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Assembly Source File
300 lines
TITLE ANIMATE - Animation computations IN ASSEMBLER
/* Support for statmach.c, assembly by Dave Stampe */
/* ported to assembly modules by D. Stampe 12/12/93 */
This code is part of the VR-386 project, created by Dave Stampe.
VR-386 is a desendent of REND386, created by Dave Stampe and
Bernie Roehl. Almost all the code has been rewritten by Dave
Stampre for VR-386.
Copyright (c) 1994 by Dave Stampe:
May be freely used to write software for release into the public domain
or for educational use; all commercial endeavours MUST contact Dave Stampe
(dstampe@psych.toronto.edu) for permission to incorporate any part of
this software or source code into their products! Usually there is no
charge for under 50-100 items for low-cost or shareware products, and terms
are reasonable. Any royalties are used for development, so equipment is
often acceptable payment.
ATTRIBUTION: If you use any part of this source code or the libraries
in your projects, you must give attribution to VR-386 and Dave Stampe,
and any other authors in your documentation, source code, and at startup
of your program. Let's keep the freeware ball rolling!
DEVELOPMENT: VR-386 is a effort to develop the process started by
REND386, improving programmer access by rewriting the code and supplying
a standard API. If you write improvements, add new functions rather
than rewriting current functions. This will make it possible to
include you improved code in the next API release. YOU can help advance
VR-386. Comments on the API are welcome.
CONTACT: dstampe@psych.toronto.edu
This code will be less useful for 32-bit C compilers. Nonetheless,
it needs 64-bit intermediate results. It could be redone using the
new function mulmuldiv(), though.
/* Contact: dstampe@sunee.waterloo.edu */
.MODEL large
include animate.inc
;/***************** SUPPORT FOR STATMACH.C **************/
;void scaled_rotate(STATE *s, long *nrx,long *nry,long *nrz, long elpsed, long tps);
s equ [bp+8] ; arguments
pnrx equ [bp+12]
pnry equ [bp+16]
pnrz equ [bp+20]
elapsed equ [bp+24] ; elapsed time
tps equ [bp+28] ; ticks per sec: 0 for no scaling
PUBLIC _scaled_rotate
_scaled_rotate proc far
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ds
push di
les bx,DWORD PTR s
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_x2 ; get rotate step
test DWORD PTR tps,-1 ; any scale?
je no_scale_rx
imul DWORD PTR elapsed ; scale by time
idiv DWORD PTR tps
lds di,DWORD PTR pnrx ; get present angle
add eax,ds:[di] ; add in
cmp eax,-360*65536 ; clip angle
jg nccx
add eax,360*65536
cmp eax,360*65536
jl nchx
sub eax,360*65536
mov ds:[di],eax ; store new angle
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_y2 ; repeat for Y
test DWORD PTR tps,-1
je no_scale_ry
imul DWORD PTR elapsed
idiv DWORD PTR tps
lds di,DWORD PTR pnry
add eax,ds:[di]
cmp eax,-360*65536
jg nccy
add eax,360*65536
cmp eax,360*65536
jl nchy
sub eax,360*65536
mov ds:[di],eax
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_z2
test DWORD PTR tps,-1
je no_scale_rz
imul DWORD PTR elapsed
idiv DWORD PTR tps
lds di,DWORD PTR pnrz ; repeat for Z
add eax,ds:[di]
cmp eax,-360*65536
jg nccz
add eax,360*65536
cmp eax,360*65536
jl nchz
sub eax,360*65536
mov ds:[di],eax
pop di
pop ds
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
_scaled_rotate endp
;void scaled_move(STATE *s, long *nx,long *ny,long *nz, long elapsed, long tps);
s equ [bp+8] ; arguments
pnx equ [bp+12]
pny equ [bp+16]
pnz equ [bp+20]
elapsed equ [bp+24] ; elapsed time
tps equ [bp+28] ; ticks per sec: 0 for no scaling
PUBLIC _scaled_move
_scaled_move proc far
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ds
push di
les bx,DWORD PTR s
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_x1
or eax,eax
je no_x_move
test DWORD PTR tps, -1
je no_xmove_scale
imul DWORD PTR elapsed
idiv DWORD PTR tps
mov dl,BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_xo1
mov dh,al
sar eax,8
add dl,dh
lds di,pnx
adc ds:[di],eax
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_xo1,dl
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_y1
or eax,eax
je no_y_move
test DWORD PTR tps, -1
je no_ymove_scale
imul DWORD PTR elapsed
idiv DWORD PTR tps
mov dl,BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_yo1
mov dh,al
sar eax,8
add dl,dh
lds di,pny
adc ds:[di],eax
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_yo1,dl
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_z1
or eax,eax
je no_z_move
test DWORD PTR tps, -1
je no_zmove_scale
imul DWORD PTR elapsed
idiv DWORD PTR tps
mov dl,BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_zo1
mov dh,al
sar eax,8
add dl,dh
lds di,pnz
adc ds:[di],eax
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_zo1,dl
pop di
pop ds
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
_scaled_move endp
; void scaled_gravity(STATE *s, long elpsed, long tps);
s equ [bp+8] ; arguments
elapsed equ [bp+12] ; elapsed time
tps equ [bp+16] ; ticks per sec: 0 for no scaling
PUBLIC _scaled_gravity
_scaled_gravity proc far
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
les bx,DWORD PTR s
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_x3 ; get gravity acceleration
or eax,eax
je no_x_gravity ; none?
imul DWORD PTR elapsed ; scale by time
idiv DWORD PTR tps
mov dl,al ; underflow integerate
sar eax,8
add dl,BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_xo2
adc es:[bx].ST_x1,eax
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_xo2,dl ; add to velocity
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_y3 ; repeat for y
or eax,eax
je no_y_gravity
imul DWORD PTR elapsed
idiv DWORD PTR tps
mov dl,al
sar eax,8
add dl,BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_yo2
adc es:[bx].ST_y1,eax
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_yo2,dl
mov eax,es:[bx].ST_z3 ; repeat for Z
or eax,eax
je no_z_gravity
imul DWORD PTR elapsed
idiv DWORD PTR tps
mov dl,al
sar eax,8
add dl,BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_zo2
adc es:[bx].ST_z1,eax
mov BYTE PTR es:[bx].ST_zo2,dl
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
_scaled_gravity endp