DP Tool Club 16
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`co(4,7);────────────────────────────── EnCom Functions ───────────────────────────────`co();
`co(12,?);Core Functions Extended Functions Message Functions`co();
`keyword(A) com_config,/// com_config); `keyword(M) com_getc_qty,/// com_getc_qty); `keyword(Z) encrypt_msg,/// encrypt_msg);
`keyword(B) com_port_create,/// com_port_create); `keyword(N) com_ungetc,/// com_ungetc); `keyword(A) calc_crc,/// calc_crc);
`keyword(C) com_port_init,/// com_port_init); `keyword(O) com_stuffc,/// com_stuffc); `keyword(B) fmt_msg,/// fmt_msg);
`keyword(D) com_port_destroy,/// com_port_destroy); `keyword(P) com_gets,/// com_gets); `keyword(C) defmt_msg,/// defmt_msg);
`keyword(E) com_clear_que,/// com_clear_que); `keyword(Q) com_putc_qty,/// com_putc_qty); `keyword(D) get_msg,/// get_msg);
`keyword(F) com_getc,/// com_getc); `keyword(R) send_break,/// send_break); `keyword(E) mk_crc_tbl,/// mk_crc_tbl);
`keyword(G) com_putc,/// com_putc); `keyword(S) set_xon_flow,/// set_xon_flow);
`keyword(H) com_puts,/// com_puts); `keyword(T) set_dcd_flow,/// set_dcd_flow); `co(12,?);Keyboard/Timer/16550`co();
`keyword(I) prime_tx,/// prime_tx); `keyword(U) set_dsr_flow,/// set_dsr_flow); `keyword(F) init_ctrlc_hdlr,/// init_ctrlc_hdlr);
`keyword(J) force_tx,/// force_tx); `keyword(V) suspend,/// suspend); `keyword(G) end_ctrlc_hdlr,/// end_ctrlc_hdlr);
`keyword(K) com_irq_ctrl,/// com_irq_ctrl); `keyword(W) wait_for_rx,/// wait_for_rx); `keyword(H) init_clock,/// init_clock);
`keyword(L) com_232_ctrl,/// com_232_ctrl); `keyword(X) wait_for_no_rx,/// wait_for_no_rx); `keyword(I) end_clock,/// end_clock);
`keyword(Y) modem_cmd,/// modem_cmd); `keyword(J) tone,/// tone);
`keyword(K) sound_off,/// sound_off);
`keyword(L) set_idle_func,/// set_idle_func);
`keyword(M) com_fifo_trigger,/// com_fifo_trigger);
`keyword(N) com_fifo_ctrl,/// com_fifo_ctrl);
`co(10,1);/// com_config`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_config);
allows the user to "customize" the comm port configuration such as base
address and interrupt vector. It is called before `keyword(com_port_create,/// com_port_create); to
specify an alternative base address or IRQ for the port. Use -1 to
specify the default value for either the base address or IRQ. This allows
great flexibility in port configuration.
int com_config( int chan, int base_addr, int irq );
`co(11,1); int chan`co();
The comm port channel COM1-COM4.
`co(11,1); int base_addr`co();
The I/O base address for this UART (-1 for default).
`co(11,1); int irq`co();
The hardware interrupt for this UART (-1 for default).
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
com_config(COM3, 0x6f8, 5);
com_port_create(COM3, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_port_create`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_port_create);
creates the port, initializing it to the values passed as parameters.
If the function returns a 0, then the port was created, UART initialized,
and transmit and receive queues allocated. A negative number is returned
on error.
Error Code Meaning
-1 Cannot access device.
-2 Could not allocate receive queue.
-3 Could not allocate transmit queue.
-4 Invalid format parameters (baud, parity, data or stop bits).
-5 Invalid channel (COM1-4).
See also `keyword(com_port_destroy,/// com_port_destroy);
int com_port_create( int chan, long baud, int parity, int data_bits,
int stop_bits, int rx_size, int tx_size, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int chan`co();
The channel number #define. The valid channel defines are COM1, COM2,
COM3, and COM4.
`co(11,1); long baud`co();
The initial baud rate. A baud rate of 19.2K would be 19200L.
`co(11,1); int parity`co();
The initial parity. Use the character 'N' for none, 'E' for even, 'O'
for odd, 'M' for mark, and 'S' for space.
`co(11,1); int data_bits`co();
The number of data bits per character, and can be from 5 to 8.
`co(11,1); int stop_bits`co();
The number of stop bits per character, either 1 or 2.
`co(11,1); int rx_size`co();
The size of the receive queue, up to 64K.
`co(11,1); int tx_size`co();
The size of the transmit queue, up to 64K.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
A pointer to a PORT structure. The PORT structure must be either a
global variable, or a previously allocated structure. Do NOT pass
an uninitialized pointer to the function as this routine clears
the structure!
