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RUCKUS-MIDI Copyright (C)1993 Cornel Huth
Documentation Copyright (C)1993 Cornel Huth
All Rights Reserved.
Version 1.0d.
For ordering information, license agreement, and product support
information, see Appendix Z.
RUCKUS-MIDI is one part of the RUCKUS sound toolkit for DOS programmers.
Its forte is its ability to play MIDI data in three different formats.
Standard MIDI file format, type-0 and type-1 with selectable programs of
the General MIDI Sound Set, the MT-32, or one of the programmer's choosing.
Also supported is the CMF type (Creative Music File format, similar to
Standard MIDI) and ROL-converted MIDI type (ROL is the file type used by
the AdLib MSC). The other part of the RUCKUS sound toolkit is RUCKUS-DAC.
Its forte is its ability to play and record digital data in three formats:
VOC, WAVE, and Amiga Module. See RUCKUS-DAC for more.
RUCKUS-MIDI currently supports the AdLib MSC and compatibles. This includes
all Sound Blasters and its clones, as well. RUCKUS-MIDI is implemented to
be device-independent. As new sound hardware (with supporting
documentation) becomes available to this programmer, it will be added. The
code you write to play MIDI music using RUCKUS will play on any new device
added later without any code changes to your program. You just supply the
new device ID (see InitMidi for more). RUCKUS-DAC already supports several
sound devices in a device-independent manner.
The RUCKUS toolkit supports most DOS compilers as is. This documentation
describes using RUCKUS with C DOS compilers. Also available is a BASIC-
specific version (BASIC7/QB45/VBDOS/etc.) of this documentation. Other
implementations should be able to get the necessary details using this
documentation. Note that these toolkits will not work with the current or
past Turbo Pascal compilers. This is due to Turbo Pascal's proprietary
linkage methods.
To provide compiler-independence, RUCKUS (and all of my latest toolkits)
implements a simple calling scheme: a single far pointer is passed to
RUCKUS. The data structure that is pointed to varies depending on RUCKUS
function. There are 11 structure types ("packs") currently. The first two
data members of each pack are identical in all packs. These are Func and
Stat. The remaining members, if any, vary depending on requirements. For
instance, the LoadMidi routine uses, in addition to Func and Stat, four
additional members: FilenamePtr, StartPos, LoadSize, and LoadPtr. The steps
needed to load a MIDI data file to memory would be as follows:
1. Allocate pack. Packs are reusable and can be allocated any way you
want. Here we make a static allocation for simplicity.
struct LoadMidiPack LMP;
2. Assign member values:
LMP.Func = LoadMidi;
LMP.FilenamePtr = filename;
LMP.StartPos = 0L;
LMP.LoadSize = 0L;
3. Call RUCKUS:
4. On return from the call:
if (rez == 0)
// LMP.LoadPtr -> address of MIDI data in memory
After the load you can immediately call the PlayMidi routine using the
lmp.LoadPtr returned from the Load call. You don't need to use the RUCKUS
LoadMidi routine; you can perform your own MIDI data file loads to memory.
However, RUCKUS can load up to 32 separate MIDI data files at one time and
performs all the necessary memory allocations and deallocations
automatically. See LoadMidi for more.
As you can see, using RUCKUS is easy. If you'd rather use a traditional
calling convention, wrap the RUCKUS routines in a C function and call it as
you normally would, e.g., rez = LoadDacFile(filename,LP) where LoadDacFile
contains the actual code (as shown above).
Now that I have your interest, let me tell you why I've provided this
toolkit for you. Shareware. That's right. Shareware. What I've done is
provide you with a means to evaluate this product completely, with no
upfront obligations. If you can't make use of this product, no problem.
Think of this as the ultimate return policy. You can actually take the
goods home, try it out, break it in. Then, if after a period of no more
than 21 days, you feel that this product is well worth the price I'm
asking, by all means, you should go ahead and fill out the order form and
send it in. If you do not register, then of course, it means the product is
not something you can use. If you can't use it, I don't want your money.
But if it's something you will use, it's only fair that you register. The
PROFESSIONAL registered versions does not have any built-in advertising
screens. The PERSONAL DEVELOPER registered version does display a sign-on
banner once. See Appendix Z. for ordering options and other related
information specific to this product.
The documentation that follows describes each of the function routines as
to use, pack type used, and sample code in C. Also available is a BASIC
version of this toolkit, differing only in example programs and
documentation. For additional source examples see the included X files on
RUCKUS-MIDI Functions.
0. SysInfoMidi ........................................... 5
1. InitMidi .............................................. 6
2. ExitMidi .............................................. 7
3. AtExitMidi ............................................ 8
4. LoadMidi .............................................. 9
5. PlayMidi .............................................. 10
6 and 7 are not used
8. EndMidi ............................................... 11
9. PauseMidi ............................................. 12
10. DeallocMidi ........................................... 13
11. FastFwdMidi ........................................... 14
12. OutMsgMidi ............................................ 15
13 to 19 are not used
20. SetAllMidi ............................................ 16
21. SetVolumeMidi ......................................... 17
22. SetToneMidi ........................................... 18
23. SetPatchMidi .......................................... 19
24. SetChMaskMidi ......................................... 20
25 to 29 are not used
30. SetAllFMSBP ........................................... 21
Appendix A. Tips and Tricks ........................... 22
Appendix B. Pack Structure ............................ 23
Appendix C. Compiler, Linker and Call Use ............. 26
Appendix D. RUCKUS-MIDI Data Area ..................... 27
Appendix E. Key#, Frequencies and Channel Messages .... 28
Appendix F. General MIDI Sound Set .................... 30
Appendix G. MT-32 Sound Set ........................... 32
Appendix H. Patch Map Format .......................... 34
Appendix Z. Ordering Information, License Agreement
and Product Support........................ 36
SysInfoMidi Func: 0 Pack: SysInfoMidiPack
Determine which RUCKUS-supported devices are available on the current
machine. Information returned on detected devices includes base I/O port
and channel information (a mask indicating available channels).
SysInfoMidi may be called only if no RUCKUS-MIDI device is active. If you
an active device (via InitMidi), perform an ExitMidi before calling this
Device ID RUCKUS-MIDI supports the following:
0 AdLib melodic, MIDI channels 0 to 8.
1 AdLib percussive, MIDI channels 0 to 5, and 9.
The drum channel (9) is programmer-selectable and
it maps to the 5 additional percussive voices.
2* Dual-3812 percussive, MIDI channels 0 to 11, and 9.
Selectable stereo channels, 6 per side, or 12 mono.
The drum channel (9) is programmer-selectable and
it maps to the 5 additional percussive voices.
3* OPL3 percussive, MIDI channels 0 to 8, 10 to 12, and 9.
Each channel selectable to play left, right, or both.
The drum channel (9) is programmer-selectable and
it maps to the 5 additional percussive voices.
4* OPL3 percussive, MIDI channels 0 to 8, and 9.
Each channel selectable to play left, right, or both.
