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;****************************************************************************** ; __ __ ; / / / / ; / / / /______ __ __ ______ ______ ______ _____ ; / / / // __ / \ \/ // __ / / __ // ____// .__/ ; / \/ // /_/ / \ // __ / / /_/ // __/_ / / ; \____//_____/ / //_/ /_/ _\__ //_____//_/ ; /_/ /_____/ ; ; $VER: Voyager_Installer 2.0j (April-29-1997) ; Installer by Robert C. Reiswig ©1995,1996,1997 ; Voyager by Oliver Wagner ©1995,1996,1997 ; ; If you wish to use any part of this installer you must ask. May not be ; integrated/placed into any other package. Changes, suggestions or problems: ; voyager@vgr.com or vgr@best.com ;****************************************************************************** (set Vkey 1) ; 0=NoKey, 1=LookForKey (set #Voyager_Archive "v_ng.lha") (set #Compress "lhex") ;*** System Stuff *** (set cpu (database "cpu")) (set vblank (database "vblank")) (set graphmem (database "graphics-mem")) (set totmem (database "total-mem")) (set osver (/ (getversion "LIBS:version.library") 65536)) (if (= vblank "60") ((set blank "NTSC")) ((set blank "PAL"))) (set fastmem (- totmem graphmem)) (if (= osver 37) (set workbench "2.0")) (if (= osver 38) (set workbench "2.1")) (if (= osver 39) (set workbench "3.0")) (if (= osver 40) (set workbench "3.1")) (if (= osver 41) (set workbench "3.2")) (set cpu (database "cpu")) (if (= cpu 68000) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68010) (set #cpu 1)) (if (= cpu 68020) (set #cpu 2)) (if (= cpu 68030) (set #cpu 3)) (if (= cpu 68040) (set #cpu 4)) (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/68060.library")) 0) (set #cpu 5) ) (set vernum1 (getversion "V")) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) ;(set vernum1 (getversion "mui/StringNumeric.mcc")) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set Voyagerver (cat ver1 "." rev1)) (if (> (exists ("env:Language")) 0) (set lanfound (getenv "Language")) ) (set lan 0) (if (= "english" lanfound) (set lan 0)) (if (= "deutsch" lanfound) (set lan 1)) (set #English "English") (set #Deutsch "Deutsch") (set mfound 0) (set newicon1 1) (set keeper 1) (set firsttime 0) ;******************************************************************** ; English Strings ;******************************************************************** (set #about (cat "\n\n\n\nWelcome to Voyager-NG " Voyagerver "\n\n\nCopyright © 1995-1997 by\n\nOliver Wagner\n") ) (set #installup " Install or Update Voyager-NG") (set #clearcache " Clear Cache Directory") (set #task "\nWhat would you like to do?\n") (set #whereVoyager "Where do you wish to install Voyager-NG. The directory 'Voyager' will be created if it is not there. If a copy of Voyager-NG is found it will be backed up.") (set muiver "No Version Installed") (set #newermui "\nVoyager-NG needs version 3.6 or higher of MUI installed to work correctly.\n\nNow would be a good time to Upgrade!\n\nYou can find mui36usr.lha on Aminet in util/libs\n\nIt looks like you have: \n\n") (set #nomuiarc "\nThe installer could not find the MUI dir in the archive. Because of this the MUI Classes used by VoyagerNG were not installed.\n\n If you are Updating VoyagerNG then this is not a problem. If it is your first time installing VoyagerNG you will need to get an archive with these files.") (set #nompc "\nThe .MCC files for VoyagerNG can not be installed to 'mui:libs/mui'") (set #need-os "\n\nVoyager-NG needs version 3.0 or higher of the Amiga OS installed to work correctly.\n\n It looks like you have: \n\n") (set #000used "\n\nThe 68000 version will be installed.") (set #nompc "\nThe .MPC files for Voyager-NG can not be installed to 'mui:libs/mui'") (set #noreg1 "\nThe installer could not find 'S:Voyager.Key' or '") (set #noreg2 "' on your system. It also does not seem to be in the archive you are installing Voyager-NG from. You may need to get the archive again.\n\nThe installer will now run the Registration Utility, 'Register-Voyager'.") (set #filethere1 "\n\nThe installer has found Voyager-NG version ") (set #filethere2 " at ") (set #filethere3 "\n\nThe file will be renamed to ") (set #filethere4 " and it will then be moved to ") (set #backuptoXXX "Back-UP to file named 'Voyager-NG.") (set #copyover "Copy Over Old Version") (set #oktodelete1 "\nIs it ok to delete the older Voyager-NG binary so that the Voyager-NG Directory can be made?