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DOS Phantom
Users Guide
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
P2 Enterprises
P.O. Box 25
Ben Lomond CA 95005-0025
Copyright (c) 1994 by P2 Enterprises. All Rights Reserved.
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| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
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|___|___| MEMBER
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
1. What Is DOS Phantom?..................................1
1.1. What is DOS Phantom Good For?.......................2
1.1.1. Recovery from Power Failures......................2
1.1.2. A Batch Substitute................................3
1.1.3. Keystroke Macros..................................3
1.1.4. Program Startup...................................3
1.1.5. Automatic Execution...............................3
1.1.6. Demos.............................................4
1.1.7. Software Testing..................................4
1.1.8. Applications Integration..........................4
2. What is Shareware?....................................6
3. Using DOS Phantom.....................................7
3.1. Before You Begin....................................7
3.2. The DOS Phantom Command Line........................8
3.2.1. Basic Command Switches............................8
3.2.2. Other Command Switches............................9
3.3. Recording and Playing Back.........................10
3.4. Pausing............................................11
3.5. Quick Playback - The /Q Switch.....................12
3.6. Looping Playback - The /L Switch...................12
3.7. The DOS Phantom Control Panel......................12
3.8. Changing The Hot Keys..............................14
3.9. Increasing Shell Environment Space - The /E Switch.16
3.10. Making DOS Phantom Memory Resident - The /I Switch16
3.11. Removing DOS Phantom From Memory - The /U Switch..16
3.12. Using The /O Switch...............................17
3.13. The Disk Write Trigger Value - The /T Switch......17
3.14. Autonomous Mode - the /N Switch...................18
4. Using Hot Keys To Start Playbacks....................19
5. Scheduling Recordings for Later Playback.............21
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
6. Converting ASCII Text Files for Playback.............24
7. The P2FLUSH Program..................................26
8. Scraper..............................................27
9. Editing DOS Phantom Recordings.......................30
9.1. Eliminating Help Text..............................34
9.2. DOS Phantom Directives.............................34
9.2.1. $PAUSE, $WAIT, and $SLEEP - Programmed Pauses....34
9.2.2. Ending Pauses - $ResumeKey.......................36
9.2.3. Substitution Parameters..........................36
9.2.4. Compressed Mode..................................37
9.2.5. Pop-Up Displays..................................38
9.2.6. Labels and the $GOTO Directive...................41
9.2.7. Pop-Up Menus.....................................41
9.2.8. The $IfKey Directive.............................45
9.2.9. Programmed Screen Capture........................47
9.2.10. Programmed Print Capture........................48
9.2.11. Pacing..........................................48
9.2.12. Matching Screen Text............................49
9.2.13. Waiting for Program Exit........................51
9.2.14. Detecting Exit Status...........................52
9.2.15. Disabling Keyboard Input - $DisableKybd.........53
9.2.16. Flushing the Typeahead Buffer - $FlushTypAhd....54
9.2.17. Disabling Ctl-Alt-Del...........................54
9.2.18. Programmed Reboots - $Reboot....................54
9.2.19. Retaining Keyboard Flags - $RetainKybdFlags.....54
9.2.20. Using the $SETMODE Directives...................55
9.2.21. String Variables................................56
9.2.22. Working with Files..............................57
9.2.23. Substrings - The $F Directives..................59
9.2.24. Iterated Looping - the $On Directive............61
9.2.25. Playing Music - The $Music Directive............62
9.3. Hints and Tips.....................................62
9.3.1. Interrupting Directive Execution.................62
9.3.2. Recovering Editing Sessions......................63
9.3.3. Using DOS Phantom in Batch Files.................63
9.3.4. Playback Chaining................................63
9.3.5. Don't Use the Mouse..............................63
10. DOS Phantom Technical Information...................64
10.1. DOS Version Requirements..........................64
10.2. Memory Usage......................................64
11. License, Warranty, Registration, and Support........65
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
11.1. License...........................................65
11.2. Limited Warranty..................................66
11.2.1. Government Restricted Rights....................67
11.3. Registration......................................67
11.4. Support...........................................68
11.4.1. P2 Technical Support............................68
11.4.2. The P2 Enterprises Customer Service BBS.........68
11.4.3. The ASP Ombudsman...............................69
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
1. What Is DOS Phantom?
DOS Phantom is a full-featured task automator and application
integration tool which can perform a large number of functions
to make life with your computer easier and more efficient.
DOS Phantom can be used to make a group of separate application
programs work together to perform a task automatically.
DOS Phantom does the following:
o Records and plays back keystrokes either with the
original delays between keystrokes or at high speed.
o Provides unlimited recording length (actually limited
by the amount of available disk space).
o Allows the definition of up to 16 hot keys to start
playback of specific recordings with a single
o Allows scheduling of playback on a daily, weekly, or
once-only basis. Up to 32 different scheduled events
may be defined.
o Provides the ability to edit recordings,
o Provides the ability to add pop-up displays and pop-
up menus to recordings,
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
o Provides the ability to wait during playback for a
certain character sequence to appear on the screen,
o Provides the ability to wait during playback for a
program to exit and detect whether a success or error
status was returned,
o Captures the screen contents and writes it to a file
at the press of a hot key or as directed by the
contents of a recording file,
o Captures output destined for the printer and writes
it to a file (can be turned on and off from within a
recording file),
o Can read and write files from within a playback,
o Can copy screen text and write it to a file,
o Can copy screen text from one application and use it
as keyboard input to another, and
o Play music.
1.1. What is DOS Phantom Good For?
1.1.1. Recovery from Power Failures
Because DOS Phantom writes your recorded keystrokes to the disk
after every 32 keystrokes, if you were recording when your
system failed, you can just playback the recording file,
recovering everything except perhaps the last 31 keystrokes.
This can be tremendously useful during long editing sessions,
eliminating the need to periodically save your work to avoid
losing it in a system crash.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
You can even change the number of keystrokes which triggers the
write to the disk and set it as low as one keystroke, although
this can generate a inordinate amount of disk activity.
1.1.2. A Batch Substitute
DOS Phantom can be used in place of simple batch files,
eliminating the need to prepare the batch files with an editor
-- You just show DOS Phantom what you want done, and DOS
Phantom can do it for you after that. You can even edit your
DOS Phantom recordings if you make a mistake during the
recording. You can also perform parameter substitution similar
to that available with MS-DOS batch files.
1.1.3. Keystroke Macros
Using the HOTFILE program (included with DOS Phantom),
recording files can be assigned to hot keys, allowing the
entire recording to be played back with a single keystroke. Up
to 16 hotkeys can be defined. The hotkeys work even when you're
running a program.
1.1.4. Program Startup
DOS Phantom can be used to automatically supply input to
programs which expect to receive keyboard input (programs such
as spreadsheets and others). It can thus be used to perform a
sequence of "startup" commands which you would otherwise have
to type each time you run the program.
1.1.5. Automatic Execution
You might record the keystrokes to run your spreadsheet, load
current stock quotes, print a graph, and exit. You only have to
do it once; DOS Phantom can do it after that. And you can start
it all with a single keystroke!
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
DOS Phantom can be used to automate access to systems such as
Prodigy which normally require your presence at the keyboard.
Record the keystrokes that you use to dial Prodigy and print
headline news and current stock quotations. Then have your
computer wake up early and call Prodigy. You can have the
latest information printed and waiting for you to peruse with
your morning coffee.
1.1.6. Demos
DOS Phantom can be used to create a quick demonstration of a
program which can then be played back at will for prospective
users or customers. DOS Phantom can be paused automatically or
manually during playback for discussion or manual entry of data
to the program being demonstrated. In addition, pop-up windows
can be displayed to explain what is happening in the demo, and
menus can be presented to allow the user to guide the course of
the demo. Automatic timeouts when user response is required
and a looping playback feature allow DOS Phantom-based demos to
run continuously and unattended and yet allow users to interact
with the demonstration if they wish.
1.1.7. Software Testing
DOS Phantom can be used to record tests of software which is
undergoing revision. Then, the tests can be run after the
revisions are complete to be sure what worked before the
revisions were done still works after the revisions. Screen
contents can be written to a file at strategic points during
the execution of the program and printer output can be captured
as well. This allows the output of the program to compared with
earlier test runs to detect differences.
1.1.8. Applications Integration
DOS Phantom can be used as the "glue" to marry a collection of
disparate programs into a complete package to solve a problem.
For example, the shareware product QuickPro Retriever uses DOS
Phantom to automatically update investment prices in Quicken (a
finance management program from Intuit) with information from
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Prodigy's on-line stock market quote facility. DOS Phantom's
ability to search out text on the screen and verify termination
status of programs gives it a significant advantage over "blind
playback" utilities which blithely continue delivering
keystrokes even when the programs they are running have gone
The Scraper TSR (supplied with DOS Phantom) works with DOS
Phantom to allow copying text displayed on the screen by one
program and supplying it later as input to another program. Up
to nine text strings can be be copied from the screen and
stored for later playback. Scraper allows you to select the
text and play it back while DOS Phantom is recording. Then,
when you play the Phantom recording back, Scraper goes through
the same motions. This eliminates the necessity of specifying
screen coordinates and lengths for the copy operation as is
required in some other packages.
The strings copied from the screen by Scraper are also
available from within the Phantom playback file, so you can
write them to a file, compare them with other strings, extract
substrings from them and perform other programmatic operations
using DOS phantom's powerful script language.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
2. What is Shareware?
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
differ on details -- some request registration while others
require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With
registration, you get anything from the simple right to
continue using the software to an updated program with printed
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few
specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are
accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the
programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are
good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the
method of distribution. The author specifically grants the
right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and
sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors
require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may
copy their Shareware.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system
makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you
buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also.
Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't
use the product, you don't pay for it.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
3. Using DOS Phantom
3.1. Before You Begin
Before using DOS Phantom, we recommend that you create a
directory for your recording files and set the PHANTOMDIR
environment variable to point to it. Assuming that you want to
store your recording files in C:\PHANTOM, here is the command
to create the directory and set the PHANTOMDIR environment
variable appropriately:
You should place the second command above in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
file so that the PHANTOMDIR environment variable gets set each
time you boot your computer.
The environment variable PHANTOMDIR is used by DOS Phantom to
determine where to place playback files and by the HOTFILE and
SCHEDULE programs to determine where to store their data files
and where to find playback files.
Once PHANTOMDIR is defined, DOS Phantom expects to place all
recording files there. You should not include disk or directory
information in the filenames you supply DOS Phantom for
recording or playback.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
You may wish to place the DOS Phantom executable files
directory. If you do this, add the PHANTOMDIR directory to the
PATH definition in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. (You may change the
names of the .EXE files with the DOS REN command to eliminate
conflicts with names of other products' programs or just to
make them easier to type.)
Here's how your PATH definition might appear before you add the
PHANTOM directory to it:
The path consists of a list of DOS directories separated by
semicolons. When you type the name of a program at the DOS
prompt, if it can't find a file by that name in the current
directory, DOS searches the directories in the path in the
order they are listed.
Here's how the example PATH statement above might be changed to
incorporate the PHANTOM directory:
3.2. The DOS Phantom Command Line
3.2.1. Basic Command Switches
DOS Phantom accepts the following basic command line switches:
/P Playback
/R Record
/Q Quick Playback
/L Looping Playback
/I Install as a Memory Resident Program
/U Un-install DOS Phantom from memory
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
3.2.2. Other Command Switches
In addition, the following command line switches are also
/K Attention Hot Key Selection
/A Abort Hot Key Selection
/D Screen Capture Hot Key
/S Toggle Sounds
/-S Disable Sounds
/M Toggle Mode Display
/-M Disable Mode Display
/C Disable use of Color
/O Include Screen Output Records in Recordings
/V Print Capture File Specification
/F Screen Capture File Selection
/E Sets environment space in shells spawned by Phantom
/Z Suppresses all DOS Phantom-generated output
(copyright notices, etc.)
/T Set trigger count for disk writes when recording
/B Set Scraper hot key
/N Enable Autonomous Mode
Here's an example of a DOS Phantom command to begin recording
and create the file RECORDNG.PTM:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Here's the command to play back those keystrokes:
3.3. Recording and Playing Back
DOS Phantom normally creates a new command shell when you start
recording. (The /I switch can be used to make DOS Phantom
install itself as a TSR instead.) DOS Phantom will record
everything you type until you exit the shell by typing EXIT at
the DOS command prompt. Here's an example of recording a DIR
command followed by a playback of the recording:
Record the keystrokes:
DOS Phantom V2.9 123456 Copyright (c) 1992...blah...blah...
Press ALT-P to pause or resume recording.
Press ALT-P twice in succession to activate the control panel.
Type EXIT at the DOS prompt when done.
C:\> DIR
...blah blah blah...
DOS Phantom terminated.
Now play them back:
DOS Phantom V2.9 123456 Copyright (c) 1992...blah...blah...
Press ALT-P to pause or resume playback.
Press ALT-P twice in succession to activate the control panel.
Type EXIT at the DOS prompt when done.
C:\> DIR
...blah blah blah...
DOS Phantom terminated.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
While DOS Phantom was running, it placed a small display in the
upper right corner of the screen showing what it was doing. In
the example above, the display showed either "Record" or
"Play". If you don't want the mode display, just include the /M
switch on the command line, like this:
Note that the /M switch is a "toggle", meaning that if the
feature is on it is turned off, and if it is off it is turned
on. To unconditionally set the mode display off, use /-M.
3.4. Pausing
If you press the hot key (ALT-P unless you change it with /K on
the command line) during record or playback, after a brief
delay, DOS Phantom will play a series of tones falling in pitch
to indicate its transition to PAUSE mode. The mode display, if
enabled, will change to "Pause". A second depression of the hot
key resumes the recording or playback, accompanied by a series
of rising tones indicating the transition out of PAUSE mode.
If you are playing back, playback stops while you are in PAUSE
mode. If you are recording, the keys you press while paused are
not recorded, nor is the time which passes while in PAUSE mode
You can disable the sounds by including the /S switch on the
DOS Phantom command line, like this:
Note that the /S switch is a "toggle", meaning that if the
feature is on it is turned off, and if it is off it is turned
on. To unconditionally set the sounds off, use /-S.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
3.5. Quick Playback - The /Q Switch
DOS Phantom normally plays back recordings at the same speed at
which they were recorded. The /Q switch forces DOS Phantom to
playback as quickly as possible. Note that some programs "eat"
characters if they are delivered too fast. DOS Phantom's
"demand playback" feature, introduced in V1.3, eliminates most
problems in this area, but some programs, notably Prodigy, may
still eat characters occasionally. For Prodigy and other
programs which still appear to eat characters, edit your
recording to use the $SetMode Func6 and $SetMode Normal
directives as described later in the section on editing DOS
Phantom recordings if you wish to use quick playback with those
You can alter the intervals between individual keystrokes to
speed up some sections of a recording and slow down others by
editing the recording file. See the section later in this
document on editing DOS Phantom recordings for details.
3.6. Looping Playback - The /L Switch
If you supply the /L switch on the command line, DOS Phantom
will rewind when it reaches the end of the recording and play
the same recording file over and over until you pause it by
pressing the attention hot key. If DOS Phantom is memory-
resident (see below), you must close the recording file to
avoid the continuation of looping when you press the hot key
again. If DOS Phantom is not memory-resident, then you must
type EXIT at the DOS prompt.
Looping can be a valuable tool in continuously-running
demonstrations or in stress-testing software systems. Not that
looping playback may also be accomplished using the $Goto and
$On directives in the recording file. See the section on
editing recording files for more information.
3.7. The DOS Phantom Control Panel
If you hit the hot key twice within about a half second, the
pop-up control panel is triggered, and is displayed over
whatever was already on the screen.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
To remove the control panel without taking any action, press
the Esc key.
Note that if your screen is in graphics mode, the screen may
not be restored to its original condition when you leave the
control panel, or the control panel may not appear at all.
Here is what the control panel looks like:
| DOS Phantom V2.9|
| |
| +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +--------+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | PLAY | | QPLAY | | RECORD | | CLOSE | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +--------+ |
| |
| Sound On Mode Display On Loop Mode Off |
| |
| Filename: RECORDNG.PTM |
| |
You can highlight the selection of your choice using the arrow,
tab, or spacebar keys and press RETURN to execute it or you can
press the key corresponding to the first letter of your
If you press R, P, or Q, the menu is immediately erased, and
DOS Phantom begins executing your command. CLOSE closes an open
recording file. This is the only way to close a recording file
during recording or playback when DOS Phantom is memory-
resident (i.e., installed with the /I command line switch). The
Sound, Mode Display, and Loop Mode selections toggle the
sounds, mode display, and looping on and off.
Selecting Filename allows you to change the recording filename.
When you have finished entering the filename, press RETURN. To
change an existing filename, just type over it and overwrite
any unwanted characters with the space bar.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Pressing the ESC key erases the menu without starting a
recording or playback session.
3.8. Changing The Hot Keys
There are four hot keys used by DOS Phantom. By default, two of
them are disabled (set to the key NONE). The four hot keys are:
o The attention hot key - This is by default set to
Alt-P and is used to pause and resume recordings, and
to cause display of the DOS Phantom control panel as
described earlier. The /K command line switch is used
to change the attention hot key to another key or to
disable it.
o The screen capture hot key - This key is by default
disabled. When it is defined with the /D command,
pressing it at any time causes DOS Phantom to write a
copy of the screen to the file specified with the /F
command line switch. If no file was specified with
/F, the default file SCREEN.TXT is used.
o The abort hot key - The abort hot key, when defined
with the /A command line switch, causes immediate
termination of playback. In addition, the abort key
is passed on to the program which is running (or the
DOS command processor if no program is running). This
is not true of the other hot keys -- they are "eaten"
by DOS Phantom. The most common abort hot key is
Ctrl-C. This allows a single keystroke to both
terminate playback and the program running.
o The Scraper hot key - The Scraper hot key (by default
Alt-S) activates the Scraper program. See the section
on Scraper for information about the Scraper program.
The Scraper hot key is automatically disabled
whenever Scraper is not installed. The Scraper hot
key is set with the /B command line switch.
Here's how you would change the attention hot key to F10:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Here is a list of all the acceptable hot keys which you can
specify with /K, /D, /A, and /B:
F2 F3 F4 F5
F6 F7 F8 F9
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
3.9. Increasing Shell Environment Space - The /E Switch
The /E command line switch is used to increase the environment
space for the command shell spawned when DOS Phantom is not
executed as a TSR. For example, to set the environment space to
4096 bytes for playback of the file RECORDNG.PTM, you would use
the following command:
3.10. Making DOS Phantom Memory Resident - The /I Switch
If you include the /I switch on the command line, DOS Phantom
installs itself as a TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) program
in memory. This method of using DOS Phantom has a number of
benefits. Among them are lower memory utilization because no
command shell is invoked, faster execution because no loading
of the DOS Phantom program is required, and the ability to
begin and end recording and playback sessions while executing
another program.