The drum channel (9) is programmer-selectable and
it maps to the 5 additional percussive voices.
4-operator timbre data for channels 0 to 5, and
2-operator timbre data for channels 6 to 8.
5* UltraSound (GUS), MIDI channels 0 to 15, and 9.
The drum channel (9) is programmer-selectable.
* Devices 2 to 5 to be supported in future releases. Specs are preliminary.
Sample Use:
struct SysInfoMidiPack SIMP;
SIMP.Func = SysInfoMidi;
if (rez == 0)
// SIMP.Device0 is 1 if AdLib melodic mode available
// if above then SIMP.D0port is 388h
// SIMP.D0mask is 1FFh
// SIMP.Device1 is 1 if AdLib percussive mode available
// if above then SIMP.D1port is 388h
// SIMP.D1mask is 23Fh
InitMidi Func: 1 Pack: mInitMidiPack
Initialize the RUCKUS-MIDI system to the following:
DeviceID - any of the supported devices found by SysInfoMidi.
IOport - the base I/O port as reported by SysInfoMidi.
PercCh - the channel to use for percussion mapping.
ChMask - the 16-bit mask as reported by SysInfoMidi.
Flags - additional options.
No RUCKUS-MIDI routines can be called prior InitMidi except SysInfoMidi and
On return from a successful initialization, two segmented far pointers are
returned: InfoPtr and MidiExitPtr.
InfoPtr is used to locate the RUCKUS-MIDI data area for use with compilers
that do not handle external variable references (such as QuickBASIC). Other
compilers (such as C7) can reference RUCKUS-MIDI data directly by using the
MIDIDATA external structure reference (see Appendix D.).
MidiExitPtr is used for those development systems that do not have direct
support for the ANSI _atexit procedure. MidiExitPtr is a function pointer
(far pointer -> MidiExit) of the routine that should be called before
termination of any program that uses RUCKUS-MIDI. Most development systems
do provide for _atexit since it provides for orderly program shutdown in
the case of abnormal termination. For those that don't, you must include
the stub object module NOATEXIT.OBJ.
Sample Use:
struct InitMidiPack IMP;
IMP.Func = InitMidi;
IMP.DeviceID = 1;
IMP.IOport = 0x388; // or use SIMP.D1port
IMP.PercCh = 9;
IMP.ChMask = 0x023F; // or use SIMP.D1mask
// 0x23F=0000 00P0 0011 1111 binary (P=perc channel)
IMP.Flags = 0; // see Appendix D. for bitmap of flags
if (stat == 0)
// okay
ExitMidi Func: 2 Pack: XitMidiPack
After having initialized a device via InitMidi, you must call ExitMidi
before initializing a new device or before your program ends. ExitMidi
performs three tasks. It frees any memory directly allocated by RUCKUS-MIDI
(such as within LoadMidi), it shuts down the device last initialized, and
it restores any hooked interrupts.
This function should be called before ending your program. If your
development system supports the ANSI _atexit, it will be called
automatically (see AtExitMidi below).
Sample Use:
struct XitMidiPack XMP;
// program has run its course, before exiting to DOS perform cleanup
XMP.Func = ExitMidi;
AtExitMidi Func: 3 Pack: XitMidiPack
AtExitMidi is used to register the MidiExit routine to be called as a
normal procedure in the ending of your program. It will be called by the
compiler's startup code after your program _main() has ended. This is
important since it ensures that all resources allocated by RUCKUS-MIDI are
freed and that the sound device is properly shut down.
AtExitMidi should be called immediately after initializing your first
device. It need not (and should not) be called again during the program. In
other words, you can InitMidi/ExitMidi as many times during a program's
execution as you want, but you should only call AtExitMidi after the first
InitMidi. See AtExitDac for additional important information.
It is possible for _atexit to fail to register ExitMidi. This would be the
result of too many registrations requests having been made to _atexit.
Since _atexit typically can handle 32 registrations, it is unlikely to fail
(fail=become full). If it does fail, it should _not_ be considered a fatal
error, however, be aware that the automatic ExitMidi call will not take
Sample Use:
struct InitMidiPack IMP;
struct XitMidiPack XMP;
int CalledBefore=0;
IMP.Func = InitMidi;
IMP.DeviceID = 1;
IMP.IOport = 0x0388;
IMP.PercCh = 9;
IMP.ChMask = 0x023F;
IMP.Flags = 0;
if (rez == 0)
// check to make sure that this is the first AtExitMidi call
if (CalledBefore == 0)
XMP.Func = AtExitMidi;
if (rez == 0)
CalledBefore = -1;
printf("_atexit unable to register ExitMidi");
LoadMidi Func: 4 Pack: LoadMidiPack
Use to load MIDI data into DOS memory. While you may use your own memory
allocation and DOS file routines to load MIDI data, LoadMidi automates this
LoadMidi makes memory allocations directly from the operating system pool*.
This means that before using LoadMidi DOS must have enough available memory
to into which to load the file.
Note: In Borland C compilers, memory allocations made via DOS INT21/48
cannot be used when any _malloc() call is made. Doing so corrupts the
_malloc() chain. This is strictly a Borland problem. To overcome this
limitation, you must use the memory module patch, MIDMEMBC.OBJ.
LoadMidi manages up to 32 files in memory at one time, given sufficient
RAM. LoadMidi can also seek into a given file at any position and start
loading from that position for any number of bytes. This lets you
concatenate several MIDI data files into one and load any or all of the
internal MIDI data streams into memory. In addition, you can load the
entire file into memory and, by using pre-calculated memory offsets, start
MidiPlay at any of the MIDI data streams.
LoadMidi performs no format checking. Format checking is done by MidiPlay.
Once a file has been loaded by LoadMidi, you can release the memory used by
the file by using DeallocMidi. See that routine for more.
Sample Use:
struct LoadMidiPack LMP; // for multiple concurrent loads
// use LMP[NumOfLoads]...
LMP.Func = LoadMidi;
LMP.FilenamePtr = filename;
LMP.StartPos = 0L; // start load at first byte of file
LMP.LoadSize = 0L; // when=0 entire file is loaded into memory
if (rez == 0)
// LMP.LoadPtr is address of load and used by MidiPlay
// Note: _FP_OFF(LMP.LoadPtr) is always returned=0
PlayMidi Func: 5 Pack: PlaybackMidiPack
Once MIDI data is in memory, you can begin play. Play is done as a
background task allowing other operations, such as screen updating or file
loading, to continue. Once you begin play, it plays itself. You need only
check the end of play status to determine when a MIDI stream has completed
play. All other aspects of MIDI play is handled by RUCKUS-MIDI.
A routine also available in RUCKUS-MIDI is OutMsgMidi. You can use
OutMsgMidi to issue MIDI channel messages directly.
File format type is checked by PlayMidi. To determine file format before
actual play see FastFwdMidi. Note that ROL-converted MIDI files (via
ROL2MIDI.EXE) and CMF files can only be played (correctly) when using the
OPL-2 or -3 chip (on AdLib-compatibles such as SB, PAS, SB Pro, etc.). ROL-
cnv MIDI files do not contain program change messages, and CMF files have a
self-contained program patch map.
