DP Tool Club 21
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Assembly Source File
681 lines
; Video Bitmap functions - Video Ram <-> Video Ram
; Compile with Tasm.
; C callable.
; ****** XLIB - Mode X graphics library ****************
; ****** ****************
; ****** Written By Themie Gouthas ****************
; egg@dstos3.dsto.gov.au
; teg@bart.dsto.gov.au
The XVBITMAP module implements yet another type of bitmap to complement
planar and compiled bitmaps, VRAM based bitmaps. If a 4 cylinder car is
analagous to planar bitmaps, that is thrifty on memory consumption but low
performance and and a V8 is analagous to Compiled bitmaps, memory guzzlers
that really fly, then VRAM based bitmaps are the 6 cylinder modest performers
with acceptable memory consumption.
To summarise their selling points, VBM's are moderately fast with fair memory
consumption, and unlike compiled bitmaps, can be clipped. The disadvantages
are that they are limited by the amount of free video ram and have a complex
The VRAM bitmap format is rather complex consisting of components stored in
video ram and components in system ram working together. This complexity
necessitates the existence of a creation function "x_make_vbm" which takes
an input linear bitmap and generates the equivalent VBM (VRAM Bit Map).
VBM structure:
WORD 0 Size Total size of this VBM structure in bytes
WORD 1 ImageWidth Width in bytes of the image (for all alignments)
WORD 2 ImageHeight Height in scan lines of the image
WORD 3 Alignment 0 ImagePtr Offset in VidRAM of this aligned image
+--WORD 4 MaskPtr Offset (within this structure's DS) of
| . alignment masks
| .
| .
| WORD 9 Alignment 3 ImagePtr Offset in VidRAM of this aligned image
+|--WORD 10 MaskPtr Offset (within this structure's DS) of
|| alignment masks
|+->BYTE 21 (WORD 11) -------+-- Image masks for alignment 0
| . |
| . |
| BYTE 21 + ImageWidth*ImageHeight -----+
| .
| . (similaly for alignments 1 - 2 )
| .
+-->BYTE 21 + 3*ImageWidth*ImageHeight + 1-+-- Image masks for alignment 3
. |
. |
BYTE 21 + 4*(ImageWidth*ImageHeight) --+
<< Similarly for alignments 2 and 3 >>
BYTE 21 + 4*(ImageWidth*ImageHeight)
(And dont forget the corresponding data in video ram)
include xlib.inc
include xvbitmap.inc
VBM_info_struc struc
Size dw ?
ImageWidth dw ?
ImageHeight dw ?
; AlignData dw ?
VBM_info_struc ends
AlignData equ 6
VBM_alignment_struc struc
ImagePtr dw ?
MaskPtr dw ?
VBM_alignment_struc ends
; x_store_vbm_image
; Store the linear bitmap in video RAM using the specified alignment and
; start address. Returns number video ram bytes used.
; THIS FUNCTION IS FOR USE BY x_make_masked_vbm
; Prototype:
; x_store_vbm_image(unsigned int vramoffs, unsigned int Align,
; char far *lbm);
; Written by Themie Gouthas
_x_store_vbm_image proc
ARG VramOffs:word,Align:word,LBitmap:dword
LOCAL BMWidth:byte=LocalStk
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,LocalStk ; Create space for local variables
push si
push di
push ds
mov ax,_SCREEN_SEG ; Point ES to screen segment
mov es,ax
mov di,[VramOffs] ; Point ES:DI to VRAM dest start
mov bx,[Align] ; Set BL to first pixel plane align
and bl,03h
lds si,[LBitmap] ; DS:SI -> source linear Bitmap
lodsw ; Al = B.M. width (bytes) AH = B.M.
mov bh,ah ; Save source bitmap dimensions
mov [BMWidth],al ;
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; Initialize Map Mask for plane
mov al,MAP_MASK ; selection
out dx,al
inc dx
xor ch,ch ; clear CH
mov cl,bl ; Set initial plane for current
mov ah,11h ; allignment
shl ah,cl
mov cl,[BMWidth] ; Initialize column counter
mov al,ah
out dx,al ; set vga write plane
lodsb ; load next LBM pixel
mov es:[di],al ; store it in Video Ram
shl ah,1 ; rotate plane mask
jnb @@NoAddrIncr ; Time to increment dest address ?
