DP Tool Club 21
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Assembly Source File
534 lines
; Point functions all MODE X 256 Color resolutions
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.
; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library ****************
; ****** ****************
; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas ****************
; egg@dstos3.dsto.gov.au
; teg@bart.dsto.gov.au
This code is my interpretation of a simple "C" flood filling algorithm
* A Seed Fill Algorithm
* by Paul Heckbert
* from "Graphics Gems", Academic Press, 1990
The original C source is readily available at numerous internet archive
Its been modified and optimized for tweaked 13h modes (Mode X derrivatives).
The most fundamental change is that it fills a column at a time rather
than a row at a time to minimize the number of plane setting "out"s.
And of course the border fill variant was a logical and useful further
Both functions return the number of pixels filled..
WARNING: These fill functions make heavy use of the stack and no stack
checking is performed, so caution is advised.
include xlib.inc
include xfill.inc
_x_flood_fill proc
ARG X:word,Y:word,PgOfs:word,Color:word
LOCAL len:word,y1:word,y2:word,deltax:word,floodval:word,\
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,STK
mov [FillCount],0
push di si
mov si,[Y]
mov ax,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth]
mul si ;offset of pixel's scan line in page
mov di,[X]
mov bx,di
shr di,2 ;X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line
add di,ax ;offset of pixel in page
add di,[PgOfs] ;offset of pixel in display memory
mov ax,_SCREEN_SEG
mov es,ax ;point ES:DI to the pixel's address
;---- Select read plane ------
mov ah,bl
and ah,011b ;AH = pixel's plane
mov al,READ_MAP ;AL = index in GC of the Read Map reg
mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the Read Map to read the pixel's
out dx,ax ; plane
mov al,es:[di] ;read the pixel's color
cmp al,byte ptr Color ;Is dest pixel the same color as the flood?
je @@Done2 ; if it is abort.
mov cx,_LeftClip ; Is the dest. pixel out of the clipping window?
sal cx,2 ; if not abort.
cmp bx,cx
jl @@Done2
mov cx,_RightClip
sal cx,2
cmp bx,cx
jg @@Done2
mov floodval,ax ; store the color to flood
;-- Push fill segment ---
push bx ; X
push si ; Y
push si ; Y
mov cx,1 ; deltaX (either 1 or -1 indicating direction)
push cx
mov stackptr,1
mov deltax,-1 ; Initialize first column scan
mov y1,si ; then bypass some of the preliminary crap in
mov y2,si ; the main fill loop
jmp short @@entry
@@Done2:mov ax,[FillCount]
pop si di
mov sp,bp
pop bp
dec stackptr
js @@Done2
pop cx ; get fill segment from stack
mov deltax,cx ; ie deltaX, Y1, Y2, X
pop ax
mov y2,ax
pop si
mov y1,si
pop bx
sub ax,si ; Acculmulate number of filled pixels
jns @@PositiveY
neg ax
add FillCount,ax
add bx,cx ; move to new column according to deltaX
mov ax,bx ; Make sure the column is within the clipping
sar ax,2 ; rectangle
cmp ax,_LeftClip
jl @@NextScanCol
cmp ax,_RightClip
jg @@NextScanCol
;---- Select read plane ------
mov ah,bl
and ah,011b ;AH = pixel's plane
mov al,READ_MAP ;AL = index in GC of the Read Map reg
mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the Read Map to read the pixel's
out dx,ax ; plane
;---- Select write plane ------
mov cl,bl
and cl,011b ;CL = pixel's plane
mov ax,0100h + MAP_MASK ;AL = index in SC of Map Mask reg
shl ah,cl ;set only the bit for the pixel's
; plane to 1
mov dx,SC_INDEX ;set the Map Mask to enable only the
out dx,ax ; pixel's plane
mov ax,_ScrnLogicalByteWidth ; store logical width in CX
mov cx,ax ; get offset of scan row
mul si ; set ES:DI ->
mov di,bx ; address of pixel at x,y1
shr di,2
add di,ax
add di,PgOfs ;ES:DI->first pixel of column segment to fill
mov dx,di ; save y1 offset for after upward fill
mov al,byte ptr Color
mov ah,byte ptr floodval
cmp si,_TopClip ; Dont fill beyond clip boundaries
jl @@UpwardFillDone
cmp es:[di],ah ; if flood pixel color then replace
jne @@UpwardFillDone ; with new color otherwise column is done
mov es:[di],al
sub di,cx
dec si
jmp short @@FillColUpward
cmp si,y1
jge @@Skip
inc si
mov len,si
cmp si,y1
jge @@AtColumnTop
push bx ; queue an upward leak check
push si
mov ax,y1
dec ax
push ax
mov ax,deltax
neg ax
push ax
inc stackptr
mov si,y1
mov di,dx
add di,cx
inc si
mov ah,byte ptr floodval
mov al,byte ptr Color
cmp si,_BottomClip
jg @@DownwardFillDone
cmp es:[di],ah
jne @@DownwardFillDone
mov es:[di],al
add di,cx
inc si
jmp short @@DownwardFill
push bx ; queue an upward leak check
mov ax,len
push ax
mov ax,si
dec ax
push ax
mov ax,deltax
push ax
inc stackptr
mov ax,y2
inc ax
cmp si,ax
jle @@Skip
push bx ; queue a downward leak check
push ax
mov ax,si
dec ax
push ax
mov ax,deltax
neg ax
push ax
inc stackptr
mov ah,byte ptr floodval
mov dx,y2
add di,cx
inc si
cmp si,dx
jg @@BacktrackDone
cmp byte ptr es:[di],ah
jne @@Backtrack
mov len,si
cmp si,dx
jle @@ColumnLoop
dec stackptr
js @@Done
jmp @@WhileLoop
mov ax,[FillCount]
pop si di
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_x_flood_fill endp
_x_boundary_fill proc
ARG X:word,Y:word,PgOfs:word,BoundaryColor:word,Color:word
LOCAL len:word,y1:word,y2:word,deltax:word,y1_offs:word,\
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,STK
mov [FillCount],0
push di si
mov si,[Y]
mov ax,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth]
mul si ;offset of pixel's scan line in page
mov di,[X]
mov bx,di
shr di,2 ;X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line
add di,ax ;offset of pixel in page
add di,[PgOfs] ;offset of pixel in display memory
mov ax,_SCREEN_SEG
mov es,ax ;point ES:DI to the pixel's address
;---- Select read plane ------
mov ah,bl
and ah,011b ;AH = pixel's plane
mov al,READ_MAP ;AL = index in GC of the Read Map reg
mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the Read Map to read the pixel's
out dx,ax ; plane
mov al,es:[di] ;read the pixel's color
cmp al,byte ptr Color ;Is dest pixel the same color as the flood?
