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Graphica User's Manual June 1994
Graphica software and manual (c) copyright 1992-94 by Antonio Montes.
GRAPHICA version 2.7
A System for Drawing Scientific Graphs
If you like this program, you can send a contribution of US$30 or NLG
55 to the address below. Contributors to the development of Graphica
are entitled to mail support, a copy of the latest version, and 10
additional software fonts. See the 'orderfrm.doc' file for details.
Antonio Montes
Postbus 13
2350 AA Leiderdorp
The Netherlands
If You Hate Reading Instructions
If you'd like to get started with Graphica right away and can't wait
to read the entire manual, here is a set of instructions to install
it on your hard disk and generate a simple file:
1. Create a subdirectory called \GRAPHICA on your hard disk and make
it the current directory:
md \graphica
cd \graphica
2. Insert the Graphica diskette in floppy drive A.
3. Run UNZIP or an equivalent program to extract the program files
from the archive in the diskette:
unzip a:\graphica.zip
4. Type graphica at the DOS prompt, hit any key and enter:
> plot sin(x)
> draw x y
> frame
> dump
> quit
The previous sequence of commands generates an HPGL file called
'graphica.hpg' containing a plot of the sine function. You can send
the file directly to a plotter or import it into some other package.
1. Copy the Graphica package to the Coherent partition.
2. Run UNZIP or an equivalent program to extract the program files
from the archive in the diskette:
$ unzip graphica.zip
3. Change to the /graphica subdirectory
4. Type graphica at the prompt, hit any key and enter:
> plot sin(x)
> draw x y
> frame
> dump
> quit
The previous sequence of commands generates an HPGL file called
'graphica.hpg' containing a plot of the sine function. You can send
the file directly to a plotter or import it into some other package.
What is Graphica?
About This Guide
How to Use This Guide
Who Wrote Graphica
System Requirements (MS-DOS version)
Installing Graphica (MS-DOS version)
System Requirements (Coherent version)
Installing Graphica (Coherent version)
Bug Reporting
Invoking Graphica
Entering Commands
Document Conventions
Command-Line Editor
Editors and External Programs
Numerical Calculations
Plotting Functions
Plotting Data
Plotting Data Files
Plotting Parametric Curves
Using Script Files
Multiple Graphs on one Page
Graphics Hardcopy
Including Graphs in Word Processors
What is Graphica?
Graphica is a command-driven interactive/batch graphics program for
making presentation quality graphs on a computer. This
two-dimensional data plotting system is designed specifically for
scientific and engineering applications. Graphica is easy to use,
powerful and it runs on personal computers, mainframes and
workstations. With Graphica, you can:
o plot data or functions
o evaluate and plot mathematical expressions
o fit polynomials, sigmoids, splines, and smooth data
o display and print graphs on hardcopy devices
o export graphs in HPGL, GIF, LaserJet, PCX, color
PostScript, TIF and other output formats
o draw text in 11 different fonts, including roman, greek,
cyrillic and gothic
o draw hundreds of specialized symbols
o get online help
Graphica is an interactive computer program which accepts English
sentence specifications of graphs, and, from those specifications,
produces publication quality pictures. This manual describes the use
of Graphica. The specifications that the user provides are referred
to as "commands" or "statements."
Final graphs are of publication quality and may be fitted to pages
with existing text thereby eliminating costly reproductions
(photocopying and reduction).
The user operates the program through a set of problem oriented
language (POL) commands. Each command consists of keywords and data
values separated by blanks or commas. This requires minimum data
input and enables simple and efficient graphing. For example, if the
user enters:
map x 0,10 y 0,100
Graphica determines that the user wants the X-axis range set from 0
to 10 and the Y-axis range set from 0 to 100. The user must separate
entities in a command with blanks or commas. In this manual, blanks
are not explicitly indicated.
