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- POV-Ray allows you to define identifiers for later use in the file. An
- identifier may be 1 to 40 characters long. It may consist of upper or lower
- case letters, the digits 0 through 9 or an underscore character. The first
- character must be an alphabetic character. The declaration of identifiers
- is covered later.
- POV-Ray has a number of reserved words which are used in the language.
- All reserved words are fully lower case. Therefore it is recommended that
- your identifiers contain at least 1 upper case character so it is sure to
- avoid conflict with reserved words. The following keywords are reserved in
- POV-Ray:
- adaptive agate agate_turb all
- alpha ambient area_light background
- bicubic_patch blob blue bounded_by
- box bozo brilliance bumps
- bump_map bump_size camera checker
- clipped_by clock color color_map
- colour colour_map component composite
- cone crand cubic cylinder
- declare default dents difference
- diffuse direction disc distance
- dump falloff filter finish
- flatness fog frequency gif
- gradient granite green height_field
- hexagon iff image_map include
- interpolate intersection inverse ior
- jitter lambda leopard light_source
- location looks_like look_at mandel
- map_type marble material_map max_intersections
- max_trace_level merge metallic normal
- no_shadow object octaves omega
- once onion open phase
- phong phong_size pigment plane
- point_at poly pot quadric
- quartic quick_color quick_colour radial
- radius raw red reflection
- refraction rgb rgbf right
- ripples rotate roughness scale
- sky smooth smooth_triangle specular
- sphere spotlight spotted sturm
- texture tga threshold tightness
- tile2 tiles torus translate
- triangle turbulence type union
- up use_color use_colour use_index
- u_steps version v_steps water_level
- waves wood wrinkles x
- y z