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- 'WavPlus.DLL should be in your Windows\System directory or in the Path
- 'Assorted functions
- Declare Function GetWavPlusVersion% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" ()
- Declare Sub RevString Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- 'WAV functions
- 'non-MCI WAV functions
- Declare Function PlayWavWait% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Function PlayWavNoWait% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Function PlayWavLoop% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Function StopWavLoop% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" ()
- Declare Function HowManyWavPlayDevices% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" ()
- Declare Function HowManyWavRecordDevices% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" ()
- 'MCI WAV info functions
- Declare Sub WavCanPlay Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavCanRecord Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavMaxBitSize Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavMaxChannels Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavMaxSampleRate Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavGetLengthMS Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavGetLengthBytes Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavGetBitSize Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavGetChannels Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavGetSampleRate Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- 'MCI WAV open session functions
- Declare Sub WavOpen Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavOpenNew Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavClose Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavPause Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavResume Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStop Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStart Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStartSectionWait Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpSecStart$, ByVal lpSecEnd$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStartSectionNoWait Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpSecStart$, ByVal lpSecEnd$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavSeekEnd Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavSeekStart Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavSeekPosition Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpStrValue$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStatusMode Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStatusLengthMS Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStatusLengthBytes Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStatusPosition Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStatusBitSize Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStatusChannels Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavStatusSampleRate Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavRecord Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavSave Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavEraseAll Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavEraseSection Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpSecStart$, ByVal lpSecEnd$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavSetBitSize Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpValue$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavSetChannels Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpValue$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub WavSetSampleRate Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpValue$, ByVal lpString$)
- 'MIDI info functions
- Declare Function HowManyMidiPlayDevices% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" ()
- Declare Function HowManyMidiRecordDevices% Lib "WavPlus.DLL" ()
- 'MCI Midi open session functions
- Declare Sub MidiOpen Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiOpenNew Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiClose Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiPause Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiResume Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiStop Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiStart Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiStartSectionWait Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpSecStart$, ByVal lpSecEnd$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiStartSectionNoWait Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpSecStart$, ByVal lpSecEnd$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiSeekEnd Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiSeekStart Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiSeekPosition Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpStrValue$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiStatusMode Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiStatusLengthMS Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiStatusPosition Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiRecord Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiSave Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpFileName$, ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiEraseAll Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpString$)
- Declare Sub MidiEraseSection Lib "WavPlus.DLL" (ByVal lpSecStart$, ByVal lpSecEnd$, ByVal lpString$)