Once resident, you access DOS Phantom by pressing the hot key
twice in succession to trigger the pop-up menu, or by issuing
DOS Phantom commands at the DOS prompt. If DOS Phantom is
resident, executing Phantom commands at the DOS prompt does not
load another copy of Phantom, even if you include the /I switch
on the command line.
You can install DOS Phantom in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file by
including this command (assuming the directory containing
PHANTOM2.EXE is in your PATH):
3.11. Removing DOS Phantom From Memory - The /U Switch
The /U switch un-installs DOS Phantom from memory. When you
execute the PHANTOM2/U command, one of two responses will be
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
o DOS Phantom un-installed. - This means that DOS
Phantom was successfully un-installed and no trace
of its presence remains.
o DOS Phantom disabled. Memory not reclaimed. - This
means that DOS Phantom was only disabled, and is
dormant in memory. This is almost certainly because
another TSR was loaded after DOS Phantom which
intercepts some of the same interrupts used by DOS
Phantom. To remove DOS Phantom, first remove any
TSR's loaded after DOS Phantom, and then re-issue
the /U command. In some cases, a reboot of your
computer may be required to remove a dormant DOS
3.12. Using The /O Switch
The /O command line switch causes DOS Phantom to include
snippets of screen output in the recording file as comments.
This is provided to aid users of the $MatchWait directive in
creating "interactive" recordings. The use of /O significantly
increases the size of the recording file and causes many more
disk writes to occur during recording. Its use is discouraged
except when you are creating a recording which you intend to
edit to include $MatchWait directives. The only way to disable
/O is to uninstall DOS Phantom with the /U switch if it was
installed as a TSR or the DOS EXIT command if it wasn't.
See the chapter on editing DOS Phantom recordings for
information on the $MatchWait and related directives.
3.13. The Disk Write Trigger Value - The /T Switch
The command line switch /T allows you to specify a "trigger"
value for recording file writes. Normally, DOS Phantom writes
to the recording file after every 32 keystrokes. Using /T, you
can specify any number of characters between 1 and 32 after
which writes are to occur. For example, to cause the recording
file to be updated after every character, you would include
/T=1 on the DOS Phantom command line. Small trigger values may
result in an undesirably large amount of disk activity.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
3.14. Autonomous Mode - the /N Switch
The command line switch /N places DOS Phantom in autonomous
mode. When in autonomous mode, DOS Phantom ignores commands
issued using the PHANTOM2.EXE program and hot keys defined
using HOTFILE. Scheduled playbacks defined with SCHEDULE are
honored if recording or playback is not in progress at the
scheduled time.
The following command line installs DOS Phantom in memory,
disables the attention hot key, the mode display, and sounds,
begins recording into the file KEYSTROK.LOG, and places DOS
Phantom in autonomous mode. Once this is done, DOS Phantom may
not be removed from memory using PHANTOM2 and recording cannot
be stopped. In addition, there is no visible or audible
indication that DOS Phantom is resident and active.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
4. Using Hot Keys To Start Playbacks
You can assign hot keys to recording files using the HOTFILE
program. Once a hot key is assigned to a recording file,
pressing the hot key starts playback of the file, even if you
are running another program at the time. Of course, DOS Phantom
must be installed at the time you press the hot key.
The HOTFILE program accepts four commands: ASSIGN, LIST,
The ASSIGN command lets you assign a hot key to a file. The
file must reside in the directory defined by the environment
variable PHANTOMDIR. Here's an example assigning the hot key
CTRL-B to the recording file BACKUP.PTM:
The LIST command displays a list of the currently defined hot
keys and their associated playback files. Here's an example of
the LIST command:
HOTFILE V2.9 123456 Copyright (c) blah, blah, blah...
No Hotkey Playback file
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
You can delete a hot key assignment with the DELETE command
like this:
HOTFILE V2.9 123456 Copyright (c) blah, blah, blah...
Delete assignment of CTRL-B to file BACKUP.PTM (Y)? y
The KEYS command displays a list of the hot keys you can use
with HOTFILE. If you type HOTFILE without a command, a help
screen is displayed.
After you make changes to the hot key assignments, you do not
need to unload and reload DOS Phantom in order for the hot keys
to become usable. If DOS Phantom is already installed in memory
when HOTFILE is run, HOTFILE communicates the changes to DOS
Phantom automatically.
A maximum of 16 hot key assignments may be made.
All of the commands may be abbreviated to a single character.
The hot key assignments are stored in a file called HOTKEYS.DAT
in the PHANTOMDIR directory. You should not attempt to modify
this file using any program other than HOTFILE. If you delete
this file, all your hot key assignments will be lost.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
5. Scheduling Recordings for Later Playback
The SCHEDULE program allows you to maintain a schedule of
playbacks. Up to 32 schedule items may be created. Playbacks
may be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or once-only basis. The
SCHEDULE program accepts commands similar to those of the
The ASSIGN command assigns a playback time to a playback file.
(The file must be present in the directory defined by the
environment variable PHANTOMDIR.) Here are some examples of the
ASSIGN command:
Play REMINDER.PTM every day at 11:30 am:
Play WKLYBKUP.PTM every Friday at 10:00 pm:
Play GETMAIL.PTM at 3:00 pm on September 20, 1993:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Note that the times use a 24-hour clock and that the dash is
required between the day of the week or the date and the time.
Here are the abbreviations for the days of the week which
SCHEDULE recognizes:
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Here are the pm hours of the 24-hour clock:
noon 12 3pm 15 6pm 18 9pm 21 midnight 00
1pm 13 4pm 16 7pm 19 10pm 22 1am 1
2pm 14 5pm 17 8pm 20 11pm 23 2am 2
The LIST command displays a list of the current schedule. Here
is an example of the LIST command:
SCHEDULE V2.9 922300 Copyright (c) 1992 blah, blah, blah...
No When Playback file
2 Fri-22:00 WKLYBKUP.PTM
3 9/20/93-15:00 GETMAIL.PTM
To remove an item from the schedule, use SCHEDULE's DELETE
command, specifying the date and time of the item to remove,
like this:
After you make changes to the schedule, you do not need to
unload and reload DOS Phantom in order for the changes to
become effective. If DOS Phantom is already installed in memory
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
when SCHEDULE is run, SCHEDULE communicates the changes to DOS
Phantom automatically.
All of the commands may be abbreviated to a single character.
The schedule information is stored in a file called
SCHEDULE.DAT in the PHANTOMDIR directory. You should not
attempt to modify this file using any program other than
SCHEDULE. If you delete this file, the entire schedule will be
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
6. Converting ASCII Text Files for Playback
The program MAKEPTM accepts as input any ASCII text file and
produces as output a DOS Phantom recording file which, when
played back, makes it appear as if the contents of the ASCII
text file were being typed in at the keyboard.
MAKEPTM allows you to specify the delay in milliseconds between
successive characters and the delay in seconds between
successive lines of text. If you leave off the delay times,
delays of zero are used.
Here are some examples of MAKEPTM:
Convert LETTER.TXT to LETTER.PTM with 100 ms delay between
Convert LETTER.TXT to LETTER.PTM with 100 ms delay between
characters and 2 seconds between lines:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Convert LETTER.TXT to LETTER.PTM with no delay between
characters, but a 2 second delay between lines:
The output file can be played back like any DOS Phantom
NOTE: When a character delay has been specified, it is not
possible to interrupt playback with the attention hot key.
MAKEPTM places its output file in the directory designated by
the DOS environment variable PHANTOMDIR if it has been defined.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
7. The P2FLUSH Program
The P2FLUSH program, when executed, causes DOS Phantom to flush
the record buffer to disk, even if the number of characters
which would normally trigger a disk write has not yet been
accumulated. P2FLUSH is effective even when DOS Phantom is
operating in autonomous mode.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
8. Scraper
V2.9 includes the SCRAPER utility which allows you to copy text
displayed by a program into Phantom's string variables and play
the stored text back later as if it were keyboard input.
Scraper actions can be recorded with DOS Phantom and played
back later for automatic movement of data from one program into
another. This capability dramatically increases DOS Phantom's
usefulness for application integration.
Scraper is activated with the hot key specified using DOS
Phantom's /B command line switch. The default Scraper
activation hot key is ALT-S. Here is the command to install DOS
Phantom and set the Scraper hot key to F12:
C:\> PHANTOM2 /I /B=F12
Scraper is named as it is for the slang term "screen scraping"
commonly used to describe Scraper's function of "scraping" the
text from the screen for later use.
Install Scraper by typing
at the DOS command line. DOS Phantom must be installed before
Scraper can be installed.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Activate Scraper using the hot key (default ALT-S). A pop-up
help window is displayed which tells you to move the cursor
using the arrow keys to the upper left corner of the text you
wish to select and then to press Enter. As soon as you press an
arrow key, the help window disappears.
When you press Enter after moving the cursor to the desired
location, a second pop-up help window appears, telling you to
move the cursor to the lower right of the text you wish to
select and then to press the number key (1-9) where you want to
begin storing the selected text. The text will be stored in the
DOS Phantom string variables beginning with that number.
If only one line of text was selected, only the one string
variable will be used. If, for example, you selected three
lines of text and pressed the number 4, the string variables 4,
5, and 6 would receive the first, second, and third lines of
selected text, respectively. The contents of the string
variables, if any, are overwritten. (There are a total of nine
Phantom string variables numbered 1-9.)
