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Text File  |  1994-11-21  |  31KB  |  1,320 lines

  1. Integrity Master (TM) Virus Identification
  2. (Copyright 1991-1994 Wolfgang Stiller)
  4. This is a list of the virus names you'll see reported if IM detects a
  5. known virus.   We have, where possible, chosen virus signatures that
  6. identify more than one virus.  Since many viruses are simply
  7. modifications of preexisting viruses this is actually almost
  8. unavoidable.  IM is not intended to provide a positive identification of
  9. a particular virus, but rather an identification of the characteristics
  10. of the virus.  In some cases, such as the 1704 (Cascade-format) virus,
  11. where the variant is more destructive than its kin (1701),  we have
  12. taken extra care to identify this particular form of the virus.  This
  13. list will also identify alternate names for the same virus. Since these
  14. viruses are constantly being modified and re-released, we make no
  15. guarantees that all viruses on this list will be identified by name.
  16. Please notify us immediately if Integrity Master should detect a virus
  17. but not identify it by name.
  19. Virus name
  20. reported:     Aliases and other viruses reported under the same name by IM
  21. ==========    ========================================================
  22. ##            Any 2 digit number is a trivial overwriting virus (25, 30d, etc.)
  23. #1            Number one,Aids,HaHa,Taunt,VGA2CGA
  24. #6
  25. 0toO          Zero-to-O,Aust 403
  26. 1/2           One_Half (memory and boot sectors only)
  27. 102
  28. 1024
  29. 1028
  30. 1039          Dutch.1039/1012/1027,Grapje
  31. 1054          Vienna-1540
  32. 1060          ARCV_Twins
  33. 1067
  34. 1067C
  35. 1077
  36. 115           SmallV-115
  37. 117           Dutch Tiny 117
  38. 12 Tricks     (not a virus but a trojan which attacks files + sys sectors)
  39. 122           Dutch Tiny.122
  40. 1253          AntiCad,V-1,Thanksgiving, AntiCAD 3088
  41. 126           226
  42. 128
  43. 132
  44. 1355
  45. 1381          Internal
  46. 1392          Amoeba
  47. 143           Swiss.143
  48. 144
  49. 1480
  50. 150           Polish.Tiny.176
  51. 1501          Terminator-1501
  52. 1554          V-alert,Ten byte,1559,9800:000
  53. 1575          1575-B,1575-C,Green Caterpillar.1577/1591
  54. 1600          V1600,Happy New Year
  55. 1605          Solomon,Tel Aviv
  56. 1621          Cascade-1621
  57. 1661          Cascade-1661
  58. 1701          Falling Letters,Cascade,Falling leaves,Autumn,Herbst
  59. 1701D         Cascade-1701-D
  60. 1701F         Cascade 1701-F
  61. 1701JoJo      Cascade-JoJo/691
  62. 1704          Cascade-Format,YAP
  63. 1706          Cascade 1706
  64. 1767          Jerusalem.1767
  65. 17690
  66. 177
  67. 17Y4          1701-Y4,Cascade-Y4,1704-B
  68. 1813          Westwood
  69. 1876
  70. 1963          V1963,1963 Overwrite
  71. 198
  72. 1992
  73. 200
  74. 203           PS-MPC.Grunt.203
  75. 207           SillyC-207
  76. 2161
  77. 2189          Yankee.2189
  78. 2330          TimeSlice
  79. 2480          Crew-2480
  80. 251           Danish.Tiny.251/180
  81. 2618
  82. 2638
  83. 268+
  84. 2min.