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( comm_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
`co(10,1);/// com_port_init`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_port_init);
initializes the port structure and UART, but does not allocate the
receive or transmit queues. This function is called internally by
`keyword(com_port_create,/// com_port_create); to do the actual initialization. You may call this
function any time after com_port_create to change the port parameters
without affecting the queues and is easier than the alternative of having
to call com_port_destroy followed by com_port_create. Like com_port_create
a 0 is returned on success and a negative number on failure.
Error Code Meaning
-1 Invalid parity (N, O, E, M, or S).
-2 Invalid number of data bits (5, 6, 7, or 8).
-3 Invalid number of stop bits (1, or 2).
You can use this function to change the data format within your program
at any time with no ill effect.
int com_port_init( long baud, int parity, int data_bits, int stop_bits,
PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); long baud`co();
The new baud rate.
`co(11,1); int parity`co();
The new parity. Use the character 'N' for none, 'E' for even, 'O'
for odd, 'M' for mark, and 'S' for space.
`co(11,1); int data_bits`co();
The new number of data bits per char (5 to 8).
`co(11,1); int stop_bits`co();
The new number of stop bits per char (1 or 2).
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
A pointer to a PORT structure. The PORT structure must be either a
global variable, or a previously allocated structure. Do NOT pass
an uninitialized pointer to the function.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( comm_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_port_init(2400L, 'E', 7, 1, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_port_destroy`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_port_destroy);
destroys the port created with `keyword(com_port_create,/// com_port_create);. The transmit and
receive queues are freed, and the port structure set to inactive. Be
sure to use this function to destroy any ports you create.
void com_port_destroy( PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
A pointer to the PORT structure used in com_port_create.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
`co(10,1);/// com_clear_que`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_clear_que);
can be use to clear either the port receive queue, the port transmit
queue, or both.
void com_clear_que( int mode, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int mode`co();
The queue or queues to clear. Use the defines RX and TX to indicate
the queue. To specify both queues, use RX | TX.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
A pointer to the PORT structure used in com_port_create.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_clear_que( RX | TX, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_getc`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_getc);
is used to get a character from the port receive queue. If there is
no data in the receive queue, that is the rx_cnt member of the port
structure is 0, then -1 is returned. If there is data in the receive
queue, then the next byte is returned. Please note that you can
check for a queue empty condition, by directly accessing the rx_cnt
variable of the port structure or using the com_rx_cnt macro. If
"queue status" mode is enabled, com_getc will return an integer, the
low byte is the character and the high byte is the status. Note that
it is possible for com_getc to return a -1 as a valid char/status
combination in this mode. To prevent this, simply be sure to check
for data (using com_rx_cnt) before calling com_getc.
int com_getc( PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer from which to receive.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
int next_byte;
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
if (com_rx_cnt(cp) > 0)
next_byte = com_getc(cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_putc`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_putc);
is used to put a character into the port transmit queue. If there is
no room left in the queue, then the port member overflow is incremented
and a -1 is returned. If the byte is queued, then 0 is returned.
Since EnCom is both receive and transmit interrupt driven, no other
function is necessary for the byte to be transmitted!
int com_putc( int c, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int c`co();
The byte to put into the transmit queue.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for transmission.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_putc('A', cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_puts`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_puts);
is used to put a string into the port transmit queue.
int com_puts( uchar *s, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); uchar *s`co();
The string to transmit.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for transmission.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_puts("ATDT1-816-353-0991\r", cp);
`co(10,1);/// prime_tx`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~prime_tx);
"kick starts" the transmit interrupt by disabling then re-enabling the
THRE (transmit holding register empty) IRQ bit. This causes the UART to
generate a THRE interrupt, and start transmission of the bytes that are in
the queue. This function is used internally by the library (in `keyword(com_putc,/// com_putc);),
and is documented for those of you who wish to understand the internal
workings of the library.
void prime_tx( PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to "kick start".
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
if( !cp->tx_on )
cp->tx_on = ON, prime_tx(cp);
`co(10,1);/// force_tx`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~force_tx);
forces the character passed to be transmitted without going through
the usual queueing and interrupt-driven transmission. It does check
to see if the UART is ready for the character. If the character is
transmitted, a 1 is returned. If the UART is not ready, the function
tries for 1 second, and returns 0 if the byte could not be sent.
This routine will only work if `keyword(init_clock,/// init_clock); has been called.
force_tx( int c, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int c`co();
The byte to transmit.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for transmission.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
force_tx( 'A', cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_irq_ctrl`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_irq_ctrl);
enables or disables the comm interrupts. This function is used in
the library internally by `keyword(com_vect_init,/// com_vect_init);, and will not be called by the
programmer under most circumstances. The current state of the Interrupt
Enable register is returned. You can "or" several value together to
enable/disable several interrupts at once; the other bits will not be
int com_irq_ctrl( int state, int mask, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int state`co();
The state to use, 0 for off and 1 for on. You may use the defines ON
and OFF.