To play back the contents of a string variable, invoke Scraper
using the hot key and press the number key (1-9) of the string
variable whose contents you wish to play.
You can play back the contents of string variables which
received their contents in ways other than via Scraper as well.
For example, a playback file might load the string variables
with data for later insertion into a program through the manual
use of Scraper. Also, you can use the contents of string
variables loaded with Scraper in your Phantom scripts. (See the
section on string variables in the chapter on editing Phantom
recordings for more information.)
To disable the pop-up help windows, install Scraper with the /H
switch like this:
You may un-install scraper using the /U switch. Also, when you
un-install DOS Phantom, Scraper will be automatically
The /Z switch will cause Scraper to install and uninstall
"quietly" without displaying its copyright notice.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
If you record your use of Scraper with DOS Phantom, it will be
played back correctly, allowing you to automate the movement of
data from one program into another (or even back into the same
Scraper uses about 6K bytes of memory with help enabled, and
about 3K bytes with help disabled.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
9. Editing DOS Phantom Recordings
The program PTM2TXT extracts information from a DOS Phantom
recording and places it in a text file for editing. Here is an
example of PTM2TXT:
The output text file contains a header with a summary of DOS
Phantom script language syntax and directives. It looks like
! DOS Phantom V2.9
! Text translation of recording file hotmenu.
! Translated by PTM2TXT V2.9 #EVAL00.
! Line format:
! mm:ss.ttt keystroke eeaa ff
! mm:ss:ttt = time interval between the previous keystroke and
! this one.
! mm = minutes
! ss = seconds
! ttt = thousandths of seconds
! ee = extended keycode (optional)
! aa = ASCII code (optional)
! ff = keyboard status flags (optional)
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
! The optional fields need not be entered when editing this file.
! Values appropriate for most circumstances will be provided for
! you by TXT2PTM. If you include values for the optional fields,
! Your values will override those which TXT2PTM would provide.
! You should delete the optional fields when changing the keystroke.
! Comment lines (lines beginning with !) and empty lines are ignored
! by the TXT2PTM translator.
! Lines beginning with an asterisk (*) are processed by TXT2PTM
! without timing information. This allows you to place entire
! commands on one line rather than one character per line. A
! carriage return is automatically placed at the end of * lines
! by TXT2PTM unless the last character on the line is a dollar
! sign. Special character expressions (e.g., <Ctrl-K>) are
! delimited with angle brackets (<,>).
! DOS Phantom directives begin with a dollar sign ($).
! Directives supported by DOS Phantom V2.9 are:
! $n Input parameters (n=1-9)
! $Sn String varaibles (n=1-9)
! $Pause [n] n=secs, default is no auto resume
! $Wait mm:ss.ttt mm=min, ss=secs, ttt=ms
! $Sleep [n] n=secs, default is no auto resume
! $ResumeKey [key]... Key to resume Paused condition
! $IfKey <label> <key> If last key was <key>, branch to <label>
! $BeginDisplay row col attr timo S|R
! $Title text Display title (optional)
! <text> Text for pop-up display
! <text> More text lines...
! $EndDisplay Display text between Begin and EndDisplay
! $BeginMenu row col attr timo S|R incr
! $Title text Menu title (optional)
! <lines of text> Static (non-selectable) menu text
! $<label> itemtext Go to <label> when item is selected.
! $<label> itemtext More menu items...
! $EndMenu Ends a menu definition
! $Goto <label> Continue execution at <label>
! $<label>: Goto, Menu, or If target
! $ExitWait [n] Wait n secs for program exit
! $IfSuccess <label> Go to <label> if exit status = 0
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
! $IfError Go to <label> if exit status <> 0
! $IfExitCode n <label> Go to <label> if exit status = n
! $MatchWait n text Wait n secs for text to appear on screen
! $MatchAt r,c n text Wait n secs for text at position r,c
! $MatchFrom r,c n text Wait n secs for text after position r,c
! $MatchTo r,c n text Wait n secs for text before position r,c
! $IfMatch <label> Go to <label> if match found
! $IfTimeout <label> Go to <label> if no match found
! $Screen "text" [file] Write screen to file prefixed with text
! $Printer C [file] Capture printer output in file
! $Printer N Return to normal printer output
! $RetainKybdFlags Restore Insert, NumLock, ScrollLock, CapsLock
! $DisableCtrlAltDel Ignore reboot requests from the keyboard
! $EnableCtrlAltDel Honor reboot requests from the keyboard
! $Reboot Reboot the computer
! $DisableKybd Ignore keyboard input
! $EnableKybd Stop ignoring keyboard input
! $FlushTypAhd Clear keyboard typeahead buffer
! $Assign Sn text Assign text to variable
! $Get r,c len Sn Read text from screen into variable
! $IfEqual label Sn text Branch if Sn equal to text
! $IfEmpty label Sn Branch if variable Sn is empty
! $Clear Sn Clear variable Sn
! $FirstFile Sn text Find first file matching text
! $NextFile Sn Find next file matching FirstFile text
! $On count label Branch to label the count'th time
! $Read file Sn Read one line from file into Sn
! $Write file text[$] Write text to file, $=no newline
! $Close Close file open for reading
! $IfClosed label Branch if read file is closed
! $FSubStr(Sn,start,end) Return substring
! $FBefore(Sn,char) Return substring before char
! $FAfter(Sn,char) Return substring after char
! $Music note/dur... Play note for duration dur
! $Scraper Invoke Scraper
! See the DOS Phantom Users Guide for details on using these directives.
! The special characters $, <, and > must be preceeded by a
! dollar sign ($) when they are present in an asterisk line.
! Otherwise TXT2PTM will attempt to perform special processing
! erroneously.
00:06.050 D 2044 60
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
00:00.165 I 1749 60
00:00.220 R 1352 60
00:00.770 / 352f 60
00:00.330 W 1157 60
00:00.440 <SP> 3920 60
00:01.210 <CR> 1c0d 60
00:01.210 <CR> 1c0d 60
00:01.760 E 1245 60
00:00.275 X 2d58 60
00:00.440 I 1749 60
00:00.330 T 1454 60
00:00.330 <CR> 1c0d 60
The above file depicts a recording of the commands "DIR/W" and
"EXIT". As you can see, the carriage return character is
translated to <CR> in the file. Spaces are translated as <SP>.
Non-printing and special characters such as CTRL-K are all
translated in this manner. If you are not sure what the
translation of a character might be, it is best to make a
recording containing the character and then translate the
recording with PTM2TXT to find out what the correct translation
The line format is as described in the output file shown above.
IMPORTANT: If you change a line in the file, it is best, unless
you clearly understand the BIOS extended keycodes and keyboard
status flags, to remove the eeaa and ff fields. TXT2PTM will
supply appropriate values when you leave them out.
Note that if you edit a translated DOS Phantom recording file
and insert comments and labels, then translate the text file to
a recording file and back into a text file, the comments and
labels will be lost. PTM2TXT will create labels required by the
menu and goto directives in the recording, but they will not be
the labels from your original edited text file. Goto and menu
directives are discussed below.
When you have finished editing, you can create a recording file
using the TXT2PTM program like this:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
9.1. Eliminating Help Text
If you don't want the detailed help header in the PTM2TXT
output file, you can specify the /H switch on the command line.
This will cause a brief header to be prefixed to the
translation rather than the detailed help text shown in the
above example. For example:
Note that the switches to the PTM2TXT command must be separated
from the PTM2TXT command and other switches by spaces.
9.2. DOS Phantom Directives
DOS Phantom directives are directions to DOS Phantom that you
insert into a recording to have DOS Phantom perform some action
during playback. All directives begin with a $. With the
exception of the $1-$9, $S1-$S9, and the $F directives, all
directives must be the first non-blank word on a line. Each
directive is discussed in detail below.
9.2.1. $PAUSE, $WAIT, and $SLEEP - Programmed Pauses
The example above contains a programmed pause directive after
the second <CR>. Note that programmed pauses (i.e., pauses
which occur automatically at predetermined points during
playback) may only be created by preparing an input file for
TXT2PTM such as that shown above. There is no way to create
programmed pauses while recording. The pause directive may be
followed by a timeout value expressed in seconds (up to 3600
seconds). If the timeout period passes without a key being
depressed, the pause is ended and playback resumes. Each time a
key is pressed during the pause, the pause timer is restarted.
The $Sleep directive behaves much as the $Pause directive in
that playback is suspended for the period of seconds supplied
as a parameter to $Sleep. The difference is that the timer
used by $Sleep is not reset on each keystroke, so when the
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
timeout period has elapsed, playback continues regardless of
whether a key has been pressed in the meantime.
The number of seconds to pause is a required parameter of
$Sleep and it must be in the range of 1 to 3600 (1 hour). If
you wish to pause indefinitely, you must use $Pause.
As is the case with $Pause, if you need a $Sleep timeout of
greater then 3600 seconds, you can place a series of $Sleep
statements in your Phantom script which add up to the total
time required.
The $Wait directive is also available. $Wait accepts the time
to wait in mm:ss.ttt format instead of in seconds like $Pause.