Other Graphica capabilities include:
o multiple curve plotting and graphs
o axis drawing with labels and scaled divisions
o log-log, semilog, probability and linear plots
o graph titles and legends
o hardware and software character generation
o 3 units of measure (in, cm, mm)
About This Guide
This manual provides a reference for the Graphica command syntax and
usage. It also provides a set of example plots which indicate the
capabilities of the package. It may be useful to thumb through the
example plots and to refer to the appropriate script file when you're
creating a plot. This way you can see what features are desired for
the given plot and you can learn how to activate those (and other)
The manual is divided into two main sections: the tutorial and the
reference guide. The tutorial is an introduction to the Graphica
system. Many examples are given. The reference section contains
extensive details on all Graphica functions (see the 'graphica.fil'
file in the distribution).
How to Use This Guide
Once Graphica is up and running, this guide will not be needed very
often. The online help provides most of what is needed in order to
use the program. If you need help on a particular command, look it
up in the reference section. The tutorial section will get you
started. Remember, you may enter commands at the command line as
well as from a script file. Load the example script files in the
package to get a feel for how Graphica works.
Who Wrote Graphica
Antonio Montes grew up in Germany and Spain and went to school in
Saudi Arabia and Alaska. He wrote the original Graphica (which used
to be called Logos) in Fortran while attending graduate school at the
University of Kansas, in Lawrence. He received his doctorate in
petroleum engineering in 1992 and is now working for a major oil
service company.
The new Graphica program was written in C by the author over the last
several years. Mathematica (by Wolfram Research, Inc.), Matlab (by
The MathWorks) as well as Gnuplot (Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley)
have had a great influence on Graphica. Mathematica and Matlab
provided ideas for lots of new commands. Gnuplot provided the
initial parsing algorithm, the character online help system and some
functions. Publicly available sources and books provided additional
Graphica was written to generate professional publication-quality
two-dimensional graphs quickly and efficiently. If a new feature is
needed, it can be incorporated immediately into the program by the
author. In addition, it provides a good reason to play around with
software engineering tools (compilers, etc.) on a variety of
platforms. The program is under constant development.
System Requirements (MS-DOS version)
Graphica normally detects automatically what graphics monitor
hardware is present in order to preview graphs. In general, you
basically need the following items:
Computer: IBM PC,XT,AT or compatible
Disk Drives: 2 floppy drives or 1 floppy drive/hard drive
Memory: 640K Bytes (Graphica also uses XMS/EMS)
Video Cards: CGA, EGA, VGA or compatible adapter
Hercules Monochrome Adapter or compatible
Hardcopy: HPGL compatible plotters
Epson printers and compatibles
PostScript laser printers
HP LaserJet II and 4 printers
Other Output: Lotus 1-2-3 PIC file
GIF, PCX and TIF files
Installing Graphica (MS-DOS version)
There are no special installation requirements. The simplest
procedure is to make a new directory on your hard disk, and to copy
all of the files there. You may wish to put the Graphica directory
on your path, or to copy the files to a RAM disk.
Let's suppose you wish to install Graphica into a directory called
\GRAPHICA. To create the directory, simply do the following:
md graphica
cd graphica
If you have changed your system prompt with $P$G (as part of your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file, for example), the prompt should show:
Graphica should have been distributed as one compressed ZIP file.
To uncompress this file, you will need UNZIP.EXE or an equivalent
C:\GRAPHICA>unzip a:graphica
After extracting from the archive, Graphica consists of the following
GRAPHICA.EXE main program
GRAPHICA.FIL help file
YY**.BIN binary font files
README.1ST quick instructions
EXAMPLES.ZIP sample script files
DOCS.ZIP documentation
The original ZIP file contains several two other ZIP files,
EXAMPLES.ZIP and DOCS.ZIP. You may uncompress these or leave them
alone to save disk space.
System Requirements (Coherent version)
To run Graphica, you'll need the following hardware and software:
Computer: IBM 386, 486, etc. or compatible
Operating System: Coherent v4.2.05 or higher
Disk Drives: 1 floppy drive or 1 floppy drive/hard drive
Video Cards: VGA or compatible adapter
Hardcopy: HPGL compatible plotters
Epson printers and compatibles
PostScript laser printers
HP LaserJet II and 4 printers
Other Output: Lotus 1-2-3 PIC file
GIF, PCX and TIF files
Installing Graphica (Coherent version)
There are no special installation requirements. The simplest
procedure is to make a new directory on your hard disk, and to copy
all of the files there. You may wish to put the Graphica directory
on your path.