Sample Use:
struct PlaybackMidiPack PBMP; // LMP and DMP assumed defined
PBMP.Func = PlayMidi;
PBMP.Mode = 1; // this must be 1 for background play
// foreground mode is not supported
PBMP.LoadPtr = LMP.LoadPtr // LoadPtr from LoadMidi
if (rez == 0)
// the MIDI data is being played in the background
// at this point you can do anything you want
// for this example we just wait for the end status to become true
// see Appendix D. for information on the RUCKUS-MIDI data area
while (MIDIDATA.End == 0);
XMP.Func = EndMidi; // EndMidi should be called whenever
rez = RUCKMIDI(&XMP); // a MIDI tune is has ended
// if no further use for this MIDI data, release the memory it uses
// see DeallocMidi for more information
DMP.Func = DeallocMidi;
DMP.HandSeg = _FP_SEG(LMP.LoadPtr);
DMP.TypeFlag = 0;
EndMidi Func: 8 Pack: XitMidiPack
Use to stop play of the initialized device. EndMidi is similar in function
to ExitMidi except that it does not release any memory. It does not
completely shut down the initialized device but it does restore hooked
EndMidi can be thought of as a stop button, whereas ExitMidi is more like
the on/off switch.
Sample Use:
struct XitMidiPack XMP;
// MIDI tune has play and is over, perform EndMidi to restore hooked
// interrupts and silence device
XMP.Func = EndMidi;
// now continue with program such as load next tune, play, etc.
PauseMidi Func: 9 Pack: PauseMidiPack
Use to pause or unpause currently playing MIDI data. There is no effect if
no data is currently playing.
Sample Use:
struct PauseMidiPack PMP;
// pause or unpause depending on state of DoPause flag
PMP.Func = PauseMidi;
PMP.Pause = 1;
DeallocMidi Func: 10 Pack: DeallocMidiPack
Use to release memory used by LoadMidi. Once a file has been loaded via
LoadMidi, the memory used by that load is not available for other loads
until you release it using DeallocMidi.
If you will only be needing one MIDI data stream in memory at a time you
can load as many files as you want using only the memory needed by the
largest file loaded (i.e., reuse the memory). For example, let's say that
you have 40 separate MIDI data files that you will be playing. A simple
method to load these is to free up 64K (single MIDI file max for RUCKUS-
MIDI), LoadMidi a MIDI file, play it through, DeallocMidi the memory it
used, LoadMidi the next MIDI file, play it through, DeallocMidi, and so on.
This technique can also be used to LoadMidi into one concatenated file.
This requires that you pre-calculate at what offset each MIDI data stream
starts and its size.
DeallocMidi is called automatically by ExitMidi.
Sample Use:
struct DeallocMidiPack DMP;
DMP.Func = DeallocMidi;
DMP.HandSeg = _FP_SEG(LMP.LoadPtr); // as set by LoadMidi
DMP.TypeFlag = 0; // must be = 0
if (rez == 9)
printf("Invalid LMP.LoadPtr, Not a fatal error");
// means that LMP.LoadPtrSeg is not valid
// perhaps it's already been deallocated by ExitMidi
FastFwdMidi Func: 11 Pack: FastFwdMidiPack
A standard MIDI file is a series of MIDI messages that are sequenced by
based on timings within the file. Each MIDI message is preceded by a tick
count that informs MIDI-RUCKUS when to output each particular message.
FastFwdMidi instructs RUCKUS-MIDI to disregard all timing information up to
the specified tick count. It also mutes the output so no sound is produced.
The actual fast forward does not take place until the PlayMidi function is
called. After using FastFwdMidi, you must call FastFwdMidi again with
FFMP.TickCount=0L to turn off fast-forward mode.
One use of FastFwdMidi is determine the running time of a MIDI file.
Sample Use:
struct FastFwdMidiPack FFMP;
FFMP.Func = FastFwdMidi; // Given the MIDI data is already in memory...
FFMP.TickCount = 0xFFFFFFFF; // set to fast-fwd all the way through
if (rez == 0) {
PBMP.Func = PlayMidi; // play but in fast fwd mode
PBMP.Mode = 1;
PBMP.LoadPtr = LMP.LoadPtr;
if (rez == 0) {
while (MIDIDATA.End == 0); // wait until done
// TotalTicks& is the tick count at the end the last MIDI message
// --also need Ticks/quarternote and microseconds/quarternote
TotalTicks = MIDIDATA.TickCount;
TicksQnote = MIDIDATA.TicksQnote;
uSecsQnote = MIDIDATA.uSecsQnote;
TimeInSecs = ((uSecsQnote/10)*(TotalTicks/TicksQnote))/100000;
FFMP.Func = FastFwdMidi;
FFMP.TickCount = 0L; // set FastFwdMidi off
To fast forward in small increments while the MIDI data is playing, first
get the current TickCount, add to it the number of ticks to skip, and use
that as the FFMP.TickCount. If FFMP.TickCount > TotalTicks then do not
perform the fast forward since it would be past the end of data.
OutMsgMidi Func: 12 Pack: OutMsgMidiPack
OutMsgMidi lets you send MIDI channel messages directly to the channel
message parser without needing to use PlayMidi. Whereas PlayMidi deals with
all aspects of playing a MIDI stream, such as interrupt setup, timing
control and other events required to process the MIDI data, OutMsgMidi
provides access to only the channel message parser of RUCKUS-MIDI.
MIDI channel messages (composed of channel voice and mode messages) are
those that control the actual sound output. The current MIDI 1.0
specification specifies eight message groups, each identified by a status
byte and followed by one or two data bytes. See Appendix E. for more
information on MIDI channel messages, key numbers and frequencies.
Obvious use of OutMsgMidi is for sound effects. Notes can be sounded,
volumes adjusted, programs (instruments) selected and fine-tuned, and sound
can be turned off.
When outputting to a channel be aware that NoteOn messages will not sound
if the channel is already in a NoteOn. I.e., each NoteOn should have a
corresponding NoteOff (or NoteOn with velocity=0).
Sample Use:
struct OutMsgMidiPack OMMP;
OMMP.Func = OutMsgMidi;
OMMP.Mstatus = 0x80; // channel 0, NoteOn
OMMP.Mdata = 0x7F3C // sound middle-C (3Fh=60d) at max vol (7Fh=127d)
SetAllMidi Func: 20 Pack: SetMidiPack
While MIDI editing is best done on the MIDI data file itself with a
sequencer/editor, RUCKUS-MIDI provides relative volume and tone adjustment
to the MIDI data stream. Also, you may select the MIDI program/patch map to
use. The channel mask as set in InitMidi may also be adjusted. You may also
call each of these routines separately (see following SetMidi routines).
For information on setting the patch map, set SetPatchMidi.
The relative volume and tone adjustments let you boost or cut the playback
levels of any or all of the MIDI channels (0-15). For example, if the MIDI
data file has a trumpet playing to low on channel 4, you can boost channel
4's relative volume so that the trumpet plays louder. Volume adjustment
takes effect immediately.
