DP Tool Club 16
Text File
308 lines
Option Explicit
Global Const A4WidthInTwips = 11905 '21cm in twips
Global Const A4LengthInTwips = 15307 '27cm in twips
Global Const TWIPS_IN_MM = 56.7
Global Const TWIPS_IN_CM = 567
Type FormState
Deleted As Integer
Dirty As Integer
Ignore As Integer
End Type
Global FState() As FormState
Global Document() As New frmMDIChild
Global gFindString, gFindCase As Integer, gFindDirection As Integer
Global gCurPos As Integer, gFirstTime As Integer
Global ArrayNum As Integer
' AnyPadsLeft
' looks for an free entry in the document array
Function AnyPadsLeft () As Integer
Dim i As Integer
' Cycle throught the document array.
' Return True if there is at least one
' open document remaining.
For i = 1 To UBound(Document)
If Not FState(i).Deleted Then
AnyPadsLeft = True
Exit Function
End If
End Function
' EditCopyProc
' copies selected contents to clipboard
Sub EditCopyProc ()
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.Clip = CLIP_COPY
End Sub
' EditCutProc
' cuts selected contents to clipboard
Sub EditCutProc ()
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.Clip = CLIP_CUT
End Sub
' EditDeleteProc
' deletes selected contents (or next character)
Sub EditDeleteProc ()
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.Clip = CLIP_CLEAR
End Sub
' EditFindReplaceProc
' calls find or replace dialog
' Parameters: 1 find dialog
' 2 replace dialog
Sub EditFindReplaceProc (Flag As Integer)
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.FindReplace = Flag
End Sub
' EditPasteProc
' pastes clipboard data
Sub EditPasteProc ()
' Place text from Clipboard into active control.
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.Clip = CLIP_PASTE
End Sub
' EditSelectAll
' selects whole contents
Sub EditSelectAll ()
Dim nPointer As Integer 'MousePointer proterty value
nPointer = frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.MousePointer
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.MousePointer = 11
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.SelStart = 0
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.SelLength = -1
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.MousePointer = nPointer
End Sub
' EnableToolbarButtons
Sub EnableToolbarButtons ()
If AnyPadsLeft() Then
frmMDIParent!imgFileSaveButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgFileSaveButtonUp.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgFileSaveButton.Enabled = True
frmMDIParent!imgCutButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgCutButtonUp.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgCutButton.Enabled = True
frmMDIParent!imgCopyButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgCopyButtonUp.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgCopyButton.Enabled = True
frmMDIParent!imgPasteButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgPasteButtonUp.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgPasteButton.Enabled = True
frmMDIParent!imgFileSaveButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgFileSaveButtonDis.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgFileSaveButton.Enabled = False
frmMDIParent!imgCutButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgCutButtonDis.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgCutButton.Enabled = False
frmMDIParent!imgCopyButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgCopyButtonDis.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgCopyButton.Enabled = False
frmMDIParent!imgPasteButton.Picture = frmMDIParent!imgPasteButtonDis.Picture
frmMDIParent!imgPasteButton.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
' FileNewProc
' inits new window
Sub FileNewProc ()
Dim fIndex As Integer
fIndex = FindFreeIndex()
If fIndex <> 0 Then
Document(fIndex).Tag = fIndex
Document(fIndex).Caption = "Untitled:" & fIndex
Document(fIndex).TXRuler1.ScaleUnits = SCALE_MM
' Make sure toolbar edit buttons are visible
frmMDIParent!imgCutButton.Visible = True
frmMDIParent!imgCopyButton.Visible = True
frmMDIParent!imgPasteButton.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
' FindFreeIndex
Function FindFreeIndex () As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ArrayCount As Integer
ArrayCount = UBound(Document)
' Cycle throught the document array. If one of the
' documents has been deleted, then return that
' index.