  85. 302
  86. 3029          Traceback.3029
  87. 330           ARCV.330
  88. 3321          Atas.3321
  89. 337
  90. 3445
  91. 346
  92. 377
  93. 382           382 recovery
  94. 388           Genesis
  95. 392           Leprosy.Seneca.392
  96. 39B           Trivial.37/39
  97. 3:10          Ten past three/B, 748
  98. 3NOP
  99. 3Tunes        1784
  100. 405           405B
  101. 4096          Frodo,Israeli Defense Forces,IDF,Century,100 years,4096-B/C/D
  102. 40A           Trivial.40.A,Itti-99,Toxic
  103. 432
  104. 437
  105. 439
  106. 453           TUQ,RPVS
  107. 483
  108. 491
  109. 493
  110. 4Pirates
  111. 500           V-550
  112. 5120          Vbasic,Basic virus,Vbasic-C
  113. 555           Dutch 555,555-B,V-555
  114. 5792          eNowt       CE  R
  115. 5Lo           PS-MPC.T-Rex
  116. 609           Npox.606
  117. 611           Trident.611
  118. 656           Vienna-Vengence
  119. 656V          Vienna-656
  120. 66A           Satan-B
  121. 730           Ontario-730
  122. 731           Baobab.731
  123. 757
  124. 765
  125. 777           Revenge
  126. 7808
  127. 789
  128. 7thSon        Seventh Son-350
  129. 7thSon        Seventh son
  130. 7thSon2       Seventh Son-284
  131. 8 Tunes
  132. 800
  133. 8101          Leprosy-8101,Leprosy.Silver Dollar.736,FVHS.1644
  134. 864
  135. 8888
  136. 896           Backfont.896
  137. 905           Backfont.821/900/905/1172
  138. 905u          USSR.905
  139. 918           Terminator-918
  140. 928
  141. 99%
  142. 9Comp         Nines Complement
  143. 9Comp1/2      Nines Complement.766/706
  144. A&A
  145. Abbas         Iranian
  146. Abraxas
  147. Accept
  148. Ada
  149. Adams         Adams family
  150. Adolf         Hitler
  151. Adolph
  152. Agena
  153. Agiplan
  154. Aids
  155. Aids2         Aids-II,Aids companion virus
  156. Aija          Finnish Sprayer
  157. Aircop
  158. Alabama       Alabama-2
  159. Alameda       Yale,Merrit,Pekin,Seoul
  160. Albania       Albania-426/506/575/606
  161. Albanian
  162. Alex          Alex-368
  163. Alien         PS-MPC.Alien
  164. Alpha         ARCV.Alpha
  165. Ambulance     Red-X,Red cross,Ambulance-B
  166. AP-1          AntiPascal 1,AP-529/605
  167. AP-2          AntiPascal 2,AP-400/440,AP48
  168. ARJ
  169. Amstrad       Pixel,V-277/299/345/847/852,Amstrad.852/877
  170.               Pixel-779/837/850/854
  171. AMS           Stealth Boot(Stealth.B),KOH
  172. Amt           Amt.3000/4000
  173. Andromeda
  174. Angarsk
  175. Anna          ARCV-Anna
  176. Anna745       ARCV.Anna.745
  177. Anthrax
  178. Anti-D        Suriv 1,Anti-D
  179. AntiCmos
  180. Antiexe       PandaFlu
  181. Antimon       PandaFlu
  182. Anto
  183. Arab          V-834,Arab834
  184. Aragon
  185. Aragorn
  186. ARCV#         Various ARCV related
  187. Argentina     Argentna,Argentina 1.0
  188. Armagedon     1074
  189. Arriba
  190. Arusiek
  191. Ash           Ash-743,Clinton
  192. Ash.B         Ash.817/1602
  193. Astra         Astra-976, Astra-1010
  194. AT II         AT 2,AT II 108/114/118/122 (4 viruses)
  195. AT-X          AT144/132/149
  196. AT140
  197. Atas384
  198. Atas400
  199. AtasII        Atas II.3215/3233
  200. Athens
  201. Athens
  202. Atomic        Baron
  203. Attention     USSR 394,Best Wishes-970
  204. Aurea
  205. AusPara       Australian Parasite.142/147/150/153
  206. AusPara###    Simplex,Australian Parasite.142/147/150/162/550/615
  207. Australian    Australian 403,V403
  208. Avispa
  209. AVV           Anti-virus virus
  210. Azusa         Hong Kong
  211. A_Torto       Grog.Aver_Totoro,Hastings
  212. B1
  213. B123          Bulgarian-123
  214. BA
  215. BackTime      Shaker,Blinker
  216. Baclab
  217. Bad
  218. Badboy
  219. Badboy        Bad Boy 2
  220. BadGuy
  221. BadGuyN       New BadGuy,Bad Guy-New,Milan Overwriting-208,Crackpot-208
  222. Banana        Trivial-Banana
  223. Baobab
  224. Barrotes
  225. BatMan
  226. BB            Bad Brain
  227. Bebe          Bebe-486
  228. Beer          Beer.2794,.2850.3164
  229. Bengal
  230. Benoit        ARCV.Benoit
  231. BestWishes
  232. Beware
  233. BFD
  234. BFD-451
  235. BigJoke
  236. BitAddict
  237. BlackMonday   Black Monday-Borderline
  238. Blinky
  239. DarkGraveSoft
  240. Bljec         Familiy of small viruses(.232/235/267/270/358/369/378/4b/6b/
  241.               Bljec/4/6/9,Black Jec,.SAD,Digital F/X,Sad
  242. Bl-Peter      Old-Yankee-Black-Peter
  243. Blaze
  244. Blood
  245. BloodLust
  246. Bloody        Beijing,Blood2,Boody!
  247. Blrage        Blood rage
  248. Boojum
  249. Boot          Partition/Boot sector viruses
  250. Boot2         3NOP,Trackswap,Bunny + related boot sector viruses
  251. Boys
  252. Boys2         Bad Boys II SysPTF
  253. Brain         Pakistani,Ashar,Shoe,Shoe-B,Nipper
  254. Brainy
  255. Bravo
  256. Brchet        Grog.Bruchetto
  257. Brunswick     Stoned-16
  258. Bsugar        Blood Sugar
  259. Budo
  260. BufEatr       Buffeater
  261. Burger1        variants all recognized by same code segment
  262.               inlcludes Burger-Pirate,909090h,CIA,505,536,537,540,541,560
