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C/C++ Source or Header
298 lines
#ifndef ILBM_H
#define ILBM_H
* ILBM.H Definitions for InterLeaved BitMap raster image. 1/23/86
* 09/88 - added CAMG, CCRT, and CRNG typedefs and macros (cs)
* By Jerry Morrison and Steve Shaw, Electronic Arts.
* This software is in the public domain.
* This version for the Commodore-Amiga computer.
#ifndef COMPILER_H
#include "iff/compiler.h"
#include "graphics/gfx.h"
#include "iff.h"
#define ID_ILBM MakeID('I','L','B','M')
#define ID_BMHD MakeID('B','M','H','D')
#define ID_CMAP MakeID('C','M','A','P')
#define ID_GRAB MakeID('G','R','A','B')
#define ID_DEST MakeID('D','E','S','T')
#define ID_SPRT MakeID('S','P','R','T')
#define ID_CAMG MakeID('C','A','M','G')
#define ID_CRNG MakeID('C','R','N','G')
#define ID_CCRT MakeID('C','C','R','T')
#define ID_BODY MakeID('B','O','D','Y')
/* ---------- BitMapHeader ---------------------------------------------*/
typedef UBYTE Masking; /* Choice of masking technique.*/
#define mskNone 0
#define mskHasMask 1
#define mskHasTransparentColor 2
#define mskLasso 3
typedef UBYTE Compression; /* Choice of compression algorithm applied to
* each row of the source and mask planes. "cmpByteRun1" is the byte run
* encoding generated by Mac's PackBits. See Packer.h . */
#define cmpNone 0
#define cmpByteRun1 1
/* Aspect ratios: The proper fraction xAspect/yAspect represents the pixel
* aspect ratio pixel_width/pixel_height.
* For the 4 Amiga display modes:
* 320 x 200: 10/11 (these pixels are taller than they are wide)
* 320 x 400: 20/11
* 640 x 200: 5/11
* 640 x 400: 10/11 */
#define x320x200Aspect 10
#define y320x200Aspect 11
#define x320x400Aspect 20
#define y320x400Aspect 11
#define x640x200Aspect 5
#define y640x200Aspect 11
#define x640x400Aspect 10
#define y640x400Aspect 11
/* A BitMapHeader is stored in a BMHD chunk. */
typedef struct {
UWORD w, h; /* raster width & height in pixels */
WORD x, y; /* position for this image */
UBYTE nPlanes; /* # source bitplanes */
Masking masking; /* masking technique */
Compression compression; /* compression algoithm */
UBYTE pad1; /* UNUSED. For consistency, put 0 here.*/
UWORD transparentColor; /* transparent "color number" */
UBYTE xAspect, yAspect; /* aspect ratio, a rational number x/y */
WORD pageWidth, pageHeight; /* source "page" size in pixels */
} BitMapHeader;
/* RowBytes computes the number of bytes in a row, from the width in pixels.*/
#define RowBytes(w) (((w) + 15) >> 4 << 1)
/* ---------- ColorRegister --------------------------------------------*/
/* A CMAP chunk is a packed array of ColorRegisters (3 bytes each). */
typedef struct {
UBYTE red, green, blue; /* MUST be UBYTEs so ">> 4" won't sign extend.*/
} ColorRegister;
/* Use this constant instead of sizeof(ColorRegister). */
#define sizeofColorRegister 3
typedef WORD Color4; /* Amiga RAM version of a color-register,
* with 4 bits each RGB in low 12 bits.*/
/* Maximum number of bitplanes in RAM. Current Amiga max w/dual playfield. */
#define MaxAmDepth 6
/* ---------- Point2D --------------------------------------------------*/
/* A Point2D is stored in a GRAB chunk. */
typedef struct {
WORD x, y; /* coordinates (pixels) */
} Point2D;
/* ---------- DestMerge ------------------------------------------------*/
/* A DestMerge is stored in a DEST chunk. */
typedef struct {
UBYTE depth; /* # bitplanes in the original source */
UBYTE pad1; /* UNUSED; for consistency store 0 here */
UWORD planePick; /* how to scatter source bitplanes into destination */