Graphica should have been distributed as one compressed ZIP file.
Copy this file to your Coherent partition. To uncompress the
archive, you will need UNZIP.EXE or an equivalent program:
$ unzip graphica
After extracting from the archive, Graphica consists of the following
directory with a couple of subdirectories under it, as follows:
/graphica directory
graphica main program (executable)
graphica.fil help file (ascii-may be printed)
yy*.bin binary software fonts
/graphica/examples directory
This directory contains sample script files:
*.plt script files
*.dat data files
/graphica/docs directory
graphica.doc short user's tutorial (this file)
history.doc log of latest changes and improvements
register.doc contribution information
sharewre.doc about shareware
Readme quick instructions
Hints file with a few hints
Warning file listing script files with problems
The authors have made their best effort in producing this software,
but hereby disclaim all warranties. The authors will not be liable
for any damages arising from the use or misuse of Graphica. The
person using the software bears all risk as to the quality and
performance of the software. The program is provided as is.
Bug Reporting
Graphica is under constant revision, updating and being given
expanded capabilities. Prior to each release, the developer strives
to verify new features and bug fixes through testing. However, as
inevitably happens with any software, some bugs do survive and show
up in user runs. Users can aid in the problem fixing process by
following the guidelines below:
a) Report any unusual messages, computed results, format
overflows, etc. even though the program appears to have
terminated normally.
b) For any abnormal program termination, save the input file and
all output obtained by running the program.
Reported problems will be fixed as quickly as possible. In most
instances, alternate methods or techniques of plot formulation and
input are available to permit graphing despite the bug. All problems
encountered with Graphica should be reported to:
Antonio Montes
Postbus 13
2350 AA Leiderdorp
The Netherlands
CompuServe userid: 71031,1162
Internet: tony@amontes.oss.nl
Welcome to the Graphica tutorial.
A plot is a graphic image used to present information in a visual
manner. The components of a graphic image are: lines, markers, text
strings, polygons, etc. The basic ingredients of a plot are: a page,
a subplot area and data points. The data points are plotted using
symbols, characters or simple dots. Data points and curves are drawn
or plotted on a grid space formed by Cartesian coordinate axes. The
horizontal line is the x-axis and the vertical line, the y-axis. A
graph is made with Graphica by either loading an existing script file
from the disk, or by creating a new graph through the command line.
This section explains how to create simple graphs.
All commands may be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is not
ambiguous. Any number of commands may appear on a line, separated by
semicolons. A script file is loaded with the load command.
Commands may extend over several input lines, by ending each line but
the last with a backslash (\). The backslash must be the last
character on each line. The effect is as if the backslash and
newline were not there. Commenting out a continued line comments out
the entire command.
Invoking Graphica (MS-DOS version)
Graphica can be run from any directory as long as GRAPHICA.EXE is
placed in the directory search path. Start Graphica by entering
graphica at the prompt and pressing return:
Graphica takes a few seconds to load into memory. Then the screen
will clear, there will be a brief notice and you'll be at the >
prompt. The program is ready for your input.
To exit, type quit or exit at the Graphica command level.
> quit
and you're back at the operating system prompt.
Entering Commands
For help on any topic, type help followed by the name of the topic at
the > prompt.
Anytime you are ready to type in the next Graphica command and your
screen shows a plot (in other words, you are in graphics mode), just
press any key or start typing the command in. At the > prompt, you
can always type show to have a look at what you have plotted on the
screen so far.
Document Conventions
Input to Graphica is in the form of a problem oriented language (POL)
designed specifically for graphing purposes. The following is a
description of the conventions used within the manual to explain
Graphica commands.
The appearance within a Graphica command of a descriptor of the form
<integer> implies that the user is to enter an item of data within
that position in the statement of the class described by the
descriptor (in the above example, an integer). The command:
divisions x <integer>,<integer>
implies that the word divisions is to be followed by the word x and
two integers such as 2 or 3, and that the statement entered by the
user as input data should be of the form:
divisions x 2,2
The following are definitions of most of the descriptors used within
the language. Those not described below are explained when they
first occur in the text.
<integer> a series of digits optionally preceeded by a plus or a
minus sign. Examples are 121, +300, -410.
