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- This section contains a utility program for the POV-Ray IBM-PC protected
- mode executable compiled with Intel's 'Code Builder Kit' 32-bit 'C' compi-
- ler. It is not of any use for exectuables compiled with any other compiler.
- It's purpose is to expand (or reduce) the amount of virtual memory available
- to POV-Ray during it's operation.
- NOTE: If you get a message about running out of memory (allocation fai-
- lure...., memory exhausted......, insufficient memory.... etc...), you
- should use this utility. It's unneeded until your image models become com-
- plex enough to require more than the 3072K of virtual memory that POV-Ray
- uses as it's distribution default.
- The 'region size' consists of the physical RAM *PLUS* the amount of disk
- space allocated to a swapfile for POV-Ray. The unmodified POV-Ray will ren-
- der approximately a 15,000 triangle file. (Supports 3072K of memory. In a
- machine with less than 4 megs of RAM the VMM may be used to raise it to that
- amount. In a machine with *more* than 3072K of RAM it will go ahead and use
- it, if available, when run 'stand alone'. I.E. when not running under a
- DPMI host such as Windows, OS/2 2.x or QEMM w/ QDPMI installed.)
- To expand the amount of virtual memory available, more Hard Disk space
- must be allocated to POV-Ray. POVMOD will list the amount of physical RAM
- available in the machine PLUS the free space on the hard disk. Any or all
- if this can be allocated for POV-Ray's use during a trace.
- NOTE: These amounts may not reflect the actual amount installed in the
- machine when running under a DPMI Host. They are the amounts reported by
- the host and must be configured in the setup of the host. For instance the
- amount of XMS and DPMI memory is set under the DOS SETTINGS for an OS/2 2.x
- DOS session.
- Use of POVMOD:
- Place POVMOD in the same directory as POVRAY.EXE. From the command line
- type:
- The program will run and present a list of the current parameters that
- POV-Ray operates under. The number in the upper right corner of the table
- (the one labeled 'Region Size:') is the amount of memory (both virtual and
- physical combined AT THAT TIME.) that POV-Ray can use.
- Press (M)odify to change the parameters.
- Press (E)nter to alter the region size. You can then manually enter the
- amount of memory you would like to have available for the program to use.
- Generally a value of 6M to 10M will cover all but the most complex images.
- The (A)ccept key will configure the region size for the largest possible
- swap file size.
- NOTE: Accept is not the best choice in most cases. If there is a large
- amount of free space on your HD it could result in a very large swap file.
- The (C)reate option will create a -permanent- swap file.
- REMEMBER: You need enough free disk space to write out your image file as
- it is created though!!!
- The POV-Ray executable file will then be modified to reflect your choi-
- ces. Since much of this 'memory' is usually a swap file on your hard disk
- you will get much better performance with a recently defragmented disk. The
- program will NOT allow you to allocate a larger region size than can be
- created AT THAT TIME. For example: If you have 6 Megs of combined RAM/Hard
- Disk space available you cannot make the region size any larger than that.
- Also if the region size is set to a particular amount and your hard disk is
- later filled to the point that the free disk space is not large enough for
- the required swap file to be created, the program will NOT run. It will
- error with an insufficient memory message. You will need to modify the re-
- gion size to accommodate the smaller amount of disk space available.
- An environment variable is used to 'point' to the location of the swap
- file. The DEFAULT swap file is C:\XMSWAP.TMP. To set it to another loca-
- tion the following must be added to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
- SET SWAP=d:\[subdir]\XMSWAP.TMP
- where d: is the drive and [subdir] is the subdirectory you wish to use for
- the swap file. You will need to reboot the machine for this parameter to
- take effect.
- OS/2 2.x Note:
- When running POV-Ray under OS/2 2.x you need to set the DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT
- value under the DOS SETTINGS for the session to a value GREATER than or
- EQUAL to the Region Size you set in the POVRAY executable with this program.