DP Tool Club 18
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Assembly Source File
1,842 lines
TITLE sh0.asm
NAME sh0
; MS-DOS SHELL - Swapper
; MS-DOS SHELL - Copyright (c) 1990,4 Data Logic Limited
; This code is subject to the following copyright restrictions:
; 1. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
; provided that the above copyright notice is duplicated in the
; source form and the copyright notice in file sh6.c is displayed
; on entry to the program.
; 2. The sources (or parts thereof) or objects generated from the sources
; (or parts of sources) cannot be sold under any circumstances.
; $Header: /usr/users/istewart/shell/sh2.3/Release/RCS/sh0.asm,v 2.6 1994/08/25 20:58:47 istewart Exp $
; $Log: sh0.asm,v $
; Revision 2.6 1994/08/25 20:58:47 istewart
; MS Shell 2.3 Release
; Revision 2.5 1994/01/11 17:55:25 istewart
; Release 2.3 Beta 0 patches
; Revision 2.4 1993/11/09 10:39:49 istewart
; Beta 226 checking
; Revision 2.3 1993/08/25 16:03:57 istewart
; Beta 225 - see Notes file
; Revision 2.2 1993/06/14 11:00:54 istewart
; More changes for 223 beta
; Revision 2.1 1992/07/16 14:33:34 istewart
; Beta 212 Baseline
; Revision 2.0 1992/04/13 17:39:45 Ian_Stewartson
; MS-Shell 2.0 Baseline release
; Segment declarations
SH0_TEXT segment word public 'CODE'
SH0_TEXT ends
_DATA segment word public 'DATA'
_DATA ends
CONST segment word public 'CONST'
CONST ends
_BSS segment word public 'BSS'
_BSS ends
C_ETEXT segment word public 'ENDCODE'
C_ETEXT ends
; Declare external functions and data
extrn __IOERROR:far
extrn __maperror:far
extrn _errno:word
extrn __psp:word
; Declare end of text variable. The ENDCODE segment appears to be the last
; code segment loaded by the Microsoft loader
C_ETEXT segment word public 'ENDCODE'
public cetext
cetext equ $
C_ETEXT ends
; Start of the spawn function
SH0_TEXT segment
assume cs: SH0_TEXT, ds: NOTHING, ss: DGROUP
; For this function, all the code and data space are in the code space
public _cmd_line
public _path_line
public _SW_intr
public _SW_Blocks
public _SW_SBlocks
public _SW_fp
public _SW_EMstart
public _SW_Mode
public _SW_EMSFrame
public _SW_Int00
public _SW_Int23
public _SW_Int24
public _SW_XMS_Driver
public _SW_XMS_Gversion
public _SW_XMS_Allocate
public _SW_XMS_Free
public _SW_XMS_Available
public _Poll_Keyboard
public _etext
public _SW_Pwrite
public _SW_I23_InShell
public _SW_MinESpace
_cmd_line db 129 dup (?) ; Command line
_path_line db 80 dup (?) ; Path line
_etext dw seg cetext ; End of text segment
_SW_Blocks dw 0 ; Number of blocks to read/write
_SW_SBlocks dw 0 ; Short Number of blocks to read/write
_SW_fp dw 0ffffH ; File ID
_SW_Pwrite dw 0 ; Partial write to disk?
_SW_EMstart dd 0100000H ; Default Extended Mem start
_SW_Mode dw 0 ; Type of swapping to do
; 1 - disk
; 2 - Extended memory
; 3 - EMS driver
; 4 - XMS driver
_SW_EMSFrame dw 0 ; EMS Frame segment
_SW_intr dw 0 ; Interrupt 23 detected.
_SW_MinESpace dw 0 ; Minimum Environment space
_SW_XMS_Driver dd 0 ; XMS Driver Interface
_SW_I23_InShell db 0 ; In shell flag for Interrupt 23
; Some addition variables
SW_LMstart dd 0 ; Low Mem start for Extended Mem swap
N_mcb dw 0 ; Start write address
Result dw 0 ; Return value
; Stack save pointers
S_ss dw 0 ; Save Stack pointers
S_sp dw 0
S_di dw 0 ; Save DI, SI
S_si dw 0
S_ds dw 0 ; Save the original DS
; Two blank FCB
FCB1 dw 16 dup (?)