Tone adjustment allows you to adjust the notes being sounded in any or all
of the channels. For example, if you want to have the notes sound on
channel 5 play an octave lower, you adjust channel 5's relative tone by -
12. Two octaves lower adjust by -24; an octave higher, adjust by +12; so
on. Tone adjustment takes effect on the next sounded note.
For adjusting relative levels you must designate which channels to operate
on. SMP.Channel is a bit-mapped mask used to identify which channels. Each
MIDI channel (0-15) has a corresponding bit in SMP.Channel. Channel 0 has
SMP.Channel bit 0 as its mask; channel 1, bit 1; so on. For example, for
this call to affect only channel 0, set SMP.Channel = 1. For only MIDI
channel 1, use 2. For both channels 0 and 1, use 3.
Sample Use:
struct SetMidiPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetAllMidi;
SMP.Channel = 0x21; // adjust channels 0 and 5 only
SMP.Channel = 13; // increase those channels' volumes by 13
SMP.Tone = 0; // no adjustments for tone
SMP.ChMask = IMP.ChMask; // use same channels as at InitMidi
SMP.PatchMapID = 1; // use internal MT-32 program map
SMP.PatchMapPtr = NULL; // since using internal map this should be=0
// (see SetPatchMidi for more on PatchMapID)
SetVolumeMidi Func: 21 Pack: SetMidiPack
The relative volume adjustment lets you boost or cut the playback volume
level of any or all of the MIDI channels (0-15). For example, if the MIDI
data file has a trumpet playing to low on channel 4, you can boost channel
4's relative volume so that the trumpet plays louder. Volume adjustment
takes effect immediately. Any relative increase in volume level will not
exceed the maximum level allowed, i.e., if the trumpet is already playing
at its maximum volume, any positive relative adjustment will have no
For adjusting relative volume you must designate which channels to operate
on. SMP.Channel is a bit-mapped mask used to identify which channels. Each
MIDI channel (0-15) has a corresponding bit in SMP.Channel. See SetAllMidi
on how to do this.
Level adjustment range is -128 to 127.
Sample Use:
struct SetMidiPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetVolumeMidi;
SMP.Channel = 0x31; // adjust channels 0, 4 and 5 only
SMP.Volume = 127; // play those channels always at max volume
SetToneMidi Func: 22 Pack: SetMidiPack
Tone adjustment allows you to adjust notes being sounded in any or all of
the channels. For example, if you want to have the notes sound on channel 5
play an octave lower, adjust channel 5's relative tone by -12. Two octaves
lower adjust by -24; an octave higher, adjust by +12; so on. Tone
adjustment takes effect on the next sounded note. For more on note numbers
and their relationship to notes and octaves, see Appendix E.
For adjusting relative tone you must designate which channels to operate
on. SMP.Channel is a bit-mapped mask used to identify which channels. Each
MIDI channel (0-15) has a corresponding bit in SMP.Channel. See SetAllMidi
on how to do this.
Level adjustment range is -128 to 127.
Sample Use:
struct SetMidiPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetToneMidi;
SMP.Channel = 1; 'adjust channel 0 only
SMP.Tone = -12; 'play notes on that channel one octave lower
SetPatchMidi Func: 23 Pack: SetMidiPack
MIDI specifies instruments by number (0-127). These instruments are often
called programs, or patches. The one big incompatibility among MIDI data
files is correspondence of instrument number to instrument sound. Up to
just a few years ago, there was no standard, so that files made by one
sequencer often sounded totally wrong when played on another. Ideally,
there would be only one program map that all MIDI used, but that would be
to restrictive to musicians. Because of this lack of standard, the
International MIDI Association (IMA) created what is know as the General
MIDI Sound Set. This is a standardized set of programs that map instrument
numbers to known instrument sounds. It also standardizes the percussion
The percussion map is similar to the main sound set but is used to sound a
wide range of percussive instruments (the main sound set is nearly all
melodic instruments). The percussion map takes note numbers that are output
on a certain channel (channel 9 by standard (0-based)) and maps that note
number to a particular percussive sound. For example, note 60 when played
on any channel but the percussion channel plays a middle-C on whatever the
current instrument program is for that channel. However, when note number
60 is played on the percussion channel, it maps to the Hi Bongo. Note
number 35 maps to the bass drum. See Appendix F. for the General MIDI Sound
Set description.
In addition to the General MIDI (GM) set, RUCKUS-MIDI also maps to the MT-
32 sound set. Many MIDI files have been sequenced to the MT-32 set (see
Appendix G. for the MT-32 sound set). In the future, you'll find more and
more files sequenced to General MIDI. Microsoft Windows Multimedia
specifies General MIDI as its sound set. RUCKUS-MIDI uses the GM map by
For those MIDI files that do not comply with either GM or MT-32, RUCKUS-
MIDI allows for custom patch maps to be used. See Appendix H. for custom
patch map specifications and implementation notes. Be aware, however, that
custom patch maps (those created by you) are device dependent. This means
that you need a separate custom patch map for each device you intend to
support. The internal RUCKUS-MIDI patch maps will always be device-
independent, in that all current and future devices supported by RUCKUS-
MIDI will have a GM and an MT-32 map available.
Sample Use:
struct SetMidiPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetPatchMidi;
SMP.PatchMapID = 1; // 1=MT-32 (0=GM and -1 means use custom map)
SMP.PatchMapPtr = NULL;
SetChMaskMidi Func: 24 Pack: SetMidiPack
SetChMaskMidi adjusts the same channel mask as that specified for InitMidi.
There are 16 MIDI channels, numbered 0 to 15 in RUCKUS-MIDI (sometimes seen
numbered 1-16). Each channel can be used to play a particular program, or
instrument (sometimes called a voice). For example, say a MIDI file playing
"Street Fight" is sequenced for piano and guitar. Each instrument could be
played at the same time providing that there is a channel available for
each. Since there are only 2 instruments and 16 MIDI channels, that's no
problem. Further, let's say that, later, you don't want to hear the piano
voice. By using SetChMaskMidi, you can selectively turn off the piano
channel (channel 0, or whichever channel it's on).
SetChMaskMidi also has another important use. It can be used to turn off
channels that are not supported by the currently selected device. For
example, the AdLib MSC in percussive mode (RUCKUS-MIDI deviceID 1) does not
support channels 6 to 8, and 10 to 15. These channels are not supported
because there are not sufficient voices available on that device. These
channels (6-8, 10-15) should be masked out so that they are not processed.
In addition to turning off channels that cannot be supported due to lack of
voices, it may also be necessary to turn off MIDI channels due to the way
the MIDI file has been sequenced. In particular, Microsoft Windows
Multimedia Specification dictates that MIDI files be sequenced redundantly.
