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Pascal/Delphi Source File
212 lines
Version 3.10
The Registration Key System For Programmers
Turbo Pascal/DOS Interface
(C) Copyright Brian Pirie, 1993 - 1994. All Rights Reserved.
unit RegKeyD;
RKReturn = (RKFailure, RKSuccess); { Function return values }
RKValid = (RKUnregistered, RKRegistered); { Key validation results }
{ RegKeyNewCodeSet() }
{ }
{ Generates a registration key validation code corresponding to a }
{ generation code. This set of generation and validation codes is unique }
{ for each application using RegKey, and determines the unique registration }
{ key that corresponds to a particular user's name. The secret generation }
{ code is used at registration key generation time, and the corresponding }
{ validation code is used within your application when validating a }
{ registration key. The validation and generation codes are each }
{ represented as a ten-digit strings of numbers and upper-case letters. }
{ }
{ This function is called by KeyGen or your own utility, and is only used }
{ once for each application using RegKey. }
{ }
{ sGenerationCode INPUT: Ten digit generation code }
{ sValidationCode OUTPUT: Ten digit validation code }
function RegKeyNewCodeSet(
sGenerationCode : string;
sValidationCode : string)
: RKReturn;
{ RegKeyGenerate() }
{ }
{ Generates a registration key for a particular user, using the secret }
{ generation code corresponding to a particular application (as passed to }
{ RegKeyNewCodeSet()). The registration string is usually the name of the }
{ registered user, but may also contain other information, such as the }
{ version registered or date of expiry. The registration key is returned as a }
{ string of letters and upper-case numbers. sRegKey must be large enough to }
{ hold 20 digits. sRandomSeed should contain 10 random numbers and upper-case }
{ letters, which are required during the registration key generation process. }
{ }
{ This function is called by KeyGen or your own registration key generation }
{ utility, each time a registration key is generated for a new user. This }
{ function is used for user-entered registration keys; compare with }
{ RegKeyFileGenerate(). }
{ }
{ sRegString INPUT: Registration string }
{ sGenerationCode INPUT: App's generation code }
{ sRandomSeed INPUT: Random number seed }
{ sRegKey OUTPUT: 20-digit registration key }
function RegKeyGenerate(
sRegString : string;
sGenerationCode : string;
sRandomSeed : string;
sRegKey : string)
: RKReturn;
{ RegKeyValidate() }
{ }
{ Checks whether a given registration string and registration key }
{ combination is valid for a particular application, using the application- }
{ specific validation code that was generated by RegKeyNewCodeSet(). The }
{ RKVALID pointed to by peRegistered is set to either RK_REGISTERED or }
{ RK_UNREGISTERED, indicating whether or not the registration key and }
{ registration string are valid. If you have registered RegKey, your own }
{ name and RegKey registration key should be passed to this function to }
{ disable the RegKey "unregistered" message. }
{ }
{ This function is called from within your application each time it }
{ executes, in order to determine whether it should operate in registered }
{ or unregistered mode. This function is used with user-entered }
{ registration keys; compare with RegKeyFileValidate(). }
{ }
{ sRegString INPUT: Registration string }
{ sRegKey INPUT: 20-digit registration key }
{ sValidationCode INPUT: App's validation code }
{ sYourName INPUT: Your name (if registered) }
{ nYourKey INPUT: Your key (if registered) }
{ peRegistered OUTPUT: Is key valid }
function RegKeyValidate(
sRegString : string;
sRegKey : string;
sValidationCode : string;
sYourName : string;
nYourKey : longint;
var peRegistered : RKValid)
: RKReturn;
{ RegFileKeyGenerate() }
{ }
{ Generates a file-based registration key for a particular user, using the }
{ secret generation code corresponding to a particular application (as }
{ passeed to RegKeyNewCodeSet()). The registration string is usually the }
{ name of the registered user, but may also contain other information, such }
{ as the version registered or date of expiry. A registration key file is }
{ generated, using the specified filename, containing the registration string }
{ and the resulting registration key. If a file with the specified name }
{ already exists, it is overwritten. sRandomSeed should contain 10 random }
{ numbers and upper-case letters, which are required during the registration }
{ key generation process. }
{ }
{ This function is called by KeyGen or your own registration key generation }
{ utility, each time a registration key is generated for a new user. This }
{ function is used for file-based registration keys; compare with }
{ RegKeyGenerate(). }
{ }
{ sRegString INPUT: Registration string }
{ sGenerationCode INPUT: App's generation code }
{ sRandomSeed INPUT: Random number seed }
{ sFileName INPUT: Registration key file name }
function RegKeyFileGenerate(
sRegString : string;
sGenerationCode : string;
sRandomSeed : string;
sFileName : string)
: RKReturn;
{ RegKeyFileValidate() }
{ }
{ Checks whether the specified registration key file is valid for a }
{ particular application, using the application-specified validation code }
{ that was generated by RegKeyNewCodeSet(). The RKVALID pointed to by }
{ peRegistered is set to either RK_REGISTERED or RK_UNREGISTERED, }
{ indicating whether or not the registration key and registration string }
{ stored in the registration key file are valid. The sFileName parameter }
{ may include wildcards. If you have registered RegKey, your own name and }
{ RegKey registration key should be passed to this function to diable the }
{ RegKey "unregistered" message. }
{ }
{ This function is called from within your application each time it }
{ executes, in order to determine whether it should operate in registered }
{ or unregistered mode. This function is used with file-based registration }
{ keys; compare with RegKeyValidate(). }
{ }
{ sFileName INPUT: Registration key file name }
{ sValidationCode INPUT: App's validation code }
{ sYourName INPUT: Your name (if registered) }
{ nYourKey INPUT: Your key (if registered) }
{ cbMaxStringSize INPUT: Characters in reg. string }
{ sRegString OUTPUT: Registration string }
{ peRegistered OUTPUT: Is key valid }
function RegKeyFileValidate(
sFileName : string;
sValidationCode : string;
sYourName : string;
nYourKey : longint;
sRegString : string;
cbMaxStringSize : byte;
var peRegistered : RKValid)
: RKReturn;
function RegKeyNewCodeSet; external;
function RegKeyGenerate; external;
function RegKeyValidate; external;
function RegKeyFileGenerate; external;
function RegKeyFileValidate; external;