FCB2 dw 16 dup (?)
; XMS Driver Move structure
XMS_DIF equ $
XMS_Length dd 0 ; Number of bytes
XMS_SHandle dw 0 ; Source Handler
XMS_Soffset dd 0 ; Source Offset
XMS_DHandle dw 0 ; Destination Handler
XMS_Doffset dd 0 ; Destination Offset
; Extended Memory Global Descriptor tables
GD_table equ $
GDT_Dummy dw 4 dup (0) ; Dummy
GDT_self dw 4 dup (0) ; For self
GDT_src equ $ ; Source
dw 04000H ; Length - 16K bytes
GDT_src_low dw 0 ; Low Order address
GDT_src_high db 0 ; High Order address
db 093h ; Access Rights
dw 0 ; Reserved
GDT_dest equ $ ; Destination
dw 04000H ; Length - 16K bytes
GDT_dest_low dw 0 ; Low Order address
GDT_dest_high db 0 ; High Order address
db 093h ; Access Rights
dw 0 ; Reserved
GDT_bios dw 4 dup (0) ; Bios
GDT_stack dw 4 dup (0) ; Stack
; Execute interrupt structure
exec_parms equ $
exec_env dw 0
dw offset _cmd_line ; Command line address
exec_cseg dw ?
dw offset FCB1 ; FCB1 address
exec_f1seg dw ?
dw offset FCB2 ; FCB1 address
exec_f2seg dw ?
Swap_PANIC db 'PANIC: Swap file re-load error - REBOOT', 0aH, 0dH
db '$'
Swap_DZERO db 'PANIC: Divide by zero', 0aH, 0dH
db '$'
; OK - exec requires a local stack, cause some programs overwrite it
db 398 dup (0)
dw 0
; Code starts
public _SA_spawn
SA_spawn1 proc far
mov ds, word ptr cs:exec_env ; Load Env seg.
xor si, si ; Clear start offset
; Copy into Env Seg
les bx, dword ptr ss:[bp + 6] ; Check for end of loop
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx + 0]
or ax, word ptr es:[bx + 2]
je $Copy_End
; Save start address
add word ptr ss:[bp + 6], 4 ; Increment environment by 4
mov cx, word ptr es:[bx + 0] ; Load address of cur Env string
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx + 2] ; into es:bx
mov es, ax
mov bx, cx
; Copy this value
mov al, byte ptr es:[bx] ; Copy across
mov byte ptr ds:[si], al
inc bx ; Increment pointers
inc si
or al, al
jne $Copy_Val
jmp $Copy_Env
; Set up exec parameter block - DS is on stack
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr ds:[si], ax ; Terminate environment
add si, 2
cmp si, word ptr cs:_SW_MinESpace ; Enough space ?
jge $NoMoreE
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_MinESpace
; Set up new program length
add si, 16 ; Round up paras
mov dx, si ; Save end offset in DX
mov bx, ds
mov cl, 4
shr si, cl ; # paras used by Env
add si, bx ; End para number
mov bx, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load our MCB address in BX
mov ax, bx
inc ax
sub si, ax
mov cx, si ; Save new max paras in CX
; Use interrupt 4a to shrink memory. First release all memory above us.
push ax
push cx ; Save Max paras and location
mov ds, bx ; Set up the segement for MCB
mov cx, word ptr ds:3 ; Get the MCB length
; Are we the only one in the chain?
cmp byte ptr ds:0, 'Z' ; End of chain ?
jz $Shrink_First
; Loop round releasing memory blocks
; CX - original length of block;
; DS - segement of the previous block
mov ax, ds ; Move to the next block
add cx, ax
inc cx
mov ds, cx
cmp byte ptr ds:0, 'Z' ; End of chain ?
jz $Shrink_First
mov cx, word ptr ds:3 ; Save the length of this block
mov ax, ds ; Advance to the block itself
inc ax
mov es, ax ; Set up Block address
mov ah, 049H
int 021H
jmp $Shrink_Next
; Shrink the PSP segment
pop cx
pop ax
mov es, ax ; Set PSP address
mov bx, cx ; Set max length
mov ah, 04aH
int 021H
; Execute function
mov word ptr cs: S_sp, sp ; Save the current stack
mov word ptr cs: S_ss, ss
; Move to the local stack so that it doesn't get overwritten.