\n") (set #oktodelete2 "\nIs it ok to delete the older _renamed_ Voyager-NG binary so that the Voyager-NG Directory can be made?\n") (set #Voyagerfound "\nThe Installer has found a copy of Voyager-NG already installed. What do you want to do?\n") (set #no030found "\n\nThe 68030+FPU Version of Voyager-NG, V030, was not found in this archive this is why the 68000 version was installed.") (set #newicon "\nDo you wish to copy over The Voyager-NG Icon from the archive? If you have any ToolTypes already set you should select no.\n") (set #nonewicon "No - ToolTypes already set.") (set #yesnewicon "Yes - Copy over Icon.") (set #yesnewicon "Yes - Copy over Icon.") (set #whatcat "\nSelect the Voyager-NG Language catalog you wish to install.\n") (set #wherecat "\nWhere do you wish to install the Voyager-NG Language Catalog? Default is ") (set #catnofind "Can not find this catalog in this Voyager-NG archive. You may need to get a newer archive.") (set #whattools "\nWhat Tools would you like to install? They will be placed in: ") (set #updatingmuic "\nUpdating the MUI Classes if needed.\n\n(#?.mcc & #?.mcp)") (set #nomuiarc "\nThe installer could not find the MUI dir in the archive. Because of this the MUI Classes used by Voyager-NG were not installed.\n\n If you are Updating Voyager-NG then this is not a problem. If it is your first time installing Voyager-NG you will need to get an archive with these files.") (set #whatdocs "\nWhat Voyager-NG documentation would you like to install?\n") (set #wheredocs "Where would you like the Voyager-NG documentation you selected to be installed?") (set #byebye (cat "\nVoyager-NG Install Complete!\n\n" )) (set #whereUnpack "Where would you like to Uncompress the VoyagerNG Archive to, so that you may install it from there?") (set #uncompressingbin (cat "\n\nUncompressing the " #Voyager_Archive " archive.\n\nPlease wait.")) (set #errorbin (cat "\n\nThe " #Voyager_Archive " is missing or has an error in it. You might try to reinstall. If that does not work you will need to get a new VoyagerNG disk/archive.")) (set #oktoinstall "\nThe VoyagerNG archive has been un-packed. You can now run the installer to complete the install in:\n\n") (set #askcpu "\nWhat version of Voyager-NG would you like to install?\n") (set #noregdir "\nThe Register-Voyager directory was not found. This means that the archive has been altered or is bad. Please get another copy of the Voyager-NG Archive.\n\nOR\n\nThe Keyfile is missing. Please contact your REG site.") (set #updatesetpatch "\nThe installer looked for 'c:setpatch' and did not find it or you have a version lower then 40.16. Voyager-NG needs version 40.16 to work correctly. You wany want to upgrade soon. (NOTE: if you keep 'setpatch' in a different place than 'c:' and its 40.16 or higher then this message is void.)") (set #updateinstaller "\nJust to let you know ESCOM AG has released a new version of the installer program.\n\n\nVersion 43.3 can be found on Aminet in:\n\n/util/misc/Installer-43_3.lha\n\n\nYou might want to upgrade soon, if you can.") ;can you add provision for Java/Applets and Java/Classes dirs? (set #nossl "\nNote that the Voyager SSL module must not be used in the USA due to patent law restrictions. Are you living in the USA?\n") (set #okssl "\n\n\nUS citizens can legaly use the MiamiSSL library which ships with Miami 2.1.\n\nVoyagerNG will use this SSL library if it was installed with Miami 2.1.") (set #yesc "Yes - In USA") (set #noc "No - Other Country") ;******************************************************************** ; German Strings ;******************************************************************** (if (= lan 1) (set OlliShareSomePizza TRUE) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Check for LHA voyager.. if there unpack then install. Oh the floppy ;******************************************************************** (if (= 1 (exists #Voyager_Archive) ) ( (welcome) (set VoyagerUdir (askdir (prompt #whereUnpack) (help #whereUnpack) (default "Ram:") ) ) (working (cat #uncompressingbin "")) (set ToDo ("%s \"-qfw=%s\" x %s %s" #Compress VoyagerUdir #Voyager_Archive)) (set error (run ToDo)) (if (> error 0) (message #errorbin)) (if (exists "Voyager.KEY") (copyfiles (source "Voyager.key") (dest (tackon VoyagerUdir "V-NG-Prelease2")) (optional "nofail") ) ) (set @default-dest VoyagerUdir) ;(run (cat "run Installer \"" (tackon VoyagerUdir "V-NG-Prelease2/Install_Voyager") "\" APPNAME \"VoyagerNG-Installer\" MINUSER AVERAGE DEFUSER AVERAGE LOGFILE