Declare Sub UnzipInit Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szYourName$, ByVal szPassword$) 'required, if you are not a registered user szYourName = "TEST"
'/* Interface constants --- Already defined*/
'Global Const LANGUAGE_FRENCH =0 ' french language will be used in the replace dialog box
'Global Const LANGUAGE_ENGLISH =1 ' English language will be used in the replace dialog box ( default )
'Global Const LANGUAGE_GERMAN =2 ' German mode '** NEW! **
'Global Const LANGUAGE_NONE =3 ' No language (used with ZN_REPLACE) '** NEW! **
'/* Interface setting functions */
Declare Function UnzipSetMsgBoxTitle Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szNewTitle$) As Integer 'Set the replace dialog box title ( default = "Replace...");
Declare Sub UnzipSetLanguage Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal iLanguage%) 'Set the language for the replace dialog box
Declare Function UnzipSetReceivingWindow Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal hWnd%) As Integer 'Set the window for notification messages
Declare Sub UnzipSetBackgroundMode Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal bBackGroundMode%) 'if TRUE, activate the multitask mode ( default )
Declare Function UnzipSetReplaceText Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szDialogTitle$, ByVal szDialogText$, ByVal szYesBtn$, ByVal szNoBtn$, ByVal szAlwaysBtn$, ByVal szNeverBtn$) As Integer
'Set the replace dialog box labels, used with the LANGUAGE_NONE mode and the ZN_REPLACE notification message.. ** NEW! **
'/* Zip method constants */
Global Const ZMETHOD_STORED = 0
Global Const ZMETHOD_SHRUNK = 1
Global Const ZMETHOD_REDUCE1 = 2
Global Const ZMETHOD_REDUCE2 = 3
Global Const ZMETHOD_REDUCE3 = 4
Global Const ZMETHOD_REDUCE4 = 5
Global Const ZMETHOD_IMPLODE = 6
Global Const ZMETHOD_TOKEN = 7
Global Const ZMETHOD_DEFLATE = 8
Global Const ZMETHOD_UNKNOWN = 9
Global Const ZMETHOD_ERROR = 10
'/* Information functions ( Zip ) */
Declare Function IsFileInZip Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'Return true (-1) if the file is in the ZIP file ** NEW! **
Declare Function CountFileInZip Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'Return number of files in this Zip File
' ** NEW! ** As a VB user, you must call this patch function instead of GetFileNameFromZIP:
'Declare Function GetFileNameFromZIP Lib "UZDLL20.DLL"( ByVal szFileName$, ByVal iFileNumber% ) As String 'Return the name of the iFileNumber file in this Zip File
Declare Function GetZFileOriginalSize Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$) As Long 'Return the not compressed size of szFileName in octets.
Declare Function GetZFileCompressedSize Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$) As Long 'Return the compressed size of szFileName in octets.
' ** NEW! ** As a VB user, you must call this patch function instead of GetFileNameFromZIP:
Declare Function GetZFileTime Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$) As String 'Return the time of a file in a Zip
Declare Function GetZCompressMethod Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'Return the Zip method for a file ( ZMETHOD_* )
Declare Function GetZFullInfos Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$, ByVal szResult$) As Integer 'Fill <szResult> with all informations ** NEW! **
Declare Function GetZFileIsDir Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'TRUE is the file is a directory specification ** NEW! **
Declare Function GetZFileIsEncrypted Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZIPFileName$, ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'TRUE if the file is encrypted [2.0]
Declare Function IsThisFileAZipFile Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$, ByVal bQuickTest%) As Integer 'Return TRUE if this file seems to be a zip file [2.0]
Declare Function IsFileUnzipable Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'Return TRUE if this file name can be reproduce under DOS
Declare Function GetZipCommentLength Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'Return the size of the zip file comment in octets
Declare Function GetZipComment Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$, ByVal szBuffer$) As Integer 'Put the zip comment in buffer
'/* Information functions ( General ) */
Declare Function bDoesFileExist Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$) As Integer 'True if this file exists
Declare Function GetShortFileName Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$) As String 'Return filename without any path
Declare Function GetPathFromFileName Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$) As String 'Return the path without the file name
Declare Function IsFileNameInFilter Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$, ByVal szMask$) As Integer 'Return TRUE if filename is in specified filter