`co(11,1); int mask`co();
The IRQ bits to set. The bits are defined as DR_IRQ, THRE_IRQ,
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for IRQ control.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_irq_ctrl(ON, DR_IRQ | THRE_IRQ, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_232_ctrl`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_232_ctrl);
turns on or off the control lines DTR, RTS, OUT1, OUT2 and LOOP. The
combined state is returned. To set several at once, simply "or" the
defines together. This function is called internally by the library in
`keyword(com_port_init,/// com_port_init); to set DTR , RTS, & OUT2 on by default.
NOTE: OUT2 is used to mask interrupts from the serial board on many PC's.
If this is not set, or is cleared, interrupts generated by the UART will
not "get through" to the PC. This is something to watch for when doing
a LOOP diagnostic check. Since the UART "disconnects" all of these lines
from the outside world, the PC will stop getting interrupts, even though
the UART is trying to generate them. Therefore, the loopback mode may not
work on some PC's, at least as far as interrupts go.
void com_232_ctrl( int state, int mask, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int state`co();
The state to set, 0 for off and 1 for on. You may use the defines ON
and OFF.
`co(11,1); int mask`co();
The RS232 control bits to set. The bits are defined as DTR, RTS,
OUT1, OUT2, and LOOP.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for RS232 control.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_232_ctrl(DTR | RTS, ON, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_getc_qty`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~com_getc_qty);
is used to get one or more bytes from the port receive queue. If there
is less than the requested number of bytes in the receive queue, then
a -1 is returned, otherwise a 1 is returned. If "queue status" mode is
enabled, com_getc_qty will put char/status pairs into "data". Note that
in this mode, "qty" will refer to char/status pairs, not bytes in the
queue, and the size of "data" must be large enough to hold both.
int com_getc_qty( uchar *data, uint qty, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); uchar *data`co();
A pointer for storage of "qty" bytes/pairs of data from the receive
`co(11,1); uint qty`co();
The number of bytes/pairs to get from the queue.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to use.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
uchar buffer[80];
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_getc_qty(buffer, 80, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_ungetc`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~com_ungetc);
puts a character back into the receive queue. If "queue status" mode is
in effect, the high 8 bits (the status) is also put back into the queue.
If no room for the character exists, -1 is returned, else, 0 is returned.
If you wish to put a character at the end of the receive queue (as opposed
to the beginning), use `keyword(com_stuffc,/// com_stuffc);.
NOTE: This routine DOES NOT re-increment cp->msg_cnt. Since it is the
responsibility of the caller to decrement this value, it is assumed that
if the character is being put back into the queue, the value was not
decremented. It really doesn't matter who does it, but this gives the
most control to the caller.
int com_ungetc( int c, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int c`co();
The character to place back into the queue.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for the receive queue.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
int next_byte;
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
if (com_rx_cnt(cp) > 0)
next_byte = com_getc(cp);
if( next_byte == 'X' )
com_ungetc(next_byte, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_stuffc`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~com_stuffc);
puts a character at the end of the receive queue. If "queue status"
mode is in effect, the high 8 bits (the status) is also put into the
queue. If no room for the character exists, -1 is returned, else, 0 is
returned. This performs a similar function as `keyword(com_ungetc,/// com_ungetc);, except the
character is placed at the end of the queue, as opposed to the beginning.
NOTE: This routine DOES NOT re-increment cp->msg_cnt. Since it is the
responsibility of the caller to decrement this value, it is assumed that
if the character is being put back into the queue, the value was not
decremented. It really doesn't matter who does it, but this gives the
most control to the caller.
int com_stuffc( int c, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int c`co();
The character to put at the end of the queue.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for the receive queue.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
comm_stuffc(End_flag, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_gets`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~com_gets);
is used to get a string from the port receive queue, stopping on the
passed byte, or until the passed quantity of bytes has been retrieved,
or the queue is empty. The number of bytes retrieved is returned.
If the stop byte passed to the function is not 0, then the data will
not be null-terminated. As with com_getc_qty, if "queue status" mode
is enabled, "qty" char/status pairs will be returned.
int com_gets( uchar *data, uchar c, uint qty, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); uchar *data`co();
A pointer for storage of the bytes of data from the receive queue.
`co(11,1); uchar c`co();
The stop byte. Normally this would be 0, but it can be any value.
`co(11,1); uint qty`co();
The maximum number of bytes to get from the queue. If the stop byte
is matched or the queue drains completely then the returned number
of bytes will be less than this quantity.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to use.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
uchar buffer[80];
int total_rx;
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
total_rx = com_gets(buffer, 0, 80, cp);
`co(10,1);/// com_putc_qty`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~com_putc_qty);
is used to queue up qty bytes in the ports transmit queue, for
subsequent transmission via the interrupt routine. If there is not enough
room in the transmit queue, a -1 is returned. If the data was queued
successfully, a 0 is returned.
int com_putc_qty( uchar *data, uint qty, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); uchar *data`co();
A pointer to the data to queue.
`co(11,1); uint qty`co();
The number of bytes of data to queue.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to use.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
com_putc_qty("THIS IS A TEST", 14, cp);
`co(10,1);/// send_break`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~send_break);
is used to set a break condition in the UART for a specified amount
of time.