Channels 0 to 9 are for so-called extended synthesizers, and channels 12 to
15 are for so-called base-level synthesizers. In either case, the highest
channel (9 and 15, respectively) is used for the percussive channel. The
specification also states that the most important channels be the lower-
numbered (respective their synthesizer level). In RUCKUS-MIDI, such
redundant MIDI files should always be played as if an extended synthesizer
is active (channels 0 to 9) and the base-level redundant channels (12 to
15, as well as channels 10 and 11) should be masked out.
SMP.ChMask is a bitmapped mask, 1 bit for each channel. See SetAllMidi for
an example in how to determine the value to use for SMP.ChMask.
Sample Use:
struct SetMidiPack SMP;
SMP.Func = SetChMaskMidi;
SMP.ChMask = 3; // turn off all channels except 0 and 1
SetAllFMSBP Func:30 Pack: SetFMProPack
Though RUCKUS-MIDI is intended and is designed to be device independent,
there will be need for access to device-dependant features. The Sound
Blaster Pro, for example, has an on-board mixer facility that controls FM
chip volume. By default, the SB Pro is set to half-volume, much too low for
typical use. By using SetAllFMSBP you can set the FM volume to maximum and
let the actual sound volume be controlled via the MIDI data itself.
In addition to the basic volume settings, you can also adjust the steering.
Steering turns off either the left, right, or both channels. On late-model
SB Pro cards, the independent left and right FM channel volumes can be used
for better effect (smoother panning). Early-model SB Pros may not have the
independent left/right volume adjustments and so steering is used to shift
(all) sound left or right. The steering can also be set to mute the FM
output. You may find that muting the SB Pro before InitMidi and before
EndMidi results in a smoother sound and song transition.
There is no Sound Blaster Pro detection routine available in RUCKUS-MIDI
since the only device currently supported is the basic FM chip, originally
used by the AdLib MSC (which is what the Sound Blaster and other
compatibles use). Any device supporting the AdLib at I/O port 388h is
detected. When OPL-3 (a super-set of the AdLib chip used by the SB Pro and
others) support is added, additional detection routines for it will be
included. Using SetAllFMSBP with no SB Pro installed should not present any
problems, however, for absolute determination of an SB Pro device, use the
detection routines in RUCKUS-DAC.
The SB Pro base address I/O port is currently selectable at either 220h
(the SB Pro default) or at 240h. Use RUCKUS-DAC for absolute determination.
The master volume adjusts the Pro's master volume (also adjustable in
RUCKUS-DAC). To low byte of SFMPP.MastVol sets the left channel's volume.
The high byte sets the right channel's. Range for each is 1 to 15, odd
values only. To set the right channel, multiply the volume by 256, e.g.,
SFMPP.MastVol = (256 * RtChVol) + LfChVol. To not change the master volume,
set to -1. SFMPP.FMvol has the same range and is set the same way. It
cannot be skipped. Steering, described above, can also be skipped by
setting SFMPP.Steer to -1. It's practical use is to mute output during
InitMidi and during an abrupt EndMidi (abrupt EndMidi meaning ending a
MidiPlay before the actual end of data and notes may still be sounding).
Sample Use:
struct SetFMProPack SFMPP;
SFMPP.IOport = 0x220; // base port of SB Pro (220h or 240h)
SFMPP.MasterVol = 0x0F0F; // low byte=left,high=right,-1=no change
SFMPP.Steer = 0; // 0=none,1=left,2=right,3=mute,-1=no change
SFMPP.FMvol = 0x0F0F; // low byte=left,high=right (cannot skip)
Appendix A. Tips and Tricks.
1. Noise Abatement.
If a Sound Blaster Pro is known to be available and is used as the MIDI
device, noise can be minimized by setting the FM volume to 0, or by muting
the FM steering. It can also be used when abruptly ending a MIDI playback
before actual end of data. If no SB Pro is available, setting all MIDI
relative volumes to -128 should reduce any spurious noise.
Appendix B. RUCKUS-MIDI Pack Structure.
#pragma pack(1)
int far pascal RUCKMIDI(void far *datapack);
#define SysInfoMidi 0
#define InitMidi 1
#define ExitMidi 2
#define AtExitMidi 3
#define LoadMidi 4
#define PlayMidi 5
#define EndMidi 8
#define PauseMidi 9
#define DeallocMidi 10
#define FastFwdMidi 11
#define OutMsgMidi 12
#define SetAllMidi 20
#define SetVolumeMidi 21
#define SetToneMidi 22
#define SetPatchMidi 23
#define SetChMaskMidi 24
#define SetAllFMSBP 30
/* current highest function is 30 */
struct DeallocMidiPack { /* DMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned HandSeg; /* RUCKUS allocates DOS memory */
unsigned TypeFlag; /* 0=DOS para */
}; /* 8 */
struct FastFwdMidiPack { /* FFMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
long TickCount;
}; /* 8 */
struct GetDataMidiPack { /* GDMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned long BytePos; /* current byte relative base ptr */
}; /* 8 */
struct InitMidiPack { /* IMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned DeviceID; /* 0=OPL-2 melodic,1=OPL-2 percussive */
unsigned IOport;
unsigned PercCh; /* percussive channel (0-based) */
unsigned ChMask; /* bitmapped */
unsigned Flags; /* see Appendix D. */
void far *InfoPtr; /* ret:far ptr to RUCKMIDI info */
void far *MidiExitPtr; /* ret:far ptr to ExitMidi routine */
}; /* 22 */
struct LoadMidiPack { /* LMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
void far *FilenamePtr;/* far ptr to filenameZ to load */
unsigned long StartPos; /* offset into file to start load at */
unsigned long LoadSize; /* number of bytes to load (or 0 for autosize) */
void far *LoadPtr; /* ret:DOS seg:offset (offset always 0) */
}; /* 20 */
struct OutMsgMidiPack { /* OMMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Mstatus; /* status byte (8n, 9n, ... En) */
unsigned Mdata;
}; /* 8 */
struct PlaybackMidiPack { /* PBMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Mode; /* mode (0=interrupt FG,1=BG) */
void far *LoadPtr; /* seg:off to start of data to play */
}; /* 10 */
struct PauseMidiPack { /* PMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Pause; /* 0=unpause else pause */
}; /* 6 */
struct SetPack { /* SP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat; /* (if volume=0 SB speaker off'ed else on'ed) */
unsigned Volume; /* volume (left ch=MSB,right=LSB) (0-127,0-127) */
unsigned IntRate; /* playback interrupt rate (5000-23000) */
unsigned Priority; /* priority level (0-2, default=1) */
}; /* 10 */
struct SetFMProPack { /* SFMPP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned IOport; /* base I/O port (0x220, 0x240) */
int MasterVol; /* 0xF0F=max(low byte=right,hi=left,-1=nochange)*/
int Steer; /* 0=none,1=left,2=right,3=mute,-1=no change */
unsigned FMvol; /* as MasterVol but cannot skip (i.e.cannot=-1)*/
}; /* 12 */
struct SetMidiPack { /* SMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Channel; /* channel to set (bit mask of channels 0-15) */
int Volume; /* volume adjust */
int Tone; /* tone adjust */
unsigned ChMask; /* if bit=0 then that channel ignored */
int PatchMapID; /* patch map ID */
void far *PatchMapPtr; /* farptr to alt patch/ret:addr of PatchMapID*/
}; /* 18 */
struct SysInfoMidiPack { /* SIMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
unsigned Device0; /* =1 if OPL-2 melodic mode available */
unsigned D0port; /* 0x388 */
unsigned D0mask; /* available channel mask for SMP.ChMask */
unsigned Device1; /* =1 if OPL-2 percussive mode available */
unsigned D1port;
unsigned D1mask;
}; /* 16 */
struct XitMidiPack { /* XMP */
unsigned Func;
int Stat;
}; /* 4 */
Appendix C. Compiler, Linker and Call Use.
