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AML Function Quick Reference
This Quick Reference lists all AML statements and functions and by
category, including builtin (A.EXE), library (LIB.X), and extension
(EXT.AML) functions.
To use the Quick Reference within a macro: move the cursor to a
function name or statement keyword and press <shift f1>. This Quick
Reference can be used in any text file, including the Language
Reference (LANGUAGE.DOX), and the Function Reference (FUNCTION.DOX).
To transfer to the full AML Function Reference: move the cursor to a
function name or statement keyword in this Quick Reference and press
<shift f2>. Note that most extension functions are not documented in
the Function Reference.
Copyright (C) 1995 by nuText Systems. All rights reserved worldwide.
No parts of this document may be copied in part or in whole, except as
provided in the License in the accompanying documentation.
Language Statements
break // exit loops
case when otherwise / end // complex conditional statement
databuf / end // define or add to a data buffer
define / end // define compile-time constants/functions
forward // declare a function symbol
function / end // define a function
if elseif else / end // conditional statement
if? // short conditional statement
include // include a macro source file
key / end // define a key function
keyword // define syntax highlighting keywords
loop / end // unconditional loop
menu item / end // define a pull-down or popup menu
menubar item / end // define a menu bar for a window
object // create object / change current object
ref // pass a variable by reference
repeat / until // repeat-until conditional loop
return // return from a function or macro
set // object variable assignment
setobj // object variable remote assignment
setx // object variable expression assignment
setxfun // function expression remote assignment
setxobj // object variable expr remote assignment
var // declare a local or global variable
while do / end // while conditional loop
object // create an object or change the current object
builtin functions:
destroyobject // destroy an object
eventobject // change the current event object
function? // test for the existence of a function
getcurrobj // get the current (executing) object
geteventobj // get the current event object
getobjsize // get number of variable & functions in an object
inheritkeys // enable/disable key inheritance
object? // test for the existence of an object
objtype? // test object inheritance hierarchy
saveobject // save an object to a file
unsetx // destroy an object variable
Event Handling:
builtin functions:
call // dispatch an event in the current object
dispatch // wait for and dispatch the next event
endprocess // return from a recursive invocation of the editor
event? // test if one or more events are in the event queue
eventobject // change the current event object
getcurrobj // get the current (executing) object
geteventobj // get the current event object
pass // call the current function in a parent object
process // invoke the editor recursively
purgequeue // remove all events from the event queue
queue // add an event to the event queue
queueobject // queue an event to a specific object
send // dispatch an event in the current event object
sendobject // dispatch an event to a specified object
sizequeue // change the event queue size
Macro Compilation and Execution:
builtin functions:
compilemacro // compile a macro source file
eval // evaluate a string as macro source code
geterror // returns error information
includemacro // load and execute a compiled macro file
runmacro // load, execute, and discard a compiled macro
extension functions:
askcmacro // prompt to compile a macro source file
askeval // prompt to evaluate a macro expression
askimacro // prompt to include a compiled macro file
askrmacro // prompt to run a compiled macro file
compilemacro2 // compile a macro source file (with messages)
includemacro2 // load and execute a compiled macro file
recompile // recompile the editor
runmacro2 // load, execute, and discard a compiled macro
saveconfig // recompile and save current config variables
builtin functions:
bin2hex // convert binary strings to hex strings
bin2int // convert a 1, 2, or 4-byte string to an integer
char // convert integers to 1-byte strings
char2 // convert integers to 2-byte strings
char4 // convert integers to 4-byte strings
concat // concatenated strings together
copystr // duplicate a string one or more times
flipcase // toggle the case of each character in a string
hex2bin // convert hex strings to binary strings
icompare // test strings for equality, ignoring case
joinstr // combine strings into a 'multistring'
locase // convert a string to lower case
pad // left or right justify a string and pad the string
pos // search for a string within another string
poschar // search for a character class in string
posnot // search for ~character class in string
sizeof // return the size of a string (in characters)
splitstr // split a 'multistring' into substrings
sub // replace a substring within another string
thousands // convert a number to a thousands-separated string
upcase // convert a string to upper case
builtin functions:
arg // access function arguments
base // convert a number to a string in a new base
beep // beep the PC speaker
delay // suspend execution of a macro
eval // evaluate a string as macro source code
exec // execute a DOS program
halt // exit to DOS immediately
peek // return a copy of a DOS memory area
