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- Welcome to the Termite Mail Demo
- If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at:
- Oregon Research
- 16200 SW Pacific Hwy, Suite 162
- Tigard, OR 97224
- Phone: 503-620-4919
- Fax: 503-624-2940
- Technical Support: 503-968-9250
- E-Mail: orders@orres.com info@orres.com
- WWW: www.orres.com/~orres
- Using Termite Mail
- ******************
- Termite Mail is a Termite TCP client designed to provide basic
- electronic mail send and receive capabilities.
- Mail Settings
- ****************
- These settings specify the Internet mail resources that you
- will use and how you will identify yourself. These are required
- to send or receive any mail.
- Real Name This is the name that will be used to identify
- yourself in addition to your e-mail address. It can be your
- real name or a handle. It is pre-pended to your e-mail
- address in the From: field of the mail header when sending
- mail. example:
- From: Real Name <e-mail.address>
- E-Mail Address This is your Internet electronic mail address.
- It is usually in the form:
- UserName@isp.domain
- POP 3 Server This is the name of your ISP's POP3 mail server.
- This is the service used to receive mail. It is usually of
- the form:
- mail.isp.domain
- POP 3 User Name This is the user name you need to use to
- access your mail. This is usually the same as your regular
- login Username.
- POP 3 Password This is the user name you need to use to
- access your mail. This is usually the same as your regular
- login password.
- SMTP Server This is the name of your ISP's SMTP mail server.
- This is the service used to sned mail. It is usually of
- the form:
- mail.isp.domain
- and is often the same as the POP 3 Server name.
- Path Settings
- **************
- The Path settings window allows you to tell Termite Mail where
- to put mail and what editor to use.
- Inbox drawer Where new mail files will be saved and kept
- pending disposition.
- Save Mail Drawer This is the path where mail that you decided
- to save will be stored.
- Sent Mail Drawer This is the path where mail that you send
- will be stored.
- Temporary drawer This a drawer for Termite Mail to use for
- temporary storage T: is recommended.
- Mail Editor This the program that you want to use for
- editing mail before sending.
- Save Settings
- *************
- You have now completed all of the steps necessary to connect
- and access your Internet Mail account. It is important to save
- your settings so Termite Mail remembers them the next time you
- run Termite Mail.
- Inbox Window
- ************
- When you run Termite Mail the Inbox window is displayed. This
- is the basic window that all Termite Mail's functions are
- accessed. The Inbox List displays information on each letter
- in your Inbox:
- Status This is a three letter code to denote the current
- disposition status of the letter. The codes are:
- * New denotes New, unread mail
- * (three spaces) denotes the letter has been read, but
- has no special status.
- * Ans denotes a letter that you have answered (replyed to)
- * Fwd denotes a letter that you have forwarded to someone
- * Sav denotes a letter that has been saved
- * Del denotes a letter that will be deleted when Termite
- Mail is closed.
- Date This is the date the letter was received at your
- mail server.
- From This person that sent you the mail, it is derived
- from the From: field of the mail header.
- Size The size of the letter in bytes
- Subject This the subject of the letter, it is derived
- from the Subject: field of the mail header.
- Termite Mail Functions
- **********************
- Get Mail Click on this button to retreive new mail for your
- server. The Receive Mail window will appear telling
- you the number of new letters are left to retrieve
- The Demo version of Termite Mail will not delete
- the retrieved mail from your Server.
- Send Mail Click on this button to access the Send Mail function
- to compose a new mail message.
- Read Mail This button will allow to read the currently selected
- Inbox letter. When reading mail two new button gadgets
- appear. These are <<Previous and Next>> which allow
- you to read the previous and next letters.
- When reading mail, the button changes to Inbox.
- Clicking it will return you to the Inbox list view.
- Save Mail This will save the currently selected letter in the
- designated Save Mail drawer.
- Reply Mail This will start the Send Mail process allowing you
- to send a reply to the person who wrote the currently
- selected letter. You have the option of including
- the original letter in your reply.
- Forward Mail This will start the Send Mail process allowing you
- to send a forward the currently selected letter to a
- third party.
- Delete Mail This willcause the currently selected letter to be
- deleted when Termie Mail exits.
- Undelete Mail This unmark the currently selected file for
- deletion and return the letter to it's previous
- status.
- Send Mail Window
- ****************
- The following describes the functions found in the Send Mail
- window. The same window and functions are used for the sending
- a new mail, or replying to, or forwarding a letter.
- To This is the e-mail address of the person you are sending
- the letter. It may be specified in one of two forms:
- 1) username@isp.domain or
- 2) Real Name <username@isp.domain>
- Cc A copy of the letter will be sent to the address specified
- here as well as to the main recipient.
- Subject A short description of the subject of the letter.
- Mail File This is the file containing the letter to be sent.
- In most cases you will not want to change this because
- Termite Mail will take care of it for you. The only
- reason to change this is to send a specific precomposed
- mail file.
- Include Reply? This allows to you automatically include the
- original letter in a reply.
- Save Sent Mail? This allows you to specifi whether you want the
- letter to be saved in the Sent Mail drawer.
- Edit Mail This will launch your chosen mail editor using the
- file specified in Mail File.
- Send Mail Choose this option to actually send the file
- specified in Mail File to the recipient specfied in To.
- If the mail is successfully sent you are returned to the
- Inbox window.
- Cancel Choose this option to return to the Inbox without
- sending anymail.
- Tooltype support
- ****************
- Tooltype support is included for specifying configuration
- information via tooltypes specified in the TermiteTCP program icon.
- To edit the tooltype settings, click on the TermiteTCP icon and
- select Information from the WorkBench Icon menu.
- The following Tooltypes are currently recognized:
- Termite Mail will automatically detele succesfully retreived
- mail from the server if this tooltype is set to TRUE.
- This option has no effect in the Demo version
- Termite Mail automatically launch your editor when replying
- to a letter if this tooltype is set to TRUE.