inc di ; Yes: increment addr and reset
mov ah,11h ; plane mask to plane 0
loop @@ColLoop ; Loop to next pixel column
cmp ah,11h
; je @@skip
inc di ; Increment dest addr
dec bh ; Decrement row counter
jnz @@RowLoop ; Jump if more rows to go
mov ax,di ; calculate video RAM consumed and
sub ax,[VramOffs] ; return value
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
_x_store_vbm_image endp
_x_put_masked_vbm proc
ARG X:word,Y:word,ScrnOffs:word,SrcVBM:dword
LOCAL VBMWidth:word,VBMHeight:word,NextLineIncr:word=LocalStk
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,LocalStk ; Create space for local variables
push si
push di
push ds
mov ax,_SCREEN_SEG ; Point es to VGA segment
mov es,ax
mov ax,[Y] ; Calculate dest screen row
mov cx,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth] ; by mult. dest Y coord by Screen
mul cx ; width then adding screen offset
mov di,[ScrnOffs] ; store result in DI
add di,ax
mov si,[X] ; Load X coord into CX and make a
mov bx,si ; copy in DX
shr bx,2 ; Find starting byte in dest row
add di,bx ; add to DI giving screen offset of
; first pixel's byte
and si,3 ; get pixel alignment in si
lds bx,[SrcVBM] ; DS:BX -> VBM data structure
shl si,2 ; si = offset of data for curr
; alignment
mov ax,word ptr [bx+ImageHeight] ; Get image height
mov [VBMHeight],ax
mov ax,word ptr [bx+ImageWidth] ; Get image width
mov [VBMWidth],ax
sub cx,ax ; NextLineIncr = bytes to the begin.
mov [NextLineIncr],cx ; of bitmaps next row on screen
mov dx,[bx+MaskPtr+AlignData+si] ; DS:SI -> mask data
mov bx,[bx+ImagePtr+AlignData+si] ; ES:BX -> source video bitmap
mov si,dx
mov dx,GC_INDEX ; Set bit mask for all bits from
mov ax,BIT_MASK ; VGA latches and none from CPU
out dx,ax
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; Point SC register to map mask
mov al,MAP_MASK ; in preperation for masking data
out dx,al
inc dx ; Point dx to SC data register
mov ah,byte ptr [VBMHeight] ; AH = Scanline loop counter
mov cx,[VBMWidth] ; Width in bytes across
out dx,al
mov al,es:[bx] ; load latches from source bitmap
stosb ; store latches to dest. bitmap
inc bx
loop @@ColumnLoop
add di,[NextLineIncr] ; point to start of next dest row
dec ah ; decrement scan line counter
jnz @@RowLoop ; jump if more scanlines left
mov dx,GC_INDEX+1 ; Restore bitmask to the default -
mov al,0ffh ; all data from cpu
out dx,al
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
_x_put_masked_vbm endp
_x_put_masked_vbm_clipx proc
ARG X:word,Y:word,ScrnOffs:word,SrcVBM:dword
LOCAL DataInc,LeftSkip,VBMWidth,VBMHeight,NextLineIncr:word=LocalStk
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,LocalStk ; Create space for local variables
push si
push di
push ds
mov di,[X] ; load X coord int DI and make a
mov si,di ; copy in SI
sar di,2 ; Find Byte offset of X coord
and si,3 ; Calculate pixels plane alignment
shl si,2 ; Prepare to lookup mask & data
les bx,[SrcVBM] ; ES:BX -> begining of VBM data
mov cx,es:[bx+ImageWidth] ; Get image width and save in CX
;;;;; CLIP PROCESSING FOR LEFT CLIP BORDER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov dx,[_LeftClip]
sub dx,di
jle @@NotLeftClip
cmp dx,cx
jnl @@NotVisible
add di,dx
mov [LeftSkip],dx
mov [DataInc],dx
sub cx,dx
jmp short @@HorizClipDone
;;;; EXIT FOR COMPLETELY OBSCURED V.B.M's ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov ax,1
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
mov dx,[_RightClip]
sub dx,di
js @@NotVisible
mov [LeftSkip],0
mov [DataInc],0
cmp dx,cx
jge @@HorizClipDone
inc dx
sub cx,dx
mov [DataInc],cx
mov cx,dx
add di,[ScrnOffs] ; Add the current page offset
mov [VBMWidth],cx
mov ax,es:[bx+ImageHeight] ; Get image height and save in AX
mov [VBMHeight],ax
mov ax,[Y] ; Calculate dest screen row