  263.               542,560,560-B,560.Liquid
  264. Burger2-4
  265. Burghofer     525 byte swiss
  266. Burma
  267. Busted        Leprosy.Busted,Leprosy.C2,Durango
  268. Butterfly     FJM,Crusades
  269. C             Cvirus
  270. Cadkill       Milous
  271. Cannab4       Cannabis variants
  272. Cansu         V-Sign
  273. CaptainTrips  Jerusalem-Sub Zero, Skism11, Skism12
  274. Cara
  275. Carbuncle
  276. Carioca
  277. Casino
  278. CAZ
  279. CCCP
  280. Cfsk
  281. Cfsk
  282. Cha-cha
  283. Chad
  284. Chang
  285. Chaos         Faust
  286. ChaosK        Turku,Keypress-Chaos
  287. ChCC
  288. Checksum      Checksum 1.00/1.01
  289. CheebaA/B     Cheeba-A/B
  290. Chemist       Trivial.Vootie,Video Mode
  291. Chemnitz
  292. Chill
  293. Chips
  294. ChnFish       Chinese Fish
  295. Chr
  296. Chromo
  297. Chv 2.1
  298. Cinderella
  299. CivDef        Civil defense,Shifter
  300. CK
  301. Clonewar
  302. Close
  303. CLS           Clear Screen
  304. CmdrBombr     Commander Bomber
  305. Cmprsd dropper Possible ICE compressed virus code (This hides an existing virus)
  306. Cobra
  307. Cod
  308. Code0         Code Zero
  309. Coib
  310. Comasp
  311. Como
  312. Compiler
  313. Cookie        Cookie-7392/7360,Cookie-1/2
  314. CookieJ       Japanese Christmas Cookie,Jap-Cookie
  315. Copmpl        "Sorry I'm copmpletely dead"
  316. Copyright     Fake Award BIOS copyright,Copyright-1205
  317. Cossiga       Friends,Friends of Mais
  318. Costeau
  319. Cpw
  320. CPXK
  321. Cracky
  322. Crash         Crash-1075
  323. Crawler       Leprosy.Crawler
  324. Crazy Imp     Crazy Imp.B/1402
  325. CrazyEddie
  326. Creeper       Creeper.425/475
  327. Creeper2      Creeper.252
  328. Criminal
  329. Crooked
  330. CSL           Microelephant
  331. CSL2          CSL-V4/V5
  332. Cssr528       Anti-virus virus
  333. CvWar         Civil War
  334. CvWar.282     Navigator,Civil War.282
  335. CvWar.561     Anti-DAF,Civil War.561
  336. CyberTech
  337. Cysta
  338. CZ2986b
  339. D2            Dinamo
  340. Dada          Da,Da
  341. Daemaen
  342. DanshTiny     Danish Tiny.Brenda/Wild Thing/177/191/256
  343. DAP           Dark Apocalypse
  344. Dark Avenger  Alexander,Eddie,Black Avenger,Diana,DieYoung,Francis,Jericho
  345.               MIR,CB 1530,PS!KO,PS!KO/B/C,Platina
  346.               Quest,Sneaker,Uriel,Zeleng
  347. Dark End
  348. DarkLord      ManOwar
  349. Data Molester Swedish Boys-Data Molester,Headache
  350. DataCrime     1168,Columbus Day
  351. Datacrime2    1514,V1514
  352. Datacrime2b
  353. Datacrime2B   1917
  354. DatacrimeB    1280,V1280
  355. Datalock      V920,Datalock-1043
  356. Datalok2      Datalock-2
  357. Davis
  358. Day10         Numlock,Day/10
  359. Db destroy    Dbase destroy
  360. Dbase         dbf virus
  361. dbf blank     V1075, Crash
  362. Dead
  363. Dec24
  364. Dedicate
  365. Deicide       Glenn
  366. Deicide II
  367. Deicide IIc   Commentator,Commentator2,Deicide.Brotherhood/Breeze
  368. Deicide-B
  369. DemoEXE       PS-MPC.DemoEXE
  370. Demolition
  371. Demon         Demonhyak,Milan.Demon/Billme
  372. Denied        PS-MPC.Nuke5
  373. DenZuk        Search, Venezuelan, Den Zuk, Ohio
  374. Deranged
  375. Destructor
  376. Curse         Curse_IV
  377. CV4           Comvirus 1.0
  378. D2            Dinamo
  379. Devil's Dance Mexican
  380. Dewdz         Kewl Dewdz, Irus
  381. Dheart        Double Heart
  382. Diam620       Diamond.620
  383. Diamond       1024,Diamond.2/B/1173/+19 other,Damage/B,David,Gremlin,Lucifer
  384. Diamond3      Diamond.444/465/485
  385. Digger
  386. Dima
  387. Dir           DirVir,DirVir,691 Dir virus
  388. Dir2/Dir2b    Aliases: Dir II, Dir-2, Cluster Virus, Driver-1024,Creeping Death
  389. DIR3
  390. Discom        2053
  391. DiscomB       DisCom.1813
  392. Disk Killer   Ogre
  393. Disk Killer2
  394. Diskjeb
  395. Dismember     _288
  396. DM101
  397. DM310
  398. DM330         DM V 1.05,
  399. DM400b2       DM400
  400. Do nothing    Stupid virus
  401. Doom2
  402. DOS1
  403. Dos7          Dos 7.342/376/419
  404. DOShunt
  405. Dosver
  406. DotEater      Point eater,Dot Killer
  407. Dracula
  408. Dreamer       Hitler,Career
  409. Dr. Q         Vienna-Dr. Q,DOCTOR QUMAK,Vienna-712
  410.               Vienna-643, Lydia
  411. DanshTiny     Danish Tiny.Wild Thing.191.Brenda
  412. Dr.Q2         Dr. Qumak II
  413. Drop
  414. Druid
  415. Dtiny         Dutch Tiny
  416. Durban        Saturday the 14th
  417. DWI           Damn Windows Idiot
  418. Dy
  419. Dyslexia
  420. E-Ril         E-Riluttanza
  421. E.Dig         Easter Digital
  422. Ear
  423. Eddie3        Eddie-2/2B/2C/651,V651,V2100,2100
  424. EDV           Cursy, E.D.V.
  425. Egg
  426. Einstein      Jerusalem.Einstein
  427. EinV          Ein Volk
  428. Ein_Volk
  429. Eliza
  430. EMF           Screaming fist.404
  431. EMF625
  432. Emmie         .2620
  433. Empire        Evil Empire
  434. EmpireB       Evil Empire-B
  435. EmpireC       Evil Empire-C,/D
  436. EndOF
  437. Enemy         Stranger,Screaming Fist II.C/692/696/732
  438. Enola         Enola-2430
  439. Error