je @@Done2
cmp al,byte ptr BoundaryColor ;Is dest pixel the same color
je @@Done2 ; as the boundary color?
mov cx,_LeftClip ; Is the dest. pixel out of the clipping window?
sal cx,2
cmp bx,cx
jl @@Done2
mov cx,_RightClip
sal cx,2
cmp bx,cx
jg @@Done2
push bx ; X
push si ; Y
push si ; Y
mov cx,1 ; DX
push cx
mov stackptr,1
mov al,byte ptr BoundaryColor
mov byte ptr [Color+1],al
mov deltax,-1
mov y1,si
mov y2,si
jmp short @@entry
@@Done2:mov ax,[FillCount]
pop si di
mov sp,bp
pop bp
dec stackptr
js @@Done2
pop cx
mov deltax,cx
pop ax
mov y2,ax
pop si
mov y1,si
pop bx
add bx,cx ; bx = X
sub ax,si ; Acculmulate number of filled pixels
jns @@PositiveY
neg ax
add FillCount,ax
mov ax,bx ; Make sure the column is within the clipping
sar ax,2 ; rectangle
cmp ax,_LeftClip
jl @@NextScanCol
cmp ax,_RightClip
jg @@NextScanCol
;---- Select read plane ------
mov ah,bl
and ah,011b ;AH = pixel's plane
mov al,READ_MAP ;AL = index in GC of the Read Map reg
mov dx,GC_INDEX ;set the Read Map to read the pixel's
out dx,ax ; plane
;---- Select write plane ------
mov cl,bl
and cl,011b ;CL = pixel's plane
mov ax,0100h + MAP_MASK ;AL = index in SC of Map Mask reg
shl ah,cl ;set only the bit for the pixel's
; plane to 1
mov dx,SC_INDEX ;set the Map Mask to enable only the
out dx,ax ; pixel's plane
mov ax,_ScrnLogicalByteWidth ; store logical width in CX
mov cx,ax ; get offset of scan row
mul si ; set ES:DI ->
mov di,bx ; address of pixel at x,y1
shr di,2
add di,ax
add di,PgOfs
mov y1_offs,di ; save y1 offset for after upward fill
mov ax,Color ; al = Color ah = BoundaryColor
cmp si,_TopClip ; Dont fill beyond clip boundaries
jl @@UpwardFillDone
mov dl,es:[di]
cmp dl,ah
je @@UpwardFillDone
cmp dl,al
je @@UpwardFillDone
mov es:[di],al
sub di,cx
dec si
jmp short @@FillColUpward
cmp si,y1
jge @@Skip
inc si
mov len,si
cmp si,y1
jge @@AtColumnTop
push bx ; queue an upward leak check
push si
mov ax,y1
dec ax
push ax
mov ax,deltax
neg ax
push ax
inc stackptr
mov si,y1
mov di,y1_offs
add di,cx
inc si
mov ax,Color ; al = Color ah = BoundaryColor
cmp si,_BottomClip
jg @@DownwardFillDone
cmp es:[di],ah
je @@DownwardFillDone
cmp es:[di],al
je @@DownwardFillDone
mov es:[di],al
add di,cx
inc si
jmp short @@DownwardFill
push bx ; queue an upward leak check
mov ax,len
push ax
mov ax,si
dec ax
push ax
mov ax,deltax
push ax
inc stackptr
mov ax,y2
inc ax
cmp si,ax
jle @@Skip
push bx ; queue a downward leak check
push ax
mov ax,si
dec ax
push ax
mov ax,deltax
neg ax
push ax
inc stackptr
mov ax,Color ; al = Color ah = BoundaryColor
add di,cx
inc si
cmp si,y2
jg @@BacktrackDone
mov dl,byte ptr es:[di]
cmp dl,al
je @@Backtrack
cmp dl,ah
je @@Backtrack
mov len,si
cmp si,y2
jle @@ColumnLoop
dec stackptr
js @@Done
jmp @@WhileLoop
mov ax,[FillCount]
pop si di
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_x_boundary_fill endp