mov cx,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth] ; by mult. dest Y coord by Screen
mul cx ; width then adding screen offset
add di,ax ; Add Dest Screen Row to di
sub cx,[VBMWidth]
mov [NextLineIncr],cx
mov ax,es ; copy ES to DS
mov ds,ax
mov ax,_SCREEN_SEG ; Point es to VGA segment
mov es,ax
mov ax,[bx+MaskPtr+AlignData+si] ; DS:SI -> mask data
mov bx,[bx+ImagePtr+AlignData+si] ; ES:BX -> source video bitmap
mov si,ax
mov ax,[LeftSkip] ; Skip data/mask bytes in
add bx,ax ; each row that have been clipped
add si,ax ; by the L.H.S border
mov dx,GC_INDEX ; Set bit mask for all bits from
mov ax,BIT_MASK ; VGA latches and none from CPU
out dx,ax
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; Point SC register to map mask
mov al,MAP_MASK ; in preperation for masking data
out dx,al
inc dx ; Point dx to SC data register
mov ah,byte ptr [VBMHeight] ; AH = Scanline loop counter
mov cx,[VBMWidth] ; Width in bytes across
out dx,al
mov al,es:[bx] ; load latches from source bitmap
stosb ; store latches to dest. bitmap
inc bx
loop @@ColumnLoop
add bx,[DataInc]
add si,[DataInc]
add di,[NextLineIncr] ; point to start of next dest row
dec byte ptr ah ; decrement scan line counter
jnz @@RowLoop ; jump if more scanlines left
mov dx,GC_INDEX+1 ; Restore bitmask to the default -
mov al,0ffh ; all data from cpu
out dx,al
xor ax,ax
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
_x_put_masked_vbm_clipx endp
_x_put_masked_vbm_clipy proc
ARG X:word,Y:word,ScrnOffs:word,SrcVBM:dword
LOCAL VBMWidth,VBMHeight,TopRow,NextLineIncr:word=LocalStk
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,LocalStk ; Create space for local variables
push si
push di
push ds
mov di,[X] ; load X coord int DI and make a
mov si,di ; copy in SI
and si,3 ; Calculate pixels plane alignment
shl si,2 ; Prepare to lookup mask & data
les bx,[SrcVBM] ; ES:BX -> begining of VBM data
mov ax,es:[bx+ImageHeight] ; Get image height and save in AX
;;;;; CLIP PROCESSING FOR TOP CLIP BORDER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov dx,[_TopClip] ; Compare u.l. Y coord with Top
sub dx,[Y] ; clipping border
jle @@NotTopClip ; jump if VBM not clipped from above
cmp dx,ax
jnl @@NotVisible ; jump if VBM is completely obscured
mov [TopRow],dx
sub ax,dx
add [Y],dx
jmp short @@VertClipDone
;;;; EXIT FOR COMPLETELY OBSCURED V.B.M's ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov ax,1
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
mov dx,[_BottomClip]
sub dx,[Y]
js @@NotVisible
mov [TopRow],0
cmp dx,ax
jg @@VertClipDone
inc dx
mov ax,dx
shr di,2 ; Find Byte offset of X coord
add di,[ScrnOffs] ; Add the current page offset
mov cx,es:[bx+ImageWidth] ; Get image width and save in CX
mov [VBMWidth],cx
mov [VBMHeight],ax
mov ax,[Y] ; Calculate dest screen row
mov cx,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth] ; by mult. dest Y coord by Screen
mul cx ; width then adding screen offset
add di,ax ; Add Dest Screen Row to di
sub cx,[VBMWidth]
mov [NextLineIncr],cx
mov ax,es ; copy ES to DS
mov ds,ax
mov ax,_SCREEN_SEG ; Point es to VGA segment
mov es,ax
mov ax,[bx+MaskPtr+AlignData+si] ; DS:SI -> mask data
mov bx,[bx+ImagePtr+AlignData+si] ; ES:BX -> source video bitmap
mov si,ax
mov ax,[VBMWidth] ; Increment DS:BX and DS:SI to
mul [TopRow] ; skip image/mask data that has
add bx,ax ; been clipped by the top border
add si,ax
mov dx,GC_INDEX ; Set bit mask for all bits from
mov ax,BIT_MASK ; VGA latches and none from CPU
out dx,ax
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; Point SC register to map mask
mov al,MAP_MASK ; in preperation for masking data
out dx,al
inc dx ; Point dx to SC data register
mov ah,byte ptr [VBMHeight] ; AH = Scanline loop counter
mov cx,[VBMWidth] ; Width in bytes across
out dx,al
