0 to 4.1
- QDos3 - QDos on the Amiga.
- QLSource - source code for QL.
- Shapeshifter - Amazing Macintosh emulator.
- Index: Graphics tools
- Contents:-
- AGAMorph - Nice morphing program for AGA machines.
- AkJFIFdatatype - Latest datatype for JPEG pics.
- AmiFig - Structured drawing program.
- AmiPeg - MPEG viewer (fast amiga recommended!!)
- ArtStudio - Image processor/paint prog.
- AVB - Add sound samples to animations.
- Collector - Create idexes of pictures.
- CyberAVI - Shows AVI animations.
- CyberQT - Show Quicktie movies on Cybergfx machines.
- Cybershow - Cybergfx picture viewer.
- CyberTVPlayer - Anim player for cybergfx.
- CyberUpdate - CyberGfx2 updater.
- DocMa - Multimedia document manager?
- GFXLAB - Image processor.
- Gif-Toolkit - Great Gif anim creator (MUI - shareware)
- JIV - Powerful picture viewer.
- Jpeg-cdc - JPEG codec.
- MESA - Similar to OpenGL (3d libraries/functions)
- MicroPaint - Paint Program.
- MonSpecsMUI - Similar to MonED (Edit your screenmodes - MUI)
- MpegIntui - Interface for the Mpeg player.
- NTitlerPro - Titling program.
- PG-Patch2a - Updates Photogenics2.
- Picasso96 - Graphics card libraries like CyberGfx.
- PicConvert - Converts picture types.
- PictureDT-v43 - 24bit datatypes replacement.
- QT - Quicktime player for AGA/Cybergfx.
- Raylab - Raytracer.
- RTGMaster - Easy graphics board support for games/demos.
- Scantek - Scanner software.
- Studio-ImageFX-PGs - Studio printer software interface for the 'big 2'
- WhirlGif - GifAnim program.
- Index: Icon Tools
- Contents:-
- Iconian - Premier Amiga icon editing tool
- NewIcons3 - Update of the alternative Amiga icon system.
- Index: Misc
- Contents:-
- Argue - Creates MUI interfaces for programs.
- ATE - Amigas answer to Adobe Type Manager.
- Blitzblanker - Amazing screen blanker.
- Darksound - Randomises the System beep sound.
- EasyPrint - Utility for graphic printing.
- Finder - Find those missing files.
- HP-DJ600 - HP DJ600 printer driver.
- LZX121 - Latest version of the best amiga archiver.
- Pacshell - Archiver interface.
- REMDATE - Never forget anything again!
- Samba - Networking tool.
- Shutall - Waits for disk activity to stop before reset.
- Syspeed - Test the speed of your amiga.
- System Prefs - Alter your CPU options.
- VMM - Virtual Memory (needs MMU).
- WordMania - Anagram program
- Index: Video
- Contents:-
- NTitler - Fantastic Video titler!!!
- Index: WBTools
- Contents:-
- AssignZ - Prevent that annoying 'Insert Volume xxx'
- Bangermenu - Allows you to choose your startup-sequence.
- Classaction - Performs actions on a file depending on type.
- Executive - Massivly improves your Amiga's Multitasking.
- Installer - New Installer from AT.
- MagicMenu - Great improvements for your menus - 3D etc.
- MCP - The ultimate multi-purpose WB enhancher (MUI)
- MinBar - Nice WB tool.
- MUI - Love it or hate it, its the *essential* addon.
- Newmenu - Another menu enhancer.
- OpaqueMove - Allows solid window moving/resizing.
- PictureMenu - Adds nice pictures to your menus.
- Runbar - Program like Toolmanager.
- Twilight - General WB improver pack.
- VirusWorkShop - Track down and kill those nasty viruses.
- VirusZ - Another great Virus killer.
- XTruder - And another great virus killer!