Consult your development system's documentation on the use of external
library files. For call use, see the example X*.c files.
Appendix D. RUCKUS-MIDI Data Area.
To access the MIDI data area in your code:
extern struct MidiDataArea pascal MIDIDATA;
printf("MIDIDATA DeviceID is %u", MIDIDATA.DeviceID);
/* MIDI data area structure */
#pragma pack(1) /* ALL Ruckus data structures MUST be byte-aligned */
struct MidiDataArea {
unsigned DeviceID; /*+0 ;0=AdLib melodic, 1=AdLib percussive... */
unsigned Flags; /* 2 ;bit0=1 use background processing */
/* ;bit1=1 disable program change event */
/* ;bit2-7 reserved (low byte used to send */
/* ;while high byte used to return info) */
/* ;bit8-13 reserved */
/* ;bit14=1 then CTMF file playing */
/* ;bit15=1 then AdLib ROL-convert */
unsigned PercChannel; /* 4 ;<> 0 percussion channel mapped to here */
unsigned End; /* 6 ;=1 end of MIDI (not playing) */
unsigned MemDOS; /* 8 ;DOS RAM available */
unsigned MemUsed; /* 10 ;K used by last load */
unsigned TypeMIDI; /* 12 ;MIDI type (0 or 1) */
unsigned NoTracks; /* 14 ;number of tracks */
unsigned TicksQnote; /* 16 ;ticks/quarter-note */
unsigned long uSecsQnote;/* 18 ;micro-secs/quarter-note */
unsigned long TickCount; /* 22 ;current tick count */
void far *MusicPtr; /* 26 ;farptr to current MIDI data byte */
unsigned CurrTrk; /* 30 ;current MIDI track */
char TimeSig[4]; /* 32 ;nm,dn,MIDI clocks/beat,32nd notes/beat */
char ChPrograms[16]; /* 36 ;channel programs */
char ChVolumes[16]; /* 52 ;channel volume level (0-127) */
char ChNotes[16]; /* 68 ;channel note values (0-127) */
unsigned ChRelVolumes[16];/* 84 ;-128 to +127 range (0=no change) */
unsigned ChRelNotes[16]; /* 116 ;-128 to +127 range (0=no change) */
#pragma pack()
Appendix E. MIDI Key Numbers, Frequencies and Channel Messages.
Octave 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note (frequency in Hertz)
C 16.352 32.704 65.40 130.81 261.63 523.26 1046.5 2093
C# 17.324 34.648 69.29 138.59 277.18 554.36 1108.7 2217
D 18.354 36.708 73.41 146.83 293.66 587.32 1174.6 2349
D# 19.445 38.890 77.78 155.56 311.12 622.24 1244.4 2489
E 20.601 41.202 82.40 164.80 329.61 659.23 1318.4 2637
F 21.826 43.652 87.30 174.60 349.21 698.43 1396.8 2794
F# 23.124 46.248 92.49 184.99 369.98 739.96 1479.9 2960
G 24.499 48.998 97.99 195.99 391.98 783.96 1567.9 3136
G# 25.956 51.912 103.82 207.64 415.29 830.59 1661.1 3322
A 27.500 55.000 110.00 220.00 440.00 880.00 1760.0 3520
A# 29.135 58.270 116.54 233.08 466.16 932.32 1864.6 3729
B 30.867 61.734 123.46 246.93 493.87 987.74 1975.4 3951
Note C1 (16Hz) is MIDI key number 12, C2 (32Hz) is 24...C5 (261Hz) is 60,
middle-C on the piano keyboard. Valid key number range is 12 to 107 (96 key
numbers total). This is peculiar to the OPL-2 chip. MIDI key number range
is 0 to 127. Key numbers issued > 107 are set to 107 and numbers < 12 are
set to 12 when using the OPL-2 or -3.
For accessing steps between notes, you can use the PitchBend MIDI channel
message (OutMsgMidi status byte En, Pitch Wheel Change). Each 512-point
adjustment to pitchbend results in a 1-step change, giving a pitchbend
range of +/- 16 steps per half-tone (pitchbend range is 0 to 16383 with
8192 equal to no change).
MIDI channels messages are what OutMsgMidi transmits to the MIDI parser.
For complete specifications on MIDI channel messages, MIDI system messages,
and the other details of the inner-workings of MIDI, contact the
International MIDI Association (IMA) and ask for the MIDI 1.0
Specification. Several volumes are available for sale ranging from detailed
specs to the standard MIDI file format. The IMA's mailing address is:
IMA - the International MIDI Association
5316 W 57 ST
The MIDI channel messages are:
Message Name Mstat/Mdata Comment
Note Off 8n kn v kn=key number (0-127)
v =velocity (0-127) (volume)
Note On 9n kn v kn=key number (0-127)
v =velocity (1-127,0=note off)
Polyphonic After-Touch An kn v kn=key number (0-127)
v =velocity (0-127)
Control Change Bn cn x cn=controller (0-121, 0-79h)
x =value (0-127)
(Control Change not implemented)
Channel Mode:
All Notes Off Bn 7B 0 7B=channel n sound off
(Other modes not implemented)
Program Change Cn p p =program (0-127)
Channel After-Touch Dn v v =velocity (0-127)
Pitch Wheel Change En lb hb lb=low byte (0-127)*
hb=high byte (0-127)
*All non-status bytes must have the high-order bit of each byte unset. For
Pitch Wheel Change (En lb hb) where there is to be no change, lb/hb is to
be set to 00/40h (4000h=8192, center pitch). The low byte's MSB should not
be set, meaning that, for example, 4080 to 40FF are not valid pitch bends.
If 4080h is used RUCKUS-MIDI unsets the MSB of lb so that 4000h is used.
All status bytes have the high-order bit set. The n nybble of each status
byte (e.g., 8n) designates the channel number, 0 to F (0 to 15d). Most MIDI
channel messages takes two data bytes, though some take only one. The order
shown above is the order that should be used. For example, to send the
channel message NoteOn/key# 32/max volume via OutMsgMidi for channel 3, set
Mstatus to 93h and set Mdata to &H7F20 (low/high bytes=20/7Fh).
The specification is rather complex. RUCKUS-MIDI builds upon those aspects
of the specification that are useful in playing back MIDI data. Much of the
MIDI specification deals with real-time performance and recording use,
neither of which is RUCKUS-MIDI's intended purpose.