mov ax, cs
mov sp, offset Local_Stack
mov ss, ax
; Clear out Interrupts
mov ah, 00bH ; Check Keyboard status
int 021H
; Check for interrupt 23 detected
mov ax, word ptr cs:_SW_intr
or ax, ax
jz $I23_Cf ; No - continue;
; Interrupt 23 detected - abort
mov ax, cs ; Set up for reload
mov sp, offset Local_Stack
mov ss, ax
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
xor ax, ax
jmp $Exec_Complete
; No interrupts - continue
mov ax, cs ; Set up segments
mov es, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ax, 04b00H ; Load and execute function
mov dx, offset _path_line ; Load path
mov bx, offset exec_parms ; Load the execute structure
mov byte ptr cs:_SW_I23_InShell, 1 ; Set not shell flag
int 021H
mov byte ptr cs:_SW_I23_InShell, 0 ; Set in shell flag
; Disable interrupts while we restore the stack to the local one
mov ax, cs
mov sp, offset Local_Stack
mov ss, ax
; Did an error occur?
jnc $Exec_OK
; Error
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
xor ah, ah
push ax
call far ptr __IOERROR ; Map the error
mov ah, al
call far ptr __maperror ; Map the error
mov ax, 0FFFFH
jmp $Exec_Complete
; No - get the exit code and check for interrupts
mov ax, 04d00H
int 021H
dec ah ; Interrupt termination ?
jnz $Exec_OK1
inc word ptr ds:_SW_intr ; Set Interrupt 23 detected.
xor ah, ah
; Save the result code
mov word ptr cs:Result, ax ; Save response
; Very Dangerous - Restore Environment
; Seek to 0x4000 in file
mov bx, word ptr cs:_SW_fp ; Load File Handler
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode ; Skip if not disk
dec ax
jnz $Seek_OK
; Seek in file to skip 16K
mov dx, 04000H
call $Seek_Disk
; Load from N_mcb:0x4000 to end of file.
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_Blocks ; Load number of transfers
dec si ; Skip first block
; set up ES register with start of load
mov ax, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
add ax, 0400H
mov ds, ax
; load up extended memory GDT for destination
call $GDT_reload
call $Inc_Extend ; Increment addresses by 16K
; Check for end of copy - BX - File Handler for disk
or si, si
je $Read_Complete
; OK - Copy next 0x4000 bytes - switch on device
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode
dec ax
jz $R_disk
dec ax
jz $R_extend
dec ax
jz $R_expand
; Read from XMS driver. In this case, we do one read and let the driver
; sort out the blocking
call $Read_XMS
jmp $Read_Complete
; Read from disk
call $Read_disk
jmp $Read_loop
; Read from extended memory
call $Read_extend
jmp $Read_loop
; Read from expanded memory
call $Read_EMS
jmp $Read_loop
; Re-load is now complete, Restore original stack which has just been
; reloaded. BX contains FP
mov sp, word ptr cs: S_sp ; Save the current stack
mov ss, word ptr cs: S_ss
; Save exit code
push word ptr cs:Result ; Save response
push word ptr cs:_SW_intr ; and interrupt flag
; Read in the first block - BX - File Handler
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode ; Skip if not disk
dec ax
jnz $Seek1_OK
; Seek to 0 in file
xor dx, dx
call $Seek_Disk
; Load one block at N_mcb:0x0000
mov ds, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
call $GDT_reload ; Load the GDT for extend mem
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode ; Skip if not disk
dec ax
jz $R1_Disk
dec ax
jz $R1_Extend
dec ax
jz $R1_Expand
mov si, 1 ; Read one block
call $Read_XMS
jmp $Read1_OK
call $Read_disk
jmp $Read1_OK
call $Read_extend
jmp $Read1_OK
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_Blocks ; Read first block
call $Read_EMS
; Complete - load error code and return
pop word ptr cs:_SW_intr ; Restore interrupt flag
pop ax
; Exit function - Restore Control Interrupt handler
mov di, word ptr cs:S_di ; Restore saved registers
mov si, word ptr cs:S_si
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds
mov sp, bp
pop bp
SA_spawn1 endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count
; DS - Output data segement
