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- Height fields are fast, efficient objects that are generally used to
- create mountains or other raised surfaces out of hundreds of triangles in a
- mesh.
- A height field is essentially a 1 unit wide by 1 unit long box with a
- mountainous surface on top. The height of the mountain at each point is
- taken from the color number (palette index) of the pixels in a graphic image
- file.
- ________ <---- image index 255
- / /|
- +1y ---------- |
- | | |
- | | |+1z <- Image upper-right
- | | /
- 0,0,0---------- +1x
- ^
- |____ Image lower-left
- NOTE: Image resolution is irrelevant to the scale of the heightfield.
- The mesh of triangles corresponds directly to the pixels in the image
- file. In fact, there are two small triangles for every pixel in the image
- file. The Y (height) component of the triangles is determined by the pal-
- ette index number stored at each location in the image file. The higher the
- number, the higher the triangle. The maximum height of an unscaled height
- field is 1 unit.
- The higher the resolution of the image file used to create the height
- field, the smoother the height field will look. A 640 X 480 GIF will create
- a smoother height field than a 320 x 200 GIF. The size/resolution of the
- image does not affect the size of the height field. The unscaled height
- field size will always be 1x1. Higher resolution image files will create
- smaller triangles, not larger height fields.
- There are three types files which can define a height field as follows:
- height_field { gif 'filename.gif' }
- height_field { tga 'filename.tga' }
- height_field { pot 'filename.pot' }
- The image file used to create a height field can be a GIF, TGA or POT
- format file. The GIF format is the only one that can be created using a
- standard paint program.
- In a GIF file, the color number is the palette index at a given point.
- Use a paint program to look at the palette of a GIF image. The first color
- is palette index zero, the second is index 1, the third is index 2, and so
- on. The last palette entry is index 255. Portions of the image that use
- low palette entries will be lower on the height field. Portions of the ima-
- ge that use higher palette entries will be higher on the height field. For
- example: an image that was completely made up of entry 0 would be a flat 1x1
- square. An image that was completely made up of entry 255 would be a 1x1x1
- cube.
- The maximum number of colors in a GIF are 256, so a GIF height field can
- have any number of triangles but they will only 256 different height values.
- The color of the palette entry does not affect the height of the pixel.
- Color entry 0 could be red, blue, black, or orange, but the height of any
- pixel that uses color entry 0 will always be 0. Color entry 255 could be
- indigo, hot pink, white, or sky blue, but the height of any pixel that uses
- color entry 255 will always be 1.
- You can create height field GIF images with a paint program or a fractal
- program like 'Fractint'. If you have access to an IBM-PC, you can get
- Fractint from most of the same sources as POV-Ray.
- A POT file is essentially a GIF file with a 16-bit palette. The ma ximum
- number of colors in a POT file is greater than 32,000. This means a POT
- height field can have over 32,000 possible height values. This makes it
- possible to have much smoother height fields.
- NOTE: The maximum height of the field is still 1 even though more inter-
- mediate values are possible.
- At the time of this writing, the only program that created POT files was
- a freeware IBM-PC program called Fractint. POT files generated with this
- fractal program create fantastic landscapes. If you have access to an IBM-
- PC, you can get Fractint from most of the same sources as POV-Ray.
- The TGA file format may be used as a storage device for 16-bit numbers
- rather than an image file. The TGA format uses the red and green bytes of
- each pixel to store the high and low bytes of a height value. TGA files are
- as smooth as POT files, but they must be generated with special custom-made
- programs. Currently, this format is of most use to programmers, though you
- may see TGA height field generator programs arriving soon. There is example
- C source code included with the POV-Ray source archive to create a TGA file
- for use with a height field.
- It is nearly impossible to take advantage of the 16 bits of resolution
- offered by the use of tga files in height fields when the tga file is cre-
- ated in a paint program. A gif file is a better choice for paint created
- height fields in 8 bits. Also see Appendix B.5 for a tip on creating tga
- files for height fields.
- An optional 'water_level' parameter may be added after the file name and
- It consists of the keyword 'water_level' followed by a float value tells the
- program not to look for the height field below that value. Default value is
- 0 and legal values are between 0 and 1. For example: 'water_level .5' tells
- POV-Ray to only render the top half of the height field. The other half is
- 'below the water' and couldn't be seen anyway. This term comes from the po-
- pular use of height fields to render landscapes. A height field would be
- used to create islands and another shape would be used to simulate water
- around the islands. A large portion of the height field would be obscured
- by the 'water' so the 'water_level' parameter was introduced to allow the
- ray tracer to ignore the unseen parts of the height field. Water_level is
- also used to 'cut away' unwanted lower values in a height field. For exam-
- ple: if you have an image of a fractal on a solid colored background, where
- the back ground color is palette entry 0, you can remove the background in
- the height field by specifying, 'water_level .001'
- Normally height fields have a rough, jagged look because they are made of
- lots of flat triangles. Adding the keyword 'smooth' causes POV-Ray to modi-
- fy the surface normal vectors of the triangles in such a way that the light-
- ing and shading of the triangles will give a smooth look. This may allow
- you to use a lower resolution file for your height field than would other-
- wise be needed.
- Height fields can be used in CSG shapes and they can be scaled, rotated
- and translated. Because they are finite they respond to automatic bounding.
- Here are a notes and helpful hints on height fields from their creator,
- Doug Muir:
- 'The height field is mapped to the x-z plane, with its lower left
- corner sitting at the origin. It extends to 1 in the positive x
- direction and to 1 in the positive z direction. It is maximum 1
- unit high in the y direction. You can translate it, scale it, and
- rotate it to your heart's content.'
- When deciding on what water_level to use, remember, this applies to the
- untransformed height field. If you are a Fractint user, the water_level
- should be used just like the water_level parameter for 3d projections in
- Fractint.
- Here's a detailed explanation of how the ray-tracer creates the height
- field. You can skip this if you aren't interested in the technical side of
- ray tracing. This information is not needed to create or use height fields.
- To find an intersection with the height field, the ray tracer first
- checks to see if the ray intersects the box which surrounds the height
- field. Before any transformations, this box's two opposite vertexes are at
- (0, water_level, 0) and (1, 1, 1). If the box is intersected, the ray
- tracer figures out where, and then follows the line from where the ray
- enters the box to where it leaves the box, checking each pixel it crosses
- for an intersection.
- It checks the pixel by dividing it up into two triangles. The height
- vertex of the triangle is determined by the color index at the corresponding
- position in the GIF, POT, or TGA file.
- If your file has a uses the color map randomly, your height field is go-
- ing to look pretty chaotic, with tall, thin spikes shooting up all over the
- place. Not every GIF will make a good height field.
- If you want to get an idea of what your height field will look like, I
- recommend using the IBM-PC program Fractint's 3d projection features to do a
- sort of preview. If it doesn't look good there, the ray tracer isn't going
- to fix it. For those of you who can't use Fractint, convert the image pal-
- ette to a gray scale from black at entry 0 to white at entry 255 with smooth
- steps of gray. The dark parts will lower than the brighter parts, so you
- can get a feel for how the image will look as a height field.