For i = 1 To ArrayCount
If FState(i).Deleted Then
FindFreeIndex = i
FState(i).Deleted = False
FState(i).Ignore = False
Exit Function
End If
' If none of the elements in the document array have
' been deleted, then increment the document and the
' state arrays by one and return the index to the
' new element.
ReDim Preserve Document(ArrayCount + 1)
ReDim Preserve FState(ArrayCount + 1)
FindFreeIndex = UBound(Document)
End Function
' FormatColorProc
' sets text or background color
Sub FormatColorProc (Index As Integer)
Dim lOldColor As Long
On Error Resume Next
If Index = COLOR_TEXT Then
lOldColor = frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.TextColor
lOldColor = frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.BackColor
End If
If lOldColor = -1 Then
frmMDIParent.CMDialog1.Color = 0 'use black if different colors
frmMDIParent.CMDialog1.Color = lOldColor
End If
frmMDIParent.CMDialog1.CancelError = True
frmMDIParent.CMDialog1.Action = DLG_COLOR
If Err Then Exit Sub
'set new color
If lOldColor = -1 Or frmMDIParent.CMDialog1.Color <> lOldColor Then
If Index = COLOR_TEXT Then
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.TextColor = frmMDIParent.CMDialog1.Color
frmMDIParent.ActiveForm.TextControl1.BackColor = frmMDIParent.CMDialog1.Color
End If
End If
End Sub
' FormatDocProc
' calls the document format dialog
Sub FormatDocProc ()
frmDocDlg.Show 1
End Sub
' FormatFramesProc
' calls the paragraph frames dialog
Sub FormatFramesProc ()
frmFramesDlg.Show 1
End Sub
' ResizeChild
' resizes the current text window
Sub ResizeChild (frmCurrent As Form)
'Switch background color to gray if child window gets
'bigger than maximum TX width (30% zoom on large screens)
If frmCurrent.Width > frmCurrent!TextControl1.Width Then
frmCurrent.BackColor = &HC0C0C0
frmCurrent.BackColor = &HFFFFFF
End If
'Resize TX window when MDI child is resized. Do not resize
'if window is too small.
If frmCurrent.WindowState <> 1 And frmCurrent.ScaleHeight - frmCurrent!TXRuler1.Height > 0 Then
frmCurrent!TextControl1.Height = frmCurrent.ScaleHeight
If (frmCurrent!TXRuler1.Visible) Then
frmCurrent!TextControl1.Height = frmCurrent!TextControl1.Height - frmCurrent!TXRuler1.Height
End If
End If
End Sub
' ViewParagraphBarProc
' switches button bar visible state
Sub ViewParagraphBarProc (frmCurrent As Form)
frmMDIParent!TXButtonBar1.Visible = Not frmMDIParent!TXButtonBar1.Visible
frmCurrent!mnuView_ParagraphBar.Checked = frmMDIParent!TXButtonBar1.Visible
frmMDIParent!picToolbar.Top = 0
End Sub
' ViewRulerProc
' switches the ruler visible state
Sub ViewRulerProc (frmCurrent As Form)
frmCurrent!TXRuler1.Visible = Not frmCurrent!TXRuler1.Visible
frmCurrent!mnuView_Ruler.Checked = frmCurrent!TXRuler1.Visible
ResizeChild frmCurrent
End Sub
' ViewStatusBarProc
' switches the status bar visible state
Sub ViewStatusBarProc (frmCurrent As Form)
frmMDIParent!TXStatusBar1.Visible = Not frmMDIParent!TXStatusBar1.Visible
frmCurrent!mnuView_StatusBar.Checked = frmMDIParent!TXStatusBar1.Visible
End Sub
' ViewToolBarProc
' switches the toolbar visible state
Sub ViewToolBarProc (frmCurrent As Form)
frmMDIParent!picToolbar.Visible = Not frmMDIParent!picToolbar.Visible
frmCurrent!mnuView_Toolbar.Checked = frmMDIParent!picToolbar.Visible
frmMDIParent!picToolbar.Top = 0
End Sub