DP Tool Club 18
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BASIC Source File
220 lines
' NAME The_Prn.Bas Copyright 1994, Rob W. Smetana All Rights Reserved.
' ====
' BASIC include file describing printer code structures/types.
' =======
' Provide the "field structure" of both Printer.Dat (large database)
' and Printer.Cfg (small configuration file saved by Printer.Exe).
' =============
' Each record (for each printer) is 1024 bytes in length.
' Some printers have 2 or more records if it can emulate 2 or more other
' printers. In other words, each emulation is treated as a separate printer.
' The field "EmMode" tells you which printer is being emulated.
' ALL fields are STRINGS and all are 14 bytes long EXCEPT the first two:
' - VerifiedFlag is 1 byte (should be either blank or not)
' - Printer Manufacturer is 15 bytes
' PLACEHOLDERS: ASCII character 251 (√)
' ============
' Some printer codes require "variables." For example, to specify, say
' 3/48 inch line spacing (instead of the normal 6 lines per inch), you
' send a code like Chr$(27);"L03" (for a Toshiba printer). In this case
' both "0" and "3" are variables.
' - The database would store this code as: L√√
' - Escape is stored as ASCII character 27.
' - ASCII 251 (√) is simply a "placeholder" which YOU must replace
' with appropriate characters.
' You MUST replace the placeholder -- the printer code is meaningless
' otherwise.
' =========
' Below are 2 TYPES BASIC programmers can use to read printer records.
' If you program in other langauges, you should have little trouble
' translating these into structures appropriate for other langages.
' * These TYPES can be used to read either the large database itself
' (Printer.Dat) or the small config. file (Printer.Cfg) saved by
' Printer.Exe when you select a printer.
' * The first TYPE (Header) reads the 1st 44 bytes of records.
' Here you'll find the printer's Manufacturer, Model and Emulation mode.
' * The 2nd TYPE (Printer) will read/hold actual printer codes.
' NOTE: By separating these, if you don't care about the header, you're
' not forced to keep it around. Read it (with any 44-byte variable),
' throw it away, then read just the printer codes.
'=========== Start with a header (Printer manufacturer, model and emulation).
VerifiedCode AS STRING * 1 'Used for development (reserved)
Manufacturer AS STRING * 15 'eg., Epson, Panasonic, Star, etc.
'=========== All remaining fields are 14 bytes.
Model AS STRING * 14 'Specific printer model (eg., LQ-510)
EmMode AS STRING * 14 'If not blank, this describes the
'printer being emulated.
'44 bytes through here !!!
DIM Header AS Hdr
TYPE Printer
'=========== 70, 14-byte printer codes follow.
' The last few are blank, "expansion" fields for our
' use (if we add codes), or by you or your user.
' NOTE: We may expand into these -- starting with the
' first. If you're concerned that later we might collide
' with you, start your codes at the end, then move forward.
Initialize AS STRING * 14 'Reset to power-on mode (many printers
'have no reset -- a shame).
'...pitch/character sets/master attributes
Pitch10ON AS STRING * 14 'Turn on 10 characters-per-inch (CPI; Pica)
Pitch12ON AS STRING * 14 'Turn on 12 CPI (eg., Elite)
CondensedON AS STRING * 14 'Turn on Condensed mode (15-17 CPI)
CondensedOFF AS STRING * 14 'Turn Condensed mode off
ProportionalSpacing AS STRING * 14 'Turn on Proportional Spacing
FixedSpacing AS STRING * 14 'Turn on Fixed Spacing
SelectCharSet AS STRING * 14 'Select Character Set (USA, French, etc.)
SelectMasterFont AS STRING * 14 'Select Master Font (Roman, Prestige, etc.)
SelectPrintStyle AS STRING * 14 'Select Elite, Condensed, etc.