UWORD planeOnOff; /* default bitplane data for planePick */
UWORD planeMask; /* selects which bitplanes to store into */
} DestMerge;
/* ---------- SpritePrecedence -----------------------------------------*/
/* A SpritePrecedence is stored in a SPRT chunk. */
typedef UWORD SpritePrecedence;
/* ---------- Camg Amiga Viewport Mode ---------------------------------*/
/* A Commodore Amiga ViewPort->Modes is stored in a CAMG chunk. */
/* The chunk's content is declared as a LONG. */
typedef struct {
ULONG ViewModes;
} CamgChunk;
/* ---------- CRange cycling chunk -------------------------------------*/
/* A CRange is store in a CRNG chunk. */
typedef struct {
WORD pad1; /* reserved for future use; store 0 here */
WORD rate; /* 60/sec=16384, 30/sec=8192, 1/sec=16384/60=273 */
WORD active; /* bit0 set = active, bit 1 set = reverse */
UBYTE low, high; /* lower and upper color registers selected */
} CRange;
/* ---------- Ccrt (Graphicraft) cycling chunk -------------------------*/
/* A Ccrt is stored in a CCRT chunk. */
typedef struct {
WORD direction; /* 0=don't cycle, 1=forward, -1=backwards */
UBYTE start; /* range lower */
UBYTE end; /* range upper */
LONG seconds; /* seconds between cycling */
LONG microseconds; /* msecs between cycling */
WORD pad; /* future exp - store 0 here */
} CcrtChunk;
/* ---------- ILBM Writer Support Routines -----------------------------*/
/* Note: Just call PutCk to write a BMHD, GRAB, DEST, SPRT, or CAMG
* chunk. As below. */
#define PutBMHD(context, bmHdr) \
PutCk(context, ID_BMHD, sizeof(BitMapHeader), (BYTE *)bmHdr)
#define PutGRAB(context, point2D) \
PutCk(context, ID_GRAB, sizeof(Point2D), (BYTE *)point2D)
#define PutDEST(context, destMerge) \
PutCk(context, ID_DEST, sizeof(DestMerge), (BYTE *)destMerge)
#define PutSPRT(context, spritePrec) \
PutCk(context, ID_SPRT, sizeof(SpritePrecedence), (BYTE *)spritePrec)
#define PutCAMG(context, camg) \
PutCk(context, ID_CAMG, sizeof(CamgChunk),(BYTE *)camg)
#define PutCRNG(context, crng) \
PutCk(context, ID_CRNG, sizeof(CRange),(BYTE *)crng)
#define PutCCRT(context, ccrt) \
PutCk(context, ID_CCRT, sizeof(CcrtChunk),(BYTE *)ccrt)
#ifdef FDwAT
/* Initialize a BitMapHeader record for a full-BitMap ILBM picture.
* This gets w, h, and nPlanes from the BitMap fields BytesPerRow, Rows, and
* Depth. It assumes you want w = bitmap->BytesPerRow * 8 .
* CLIENT_ERROR if bitmap->BytesPerRow isn't even, as required by ILBM format.
* If (pageWidth, pageHeight) is (320, 200), (320, 400), (640, 200), or
* (640, 400) this sets (xAspect, yAspect) based on those 4 Amiga display
* modes. Otherwise, it sets them to (1, 1).
* After calling this, store directly into the BitMapHeader if you want to
* override any settings, e.g. to make nPlanes smaller, to reduce w a little,
* or to set a position (x, y) other than (0, 0).*/
extern IFFP InitBMHdr(BitMapHeader *, struct BitMap *,
/* bmHdr, bitmap */
int, int, int, WORD, WORD);
/* masking, compression, transparentColor, pageWidth, pageHeight */
/* Masking, Compression, UWORD -- are the desired types, but get
* compiler warnings if use them. */
/* Output a CMAP chunk to an open FORM ILBM write context. */
extern IFFP PutCMAP(GroupContext *, WORD *, UBYTE);
/* context, colorMap, depth */
/* This procedure outputs a BitMap as an ILBM's BODY chunk with
* bitplane and mask data. Compressed if bmHdr->compression == cmpByteRun1.
* If the "mask" argument isn't NULL, it merges in the mask plane, too.
* (A fancier routine could write a rectangular portion of an image.)
* This gets Planes (bitplane ptrs) from "bitmap".
