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- Question:
- I get a floating point error on certain pictures. What's wrong?
- Answer:
- The ray tracer performs many thousands of floating point operations when
- tracing a scene. If checks were added to each one for overflow or under-
- flow, the program would be much slower. If you get this problem, first look
- through your scene file to make sure you're not doing something like:
- a) Scaling something by 0 in any dimension. Example: scale <34, 2,
- 0> will generate a warning.
- b) Making the look_at point the same as the location in the camera.
- c) Looking straight down at the look_at point.
- d) Defining triangles with two points the same or nearly the same.
- e) Using a roughness value of zero (0).
- If it doesn't seem to be one of these problems, please let us know. If
- you do have such troubles, you can try to isolate the problem in the input
- scene file by commenting out objects or groups of objects until you narrow
- it down to a particular section that fails. Then try commenting out the
- individual characteristics of the offending object.
- Question:
- Are planes 2D objects or are they 3D but infinitely thin?
- Answer:
- Neither. Planes are 3D objects that divide the world into two half-
- spaces. The space in the direction of the surface normal is considered out-
- side and the other space is inside. In other words, planes are 3D objects
- that are infinitely thick. For the plane, plane { y, 0 }, every point with
- a positive Y value is outside and every point with a negative Y value is
- inside.
- Question:
- I'd like to go through the program and hand-optimize the assembly code in
- places to make it faster. What should I optimize?
- Answer:
- Don't bother. With hand optimization, you'd spend a lot of time to get
- perhaps a 5-10% speed improvement at the cost of total loss of portability.
- If you use a better ray-surface intersection algorithm, you should be able
- to get an order of magnitude or more impro-vement. Check out some books and
- papers on ray tracing for useful techniques. Specifically, check out 'Spa-
- tial Subdivision' and 'Ray Coherence' techniques.
- Question:
- Objects on the edges of the screen seem to be distorted. Why?
- Answer:
- If the direction vector of the camera is not very long, you may get dis-
- tortion at the edges of the screen. Try moving the location back and rai-
- sing the value of the direction vector.
- Question:
- How do you position planar image maps without a lot of trial and error?
- Answer:
- By default, images will be mapped onto the range 0,0 to 1,1 in the appro-
- priate plane. You should be able to translate, rotate, and scale the image
- from there.
- Question:
- How do you calculate the surface normals for smooth triangles?
- Answer:
- There are two ways of getting another program to calculate them for you.
- There are now several utilities to help with this:
- 1) Depending on the type of input to the program, you may be able to
- calculate the surface normals directly. For example, if you have
- a program that converts B-Spline or Bezier Spline surfaces into
- POV-Ray format files, you can calculate the surface normals from
- the surface equations.
- 2) If your original data was a polygon or triangle mesh, then it's
- not quite so simple. You have to first calculate the surface
- normals of all the triangles. This is easy to do; you just use
- the vector cross-product of two sides (make sure you get the vec-
- tors in the right order). Then, for every vertex, you average
- the surface normals of the triangles that meet at that vertex.
- These are the normals you use for smooth triangles. Look for the
- utilities such as RAW2POV. RAW2POV has an excellent bounding
- scheme and the ability to specify a smoothing threshold.
- Question:
- When I render parts of a picture on different systems, the textures don't
- match when I put them together. Why?
- Answer:
- The appearance of a texture depends on the particular random number ge-
- nerator used on your system. POV-Ray seeds the random number generator with
- a fixed value when it starts, so the textures will be consistent from one
- run to another or from one frame to another so long as you use the same ex-
- ecutables. Once you change executables, you will likely change the random
- number generator and, hence, the appearance of the texture. There is an
- example of a standard ANSI random number generator provided in IBM.C, in-
- clude it in your machine-specific code if you are having consistency pro-
- blems.
- Question:
- I created an object that passes through its bounding volume. At times, I
- can see the parts of the object that are outside the bounding volume. Why
- does this happen?
- Answer:
- Bounding volumes are not designed to change the shape of the object. They
- are strictly a realtime improvement feature. The ray tracer trusts you when
- you say that the object is enclosed by a bounding volume. The way it uses
- bounding volumes is very simple: If the ray hits the bounding volume (or the
- ray's origin is inside the bounding volume), when the object is tested
- against that ray. Otherwise, we ignore the object. If the object extends
- beyond the bounding volume, anything goes. The results are undefined. It's
- quite possible that you could see the object outside the bounding volume and
- it's also possible that it could be invisible. It all depends on the geome-
- try of the scene. If you want this effect use a clipped_by volume instead
- of bounded_by or use clipped_by { bounded_by } if you wish to clip and bound
- with the same object.