DraftMode AS STRING * 14 'Turn Draft Mode on (high speed)
NearLetterQuality AS STRING * 14 'Turn on Near-Letter Quality mode
'... Line spacing
LinesPerInch6 AS STRING * 14 'Turn on 6 lines-per-inch (LPI)
LinesPerInch8 AS STRING * 14 ' " " 8 " " "
LinesPerInch12 AS STRING * 14 ' " " 12 " " "
VariableLineSpace AS STRING * 14 'Change line spacing (LPI) -- fine increments
AltVariableLine AS STRING * 14 'Alternate way to change line spacing
'... Attributes/Emphasis/SuperScript/Etc
DoubleStrikeON AS STRING * 14 'Turn on Double-Strike mode
DoubleStrikeOFF AS STRING * 14 ' " off " " "
DoubleWideON AS STRING * 14 'Turn Double-Wide on
DoubleWideOFF AS STRING * 14 ' " " " off
DoubleHeightON AS STRING * 14 'Turn Double-High on
DoubleHeightOFF AS STRING * 14 ' " " " off
EmphasizedON AS STRING * 14 'Turn Emphasized mode on
EmphasizedOFF AS STRING * 14 ' " " " off
BoldOn AS STRING * 14 'Turn Bold mode on
BoldOff AS STRING * 14 ' " " " off
UnderlineON AS STRING * 14 'Turn Underline mode on
UnderlineOff AS STRING * 14 ' " " " off
ItalicON AS STRING * 14 'Turn Italic mode on
ItalicOff AS STRING * 14 ' " " " off
SuperScriptON AS STRING * 14 'Superscript on
SuperScriptOFF AS STRING * 14 ' " off
SubScriptON AS STRING * 14 'Subscript on
SubScriptOFF AS STRING * 14 ' " off
'... Other
SkipPerforationON AS STRING * 14 'Skip perforation zone
SkipPerforationOFF AS STRING * 14 'Turn off Skip perf.
UnidirectionalPrint AS STRING * 14 'Unidirectional print on (for accuracy)
BidirectionalPrint AS STRING * 14 'Bidirectional print on (for speed)
PushCursor AS STRING * 14 '(LaserJet) Push (save) cursor position
PopCursor AS STRING * 14 ' " Pop (restore) " "
PageLengthInches AS STRING * 14 'Set page length in INCHES
PageLengthLines AS STRING * 14 'Set page length in LINES
SetTabStops AS STRING * 14 'Set Tab Stops
SetTopMargin AS STRING * 14 'Set Top Margin
SetBottomMargin AS STRING * 14 ' " Bottom "
SetLeftMargin AS STRING * 14 ' " Left "
SetRightMargin AS STRING * 14 ' " Right "
'... The next 4 codes let you move to vertical or horizontal locations,
' either in absolute terms (ie., a specific row/column) or relative to
' where you are (ie., move 5 dots down).
AbsVerticalLocation AS STRING * 14 'Move vertically to a specific Row (or dot)
RelVerticalLocation AS STRING * 14 'Move "y" rows/dots from where we are now
AbsHorizLocation AS STRING * 14 'Move horizontally to a column (or dot)
RelHorizLocation AS STRING * 14 'Move "x" columns/dots from where we are
InterCharSpace AS STRING * 14 'Expand/shrink the spacing between
'letters (some newer printers only)
PortraitMode AS STRING * 14 'LaserJets/DeskJets: Switch between
LandscapeMode AS STRING * 14 'portrait and landscape orientations
'... Expansion fields to give us, you or your users options to add codes.
User1 AS STRING * 14
User2 AS STRING * 14
User3 AS STRING * 14
User4 AS STRING * 14
User5 AS STRING * 14
User6 AS STRING * 14
User7 AS STRING * 14
User8 AS STRING * 14
User9 AS STRING * 14
User10 AS STRING * 14
User11 AS STRING * 14
User12 AS STRING * 14
User13 AS STRING * 14
User14 AS STRING * 14
User15 AS STRING * 14 'This rounds out the TYPE/Structure
'to 1024 bytes.
DIM Printer AS Printer