* CLIENT_ERROR if bitmap->Rows != bmHdr->h, or if
* bitmap->BytesPerRow != RowBytes(bmHdr->w), or if
* bitmap->Depth < bmHdr->nPlanes, or if bmHdr->nPlanes > MaxAmDepth, or if
* bufsize < MaxPackedSize(bitmap->BytesPerRow), or if
* bmHdr->compression > cmpByteRun1. */
extern IFFP PutBODY(
GroupContext *, struct BitMap *, BYTE *, BitMapHeader *, BYTE *, LONG);
/* context, bitmap, mask, bmHdr, buffer, bufsize */
#else /*not FDwAT*/
extern IFFP InitBMHdr();
extern IFFP PutCMAP();
extern IFFP PutBODY();
#endif FDwAT
/* ---------- ILBM Reader Support Routines -----------------------------*/
/* Note: Just call IFFReadBytes to read a BMHD, GRAB, DEST, SPRT, or CAMG
* chunk. As below. */
#define GetBMHD(context, bmHdr) \
IFFReadBytes(context, (BYTE *)bmHdr, sizeof(BitMapHeader))
#define GetGRAB(context, point2D) \
IFFReadBytes(context, (BYTE *)point2D, sizeof(Point2D))
#define GetDEST(context, destMerge) \
IFFReadBytes(context, (BYTE *)destMerge, sizeof(DestMerge))
#define GetSPRT(context, spritePrec) \
IFFReadBytes(context, (BYTE *)spritePrec, sizeof(SpritePrecedence))
#define GetCAMG(context, camg) \
IFFReadBytes(context, (BYTE *)camg, sizeof(CamgChunk))
#define GetCRNG(context, crng) \
IFFReadBytes(context, (BYTE *)crng, sizeof(CRange))
#define GetCCRT(context, ccrt) \
IFFReadBytes(context, (BYTE *)ccrt, sizeof(CcrtChunk))
/* GetBODY can handle a file with up to 16 planes plus a mask.*/
#define MaxSrcPlanes 16+1
#ifdef FDwAT
/* Input a CMAP chunk from an open FORM ILBM read context.
* This converts to an Amiga color map: 4 bits each of red, green, blue packed
* into a 16 bit color register.
* pNColorRegs is passed in as a pointer to a UBYTE variable that holds
* the number of ColorRegisters the caller has space to hold. GetCMAP sets
* that variable to the number of color registers actually read.*/
extern IFFP GetCMAP(GroupContext *, WORD *, UBYTE *);
/* context, colorMap, pNColorRegs */
/* GetBODY reads an ILBM's BODY into a client's bitmap, de-interleaving and
* decompressing.
* Caller should first compare bmHdr dimensions (rowWords, h, nPlanes) with
* bitmap dimensions, and consider reallocating the bitmap.
* If file has more bitplanes than bitmap, this reads first few planes (low
* order ones). If bitmap has more bitplanes, the last few are untouched.
* This reads the MIN(bmHdr->h, bitmap->Rows) rows, discarding the bottom
* part of the source or leaving the bottom part of the bitmap untouched.
* GetBODY returns CLIENT_ERROR if asked to perform a conversion it doesn't
* handle. It only understands compression algorithms cmpNone and cmpByteRun1.
* The filed row width (# words) must agree with bitmap->BytesPerRow.
* Caller should use bmHdr.w; GetBODY only uses it to compute the row width
* in words. Pixels to the right of bmHdr.w are not defined.
* [TBD] In the future, GetBODY could clip the stored image horizontally or
* fill (with transparentColor) untouched parts of the destination bitmap.
* GetBODY stores the mask plane, if any, in the buffer pointed to by mask.
* If mask == NULL, GetBODY will skip any mask plane. If
* (bmHdr.masking != mskHasMask) GetBODY just leaves the caller's mask alone.
* GetBODY needs a buffer large enough for two compressed rows.
* It returns CLIENT_ERROR if bufsize < 2 * MaxPackedSize(bmHdr.rowWords * 2).
* GetBODY can handle a file with up to MaxSrcPlanes planes. It returns
* CLIENT_ERROR if the file has more. (Could be due to a bum file, though.)
* If GetBODY fails, itt might've modified the client's bitmap. Sorry.*/
extern IFFP GetBODY(
GroupContext *, struct BitMap *, BYTE *, BitMapHeader *, BYTE *, LONG);
/* context, bitmap, mask, bmHdr, buffer, bufsize */
/* [TBD] Add routine(s) to create masks when reading ILBMs whose
* masking != mskHasMask. For mskNone, create a rectangular mask. For
* mskHasTransparentColor, create a mask from transparentColor. For mskLasso,
* create an "auto mask" by filling transparent color from the edges. */
#else /*not FDwAT*/
extern IFFP GetCMAP();
extern IFFP GetBODY();
#endif FDwAT
#endif ILBM_H