DP Tool Club 18
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Announcing by Rob W. Smetana
Font Pak Pro and Pro~Formance
You should have an EGA or VGA monitor to run FP-Demo.Exe.
Font Pak: Text- and Graphics-mode Fonts, Lines, Symbols, Icons
and Mouse Cursor Shapes for Programmers
Font Pak is available NOW for C, Pascal, BASIC and PowerBASIC.
Copyright (C) 1990-1994, Rob W. Smetana
All Rights Reserved Worldwide
Font Pak, Pro~Formance, and P~F are Trademarks
of Rob W. Smetana
┌────────── For More Information on Font Pak Pro: ───────────┐
│ │▄
│ Call: Rob W. Smetana (415) 863 - 0530 │█
│ │█
│ or Write: Pro~Formance 132 Alpine Terrace │█
│ San Francisco, CA 94117 │█
Announcing Font Pak Pro
The program FP-DEMO.EXE shows the types of things almost ANY
programmer can do using FONT PAK PRO -- our programmers'
font, icon and mouse shape system.
* We released this small Demo program separately because we
know people don't want to spend needless time downloading
large files they may (or may not) be interested in.
* We felt a small program demonstrating what Font Pak Pro
can do might save many people time and $$$.
Below we'll summarize Font Pak's major features. Run FP-Demo
to see examples of most (but not all) of these features.
Font Pak Pro is a programmers' font, mouse shape and symbol
system. Virtually ANY programmer can use it. If you program
in C, BASIC, Visual Basic for DOS, Pascal, Assembler, PowerBASIC,
etc., you can use Font Pak. With Font Pak you can:
* CHANGE TEXT-MODE fonts whenever you like. You can even
display 2 or more fonts on the same screen -- in TEXT mode!
- You can use fonts from 4 to 24 pixels tall -- in TEXT mode!
You can even change the NUMBER OF ROWS ON THE SCREEN! Get
100-line screens with 4-point fonts, or dramatic, easy-to-
read 16-line screens with 24-point fonts!
- You can load 4-8 "sets" of fonts and switch among them at
any time. You can link fonts to your programs and just
"call [font name]," or you can load fonts from disk!
- And with Font Pak you can work with efficient "partial"
fonts. Instead of requiring that your programs carry
around several 4,100 byte fonts, use partial fonts to
re-map English-language or the line-draw characters, or
control codes (ASCII 0-31) or ASCII 224-255 -- whatever
and whenever you like. "Partial" fonts give you tremen-
dous flexibility, and help keep font files and EXEs small.
* Use Font Pak fonts in GRAPHICS mode, TEXT mode or both, even
in the same program if you like. FP-Demo.Exe is an example.
* Select SYMBOLS (icons) from Font Pak's symbol library.
* Change MOUSE CURSOR SHAPES in TEXT mode (from a library of
over 80 mouse cursor shapes). Use TWO mouse cursors at once
in TEXT mode (see FP-Demo.Exe)! Or select GRAPHICS-mode cursors.
* Change the shape of LINES and BOXES. You're NO LONGER
limited to square-cornered boxes. Choose rounded corners,
bold or whimsical boxes, or design your own.
continued . . .
With Font Pak you can ... (continued)
* Enjoy Font Pak's incredible EFFICIENCY and EASE-OF-USE! If
you add EVERY option, your program's EXE size will increase
by only about 3-4k (plus the size of any fonts you Link)!
- Dozens of fonts you can use as-is or edit to your liking.
- "Libraries" of mouse cursor shapes and symbols.
- Small, fast, easy-to-use assembler language routines.
- An incredible font editor (EGA/VGA required).
- A program to create "callable" ASM/OBJ fonts!
EGA and VGA Monitors Only
Please note that EGA, VGA and compatible monitors can change
text-mode fonts. Monochrome, Hercules and CGA monitors simply
don't have the hardware to switch fonts. That's a limitation
of these monitors/adapters, not of Font Pak.
If you try to switch fonts on mono or Herc monitors, NOTHING
happens. No errors occur, and you need NOT worry that mono or
Herc-equipped PCs will crash if you try to switch fonts. And
we include a routine to detect monitor type.