  440. ETC
  441. Eterror       Eko Terror file
  442. EUPM          Apilapil
  443. Eur92         Europe-92/424
  444. EXEbug        CMOS1,Swiss Boot,EXEbug2
  445. Exp.416       Experiment.416
  446. Experiment
  447. Explode       Trivial.Explode
  448. Explosion
  449. Exterminator
  450. F-Soft        F-Soft-458
  451. F-word        Fuck You, Trust me,USSR-417
  452. F709          Finnish-709/257,EC-709,Swedish-709
  453. Faerie
  454. Fairz         Eterfa,Khobar
  455. Family        Polish Stupid,217/217A,Gollum
  456. Father
  457. Faust         Spyer
  458. FCB
  459. FD11          FileDate ll-537
  460. FeelBad
  461. Feist
  462. Fellowship    1022,BetterWordl
  463. FGT
  464. FichV         903, V-903, CHV 2.1
  465. Fichv 2.0
  466. FichvE1       Fichv EXE 1.0
  467. Fifo
  468. Filehider
  469. Filename
  470. Filler        Filler Boot
  471. Firefly
  472. Fish 6
  473. Fisher.2420
  474. Fission
  475. FLAME
  476. Flash
  477. Flip          Flip-2153/2343
  478. Flower        880
  479. Forger
  480. Form
  481. Form2
  482. Formiche
  483. Frajer
  484. France
  485. Freak
  486. Fred
  487. Freddy        Freddy Krueger
  488. Freddy2       Polymorphic
  489. FredT         Tiny.Fred
  490. FreeW         FreeW.692/718
  491. Freeze
  492. Fyou          F-You (593/635)
  493. Fri 13        Munich, South African, 512, Com virus, Friday the 13th
  494.               Miami,Virus-B,South African/623,Enet 37
  495.               Delirium-138,Locker,Murphy Brothers,Murphy.Amilia/Tormentor.D
  496. Fri 13B
  497. Fri 13C       South African.408
  498. Fri 13D       South African.416
  499. Friends       ARCV.Friends
  500. Frogs         Frog's Alley, Frogs-B
  501. Fsex          Fone Sex
  502. Fumanchu      2080,2086
  503. Funeral
  504. Fungus        X-Fungus
  505. Futhark       Hanibal,Fisher.1100
  506. Geek
  507. Genc
  508. Genvir        Adams Family (Cousin, Gomez, Lurch, Morticia etc)
  509. Gergana
  510. Gergana512    Gergana.512
  511. GerganaB      Gergana.222/300/450
  512. Ghost         Tiny.Ghost
  513. Gidra
  514. Gippo         Earthquake
  515. Gippo2        Epidemic,Bumpy,Stunning
  516. Gliss
  517. Goga
  518. GoldenGate    Mazatlan, 500 Virus, Golden Gate C
  519. GoldenGate2   Golden Gate C2
  520. Golgi
  521. Gosia         Gosia
  522. Got You
  523. Gotcha
  524. Gotcha2       Gotcha-C/D/906,Gotcha.Legalize
  525. GP1
  526. Greemlin      Gremlin
  527. Greetings     DanishTiny/Stigmata
  528. Grog          Grog.Trumpery\Il_Mostro\JoeAnthro\Publ_Enemy\Razor\Wild_Cards
  529. Grog3         Delirious
  530. Grune
  531. Grunt         Grunt.427/473
  532. Grunt.346
  533. Grunt2
  534. Guppy
  535. Gusano
  536. Gyorgy        Flash-Gyorgy,Flash.695
  537. Gyro
  538. H482          Hungarian.473/482 Format
  539. Ha
  540. Hacktic
  541. Hafen1191     Hafenstrasse-1191
  542. Hafenstr      Hafenstrasse
  543. Haifa         Haifa.Mozkin
  544. Halley
  545. Hallo
  546. Hallochen
  547. Halloween
  548. Hamster
  549. Hanger        Trivial.Hanger
  550. Happy
  551. HappyDay      Happy Day
  552. Harakiri
  553. Harm
  554. Hary Anto
  555. Hates
  556. Hbex
  557. Heads         Talking Heads
  558. HellRaiser
  559. Hellween      Helloween
  560. Hermanos
  561. Hero
  562. Hero394
  563. HeyYou        923
  564. HH&H
  565. HI
  566. Hide and Seek
  567. HideNowt      1757
  568. Highlander
  569. Hiperion
  570. Hitch         Hitchcock/1238
  571. HIV           Murphy3,Goblin,Migram-2,Pest,Intergalactic Pest,Smack
  572. HLL           Various High Level Language viruses
  573. Hoa
  574. Home          Homecoming
  575. Honey
  576. HOP
  577. Horns
  578. Horror
  579. Horse         Horse2,Naughty Hacker/II
  580. Horse Boot    Horse
  581. Hot
  582. Hybrid        Hybryd
  583. Hydra         Hydra 1-8 (8 variants)
  584. Hymn
  585. Ice9          ARVC93,Ovile
  586. Iceland       Saratoga,one in ten,System,Disk crunching virus,
  587. Ieronim       Ieronim,Condom
  588. Ilja
  589. Ill           Illness, Copyright violation
  590. Incom
  591. INDOS
  592. Infector
  593. Infector
  594. Int10
  595. Int13
  596. Int86
  597. Interceptor   Vienna.MD-354,TImeB,
  598. Intrep
  599. Intrep2       Intrep.1092
  600. Intruder      Intruder.A/B/C
  601. Invad2576     Plastique.2576
  602. Invader       Plastique.2900,anti-CAD
  603. Invader1      Plastique,Plastique.3004,COBOL
  604. Invader2      Plastique,AntiCAD-2,Plastique-Mozart,Jerusalem-Tobacco
  605. Invader521    Plastique.521
  606. InvaderD      Plastique.Danube/Invader
  607. Invol1/2
  608. Ionkin        Ionkin
  609. IPER
  610. Iraqi         Warrior,Iragui
  611. Irish (0-9)   Maltese Amoeba
  612. IronMaiden
  613. ItaviR        3880
  614. Itti-191      Trivial-50,50
  615. IVP           Created by IVP virus gen toolkit (e.g, BlackBelt)
  616. J
  617. Jabbr         Jabberwocky.615,JABBRWOCK,JW2,812
  618. Jackal
  619. James
  620. Jan800
  621. JD1           D-356,JD-392
  622. JD2           D-448,JD-460
  623. JD3           D-158
  624. Jeff
  625. Jerk          Talentless Jerk,Superhacker
  626. Jerus1244     Jerusalem-1244