RAM:VoyagerNG-Install.LOG") ) (exit (cat #oktoinstall (tackon VoyagerUdir "V-NG-Prelease2/Install_Voyager")) (quiet)) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Hello ;******************************************************************** (message #about) (welcome) ;******************************************************************** ; Checks for MUI & OS versions ;******************************************************************** (set ver 0) (if (<> (getassign "mui") "") ( (if (exists "mui:mui") ( (set vernum (getversion "mui:mui") ) (set ver (/ vernum 65536)) (set rev (- vernum (* ver 65536) ) ) (if (= ver 7) (set muiver "2.0") ) (if (= ver 8) (set muiver "2.1") ) (if (= ver 9) (set muiver "2.2") ) (if (= ver 10) (set muiver "2.3") ) (if (= ver 11) (set muiver "3.0") ) (if (= ver 12) (set muiver "3.1") ) (if (= ver 13) (set muiver "3.2") ) (if (= ver 14) (set muiver "3.3") ) (if (= ver 15) (set muiver "3.4") ) (if (= ver 16) (set muiver "3.5") ) (if (= ver 17) (set muiver "3.6") ) (if (= ver 18) (set muiver "3.7") ) (if (= ver 19) (set muiver "3.8") ) (if (= ver 20) (set muiver "3.9") ) ) ) ) ) (if (< ver 17) ( (message (cat #newermui muiver)) (set cpuPick 0) )) (if (< osver 39) ( (message (cat #need-os workbench)) (set cpuPick 0) )) ;******************************************************************** ; check for Register-Voyager-NG ;******************************************************************** (if (OR (exists "Register-Voyager") (exists "Voyager.KEY")) (set tempz 0) (abort #noregdir) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Ask where to put Voyager-NG & Make dir if needed ;******************************************************************** (set Package (getassign "AmiTCP")) (if (= Package "") (set Package (getassign "Inet")) ) (set Voyagerdir (askdir (prompt #whereVoyager) (help #whereVoyager) (default Package) ) ) (set where Voyagerdir) ;******************************************************************** ; Check for Key file ;******************************************************************** ;(if (AND (= Vkey 1) (OR (= (exists "Voyager.Key") 0) (OR (= (exists "S:Voyager.Key") 0) (= (exists (tackon where "Voyager.Key")) 0) ) ) ) ; ( ; (message (cat #noreg1 (tackon where "Voyager/Voyager.Key") #noreg2)) ; (run (cat "run Register-Voyager") ) ; ;;** (exit (quiet)) ; ) ;) ;******************************************************************** ; Check to see if Voyager-NG is already there, if so ask to backup ;******************************************************************** (if (= 1 (exists (tackon where "V") ) ) ( (set vernum1 (getversion (tackon where "V") )) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set Voyager_old (cat ver1 "." rev1)) (message (cat #filethere1 ver1 "." rev1 #filethere2 where #filethere3 (cat "V" Voyager_old) #filethere4 (tackon Voyagerdir "V") ) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon where "V")) (dest where) (infos) (newname (cat "V." Voyager_old)) ) (delete (tackon Voyagerdir "V") (prompt #oktodelete1) (help #oktodelete1) (confirm) (infos)) (if (< (exists (tackon Voyagerdir "V")) 2) (makedir (tackon Voyagerdir "V") (infos)) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon where (cat "V." Voyager_old) )) (dest (tackon Voyagerdir "V")) (infos) ) (delete (tackon where (cat "V" Voyager_old)) (prompt #oktodelete2) (help #oktodelete2) (confirm) (infos) ) ;(set firsttime 1) ) ) (if (< (exists (tackon Voyagerdir "Voyager")) 2) (makedir (tackon Voyagerdir "Voyager") (infos)) ) (if (exists "/V-NG-Prerelease1.info") (copyfiles (source "/V-NG-Prerelease1.info") (dest (tackon "/" where)) (newname "Voyager.info") (optional "nofail") ) ) (set where (tackon Voyagerdir "Voyager")) (set @default-dest where) ;******************************************************************** ; Check for old & backup ;******************************************************************** (if (exists (tackon where "V")) ( (set vernum1 (getversion (tackon where "V") )) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set Voyager_old (cat ver1 "." rev1)) (set keeper (askchoice (choices (cat #backuptoXXX Voyager_old "'") #copyover) (prompt #Voyagerfound) (help #Voyagerfound) (default 0) ) ) (if (= keeper 0) (copyfiles (source (tackon where "V")) (dest where) (infos) (newname (cat "V" Voyager_old)) ) ) (set firsttime 1) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy over correct Voyager and Icon if wanted ;******************************************************************** (set gcpu 0) (if (AND (> #cpu 1) (exists ("V030")) ) (set gcpu 1) ) (set cpuPick (askchoice (choices "68000" "68030+FPU") (prompt #askcpu) (help #askcpu) (default gcpu) ) ) (if (AND (= cpuPick 1) (exists ("V030")) ) (copyfiles (source "V030") (dest where) (newname "V") (optional "nofail") ) (copyfiles (source "V") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (AND (> #cpu 1) (= (exists ("V030")) 0) ) (message #no030found) ) (if (= firsttime 0) (copyfiles (source "V.