$Wait cannot be terminated by pressing a key as can $Pause, and
unlike $Pause the playback clock continues to run during a
$Wait. This can cause the characters following a $Wait to be
played back as fast as possible until the playback catches up
(makes up for the time lost in the $Wait). $Wait directives are
most useful in recordings which are meant to be played back at
high speed (e.g., files prepared in compressed mode, described
later), but where pauses without allowing keyboard input are
To create the effect of a $Wait in a file with timed keystrokes
without losing time during the wait, just add time to the
keystroke which follows the wait.
Here is a $Wait which will cause a wait of 3 minutes and 10
seconds (this will cause timed keystrokes following to be
played back at high speed until the 3 minutes and 10 seconds
are made up for):
$Wait 03:10.000
Here is a keystroke which will not be played back until 3
minutes and 10 seconds have passed (no speedup of succeeding
keystrokes occurs):
03:10.000 <CR>
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
In general, you use $Pause to pause for keyboard input, and
$Wait in compressed recordings to stall without keyboard input.
9.2.2. Ending Pauses - $ResumeKey
Normally, $Pause and $Sleep are terminated only when the
timeout period has expired or when you use the attention key.
The $ResumeKey directive allows you to specify other keys which
can be used to end the pause and resume playback. Here is an
example of $ResumeKey being used to allow the F12, Alt-F12, or
Ctrl-F12 keys to end the pause:
$ResumeKey <F12> <Alt-F12> <Ctrl-F12>
The key list contains the names of keys separated with a single
space. These "resume keys" remain in effect until you change
them with another $ResumeKey directive or until you cancel them
using a $ResumeKey directive with no arguments.
The special "$ResumeKey Any" directive can be used to allow any
keystroke to end the pause. Unlike other resume key
assignments, the $ResumeKey Any is cancelled automatically as
soon as it is used to terminate a $Pause or $Sleep.
See the description of the $IfKey directive for information on
how to determine which resume key was used to end a pause.
9.2.3. Substitution Parameters
The example also contains a substitution parameter directive:
$1. This directive causes the first parameter entered on the
DOS Phantom command line after the filename to be substituted
for the $1 during playback. Up to nine substitution parameters
($1, $2, $3, ..., $9) may be used. If a corresponding command
line parameter is not supplied for playback, the parameter used
on the previous playback is used. If no parameter was used on
the previous playback, or if this is the first playback of this
DOS Phantom session, nothing is substituted for the
substitution parameter (i.e., it is as if it was not there).
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Multiple substitution parameter directives may be placed in an
asterisk line. Otherwise, only a single directive is allowed
per line. Asterisk lines and compressed mode are discussed in
the next section.
If you have placed substitution parameter directives in your
recording file you may pass the values to be substituted for
them on the command line after the filename. Here is an example
passing the parameters A:, XYZ, and BOOBOO:
A: is substituted for $1, XYZ for $2, and BOOBOO for $3.
9.2.4. Compressed Mode
You may avoid typing in the time fields (mm:ss.ttt) by starting
lines with an asterisk. Lines starting with an asterisk are
referred to as being in "compressed" mode. When TXT2PTM
processes lines beginning with an asterisk, it behaves as if
each character was on a separate line and preceded with
"00:00.000". TXT2PTM automatically inserts a <CR> at the end of
each * line. You can suppress the automatically added <CR> by
ending the asterisk line with a $.
Here is the previous example created using this technique:
! Example of the use of * lines.
* DIR/W $1
! End of example
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
You can place substitution parameter directives anywhere in a
asterisk line. The characters "<", ">", and "$" must be
preceded with a $ if you don't want DOS Phantom to handle them
specially. For example, if I wanted DOS Phantom to play "Hello,
World" followed by an Alt-F5 and then "The amount <is> $2.00."
without a carriage return at the end, I would use the following
asterisk line:
* Hello, World<Alt-F5>The amount $<is$> $$2.00.$
You can mix compressed and non-compressed modes in the same
text file.
You can cause PTM2TXT to produce compressed mode output from
your recordings by including the /C switch on the command line
like this:
Note that the switches to the PTM2TXT command must be separated
from the PTM2TXT command and other switches by spaces.
9.2.5. Pop-Up Displays
You can cause windows containing text you provide to pop up
during playbacks of DOS Phantom recordings. These pop-up
displays can contain text explaining what the user is seeing in
a demonstration, announce a that a certain operation is about
to take place, or instruct the user to perform some action.
When a pop-up display is displayed, playback is halted until
the user presses any key or until a timeout period which you
specify has elapsed.
The text which you wish to appear in a pop-up display is placed
between two DOS Phantom directives: $BeginDisplay and
$EndDisplay. If you want a title to appear in the upper left
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
border of the pop-up display, you may include a $Title
directive on the line following the $BeginDisplay directive.
The $BeginDisplay directive takes the following form:
$BeginDisplay row col attr timo sr
The parameters following the directive are interpreted as
o row - the screen row on which the top pop-up display is to
be written.
o col - the screen column on which the left edge of the pop-
up display is to be written.
o attr - The display attributes to be used for display of
your text:
Attribute Mono Display Color Display
--------- -------------- -----------------------
0 Normal Gray on Blue
1 Bold White on Blue
2 Reverse Video Dark Gray on Light Gray
3 Reverse Bold Black on Light Gray
8 Normal Normal
9 Bold Bold
o timo - A timeout value in seconds. If the timeout period
passes without keyboard input, the display is erased and
playback resumes. The maximum timeout value is 3600 seconds
(1 hour).
o sr - The character S or R indicating whether you wish other
DOS Phantom displays and menus which may be present on the
screen to be erased before this window is displayed. R
restores the screen to what it was before any DOS Phantom
displays or menus were popped-up. S saves the screen as it
is and causes the new display to be painted over anything
currently shown on the screen.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
DOS Phantom pop-up displays are automatically erased when
playback is resumed.
The text you wish to appear in the pop-up display is placed
between the $BeginDisplay and $EndDisplay directives.Here is an
example of the directives used to create a pop-up display:
! Create a display at row 5, column 20, reverse video,
! 2-minute timeout and erase any currently displayed pop-ups.
$BeginDisplay 5 20 2 120 R
$Title Sample Pop-Up Display
This is just a simple example of a
DOS Phantom pop-up display.
(Press any key to continue.)
Here's how the above pop-up display would appear on the screen
(at row 5, column 20):
+--Sample Pop-Up Display---------------+
| |
| This is just a simple example of a |
| DOS Phantom pop-up display. |
| |
| (Press any key to continue. |
Note that when you specify the row and column for the display
you should take into account that DOS Phantom will add 3
columns-worth of border to each line and an extra row at the
top and bottom for the border.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
9.2.6. Labels and the $GOTO Directive
You can cause playback to transfer from one place in a
recording file to another by using the $Goto directive. The
$Goto directive has a single parameter: the label of the
location from which playback is to continue. Labels in DOS
Phantom recording files take the form
where <test> is any printable text string not starting with a
digit and not containing spaces or tabs. Here is an example of
a recording which continually clears the screen and the
displays the current directory:
! Endless loop directory
* DIR /W
$Goto Loop
Note that the colon following the label is not included when
the label is the parameter of the $Goto directive.
The $Goto is most useful for returning to a pop-up menu after
the actions requested by the user have been carried out. (Pop-
up menus are described in the next section.)
9.2.7. Pop-Up Menus
You can cause menus to pop up during playbacks of DOS Phantom
recordings. These pop-up menus can contain text and items from
which the user may choose. Once an item is selected, playback
resumes at the place in the recording file which is associated
with that menu selection.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
When a pop-up menu is displayed, playback is halted until the
user selects an item or until a timeout period which you
specify has elapsed.
The text and selection items which you wish to appear in a pop-
up menu are placed between two DOS Phantom directives:
$BeginMenu and $EndMenu. If you want a title to appear in the
upper left border of the pop-up menu, you may include a $Title
directive on the line following the $BeginMenu directive.
The $BeginMenu directive takes the following form:
$BeginMenu row col attr timo sr incr
The parameters following the directive are interpreted as
row - the screen row on which the top pop-up menu is to be
col - the screen column on which the left edge of the pop-up
menu is to be written.
attr - The display attributes to be used for display of your
Attribute Mono Display Color Display
--------- -------------- -----------------------
0 Normal Gray on Blue
1 Bold White on Blue
2 Reverse Video Dark Gray on Light Gray
3 Reverse Bold Black on Light Gray
8 Normal Normal
9 Bold Bold
timo - A timeout value in seconds. If the timeout period
passes without keyboard input, the display is erased and
playback resumes. The maximum timeout value is 3600 seconds
(1 hour).
sr - The character S or R indicating whether you wish other
DOS Phantom displays and menus which may be present on the
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
screen to be erased before this window is displayed. R
restores the screen to what it was before any DOS Phantom
displays or menus were popped-up. S saves the screen as it
is and causes the new display to be painted over anything
currently shown on the screen.
incr - if specified as 1, the auto-incrementing feature of
the menu is disabled, and each time the menu is encountered,
the first item will be highlighted. If left off, or
specified as zero, each time the menu is encountered, the
selected item is incremented. The auto-incrementng feature
makes possible unattended demos which cycle through all the
menu selections.
DOS Phantom pop-up menus are automatically erased when playback
is resumed.
Menu selection items are placed after the $BeginMenu and the
optional $Title directives and after any introductory text you
wish to appear above the selection items in the menu window.
Menu selection items are prefixed by $<label> where <label> is
the label at which playback is to be resumed (or at which
another display or menu is defined) if that menu item is
chosen. Labels are described in the section on the $Goto
Here is an example of the directives used to create a pop-up
! Create a menu at row 5, column 20, reverse video, 10-second
! timeout and retain any currently displayed pop-ups.