<real> a series of digits with a decimal point included, or a series
of digits with a decimal point followed by an exponent indicating a
power of 10. Real numbers may be optionally signed. Examples are
1.0, -2.5, 3.6E+10.
<value> is either an integer or a real number.
'string' is any textual information enclosed within a pair of
apostrophes (') or quotes ("). An example is 'Are you following this
so far?'
As noted above, input to Graphica is a series of English-like
commands. Many of the words or phrases in these commands are
optional and are permitted primarily for readability or are used to
specify options within a command. The curly braces {} denote these
optional items.
Each command is entered on a new line. Commands can be entered in
lower case, upper case, or both. Only the first significant
characters of a command are needed. A line starting with a hatch (#)
will be treated as a comment line. Also, anything after that
character in a line will be treated as a comment.
Items such as <integer> shown in the command definitions must always
be replaced by an integer. Undesignated items such as <minimum>,
<maximum>, etc. can be replaced by either an integer or a real. For
divisions x2 <integer>,<integer>
can be specified as
div x2 3 2
map x <minimum value> <maximum value>
can be entered as
map x 20 30
map x 20.0 30.0
Sometimes keywords in a command line can be entered in any order
(except the very first one, of course). For instance,
plot add x connect y
will plot the X/Y data connecting all points and adding symbols.
In many commands, items may be repeated or more than one word is
acceptable in a given position within a command. The choices are
listed enclosed in curly brackets '{}'. For example, the command
draw {x,y,x2,y2} {mask,reflect}
indicates that the user may enter commands like
draw x reflect y2 reflect
draw x y
draw y reflect x2 mask.
paper {size} <horizontal value> {by} <vertical value>
can be written as
paper size 11.0 by 8.5
pap 11.0 8.5
paper 11 by 8.5
In order to be more descriptive within the command definitions,
actual data items (items enclosed within '<>') are sometimes
described in terms of their physical meaning and followed by the type
or class of data item which can be used in the command. For example,
a command definition of the form
input {from} {file} <filename>
implies that the data item following the word input is the name of a
file. For example, acceptable commands would be
input 'myfile.p'
input from 'graph.dat'
Filenames or labels are not acceptable if they are not enclosed
within apostrophes or quotes. Examples of commands with incorrect
labels or filenames are:
input from my data
label top you*beast!
xlabel honey.pie
Command-Line Editor
On some systems (Coherent, DOS and Windows), Graphica is compiled
with a feature called last-line editing and recall. In that case,
the arrow keys on the keypad can be used to edit mistyped commands or
to recall previous command lines.
Instead of retyping an entire line, simply hit the up-arrow or
down-arrow keys to recall previous input lines. Then you can move
the cursor over using the left and right-arrow keys and edit the
line. The arrow keys on the keypad work on copies of the previous
input lines, which have been saved in a moderately sized input
buffer. Here is a brief description of the arrow key functions:
^N or up arrow recall previous line
^P or down arrow recall next line
^B or left arrow move left one character
^F or right arrow move right one character
^A or home move to beginning of line
^E or end move to end of line
^U or esc cancel current line
^H or del delete character left of cursor
backspace delete character at cursor
^K kill from current position to the end of line
^D delete the current character
^R redraw line in case it gets trashed
^W kill last word
Hitting the return key returns the entire line regardless of the
cursor position. On systems without the last-line editing and recall
feature, the recall command gives a list of the last 10 user input
lines for review. For example:
> recall
would give out a list such as:
paper size 11 by 8.5
subplot 2 3 6 7
draw x y
which were previously entered commands.
Editors and External Programs
The dollar sign character ($) is used within Graphica on the very
first position of a command line to indicate that the rest of the
input line should be issued as a command to the operating system.
Control will return immediately to Graphica after this command is
executed. For example:
> $edit test
runs an editor on file test and returns to Graphica upon completion.
The shell command spawns an interactive shell. Use this option to
access the operating system prompt and execute commands or run other
programs. When shelling out to the operating system, you can execute
any command or application and stay there.
To return to Graphica type EXIT at the command line (MS-DOS).
