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- Welcome to the Termite Telnet Demo
- If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at:
- Oregon Research
- 16200 SW Pacific Hwy, Suite 162
- Tigard, OR 97224
- Phone: 503-620-4919
- Fax: 503-624-2940
- Technical Support: 503-968-9250
- E-Mail: orders@orres.com info@orres.com
- WWW: www.orres.com/~orres
- Telnet Directory
- ****************
- When you start Termite Telnet, the Telnet directory window will
- be displayed. This is essentially an address book of Internet
- destinations. Machines are listed in the directory by their
- domain name. You may also specify a standard IP address instead
- of the domain name, but these are much harder to use.
- To add a favorite telnet site to the directory, type the sites
- domain name into the input gadget and click on Add. When you
- click on Add, the Site Specific Settings window will appear.
- The name you entered will appear in the Site Gadget. You may also
- add a site by clicking on Add with a blank input gadget. In this
- case you will need to enter the site name into the Site gadget of
- the Site Specific Settings window. You may optionally add a port
- number after the domain name or IP address if you are connecting
- to a telnet server operating on a port other than the Internet
- standard telnet service port. So, if you wanted to connect to
- port xy of orres.com you would type orres.com xy into the site
- Gadget.
- The remaining options in the Site Specific Settings Window allow
- you to set up an automatic login procedure that is executed when
- you select the Login button from the Telnet Directory window.
- Most telnet servers immediately display a login: prompt after
- connection. For these sites, both the Service Prompt and Service
- Reply gadgets should be left blank. However a few telnet servers
- have a service prompt that must be negotiated before the login
- prompt is displayed. The service prompt is usually Enter service
- or help: and the command to access telnet is usually shell. If
- your destination requires a service prompt and reply, then enter
- them in the appropriate gadgets of the Site Specific Settings
- window. Only the last 5 or 6 characters of the Service Prompt
- need to be entered, whereas the entire Service Reply must be
- entered.
- The User and Password gadgets allow you to enter your user name
- and password for automatic login. Only the Site gadget is
- required to be completed. The automatic login gadgets are
- optional. To add the new site to the Telnet Directory, click on
- Use. Click on Cancel if you decide not to add this site.
- The balance of the buttons in the Telnet Directory window manage
- entries in the Telnet directory and allow you to connect to
- sites. If at any time you wish to review or edit any of the site
- specific settings for a particular site, click on the site in the
- Telnet directory so the name appears in the input gadget. Then
- click on the Edit gadget and the Site Specific Settings window
- will be displayed allowing you to review or edit any of the
- entries.
- To delete a site from the list, click on the site name you want
- to delete. It will become highlighted and appear in the input
- gadget. Click on Delete to remove the site from the list. After
- you have added, deleted, or edited a site from the Telnet
- directory, you must click on Save to have Termite Telnet save
- and remember the changes.
- Initiating a Telnet Session
- ***************************
- The difference between Login and Open is whether an automatic
- login is attempted. If you select Login and have a user name and
- password specified in the Site Specific Settings, then an
- automated login will be attempted. If you select Open, then a
- connection will be made allowing you to perform an normal
- interactive login. If you select Login and have no user name and
- password entered, then it will act as if you had selected
- Open(i.e. open a connection for an interactive login).
- There are several ways that you can command Termite Telnet to
- connect to another computer.
- * Click on the site you want to connect in the Termite Telnet
- directory. The site name will be highlighted and will appear
- in the input gadget. Then click on Login (for an automatic
- login) or Open (for an interactive login)to instruct Termite
- Telnet to open a connection to the site.
- * You can type in the domain name of the site you want to visit
- and then click on Login (for an automatic login) or Open (for
- an interactive login) to instruct Termite Telnet to open a
- connection to the site.
- * The easiest way to instruct Termite Telnet to open a
- connection to a site is to double click on the site name in
- the Telnet directory. This is the same as clicking on a site
- name and then clicking on Login.
- After you have instructed Termite Telnet to open a connection,
- Termite Telnet will close the Telnet directory window, open a
- terminal window, attempt to open the connection. There are three
- possible results from the attempted connection:
- * Unknown Host This condition will occur if:
- * The domain name that you entered on the input gadget does
- not exist
- * The IP address could not be resolved from the entered
- domain name.
- If you receive this message, close the terminal window using
- the close window gadget and check the spelling of the site to
- which you are attempting to connect. If the site does exists
- and for some reason the Internet domain name resolver is
- failing to locate it, then try finding out and typing the
- site's IP address directly in the Telnet directory input gadget.
- * Connection Refused This condition will result if Termite
- TCP is able to successfully locate the requested site, but
- for some reason that site refused to accept the open
- connection request. This could occur if:
- * You are attempting to connect to a site that does not
- accept telnet logins
- * You specified a port number that does not exist(see
- section on Ports)
- * The site is temporarily not accepting logins(system
- maintenance etc.)
- * Successful Connection If Termite TCP is successfully
- able to open a connection to the remote site, a terminal
- window will be opened. An automatic login will be attempted
- if instructed to do so otherwise you will be able to login
- interactively by entering your user name and password. Note
- the terminal size indicator in the window header and the
- resize gadget. Many UNIX programs will not function properly
- unless they are displayed on a 80 column by 24 or 25 row
- terminal window.
- Menu Options
- ************
- After you are connected to a site, a number of options are
- available from the menu bar after the Terminal window has been
- displayed. These options primarily involve setting attributes of
- the VT102 terminal emulation and visual characteristics of the
- terminal window.
- Terminating a Telnet Session
- ****************************
- To terminate a telnet session, click on the close window gadget
- in the Termite Telnet terminal window. If you are logged on to a
- host remember to log out before closing the telnet session. It
- is not considered good netequitte to simply drop the connection
- without logging out. The Terminal window will close, and you
- will be returned to the Telnet Directory window.
- Quitting the Telnet Client
- **************************
- To quit the Termite Telnet client select Quit from the Telnet
- menu. This may be done from either the Telnet Directory window
- or the Telnet Terminal window. If you are logged on to a host
- remember to log out before quitting the telnet client It is not
- considered good netequitte to simply drop the connection
- without logging out.