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Copyright (c) 1991 - 1993 Heinz W. Werntges. All rights reserved.
Distributed by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of HP2xx.
HP2xx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
to the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later, for full details.
Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
HP2xx, but only under the conditions described in the GNU General Public
License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
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things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
/** CHARDRAW.c: Implementation of characters by draw/move commands
** 92/02/19 HWW V 1.00b Derived from pplib.cpp and sprite.cpp (V 1.2)
** 92/02/27 HWW V 2.00b Many changes - last: bug fixed in adjust_text_par()
** 92/03/03 HWW V 2.01a LB != PB: acknowledged by introducing LB_Mode
** 92/04/28 HWW V 2.01b VAX seems to mix up tp & TP --> TEXTP instead
** 92/05/28 HWW V 2.02a plot_symbol_char() added
** 92/10/15 HWW V 2.02b Line types acknowledged
** 92/10/17 HWW V 2.03 RS6000 bug fixed in code_to_ucoord()
** 93/02/09 HWW V 2.03b Comments added; prepared for more fonts;
** Font OV bug fixed (8-bit codes now checked!)
** 93/04/13 HWW V 2.04a plot_user_char() added (code by A. Treindl)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "bresnham.h"
#include "hp2xx.h"
#include "chardraw.h"
#include "charset0.h"
** NOTE: There is code here masked off by symbol STROKED_FONTS
** In an earlier version it had some meaning but is now inactive.
** I left it here in the hope that some day it may resume its
** earlier purpose which was:
** Loading of external fonts (here: Hershey fonts as within the
** Borland BGI fonts.)
extern HPGL_Pt HP_pos, P1, P2;
extern LineType CurrentLineType, GlobalLineType;
void code_to_ucoord (char c, HPGL_Pt *pp)
** Converts internal one-byte code (in c) for a character vector
** into HP-GL coordinates (pointed to by pp)
double x,y;
* RS6000 bug fix:
* outer braces of casts removed, costing 2 double ops
* My guess: "char" is unsigned on RS6000
x = (double) (c >> 4) - 1.0; /* Bits 4,5,6 --> value 0..7 */
y = (double) (c & 0x0f) - 4.0; /* Bits 0-3 --> value 0..f */
pp->x = tp->Txx * x + tp->Txy * y + tp->refpoint.x + tp->offset.x;
pp->y = tp->Tyx * x + tp->Tyy * y + tp->refpoint.y + tp->offset.y;
void ASCII_to_char (int c)
** Main user interface: Convert ASCII code c into a sequence
** of move/draw vectors which draw a corresponding character
HPGL_Pt p;
char *ptr;
CurrentLineType = LT_solid;
switch (tp->font)
case 0: /* charset 0, limited to 7 bit ASCII */
if (c & 0x80)
fprintf (stderr,
"Illegal char in string: %c replaced by blank!\n", c);
c = ' ';
ptr = &charset0[c][0];
default: /* Currently, there is just one charset */
fprintf (stderr,
"Charset %d not supported -- replaced by blank!\n", tp->font);
c = ' ';
ptr = &charset0[c][0];
for (; *ptr; ptr++) /* Draw this char */
code_to_ucoord (*ptr & 0x7f, &p);
if (*ptr & 0x80) /* High bit is draw flag */
Pen_action_to_tmpfile (DRAW_TO, &p, FALSE);
Pen_action_to_tmpfile (MOVE_TO, &p, FALSE);
/* Update cursor: to next character origin! */
tp->refpoint.x += tp->chardiff.x;
tp->refpoint.y += tp->chardiff.y;
CurrentLineType = GlobalLineType;
void init_text_par (void)
tp->width = 0.005 * (P2.x - P1.x);
tp->height = 0.0075 * (P2.y - P1.y);
tp->espace = 0.0;
tp->eline = 0.0;
tp->dir = 0.0;
tp->slant = 0.0;
tp->font = 0;
tp->orig = 1; /* Font number: 0 = old */
tp->refpoint = tp->CR_point = HP_pos;
tp->offset.x = tp->offset.y = 0.0;
void adjust_text_par (void)
** Width, height, space, line, dir,
** slant, as given in
** structure declaration
double cdir,sdir;