$Read_XMS proc near
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_SHandle, bx ; Source - XMS
mov word ptr cs:XMS_DHandle, ax ; Dest - normal memory
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset, ax ; Source offset - zero
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset + 2, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset, ax ; Dest offset DS:0
mov ax, ds
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset + 2, ax
cmp si, 1 ; If first block, the
jz $Read_X1 ; source offset is
; 4000H
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset, 04000H
; Set up number of bytes: si * 16 * 1024
mov ax, si
mov dx, si
mov cl, 14
shl ax, cl
mov cl, 2
shr dx, cl
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length, ax ; Load number of bytes
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length + 2, dx
mov ah, 0BH ; Set up parameters
mov dx, cs
mov ds, dx
mov si, offset XMS_DIF
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $Read_XMS1
jmp Load_Error ; XMS error - abort
$Read_XMS endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count
; DS - Output data segement
$Read_disk proc near
mov ax, 03f00H ; Set up to read
mov cx, 04000H ; Load count
xor dx, dx ; Clear start address
int 021H ; Read the data
jnc $Read_OK ; NO - abort
jmp Load_Error ; Abort - swap file error
; Read OK - next block
dec si ; Decrement block count
mov ax, ds ; Increment offset
add ax, 0400H
mov ds, ax
$Read_disk endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count - counts from max
; DS - Output data segement
$Read_EMS proc near
call $map_ems_page ; Map in the current EMS page
jnz Load_Error
push ds ; Save DS and SI
push si
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
mov ds, word ptr cs:_SW_EMSFrame ; Set Dest Seg
xor si, si ; Clear start
xor di, di
mov cx, 02000H ; move 16K
pushf ; Save direction flag
rep movsw
popf ; Restore direction flag
pop si ; And DS, SI
pop ds
jmp $Read_OK ; Increment DS and dec SI
$Read_EMS endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count - counts from max
; DS - Output data segement
$map_ems_page proc near
push bx ; Need to save BX
mov ax, 04400h ; Map into physical page zero
mov dx, bx ; Set up handler
mov bx, word ptr cs: _SW_Blocks
sub bx, si
int 067H
pop bx
or ah, ah
$map_ems_page endp
; BX - file handler
; DX - offset
$Seek_Disk proc near
mov ax, 04200H ; Set seek
xor cx, cx
int 021H
jc Load_Error ; Abort - swap file error
$Seek_Disk endp
; PANIC - Abort
Load_Error proc near
mov di, offset Swap_PANIC
mov bx, cs
mov ds, bx
call I24_Display
jmp $Wait_L
Load_Error endp
; SI - Block count
$Write_extend proc near
push si ; Save SI (block counter)
mov cx, 02000H ; Copy a 16K block
mov ax, cs ; Set up GDT address
mov es, ax
mov si, offset GD_table
mov ah, 087H ; EMS function
int 015H
pop si
$Write_extend endp
; SI - Block count
$Read_extend proc near
call $Write_extend
jc Load_Error ; NO - abort
dec si ; Decrement block count
$Read_extend endp
; AX - used
$Inc_Extend proc near
mov ax, 04000H ; Increment address by 16K
add word ptr cs:GDT_dest_low, ax
adc byte ptr cs:GDT_dest_high, 0
add word ptr cs:GDT_src_low, ax
adc byte ptr cs:GDT_src_high, 0
$Inc_Extend endp
; AX - low order
; DL - high order
$GDT_src_load proc near
mov word ptr cs:GDT_src_low, ax
mov byte ptr cs:GDT_src_high, dl
$GDT_src_load endp
; AX - low order
; DL - high order
$GDT_dest_load proc near
mov word ptr cs:GDT_dest_low, ax
mov byte ptr cs:GDT_dest_high, dl
$GDT_dest_load endp
; LOAD the GDT for reloading
$GDT_reload proc near
mov ax, word ptr cs:_SW_EMstart ; Load Full start address
mov dl, byte ptr cs:_SW_EMstart + 2
call $GDT_src_load
mov ax, word ptr cs:SW_LMstart ; Load Full start address
mov dl, byte ptr cs:SW_LMstart + 2
call $GDT_dest_load
$GDT_reload endp
_SW_Int23 proc far
inc word ptr cs:_SW_intr ; Set Interrupt 23 detected.
cmp byte ptr cs:_SW_I23_InShell, 0 ; are we in the shell?
