DP Tool Club 21
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Assembly Source File
267 lines
; Hardware detection module
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.
; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library ****************
; ****** ****************
; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas ****************
; egg@dstos3.dsto.gov.au
; teg@bart.dsto.gov.au
include model.inc
include xdetect.inc
_MouseButtonCount dw 0
_MouseVersion dw 0
_MouseType db 0
_MouseIRQ db 0
i86 equ 0
i186 equ 1
i286 equ 2
i386sx equ 3
i386dx equ 4
i486 equ 5
NONE equ 0
MDA equ 1
CGA equ 2
EGAMono equ 3
EGAColor equ 4
VGAMono equ 5
VGAColor equ 6
MCGAMono equ 7
MCGAColor equ 8
PS2_CARDS db 0,1,2,2,4,3,2,5,6,2,8,7,8
; PC Graphics detection routine. Returns graphics card type
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_graphics_card();
_x_graphics_card proc
push bp ; Preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp
mov ax,1A00h ; Try calling VGA Identity Adapter function
int 10h
cmp al,1Ah ; Do we have PS/2 video bios ?
jne @@not_PS2 ; No!
cmp bl,0Ch ; bl > 0Ch => CGA hardware
jg @@is_CGA ; Jump if we have CGA
xor bh,bh
xor ah,ah
mov al,cs:PS2_CARDS[bx] ; Load ax from PS/2 hardware table
jmp short @@done ; return ax
mov ax,CGA ; Have detected CGA, return id
jmp short @@done
@@not_PS2: ; OK We don't have PS/2 Video bios
mov ah,12h ; Set alternate function service
mov bx,10h ; Set to return EGA information
int 10h ; call video service
cmp bx,10h ; Is EGA there ?
je @@simple_adapter ; Nop!
mov ah,12h ; Since we have EGA bios, get details
mov bl,10h
int 10h
or bh,bh ; Do we have colour EGA ?
jz @@ega_color ; Yes
mov ax,EGAMono ; Otherwise we have Mono EGA
jmp short @@done
mov ax,EGAColor ; Have detected EGA Color, return id
jmp short @@done
int 11h ; Lets try equipment determination service
and al,30h
shr al,4
xor ah,ah
or al,al ; Do we have any graphics card at all ?
jz @@done ; No ? This is a stupid machine!
cmp al,3 ; Do We have a Mono adapter
jne @@is_CGA ; No
mov ax,MDA ; Have detected MDA, return id
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_x_graphics_card endp
; PC Processor detection routine
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_processor();
_x_processor proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
pushf ; Save flags
xor ax,ax ; Clear AX
push ax ; Push it on the stack
popf ; Zero the flags
pushf ; Try to zero bits 12-15
pop ax ; Recover flags
and ax,0F000h ; If bits 12-15 are 1 => i86 or i286
cmp ax,0F000h
jne @@1
push cx ; save CX
mov ax,0FFFFh ; Set all AX bits
mov cl,33 ; Will shift once on 80186
shl ax,cl ; or 33 x on 8086
pop cx
mov ax,i186
jnz @@done
mov ax,i86 ; 0 => 8086/8088
jmp short @@done
mov ax,07000h ; Try to set bits 12-14
push ax
pop ax
and ax,07000h ; If bits 12-14 are 0 => i286
mov ax,i286
jz @@done
;; 386/486 resolution code taken from WHATCPU.ASM by
;; Dave M. Walker
mov eax,cr0
mov ebx,eax ;Original CR0 into EBX
or al,10h ;Set bit
mov cr0,eax ;Store it
mov eax,cr0 ;Read it back
mov cr0,ebx ;Restore CR0
test al,10h ;Did it set?
mov ax,i386sx
jz @@done ;Jump if 386SX
;*** Test AC bit in EFLAGS (386DX won't change)
mov ecx,esp ;Original ESP in ECX
pushfd ;Original EFLAGS in EBX
pop ebx
and esp,not 3 ;Align stack to prevent 486
; fault when AC is flipped
mov eax,ebx ;EFLAGS => EAX
xor eax,40000h ;Flip AC flag
push eax ;Store it
pushfd ;Read it back
pop eax
push ebx ;Restore EFLAGS
mov esp,ecx ;Restore ESP
cmp eax,ebx ;Compare old/new AC bits
mov ax,i386dx
je @@done
is_486: ;Until the Pentium appears...
mov ax,i486
pop bp
_x_processor endp
; PC Numeric coprocessor detection routine
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_coprocessor();
; Based on an article in PC Tech Journal, Aug 87 by Ted Forgeron
; Returns 1 if coprocessor found, zero otherwise
_x_coprocessor proc
ARG control:word=StkSize
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,StkSize
fninit ; try to initialize the copro.
mov [control],0 ; clear control word variable
fnstcw control ; put control word in memory
mov ax,[control] ;
cmp ah,03h ; do we have a coprocessor ?
je @@HaveCopro ; jump if yes!
xor ax,ax ; return 0 since nothing found
jmp short @@done
mov ax,1
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_x_coprocessor endp
; PC Mouse Driver detection routine
; C callable as:
; unsigned int x_mousedriver();
; Returns 1 if mouse driver found, zero otherwise
_x_mousedriver proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,3533h ; Get int 33 interrupt vector
int 21h ; Call dos
xor cx,cx ; Clear "found" flag
mov ax,es ; Is the vector null (ES==0 && BX==0) ?
or bx,ax
jz @@NoMouseDriver ; Yes! No mouse driver installed - Jump
; Just make absolutely sure the vector points to the mouse
; driver (just in case)
xor ax,ax ; FUNC 0: Mouse Initialization
int 33h
or ax,ax ; Do we have an installed mouse driver ?
jz @@NoMouseDriver; No ?
mov [_MouseButtonCount],bx
mov ax,24h
int 33h
mov [_MouseVersion],bx
mov [_MouseType],ch
mov [_MouseIRQ],cl
mov cx,1 ; Yes! set flag
mov ax,cx ; Return "found" flag
pop bp
_x_mousedriver endp