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FTP Directory
FTP stand for File Transfer Protocol. When you start Termite
FTP, the FTP directory window will be displayed. This is
essentially an address book of Internet ftp servers. Machines
are listed in the directory by their ftp domain name. You may
also specify a standard IP address instead of the domain name,
but these are much harder to use.
To add a favorite ftp site to the directory, type the sites
domain name into the input gadget and click on Add. When you
click on Add, the Site Specific Settings window will appear.
The name you entered will appear in the Site Gadget. You may
also add a site by clicking on Add with a blank input gadget.
In this case you will need to enter the site name into the Site
gadget of the Site Specific Settings window. The options in
the Site Specific Settings allow you specify options which are
unique to the particular site. The available site specific
options are:
Site This is the domain name of the ftp server, you may
also specify a numeric IP address here.
User If you have an account on the machine specified by
Site then enter your User name here. If you do not have an
account on the machine or will only be doing Anonymous FTP
to this site, then leave this field blank.
Password If you have an account on the machine specified
by Site then enter your Password here. If you do not have
an account on the machine or will only be doing Anonymous
FTP to this site, then leave this field blank.
Download Drawer This allows you to specify a different
download drawer then the default download drawer(specified
in the Path Settings window described later). Changes made
here only effect this site.
AutoCD to directory You may specify a directory that
Termite FTP will automatically go(change directory) to
after logging in to Site. This is especially useful for
sites like aminet.com where it is especially convenient to
automatically change directory to /pub/aminet. This saves
the time it takes to manually walk down the directory chain
and places you immediately where you want to be.
Auto Get/View File You may specify a file that Termite FTP
will automatically either download to your download drawer
(Get) or let you see in your specified file viewer(View).
This is especially useful to automatically view files that
tell you about new files on the ftp server like RECENT.
Once you are satisfied with your site specific options, click
on Use to add the new site to the FTP Directory(or accept any
changes made during editing a site). Click on Cancel if you
decide not to add this site.
The balance of the buttons in the FTP Directory window manage
entries in the FTP directory and allow you to connect to sites.
If at any time you wish to review or edit any of the site
specific settings for a particular site, click on the site in
the FTP Directory so the name appears in the input gadget. Then
click on the Edit gadget and the Site Specific Settings window
will be displayed allowing you to review or edit any of the
To delete a site from the FTP Directory, click on the site
name you want to delete. It will become highlighted and appear
in the input gadget. Click on Delete to remove the site from
the list. After you have added, deleted, or edited a site from
the FTP Directory, you must click on Save to have Termite FTP
save and remember the changes.
Use Open if you want to connect to an ftp server on which you
do not have a user account. This is called Anonymous FTP and
you login using user name the anonymous and your e-mail address
as the password. There are three ways to Open an anonymous
ftp connection:
* Click on the site you want to connect in the FTP directory.
The site name will be highlighted and will appear in the
input gadget. Then click on Open to instruct FTP to open a
connection to the site.
* You can type in the domain name of the site you want to
visit and then click on Open to instruct FTP to open a
connection to the site. The site need not have an entry in
your FTP directory.
* The easiest way to instruct Termite FTP to open a
connection to a site is to double click on the site name in
the FTP directory. No further input is required. Termite
FTP will attempt to open a connection to the requested site.
If successful, Termite FTP will login as anonymous and
display the root directory for thechosen ftp server(or
automatically CD to the indicated directory if you have an
entry in the site specific settings). Note that not all ftp
servers will accept anonymous logins and your request for
connection may be refused.
If you have a user account on an ftp server, you would use the
Login button to command TFTP to open a connection rather than
Open. To login into an account you would:
* Click on the site you want to connect in the FTP directory.
The site name will be highlighted and will appear in the
input gadget. Then click on Login to instruct Termite FTP
to open a connection to the site(be careful not to double
click on the site name, because that action tells Termite
FTP to automatically open an anonymous ftp connection).
* You can type in the domain name of the site you want to
visit and then click on Login to instruct Termite FTP to
open a connection to the site.
If you have specified a user name and password in the site
specific settings, the Termite FTP will log into the ftp
server using the provided user name and password. If
successful, Termite FTP will display the root directory for
the chosen ftp server(or automatically CD to the indicated
directory if you have an entry in the Site Specific Settings).
If you do not have a user name and password specified in the
Site Specific Settings for this site, then Termite FTP will
display the user name/password window shown below: Type your
account name in the User input gadget. Then type your password
in the Password input gadget. After you have typed your
password, press the return key to have Termite FTP open a
connection to the site and automatically log in to your
account. If you change your mind and decide you don't want to
login to the ftp server with a specific account name and
password, then click on the close window gadget in the Login
Information window. This will close the window and return you
to the Termite FTP directory window.
Termite FTP Directory Menus
Path Settings
The Path settings apply to all sites.
Default download drawer This is the drawer where downloaded
files will be saved. You can override this for a specific
site by entering a download drawer for that site in the Site
Specific Settings.
File Viewer This is the path and name of the program to
view a specified file when you issue a view file command.