This routine will only work if `keyword(init_clock,/// init_clock); has been called.
void send_break( int t, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int t`co();
The number of timer ticks the condition is to be held.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for the break.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
send_break(Tics_per_sec * 2, cp); /* break for 2 seconds */
`co(10,1);/// set_xon_flow`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~set_xon_flow);
sets or resets the XON/XOFF flow control. The XON/XOFF chars can also
be set, along with queue high and low water marks.
int set_xon_flow( int state, int xon_char, int xoff_char,
uint highwater, uint lowwater, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int state`co();
The XON/XOFF state, either 1 or 0. You may use the ON an OFF defines
if desired.
`co(11,1); int xon_char`co();
The XON character to use. The define for the most commonly used
xon character is XON_CHAR. To specify XON on any character, use the
XON_ANY define.
`co(11,1); int xoff_char`co();
The XOFF character to use. The define for the most commonly used
xoff character is XOFF_CHAR.
`co(11,1); uint highwater`co();
The number of bytes (less than the size of the queue) to set for XOFF
triggering. When the queue fills to this number, an XOFF character
will automatically be sent.
`co(11,1); uint lowwater`co();
The number of bytes to set for XON triggering. When the queue drains to
this number, an XON character will automatically be sent.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for XON/XOFF flow control.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
set_xon_flow(ON, XON_ANY, XOFF_CHAR, 1800, 200, cp);
`co(10,1);/// set_dcd_flow`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~set_dcd_flow);
sets or resets the DCD flow control.
int set_dcd_flow( int state, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int state`co();
The DCD flow control state, either 1 or 0. You may use the ON an OFF
defines if desired.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for DCD flow control.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
set_dcd_flow(ON, cp);
`co(10,1);/// set_dsr_flow`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~set_dsr_flow);
sets or resets the DSR flow control.
int set_dsr_flow( int state, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int state`co();
The DSR flow control state, either 1 or 0. You may use the ON an OFF
defines if desired.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for DSR flow control.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
set_dsr_flow(ON, cp);
`co(10,1);/// suspend`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~suspend);
is used to wait for a desired number of clock ticks. If you have
used `keyword(set_idle_func,/// set_idle_func); to set a background processing function, it will be
called for you during the suspend time.
This routine will only work if `keyword(init_clock,/// init_clock); has been called.
void suspend( int t );
`co(11,1); int t`co();
The number of timer ticks to suspend.
suspend(Tics_per_sec / 2); /* wait for 1/2 sec */
`co(10,1);/// wait_for_rx`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~wait_for_rx);
is used to wait for a given amount of time, or until a specified number
of characters has been received, whichever comes first. While waiting,
if you have set a background processing function with `keyword(set_idle_func,/// set_idle_func);, it
will be called for you. This function is useful when it is needed to
wait for a response from the modem, another computer, etc.
This routine will only work if `keyword(init_clock,/// init_clock); has been called.
int wait_for_rx( int t, uint cnt, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int t`co();
The number of timer ticks to wait.
`co(11,1); uint cnt`co();
The number of bytes to wait.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to use.
com_puts("ATZ\r", cp); /* reset the modem */
wait_for_rx(Tics_per_sec * 2, 3, cp); /* wait for the OK */
`co(10,1);/// wait_for_no_rx`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~wait_for_rx);
is used to wait until no data has been received for a given amount of
time. While waiting, if you have set a background processing function
with `keyword(set_idle_func,/// set_idle_func);, it will be called for you.
This routine will only work if `keyword(init_clock,/// init_clock); has been called.
int wait_for_no_rx( int t, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int t`co();
The number of timer ticks to wait after the last byte is received.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to use.
com_puts("ATZ\r", cp); /* reset the modem */
wait_for_no_rx(Tics_per_sec * 2, cp); /* wait for the OK */
`co(10,1);/// modem_cmd`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_SUPP.C]~modem_cmd);
is one of the more versatile functions in EnCom. With this one function
you can execute any modem command you wish. Indeed, all of the modem
macros defined in ENCOM.H simply call this function with the appropriate
Hayes command string and timeout. This function uses `keyword(wait_for_rx,/// wait_for_rx);,
`keyword(wait_for_no_rx,/// wait_for_no_rx); and finally `keyword(com_getc_qty,/// com_getc_qty); to get the response. A string
is returned that contains the response.
`co(15,?);NOTE: This function interprets the '~' character as a delay for 1/2 of a
second. If you wish to change the pause character to something else,
simply set the global variable Pause_char.`co();
CAVEAT: This routine waits until a modem reply starts and then waits
until no more data has been received from the modem for 1 second.
This works for most commands; however, when dialing, if echo is
enabled, the modem will echo the dial command and then take as
much as 45 seconds or more to connect. By this time, the routine
returns the echoed command. There is no real solution to this
unless you wait 45 seconds or more, therefore it is highly
recommended that the modem be put into a NO ECHO mode using
"modem_echo(OFF,&Port)". This routine will not see the dial
string and will therefore return the result as soon as the modem
sends it.
char *modem_cmd( char *cmd_str, int p, int t, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); char *cmd_str`co();
A string containing the modem command. A \r is not needed, as the
function will send a return for you.