jz $SA_Ins
; In another program - move the stack around
; In shell - ignore interrupt 23 for the moment
_SW_Int23 endp
_SW_Int00 proc far
mov ax, 00900H
mov dx, offset Swap_DZERO
mov bx, cs
mov ds, bx
int 021H
mov ax, 04CFFh ; Exit
int 021H
_SW_Int00 endp
; INTERRUPT 24 - ERROR HANDLER - Output message
; AH - Bit 7 = 0 Disk error
; = 1 FAT error if block device
; Error code in DI if character device
; Bit 6 UNUSED
; Bit 5 = 1 Ignore allowed
; Bit 4 = 1 Retry allowed
; Bit 3 = 1 Fail allowed
; Bits 2 & 1 = Disk Area
; Bit 0 = 1 Writing error
; AL = Disk drive number
; DI = Error code
; BP:SI = Header of device driver for which error occured
; Return
; AL = 0 Ignore Error
; = 1 Retry operation
; = 2 Abort program
; = 3 Fail system call
I24_Errors equ $
I24_EC00: db 'Write-protect error$'
I24_EC01: db 'Unknown unit$'
I24_EC02: db 'Drive not ready$'
I24_EC03: db 'Unknown command$'
I24_EC04: db 'CRC error$'
I24_EC05: db 'Bad request structure length$'
I24_EC06: db 'Seek error$'
I24_EC07: db 'Unknown media type$'
I24_EC08: db 'Sector not found$'
I24_EC09: db 'Out of paper$'
I24_EC0A: db 'Write fault$'
I24_EC0B: db 'Read fault$'
I24_EC0C: db 'General failure$'
I24_EC0D: db 'Sharing violation$'
I24_EC0E: db 'Lock violation$'
I24_EC0F: db 'Invalid disk change$'
I24_EC10: db 'FCB unavailable$'
I24_EC11: db 'Sharing buffer overflow$'
I24_ECUK: db 'Unknown error$'
; Error message address table
I24_ECTABLE: dw offset I24_EC00
dw offset I24_EC01
dw offset I24_EC02
dw offset I24_EC03
dw offset I24_EC04
dw offset I24_EC05
dw offset I24_EC06
dw offset I24_EC07
dw offset I24_EC08
dw offset I24_EC09
dw offset I24_EC0A
dw offset I24_EC0B
dw offset I24_EC0C
dw offset I24_EC0D
dw offset I24_EC0E
dw offset I24_EC0F
dw offset I24_EC10
dw offset I24_EC11
dw offset I24_ECUK
I24_ECON: db ' when $'
I24_ECREAD: db 'reading $'
I24_ECWRITE: db 'writing $'
I24_ECDEVICE: db 'device $'
I24_ECDISK: db 'disk $'
I24_EABORT: db 'Abort$'
I24_EFAIL: db ', Fail$'
I24_EIGNORE: db ', Ignore$'
I24_ERETRY: db ', Retry$'
I24_EDRIVE: db '?:$'
I24_EQUESTION db '? $'
I24_RESPONSE: db ' '
I24_ENL: db 0dH, 0aH, '$'
I24_EBELL: db 07H, '$'
I24_EDNAME: db '12345678:$'
I24_EXTECODE: db 0dH, 0aH, '(Extended Code: '
I24_E_AL: db ' h'
db ' Class: '
I24_E_BH: db ' h'
db ' Action: '
I24_E_BL: db ' h'
db ' Locus: '
I24_E_CH: db ' h)', 0dH, 0aH, '$'
; Save DS, ES, BX, CX, DX
_SW_Int24 proc far
push ds ; Save registers
push es
push bx
push cx
push dx
push cs ; Set up data segment
pop ds
mov cx, ax ; Save the error information in CX
mov di, offset I24_ENL
call I24_Display
; Get extended error codes
push cx
push ds
push si
push bp
mov ah, 059H
xor bx, bx
int 021H
pop bp
pop si
pop ds
pop cx
sub ax, 13H
mov di, ax
; Check inside message range
cmp di, 012H
jb SWI24a
mov di, 12H ;new 'unknown error' entry
; Write the error message
add di, di
mov di, word ptr ds:I24_ECTABLE[di]
call I24_Display
; Output on message
mov di, offset I24_ECON
call I24_Display
; Output reading or write message
mov di, offset I24_ECWRITE
test ch, 01H
jnz SWI24b
mov di, offset I24_ECREAD
call I24_Display
; Output device message
test ch, 080H
jz SWI24c
mov di, offset I24_ECDEVICE
call I24_Display
; Output device name - up to eight characters
add si, 0aH ; Move to device name
push ds
mov ds, bp
xor di, di ; Set counter
mov dl, byte ptr ds:[si] ; Get next character in name
cmp dl, ' '
jz SWI24d
mov byte ptr cs:[I24_EDNAME + di], dl
inc si
inc di
cmp di, 8
jnz SWI24b1
; Append a : and $
pop ds
mov byte ptr cs:[I24_EDNAME + di], ':'
mov byte ptr cs:[I24_EDNAME + 1 + di], '$'
mov di, offset I24_EDNAME
jmp SWI24e
; Write disk error
mov di, offset I24_ECDISK
call I24_Display
mov dl, cl
add dl, 'A'
mov byte ptr cs:I24_EDRIVE, dl
mov di, offset I24_EDRIVE
call I24_Display
; Get extended error codes
push cx
push ds
mov ah, 059H
xor bx, bx
int 021H
; Save responses
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_AL, al
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_BL, bl
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_BH, bh
mov byte ptr cs:I24_E_CH, ch
pop ds
pop cx
; Convert to display Hex.