Appendix F. General MIDI Sound Set - Level 1.
Sound Set Program Number and Name.
Prog# Instrument Prog# Instrument Prog# Instrument
4 ELECTRIC PIANO 1 47 TIMPANI 90 PAD 3 polysynth
7 CLAVI 50 SYNTHSTRINGS 1 93 PAD 6 metallic
11 VIBRAPHONE 54 SYNTH VOICE 97 FX2 soundtrack
12 MARIMBA 55 ORCHESTRA HIT 98 FX3 crystal
13 XYLOPHONE 56 TRUMPET 99 FX4 atmosphere
14 TUBULAR BELLS 57 TROMBONE 100 FX5 brightness
15 DULCIMER 58 TUBA 101 FX6 goblins
37 SLAP BASS 2 80 LEAD 1 square 123 BIRD TWEET
38 SYNTH BASS 1 81 LEAD 2 sawtooth 124 TELEPHONE RING
39 SYNTH BASS 2 82 LEAD 3 calliope 125 HELICOPTER
40 VIOLIN 83 LEAD 4 chiff 126 APPLAUSE
41 VIOLA 84 LEAD 5 charang 127 GUNSHOT
42 CELLO 85 LEAD 6 voice
General MIDI - Level 1 Sound Set Groupings by Program Number.
Prog# Instrument Group Prog# Ins Grp Prog# Ins Grp
0-7 Piano 40-47 Strings 80-87 Synth Lead
8-15 Chromatic Percussion 48-55 Ensemble 88-95 Synth Pad
16-23 Organ 56-63 Brass 96-103 Synth Effects
24-31 Guitar 64-71 Reed 104-111 Ethnic
32-39 Bass 72-79 Pipe 112-119 Percussive
120-127 Sound Effects
General MIDI - Level 1 Percussion Map (Channel 9).
Key# Drum Sound Key# Drum Sound Key# Drum Sound
35 Acoustic Bass Drum 51 Ride Cymbal 1 67 High Agogo
36 Bass Drum 1 52 Chinese Cymbal 68 Low Agogo
37 Side Stick 53 Ride Bell 69 Cabasa
38 Acoustic Snare 54 Tambourine 70 Maracas
39 Hand Clap 55 Splash Cymbal 71 Short Whistle
40 Electric Snare 56 Cowbell 72 Long Whistle
41 Low Floor Tom 57 Crash Cymbal 2 73 Short Guiro
42 Closed Hi-Hat 58 Vibraslap 74 Long Guiro
43 High Floor Tom 59 Ride Cymbal 2 75 Claves
44 Pedal Hi-Hat 60 Hi Bongo 76 Hi Wood Block
45 Low Tom 61 Low Bongo 77 Low Wood Block
46 Open Hi-Hat 62 Mute Hi Conga 78 Mute Cuica
47 Low-Mid Tom 63 Open Hi Conga 79 Open Cuica
48 Hi-Mid Tom 64 Low Conga 80 Mute Triangle
49 Crash Cymbal 1 65 High Timbal 81 Open Triangle
50 High Tom 66 Low Timbal
For timbre data used by RUCKUS-MIDI for programs 0-127 see the GMPATCH.*
file. Also see that file for percussive voice mappings (for example, how
percussive channel 9 key# 46, Open Hi-Hat, maps to AdLib percussive
voice 10, the Hi-Hat). These files are device-dependent and there is one
for each RUCKUS-MIDI supported device. Included only in registered versions
of the RUCKUS toolkit.
Appendix G. MT-32 MIDI Sound Set.
Sound Set Program Number and Name.
Prog# Instrument Prog# Instrument Prog# Instrument
0 AcouPno1 43 EchoPan 86 Bassoon
1 AcouPno2 44 DocSolo 87 Harmonca
2 AcouPno3 45 SchlDaze 88 Trumpet1
3 ElecPno1 46 BellSing 89 Trumpet2
4 ElecPno2 47 SqWave 90 Trombon1
5 ElecPno3 48 StrSect1 91 Trombon2
6 ElecPno4 49 StrSect2 92 FrHorn1
7 HonkTonk 50 StrSect3 93 FrHorn2
8 ElecOrg1 51 Pizzicto 94 Tuba
9 ElecOrg2 52 Violin1 95 BrsSect1
10 ElecOrg3 53 Violin2 96 BrsSect2
11 ElecOrg4 54 Cello1 97 Vibes1
12 PipeOrg1 55 Cello2 98 Vibes2
13 PipeOrg2 56 ContraBs 99 SynMallt
14 PipeOrg3 57 Harp1 100 WindBell
15 Accordn 58 Harp2 101 Glock
16 Harpsi1 59 Guitar1 102 TubeBell
17 Harpsi2 60 Guitar2 103 XyloPhon
18 Harpsi3 61 ElecGtr1 104 Marimba
19 Clavi1 62 ElecGtr2 105 Koto
20 Clavi2 63 Sitar 106 Sho
21 Clavi3 64 AcouBs1 107 Shakuhch
22 Celesta1 65 AcouBs2 108 Whistle1
23 Celesta2 66 ElecBs1 109 Whistle2
24 SynBrss1 67 ElecBs2 110 BottlBlo
25 SynBrss2 68 SlapBs1 111 BreathPp
26 SynBrss3 69 SlapBs2 112 Timpani
27 SynBrss4 70 Fretls1 113 MelodTom
28 SynBass1 71 Fretls2 114 DeepSnar
29 SynBass2 72 Flute1 115 Oberheim
30 SynBass3 73 Flute2 116 Noise
31 SynBass4 74 Piccolo1 117 Taiko
32 Fantasy 75 Piccolo2 118 TaikoRim
33 HarmoPan 76 Recorder 119 RevCymb
34 Chorale 77 PanPipes 120 JawHarp
35 Glasses 78 Sax1 121 Triangle
36 SoundTrk 79 Sax2 122 OrcheHit
37 Atmosphr 80 Sax3 123 BassDrm
38 WarmBell 81 Sax4 124 BirdTwt
39 FunnyVox 82 Clarint1 125 Banjo
40 EchoBell 83 Clarint2 126 MoogSyn
41 IceRain 84 Oboe 127 JunglTun
42 Oboe2001 85 EngHorn
MT-32 Sound Set Groupings by Program Number.
Prog# Instrument Group Prog# Ins Grp Prog# Ins Grp
Not specified.
MT-32 Percussion Map (Channel 9).