- 'Assorted WIN API Functions
- Declare Function DestroyWindow% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%)
- Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory% Lib "Kernel" (ByVal lpBuffer$, ByVal nSize%)
- Declare Function OutMessage% Lib "User" Alias "SendMessage" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal wMsg%, ByVal wParam%, lParam As Any)
- Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal wMsg%, ByVal wParam%, lParam As Any)
- Declare Function WinHelp% Lib "User" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal lpHelpFile$, ByVal wCommand%, ByVal dwData As Any)
- Global Const HELP_CONTENTS = &H3
- Global Const HELP_PARTIALKEY = &H105
- 'program constants
- Global Const raised = 1
- Global Const sunken = 2
- 'program variables
- Global FormPassString As String 'used to pass strings
- Global FormPassString2 As String
- Function AddSeparator (ThePath$)
- If Right$(ThePath$, 1) <> "\" Then
- ThePath$ = ThePath$ + "\"
- End If
- AddSeparator = ThePath$
- End Function
- Sub DoControl3D (Obj As Control, Style%, Thick%)
- If Thick <= 0 Then Thick = 1
- If Thick > 8 Then Thick = 8
- OldMode = Obj.Parent.ScaleMode
- OldWidth = Obj.Parent.DrawWidth
- Obj.Parent.ScaleMode = 3
- Obj.Parent.DrawWidth = 1
- ObjHeight = Obj.Height
- ObjWidth = Obj.Width
- ObjLeft = Obj.Left
- ObjTop = Obj.Top
- Select Case Style
- Case sunken:
- TLshade = QBColor(8)
- BRshade = QBColor(15)
- Case raised:
- TLshade = QBColor(15)
- BRshade = QBColor(8)
- End Select
- For i = 1 To Thick
- CurLeft = ObjLeft - i
- CurTop = ObjTop - i
- CurWide = ObjWidth + (i * 2) - 1
- CurHigh = ObjHeight + (i * 2) - 1
- Obj.Parent.Line (CurLeft, CurTop)-Step(CurWide, 0), TLshade
- Obj.Parent.Line -Step(0, CurHigh), BRshade
- Obj.Parent.Line -Step(-CurWide, 0), BRshade
- Obj.Parent.Line -Step(0, -CurHigh), TLshade
- Next i
- If Thick > 2 Then
- CurLeft = ObjLeft - Thick - 1
- CurTop = ObjTop - Thick - 1
- CurWide = ObjWidth + ((Thick + 1) * 2) - 1
- CurHigh = ObjHeight + ((Thick + 1) * 2) - 1
- Obj.Parent.Line (CurLeft, CurTop)-Step(CurWide, 0), QBColor(0)
- Obj.Parent.Line -Step(0, CurHigh), QBColor(0)
- Obj.Parent.Line -Step(-CurWide, 0), QBColor(0)
- Obj.Parent.Line -Step(0, -CurHigh), QBColor(0)
- End If
- Obj.Parent.ScaleMode = OldMode
- Obj.Parent.DrawWidth = OldWidth
- End Sub
- Sub DoForm3D (TheForm As Form, Style%, Thick%, Distance%)
- If Thick <= 0 Then Thick = 1
- If Thick > 8 Then Thick = 8
- If Distance < 0 Then Distance = 0
- If Distance > 8 Then Distance = 8
- OldMode = TheForm.ScaleMode
- OldWidth = TheForm.DrawWidth
- TheForm.ScaleMode = 3
- TheForm.DrawWidth = 1
- FormHeight = TheForm.ScaleHeight
- FormWidth = TheForm.ScaleWidth
- FormLeft = TheForm.ScaleLeft
- FormTop = TheForm.ScaleTop
- Select Case Style
- Case sunken:
- TLshade = QBColor(8)
- BRshade = QBColor(15)
- Case raised:
- TLshade = QBColor(15)
- BRshade = QBColor(8)
- End Select
- Select Case TheForm.BorderStyle
- Case 0:
- OLshade = QBColor(0)
- TheForm.Line (0, 0)-(FormWidth, 0), OLshade
- TheForm.Line (0, 0)-(0, FormHeight), OLshade
- TheForm.Line (FormWidth - 1, 0)-(FormWidth - 1, FormHeight + 1), OLshade
- TheForm.Line (0, FormHeight - 1)-(FormWidth, FormHeight - 1), OLshade
- For i = 1 To Thick
- CurLeft = FormLeft + i + Distance
- CurTop = FormTop + i + Distance
- CurWide = FormWidth - (i + Distance) * 2 - 1
- CurHigh = FormHeight - (i + Distance) * 2 - 1
- TheForm.Line (CurLeft, CurTop)-Step(CurWide, 0), TLshade
- TheForm.Line -Step(0, CurHigh), BRshade
- TheForm.Line -Step(-CurWide, 0), BRshade
- TheForm.Line -Step(0, -CurHigh), TLshade
- Next i
- Case 1 To 3:
- If Thickness = 1 Then
- TheForm.Line (Thick, Thick)-(FormWidth - Thick, Thick), TLshade
- TheForm.Line (Thick, Thick)-(Thick, FormHeight - Thick), TLshade
- TheForm.Line (FormWidth - Thick, Thick)-(FormWidth - Thick, FormHeight - Thick + 1), BRshade
- TheForm.Line (Thick, FormHeight - Thick)-(FormWidth - Thick, FormHeight - Thick), BRshade
- Else
- For i = 1 To Thick
- CurLeft = FormLeft + i - 1 + Distance
- CurTop = FormTop + i - 1 + Distance
- CurWide = FormWidth - (i + Distance) * 2 + 1
- CurHigh = FormHeight - (i + Distance) * 2 + 1
- TheForm.Line (CurLeft, CurTop)-Step(CurWide, 0), TLshade
- TheForm.Line -Step(0, CurHigh), BRshade
- TheForm.Line -Step(-CurWide, 0), BRshade
- TheForm.Line -Step(0, -CurHigh), TLshade
- Next i
- End If
- End Select
- TheForm.ScaleMode = OldMode
- TheForm.DrawWidth = OldWidth
- End Sub
- Sub FormCenterForm (TheForm As Form, MainForm As Form)
- TheForm.Move MainForm.Left + (MainForm.Width - TheForm.Width) / 2, MainForm.Top + (MainForm.Height - TheForm.Height) / 2
- End Sub
- Sub FormCenterScreen (TheForm As Form)
- TheForm.Move (Screen.Width - TheForm.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - TheForm.Height) / 2
- End Sub
- Function GetWinDir ()
- Buffer$ = Space$(255)
- count% = GetWindowsDirectory(Buffer$, 255)
- GetWinDir = Left$(Buffer$, count%)
- End Function
- Sub ListHscroll (TheListBox As Control, CharsWide%)
- If CharsWide% > 15000 Then CharsWide% = 15000
- LongString$ = String$(CharsWide%, "W")
- tppx% = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
- MaxiWide% = TheListBox.Parent.TextWidth(LongString$) / tppx%
- HscrollLen& = SendMessage(TheListBox.hWnd, 1045, MaxiWide%, 0)
- End Sub
- Sub TrimAtNull (TheWord$)
- pos% = InStr(TheWord$, Chr$(0))
- If pos% = 0 Then Exit Sub
- TheWord$ = Left$(TheWord$, pos% - 1)
- End Sub