mov di, offset I24_E_AL
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_E_BL
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_E_BH
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_E_CH
call I24_Convert
mov di, offset I24_EXTECODE
call I24_Display
; Output Options
mov di, offset I24_EABORT
call I24_Display
test ch, 020H ; Ignore allowed ?
jz SWI24f
mov di, offset I24_EIGNORE
call I24_Display
test ch, 010H ; Retry allowed ?
jz SWI24g
mov di, offset I24_ERETRY
call I24_Display
test ch, 08H ; Fail allowed ?
jz SWI24h
mov di, offset I24_EFAIL
call I24_Display
; Append a question mark.
mov di, offset I24_EQUESTION
call I24_Display
; Get the valid key codes
xor ax, ax ; Read a keyboard character
int 16H
and al, 05fH ; Upper case
xor ah, ah ; Clear counter
cmp al, 'I' ; Ignore ?
jnz SWI24k
test ch, 020H
jnz SWI24n
inc ah
cmp al, 'R' ; Retry ?
jnz SWI24l
test ch, 010H
jnz SWI24n
inc ah
cmp al, 'A' ; Abort ?
jz SWI24n
inc ah
cmp al, 'F' ; Fail ?
jnz SWI24m
test ch, 08H
jnz SWI24n
mov di, offset I24_EBELL
call I24_Display
jmp SWI24j
; OK - got code
mov cl, ah
mov byte ptr ds:I24_RESPONSE, al
mov di, offset I24_RESPONSE
call I24_Display
mov ax, cx
; Are we in the shell ?
cmp byte ptr cs:_SW_I23_InShell, 0 ; Are we in the shell ?
jnz $SW_int24a ; No - no processing
cmp al, 02H ; Abort?
jnz $SW_int24a ; No - exit
test ah, 008h ; If fail allowed - convert to fail
jz $SW_int24a
mov al, 003h ; Fail system call
pop dx ; Restore registers
pop cx
pop bx
pop es
pop ds
_SW_Int24 endp
; Convert Hex code to display code
; ds:di Offset of code to replace
; ax is available
I24_Convert proc near
push cx
mov al, byte ptr ds:[di] ; Get the code
mov ah, al
mov cl, 4
shr ah, cl
and ah, 0fh
cmp ah, 10
jb I24_C1
add ah, 'A' - 10
jmp I24_C2
add ah, '0'
mov byte ptr ds:[di], ah
; Now LSB
and al, 0fh
cmp al, 10
jb I24_C3
add al, 'A' - 10
jmp I24_C4
add al, '0'
mov byte ptr ds:[di + 1], al
pop cx
I24_Convert endp
; Display message function for Interrupt 24 processing
; DS:DI message
; AX is available
I24_Display proc near
mov ah, 08H ; Get foreground colour
xor bx, bx
int 10H
mov bl, ah
and bl, 07h
; Loop until a $ is hit, outputting the characters
mov al, byte ptr ds:[di]
cmp al, '$'
jnz I24Da
push di
mov ah, 0EH
int 10H
pop di
inc di
jmp I24D
I24_Display endp
; Start of overwrite area for environment. Align on a paragraph
; Also the XMS driver functions used by SH3.C live here
; Get Version number. Return the release number in AX
_SW_XMS_Gversion proc far
push bp ; Save stack info
mov bp, sp
xor ax, ax
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SW_XMS_Gversion endp
; Allocate N kbytes. Return the Handler in AX or -1 and error code in
; errno.