Key# Drum Sound Key# Drum Sound Key# Drum Sound
35 Acoustic Bass 51 Ride Cymbal 1 67 High Agogo
36 Acoustic Bass 52*Chinese Cymbal 68 Low Agogo
37 Rim Shot 53*Ride Bell 69 Cabasa
38 Acoustic Snare 54 Tambourine 70 Maracas
39 Hand Clap 55*Splash Cymbal 71 Short Whistle
40 Electric Snare 56 Cowbell 72 Long Whistle
41 Acoustic Low Tom 57*Crash Cymbal 2 73 Short Guiro
42 Closed High Hat 58*Vibraslap 74*Long Guiro
43 Acoustic Low Tom 59*Ride Cymbal 2 75 Claves
44 Open High Hat 2 60 Hi Bongo 76*Hi Wood Block
45 Acoustic Mid Tom 61 Low Bongo 77*Low Wood Block
46 Open High Hat 1 62 Mute Hi Conga 78*Mute Cuica
47 Acoustic Mid Tom 63 Open Hi Conga 79*Open Cuica
48 Acoustic High Tom 64 Low Conga 80*Mute Triangle
49 Crash Cymbal 65 High Timbal 81*Open Triangle
50 Acoustic High Tom 66 Low Timbal
For timbre data used by RUCKUS-MIDI for programs 0-127 see the MTPATCH.*
file. Also see that file for percussive voice mappings (for example, how
percussive channel 9 key# 46, Open Hi-Hat, maps to AdLib percussive
voice 10, the Hi-Hat). These files are device-dependent and there is one
for each RUCKUS-MIDI supported device. Included only in registered versions
of the RUCKUS toolkit.
Appendix H. RUCKUS-MIDI Patch Map Format.
Format of the patch maps used internally by RUCKUS-MIDI for the 2-operator
OPL chip is composed of 2 sections. The header and the timbre data. The
header is the first 48 bytes of the data.
Patch name: 20 bytes
Patch size: 1 word, set to 48
reserved: 14 bytes
TIMBRE DATA for each program (0-127):
Instrument name: 20 bytes (may be 0- or space-filled)
Instrument data: 28 bytes
Instrument data format is:
mws,cws (modulator wave shape, carrier wave shape)
For example:
PATCHES_MT db 'PATCHES_MT32',0,0,0,0
dw 48
db 14 DUP(0)
db 'ACOUPIANO1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;(0)
db 01h,01h,03h,0Fh,05h,00h,01h,00h,0Fh,00h,00h,00h,01h
db 00h,00h,01h,00h,0Dh,07h,00h,03h,0Ch,04h,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,00h
;the other patches would follow, to the 127th
;total patch size would be 48+(128*48)=6192 bytes
Internally, RUCKUS-MIDI maintains separate locations for the programs and
the percussive map. However, for custom patch maps, the following format
must be used:
Custom Patch Format:
First 48-byte section is the percussive map for key numbers 35 to 82. Key
number 82 should map to value 255. For example:
;0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (values in decimal, 48 bytes)
db 06,06,08,07,08 ;35-39
db 07,08,10,08,10,08,10,08,08,09 ;40-49
db 08,09,09,09,10,09,09,09,08,09 ;50-59
db 08,08,08,08,08,07,07,07,07,08 ;60-69
db 10,10,10,10,10,08,08,08,08,08 ;70-79
db 10,10,255 ;80-81
;In the above map, key# 35 maps to OPL-2 voice 6, the bass drum. Key# 79
;maps to voice 8, the tom-tom.
;This is immediately followed by the program patches as above:
PATCHES_MT db 'PATCHES_MT32',0,0,0,0
dw 48
db 14 DUP(0)
db 'ACOUPIANO1',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;(0)
db 01h,01h,03h,0Fh,05h,00h,01h,00h,0Fh,00h,00h,00h,01h
db 00h,00h,01h,00h,0Dh,07h,00h,03h,0Ch,04h,00h,00h,00h
db 00h,00h
;the other patches would follow, to the 127th
;total patch size would be 48+48+(128*48)=6240 bytes
To create custom patch maps for the OPL-2 chip, the shareware package
SBKTimbre can be used. To convert the output of this program for use with
RUCKUS-MIDI, use the supplied IBK2OPL2.EXE program. The 48-byte percussive
map must be constructed by hand.
Note that other devices (when supported) will have different formats.
Appendix Z. Ordering Information, License Agreement and Product Support.
To order you must you the order form included with the distribution files.
Its filename is !ORDER.FRM. Orders made without this form may be delayed.
There are two RUCKUS packages available. The PERSONAL DEVELOPER version is
for the hobby-programmer while the PROFESSIONAL version is for the
professional programmer.
The PERSONAL DEVELOPER version is for persons that are not creating
programs for distribution to others. With the PERSONAL DEVELOPER license
you may not distribute any programs you create with RUCKUS. In addition, a
sign-on banner is issued once, displaying the RUCKUS copyright and license
The PROFESSIONAL version has no distribution restrictions on end-user
programs you create with RUCKUS. The PROFESSIONAL license provides you with
the right to create all the end-user programs royalty-free. You also have
direct access to the latest version of RUCKUS free-of-charge by way of my
support BBS and the RUCKUS Developer's Conference there. No sign-on banner
is issued.
License Agreement
Before using this software you must agree to the following:
1. You are not allowed to operate more than one (1) copy of this software
package at one time per license. This means that if you have 10 programmers
that COULD possibly use the RUCKUS library at the same time, you must also
have ten (10) RUCKUS licenses.
2. You are not allowed to distribute non-executable code containing RUCKUS
code. This means that you are not allowed to redistribute RUCKUS code as
another .LIB, for example. Also, if RUCKUS code is to be contained in a
Dynamic Link Library (DLL) then it must be part of a stand-alone product.
This means that you cannot provide a .DLL containing RUCKUS code if that
.DLL is to be used as a programming library for other programmers. If you
wish to distribute non-executable code containing RUCKUS code you must
obtain written permission from the author.
3. This license grants you the right to use the RUCKUS library code on a
royalty-free basis, except when the license is the PERSONAL DEVELOPER, in
which case you may not distribute any program in which RUCKUS has been
4. RUCKUS is owned by the author, Cornel Huth, and is protected by United
States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You are not
allowed to make copies of this software except for archival purposes.
5. You may not rent or lease RUCKUS. You may not transfer this license
without the written permission of the author. If this software is an update
or upgrade, you may not sell or give away previous versions.
6. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble this software.
7. There are no expressed or implied warranties with this software.
8. All liabilities in the use of this software rest with the user.
9. U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This software is provided with
restricted rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the
Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 52.227-7013.
Manufacturer is Cornel Huth/6402 Ingram Rd/San Antonio, TX 78238.
This agreement is governed by the laws of the state of Texas.
Product Support
BBS support telephone: 1(210)684-8065. V.32bis (1200-14.4k bps)
Hours: Monday through Friday, 5pm to 9am next morning
Weekend hours are 1pm to 9am next morning.
All times USA Central [-0600/-0500]
Internet: chuth@lonestar.utsa.edu -or-
cornel.huth@LChance.sat.tx.us -or-
Fidonet: 1:387/800.8
PROFESSIONAL version licensees have _free_ access to all future RUCKUS
updates AND upgrades via the RUCKUS Developer's Conference on The Fortieth
Floor BBS (1(210)684-8065). PERSONAL DEVELOPER licensees have restricted
access to in-version maintenance updates at no charge.