$BeginMenu 5 20 2 10 S
$Title Sample Pop-Up Menu
Choose one of the items below
by moving the highlight bar
with the arrow keys and pressing
RETURN when the item you want
is highlighted.
$DIR Directory
$CLEAR Clear Screen
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$QUIT Quit
* dir/w
$Goto start
* cls
$Goto start
* exit
Here's how the above pop-up menu would appear on the screen (at
row 5, column 20):
+--Sample Pop-Up Menu----------------+
| |
| Choose one of the items below |
| by moving the highlight bar |
| with the arrow keys and pressing |
| RETURN when the item you want |
| is highlighted. |
| |
| Directory |
| Clear Screen |
| Quit |
Note that when you specify the row and column for the menu you
should take into account that DOS Phantom will add 3 columns-
worth of border to each line and an extra row at the top and
bottom for the border.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
9.2.8. The $IfKey Directive
The $IfKey directive can be used to determine what key was used
to terminate a $Begin/EndDisplay, a $Pause, or a $Sleep
condition. The $IfKey directive takes to following form:
$IfKey <label> <key>
A branch is taken to the label specified if the key specified
was the last key entered at the keyboard.
$IfKey is most useful immediately following a pop-up display or
$Pause. A series of $IfKey directives can be used to dispatch
to another part of the playback script based on which key was
$IfKey can be used in conjunction with $ResumeKey to create the
effect of "hot keys" during a Phantom playback. You set up a
number of keys to end a $Pause with $ResumeKey and then, when
the playback is resumed after the pause, use $IfKey to
determine which key was used to resume playback.
Here is a phantom playback script containing several uses of
$IfKey along with $ResumeKey, $Begin/EndDisplay, and $Pause:
! HOTMENU - An example of the use of $ResumeKey and $IfKey
! to implement pop-up display-based menus and playback hot keys.
$BeginDisplay 4 15 1 30 R
$Title HotMenu
Select one of the options below
by typing the letter preceeding
the option name.
A Directory of .EXE files
B Directory of .COM files
C Directory of .BAT files
X Exit
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
! See if they pressed one of the special keys
$IfKey EXIT x
! They didn't press a special key. re-display the "menu"
$Goto Loop
! Handle the "menu" options. After executing the command,
! wait 10 seconds or for any keystroke before re-displaying the
! "menu".
$ResumeKey Any
$Pause 10
$Goto Loop
$ResumeKey Any
$Pause 10
$Goto Loop
$ResumeKey Any
$Pause 10
$Goto Loop
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
! Take them to DOS. Wait for F12 to re-display the "menu", or
! Alt-F12 to exit the playback.
* cls
* Rem **** Use F12 to return to the menu. ****
$ResumeKey <F12> <Alt-F12>
$IfKey END <Alt-F12>
$Goto Loop
$Music C4/5 R/5 C4/5
9.2.9. Programmed Screen Capture
The $Screen directive can be included in a recording file to
cause the contents of the screen to be written to a file. You
may specify a line of text to appear before each screen in the
file, and the name of the file.
The $Screen directive takes the following form:
$Screen "text" file
The text must be placed between quotation marks. It is used to
separate a series of screens written to the same file. The file
parameter is optional. If it is not present, the file
SCREEN.TXT in the current directory is used. If the file,
whether specified or defaulted, is not present, it is created.
If it is present, the current contents of the screen are
appended to the file prefixed by the specified text line.
Note that screen capture can also be controlled using the /D
and /F command line switches described earlier.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
9.2.10. Programmed Print Capture
The $Printer directive allows you to direct output which would
normally go to a printer to a file. You can turn the print
capture on and off and specify the file to which printer output
is to be directed.
The $Printer directive takes the following form:
$Printer C file
$Printer N
The $Printer C (for Capture) directive enables print capture.
If a file is specified, printer output is directed to that
file. If no file is specified, the default is PRINTER.TXT. The
$Printer N (for Normal) command disables print capture and
printer output once again is sent to the printer.
Print capture can also be enabled with the /V command line
Be sure not to return the printer to normal too soon. The MS-
DOS PRINT program (as well as other print spooling TSR's) goes
on sending characters to the printer even after control has
returned to the command line. If you issue a $Printer N command
before PRINT has finished, the remainder of your output may be
sent to the printer.
9.2.11. Pacing
The $SetPace directive allows you to specify the number of
milliseconds which are to elapse between successive keystrokes
during playback. This can be useful if you find a compressed or
/Q-invoked playback is overrunning a program's capability of
accepting input.
The $SetPace directive takes the following form:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$SetPace ms
Where ms is the number of milliseconds between keystrokes. The
actual delay is rounded to the nearest 55-millisecond boundary
as that is the default resolution of the PC's clock. You can
disable pacing with
$SetPace 0.
A playback can not be interrupted using the attention hot
key when a $SetPace directive is in effect. Once started,
the paced section must play to completion.
9.2.12. Matching Screen Text
The directives $MatchWait, $MatchAt, $MatchTo, and $MatchFrom
are used to cause a playback to pause until a text string you
specify appears on the screen or until a timeout period you
specify has passed. The $IfMatch and $IfTimeout directives
allow you to determine whether a preceding $MatchWait directive
ended with a timeout or a match and goto a label in your
recording file depending on which occurred.
The $MatchWait directives takes the following forms:
$MatchWait timo text
$MatchAt r,c timo text
$MatchTo r,c timo text
$MatchFrom r,c timo text
Where timo is the timeout period in seconds, r,c is the screen
row and column (1,1 is the upper left corner of the screen) and
text is the text string to look for on the screen. The text
string may contain spaces, and the special characters <, >, and
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$ need not be prefixed with a $ as is the case elsewhere in
recording files.
$MatchWait searches for a match anywhere on the screen.
$MatchAt searches for a match at the row and column specified
only. $MatchTo searches for a match in the portion of the
screen before the row and column specified, and $MatchFrom
searches for a match in the portion of the screen after the row
and column specified.
A timeout value of zero disables the timeout, and the $Match
directive will wait forever for the text to appear on the
$MatchAt can accept a special timeout value: -1. This results
in a single test of the screen contents (effectively a timeout
of zero). -1 may not be used with the other $Match directives.
The $IfMatch and $IfTimeout take a single parameter: the label
to go to if a match or timeout occurred, respectively.
Here is an example of a recording file segment which executes a
DOS DIR command and then waits 10 seconds for the DOS prompt to
appear before continuing and issuing an EXIT command.
$MatchWait 10 C:\>
Here is a more complex example using $IfTimeout. This example
issues <CR> characters until the word "Username:" appears on
the screen. It then issues the name BILLSMITH and waits for the
word "Password:" to appear. If "Password:" does not appear
within 5 seconds, it goes back to sending <CR>'s and waiting
for "Username:"
* <CR>$
$MatchWait 3 Username:
$Goto LOOP
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$MatchWait 5 Password:
$IfTimeout LOOP
The above is overly complex -- in particular, the $IfMatch
followed by the $Goto and the CONTINUE label could all be
replaced with just $IfTimeout LOOP. It is shown the way it is
so that all the directives described in this section could be
Note that $MatchWait searches the entire screen for a match,
not just what was output since the last keystroke. You need to
make sure that the text string you are waiting for isn't
already on the screen, or your $MatchWait will appear to
terminate prematurely.
Also note that the $Match directives are case-sensitive. That
is, they do not treat "Username" and "username" as a match. The
letters must the same case (upper or lower) for a match to
The /O switch is provided to assist you in creating recording
files using the $Match directives. /O causes recent screen
output to be included in recording files as comments. You can
edit these comments into $Match directives without having to
remember what was on the screen when you recorded the session.
The /O-captured output is far from perfect, and frequently may
not be what is really needed in the $Match diectives.
Alternatively, you can use the /D command line switch to enable
a screen capture hot key and capture the important screens
during recording and then refer to them when inserting your
$MatchWait directives. Remember that the /O switch creates
significant overhead and should only be used when needed.
9.2.13. Waiting for Program Exit
The $ExitWait directive causes a playback to pause until the
next DOS program exits. This allows you to run a program, turn
control over to the keyboard, and resume playback as soon as
the program ends. An optional timeout value allows you to
resume playback after a number of seconds without keystrokes
has passed.
The form of the $ExitWait directive is as follows:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$ExitWait n
Where n is the number of seconds to wait before continuing with
playback if no keystrokes are detected.
You can use the $IfTimeout directive to determine whether a
$ExitWait directive terminated because it timed out or because
of program exit.
Here is an example of running a program called TROJAN and
waiting for program exit or 1 minute without keystrokes. If a
timeout occurs, a CTRL-C character is delivered to the program
to terminate it before continuing.
$ExitWait 60
* <Ctrl-C>$
9.2.14. Detecting Exit Status
Many DOS programs return an "exit status" when they terminate
indicating whether they were successful in performing whatever
function they were supposed to perform. The $IfError and
$IfSuccess directives enable you to go to a label depending on
the exit status of the last program you ran.
Here is the example from the previous section re-coded to take
advantage of these directives:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$ExitWait 60
$IfError LOOP
* <Ctrl-C>$
Note that the $IfSuccess CONTINUE is actually superfluous,
since execution would continue at the CONTINUE label anyway. It
was included to demonstrate the use of the directive.