  627. Jerus2        Skism,Jerusalem.USA/Nemesis,Cinder/Triple,Dragon,June_13th
  628. Jerusalem     Anarkia/B,Carfield,Groen Links,Frere Jacques
  629. Jerus3        Jerusalem.Barcelona/1735/2187/IRA/Mummy/Timor/Count/ZipEater
  630.               St.Crus,Glory,Jerusalem II.1663,MacGuyver
  631. J&M           Jimmy
  632. JerusC        Jerusalem.Clipper
  633. JerusX        PLO, Friday the 13th, Israeli
  634. Jews          Surrender
  635. Jihuu
  636. JmpJack
  637. Jo            ARCV.Joanna
  638. Jo912         ARCV.Joanna.912
  639. Jocker
  640. Joker#
  641. Jos           Rommaian Jabberwocky
  642. Joshi
  643. JoshiB
  644. Joshua        ARCV.Joshi
  645. Jripper       Jack the Ripper
  646. July13        .1199
  647. Junior
  648. Junkie
  649. Justice
  650. K4
  651. Kalah         VDV 91,Kalah.499
  652. Kamikaze      Kamikazi
  653. Kamikaze2
  654. KAOS4
  655. Karin         Redstar,Karin's birthday
  656. Kemerovo      Kemerovo/B,257,257-B
  657. Kennedy       Dead Kennedys,333
  658. Kennedy163    163
  659. KeyB-bug      Keyboard bug(two variants),907
  660. Keydrop
  661. Keypress      Keyclick,Samsoft,Keypress.1266/1232/1744/1495
  662. Keypress2
  663. Khizhnjak
  664. Kiev
  665. Kiss          Apache
  666. Kit
  667. Kiwi
  668. Klaeren
  669. KLF
  670. KO            KO-408/407,Dodo-pig,GIP,Birdie Hop!
  671. Kode 4
  672. Korea         LBC boot
  673. Kot
  674. Kthulhu
  675. Kudepsta
  676. Kukac         Turbo Kukac
  677. Kuku
  678. Kuzmitch      Vienna-Kuzmitch
  679. Kylie
  680. L.Bro.        Little Brother.299/300,Flagyll
  681. L.Bro3        Little Brother.349/321/361,LokJaw
  682. Lao Doung     Lau Doungo
  683. Larry
  684. Lazy
  685. Lcase         Lower Case/B
  686. Leech         Topler
  687. Lehigh        Lehigh University
  688. Lehigh2       Lehigh-B
  689. Lepr2         Leprosy hack
  690. Leprosy/C/D/2 Clinton,Sandra
  691. Lesson1       Lesson I
  692. Lesson2       Lesson II/358/360
  693. Leszop
  694. Liberty       Magic,Mystic
  695. Liberty1186b
  696. LibertyO      (Old variation on liberty virus)
  697. Lippi
  698. Liquid        LCT,Liquid code
  699. Little
  700. Little Girl   Maze
  701. LittleP       Little pieces
  702. Log
  703. Loki          Merde-5
  704. Loren
  705. Lovechild     .2710
  706. LovechildB3   Love Child-B3 Boot
  707. LovechildT    Love child Trojan
  708. Loz-1018      Lozinski-1018/1023B
  709. Loz693
  710. Lozinsky      Aids test
  711. LPToff
  712. Lred          Little Red virus
  713. Lsurp         Lamer's Suprise
  714. Luca
  715. Lurve         ARCV.Lurve/718
  716. Lyceum        Lycee,Lyceum-1832/1788/1975
  717. Lyceum2       Lycee.1888
  718. Lythyum
  719. M3000         Magnitogosk-3000
  720. Mabuhay       June12th
  721. Macedonia
  722. Macho         MachoSoft
  723. Made          Made in England
  724. Maf491        Maffy.491
  725. Maffy         Maffy.323/478
  726. Magnitogorsk  Magnitogorsk-2048,2560,2560-C
  727. Malaga
  728. Malaise       FV-IVL110,Slash
  729. Malign        Malign.630/575
  730. Malmsey       Itti-Malmsey
  731. Mannequin     RQSP2
  732. Manuel        Manuel-C
  733. Mar25         March 25th
  734. Mar860        Marauder.860/B
  735. Marauder
  736. Mardi Bros    Marti Bros
  737. Mark II
  738. Matura        .632
  739. Mayak         Mayak.2339,Jews2
  740. MD499         Vienna.MD-499/498/577
  741. Meditation
  742. Metallica
  743. Metallica2
  744. Mg            MG-1A,MG-2,MG-3,MG-4,MG1,MG2,MG3
  745. Mgtu
  746. Michelangelo
  747. Microbes      Bombay
  748. MidNight
  749. Miky          Jerusalem-Miky
  750. Milana        Milena
  751. Mindless      VCL.Mindless
  752. Ming
  753. Mini30        Minimal-30-B
  754. Mini45        V45, Minimal-45
  755. Mini46        Minimal-46
  756. Minimax
  757. Minsk         Minsk Ghost
  758. Mirror
  759. Mithrandir
  760. Mix1
  761. Mix1B         Mix1-2
  762. Mix2
  763. Mixb
  764. MLTI          Red Diavolyata/662,Red Devil USSR-830
  765. Moctezuma     Jerusalem.Moctezuma
  766. Modor
  767. Mon(A,B,C)    Happy Monday.A/B/C
  768. Monkey1+2     New Zealand-Monkey(1/2)
  769. Mono          Mono-1063,Monochrome deleter
  770. Moose
  771. Moose2        Moose II.468/631
  772. Mosquito
  773. MPC           PS-MPC,Mass Produced Code generator produced virus. Too
  774.   many to list all here,but better known ones are:
  775.   Abraxas,Actifed,Alien,Anthema,ARCV1-9,Bamestra,Blender,Chuang,Cinco,
  776.   Crumble,Death2,Dos 3,Eclypse,Flex,Gold,Jo,Joshua,Kersplat,McWhale,Mimic,
  777.   Mojave,MudShark,Napolean,Nirvana,Page,Projekt,Quadradic,Ranger,Scarey,
  778.   Schrunch,Sorlec,Skelton,Steeve,Swansong,Tim###,Tongue,Toys,Walkabout,
  779.   WaReZ,Z-10
  780. MPS1          MPS-OPC 1.1
  781. MPS3          MPS-OPC 3.1
  782. MPS3.1        MPS-OPC 3.1
  783. MPS3.2        MPS-OPC 3.2,MPS 3.2B
  784. MPS4          MPS-OPC 4.01
  785. Mr.D
  786. Mr.G
  787. Mr.Virus
  788. Mshark
  789. MSJ           Palestinian, MS Jerusalem
  790. MSK
  791. MSTU          MSTU-531,MSTU-554
  792. MTE           DAME,Dark Avenger's Mutation Engine virus,CoffeeShop
  793.               Cryptlab,DarkStar,Dedicated,Encroacher,Fear,Questo
  794. Mud