; Size will be in bp + 6.
_SW_XMS_Allocate proc far
push bp ; Save stack info
mov bp, sp
mov dx, word ptr ss:[bp + 6]
mov ah, 09H
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $SW_A1
; Allocate Failed - return error code
xor ax, ax
dec ax
xor bh, bh
mov word ptr ds:_errno, bx ; Save error code
jmp $SW_A2
; Allocate OK - return handler
mov ax, dx
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SW_XMS_Allocate endp
; Release handler. Return 0 or error code.
; Handler will be in bp + 6.
_SW_XMS_Free proc far
push bp ; Save stack info
mov bp, sp
mov dx, word ptr ss:[bp + 6]
mov ah, 0AH
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $SW_F1
; Free Failed - return error code
mov al, bl
jmp $SW_F2
; Free OK - return zero
xor ax, ax
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SW_XMS_Free endp
; Get available memory space. Return 0 if failed.
_SW_XMS_Available proc far
push bp ; Save stack info
mov bp, sp
mov ah, 08H
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or bl, bl
jz $SW_Avail1
; Free Failed - return zero
xor ax, ax
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_SW_XMS_Available endp
; Read Keyboard via interrupt 21 function 6 with polling for DESQView support.
; Return Keyboard code in AL.
_Poll_Keyboard proc far
push bp
mov bp, sp
push ds ; Save the C registers
push es
push si
push di
mov ah, 6 ; Read the keyboard
mov dl, 0ffH
int 021H
jnz ReadK2 ; Got a keystroke!!
mov AX, 01000H ; Failed - Release timeslice.
int 015H
jmp ReadK1
; Got a character - Get the keybaord status information
pop di ; Restore stack
pop si
pop es
pop ds
mov sp, bp
pop bp
_Poll_Keyboard endp
; Main Entry point. This part can be overwritten by the environment
_SA_spawn proc far
push bp
mov bp, sp
; Entry Offsets
; Environment = 6
mov word ptr cs:S_di, di ; Save registers
mov word ptr cs:S_si, si
mov word ptr cs:S_ds, ds
; Save the length of the current MCB block;
mov ax, word ptr ds:__psp
dec ax
mov word ptr cs:N_mcb, ax ; Save MCB address for swap out
; Calculate low mem start for extended memory
mov bx, ax ; Save copy
mov cl, 4 ; mult low order by 16
shl ax, cl
mov word ptr cs:SW_LMstart, ax ; Save low order
mov cl, 12 ; div by 16 ** 3
shr bx, cl
mov byte ptr cs:SW_LMstart + 2, bl ; Save low order
; Set up Environment segment in execute structure
mov bx, cs
mov ax, offset Env_OWrite
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
add ax, bx
mov word ptr cs:exec_env, ax ; Save Env seg.
; Set up rest of execute structure
mov word ptr cs:exec_cseg, cs ; Command line address
mov word ptr cs:exec_f1seg, cs ; FCB 1 address
mov word ptr cs:exec_f2seg, cs ; FCB 2 address
; Generate the FCBs
mov ax, cs ; Set up segments
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, 02901H ; Set up FCB interrupt
mov si, offset _cmd_line + 1
mov di, offset FCB1 ; FCB 1;
int 021H ; Execute the interrupt
mov ax, cs ; Set up segment
mov es, ax
mov ax, 02901H ; Reset AX cause errors are ignored
mov di, offset FCB2 ; FCB 2;
int 021H ; Execute the interrupt
; Copy out to the swap file
mov bx, word ptr cs:_SW_fp ; Load file handler
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_Blocks ; Load Number of blocks to read
mov ax, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
; Check for Partial write on disk swap file
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Mode, 1 ; Partial disk write ?