The $IfSuccess and $IfError simply check for an exit code of
zero or anything else (zero indicating success). The
$IfExitCode directive allows you to branch to a label depending
on whether a specific exit code was returned. The format of the
$IfExitCode directive is
$IfExitCode n label
where n is the exitcode to test for, and label is the label to
branch to if the exit code is indeed n.
9.2.15. Disabling Keyboard Input - $DisableKybd
The $DisableKybd causes DOS Phantom to ignore keyboard input
until the $EnableKybd directive is encountered. This allows you
to use $Pause, $MatchWait, and $ExitWait directives without
The $DisableKyd directive accepts a single optional parameter:
a letter or number designating a key which when depressed will
re-enable the keyboard. If no parameter is provided, the only
way the keyboard can be re-enabled is with the $EnableKybd
directive. Only letters and numbers may be specified in the
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$DisableKybd directive; no Alt or Ctrl key combinations are
allowed, and letters are not case-sensitive.
9.2.16. Flushing the Typeahead Buffer - $FlushTypAhd
The $FlushTypAhd directive removes any characters which have
accumulated in the typeahead buffer and have not been read by a
9.2.17. Disabling Ctl-Alt-Del
The $DisableCtrlAltDel directive prohibits the rebooting of the
computer using the Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination until the
$EnableCtrlAltDel directive is encountered. This can be useful
to protect critical sections of a playback from accidental
rebooting from the keyboard. Of course, the power could still
be turned off, or the reset button pressed.
9.2.18. Programmed Reboots - $Reboot
The $Reboot directive allows you to reboot your computer from
within a DOS Phantom playback file. This can be useful for re-
configuring a system at preset times (installing different
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files) from a scheduled Phantom
9.2.19. Retaining Keyboard Flags - $RetainKybdFlags
Normally, when a playback is complete, DOS Phantom returns the
state of the toggle keys Insert, NumLock, ScrollLk and CapsLock
to the state they were in before the playback was started. If
you wish the keys to remain in the state they were in when the
playback ended, use the $RetainKybdFlags directive anywhere in
your playback file.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
9.2.20. Using the $SETMODE Directives
The $SetMode directives could have been called the "Prodigy
directives" since their usefulness appears to be limited to
fast playback into the Prodigy on-line service. Prodigy uses
what may be a unique method of obtaining characters from the
keyboard which can cause loss of characters during high-speed
playback. To ensure against this, the $SetMode Func6 directive
should be placed after the command which invokes Prodigy, and
the $SetMode Normal command placed just after the command
terminating Prodigy.
You may not experience difficulties playing back into Prodigy
without these directives. If that is the case, ignore this
section. If you do experience character loss playing into
Prodigy, these directives should solve the problem.
Here is an example of the use of the $SetMode directives where
Prodigy is invoked, the stock price for IBM is displayed, and
Prodigy is terminated.
* Prodigy
$SetMode Func6
! Prodigy user ID and password
! Jump to quote check
* <F6>Quote Check
! Display IBM's current price
! Give us a chance to read it
$Wait 00:30.000
! Leave prodigy
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
* <Shft-Tab><Shft-Tab>
* E
$SetMode Normal
9.2.21. String Variables
V2.9 of DOS Phantom adds support for 9 string variables S1-S9.
To include the contents of a string variable in playback, the
string variable is prefixed with a dollar sign, similar to
command line parameters. For example, here is an output
statement which includes a command line parameter as well as a
string variable:
* REM The value of $$1 is $1. The value of S3 is $S3.
A number of directives are available for dealing with string
$Assign Sn <text>
Assigns <text> to string variable Sn. <Text> may contain
string and command line variables. The contents of Sn, if
any, are overwritten.
$Get r,c len Sn
Reads len characters from the screen at row r column c
into string variable Sn. The contents of Sn, if any, are
$Read <file> Sn
Reads a line from file <file> into string variable Sn. The
contents of Sn, if any, are overwritten.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$Write <file> <text>
Appends <text> to <file>. <Text> may contain string and
command line variables, for example: "parm1=$1, string
variable 3=$S3". (The quotation marks are not required
$IfEqual <label> Sn <text>
Branches to <label> if the contents of Sn are equal to
<text>. <Text> may contain string and command line
parameters. Comparison is case-sensitive.
$IfEmpty <label> Sn
Branches to <label> if the string variable Sn is empty.
$Clear Sn
Empties the string variable Sn.
The maximum length of a string variable is 79 characters.
String variables retain their contents between successive
Phantom playbacks if DOS Phantom is not unloaded from memory in
9.2.22. Working with Files
A number of directives are available for working with files.
They are listed here.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$FirstFile Sn <filename>
Locates the first file matching <filename> which may
include the * and ? wildcard characters and disk and
directory specifications. The filename is placed in Sn.
$NextFile Sn
Locates the next file matching the <filename> in the last
$FirstFile executed. The filename is placed in Sn. If no
more files exist which match the <filename> specified in
the last $FirstFile, the string FILE NOT FOUND is
$Read <file> Sn
Reads a line from file <file> into string variable Sn. The
file is opened if this is the first $Read from it. The
line must not exceed 80 characters in length. The CR and
LF characters are ommitted. When the end of file is
reached, $Read automatically closes the file. (The
$IfClosed directive can be used to detect this condition.)
Subsequent $Reads of the file will begin at the start of
the file.
$Write <file> <text>
Appends <text> to <file>. <Text> may contain string and
command line variables, for example: "parm1=$1, string
variable 3=$S3". (The quotation marks are not required
syntax.) A CR-LF combination (a newline) is suffixed to
the text unless the text string is terminated with a $.
Closes the file currently open for read, if any.
Subsequent reads of the file will begin at the start of
the file.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$IfClosed <label>
Branches to <label> if no $Read file is currently open.
This directive can be used to detect the end of file when
using $Read.
The $FirstFile and $NextFile directives which allow you to
perform directory searches from within Phantom scripts.
When no more files match <filename>, the string FILE NOT FOUND
is placed in Sn. Here is an example of a script which places
the names of all the .PTM files in the PHANTOM directory into a
file called PTMLIST.TXT:
$FirstFile S1 C:\PHANTOM\*.PTM
$IfEqual EndLoop S1 FILE NOT FOUND
$NextFile S1
$IfEqual EndLoop S1 FILE NOT FOUND
$Goto Loop
Only one file may be open for read at a time. If a second
filename is encountered in a $Read directive, the first is
automatically closed. A subsequent $Read of the first file will
close the second file and return the first line of the first
The $IfClosed directive can be used to detect end of file since
when $Read encounters the end of file, the file being read is
closed. The result of the last $Read is invalid if the file was
closed by the $Read. Thus, $IfClosed should be used before
making use of lines returned by $Read.
9.2.23. Substrings - The $F Directives
V2.9 of DOS Phantom introduces a new type of directive: the $F
directive. $F directives are similar to functions in
programming languages in that when a $F directive is placed in
a string, the result of the $F directive replaces the $F
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
directive in the string. $F directives take their arguments in
parenthesis immediately following the directive name. No spaces
are allowed between the directive name and the leading
parenthesis, nor are any spaces allowed between the comma-
separated arguments within the parentheses.
Three $F directives have been implemented in V2.9: $FSubStr,
$FBefore, and $FAfter. The $FSubStr directive extracts a
substring from a string variable. Th format of $FSubStr is
where Sn is the string variable from which to extract the
<start> is the character at which to start
extracting (1-based), and
<length> is the number of characters to extract.
Here is an example of $FSubStr being used to extract the
and placing them in S2:
$Assign S2 $FSubStr(S1,5,4)$FSubStr(S1,20,4)
$FBefore selects the portion of a string which appears before a
specified character, while $FAfter selects the portion of a
string which occurs after a specified character. For example,
$Assign S2 $FBefore(S1,.)
$Assign S3 $FAfter(S1,.)
results in S2 containing RECORDNG (the substring before the
period), and S3 containg EXE (the substring after the period).
$F directives can be used wherever the $Sn syntax is allowed,
except in *-prefixed output lines. To output a substring as if
it was being typed at the keyboard, you must $assign it to a
string variable first, and then output the variable, like this:
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
$Assign S6 $FSubStr(S3,1,8)
Here is a sample script which places the filenames of the files
in the current directory minus their filetypes (the three
characters after the period) in a file called TEST.TXT. It then
types the file.
$FirstFile S1 *.*
$IfEqual EndLoop S1 FILE NOT FOUND
$Write TEST.TXT $FBefore(S1,.)
$NextFile S1
$IfEqual EndLoop S1 FILE NOT FOUND
$Goto Loop
9.2.24. Iterated Looping - the $On Directive
V2.9 adds support for looping using the $On directive. The
format of the $On directive is:
$On <count> <label>
When the $On directive has been encountered <count> times,
control is transferred to <label>. Before <count> times, the
directive is ignored. Here is an example of a loop which copies
200 lines from FILEA.TXT to FILEB.TXT unless the end of
FILEA.TXT is encountered first:
$IfClosed EndLoop
$Write FILEB.TXT $S1
$On 200 EndLoop
$Goto Loop
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
A maximum of 256 $On directives may be used in a single Phantom
script. The maximum count value is 32767.
9.2.25. Playing Music - The $Music Directive
The $Music directive allows you to play melodies from a Phantom
script. $Music accepts a series of note/duration arguments,
each of which specifies a musical note and the length of time
for which is to be played. Four octaves supported with notes
from C1 to B5. The following notes are supported:
A, A#, Bb, C, C#, Dd, D, D#, Eb, F, F#, Gb, G, G#, Ab, R.