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (OR (= keeper 0) (= (exists (tackon where "V.info")) 0)) ( (set newicon (askchoice (choices #yesnewicon #nonewicon) (prompt #newicon) (help #newicon) (default 0) ) ) (if (= newicon 0) (copyfiles (source "V.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy over Other stuff ;******************************************************************** (if (exists ("RegisterVoyager")) (copyfiles (source "RegisterVoyager") (dest where) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) ;*** Copy Key (if (> (exists "Voyager.KEY") 0) (copyfiles (source "Voyager.KEY") (dest where) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (> (exists "TransferAnim") 0) (copyfiles (source "TransferAnim") (dest where) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) (makedir (tackon where "Cache")) (if (> (exists "CacheBrowser") 0) (copyfiles (source "CacheBrowser") (dest where) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over Plugins stuff ;******************************************************************************** (if (< (exists (tackon where "Plugins")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "Plugins") (infos)) ) (if (exists "Plugins.info") (copyfiles (source "Plugins.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (> (exists "Plugins") 0) ( (foreach "Plugins" "#?" (copylib (source (tackon "Plugins" @each-name)) (dest (tackon where "Plugins")) (optional "nofail") ) ) (set USA (askchoice (choices #yesc #noc) (prompt #nossl) (help #nossl) (default 1) ) ) (if (= USA 0) ( (delete (tackon where "Plugins/voyager_ssleay.vlib")) (message #okssl) ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over rexx stuff ;******************************************************************************** (if (< (exists (tackon where "rexx")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "rexx") (infos)) ) (if (exists "Rexx.info") (copyfiles (source "Rexx.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (> (exists "rexx") 0) (foreach "rexx" "#?" (copylib (source (tackon "rexx" @each-name)) (dest (tackon where "rexx")) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over Submissions stuff ;******************************************************************************** (if (< (exists (tackon where "Submissions")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "Submissions") (infos)) ) (if (exists "Submissions.info") (copyfiles (source "Submissions.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (> (exists "Submissions") 0) (foreach "Submissions" "#?" (copylib (source (tackon "Submissions" @each-name)) (dest (tackon where "Submissions")) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy over DOCS (home.html and Vpics dir) & Other Docs ;******************************************************************** (set docs (askoptions (choices " Docs In HTML format" " V.readme") ;" V.history" (prompt #whatdocs) (help #whatdocs) (default 3) ) ) (if (<> docs 0) ( ;(set docsdir (askdir (prompt (cat #wheredocs " (V.readme)" )) ; & V.history ; (help (cat #wheredocs " (V.readme)" )) ; & V.history ; (default where) ; ) ;) (set docsdir where) (if (IN docs 0) ( (if (< (exists (tackon where "Voyager_home")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "Voyager_home") (infos)) ) (if (< (exists (tackon where "Voyager_home/images")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "Voyager_home/images") (infos)) ) (if (exists "Voyager_home.info") (copyfiles (source "Voyager_home.