DP Tool Club 15
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Assembly Source File
323 lines
; module XCOMPPBM
; This module contains only the compiler and sizeof routines --
; use the plotter from XCBITMAP.
include xlib.inc
include xcomppbm.inc
; _x_compile_pbm
; I only changed five instructions, instead of rewriting this
; for PBMs. So it is amazingly inefficient. But, what the hell,
; It's only a game :).
; accessory macros to save typing (what else?)
Emitb macro arg
mov byte ptr es:[di],&arg&
inc di
Emitw macro arg
mov word ptr es:[di],&arg&
add di,2
; opcodes emitted by _x_compile_pbm
ROL_AL equ 0c0d0h ; rol al
SHORT_STORE_8 equ 044c6h ; mov [si]+disp8, imm8
STORE_8 equ 084c6h ; mov [si]+disp16, imm8
SHORT_STORE_16 equ 044c7h ; mov [si]+disp8, imm16
STORE_16 equ 084c7h ; mov [si]+disp16, imm16
ADC_SI_IMMED equ 0d683h ; adc si,imm8
OUT_AL equ 0eeh ; out dx,al
RETURN equ 0cbh ; ret
align 2
ColumnMask db 011h,022h,044h,088h
align 2
_x_compile_pbm proc
ARG logical_width:word,bitmap:dword,output:dword
LOCAL bwidth,scanx,scany,outputx,outputy,column,set_column,input_size:word=LocalStk
push bp
mov bp, sp ; caller's stack frame
sub sp,LocalStk ; local space
push si
push di
push ds
mov word ptr [scanx],0
mov word ptr [scany],0
mov word ptr [outputx],0
mov word ptr [outputy],0
mov word ptr [column],0
mov word ptr [set_column],0
lds si,[bitmap] ; 32-bit pointer to source bitmap
les di,[output] ; 32-bit pointer to destination stream
lodsb ; load width byte
xor ah, ah ; convert to word
mov [bwidth], ax ; save for future reference
mov bl, al ; copy width byte to bl
lodsb ; load height byte -- already a word since ah=0
mul bl ; mult height word by width byte
mov [input_size], ax; to get pixel total
mov bx, [scanx] ; position in original bitmap
add bx, [scany]
mov al, [si+bx] ; get pixel
or al, al ; skip empty pixels
jnz @@NoAdvance
jmp @@Advance
mov dx, [set_column]
cmp dx, [column]
je @@SameColumn
Emitw ROL_AL ; emit code to move to new column
Emitb 0
inc dx
cmp dx, [column]
jl @@ColumnLoop
Emitb OUT_AL ; emit code to set VGA mask for new column
mov [set_column], dx
mov dx, [outputy] ; calculate output position
add dx, [outputx]
sub dx, 128
inc word ptr [scanx]
mov cx, [scanx] ; within four pixels of right edge?
cmp cx, [bwidth]
jge @@OnePixel
inc word ptr [outputx]
mov ah, [si+bx+1] ; get second pixel
or ah, ah
jnz @@TwoPixels
cmp dx, 127 ; can we use shorter form?
jg @@OnePixLarge
cmp dx, -128
jl @@OnePixLarge
Emitb dl ; 8-bit position in output
jmp @@EmitOnePixel
Emitw STORE_8
Emitw dx ; position in output
Emitb al
jmp short @@Advance
cmp dx, 127
jg @@TwoPixLarge
cmp dx, -128
jl @@TwoPixLarge
Emitb dl ; 8-bit position in output
jmp @@EmitTwoPixels
Emitw STORE_16
Emitw dx ; position in output
Emitw ax
inc word ptr [outputx]
mov ax, [scanx]
inc ax
cmp ax, [bwidth]
jl @@AdvanceDone
mov dx, [outputy]
add dx, [logical_width]
mov cx, [scany]
add cx, [bwidth]
cmp cx, [input_size]
jl @@NoNewColumn
inc word ptr [column]
mov cx, [column]
cmp cx, 4
je @@Exit ; Column 4: there is no column 4.
xor cx, cx ; scany and outputy are 0 again for
mov dx, cx ; the new column
add si, [input_size]
mov [outputy], dx
mov [scany], cx
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr [outputx], 0
mov [scanx], ax
jmp @@MainLoop
mov ax,di
sub ax,word ptr [output] ; size of generated code
pop ds
pop di
pop si
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_x_compile_pbm endp
; _x_sizeof_cpbm
align 2
_x_sizeof_cpbm proc
ARG logical_width:word,bitmap:dword
LOCAL bwidth,scanx,scany,outputx,outputy,column,set_column,input_size:word=LocalStk
push bp
mov bp, sp ; caller's stack frame
sub sp,LocalStk ; local space
push si
push di
push ds
mov word ptr [scanx], 0
mov word ptr [scany], 0
mov word ptr [outputx], 0
mov word ptr [outputy], 0
mov word ptr [column], 0
mov word ptr [set_column], 0
lds si,[bitmap] ; 32-bit pointer to source bitmap
mov di, 1 ; initial size is just the size of the far RET
lodsb ; load width byte
xor ah, ah ; convert to word
mov [bwidth], ax ; save for future reference
mov bl, al ; copy width byte to bl
lodsb ; load height byte -- already a word since ah=0
mul bl ; mult height word by width byte
mov [input_size], ax; to get pixel total
mov bx, [scanx] ; position in original bitmap
add bx, [scany]
mov al, [si+bx] ; get pixel
or al, al ; skip empty pixels
jnz @@NoAdvance
jmp @@Advance
mov dx, [set_column]
cmp dx, [column]
je @@SameColumn
add di, 5 ; size of code to move to new column
inc dx
cmp dx,[column]
jl @@ColumnLoop
inc di ; size of code to set VGA mask
mov [set_column], dx
mov dx, [outputy] ; calculate output position
add dx, [outputx]
sub dx, 128
inc word ptr [scanx]
mov cx, [scanx] ; within four pixels of right edge?
cmp cx, [bwidth]
jge @@OnePixel
inc word ptr [outputx]
mov ah,[si+bx+1] ; get second pixel
or ah, ah
jnz @@TwoPixels
cmp dx, 127 ; can we use shorter form?
jg @@OnePixLarge
cmp dx, -128
jl @@OnePixLarge
add di, 4 ; size of 8-bit position in output plus one pixel
jmp @@EmitOnePixel
add di, 5 ; size of position in output plus one pixels
jmp short @@Advance
cmp dx, 127
jg @@TwoPixLarge
cmp dx, -128
jl @@TwoPixLarge
add di, 5 ; size of 8-bit position in output plus two pixels
jmp @@EmitTwoPixels
add di, 6 ; size of 16-bit position in output plus two pixels
inc word ptr [outputx]
mov ax, [scanx]
inc ax
cmp ax, [bwidth]
jl @@AdvanceDone
mov dx, [outputy]
add dx, [logical_width]
mov cx, [scany]
add cx, [bwidth]
cmp cx, [input_size]
jl @@NoNewColumn
inc word ptr [column]
mov cx, [column]
cmp cx, 4
je @@Exit ; Column 4: there is no column 4.
xor cx,cx ; scany and outputy are 0 again for
mov dx,cx ; the new column
add si, [input_size]
mov [outputy], dx
mov [scany], cx
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr [outputx], ax
mov [scanx], ax
jmp @@MainLoop
mov ax, di ; size of generated code
pop ds
pop di
pop si
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_x_sizeof_cpbm endp