poke // modify a DOS memory area
rand // generate a random number
databuf // define or add to a data buffer
builtin functions:
actualrow // get the actual row over an apparent distance
addline // add a line to the end of a buffer
apparentrow // get the apparent row over an actual distance
asciibuf // create a buffer of ASCII characters
bufchanged? // test if buffer is modified
buffer? // test if a buffer exists
bufferflag // change buffer flags
bufferflag? // get buffer flags
createbbuf // create a new binary buffer
createbuf // create a new buffer
currbuf // change the current buffer
delchar // delete text on a line
delline // delete a line
destroybuf // destroy a buffer
findbuf // find a buffer with a given buffer name
getbinarylen // get binary line length used to load a buffer
getbufname // get the buffer name
getchar // get a character from a buffer
getcurrbuf // get the current bufferid
getlinebeg // get the starting column of a line
getlinelen // get the length of a line
getlines // get the total number of lines in buffer
getloadinfo // get directory information after loadbuf/insertbuf
getprevbuf // get the previous bufferid
gettext // get a line or a portion of a line from a buffer
gotobuf // change the default buffer for builtin functions
hidebuf // hide a buffer
insabove // insert a line before another line
insertbuf // insert a file into a buffer
insline // insert a line after another line
instext // insert a string into a line
joinline // join two lines into one line
lineflag // change line flags
lineflag? // get line flags
loadbuf // create a new buffer from a file or directory
ovltext // overlay a string onto a line
printbuf // print a buffer
savebuf // save a buffer to a file
setbufname // set the name associated with a buffer
splitline // split a line into two lines
trunc? // test if buffer was truncated when loaded
undosize // set the undo stack size for a buffer
writetext // insert or overlay a string in a line
extension functions:
backsp // delete char to the left (with joinline)
caseword // change the case of the word at the cursor
centerline // center the line at the cursor
commentline // comment the line at the cursor
delchar2 // delete the char at the cursor (with joinline)
delword // delete right word at the cursor
enter // enter key
getword // get the word at the cursor or at a column
insline2 // insert a line with autoindent
literal // prompt to enter the next character literally
livewrap // live word wrap support
splitline2 // split a line with autoindent
swapline // swap lines at the cursor
tabfile // detab or entab the current file
timestamp // enter the date and time at the cursor
write // enter a string at the cursor
builtin functions:
col // move the cursor to a column
colorcursor // change the cursor color
currcursor // change the current cursor
cursor? // test if a cursor exists
destroycursor // destroy a cursor and any associated window
down // move the cursor down
getcol // get the cursor column
getcurrcurs // get the current cursor
getcurswin // get window associated with a cursor
getprevcurs // get the previous cursor
getrow // get the cursor row
gotopos // move the cursor (absolute)
insert? // get cursor insert/overstrike mode
lastpos // move the cursor to the last cursor position
left // move the cursor left
movepos // move the cursor (relative)
popcursor // restore the cursor position from the cursor stack
pushcursor // save the cursor position on the cursor stack
right // move the cursor right
row // move the cursor to a row
setcursor // create a new cursor or change the cursor state
up // move the cursor up
extension functions:
enter // the enter key
nextword // find the next word
prevword // find the previous word
tableft // tab left
tabright // tab right
builtin functions:
currbook // change the current bookmark
destroybook // destroy a bookmark
getbookbuf // get the buffer associated with a bookmark
getcurrbook // get the current bookmark for a buffer
getprevbook // get the previous bookmark in the buffer
gotobook // move the cursor to a bookmark
setbook // create a new bookmark or move an existing bookmark
extension functions:
askbook // prompt for a bookmark to move to
cyclebook // cycle though all existing bookmarks
gotobook2 // move cursor to a bookmark (with messages)
placebook // set a bookmark (with messages)
quickbook // place a 'quick' bookmark
builtin functions:
colormark // change the mark color
copymark // mark a copy of a mark
currmark // change the current (top) mark
destroymark // destroy a mark
extendmark // extend the current mark to the cursor position
getcurrmark // get the current mark for a buffer
getmarkbot // get the bottom row of a mark
getmarkbuf // get the buffer associated with the mark
getmarkcols // get the mark width
getmarkleft // get the left column of mark
getmarkright // get the right column of mark
getmarkrows // get the mark height
getmarktop // get top row of a mark
getmarktype // get the mark type
getmarkuse // get the default markid
getprevmark // get the previous mark
inmark? // test if a cursor position is inside a mark
mark? // test for the existence of a mark
markchar // begin or extend a char mark
markcolumn // begin or extend a column mark
markline // begin or extend a line mark
markstream // being or extend a stream mark
stopmark // stop the cursor extension of a mark
usemark // change the default markid
extension functions:
getmarktext // get top line of text in a mark
markeol // mark to the end of the current line