`co(11,1); int p`co();
An optional numeric parameter if needed. Use -1 if not.
`co(11,1); int t`co();
The number of ticks to wait for a reply. If there is no response from
the modem within this time, the string returned will be NULL;
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer for the modem command.
modem_cmd("+++~~~ATH0", -1, Tics_per_sec * 5, cp); /* hangup the phone */
`co(10,1);/// encrypt_msg`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MSG.C]~encrypt);
is used internally by `keyword(fmt_msg,/// fmt_msg); to encrypt the message. The technique
used is a simple "exclusive or" of the data with the global variable
Encrypt_char. When `keyword(defmt_msg,/// defmt_msg); is called, the message is decrypted by
the same operation. For no encryption, the encryption character is set
to 0. To setup message encryption for your port, first call the macro
`keyword(set_encrypt,/// set_encrypt); to set the character, followed by the macro `keyword(init_msg,/// init_msg);.
void encrypt_msg( uchar *msg, uint len );
`co(11,1); uchar *msg`co();
A pointer to the data to encrypt.
`co(11,1); uint len`co();
The length of the data.
PORT *cp = calloc(1, sizeof(PORT));
uchar msg[] = "THIS IS A READABLE STRING";
if( com_port_create(COM2, 2400L, 'N', 8, 1, 2048, 2048, cp) == 0 )
set_encrypt(0xAA, cp);
encrypt_msg(msg, strlen(msg));
`co(10,1);/// calc_crc`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MSG.C]~calc_crc);
is used to calculate the CRC value for a length of bytes. This
function is used internally by `keyword(fmt_msg,/// fmt_msg);, `keyword(defmt_msg,,/// defmt_msg,); and `keyword(get_msg,/// get_msg); to ensure
data integrity. You may use this routine if you wish to find the CRC
value for a given number of bytes. Please note that this routine uses
the global CRC table, and assumes that the table has been initialized
by calling `keyword(mk_crc_tbl,/// mk_crc_tbl);.
uint calc_crc( uchar *msg, uint len );
`co(11,1); uchar *msg`co();
A pointer to the data for CRC calculation.
`co(11,1); uint len`co();
The length of the data.
uchar msg[] = "THIS IS A TEST";
uint crc_val;
mk_crc_tbl( 0xFFFF, CRCCITT_REV, gen_crc_rev );
crc_val = calc_crc( msg, strlen(msg) );
`co(10,1);/// fmt_msg`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MSG.C]~fmt_msg);
formats a message by "quoting" the data and appending a 16 bit CRC to
the end, followed by an `keyword(End_flag,[ENCOM.HLP]uchar End_flag);. This is useful for "packetizing"
data for transmission to a remote computer. By using the messaging
routines, you can guarantee that the data will be received at the
remote computer on a message by message basis, with any errors in
transmission being automatically detected.
When formatting a message, be sure the destination area is longer than the
source message as the quoting process can cause an expansion to occur.
Typically, a few percent is enough but to be perfectly safe, make it (2 *
source size) + 5. The extra five bytes are for the CRC and End_flag.
This assumes that every byte has to be quoted except for the End_flag
which is stored "in the clear". The function will return the number of
bytes that are stored in the destination area.
uint fmt_msg( uchar *s, uchar *d, uint len );
`co(11,1); uchar *s`co();
The source data pointer.
`co(11,1); uchar *d`co();
The destination data pointer.
`co(11,1); uint len`co();
The length of the source data.
uchar src[] = "THIS IS A TEST";
uchar dest[80];
uint dest_len;
mk_crc_tbl( 0xFFFF, CRCCITT_REV, gen_crc_rev );
dest_len = fmt_msg( src, dest, strlen(src) );
`co(10,1);/// defmt_msg`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MSG.C]~defmt_msg);
is the complement to `keyword(fmt_msg,/// fmt_msg);. This function takes the formatted
message and returns it back to its original state. If there was an
error in transmission (the CRC does not match the calculated value),
then a 0 is returned, otherwise the length of the destination is returned.
defmt_msg is the equivalent to get_msg, except that it extracts data from
a memory buffer, not the receive queue.
uint defmt_msg( uchar *src, uchar *dest );
`co(11,1); uchar *src`co();
The source data pointer.