'/* Extraction function result constants */
Global Const ZEXTRACT_OK = 0
Global Const ZEXTRACT_EMPTY = 4
Global Const ZEXTRACT_NOMEM = 6
Global Const ZEXTRACT_WARNING = 10
'/* Helper constants */
Global Const OVERWRITE_FALSE = 0
Global Const OVERWRITE_TRUE = 1
Global Const OVERWRITE_QUERY = 2
Global Const CREATEDIR_FALSE = 0
Global Const CREATEDIR_TRUE = 1
'/* Extraction functions */
Declare Function ExtractZipFiles Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szFileName$, ByVal szMask$, ByVal szDestDir$, ByVal bOverwrite%, ByVal bCreateDir%) As Integer
Declare Function GetQueryFlag Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" () As Integer 'Return the overwrite mode the user asked for
'/* Notification messages for UNZIP and VIEW*/
'Global Const ZN_OPENFILE =WM_USER + 38 ' Open a file, WP = TRUE if Ok, LP = filename
'Global Const ZN_EXPANDING =WM_USER + 39 ' Unzipping a file, WP = file current rate, LP = filename
'Global Const ZN_CLOSEFILE =WM_USER + 40 ' Close a file, WP = TRUE if Ok, LP = filename
'Global Const ZN_REPLACE =WM_USER + 53 ' Send when the replace dialog box is opened ** NEW! **
'Global Const ZN_NEWPASSWORD =WM_USER + 65 ' A new password is required, WP= 0, LP = filename + tab key + current password [2.0]
'Global Const ZN_TEST =WM_USER + 69 ' Send by IsThisFile..., WP = TRUE if ok, LP = tested file name [2.0]
'/* View function */
Declare Function ViewFileFromZip Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZipFile$, ByVal szMask$, ByVal bTextOnly%) As Integer 'View one or several files in a Zip
'/* ZIP files list [2.0]*/
Type ZIPITEM '// A Zip file item [2.0]
szName As String * 50 '// The file name without any path
szDir As String * 260 '// The relative directory
bIsDir As Integer '// TRUE if this item specifies a directory
bIsEncrypted As Integer '// TRUE if this item is encrypted
iMethod As Integer '// The compression method
iDay As Integer '// Date: The Day
iMonth As Integer '// Date: The month
iYear As Integer '// Date: The year (no century specification)
iHour As Integer '// Time: The hour
iMin As Integer '// Time: The minutes
lOriginalSize As Long '// The original size in bytes
iRate As Integer '// The compression rate
End Type
Global zItem As ZIPITEM
Global Const ZSORT_BYFULLNAME = 0 '// The files list sort method [2.0]
Global Const ZSORT_BYNAME = 1
Global Const ZSORT_BYDIR = 2
Global Const ZSORT_BYDATE = 3
Global Const ZSORT_BYSIZE = 4
Global Const ZSORT_BYRATE = 5
Global Const ZSORT_NONE = 6
Declare Function GetZList Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szZipName$, ByVal hListWnd%, ByVal iFrom%, ByVal iSortMode%, ByVal bBackGnd%) As Integer '// Build the files list
Declare Function GetZipItem Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal hListWnd%, ByVal iIndex%, zItem As ZIPITEM) As Integer '// Retrieve an item from this list
Declare Function UnzipSortZList Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal hListWnd%, ByVal iSortMode%, ByVal bBackGnd%) As Integer '// Sort the list again
'/* New routines [2.0] */
Declare Function UnzipSetPassword Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szPassword$) As Integer '// Specify the password to use to extract the encrypted file(s) [2.0]
Declare Sub SetAskPassword Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal bAsk%) '// TRUE if you want Zip Studio asks the user for a password [2.0]
Declare Function UnzipSetPasswordText Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal szDialogTitle$, ByVal szDialogText$, ByVal szPasswordLabel$, ByVal szYesBtn$, ByVal szNoBtn$, ByVal szNeverBtn$) As Integer
'// Set the password dialog box labels, used with ZN_NEWPASSWORD [2.0]
Declare Sub UnzipCancel Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal bCancel%) '// Set or Reset the Cancel flag for the UNZIP process:
'// You must reset this flag before you call any UNZIP function:
'// (eg UnzipCancel(FALSE) ... ) [2.0]
'/* Join function [2.0] */
Declare Function ZipJoin Lib "UZDLL20.DLL" (ByVal hParent%, ByVal szName$, ByVal szDestDir$, ByVal bSendMsg%, ByVal szTitle$, ByVal szMsg$) As Integer '// Join a splitted Zip file [2.0]
Global Const JOIN_OK = 0 '// ZipJoin result code [2.0]
Global Const JOIN_NOFILE = 1
Global Const JOIN_NOMEM = 2
Global Const JOIN_IOERROR = 3
Global Const JOIN_USERABORT = 5
Global Const JOIN_ZIPEXIST = 8
'Global Const ZN_JOINING =WM_USER + 41 '// Split in process, wp = size in Kbytes, lp = file name
'Global Const ZN_JOINED =WM_USER + 42 '// A zip part is done, wp = part number, lp = size ( in bytes )
'Global Const ZN_JOINDONESIZE =WM_USER + 43 '// Split is done for all the ZIP files, lp = total size in bytes
'Global Const ZN_JOINDONENAME =WM_USER + 44 '// Split is done for all the ZIP files, lp = zip name