DP Tool Club 15
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Text File
156 lines
This program and its PASCAL (BP7) source code IS Copyright (c) 1993 by:
David Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware.
The utility package referenced herein (.ZIP) consists of at least 5 files:
1) The executable program (.EXE or .BTM)
2) The pascal source code (.PAS [only if program is an ".EXE"])
3) The program documentation (.DOC)
4) The BBS description (FILE_ID.DIZ)
5) This legal statement (REIGNWAR.TXT)
6) other supporting files as needed
Each individual utility package is archived using the PKZIP (R) Authenticity
Verification feature. If they have NOT been modified, PKUNZIP will display
the contents and following message when you enter the command:
PKUNZIP -t filename.ZIP (substitute name of .ZIP file for "filename"):
Authentic files Verified! # IAU056
David Daniel Anderson
Contact me if you have reason to believe this utility package has been
subject to any malevolent tampering, or if you wish to receive a current,
complete, unmodified and "guaranteed" virus-free copy.
Although this utility package may be archived along with other software,
including my own, the following pertains solely to THIS portion of it.
Legal Status, Warranty
║ ║
║ Since this program is licensed free of charge, the author, David ║
║ Daniel Anderson, provides absolutely no warranty of any kind, either ║
║ expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied ║
║ warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. ║
║ ║
║ This program is provided "as is"; the entire risk as to the quality ║
║ and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove ║
║ defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair ║
║ or correction. ║
║ ║
║ In no event will any copyright holder, or any other party who may ║
║ modify and/or redistribute the program as permitted below, be liable ║
║ to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or ║
║ consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the ║
║ program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being ║
║ rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a ║
║ failure of the program to operate with any other programs), even if ║
║ such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of ║
║ such damages. ║
║ ║
Usage, Duplication and Modification Policy
This program is FREEware. You may use, copy AND change all files (except
this one) free of charge, but only when the following conditions are met:
* NEVER change copyright statements: the copyright remains in my hands.
I will not be as generous in providing FREE software in the future if
I find that anyone has violated this (or any) requirement!
* Neither the program nor the source, nor modified versions of either,
may be sold or hired. (See note on ENHANCED versions below.)
* If you make any (considerable) changes to the source code, *please*
let me know (send me a copy or a listing). I would like to see what
you have done, and may even wish to include those changes in a future
"official" version (giving appropriate credit to you, of course).
Distribution Policy
You can distribute this utility package under the following conditions:
* You ask no contribution from the receiver of this utility package except
for a nominal copying charge not to exceed US $10 (ten US dollars).
(CD-ROM, tape, and similar large *shareware* collections are limited
to a "reasonable", which may exceed US $10.)
* ALL original files are distributed together. (See note on ENHANCED
versions below.)
Enhanced Versions
Enhanced versions of each separate utility package ARE re-distributable, in
the same manner as provided above, only if they remain FREE for the user.
In addition to the above restrictions, I require that
BOTH (1) the original executable
and (2) the new executable,
(3) the "enhanced" source code, with comments regarding changes made,
(4) the original and/ or modified program documentation, and
(5) this file (ReignWar.TXT)
are included if ANY part is to be re-distributed.
(That comes to a minimum of five files.)
NOTE: Bug fixes (?!), ports to other platforms and/or languages, and
need-specific adaptations are not considered "enhanced", and, therefore,
do not require the inclusion of the original executable, but are otherwise
subject to the same restrictions as enhanced versions.
Other than according to the above provisions, the SALE of this program
or its parts for PROFIT, either alone or together with other software or
hardware, requires a licensing agreement possibly providing for royalty
payments. Please write for terms. (This program [the *entire* package]
may be bundled, without my knowledge, with other FREE software.)
Other Comments
ANYONE may modify and/ or re-compile the source code for this program, in
any manner, FOR PERSONAL USE, with or without my foreknowledge.
Although use of this program is FREE, donations are welcome to offset the
costs of Borland Pascal v7.0 and the distribution of this product. Half
of all revenues and ALL profits will be sent to Compassion International,
an organization which arranges long-term sponsorships in order to provide
for the mental, physical and spiritual needs of impoverished children
worldwide. [Other non-profit organizations may be substituted at your
request.] Please write me for more information if you have any questions.
ANYONE donating US $10 or more will receive, upon request, a floppy disk
(state size & density), with the most recent versions of all non-trivial
programs I have developed. (I write about two such programs each month,
although many are "niche" programs.)
ANYONE who finds a bug is encouraged to notify me. I will try to fix it.
I will also try to respond to requests for alterations or enhancements,
including customization. However, since I have little programming experience,
don't expect too much. This also means: If I CAN do it, I'll do it for you
for FREE (not including the cost of sending you a disk, if necessary).
The challenge is my reward.
Current versions of most of my distributable programs can be found on:
Channel 1 (R) (Cambridge, MA), at: 617-354-8873 (v.32bis 14.4: 617-354-5776).
[This IS an unsolicited endorsement of Channel 1.]
IF YOU CONTACT ME, tell me HOW, WHEN, and WHERE you obtained this program.
Users of this program consent implicitly to the ALL terms in this document.
ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 54024-9135
Document produced with THE SEMWARE (R) EDITOR, Pre-release Edition, v1.0.