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RUCKUS 1.0 Error Codes.
Error numbers below 200 are DOS error codes. See a DOS reference for
an explanation.
RUCKUS-MIDI Error Codes:
MIDI errors codes that may be returned in pack.Stat. It's unlikely
that errors will occur except due to corrupt MIDI files or by
issuing invalid pack.Func= values.
ERR_MIDI_DEVICE EQU -1 Device ID selected is not valid
ERR_ILLEGAL_CMD EQU 200 Function cannot be peformed
ERR_MIDI_INIT EQU 210 RUCKUS-MIDI could not be initialized
ERR_MIDI_FORMAT EQU 211 MIDI file has unknown format
ERR_MIDI_TRACKS EQU 212 Too many tracks in file (>64)
ERR_MIDI_TIMING EQU 213 MIDI file timing is unknown format
ERR_MIDI_HEADER EQU 214 MIDI file header invalid
ERR_MIDI_CHNUM EQU 215 MIDI file channel invalid
ERR_EVALUATION EQU 255 Evaluation period exceeded
RUCKUS-DAC Error Codes:
DAC errors codes that may be returned in pack.Stat. It's unlikely
that errors will occur except by issuing invalid pack.Func= values.
ERR_DISKFULL EQU -2 Disk is full during StoreDac
ERR_ILLEGAL_CMD EQU 200 Invalid pack.Func= value
ERR_NODEVICE EQU 220 Device ID is not supported
ERR_NODOS3 EQU 221 RUCKUS requires DOS 3+
ERR_NOTINGEAR EQU 223 Must issue InitDac first (see docs)
ERR_INGEAR EQU 224 Issuing InitDac twice
ERR_UNKFILE EQU 225 File format is not known
ERR_NOCHANNEL EQU 226 reserved
ERR_NOXMM EQU 227 No XMS manager for XMM loads
ERR_BADMODE EQU 228 Play from XMS requires DMA mode
ERR_INVFMT EQU 229 File format is not known
ERR_EVALUATION EQU 255 Evaluation period exceeded
-3 unexpected end of file (error codes < 0 are mine)
-2 disk full
-1 bad filename
0 no error
1 function not supported 19 disk write protected
2 file not found 20 unknown unit
3 path not found 21 drive not ready
4 too many open files 22 unknown command
5 access denied (see Specs_Networks) 23 data error (CRC)
6 handle invalid 24 bad request structure length
7 MCBs destroyed 25 seek error
8 not enough memory 26 unknown medium type
9 memory block address invalid 27 sector not found
10 environment invalid 28 printer out of paper
11 format invalid 29 write fault
12 access code invalid 30 read fault
13 data invalid 31 general failure
reserved-0Eh 32 sharing violation
15 disk drive invalid 33 lock violation
16 cannot remove current directory 34 disk change invalid/wrong disk
17 not same device 35 FCB unavailable
18 no more files 36 sharing buffer overflow
37 code page mismatched 58 incorrect response from net
38 handle EOF 59 unexpected network error
39 handle disk full 60 incompatible remote adapter
reserved-28h 61 print queue full
reserved-29h 62 no spool space
reserved-2Ah 63 not enough space to print file
reserved-2Bh 64 network name deleted
reserved-2Ch 65 network access denied
reserved-2Dh 66 network device type incorrect
reserved-2Eh 67 network name not found
reserved-2Fh 68 network name limit exceeded
reserved-30h 69 NETBIOS session limit exceeded
reserved-31h 70 sharing temporarily paused
50 network request not supported 71 network request not accepted
51 remote computer not listening 72 print/disk redirection paused
52 duplicate name on network reserved-49h
53 network pathname not found reserved-4Ah
54 network busy reserved-4Bh
55 network device no longer exists reserved-4Ch
56 NETBIOS command limit exceeded reserved-4Dh
57 network adapter hardware error reserved-4Eh
reserved-4Fh ────────────── DOS Class Codes
80 file exists
81 duplicate FCB 1 out of resources 7 app error
82 cannot make 2 temporary situation 8 not found
83 fail on INT24 3 authorization 9 bad format
84 out of structures 4 internal error 10 locked
85 already assigned 5 hardware failure 11 media failed
86 invalid password 6 system failure 12 already exist
87 invalid parameter 13 unknown
88 network write fault
reserved-59h DOS Action Codes DOS Locus Codes
90 sys comp not loaded
1 retry immediately 1 unknown
2 delay and retry 2 block device
3 reenter input 3 network
4 abort ASAP 4 serial device
5 abort immediately 5 memory
6 ignore error
7 user intervention