Numerical Calculations
You can do arithmetic with Graphica like with a calculator. You type
the input 2+4,
> 2+4
and Graphica prints the result 6,
2+4 = 6
You may define your own functions and variables,
> f(x) = sin(x)+cos(x)
> f(3)
f(3) = -0.84887
> Vp = -1.25
Vp = -1.25
> Vp/3.4
Vp/3.4 = -0.36765
or use the built-in functions to construct or plot more complicated
functions. The output format (number of decimals shown) can be
changed with the 'format' command. See the format entry in the
reference section for more details.
Plotting Functions
The 'plot' command is the heart of Graphica. It is used to plot
data, functions and datafiles. We will be using it a lot in the next
few pages. To plot a sine wave, enter the following command at the >
> plot sin(x)
Within a few seconds, a graph of sin(x) as a function of x will be
plotted. Press any key and then enter:
> draw x y
The x and y axes will be drawn. The x axis will span from -10 to 10,
since that is the default range.
You can plot functions that have singularities. Graphica will try to
choose the appropriate y scale. Enter:
> clear
to clear the graphics slate. Then enter:
> sampling 300
> plot tan(x)
The 'sampling' command simply tells Graphica that we would like to
plot more points of the function that the default of 150. After
that, the plot command plots the function. To draw the axes, do:
> draw x y
You can give a list of functions to plot all at once. Go ahead and
clear everything by entering:
> clear
Then, map the x-axis with the following command:
> map x 0 2*pi
To actually plot the functions, enter:
> plot sin(x), sin(2*x), sin(3*x)
And to draw the axes:
> draw x y
Graphica always tries to plot functions as smooth curves. As a
result, in places where your function wiggles a lot, you may adapt
Graphica's sampling of your function to the form of the function (we
did that by giving the sampling command at the beginning of this
section.) Since Graphica can only sample your function at a limited
number of points, it can sometimes miss features of the function. By
increasing 'sampling', you can make Graphica sample your function at
a larger number of points. Of course, the larger you set sampling to
be, the longer it will take Graphica to plot any function, even a
smooth one.
The function sin(1/x) wiggles infinitely often when x is near zero.
Graphica can never sample the infinite number that it would need to
reproduce the function exactly. As a result, there are slight
glitches in the plot. Go ahead and try it:
> clear
> map x -1,1
> plot sin(1/x)
> draw x y
Plotting Data
You may combine two Graphica commands, plot and data, to plot data
points. For example:
> clear
> data
data> 2 3
data> 5 4
data> 6 4
data> 7 5
data> 5 3
data> end
> plot x y add
> draw x y
This sequence of commands will result in a simple graph with both
axis autoscaled. See the map command for more details on how to
change the x-axis scale in the plot.
Plotting Data Files
Data may also be plotted by retrieving the information from a data
file. There are a couple of ways of doing this. The first is by
simply specifying:
> clear
> data 'bob.dat'
where bob.dat contains 3 columns of numbers. To plot the data, you
can do:
> plot data
which will plot the first 2 columns. To draw the axes:
> draw x y
Using the other method, you can plot a datafile directly:
> clear
> plot 'bob.dat'
and now the axes:
> draw x y
The first method allows you to read in several columns of data and
then choose which one will be plotted (see 'column' in the reference
section.) By default, specifying plot data simply plots the first
two columns of data as x versus y.
Plotting Parametric Curves
In a parametric plot, you give both the x and y coordinates of each
point as a function of a third parameter, say t. Let us construct
a parametric plot. In this example, the parametric curve made by
taking the x coordinate of each point to be sin(t) and the y
coordinate to be sin(2*t):
> clear
> parametric plot t 0,2*pi sin(t) sin(2*t)
> draw x y
Using Script Files
A script file is simply a text file containing valid Graphica
commands. The script file can be executed by the load or input
command. The name of the input file must be enclosed in single or
double quotes:
> clear
> load 'torp.plt'
Multiple Graphs on one Page
With Graphica, you may plot as many graphs on one page as you wish by
changing the subplot area. Try this:
> clear
> load 'rocha.plt'
Several axes have been defined, x and y axes with labels, a y2 axis
without labels, etc. The data shown is actual experimental data.