Fonts, More Fonts, our Font Editor, and Font2Asm
* Font Pak (FP) includes 100+ fonts (<R>, including line-draw
sets) you can use as-is, or customize to your liking.
* We also include an incredible font editor. Use it to edit
fonts, or create new ones, or even merge fonts together.
You can also transform characters -- italicize them, flip
them, rotate them, shift them up, down, left or right, invert
them (create "negative" images), etc. And you can do this
one at a time, or for any subset of 1 - 256 characters.
* We also include Font2Asm.Exe which creates ASM font files.
Just run A86 (included), MASM or any MASM-compatible as-
sembler and turn these ASM font files into OBJ files. Link
the OBJs to your compiled program and you're on your way.
In short, you have an incredible variety of options.
continued . . .
With Font Pak you can ... (continued)
Change Mouse Cursor Shapes in Text -or- Graphics Modes
* You can change the shape of the text- or graphics-mode
mouse cursor! Just link our "libraries" to programs, then
call rsLoadMouseShape () or rsLoadGFXShape () to select one.
* You can switch cursor shapes at any time. Display a copy-
right symbol as your program starts up, display an "hour-
glass" shape as you save or load files, display arrows or
"pointing hand" cursors at other times, etc.
* Font Pak's font editor can also be used to edit or create
mouse cursor shapes. Load Mouse_CR.F?? for examples.
Many mouse cursor shapes are useful in other ways as well. For
example, we include Copyright and Trademark symbols, "hour-
glass" symbols, royalty (eg., a King), etc. You can EASILY
print these to symbolize your copyright, as "wallpaper," etc.
We emphasized above that Font Pak is EFFICIENT (thanks to small
assembler routines) and VERY EASY TO USE. Here are some ex-
amples showing how easily you can change fonts and mouse shapes.
┌─────────────────────────── NOTE ────────────────────────────┐
│ │▄
│ Font Pak's manual explains how to "download" fonts into │█
│ "blocks" 0 - 7. The "default" font (the one you normally │█
│ see) is in block # 0. In the examples below we'll simply │█
│ replace the default font in block # 0 with our own font. │█
│ When we do this, ALL text will appear in our new font. │█
C or Pascal (Note: Parameters are passed by VALUE.)
Pascal Users: Mentally translate "=" to ":=" in the variable
assignments below.
ScriptBlock = 0; <--load a Script font into block # 0
Script (ScriptBlock); <--"call" the font linked to our program
Lines2 (ScriptBlock); <--also load custom line-draw characters
WhichShape = 1; <--select a new mouse cursor shape
ASCIIChar = 0; <--re-map the shape of ASCII char. 0
LoadMouseCursor (ScriptBlock, WhichShape, ASCIIChar);
SetTextCursor (ASCIIchar); <--tell the mouse driver to use
the shape in ASCII char. 0
TallBlock = 0 <--load Tall font to block # 0
Call Tall (TallBlock) <--load it
Call Lines2 (TallBlock) <--also load custom lines
WhichShape = 17 <--select a new mouse cursor shape
ASCIIChar = 0 <--re-map the shape of Chr$(0)
Call LoadMouseCursor (TallBlock, WhichShape, ASCIIChar)
Call SetTextCursor (ASCIIchar) <--tell the mouse driver to use
the shape in ASCII char. 0
THAT'S IT! With just a few lines of code our program has a new
look and feel. And NOTICE that we loaded 2 "partial" fonts.
One font (Script or Tall) changed the shape of text characters.
"Lines2" changed the shape of our boxes, lines, shading, etc.
Font Pak is available NOW!
For one low price, you get dozens and dozens of fonts you can
use in TEXT _and_ GRAPHICS modes, plus MOUSE support, plus
MOUSE CURSOR SHAPES, plus a library of icons/symbols, plus all
our incredible utility programs.
And virtually ANY PROGRAMMER can use Font Pak: C, Pascal,
Microsoft BASIC (QuickBasic, PDS, VB DOS), PowerBasic, etc.
Font Pak is just $49. For information:
Call: Rob Smetana at (415) 863 - 0530
or Write: Pro~Formance 132 Alpine Terrace
San Francisco, CA 94117