Temporary drawer This a drawer for Termite FTP to use for
temporary storage(like viewed files etc.). T: is recommended.
You may click on the square button gadgets to the left of
each item to make your selections without typing by using
a standard File Selector.
General Settings
The General settings apply to all sites.
Anonymous Password This is the password that will be used
when attempting an anonymous FTP connection. By convention
this is your e-mail address. Some FTP servers also accept
Guest as an anonymous password. If you entered your e-mail
address in your Termite TCP configuration, then it will be
entered here.
Default Transfer Type FTP has two data transfer protocols:
ASCII and Binary. Whereas you can transfer text files using
either ASCII or Binary transfer modes, you can only transfer
binary files(programs, archives, .lha etc.) in Binary
transfer mode. It is highly recommended that you leave the
transfer mode as Binary. There is no advantage to ever
using ASCII transfer mode. The only thing using ASCII will
do you is ruin a binary transfer if you forget to switch
back to binary mode before transferring a binary file.
Wildcard Style Termite TCP supports both AmigaDOS and
UNIX. styles of wildcard expansion for transferring
multiple files in one command. When AmigaDOS is chosen as
the wildcard matching style, the standard AmigaDOS pattern
matching characters #, ?, |, ~, ( ), and [ ] are recognized
and expanded.
When UNIX is selected as the wildcard matching mode the
standard UNIX wild card characters *, ?, and UNIX regular
expressions of the form [abc],[a-k], and [!abc] are
recognized and expanded.
Show Dot Files? FTP servers often have system files that
begin with the . character. There are often many of these
and are usually of no interest.
FTP Transfer Buffer Size This option controls the maximum
size of the file transfer buffer. It is useful if you want
to limit the memory is allowed to be used for FTP file
transfers. The default value of zero(0) means no limit.
Termite FTP will use as much memory as available(up to the
size of the transfered file) during file transfers.
Max Dir Cache Termite FTP maintains a cache of visited
directories to speed up access the next time you view the
same directory. You may limit the amount of memory used
for caching directories by moving the slider gadget to the
desired level. Termite FTP will only use what memory is
needed up to your maximum cache setting.
To accept your Path or General settings click on Use. Click on
Cancel if you decide to leave these options unmodified..
After changing any settings field remember to select Save
Settings to have Termite FTP remember these values.
Connecting to an FTP server
You are now prepared to begin an ftp session. After you instruct
Termite FTP to connect to an ftp server by selecting Open(for
anonymous ftp) or Login(ftp to a specified account), Termite
FTP will:
* Display the Termite FTP Site window
* Attempt to open a connection to the selected site
* If a successful connection is made, Log in to the site
* Read and display the root directory(or autoCD directory)
* Automatically get or view a file if instructed
* Dutifully await your command
The Termite FTP Site Window
This is where you control allows you to control the actual FTP
session. The FTP Site window shows a listing of the files in
the current directory and allows you to move around the
directory structure of the FTP server and perform FTP commands.
There are several ways to change directories with Termite FTP:
Arbitrary Directory The general method to change to an
arbitrary directory is to activate the Path Input gadget by
clicking on it with the mouse pointer and type the name of
the directory. After you have typed the name of the desired
directory, press the return key to instruct Termite FTP to
change directories and display the contents of the new
directory in the file list. You may use this method to
change from any directory on the FTP server to any other
Parent Directory You may change to the Parent directory of
the current directory by clicking on the Parent button gadget.
Sub-Directory To change from the current directory to a
subdirectory of the current directory, locate the desired
subdirectory in the File List and double click on the
subdirectory name. Termite FTP will change the current
directory to the indicated subdirectory and display the
contents of the new directory in the file list.
Transferring Files
The transfer of files between your computer and the ftp server is
the primary function of Termite FTP. After all, FTP does stand
for File Transfer Protocol. In the language of FTP, the command
for downloading a file from the FTP server to your computer is
Termite FTP provides a flexible way to download a single or
multiple files. Single File There are three ways to transfer a
single file from the FTP server to your computer:
* Click on the file that you want to transfer in the file list
display of the Site window. The file name will appear in the
File Display/Get Input gadget and the file's size will
appear in the File Info gadget. Now click on the Get button
to begin the file transfer.
* Click on the File Display/Get Input gadget and type the
name of the file that you want to transfer. Now click on the
Get button to begin the file transfer.
* The easiest way to download a single file is to locate the
file in the file list display of the Site window and
double-click on the file name. This will automatically
initiate the file transfer.
Multiple Files Very often you will want to transfer more than
one file from the FTP server to your machine. Termite FTP
provides three ways to specify the transfer of multiple files
in a single command:
* You may specify more then one file by clicking on the File
Display/Get Input gadget and typing in a wildcard pattern
(using your selected wildcard style) such as shown below.
AmigaDOS Style Wildcard UNIX Style Wildcard After you have
entered the wildcard file pattern, click on the Get button
to begin the file transfer. Termite TCP will expand the
wildcard pattern and automatically download every file in
the current directory that matches the wildcard pattern.