jnz SPart_Write
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Pwrite, 0
jz SPart_Write
mov si, word ptr cs:_SW_SBlocks ; Load Number of blocks to read
mov ax, word ptr cs:_etext ; Load the start address
push ax
; load up extended memory GDT for destination
mov ax, word ptr cs:_SW_EMstart
mov dl, byte ptr cs:_SW_EMstart + 2
call $GDT_dest_load
; set up DS register with start of start copy
pop ax
mov ds, ax
mov ax, word ptr cs:SW_LMstart ; Load Full start address
mov dl, byte ptr cs:SW_LMstart + 2
call $GDT_src_load
; Check for end of copy - BX contains the file handler for disk write
or si, si
jnz $Write_L1
jmp $Write_Complete
; OK - Copy next 0x4000 bytes - switch on device
mov ax, word ptr cs: _SW_Mode
dec ax
jz $W_disk
dec ax
jnz $Write_L2
jmp $W_extend
dec ax
jnz $W_xms
jmp $W_expand
; Write to XMS driver. In this case, we do one write and let the driver
; sort out the blocking
xor ax, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_SHandle, ax ; Source - normal memory
mov word ptr cs:XMS_DHandle, bx ; Dest - XMS
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset, ax ; Dest offset - zero
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Doffset + 2, ax
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset, ax ; Source offset DS:0
mov ax, ds
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Soffset + 2, ax
; Set up number of bytes SW_Block * 16 * 1024
mov ax, si
mov dx, si
mov cl, 14
shl ax, cl
mov cl, 2
shr dx, cl
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length, ax ; Load number of bytes
mov word ptr cs:XMS_Length + 2, dx
mov ah, 0BH ; Set up parameters
mov dx, cs
mov ds, dx
mov si, offset XMS_DIF
call cs:[_SW_XMS_Driver]
or ax, ax
jnz $Write_Complete
; XMS error - abort
mov ah, bl
jmp $Write_error
; Write to disk
call $Write_disk
; Increment counter
dec si ; Decrement block count
mov ax, ds ; Increment offset
add ax, 0400H
mov ds, ax
jmp $Write_loop
; Write to extended memory
call $Write_extend
jc $Write_error ; NO - abort
dec si ; Decrement block count
call $Inc_Extend
jmp $Write_loop
; Write to expanded memory
; BX - handler
; SI - count
; DS - source segment
call $map_ems_page ; Map in the current EMS page
jnz $Write_error
push ds ; Save DS and SI
push si
mov es, word ptr cs:_SW_EMSFrame ; Set Dest Seg
xor si, si ; Clear start
xor di, di
mov cx, 02000H ; move 16K
pushf ; Save direction flag
rep movsw
popf ; Restore direction flag
pop si ; And DS, SI
pop ds
jmp $Write_Incr ; Increment DS and dec SI
; Error - abort. The error code is in AH.
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
mov al, ah
xor ah, ah
mov word ptr ds:_errno, ax ; Save error code
mov ax, 0FFFEH
jmp $SA_spawn_Exit ; Exit
; Swap file is now written, set up environment. If this was a partial
; write, we need to write the first 4K.
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Mode, 1 ; Partial disk write ?
jnz S1Part_Write
cmp word ptr cs: _SW_Pwrite, 0
jz S1Part_Write
mov ax, 04200H ; Set seek
xor dx, dx
xor cx, cx
int 021H
jnc $Write_C1 ; Abort - swap file error
jmp $Map_error
mov ax, word ptr cs:N_mcb ; Load the start address
mov ds, ax
call $Write_disk
; Go to the no-overwrite part.
jmp SA_spawn1
_SA_spawn endp
; BX - file handler
; SI - Block count
; DS - Output data segement
$Write_disk proc near
mov ax, 04000H ; Set up to write
mov cx, ax ; Load count
xor dx, dx ; Clear start address
push bx ; Save FP
push si ; Save count and Data Segment
int 021H ; Write the data
pop si ; Restore Regs
pop bx
jnc $Write_disk1 ; NO error - continue
; Error - abort
mov ds, word ptr cs:S_ds ; Restore DS
xor ah, ah
push ax
call far ptr __IOERROR ; Map the error
mov ah, al
call far ptr __maperror ; Map the error
jmp $Write_Error1
; Check for 16K write
cmp ax, 04000H
jnz $Write_disk2
mov ax,01c1cH ; Set disk full
jmp $Write_error ; NO - abort
$Write_disk endp
SH0_TEXT ends