** Here, we use space & line as basic data, since these parameters
** are affected by SI and SR commands, not width or height!
tp->space = tp->width * 1.5;
tp->line = tp->height * 2.0;
cdir = cos (tp->dir);
sdir = sin (tp->dir);
tp->Txx = tp->width * cdir / 4.0;
tp->Tyx = tp->width * sdir / 4.0;
tp->Txy = tp->height* (tp->slant * cdir - sdir) / 6.0;
tp->Tyy = tp->height* (tp->slant * sdir + cdir) / 6.0;
tp->chardiff.x= tp->space * (1.0 + tp->espace) * cdir;
tp->chardiff.y= tp->space * (1.0 + tp->espace) * sdir;
tp->linediff.x= tp->line * (1.0 + tp->eline ) * sdir;
tp->linediff.y= -tp->line * (1.0 + tp->eline ) * cdir;
if (init_font (tp->font))
fprintf (stderr, "\007 init_font() failed for font #%d\n", tp->font);
fprintf (stderr, "Font 0 used instead!\n");
tp->font = 0;
#define HEIGHT_FAC 0.5
#define WIDTH_FAC 0.666666666
void get_label_offset (char *txt, LB_Mode mode)
** Depending on the current HP-GL label mode, a string may have different
** x and y offsets. These offsets are accounted for here:
float dx=0.0, dy=0.0;
static float nc, nl, nc_max;
switch (mode)
case LB_direct: /* Get number of printable plot cells */
nc = nl = nc_max = 0.0;
for (; *txt && *txt != _CR; txt++) /* to ETX or CR */
if (*txt >=' ' && ((*txt&'\x80') == 0))
nc++; /* Printable ? */
else if (*txt == _BS) /* Backspace ? */
else if (*txt == _HT)
nc -= 0.5;
case LB_buffered:
/* Max number of printable plot cells + lines */
nc = nl = nc_max = 0.0;
for (; *txt; txt++)
if (*txt >=' ' && ((*txt&'\x80') == 0))
else if (*txt == _BS)
else if (*txt == _HT)
nc -= 0.5;
else if (*txt == _LF)
else if (*txt == _VT)
else if (*txt == _CR)
if (nc > nc_max)
nc_max = nc;
nc = 0.0;
if (nc > nc_max)
nc_max = nc;
nc = nc_max; /* Use longest row for adjustment */
case LB_buffered_in_use:
break; /* Use data from earlier LB_buffered call */
switch (tp->orig)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
dx = 0.0;
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
dx = 0.5 * WIDTH_FAC;
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
dx = 0.5 * (1.0 - WIDTH_FAC);
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->chardiff.x * nc/2.0;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->chardiff.y * nc/2.0;
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
dx = 1.0 - WIDTH_FAC;
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->chardiff.x * nc;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->chardiff.y * nc;
case 17:
case 18:
case 19:
dx = 1.0 - 1.5 * WIDTH_FAC;
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->chardiff.x * nc;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->chardiff.y * nc;
switch (tp->orig)
case 1:
case 4:
case 7:
dy = 0.0;
if (mode == LB_buffered || mode == LB_buffered_in_use)
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->linediff.x * nl;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->linediff.y * nl;
case 11:
case 14:
case 17:
dy = 0.5 * HEIGHT_FAC;
if (mode == LB_buffered || mode == LB_buffered_in_use)
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->linediff.x * nl;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->linediff.y * nl;
case 2:
case 5:
case 8:
case 12:
case 15:
case 18:
dy = -0.5 * HEIGHT_FAC;
if (mode == LB_buffered || mode == LB_buffered_in_use)
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->linediff.x * nl/2.0;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->linediff.y * nl/2.0;
case 3:
case 6:
case 9:
if (mode == LB_buffered || mode == LB_buffered_in_use)
tp->refpoint.x += tp->linediff.x * (nl-1.0);
tp->refpoint.y += tp->linediff.y * (nl-1.0);
case 13:
case 16:
case 19:
dy = -1.5 * HEIGHT_FAC;
if (mode == LB_buffered || mode == LB_buffered_in_use)
tp->refpoint.x += tp->linediff.x * (nl-1.0);
tp->refpoint.y += tp->linediff.y * (nl-1.0);
tp->offset.x = tp->chardiff.x * dx - tp->linediff.x * dy;
tp->offset.y = tp->chardiff.y * dx - tp->linediff.y * dy;
void plot_string (char *txt, LB_Mode mode)