`co(11,1); uchar *dest`co();
The destination data pointer.
uchar src[] = "THIS IS A TEST";
uchar fmt[80], final[80];
uint dest_len, defmt_len;
mk_crc_tbl( 0xFFFF, CRCCITT_REV, gen_crc_rev );
dest_len = fmt_msg( src, fmt, strlen(src) );
defmt_len = defmt_msg( fmt, final );
if ( defmt_len != strlen(src) )
`co(10,1);/// get_msg`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MSG.C]~get_msg);
gets one message from the receive queue of the port. Use the `keyword(msg_cnt,#define msg_cnt);
macro to determine if there is a message currently in the port receive
queue. Like defmt_msg, the length of the message is returned if the CRC
matches, otherwise a 0 is returned, and the message should not be used
as it is corrupted. get_msg is the equivalent to fmt_msg, except that it
extracts data from the receive queue, not a memory buffer. (The interrupt
routine increments the port message counter when a message is received,
and get_msg decrements it.)
uint get_msg( uchar *dest, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); uchar *dest`co();
The destination data pointer.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer that has the message in its receive queue.
uchar buffer[1024];
if ( msg_cnt(cp) )
dest_len = get_msg(buffer, cp);
`co(10,1);/// mk_crc_tbl`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MSG.C]~mk_crc_tbl);
creates the global Crc_tbl used in `keyword(calc_crc,/// calc_crc);, which is called by the
message formatting functions. Any CRC preset (the most common are
preset all zeros or all ones), any polynomial, and both forward and
reverse directions can be specified.
void mk_crc_tbl( ushort init, ushort poly,
ushort (*crcfn)(ushort, ushort, ushort) );
`co(11,1); ushort init`co();
The CRC preset value, typically 0x0000 or 0xFFFF.
`co(11,1); ushort poly`co();
The CRC polynomial value. Both CRCCITT and CRC16 are supported. You
may use one of the pre-defined values CRCCITT, CRCCITT_REV, CRC16, or
CRC16_REV for this parameter.
`co(11,1); ushort (*crcfn)(ushort, ushort, ushort)`co();
A pointer to the function that generates the table. We supply two
functions you may call, namely gen_crc and gen_crc_rev.
mk_crc_tbl( 0xFFFF, CRCCITT, gen_crc );
`co(10,1);/// init_ctrlc_hdlr`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_KBD.C]~init_ctrlc_hdlr);
sets up a keyboard interrupt handler that translates the keys Ctrl-C and
Ctrl-Break to the benign value 0x2E1E. This prevents the infamous "^C"
from being displayed on your screen. Call this function at the beginning
of your program, and the corresponding `keyword(end_ctrlc_hdlr,/// end_ctrlc_hdlr); at the end of your
NOTE: When either of these keys are pressed, the bios will give you back
the value 0x1E. If you wish, you can translate this yourself back
to 0x03 for transmission as Ctrl-C. If you are using UltraWin, you
do not need to call init_ctrlc_hdlr as it is called for you by
init_video. In addition, the UltraWin keyboard functions will
automatically translate the 0x1E back to 0x03 for you.
void init_ctrlc_hdlr(void);
`co(10,1);/// end_ctrlc_hdlr`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_KBD.C]~end_ctrlc_hdlr);
terminates the keyboard interrupt handler, and restores the old key
interrupt vector. It is the complement to init_ctrlc_hdlr. If you called
init_ctrlc_hdlr, you MUST call end_ctrlc_hdlr before you exit the program.
void end_ctrlc_hdlr(void);
`co(10,1);/// init_clock`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_KBD.C]~init_clock);
takes over the PC timer interrupt and sets the timer rate to the desired
value. This function is necessary as several of the timing functions
in the library utilize timers incremented in our custom timer interrupt
function. Be sure to call `keyword(end_clock,/// end_clock); before you exit your program.
void init_clock( uint speed );
`co(11,1); uint speed`co();
The countdown value for the PC timer chip. 0xffff is the standard
18.2 times per second. 0x7fff would increase the rate by 2, 0x3333
gives exactly 91 ticks per second, and is recommended.
init_clock(0x3333); /* speed up by factor of 5 */
`co(10,1);/// end_clock`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_KBD.C]~end_clock);
restores the timer interrupt and rate. If you used `keyword(init_clock,/// init_clock);, be
sure to call this function before exiting your program.
void end_clock(void);
init_clock(0x3333); /* speed up by factor of 5 */
`co(10,1);/// tone`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_KBD.C]~tone);
Sounds the PC speaker at the desired frequency for the desired amount of
time measured in timer tics. (91/s). There is no need to turn the sound
off, this is automatically handled by the timer interrupt. It is
perfectly safe to call tone even if a tone is already in progress. The
new frequency and time will override the current values. If you need to
turn the speaker off before the time has expired call `keyword(sound_off,/// sound_off);.
This routine will only work if `keyword(init_clock,/// init_clock); has been called.
void tone( uint freq, int dur );
`co(11,1); uint freq`co();
The desired frequency in hertz or cycles-per-second.
