DP Tool Club 15
Text File
102 lines
HOW TO RUN MiniHelp Plus v3.1
Maximize Notepad to read this file easier.
MiniHelp Plus v3.1 is basically a WHOLE NEW PROGRAM, compared
to the previous versions. Those relied on either running it from the
command line or "drag-n-drop" in File Manager. Those, now, are obsolete
and in fact, do not work with MiniHelp Plus v3.1. MiniHelp Plus v3.1
accepts no parameters from the command line and would not know what
to do with a program should you drop a source file onto it from within
File Manager.
MiniHelp Plus v3.1 now, and finally, sports an easy to use Windows
front end shell/user interface. It's a button pad that allows you to do
everything you did with the previous versions with only one click of
the mouse button on the appropriate button. I chose this type of a
front-end shell over a dedicated text editor from which to run MiniHelp
Plus v3.1. Lord knows there are plenty of text editors already out there
and integrating MiniHelp Plus v3.1 into yet another would have rep-
resented the maximum learning curve associated with how to use it.
Instead, the learning curve is at its absolute minimum and each user
can use the text editor he/she is most comfortable with and most
accustomed to. Now you can create your source file with the text editor
you like most, while leaving MiniHelp Plus v3.1 at the bottom of the
screen, maximized or minimized to an icon. When you are finished
typing in and saving your source file (be sure to assign it the file
extension ".src"), simply click on the appropriate buttons and your
Help file is complete. Nothing could be simpler! Below is a step-by-step
guide to using MiniHelp Plus v3.1.
STEP 1: Create and save your MiniHelp Plus v3.1 source file. Be sure to
save it with the file extension of ".src." This is mandatory, a must,
for MiniHelp Plus v3.1. Any stubborness here will not pay off.
STEP 2: Click on the CONFIGURE... button. Enter the filename only, without
a file extension. MiniHelp Plus v3.1 adds the appropriate file extensions
for you. For example, if you have created the source file named "MYHELP.SRC",
you would only enter MYHELP in the top edit control box of the Configure
dialog box, dropping the file extension. MiniHelp Plus v3.1 takes care of
the rest. Next, type in the FULL PATH AND FILENAME of your favorite
ASCII text editor in the bottom edit control box. If you choose not to specify
one, Windows Notepad will be launched by default when you click the
TEXT EDITOR button. The information MiniHelp Plus v3.1 needs is stored
in its own private INI file in your Windows directory. NO CHANGES ARE
MADE TO YOUR WIN.INI FILE! Heaven knows, this file is already bloated
enough by too many third-party software vendors adding in their own
sections. I prefer not to be counted among them.
STEP 3: Click on the OK button in the Configure dialog box to accept what
you have typed into the edit control boxes. This will then cause MiniHelp
Plus v3.1 to write or update the INI file (mhplus31.ini). If you choose not
to accept what you have typed in, or want to get out of the dialog box
without doing anything at all, click on the CANCEL button.
STEP 4: Click on the COMPILE RTF (may also be called COMPILE MINIHELP PLUS
V3.1 SOURCE FILE) button to compile your MiniHelp Plus v3.1source file.
When MiniHelp Plus v3.1 is finished compiling your source file into the RTF,
Header, and HPJ files, a message box will appear to inform you of success
or failure. Click on the ok button to clear the message box from the screen.
The amount of time before the message box appears depends on the length
of your source file and the processor speed of your computer. A short file
may only take 5 seconds or less, while a lengthy one may take 30 seconds
or more. MiniHelp Plus v3.1 is done when the message box appears.
STEP 5: Click on the HELP COMPILER button. Control will be passed to the
Help Compiler while it is running, compiling your Help file. When it is
finished, control will pass back to MiniHelp Plus v3.1. No message box
appears to inform you of success or failure. Instead, I recommend you
view the project error file (filename same as your source file with the file
extension ".err") by clicking on the ERROR FILE button. This file is automatically
generated by MiniHelp Plus v3.1 and contains all/any errors encountered
by the Help Compiler during its build. Automatic viewing of this file may
make its way into a future version of MiniHelp Plus v3.1, but I don't want
to take the time to implement it now, since everyone really wants a front-end
Windows Shell and I want to be able to give them what they want without
a long delay.
STEP 6: To view your newly completed Help file, simply click on the button,
That's all there is to it!
Also, in order to access the MiniHelp Plus v3.1 Help file (mhplus31.hlp) and
MiniHelp Plus v3.1 ToolPad Help file (mhpshell.hlp), make sure they are either
in the same directory as MiniHelp Plus v3.1 or in your Windows directory.
Furthermore, the Help Compiler (HCP.EXE....this is the only Help Compiler
supported by MiniHelp Plus v3.1 at the time, since it is the only one that takes
advantage of the extended memory on your system) must be either in the same
directory as MiniHelp Plus v3.1 or in your Windows directory. If it is not in either,
the program cannot be located and ran.
I know this is kind of a long-winded explanation and running MiniHelp Plus v3.1
is actually much, much easier than telling you HOW to run it. I hope this meets
or exceeds everyones desire for a Windows front-end shell/user interface.