** String txt cannot simply be processed char-by-char. Depending on
** the current label mode, its origin must first be calculated properly.
** Then, there are some special control characters which affect cursor
** position but don't draw anything. Finally, characters can be drawn
** one-by-one.
char *txt0;
txt0 = txt;
tp->refpoint = HP_pos;
get_label_offset (txt, mode);
while (*txt)
switch (*txt)
case ' ':
tp->refpoint.x += tp->chardiff.x;
tp->refpoint.y += tp->chardiff.y;
case _CR:
tp->refpoint = tp->CR_point;
switch (mode)
case LB_direct:
get_label_offset (txt+1, mode);
case LB_buffered:
get_label_offset (txt0, LB_buffered_in_use);
case _LF:
tp->CR_point.x += tp->linediff.x;
tp->CR_point.y += tp->linediff.y;
tp->refpoint.x += tp->linediff.x;
tp->refpoint.y += tp->linediff.y;
case _BS:
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->chardiff.x;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->chardiff.y;
case _HT:
tp->refpoint.x -= 0.5 * tp->chardiff.x;
tp->refpoint.y -= 0.5 * tp->chardiff.y;
case _VT:
tp->CR_point.x -= tp->linediff.x;
tp->CR_point.y -= tp->linediff.y;
tp->refpoint.x -= tp->linediff.x;
tp->refpoint.y -= tp->linediff.y;
case _SO:
case _SI: /* Not implemented yet */
if (tp->font)
ASCII_to_font ((int) *txt);
ASCII_to_char ((int) *txt);
** Move to next reference point, e. g. the next character origin
Pen_action_to_tmpfile (MOVE_TO, &tp->refpoint, FALSE);
void plot_symbol_char (char c)
** Special case: Symbol plotting. This requires a special
** x and y offset (for proper centering) but then simply amounts to
** drawing a single character.
static double dx = 0.5 * (1.0 - WIDTH_FAC), dy = -0.5 * HEIGHT_FAC;
tp->refpoint.x= HP_pos.x - tp->chardiff.x / 2.0;
tp->refpoint.y= HP_pos.y - tp->chardiff.y / 2.0;
tp->offset.x = tp->chardiff.x * dx - tp->linediff.x * dy;
tp->offset.y = tp->chardiff.y * dx - tp->linediff.y * dy;
if (tp->font)
ASCII_to_font ((int) c);
ASCII_to_char ((int) c);
** Move to next reference point, e. g. the next character origin
Pen_action_to_tmpfile (MOVE_TO, &tp->refpoint, FALSE);
void plot_user_char (FILE *hd)
** added by Alois Treindl 12-apr-93
HPGL_Pt p;
double x, y;
float fx, fy;
int pendown = FALSE;
tp->refpoint = HP_pos;
CurrentLineType = LT_solid;
p.x = tp->refpoint.x + tp->offset.x;
p.y = tp->refpoint.y + tp->offset.y;
while (read_float(&fx, hd) == 0)
if (fx >= 99)
pendown = TRUE;
else if (fx <= -99)
pendown = FALSE;
if (read_float(&fy, hd) != 0)
x = fx;
y = fy * 2.0 / 3.0;
p.x += tp->Txx * x + tp->Txy * y;
p.y += tp->Tyx * x + tp->Tyy * y;
if (pendown)
Pen_action_to_tmpfile (DRAW_TO, &p, FALSE);
Pen_action_to_tmpfile (MOVE_TO, &p, FALSE);
/* Update cursor: to next character origin! */
tp->refpoint.x += tp->chardiff.x;
tp->refpoint.y += tp->chardiff.y;
Pen_action_to_tmpfile (MOVE_TO, &tp->refpoint, FALSE);
CurrentLineType = GlobalLineType;