DP Tool Club 16
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INI File
154 lines
;The name of this file must be called "install.inf" to work with
;This program can be distributed freely in this beta version only!
;PInstall v.0.99 beta written by Paul Amonson (amonson@uidaho.edu)
;Copyright (c) 1994 Paul Amonson
; NOTE: This file IS case sensitive!
;Name to be displayed in caption of all windows.
Name=The Juker Installation
;Title to be displayed on backdrop for install program.
Title=The Juker Installation
;Description displayed in initial dialog.
;Optional but highly recommended.
Description=This will install the program to your system. To install click Install. To abort this installation click Exit.
;Where the default installation takes place.
Default Destination Path=C:\JUKER
;Default file installation mode.
; Mode=[<Date>|Always|Never|Ask]
;Number of disks to install from (Default is 1).
; Disks=n
;Installation conditions to be met. All have defaults, so they are
;Is the processor a 386 or better?
; 386 or Better=[<Yes>|No]
;Is windows running in enhanced mode?
; Enhanced Mode=[<Yes>|No]
;Does the computer have a math coprocessor?
; Math Coprocessor=[<Yes>|No]
;Is the Windows Version equal to or greater than nnnn?
; Windows Version=nnnn
; NOTE: Empty is the default which means you don't care.
;Is the DOS Version equal to or greater than nnnn?
; DOS Version=nnnn
; NOTE: Empty is the default which means you don't care.
;List subdirectories here if any, do not list full paths and do not
;include install base directory.
;Put the program manager group name in "Group Name" and then list the
;installed items. {n} is the directory where the file can be found.
; Group Name=name (optional).
; n=path[,text]
; name is the Program Manager group name that is the default.
; path is the full path to the file accociated to the icon.
; text is the icon label.
;Special cases in the path are:
; {0} is the installation base directory i.e. C:\PINSTALL.
; {WIN} is the windows directory.
; {SYS} is the windows system directory.
; Example: 1={WIN}file.ext,File Name
; NOTE: No backslash after {WIN}.
Group Name=MMS Multimedia
1={0}juker.exe, The Juker
2={0}juker.hlp, The Juker's Help
3={0}survey.txt, The Juker's Survey
;List the drivers to install in the windows environment system.ini in
;the 386Enh section.
; n=entry,driver file (substitution allowed as in Icons).
;Modifications (if necessary) to the DOS Environment in both the
; Reboot=[<No>|Yes] (must use if installing DOS device drivers)!
; Path=dir[;dir[;dir[...]]] (optional).
; Files=f (optional).
; Buffers=b (optional).
; n=variable,value (optional).
; Auto n=AUTOEXEC.BAT line to be added to end. (optional).
; Config n=CONFIG.SYS line to be added to end. (optional).
; dir is a directory to add to the path.
; f is the minimum number of files.
; b is the minimum number of buffers.
; NOTE: Directory substitution is allowed in Path and n entries.
; NOTE: This feature is not implimented in this version. It is
; NOT recommended that a program uses the PATH or other DOS
; environment variables. As for setting FILES and BUFFERS,
; use this section to display a message to the user by
; putting both Files= and Buffers=. If present a dialog
; box will be displayed informing the user to check his
; CONFIG.SYS file and make sure that at least Files and at
; least Buffers be set in your CONFIG.SYS file.
;List of variables to be added to the .INI files.
; Restart=[<No>|Yes] (must use if installing drivers into the
; SYSTEM.INI file in all but [386Enh] section
; which should be done in the Drivers section).
; n=inifile,section,entry,value (optional).
;List of files on disk #1.
;At least 1 file required!
; n=source file,destination file[,mode]
; mode=[<Date>|Always|Never|Ask|Math|Ver:nnnn]
; NOTE: Math: install if there is no math coprocessor.
; NOTE: Ver:nnnn means install if version is less then nnnn.
; NOTE: Directory substitution is allowed in the destination field.