* You can also select more than one file to download by
clicking on the files that you want to transfer with the
Shift key held down. As each file is selected, it's name
will be appended to the string in the File Display/Get Input
gadget. Each new file selected will be separated from the
other files by the colon character : such as shown below.
After you have entered the wildcard file pattern, click on
the Get button to begin the multiple file transfer.
* The third method of specifying multiple file transfers is by
clicking on the File Display/Get Input gadget and typing in
the desired filenames separated by the colon( : ) character.
You may combine the entry of exact file names with wildcard
patterns such as shown below. After you have entered the
desired files, click on the Get button to begin the file
transfer. Termite TCP will automatically download each
specified file, expanding wildcard patterns if necessary.
In the language of FTP, the command for uploading a file from
your computer to the FTP server is
Termite FTP provides a flexible way to upload a single or
multiple files. To Put one or more files on the FTP server
(transfer file to the FTP server), change directories on the
FTP server to the directory that you want the file to be Put.
Then click on the Put button gadget. This action will display
a standard Amiga file selector.
The Amiga file selector supports multiple file selections. You
may select one or more files to Put by clicking on each
desired file. Each selected file will be highlighted in the
file selector. Unlike selecting multiple files to Get, you do
not have to hold the Shift key down while making multiple Put
You may also filter the files that you see by specifying an
AmigaDOS wildcard pattern. If you have OS 3.1, then there is an
additional function allowing you to actually perform the file
selection using a wildcard pattern. When you have selected
every file you want to Put, click on OK and Termite FTP will
automatically transfer each selected file.
File Transfer Window
After you have started a file transfer, either Get or Put,
Termite FTP will display the File Transfer window to display
information about the current file transfer in progress. The
only difference between the information displayed is whether
the file is being Received (Get) or Sent (Put).
Receving(Sending) File This is the name of the file being
transferred. File Size This is the size in bytes of the
file being transferred.
Bytes Received(Sent) This is the number of bytes that
have currently been sent or received.
Average CPS This is the average rate of transfer in
characters per second(CPS). This is an average from the
start of the transfer and includes any idle time.
Time Remaining(mm:ss) This is an estimate of the time
remaining in the file transfer based on the bytes remaining
and the average CPS.
Abort Transfer If you want to abort the file transfer,
click on the Abort Transfer button gadget. Note that if you
are receiving a file, the abort operation may take some time
to complete. How fast a FTP server recognizes the abort
command is quite variable. Aborting a send is instantaneous.
The information in the File Transfer window is continually updated through the transfer. When performing multiple file transfers, the information for the next file will automatically be displayed and the file transfer initiated when the
previous file transfer is complete.
Viewing Files
The View command is a Termite TCP extension to the standard FTP
implementation. It is technically a special case of the Get
command. You will often find information files during your
travels on FTP servers. These are usually short text files
giving information about specific files or services. Most FTP
servers have files called RECENT or INDEX to let you know what
new files are on their system. Also most FTP archive servers
have a .readme file for each file on their system giving a
brief description of the file. These are very useful in finding
files or determining whether you want to spend the time to
download these files.
However, Getting each of these files would quickly become
tiresome. You would find your download directory cluttered with
a bunch of useless files and be irritated with the extra time
it takes to run external viewer, load the file, and then return
to the FTP client.
The Termite FTP View command automatically takes care of the
entire process as well as automatically disposing of the file
when you are done. There are two ways to View a file from the
FTP server on your computer:
* Click on the file that you want to View in the file list
display of the Site window. The file name will appear in the
File Display/Get Input gadget and the file's size will
appear in the File Info gadget. Now click on the View button
to begin the file transfer.
* Click on the File Display/Get Input gadget and type the name
of the file that you want to view. Now click on the View
button. After you click on the View button, Termite FTP will
Get the file and place it in your currently specified
Temporary drawer. Termite FTP will then launch your
currently specified File Viewer and pass the program the
file to be viewed. When you are finished viewing, editing,
or doing whatever your File Viewer allows you to do, then
quit the File Viewer.
Note that the File Viewer is launched as a separate process
so you can return to Termite FTP without quitting the File
Viewer. This is especially useful to initiate a FTP file
transfer on a larger file, while continuing to examine the
contents of a RECENT or INDEX file. When you quit the File
Viewer, Termite FTP leaves the file in the Temporary drawer
until the next View command. When the next View command is
received, the previously viewed file is automatically
If after viewing the file you decide you want to save it,
you may do so in one of two ways:
* You can save the viewed file using the Save As command in
your File Viewer if it supports saving files.
* You can select the Save Last Viewed menu command Site
Window Menus
There are many options that may be modified during a FTP
session. These modifications are valid during the current
session only. If you want to permanently modify any of these
options, you need to make the modifications in the main
settings windows covered earlier and then save the
Terminating a FTP Session
To terminate a FTP session, click on the close window gadget
in the Site window. The Site window will close, and you will
be returned to the FTP Directory window.
Quitting the FTP Client
To quit the Termite FTP client select Quit from the
Termite FTP menu. This may be done from either the FTP