mov al,es:[bx] ; load latches from source bitmap
stosb ; store latches to dest. bitmap
inc bx
loop @@ColumnLoop
add di,[NextLineIncr] ; point to start of next dest row
dec byte ptr ah ; decrement scan line counter
jnz @@RowLoop ; jump if more scanlines left
mov dx,GC_INDEX+1 ; Restore bitmask to the default -
mov al,0ffh ; all data from cpu
out dx,al
xor ax,ax
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
_x_put_masked_vbm_clipy endp
_x_put_masked_vbm_clipxy proc
ARG X:word,Y:word,ScrnOffs:word,SrcVBM:dword
LOCAL DataInc,LeftSkip,VBMWidth,VBMHeight,TopRow,NextLineIncr:word=LocalStk
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,LocalStk ; Create space for local variables
push si
push di
push ds
mov di,[X] ; load X coord int DI and make a
mov si,di ; copy in SI
sar di,2 ; Find Byte offset of X coord
and si,3 ; Calculate pixels plane alignment
shl si,2 ; Prepare to lookup mask & data
les bx,[SrcVBM] ; ES:BX -> begining of VBM data
mov cx,es:[bx+ImageWidth] ; Get image width and save in CX
mov ax,es:[bx+ImageHeight] ; Get image height and save in AX
;;;;; CLIP PROCESSING FOR TOP CLIP BORDER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov dx,[_TopClip] ; Compare u.l. Y coord with Top
sub dx,[Y] ; clipping border
jle @@NotTopClip ; jump if VBM not clipped from above
cmp dx,ax
jnl @@NotVisible ; jump if VBM is completely obscured
mov [TopRow],dx
sub ax,dx
add [Y],dx
jmp short @@VertClipDone
;;;; EXIT FOR COMPLETELY OBSCURED V.B.M's ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov ax,1
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
mov dx,[_BottomClip]
sub dx,[Y]
js @@NotVisible
mov [TopRow],0
cmp dx,ax
jg @@VertClipDone
inc dx
mov ax,dx
;;;;; CLIP PROCESSING FOR LEFT CLIP BORDER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
mov dx,[_LeftClip]
sub dx,di
jle @@NotLeftClip
cmp dx,cx
jnl @@NotVisible
add di,dx
mov [LeftSkip],dx
mov [DataInc],dx
sub cx,dx
jmp short @@HorizClipDone
mov dx,[_RightClip]
sub dx,di
js @@NotVisible
mov [LeftSkip],0
mov [DataInc],0
cmp dx,cx
jge @@HorizClipDone
inc dx
sub cx,dx
mov [DataInc],cx
mov cx,dx
add di,[ScrnOffs] ; Add the current page offset
mov [VBMWidth],cx
mov [VBMHeight],ax
mov ax,[Y] ; Calculate dest screen row
mov cx,[_ScrnLogicalByteWidth] ; by mult. dest Y coord by Screen
mul cx ; width then adding screen offset
add di,ax ; Add Dest Screen Row to di
sub cx,[VBMWidth]
mov [NextLineIncr],cx
mov ax,es ; copy ES to DS
mov ds,ax
mov ax,_SCREEN_SEG ; Point es to VGA segment
mov es,ax
mov ax,[bx+MaskPtr+AlignData+si] ; DS:SI -> mask data
mov bx,[bx+ImagePtr+AlignData+si] ; ES:BX -> source video bitmap
mov si,ax
mov ax,[VBMWidth] ; Increment DS:BX and DS:SI to
add ax,[DataInc] ; skip image/mask data that has
mul [TopRow] ; been clipped by the top border
add ax,[LeftSkip] ; Skip also data/mask bytes in
add bx,ax ; each row that have been clipped
add si,ax ; by the L.H.S border
mov dx,GC_INDEX ; Set bit mask for all bits from
mov ax,BIT_MASK ; VGA latches and none from CPU
out dx,ax
mov dx,SC_INDEX ; Point SC register to map mask
mov al,MAP_MASK ; in preperation for masking data
out dx,al
inc dx ; Point dx to SC data register
mov ah,byte ptr [VBMHeight] ; AH = Scanline loop counter
mov cx,[VBMWidth] ; Width in bytes across
out dx,al
mov al,es:[bx] ; load latches from source bitmap
stosb ; store latches to dest. bitmap
inc bx
loop @@ColumnLoop
add bx,[DataInc]
add si,[DataInc]
add di,[NextLineIncr] ; point to start of next dest row
dec byte ptr ah ; decrement scan line counter
jnz @@RowLoop ; jump if more scanlines left
mov dx,GC_INDEX+1 ; Restore bitmask to the default -
mov al,0ffh ; all data from cpu
out dx,al
xor ax,ax
pop ds ; restore data segment
pop di ; restore registers
pop si
mov sp,bp ; dealloc local variables
pop bp
_x_put_masked_vbm_clipxy endp