Graphics Hardcopy
Unless your computer or terminal is directly connected to a device
(for example, a plotter) the best way to get hardcopy output is
through the dump command. If you are using the Windows version of
Graphica, then you can also use the Windows drivers to get hardcopy
directly from the graph window.
The dump command generates hardcopy output into a file. The syntax is:
dump {device-type} {filename}
If the filename is omitted, Graphica will use a default filename of
the form graphica.xxx where xxx is a file extension, that depends on
the chosen device type. If the device type is missing and you have
defined the environment variable GRAPDUMP, then this device will be
used. A device type specified on the command line overrides any
device type previously specified in GRAPDUMP. You will get an error
message if Graphica can't find a device type somewhere (either in the
environment or on the command line.)
If you wish to dump directly to a device, there are two options.
First, you can dump to a file and then use the $ command to perform a
copy to a printer or plotter. The second option is to use the output
command and then do a show. Both achieve the same purpose. Let's
illustrate both:
> dump postscript
> $copy graphica.ps prn
(do some graphics on screen)
> output prn
> term postscript
> show
This last example would "redraw" everything in PostScript to the
printer specified by prn. See the 'dump' command in the reference
section for some examples.
Including Graphs in Word Processors
If you'd like to import graphs into a word processor like WordPerfect
5.1, here's how. You may produce plots with Graphica, export them
using HPGL, GIF, PCX or TIF output and import them into WordPerfect.
Once a graphic has been imported into WordPerfect, you can move it,
scale it, rotate it, add captions, etc. Let's create a graph with
Graphica and retrieve it into a WordPerfect document step by step.
There is a file in your distribution disk called ris108.plt. Start
and load the script file ris108.plt:
> load 'ris108.plt'
The screen will clear and a plot will be drawn. In fact, this plot
makes use of font 5 (complex cyrillic). The graph was created after
one in a russian text dealing with petroleum chemistry.
Now press any key and enter:
> dump hpgl 'ris108.hpg'
The dump command will create a file called ris108.hpg containing HPGL
commands. You may later send this file to a plotter or pull it into
any of the many programs that accept HPGL commands. Now, exit
Graphica by typing quit or q:
> q
and start WordPerfect:
When the screen clears, do the following:
1) press Alt-F9 (for the graphics menu)
2) type 1 (for figure)
3) select 1 (for create)
4) select 1 (for filename)
5) enter ris108.hpg (to read the file in, no quotes)
WordPerfect will retrieve the HPGL information into a graphic box
immediately. You can edit the graph further within the graphics
6) press 9 (for edit)
or simply view the graph:
7) press F7 (to exit the graphics menu)
8) press shift-F7 (for print)
9) press 6 (for view document)
and you have successfully imported a Graphica plot into a WordPerfect
Here are some more pointers to help you get going more efficiently
with Graphica:
o Pressing any key while the introductory screen is shown will
take you directly to the command line.
o To run Graphica in batch mode, simply specify a terminal type
of 'unknown' in your script file and run the script file on the
command line as an argument to Graphica (GRAPHICA SCRIPT.PLT).
o Use the arrow keys (up, down, right, left ) to recall previous
commands or edit the current command line.
o Type 'what' to get a list of all the *.plt script files you may
have in the current directory.
o You may put more than one command on a line-just separate each
command by a semicolon, for example,
> plot x y add ; column 3 is y ; plot x y connect
o You may enter the name of a script file at the Graphica command
line (without the .PLT extension) to load the file.
> doit
will load the file 'doit.plt' into Graphica and execute the
commands in the file.
In the printed, bound manual, this section contains detailed
descriptions of all Graphica commands. It begins with a list of
commands grouped by subject area and continues with the reference
entries in alphabetical order.
In this document, only the command grouping is presented. However,
the commands are still fully described in a companion ASCII file
called 'graphica.fil' which can be printed. This file is used by
Graphica's on-line help engine.