`co(11,1); int dur`co();
The duration of the tone in clock tics (91 per second).
if( error )
tone(1024, 91); /* sound at 1k for 1 second */
`co(10,1);/// sound_off`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_KBD.C]~sound_off);
turns off any speaker sound in progress. It is not necessary to call
this function unless you want to turn off a tone before its duration time
has expired.
void sound_off(void);
tone(1024, 91);
`co(10,1);/// set_idle_func`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_KBD.C]~set_idle_func);
sets a background processing function that the library will call
whenever it is involved in time-critical functions like `keyword(wait_for_rx,/// wait_for_rx);,
`keyword(wait_for_no_rx,/// wait_for_no_rx); and `keyword(suspend,/// suspend);. A good candidate might be a function that
prints in the background.
void set_idle_func( int (*func_ptr)(void) )
`co(11,1); int (*func_ptr)(void)`co();
A pointer to the function you wish to install as the idle function.
int process_routine()
{ ... }
set_idle_func( process_routine );
`co(10,1);/// com_fifo_trigger`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_fifo_trigger);
is used to set the trigger level for the 16550 receive FIFO. This can
be set to 1, 4, 8, or 14 using the defines RX_TRIG_1, RX_TRIG_4, RX_TRIG_8,
and RX_TRIG_14.
int com_fifo_trigger( int level, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int level`co();
The trigger level mask, i.e. RX_TRIG_8 (don't pass the decimal value 8).
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to use.
com_fifo_trigger( RX_TRIG_4, cp); /* set trigger level */
`co(10,1);/// com_fifo_ctrl`co(); `keyword(source,[EN_MAIN.C]~com_fifo_ctrl);
is used to set the FIFO's on or off, clear the rx or tx FIFO's, etc.
Macros are provided to do these functions.
int com_fifo_ctrl( int state, int mask, PORT *cp );
`co(11,1); int state`co();
The FIFO state, ON or OFF.
`co(11,1); int mask`co();
The #defined bit masks i.e. FIFO_ON or RX_FIFO_RESET.
`co(11,1); PORT *cp`co();
The PORT pointer to use.
com_fifo_ctrl(ON, RX_FIFO_RESET, cp); /* clear rx fifo */
`co(4,7);─────────────────────────── EnCom General Macros ─────────────────────────────`co();
`co(12,?);General Macros`co();
#define lower(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define upper(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define lobyte(c) (uchar) ((c) & 0x00ff)
#define hibyte(c) (uchar) ((c) >> 8)
#define range(l,b,h) ((((b) >= (l)) && ((b) <= (h))) ? 1:0)
#define swap( a,b,c) ((c) = (a), (a) = (b), (b) = (c))
#define min(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define max(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
`co(4,7);───────────────────────────── EnCom Comm Macros ──────────────────────────────`co();
`co(12,?);Comm Macros`co();
These macros are used to access the queue counts and status.
#define com_tx_cnt(cp) ((cp)->tx_cnt)
#define com_rx_cnt(cp) ((cp)->rx_cnt)
#define com_tx_free(cp) ((cp)->tx_size - (cp)->tx_cnt)
#define com_rx_free(cp) ((cp)->rx_size - (cp)->rx_cnt)
#define is_rx_empty(cp) ((cp)->rx_cnt ? 1 : 0)
#define is_rx_full(cp) ((cp)->rx_size == (cp)->rx_cnt)
#define is_tx_empty(cp) ((cp)->tx_cnt ? 1 : 0)
#define is_tx_full(cp) ((cp)->tx_size == (cp)->tx_cnt)
`co(4,7);──────────────────────────── EnCom Message Macros ────────────────────────────`co();
`co(12,?);Message Macros`co();
These macros are used to setup the messaging facility. Be sure to call
init_msg after calling set_encrypt and set_match or the messaging
routines will not operate as desired.
#define set_encrypt(c, cp) ((cp)->encrypt_char = c)
#define set_match(c, cp) ((cp)->match_char = c)
#define init_msg(cp) (End_flag = (cp)->match_char,
Encrypt_char = (cp)->encrypt_char)
#define msg_cnt(cp) ((cp)->msg_cnt)
#define clear_msg_cnt(cp) ((cp)->msg_cnt = 0)
These macros are used to enable/disable, and check on the `keyword(queue status,[ENCOM.HLP]EnCom's "Queue Status");
#define is_queue_status(x,cp) ((cp)->que_stat_flag)
#define set_queue_status(x,cp) ((cp)->que_stat_flag = x)
`co(4,7);───────────────────────── EnCom Handshaking Macros ───────────────────────────`co();
`co(12,?);Handshaking Macros`co();
These macros/functions allow you to set RTS/CTS, DCD, or DSR flow
control using the set_ macros. You can determine if flow control is
enabled by using the is_ macros, and you can look at the current state
using the _state macros.
XON/XOFF flow control is set by the function `keyword(set_xon_flow,/// set_xon_flow);.
DCD flow flow control is set by the function `keyword(set_dcd_flow,/// set_dcd_flow);.
DSR flow flow control is set by the function `keyword(set_dsr_flow,/// set_dsr_flow);.