  795. Multi
  796. Multiface     Portugese
  797. Munich
  798. Murphy1       V1277
  799. Murphy2       Cemetary,Murphy3,V1521,Diabolik,Finger,Migram-1,Woodstock
  800.               Murphy.Bad taste Ltd
  801. MusicBug      Music Boot,Music Bug,Das_Boot
  802. Mut-Int       Mutant Interupt
  803. Mutant        Mutant-123/127
  804. Mx
  805. Mystic
  806. MZ            V2221
  807. Nanite
  808. Natas
  809. Naughty
  810. Nazgul
  811. Nbeep
  812. NCU LI
  813. Necropolis
  814. Neuroquila    Havoc (boot and memory only)
  815. NevrMind
  816. Nika
  817. Nina
  818. NKOTB         Cover Girl
  819. Nobock        No Bock today
  820. NoFrills
  821. NoInt
  822. Nomenklatura  Nomenclature,1024-B
  823. Nonce         Grog.Noncemale
  824. Not586
  825. Nov 17        November 17th/768
  826. Nov 30.       Jerusalem.November 30th
  827. Nov17B        November 17th/880
  828. Npox          Evil Genius
  829. NV71          1840,1827
  830. Nygus
  831. Nygus0        Nygus.163/227/295
  832. Nymp          Nympho Mitosis
  833. Ohio0
  834. OK
  835. Olympic       VCL.Olympic
  836. Omega
  837. Omega2
  838. Omt           One more thing
  839. Ondra
  840. Ontario
  841. Ontario3
  842. Orion         Orion./262/365/System
  843. Oropax        Music virus, Musician
  844. Osiris
  845. Otto6         Otto/415/640
  846. Outland
  847. Over.4032
  848. Oxana
  849. P-T           Proto-T,Civil War II
  850. P.Pump        Power Pump 1.2
  851. P1            V1701-New,Evil,Phoenix/D,Proud,P-1
  852. P2000 Trojan  Phoenix 2000 Trojan
  853. Padded
  854. Paris
  855. Parity
  856. Parity        Parity-boot or Parity-file virus
  857. Pasc3072      Pascal 3072
  858. Path
  859. Pathhunt
  860. Pator         PatoruzU
  861. Patoruzu
  862. PCBB          PC Byte Bandit
  863. PCflu         PC-Flu
  864. PCflu2        PC-Flu2
  865. Paola
  866. Paula         945,Digital93
  867. PCV           PCVRSDS
  868. PDP           PDP.1477/1564
  869. PDPs          PDP.822
  870. Peach
  871. Pentagon
  872. Perfume
  873. Peter2
  874. Phalcon       Blinky,Phalcon.Ministry/Elvis/Cloud
  875. Phantom       Thesease
  876. Phi
  877. Phunnie
  878. Phx
  879. PIAF
  880. Pick
  881. PIF           PIF-PAF B v1.0
  882. Pingpong1     Turin,Bouncing Ball,Vera Cruz,Twitch
  883. Pingpong2     Ping Pong
  884. Pinky
  885. Pipi
  886. Pisello       Mosquito.Pisello
  887. Pit
  888. Pitch         593
  889. Piter         Polish-529,529
  890. Pixel1        V354
  891. Pixel2        V299,Vesko
  892. Pixel277      Pixel-277/297/342//748,Polish Pixel/457/550
  893. Pixel3
  894. Pixel345
  895. Pixel740
  896. Pixel847
  897. Pixel852
  898. Pixel936      Pixie 1.0,Pixel.897/899A/899B/905/762
  899. PixelR        Pixel-Rosen, Rosen
  900. Pizzolla
  901. Plagiarist
  902. Plague        590,The plague
  903. Plaice        PCBB-1273/1141/1129,E-Riluttanza
  904. PlovDiv       New Bulgarian 800
  905. Plovdiv1.3    Plovdiv 1.3B
  906. Plutto        "pLuTtoB"
  907. Pman          Particle_Man
  908. Pojer
  909. Polimer       Polimer Tapeworm
  910. Polish        Polish Minimal 45
  911. PolishColor
  912. PopooLar      Trivial.PopooLar,Various VCL viruses
  913. Porridge
  914. Possesed      Possessed-B/2443/2446,Poss/A/B
  915. Predator1/2   Predator.1072/1137/1148/1195/
  916. Predator3     Predator.2448
  917. Pregnant      Pregnant.!!!
  918. Press
  919. Pretoria
  920. Pretoria      June 16th
  921. Prime         Prime Evil
  922. PRO
  923. Prob734
  924. Problem       Problem.854/856/863
  925. Protect       Protect-1157/1355/l196/2235
  926. Protecto
  927. PrtMonst      PrintMonster
  928. PrtSC-F       1024-PtrSc,1024PRSC
  929. Prudents      1210
  930. Psbl Dropper  Not a virus but a program that loads a virus
  931. Psbl Troj     Virus-like code usually found in Trojans
  932. PSQR          Jerusalem-PSQR/7120
  933. Puke
  934. Pure
  935. QMU           QMU-1513
  936. Quake         Dutch-Quake
  937. QuakeO
  938. Quiet
  939. Radyum2
  940. Rage
  941. Rape          Data Rape
  942. Rape2         Sunday-2
  943. Rat
  944. Raubkopie     Raubkopie-Maus
  945. Reboot715
  946. RebootP       Reboot-Patcher
  947. Reklama
  948. REQ           W13-REQ!
  949. Requires      Joe's Demise
  950. Revenge       Revenge Attacker
  951. Ritzen
  952. RMBD
  953. RNA           RNA-1,Run-time
  954. RNA2          RNA-7408
  955. Rock Steady   Diamond.Rock-Steady-B/666
  956. Rspider       Red Spider
  957. RT412         Runtime-err412
  958. RtinyC        Russian Tiny.C.146/150
  959. RtinyD-F      Tiny.D.129/130/132,Silly-CR.178
  960. Rush Hour
  961. Russian Mirror Beeper
  962. Rust
  963. Ryazan
  964. S-Bug         FruitFly Satan-bug
  965. Saddam        Hussein,Sadam,Stupid-Profesor
  966. Sadis
  967. Sandra        overwriting sets sec to 58/62
  968. Sandwich      ARCV.Sandwich
  969. SBC#          SBC-1,SBC-2
  970. Scion         Doomsday One,Null Set
  971. Scotts Valley
  972. Scratch
  973. ScreamB
  974. Screamer      Screaming fist
  975. Screamer2     Screaming Fist II,Screamer II
  976. Screen
  977. Scribble      Leprosy.Scribble/B2/Silver-Dollar/FVHS
  978. Scroll        ARCV.Scroll