R is a rest (no sound). Each note is suffixed with the octave
in which it is to be played, a forward slash, and the number of
ticks for which the note is to be sounded.
Here is how the first few notes of "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
might be specified in a Phantom script (played in octave 3):
$Music R/80
$Music E3/60 D3/20 C3/40 D3/40 E3/15 R/25 E3/15 R/25 E3/60 /20
$Music D3/15 R/25 D3/15 R/25 D3/40 R/40 E3/40 G3/15 R/25 G3/40
$Music R/80
For those less musically inclined, numbers from 1 to 69 may be
used in place of the musical notes.
9.3. Hints and Tips
9.3.1. Interrupting Directive Execution
When a series of directives is executed without any intervening
keystrokes, the attention hot key may be ignored for an
extended period, making it difficult to interrupt the playback.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
9.3.2. Recovering Editing Sessions
To recover an aborted editing session with DOS Phantom, for
example, you should make sure that everything is as it was when
you started the recording: the same files with the same
contents, the same default disk and directory, and so on.
9.3.3. Using DOS Phantom in Batch Files
To use DOS Phantom from a batch file, don't use the /I command
line switch and end your recordings with the DOS EXIT command.
To use scraper from a batch-initiated playback, invoke Scraper
from within the playback without the /I switch. When you are
done with Scraper, remove it with the DOS EXIT command. Note
that there will be two exit commands required to terminate the
playback if Scraper is used.
9.3.4. Playback Chaining
Beginning with version 2.5, during playback you can chain to
another file by invoking Phantom at the DOS command line from
within the first file. Note that invoking Phantom for recording
from within a playback file is *not* supported.
9.3.5. Don't Use the Mouse
DOS Phantom doesn't record mouse activity, so you have to do
everything you want recorded on the keyboard.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
10. DOS Phantom Technical Information
10.1. DOS Version Requirements
DOS Phantom uses features first made available in MS-DOS V3.0,
and will probably not execute properly on prior versions of MS-
10.2. Memory Usage
DOS Phantom V2.9, when installed as a TSR, uses approximately
40K of memory.
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
11. License, Warranty, Registration, and Support
11.1. License
DOS PHANTOM is not and has never been public domain software,
nor is it free software.
Non-licensed users are granted a limited license to use DOS
PHANTOM on a 21-day trial basis for the purpose of determining
whether DOS PHANTOM is suitable for their needs. The use of DOS
PHANTOM, except for the initial 21-day trial, requires
registration. The use of unlicensed copies of DOS PHANTOM by
any person, business, corporation, government agency or any
other entity is strictly prohibited. A single user license
permits a user to use DOS PHANTOM only on a single computer.
Licensed users may use the program on different computers, but
may not use the program on more than one computer at the same
No one may modify or patch the DOS PHANTOM executable files in
any way, including but limited to decompiling, disassembling,
or otherwise reverse engineering the program.
A limited license is granted to copy and distribute DOS PHANTOM
only for the trial use of customers, subject to the above
limitations, and also the following:
o DOS PHANTOM must be copied in unmodified form,
complete with the provided license and registration
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
o The full machine-readable DOS PHANTOM documentation
must be included with each copy.
o DOS PHANTOM may not be distributed in conjunction
with any other product without a specific license to
do so from P2 Enterprises.
o No fee, charge, or other compensation may be
requested or accepted, except as authorized below:
o Operators of electronic bulletin board systems
(sysops) may make DOS PHANTOM available for
downloading only as long as the above conditions
are met. An overall or time-dependent charge for
the use of the bulletin board system is
permitted as long as there is not a specific
charge for the download of DOS PHANTOM.
o Vendors of user-supported or shareware software
approved by the ASP may distribute DOS PHANTOM,
subject to the above conditions, without
specific permission. Non-approved vendors may
distribute DOS PHANTOM only after obtaining
written permission from P2 Enterprises. Such
permission is usually granted. Please write for
details (enclose your catalog). Vendors may
charge a disk duplication and handling fee,
which, when pro-rated to the DOS PHANTOM
product, may not exceed eight dollars.
11.2. Limited Warranty
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your
acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents.
11.2.1. Government Restricted Rights
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013. Contractor/manufacturer is P2 Enterprises, P.O.
Box 25, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025.
The information in this document is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of P2
11.3. Registration
This program is shareware. It is not free. If, after an
evaluation period of 21 days, you wish to continue using this
program, you must register and pay the registration fee. The
order form at the end of this document may be used to register.
In response to your registration, P2 Enterprises will send you
a personalized Product Registration Key (PRK) which you can use
with the REGISTER program to effect registration of this
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
Registration suppresses the display of the statements
requesting that you register.
Registration entitles you to three months of support from P2
Enterprises as described in the following section.
Your Product Registration Key can be used to register future
versions of this program released within one year at no
additional cost.
Licenses for unlimited use on a single LAN, licenses for
commercial distribution of this product as part of another
product and a Programmer's Kit are also available. See the
order form at the end of this document for details.
11.4. Support
11.4.1. P2 Technical Support
Registered users receive three months of support from P2
Enterprises. P2 Enterprises will answer questions and fix
serious bugs during the three month support period. P2
Enterprises may choose not to attempt a fix to a problem
involving a specific hardware or software environment or
feature. If this is the case, a full refund of the registration
fee will be made upon your request.
P2 Enterprises may be reached via a VoiceMail system at (408)
336-8080 mailbox 9090, or via CompuServe ID 70621,2475, by
Internet mail at p2p2p2@cruzio.santa-cruz.ca.us, or by US Mail
at PO Box 25, Ben Lomond CA 95005-0025 USA. The VoiceMail
system is in operation between the hours of 6AM and 6PM Pacific
11.4.2. The P2 Enterprises Customer Service BBS
P2 Enterprises maintains a dial-in Customer Service BBS. The
latest versions of all P2 shareware products are always
DOS Phantom V2.9 Users Guide
available on the P2 BBS. In addition, lists of frequently asked
questions are available for perusal or download. Also, you can
upload file to P2 Tech Support if you wish. The BBS is on-line
weeknights between 6PM and 6AM and 24 hrs on weekends. (The BBS
shares the phone line with our voicemail system.) The number
for the P2 Enterprises Customer Service BBS is (408) 336-8080.
11.4.3. The ASP Ombudsman
P2 Enterprises is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but
does not provide technical support for members' products.
Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon,
MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to
ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.
P2 Enterprises, P.O. Box 25, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025
Upon receiving payment for registration, P2 Enterprises will send you
by mail a personalized Product Registration Key (PRK) which, used with
the Register Main Menu option, will allow you to register your current
copy of the software as well as future versions for a period of one
year, without additional charge or paperwork.
A separate Product Registration Key is required for each copy of the
software. (A single copy may be moved from computer to computer, but
if it is executed at the same time on different computers, it is
regarded as constituting multiple copies requiring multiple
If you wish, we will mail you diskettes containing the latest version
of the product(s) along with your Product Registration Key(s). There
is an additional charge of US$4.00 per product for diskettes. Be sure
to specify whether you prefer 3-1/2 or 5-1/4 inch diskettes.
The order form on the following may be used to purchase multiple
copies with discounts as follows:
1 - 5 copies no discount
6 and up 33% discount
The name on the order form is the person whose name wil be associated
with the Product Registration Key(s).
Payment may be by cash, check, postal money order, or credit card.
VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
Checks denominated in US Dollars must be drawn on a US bank. You may
pay with a check denominated in other than US Dollars if you first
add 5% to the registration fee before conversion to US Dollars at the
prevailing exchange rate.
If you are paying by credit card, you may register using using voicemail
weekdays at (408) 336-8080 mailbox 9090 or by FAX to (408) 336-8080.
You may also register via the P2 Enterprises Custome Service BBS. The BBS
is available weeknights between 6PM and 6AM Pacific Time and 24 hours on
weekends at (408) 336-8080. (Our voicemail and BBS share the phone line
and computer hardware. Our FAX is available 24 hrs/day 7 days/week.)
All orders are shipped within 10 working days after receipt of the
registration fee. Most orders are shipped within 48 hours.
Remit to: P2 Enterprises, P.O. Box 25, Ben Lomond, CA 95005-0025
Qty Item Price
___ DOS Phantom Single User PRK @ US$40.00 US$_______
___ DOS Phantom Single User PRK + diskette @ US$44.00 US$_______
___ DOS Phantom Laser-printed Users Guide @ US$12.00 US$_______
___ DOS Phantom Quick Reference Booklet @ US$1.00 US$_______
(One FREE with each registration.)
___ DOS Phantom Multi-User LAN License @US$120.00 US$_______
Allows unlimited use on a single LAN. A separate
license is required for each LAN installation.
___ DOS Phantom Commercial Distribution @ US$240.00 US$_______
Allows unlimited distribution of the PHANTOM2.EXE
file with another product. Other programs may not
be distributed. The play-only version of PHANTOM2
may also be distributed with this license.
___ Borland C Phantom Programmer's Kit @ US$180.00 US$_______
C source code module which performs TXT2PTM translation
for use in application programs. No restriction on use
for commercial purposes.
___ Microsoft C Phantom Programmer's Kit @ US$180.00 US$_______
Volume Discount US$(______)
Outside North America
add $3 per diskette or users guide ordered US$_______
California residents add state
and county taxes (at least 6.5%) US$_______
Diskette size: ___ 3.5 ___ 5.25 TOTAL US$_______
__Visa __Mastercard __Amex __Discover __DinersClub
Account Number____________________________ Expir.Date____________
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