markpara // mark the paragraph at the cursor
markword // mark the word at the cursor
smark // allow CUA <shift> marking after cursor movement
builtin functions:
caseblock // change the case of text in a mark
copyblock // copy the text in a mark
copyblockover // overlay the text in a mark over other text
deleteblock // delete the text in a mark
fillblock // fill a mark with a repeating character or string
foldblock // manipulate folds in a mark
formatblock // reformat the text in a mark
justblock // justify the text in a mark
moveblock // move the text in a mark
printblock // print the text in a mark
saveblock // save the text in a mark
shiftblock // shift the text in a mark left or right
sortblock // sort the text in a mark
tabblock // detab or entab the text in a mark
extension functions:
copyblock2 // copy a block (or a line) of text
deleteblock2 // delete a block of text
fillblock2 // prompt to fill a mark with a string
formatblock2 // reformat a block or paragraph
justblock2 // justify a block text between margins
moveblock2 // move a block of text
moveblockover // move a block of text over other text
quote // quote a paragraph or a block of text
saveblock2 // prompt to save a block of text
sortblock2 // sort a block of text
extension functions:
askclip // prompt to change the current clipboard
clear // erase the contents of a clipboard
copy // copy or copy-append to a clipboard
cut // cut or cut-append to a clipboard
paste // paste or paste-over from a clipboard
Undo and Redo:
builtin functions:
redo // redo the last change or group of changes
undo // undo the last change or group of changes
undobegin // start a group of undoable operations
undocursor // save the cursor position on the undo/redo stack
undoend // end a group of undoable operations
undosize // associate an undo/redo stack with a buffer
Search and Replace:
builtin functions:
find // search for a string
replace // search for a string, replace with another string
library functions:
gotoerror // go to the compiler error on the current line
gotomatch // find the matching character
scanfiles // scan files for a string
search // search or replace within the current file
extension functions:
askcol // prompt for a column to go to
askfind // prompt for a search (multistring)
askfindo // prompt for find occurrences of a string
askrepl // prompt for search and replace (multistring)
askrow // prompt for a row to go to
askscan // prompt to scan files for a string
col2 // go to a column (absolute or relative +/-)
findlast // repeat the last search/replace
findlasto // find occurrences of the last search string
findo // find occurrences of a string
gotomark // go to an edge of a mark
gotomatch2 // find the matching char (with highlight)
isearch // incremental search
row2 // go to a row (absolute or relative +/-)
search2 // search/replace with messages and highlighting
searchfiles // scan files for a string (multistring arguments)
builtin functions:
closefold // close a fold (and optionally, subfolds)
createfold // create a one-line 'open' fold
destroyfold // destroy a fold (and optionally, subfolds)
fold? // test for the existence of a closed fold
foldblock // manipulate folds within a mark
getfold // get information about a fold
openfold // open a fold (and optionally, subfolds)
extension functions:
foldall // manipulate all folds in a buffer
foldline // fold or unfold a line
builtin functions:
destroytimer // destroys a timer
setalarm // sets an alarm timer
setrepeat // sets a repeating interval timer
settimer // sets a non-repeating interval timer
timer? // tests for the existence of a timer
builtin functions:
createwindow // create a new window
destroywindow // destroy a window
display // update the display
eotstring // change the 'end-of-text' line in a window
frame? // test for window frame components
getborder // get window border information
getbotwin // get the windowid of the bottommost window
getchild // get a child windowid
getcolor // get window colors
getcoord // get window dimensions and coordinates
getcurrwin // get the windowid of the topmost window
getnextwin // get the windowid of the next window
getparent // get a parent windowid
getprevwin // get the windowid of the previous window
getregion // get a window region from virtual coordinates
gettitle // get a window title
getviewbot // get the bottommost visible row in window
getviewcols // get the visible window width
getviewleft // get the leftmost column in window
getviewright // get the rightmost visible column in window
getviewrows // get the visible window height
getviewtop // get the topmost row in a window
getwinbuf // get the bufferid associated with a window
getwincount // get the number of windows or child windows
getwinctrl // get a title bar control
getwincurs // get the cursorid attached to a window
getwinobj // get object name associated with a window
getwinscr // get a scroll bar position from virtual coords
gotowindow // change the default window for builtin functions
hidecursor // hide a cursor (temporarily for buffer windows)
hidewindow // hide a window temporarily
hilite // highlight text in a window
movewindow // move a window to a new location
setborder // change the window borders
setcolor // change the window colors
setframe // add or remove window frame components
setnextwin // set the next window
setparent // set the parent window
setprevwin // set the previous window
setshadow // set the window shadow
setshadow2 // set the 1/2 window shadow
settitle // change a window title