  979. Scythe        ARCV-Scythe
  980. SeaCat
  981. Sempre
  982. Semtex
  983. SemtexC       Semtex.l000.C/619
  984. Seneca        Leprosy-Seneca
  985. Sentinel
  986. Sentnl-I      Sentinel dropper
  987. Sept18        September 18th
  988. Shadow
  989. Shadowbyte    Shadow,Shadow-2
  990. ShadowByte2
  991. Shake
  992. Shaman        DemoVirus v1.0
  993. Shanghai
  994. Sheep
  995. SHHS          SHHS-B,SHHS-600,SH
  996. Shiny
  997. Shirley       Shirley.Vivaldi
  998. SI.#          Silly_Ice.159/199/224
  999. Signs
  1000. Silence       Youth-Silence
  1001. SillyC
  1002. SillyCR-178
  1003. SillyW / SillyWb    Silly Willy
  1004. SilvSurf      Leprosy.Silver_Surfer
  1005. Simple        Simple 1992
  1006. Simulate
  1007. Sinep
  1008. Sistor        Sistor.100/2225/2380/2630
  1009. Skew
  1010. SkewC         Skew.458
  1011. SleepWalker
  1012. Slovak
  1013. Slow          Slowdown
  1014. Slow-2131
  1015. Slub
  1016. SMEG          Pathogen,ABC
  1017. SMEG          Pathogen, Queeg
  1018. Smile
  1019. Smiley        Smiley worm boot
  1020. Smiley        Smiley .COM infector
  1021. Smoka
  1022. Socha
  1023. Solano        Solano 2000,Dyslexia
  1024. Something
  1025. Sov1          Lenigrad
  1026. Sov2          Leningrad2
  1027. SPANZ
  1028. Spanz
  1029. Sparse
  1030. Split
  1031. Spoiler       Disk Spoiler
  1032. Squawk
  1033. Squeaker
  1034. SSSSS         Liberty-SSSSS
  1035. Staf          Staff
  1036. Stahl         Stahlplatte
  1037. Star1
  1038. StarDot       StartDot.600
  1039. Stardot801    StarDot-789/801
  1040. Starship
  1041. Stasi
  1042. Stel          Stealth Boot2
  1043. Sticky        Nu-Way
  1044. Stimp
  1045. Stink
  1046. StinkFoot     Stinkfoot-D/2E/1273
  1047. Stoned        New Zealand,Marijuana,Rostov,Hawaii
  1048. Stoned2       Sex Revolution,San Diego,Smithsonian,Stoned II
  1049. StonedB       Stoned-2
  1050. StonedN       Stoned-new,Stoned II,Donald Duck,Murgas
  1051. StonedZ       Stoned.zapped
  1052. Storm         Tatou
  1053. Strange
  1054. Striker       Striker #1
  1055. Stupid Rock
  1056. Subliminal    Subliminal 1.10
  1057. Suicidal
  1058. Suicide
  1059. Sunday
  1060. SundayB       Sunday 2
  1061. SundayC
  1062. Sundevil
  1063. Sunrise
  1064. Suomi         Suomi,Ouhu,1008
  1065. Suriv1        April 1st,Suriv-1.01/A,Dad
  1066. Suriv2        Suriv-2.01,April 1st-B,Suriv02
  1067. Suriv3        Suriv-3.00,Israeli,SurivB,Jerusalem-T13
  1068. Susan
  1069. Sux           Anti-MIT
  1070. SVC           USSR-1689,SVC1-5b
  1071. Svc3.1        USSR-1064,SVC-3.1/CHR
  1072. SVC5
  1073. SVC6          SVC 6.0
  1074. Sverdlov      USSR 1962,Hymn/2/1962
  1075. Svir          Stupid
  1076. SvirB         Svir-B
  1077. SVS           SVS-009,Terminator(incorrectly)
  1078. Swap          Track Swap,Falling Letters
  1079. Swedish       Swedish Disaster
  1080. Swiss Phoenix
  1081. SwissArmy
  1082. Sybille
  1083. Sylvia        Sylvia-2,Holland Girl/2Harmless text virus
  1084. Syslock       Advent,Cookie,Crew-2480,3551,3555,Macrosoft,Gotcha-E
  1085. Sze
  1086. t2623         t2617
  1087. Tabulero
  1088. Tack
  1089. TaiPan        Whisper
  1090. Taiwan
  1091. Taiwan1       Taiwan-2/B
  1092. TaiwanC       Taiwan-C,Anti-CAD
  1093. TaiwanD       Taiwan-D and a few other
  1094. Tajfun
  1095. Talon
  1096. Tamanna
  1097. Tamsui        Merry Christmas
  1098. Tankard
  1099. Taurus
  1100. Tchantches
  1101. Techno
  1102. Telecom       Spanish Telecom,Telphonica,Telecom-3700,Campana,Kampana
  1103. Telecom1
  1104. Telecom2
  1105. Telecom3
  1106. Tequila/2
  1107. Termntr2      Terminator II
  1108. Terror
  1109. Tester        Testvir, Testvirus
  1110. Tetris        Play Tetris
  1111. TGM
  1112. Thurs12       Thursday 12th, VirCheck V1.2, CD
  1113. Tic
  1114. Timemark      Timemark1/2/1076
  1115. Timid         Timid-290/297/305/306/320/371/382/513/526
  1116. Tiny          163, Tiny-163, Kennedy-163
  1117. Tiny DI       Tiny DI-94,Tiny DI-94/101/108/110
  1118. Tiny Hunter
  1119. Tiny#         Tiny family of viruses,Tiny-(133-198)
  1120. Tiny1         Tiny-99, Dutch Tiny-99/124/126
  1121. Tired
  1122. Tiso          PrintScreen
  1123. Todor
  1124. Tokyo
  1125. Tolbuhin      Tolbuhin-1147/1004/992
  1126. Tomato
  1127. Tony
  1128. Topo          Mosquito-Topo
  1129. Totoro
  1130. Tp06vIR
  1131. Tp16vIR
  1132. Tp23vIR
  1133. Tp24vIR       TP25VIR,TP33VIR,TP34VIR
  1134. TP4xVIR       TP41vir,TP42vir,TP45vir,TP46vir
  1135. TPE           Virus encrypted with TPE encryption engine
  1136. Traceback     3066
  1137. Traceback2    2930,Traceback II,Spanish
  1138. TrackSwap
  1139. Traveller     BUPT
  1140. TravJack      99%,Traveling Jack.854/980,Traveling √ack
  1141. TravJack9     TravJack.979/982
  1142. Tree
  1143. Tremor
  1144. Triv
  1145. Trivial       Null,178
  1146. Troi
  1147. Troi2
  1148. TU            Dicker
  1149. Tula          Tula-419,419
  1150. Tumen         BackWolf,Tumen 1.2/1.3/1242
  1151. Turbo448      @ virus,Turbo @,Polish-2
  1152. Turn
  1153. TV-730        Ontario-730
  1154. Tver          Berlusconi
  1155. Twin