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (exists "Voyager_home") (foreach "Voyager_home" "#?.html" (copyfiles (source (tackon "Voyager_home" @each-name)) (dest (tackon where "Voyager_home")) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) (if (exists "Voyager_home/images") (foreach "Voyager_home/images" "#?.gif" (copyfiles (source (tackon "Voyager_home/images" @each-name)) (dest (tackon where "Voyager_home/images")) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ) ) (if (IN docs 1) (copyfiles (source "V.readme") (dest docsdir) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (IN docs 2) (copyfiles (source "V.history") (dest docsdir) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy over TOOLS if wanted ;******************************************************************** (if (> (exists "Tools") 0) ( (set tools (askoptions (choices " ClearCacheDir" " Uninstall") (prompt (cat #whattools (tackon where "Tools\n"))) (help (cat #whattools (tackon where "Tools\n"))) (default 1) ) ) (if (<> tools 0) ( (if (< (exists (tackon where "Tools")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "Tools") (infos)) ) (set toolsdir (tackon where "Tools")) (if (IN tools 0) (copyfiles (source "Tools/ClearCacheDir") (dest toolsdir) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (IN tools 1) (copyfiles (source "Tools/Uninstall") (dest toolsdir) (infos) (optional "nofail") ) ) ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Copy over #?.mpc|#?.mcc (Need to be in mui:libs/mui) ;******************************************************************** (if (<> (getassign "mui") "") ( (if (> (exists "mui:libs/mui") 0) ( (working #updatingmuic) (foreach "mui" "#?.mcp" (copylib (source (tackon "mui" @each-name)) (dest "mui:libs/mui") (optional "nofail") ) ) (foreach "mui" "#?.mcc" (copylib (source (tackon "mui" @each-name)) (dest "mui:libs/mui") (optional "nofail") ) ) ) (message (cat #newermui muiver #nompc)) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Reg stuff ;******************************************************************** (if (exists"Register-Voyager") ( (if (< (exists (tackon where "Register-Voyager")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "Register-Voyager") (infos)) ) (if (exists "Register-Voyager.info") (copyfiles (source "Register-Voyager.info") (dest where) (optional "nofail") ) ) (set whereR (tackon where "Register-Voyager")) (set whatreg (askchoice (choices "English" "Deutsch" "Francais" "Svenska" ) (prompt "What Registration Files (Language) would you like to install?") (help "What Registration Files (Language) would you like to install?") (default 0) ) ) (if (= whatreg 0) ((set basereg "English") (set baseregTT "English") ) ) (if (= whatreg 1) ((set basereg "Deutsch") (set baseregTT "Deutsch") ) ) (if (= whatreg 2) ((set basereg "Francais") (set baseregTT "French") ) ) (if (= whatreg 3) ((set basereg "Svenska") (set baseregTT "Svenska") ) ) (if (exists "Register-Voyager/RegistrationUtility") (copyfiles (source "Register-Voyager/RegistrationUtility") (dest whereR) ) ) (if (exists (tackon "Register-Voyager" (cat "Regtool-" basereg ".info")) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon "Register-Voyager" (cat "Regtool-" basereg ".info")) ) (dest whereR) (newname "RegistrationUtility.info") ) ) (if (exists (tackon "Register-Voyager" (cat "Reg_" basereg ".guide")) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon "Register-Voyager" (cat "Reg_" basereg ".guide"))) (dest whereR) (infos) ) ) (if (exists (tackon "Register-Voyager" (cat "Reg_" basereg ".doc")) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon "Register-Voyager" (cat "Reg_" basereg ".doc"))) (dest whereR) (infos) ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Check on Setpatch ;******************************************************************** (set vernum1 (getversion "c:setpatch")) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set setpatchver (cat ver1 "." rev1)) (set current_setpatch "40.16") (if (< setpatchVer current_setpatch) (message #updatesetpatch) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Check on New installer ;******************************************************************** (set InstallerVer 0) (set vernum1 @installer-version) (set ver1 (/ vernum1 65536)) (set rev1 (- vernum1 (* ver1 65536) ) ) (set InstallerVer (cat ver1 "." rev1)) (set current_installer "43.3") (if (< InstallerVer current_installer) (message #updateinstaller) ) ;******************************************************************** ; End Bye ;******************************************************************** (if (> (exists ("c:multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "c:") ) (if (> (exists ("sys:Utilities/multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "sys:Utilities") ) (run (cat "run " #mpath "/multiview V.readme") ) (exit #byebye)