#define set_cts_flow(x,cp) ((cp)->rts_cts_mode = x)
#define is_cts_flow(cp) ((cp)->rts_cts_mode)
#define is_dcd_flow(cp) ((cp)->dcd_mode)
#define is_dsr_flow(cp) ((cp)->dsr_mode)
#define is_xon_flow(cp) ((cp)->xon_xoff_mode)
#define cts_flow_state(cp) ((cp)->rts_cts_state)
#define dcd_flow_state(cp) ((cp)->dcd_state)
#define dsr_flow_state(cp) ((cp)->dsr_state)
#define xon_flow_state(cp) ((cp)->xon_xoff_state)
The following macros set and get the low and high water marks for
XON/XOFF and high speed RTS/CTS flow control. These values are
initialized to 10% and 90% of the receive queue size when the comm port
is created.
#define set_lowwater(l,cp) ((cp)->lowwater = l)
#define set_highwater(h,cp) ((cp)->highwater = h)
#define get_lowwater(cp) ((cp)->lowwater)
#define get_highwater(cp) ((cp)->highwater)
`co(4,7);──────────────────────────── EnCom Modem Macros ──────────────────────────────`co();
`co(12,?);Modem Command Macros`co();
These macros provide an "easier to read" method of performing common
modem commands. Notice how they are all implemented with the powerful
`keyword(modem_cmd,/// modem_cmd); function.
#define modem_reset(cp) modem_cmd("ATZ",-1,Tics_per_sec*2,(cp))
#define modem_dial(s,cp) modem_cmd(s,-1,Tics_per_sec*45,(cp))
#define modem_answer(cp) modem_cmd("ATA",-1,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_hangup(cp) modem_cmd("+++~~~ATH0",
#define modem_online(cp) modem_cmd("ATO",-1,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_repeat(cp) modem_cmd("A/",-1,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_speaker(x,cp) modem_cmd("ATM",x,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_echo(x,cp) modem_cmd("ATE",x,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_word_reply(x,cp) modem_cmd("ATV",x,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_extend_reply(x,cp) modem_cmd("ATX",x,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_duplex(x,cp) modem_cmd("ATF",x,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
#define modem_quiet(x,cp) modem_cmd("ATQ",x,Tics_per_sec,(cp))
`co(12,?);Current Modem Control Macros`co();
These macros allow you to check the current state of the modem control
#define is_dtr(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MCR]) & DTR) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_rts(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MCR]) & RTS) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_out1(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MCR]) & OUT1) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_out2(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MCR]) & OUT2) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_loop(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MCR]) & LOOP) ? 1 : 0)
`co(12,?);Current Modem Status Macros`co();
These macros allow you to check the current state of the modem status
lines. Use the static status macros for "block checking", calling
clear_mstatus for each block.
#define is_dcd(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MSR]) & DCD) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_cts(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MSR]) & CTS) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_dsr(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MSR]) & DSR) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_ri(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[MSR]) & RI ) ? 1 : 0)
`co(12,?);Static Modem Status Macros`co();
#define clear_mstatus(cp) ((cp)->modem_status = 0)
#define is_sdcd(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & DCD) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_scts(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & CTS) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sdsr(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & DSR) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sri(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & RI ) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sddcd(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & DDCD) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sdcts(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & DCTS) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sddsr(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & DDSR) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sdri(cp) (((cp)->smodem_status & DRI) ? 1 : 0)
`co(4,7);───────────────────────── EnCom Line Status Macros ───────────────────────────`co();
These macros allow you to check the current state of the line status.
Use the static status macros for "block checking", calling clear_lstatus
for each block.
`co(12,?);Current Line Status Macros`co();
#define is_overrun_err(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[LSR]) & OE) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_parity_err(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[LSR]) & PE) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_framing_err(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[LSR]) & FE) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_break(cp) ((inbyte((cp)->uart[LSR]) & BI) ? 1 : 0)
`co(12,?);Static Line Status Macros`co();
#define clear_lstatus(cp) ((cp)->sline_status = 0)
#define is_soverrun_err(cp) (((cp)->sline_status & OE) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sparity_err(cp) (((cp)->sline_status & PE) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sframing_err(cp) (((cp)->sline_status & FE) ? 1 : 0)
#define is_sbreak(cp) (((cp)->sline_status & BI) ? 1 : 0)
`co(4,7);───────────────────────── EnCom 16550 Support Macros ─────────────────────────`co();
These macros support the 16550AF and 16550AFN FIFO parts. They allow
you do enable/disable the FIFO's and set and get the receive FIFO trigger
level. The trigger level is set by the function `keyword(com_fifo_trigger,/// com_fifo_trigger);.
`co(12,?);16550 FIFO and Trigger Macros`co();
#define fifo_enable(cp) (com_fifo_ctrl( ON,FIFO_ON,(cp)),
(cp)->fifos_enabled = ON)
#define fifo_disable(cp) (com_fifo_ctrl(OFF,FIFO_ON,(cp)),
(cp)->fifos_enabled = OFF)
#define fifo_rx_reset(cp) (com_fifo_ctrl(ON,RX_FIFO_RESET,(cp)))
#define fifo_tx_reset(cp) (com_fifo_ctrl(ON,TX_FIFO_RESET,(cp)))
#define is_fifo_enabled(cp) ((cp)->fifos_enabled)
#define get_trigger_level(cp) ((cp)->rx_trig_level)