  1156. Twin351       Companian type
  1157. Twitch
  1158. Typo          Typo Boot,Mistake
  1159. Typo-F        867,Fumble/.D,Typo-fumble,Typo
  1160. V2100         Dark Avenger-2100
  1161. V2P6          V2P6Z
  1162. V3000
  1163. V512          # of the Beast,666
  1164. V512A         # of the Beast1,666-A
  1165. V512B         # of the BeastE
  1166. V512C         # of the BeastF
  1167. VCL#          Virus Creation Laboratory created viruses: Code
  1168.               Zero,Diarrhoea,Dome,Donatello,Earth Day,Enum,Heevahva,Kinison
  1169.               Muu,Poisoning,RedTeam,Sccubus,Teknitov,Venom
  1170.               Polish 634
  1171. UFA
  1172. Ugur
  1173. Unexe
  1174. Ungame
  1175. Uruguay
  1176. Uruk-Hai      Uruk-Hai.300/361
  1177. Uruk394       Uruk-Hai.394/427
  1178. USSR1049      1049,RCE1049,MicroPox,K,Yankee-1256/Login
  1179. USSR1594
  1180. USSR2144
  1181. Ussr311       V311
  1182. USSR492
  1183. USSR516       Leapfrog
  1184. USSR600       YAM.3599
  1185. USSR696
  1186. USSR707
  1187. USSR711
  1188. USSR948
  1189. V-160
  1190. V1024         Dark Avenger III
  1191. V163
  1192. V1963
  1193. V2000         Dark Avenger II,Travel virus,Die Young,Copy me
  1194. V2P6          V2P6Z
  1195. V2Px          1260,V2P1,V2P2,Casper
  1196. V600
  1197. V800          Live after death
  1198. V801          V-801,V791,V-805
  1199. Vacsina1      Rybka,TP04,TP04vir
  1200. Vacsina2
  1201. Vcomm         637
  1202. VCS or VCS2   Virus construction kit,Virus kit,V kit,VCS.Manta/VDV-853/POST
  1203. Vector
  1204. Velvet
  1205. Veng(A-F)     (Vengence-A to Vengherkov2      Zherkov-1915/1940/2968/2970,AIDSTEST
  1206. Veronika
  1207. VFSI          437,Happy Day
  1208. Vhp348
  1209. Vhp367        VHP353
  1210. Vhp435        Vhp623/627
  1211. Victor
  1212. Vieena644
  1213. Vienna        Austrian,Unesco,DOS62,Lisbon,Vienna.618/637/644/644b/645
  1214. Vienna733
  1215. ViennaB-E     Vienna.Choinka/Monxla/Ghostballs/Dr.Q/Grither
  1216. ViennaD       Christmas Tree,NTKC,C-23693,Vienna.621/726/BNB/Beast-N-Black
  1217. VirDem        Burger-Twin Peaks,VirDem.824/1542/Locked/Wonderful+other variants
  1218. Virdem2
  1219. VirdemK       VirDem killer,Virdem-792
  1220. Volga
  1221. Vienna-S      Mob-1a,Parasite,Parasite-2b,Infinity,Vienna Mob-1a
  1222.               Vienna Parasite-2,535A,Beta Boys,Vienna-Violator-B2
  1223.               VCL unencrypted viruses,VCL-3,Vienna-Twer,Yankee-Tune
  1224.               Vienna-849,Violator-C
  1225. Vindicator    FV-734
  1226. Violator      Vienna.Violator.B/BT/Baby,Vienna.719,
  1227. ViolatorB3
  1228. ViolatorB4    Christamas Violator
  1229. Violetta      Violetta-1024,Thimble
  1230. Viper         Viper,Leprosy-Viper
  1231. Viperize      Vienna-Viperize
  1232. Virus101
  1233. Virus9
  1234. Virus90
  1235. Viruz.729
  1236. VirX          Fake-VirX,Relzfu,233
  1237. Void Poem
  1238. Voronezh      USSR-1600
  1239. Voronezh370
  1240. VP
  1241. Vriest
  1242. VVF           VVF 3.4
  1243. VVM           Stoned.Angelina
  1244. W13           Toothless,W13-A/B/C/361,Vienna.534B/415/598/547,Vienna-Wl3-458/679
  1245. Wake          Leprosy.Wake
  1246. Walker
  1247. Wanderer
  1248. Warlock       Yankee.Warlock
  1249. Warrior
  1250. Warsaw
  1251. Wave
  1252. We're here
  1253. Wharps
  1254. WhyWin        Swedish Boys,Why Windows
  1255. Wilbur
  1256. Wilbur.B      Wilbur.C
  1257. Willow
  1258. WinVir        WinVir 1.4
  1259. Wisconsin     Death to Pascal
  1260. Witch
  1261. WitCode
  1262. Wizard        Chris
  1263. WL#           Mother fish,Z the Whale,Whale-B,Whale
  1264. Wolfman
  1265. Wolverine     Trivial.Wolverine
  1266. Wonder
  1267. Words         Words-1069,Words-1085
  1268. WWP
  1269. WWT           WWT-01,WWT-02
  1270. WXYC
  1271. X-1           X1.570
  1272. X-2           ARCV.X-2
  1273. XA1           Christmas, Xmas, Tannenbaum
  1274. Xabras
  1275. XAM
  1276. Xmas-Jap      Christmas in Japan,Japanese Christmas.B/C/D
  1277. XPEH          XPEH-5808/5648
  1278. XPEH5         XPEH-5856
  1279. Xph
  1280. Xtac
  1281. Xuxa          Suriv 1-Xuxa
  1282. XUXA2
  1283. Yafo          Maccabi
  1284. YAP           Cascade-Yap/Yap.B
  1285. Yankee0       Yankee Doodle,5 O'clock,XPEH,Yankee.Micropox/2968
  1286.               XPEH-3600/3608/3840/4048/4752
  1287. Yan2505       Yankee.2505
  1288. Yankee go home
  1289. Yankee-Old    Enigma,Black Wizard
  1290. Yankee1       Yankee-1150/1205/1905/1909
  1291. Yankee2       Old Yankee,1961,Yankee-go-home
  1292. Yankee3       Yankee.1712
  1293. Yaunch        Wench
  1294. YB            Silent Runner/YB-2
  1295. Yeke          Yeke.1204/1076
  1296. YMP           Nice Day
  1297. Youth
  1298. Yukon         Yukon overwriting,Divide overflow
  1299. Z885
  1300. Zamoy
  1301. ZAPHOD
  1302. Zero Hunt     Minnow
  1303. ZeroBug       Pallette,1536,Zero Bug
  1304. Zherkov       Zherkov.1882
  1305. Zherkov2      Zherkov-1915/1940/2968/2970,AIDSTEST
  1306. ZigZag
  1307. ZK-900
  1308. _!689
  1309. _125
  1310. _185
  1311. _187
  1312. _195
  1313. _212
  1314. _2K
  1315. _354
  1316. _547
  1317. _604
  1318. _889