DP Tool Club 15
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225 lines
#include "FastGT.ch"
// **************************************************************
// This function draws a 3D window
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function GTBox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, cColor )
Local cOldColor := SetColor( cColor )
Local lMouse := MouseCursor( MOUSE_OFF )
Scroll( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight )
SetColor( cOldColor )
nBottom++ // convert to graphic coordinates
nLeft := nLeft * 8 + 4
nRight := nRight * 8 - 5
nTop := nTop * 16 + 4
nBottom := nBottom * 16 - 5
VESABox( nTop - 4, nLeft - 4, nBottom + 4, nRight + 4, 7 )
VESABox( nTop - 3, nLeft - 3, nBottom + 3, nRight + 3, 15 )
VESABox( nTop - 2, nLeft - 2, nBottom + 2, nRight + 2, 15 )
VESABox( nTop - 1, nLeft - 1, nBottom + 1, nRight + 1, 7 )
VESABox( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, 0 )
MouseCursor( lMouse )
Return( Nil )
// **************************************************************
// This function draws a win3 window
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function GTWinBox( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, cColor, cTittle )
Local nPy1, nPx1, nPy2, nPx2, nCentre
Local lMouse := MouseCursor( MOUSE_OFF )
GTBox( nY1, nX1, nY2, nX2, cColor )
nPy1 := nY1 * 16 + 5 // convert to graphic coordinates
nPy2 := ( nY1 + 1 ) * 16
nPx1 := nX1 * 8 + 5
nPx2 := nX2 * 8 + 2
VESASetArea( nPy1, nPx1 + 12, nPy2, nPx2, 1 )
VESASetArea( nPy1, nPx1, nPy2, nPx1 + 11, 15 )
VESABox( nPy1 + 5, nPx1 + 3, nPy2 - 4, nPx1 + 10, 8 )
VESABox( nPy1 + 4, nPx1 + 2, nPy2 - 5, nPx1 + 9, 0 )
VESASetArea( nPy1 + 5, nPx1 + 3, nPy2 - 6, nPx1 + 8, 15 )
VESALine( nPy2, nPx1, nPy2, nPx2, 0 )
VESALine( nPy1 - 1, nPx1 + 13, nPy1 - 1, nPx2, 3 )
VESALine( nPy1 - 1, nPx1 + 13, nPy2 - 1, nPx1 + 13, 3 )
nCentre = ( nX1 + ( nX2 - nX1 ) / 2 - Len( cTittle ) / 2 ) * 8
VESAWriteAt( nPy1 + 2, nCentre, cTittle, 15, 1, FONT_SMALL )
MouseCursor( lMouse )
Return( Nil )
// **************************************************************
// This function draws a win3 style buttom
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function DrawButtom( nY, nX, cMessage, lStatus )
Local nPy := nY * 16
Local nPx := nX * 8
Local nLen := Len( cMessage ) + 2
Local lMouse := MouseCursor( MOUSE_OFF )
lStatus := If( lStatus == Nil, .T., lStatus )
VESABox( nPy, nPx, nPy + 15, nPx + nLen * 8 + 7, 0 )
VESASetArea( nPy + 1, nPx + 1, nPy + 14, nPx + nLen * 8 + 6, 15 )
If lStatus
VESASetArea( nPy + 13, nPx + 2, nPy + 13, nPx + nLen * 8 + 6, 7 )
VESASetArea( nPy + 14, nPx + 1, nPy + 14, nPx + nLen * 8 + 6, 7 )
VESASetArea( nPy + 2, nPx + nLen * 8 + 5, nPy + 13, nPx + nLen * 8 + 5, 7 )
VESASetArea( nPy + 1, nPx + nLen * 8 + 6, nPy + 14, nPx + nLen * 8 + 6, 7 )
VESAWriteAt( nPy + 4, nPx + 10, cMessage, 0, 15, FONT_SMALL )
VESASetArea( nPy + 1, nPx + 1, nPy + 1, nPx + nLen * 8 + 6, 7 )
VESASetArea( nPy + 1, nPx + 1, nPy + 14, nPx + 1, 7 )
VESAWriteAt( nPy + 6, nPx + 12, cMessage, 0, 15, FONT_SMALL )
MouseCursor( lMouse )
Return( { nY, nX, cMessage } )
// **************************************************************
// This function pushs a win3 style buttom
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function PushButtom( hButtom )
DrawButtom( hButtom[ 1 ], hButtom[ 2 ], hButtom[ 3 ], .F. )
Inkey( .2 )
DrawButtom( hButtom[ 1 ], hButtom[ 2 ], hButtom[ 3 ], .T. )
Return( Nil )
// **************************************************************
// This function draws an icon
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function DrawIcon( hIcon, lMode )
Local nInc := If( lMode == Nil .Or. lMode, 0, 1 )
Local nRow := hIcon[ 1 ]
Local nCol := hIcon[ 2 ]
Local nColor := If( lMode == Nil .Or. lMode, 8, 7 )
Local lMouse := MouseCursor( MOUSE_OFF )
VESASetArea( nRow - 2, nCol - 2, nRow - 1, nCol + 33, 7 )
VESALine( nRow - 1, nCol + 32, nRow + 33, nCol + 32, nColor )
VESALine( nRow - 2, nCol + 33, nRow + 33, nCol + 33, 8 )
VESASetArea( nRow - 2, nCol - 2, nRow + 33, nCol - 1, 7 )
VESALine( nRow + 32, nCol - 1, nRow + 32, nCol + 32, nColor )
VESALine( nRow + 33, nCol - 2, nRow + 33, nCol + 33, 8 )
VESAShowIcon( nRow + nInc, nCol + nInc, hIcon[ 3 ] )
MouseCursor( lMouse )
Return( Nil )
// **************************************************************
// This function search the VESA mode to use
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function SearchMode()
Local nMode
Local aModes := { 261, 259, 257, 256 }
Local nInd := 1
Local nBorra
While ( nInd < Len( aModes ) + 1 ) .And. ( nMode == Nil )
VESAMode( aModes[ nInd ] )
nBorra := VESAMode()
If ( nBorra == aModes[ nInd ] )
nMode := Len( aModes ) - nInd
Return( nMode )
// **************************************************************
// This function draws a bar
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function DrawBar( nY, nX, nHigh, nWeight, nShadow, nColor, nColShadow )
Local nInd
Local lMouse := MouseCursor( MOUSE_OFF )
For nInd := 1 To nWeight + 1
VESALine( nY, nX + nInd, nY - nHigh, nX + nInd, nColor )
For nInd := 1 To nShadow
VESALine( nY - nInd, nX + nWeight + nInd, nY - nHigh - nInd, nX + nWeight + nInd, nColShadow )
VESALine( nY - nHigh - nInd, nX + nInd, nY - nHigh - nInd, nX + nWeight + nInd, nColShadow )
MouseCursor( lMouse )
Return( Nil )
// **************************************************************
// This function draws a 3D box for write strings
// (C) 1992-93 Manu Roibal
Function UserBox( nY, nX, nLen, nColor1, nColor2 )
Local nX2
Local lMouse := MouseCursor( MOUSE_OFF )
nY *= 16 // convert text coordinates to graphic coordinates
nX *= 8 // a character is a 8x16 pixels
nX2 := nX + nLen * 8
VESALine( nY, nX, nY + 15, nX, nColor1 )
VESALine( nY, nX2 - 1, nY + 15, nX2 - 1, nColor2 )
VESALine( nY + 15, nX, nY + 15, nX2 - 1, nColor2 )
VESALine( nY, nX, nY, nX2 - 1, nColor1 )
MouseCursor( lMouse )
Return( Nil )