DP Tool Club 16
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234 lines
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│ Ce fichier est fait pour être utilisé avec POV-Ray tracer 2.2+ │
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│ image différente ou intéressante, je vous demande simplement │
│ de me la faire parvenir au format 24 bits Targa. │
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│ This data file is for use with POV-Ray tracer 2.2+. It may be │
│ used or altered by anyone as desired. if you create with it │
│ another scene or picture, please send me a copy in 24 bits │
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│ D E N I S O L I V I E R │
│ 5, boulevard Franck Lamy │
│ 1 7 2 0 0 R O Y A N │
│ F R A N C E │
│ ────────────────────────── │
│ T é l : 4 6 0 5 4 9 4 4 │
│ F a x : 4 6 0 5 6 7 4 3 │
│ │
/* Pièces d'échecs d'aprés chess.dat de Ville Saari */
#include "shapes.inc"
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
#version 1.0
camera {
location <7 34 -34>
right <1.3333333 0 0>
direction <0 0 2>
look_at <0 3 0>
object {
light_source {
<-60 60 -60>
colour White
#declare QueenAndKing = union {
sphere { <0 10.5 0> 1.5 }
intersection {
union {
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 150 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 120 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 90 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 60 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 30 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 -30 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 -60 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 -90 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 -120 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 -150 0> }
sphere { <1.75 12 0> 0.9 rotate <0 180 0> }
plane { <0 1 0> 11.5 }
quadric { QCone_Y
scale <1 3 1>
translate <0 5 0>
plane { <0 -1 0> -8 }
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale <1.8 0.4 1.8>
translate <0 8 0>
intersection {
plane { <0 1 0> 8 }
quadric { Hyperboloid_Y
scale <0.7 1.6 0.7>
translate <0 7 0>
plane { <0 -1 0> -3 }
quadric { Ellipsoid
scale <2.5 0.5 2.5>
translate <0 2.8 0>
intersection {
sphere { <0 0 0> 3 }
plane { <0 -1 0> 0 }
#declare King = union {
intersection {
union {
intersection {
plane { <0 1 0> 13 }
plane { <0 -1 0> -12.5 }
intersection {
plane { < 1 0 0> 0.25 }
plane { <-1 0 0> 0.25 }
plane { < 0 0 1> 0.25 }
plane { < 0 0 -1> 0.25 }
plane { < 1 0 0> 0.75 }
plane { <-1 0 0> 0.75 }
plane { < 0 1 0> 13.5 }
plane { < 0 -1 0> -11.5 }
union { QueenAndKing }
#declare BKing1 = object {
union { King }
bounded_by {
intersection {
sphere { <0 6.5 0> 7.16 }
quadric { Cylinder_Y scale <3 1 3> }
texture {
scale <0.2 1000.1 0.2>
phong 0.1
#declare BKing2 = object {
union { King }
bounded_by {
intersection {
sphere { <0 6.5 0> 7.16 }
quadric { Cylinder_Y scale <3 1 3> }
texture {
turbulence 1.0
colour_map {
[0.0 0.7 colour White
colour White]
[0.7 0.9 colour White
colour red 0.8 green 0.8 blue 0.8]
[0.9 1.0 colour red 0.8 green 0.8 blue 0.8
colour red 0.5 green 0.5 blue 0.5]
scale <0.6 1 0.6>
rotate <0 -30 0>
phong 1.0
#declare BKing3 = object {
union { King }
bounded_by {
intersection {
sphere { <0 6.5 0> 7.16 }
quadric { Cylinder_Y scale <3 1 3> }
texture {
scale <1 1 1>
phong 1.0
object {
plane { < 0 1 0> 0 }
texture {
color_map {
[ 0 0.5 color green 1 red 1 blue 1 alpha 1.0
color green 1 red 1 blue 1 alpha 1.0 ]
[ 0.5 1 color green 1 red 1 blue 1 alpha 0.0
color green 1 red 1 blue 1 alpha 0.0 ]
reflection 0.8
refraction 1
phong 1.0
scale <1 1 10000000>
object {
translate <7 0 0>
object {
translate <0 0 0>
object {
translate <-7 0 0>