Also, the file 'history.doc' gives information on last minute command
changes, additions and/or corrections. The on-line help file will
always contain the latest information available about all commands in
the version of GRAPHICA you now have.
clear clear workspace
default reset defaults
dummy specify dummy variables
exit terminate program
help invoke online help
memory DOS memory left
quit same as exit
sampling specify sampling rate
stats show input data statistics
variables list variables
version show version
who same as variables
Command Window
clc clear command screen
echo enable command echoing
pause pause and/or wait for user response
recall recall previous commands
shell spawn a shell
$ execute an OS command
Disk and Data Files
audit set command trace
cd change current directory
data read data from disk or terminal
del delete a file from disk
dir directory of files on disk
load load script file from disk
input same as load
pwd print current directory
save write commands to file
type display a file from disk
what show script files on disk
Graph Setup Commands
autoscale axis autoscaling
background background color
column assign column data to axes
divisions number of axis divisions
exponent format in log labels
format label format
grid switch grid drawing on
location mapped positions
map limits of an axis
mask mask area
origin axis origin
pen specify pen parameter
paper size graph paper size
plotting sequence plotting sequence
subplot area where plot will actually go
symbol plotting symbol
tic tic mark size and direction
units drawing units
Plotting Commands
arrow draw an arrow
circle draw a circle
draw draw an axis
frame draw a frame
line draw a line
lineto draw a line to a location
moveto move cursor to a location
parametric plot a parametric curve
plot plot a data file, curve or function
polar draw a polar plot
rectangle draw a rectangle
shade shade a set of data
show show screen
Interpolation and Fitting Commands
polyfit draw a polynomial curve through data
sigmoid draw a sigmoid curve through data
smooth draw a smooth curve through data
spline draw a spline curve through data
Text Annotation and Character Setup Commands
character font change the character font
character gap change the character gap
character ratio change the character ratio
character size change the character size
character slant change the character slant
label draw a label
legend draw a legend
sub/superscript specify sub/superscript size
title draw a centered title
xlabel draw a centered x-axis label
ylabel draw a centered y-axis label
x2label draw a centered x2-axis label
y2label draw a centered y2-axis label
Miscellaneous Graph Commands
beep switch graph beep on
digitize establish an x/y position
display switch mouse/cursor location display on
dump generate hardcopy output
output specify output device
terminal select graphic device
timestamp switch timestamp on
view move paper to view plotter output
Elementary Math Functions
abs absolute value or complex magnitude
arg phase angle
ceil round up to nearest integer
conj complex-conjugate
floor round down to nearest integer
imag imaginary part
rand pseudorandom number generator
real real part
seed seed to rand above
sqr square root
Trigonometric Functions
acos arc cosine
acosh hyperbolic arc cosine
asin arc sine
asinh hyperbolic arc sine
atan arc tangent
atanh hyperbolic arc tangent
cos cosine
cosh hyperbolic cosine
sin sine
sinh hyperbolic sine
tan tangent
tanh hyperbolic tangent
Special Functions
erf error function
erfc complementary error function
ierf inverse error function
gamma gamma function
lgamma logarithm of gamma function
ibeta incomplete beta integral
ibetai inverse of incomplete beta integral
igamma incomplete gamma integral
igamc complemented incomplete gamma integral
igami inverse of incomplete gamma integral
Bessel Functions
besi0 Bessel function, i-zeroth
besi1 Bessel function, i-first
besin Bessel function, i-nth
besj0 Bessel function, j-zeroth
besj1 Bessel function, j-first
besjn Bessel function, j-nth
besk0 Bessel function, k-zeroth
besk1 Bessel function, k-first
beskn Bessel function, k-zeroth
besy0 Bessel function, y-zeroth
besy1 Bessel function, y-first
besyn Bessel function, y-nth
Probability Density Functions
bdtr binomial distribution
bdtrc complemented binomial distribution
bdtri inverse binomial distribution
nbdtr negative binomial distribution
nbdtrc complemented negative binomial distribution
bdtr beta distribution
chdtr chi-square distribution
chdtrc complemented chi-square distribution
chdtri inverse of complemented chi-square distribution
fdtr F distribution
fdtrc complemented F distribution
fdtri inverse of complemented F distribution
gdtr gamma distribution
gdtrc complemented gamma distribution
ndtr normal distribution
ndtri inverse of normal distribution
pdtr Poisson distribution
pdtrc complemented Poisson distribution
pdtri inverse Poisson distribution
stdtr student's t distribution
Miscellaneous Information
mathematical expressions
text control sequences
end of document