- ******
- Question:
- Does the 'virtual memory manager' in POV run only if no existing hard
- disk cache (like SMARTDRIVE) is detected?
- Answer:
- No, the virtual memory manager is NOT a disk cache. It provides paged
- memory services to POV-Ray in much the same way that a Mainframe or Mini-
- Computer may use their hard disk drives as 'memory'. This 'memory' appears
- to the program to be actual RAM available for it's use. It is NOT a 'swap
- file' in the conventional sense. (For this reason it's best that the file
- used should be located on a drive that DOES NOT USE DISK COMPRESSION PRO-
- GRAMS such as STACKER or SUPERSTOR!) ICB allows this (plus physical RAM) to
- go to a total of 3.75 Gigabytes.... if you have a big enough hard drive.
- Disk caching will have little effect on the performance of POV-Ray. POV-Ray
- will 'tolerate' it's being present, if new enough versions of the programs
- are used. A MUCH better way to boost performance is to use the image buf-
- fering built into POV-Ray with the +bxxx commandline switch. Since POV-Ray
- must switch out of protected mode to use the BIOS disk service routines, it
- takes a performance hit for every line as it is written to disk. Also,
- since POV-Ray cares little about memory usage a buffer of 500K is not unrea-
- sonable in a machine with at least 4 Megs of RAM. I've done a couple timing
- tests and found that trace time can be reduced by as much as 30% with a 500K
- or larger buffer.
- Question:
- What is the minimum amount of conventional DOS memory needed to run POV? Does freeing up conventional memory above this minimum improve performance?
- Answer:
- No minimums are given in the ICB docs, I imagine all that is required is
- enough for the loader program to execute since it is (basically) a real mode
- program. Be aware however that machines with large amounts of memory taken
- up by drivers, TSR's etc. are MORE LIKELY to have some kind of problem with
- conflicts between POV-Ray and those drivers. (Simply because they are
- loaded and the vast differences in the way the CPU it's self is used between
- real mode and the 32bit protected mode.) Performance is not effected by how
- much real mode memory is available, POV-Ray runs almost completely in the
- area BEYOND the real mode 1meg boundary.
- Question:
- I assume that if POV-Ray is a protected mode application, you should give
- it as much extended memory as possible. How much can it use?
- Answer:
- Yes, defiantly. The more the better since, as far as POV-Ray is concer-
- ned, this IS the memory. That is where the program actually runs. As pre-
- viously described, POV-Ray (ICB's limits) can use 64 megabytes of physical
- RAM (the IC's installed in the machine) and additional hard disk space to
- total 3.75 Gigabytes of paged virtual memory. 'Shortcuts' taken by some
- hardware manufacturers may limit what is 'really' available to the program,
- even if more is actually installed in the machine. Generally you are pretty
- safe in assuming that 16 megabytes of RAM and 32 megabytes of disk space
- will be usable/available in ANY IBM compatible 386/486 PC with an ISA bus.
- 48 megabytes of VM should be plenty for any rendering that will be completed
- in under a century.... Also, I have gotten some messages (2 to be exact)
- from people that have been unable to get the program to run in a machine
- with only 2 megs of RAM installed. Since the first meg is 'reserved' for
- real mode use this leaves 1 meg for POV to knock around in. POV is actually
- a pretty big program it's self these days, and getting bigger. 4 megs gives
- it some 'breathing space'.
- Question:
- What options will allow the program to run as fast as it can?
- Answer:
- Generally the command line options that have the most effect are the
- image buffering (+bxxx) and the keyboard abort (+x). The image buffering
- can dramatically reduce rendering times. A setting of +b512 on a machine
- with 4+ megs of RAM is a good compromise between the buffer & how much RAM
- is "sacrificed" to the buffer. For instance a 512K buffer will limit an
- 800x600 image to just 3 disk writes during the image generation instead of
- 600. Depending on the environment, the keyboard abort option (+x) can slow
- things quite a bit too. It is most noticeable in multitasking environments
- since the keyboard is constantly polled to check for the occurrence of any
- keypress. Disabling the display option can give a slight improvement in
- rendering speed but it is generally not a very significant improvement.