setwinctrl // define window title bar controls
setwincurs // attach a cursor (and a buffer) to a window
setwinobj // associate a window with an object
showcursor // show a cursor
showwindow // show a hidden window
sizewindow // change the size of a window
tilewindow // tile windows
virtocol // convert a virtual X-coordinate to a column
virtorow // convert a virtual Y-coordinate to a row
window? // test for the existence of a window
wintype? // test the window event object hierarchy
Note: the following builtin functions are only meaningful in video
output windows (windows which do not display a buffer):
clearwindow // clear the contents of a video window
getx // get the column of video window cursor
gety // get the row of video window cursor
gotoxy // move the cursor of video window
writeline // display a string and CR in a video window
writestr // display a string in a video window
library functions:
cascade // cascade all windows
copywin // copy the current edit window
currwin // change the current window
deletewin // delete the current window
getsettings // get the current window settings
max? // test if the current window is maximized
maximize // maximize the current window
min? // test if the current window is minimized
minimize // minimize the current window
nextwindow // switch to the next window
pankey // pan the video background with the keyboard
prevwindow // switch to a previous window
restore // restore the current window
setdraw // set the window line-drawing style
setting // change a window setting
setting? // test if specified window settings are ON
sizekey // resize or move the current window with the kbd
sizewin // resize or move the current window
splitwin // split the current edit window
tile // tile all windows horizontally or vertically
togglestyle // toggle the style of the current window
toolbar // display a toolbar on the current window
winlist // display a popup menu of open windows
builtin functions:
adjustcol // adjust left window view offset
adjustrow // adjust top window view offset
pagedown // scroll down one page
pageup // scroll up one page
rollcol // scroll left or right by a relative amount
rollrow // scroll up or down by a relative amount
scrollcol // scroll directly to a column
scrollrow // scroll directly to a row
builtin functions:
blink // enable or disable the video blink mode
getpalette // return a color attribute or the entire palette
getvidbot // return the bottom edge of the virtual screen
getvidcols // return the screen width
getvidleft // return the left edge of the virtual screen
getvidright // return the right edge of the virtual screen
getvidrows // return the screen height
getvidtop // return the top edge of the virtual screen
mono? // test for a monochrome display
pan // pan the virtual screen (relative)
panto // pan the virtual screen (absolute)
setdisplay // enable/disable display updating
setpalette // define the color palette
setvideo // change video mode/background
showentry // show the entry screen when the editor was started
videoborder // change the video overscan border color
library functions:
videomode // change the video mode
extension functions:
togglemode // toggle the video mode between 80x25 and 80x50
Syntax Highlighting:
keyword // define syntax highlighting keywords
builtin functions:
setsyntax // enable or disable syntax highlighting for a window
syntax // define a syntax highlighting template for the
// current object
extension functions:
onsyntax // called by the editory library (LIB.X) to get the
// syntax highlighting object for a filename
hiliteword // dynamically define the word at the cursor as
// a syntax highlighting keyword
File Handling:
builtin functions:
bootpath // get a filename in terms of the editor bootpath
chgfileattr // change file attributes
closefile // close an open file
copyfile // copy a file
createdir // create a new directory
currpath // change the current drive and/or path
deletefile // delete a file
fileattr? // test file attributes
filepos // change the position in an open file
getbootpath // get the editor invocation path
getcurrpath // get the current DOS path
getdisk // get disk drive information
locatefile // search for a file or directory in a path
openfile // open a file and return a file handle
qualify // get a fully qualified filename
readfile // read from an open file
renamefile // rename a file
scanfile // scan a file for a string
setbootpath // change the bootpath
touchfile // update the date and time of a file
writefile // write to an open file
library functions:
dir? // test if a filespec is a directory
extension functions:
defext // append a default extension if no extension
forceext // force a filename to have an extension
getext // get the extension portion of a filespec
getname // get the name & extension portion of a filespec
getpath // get the drive & path portion of a filespec
System Initialization:
builtin functions:
cursorsize // set the insert and overstrike cursor size
international // define international date and time formats
maxems // define the amount of EMS memory to use
maxxms // define the amount of XMS memory to use
memoptions // set memory usage options
printformat // define the initial printer settings
speaker // enable or disable the PC speaker
swapfiles // define the swapfiles to use
System Information:
builtin functions:
getdate // return the date in international format
getenv // return the value of a DOS environment variable
getexe // return the editor .EXE file name
getos // return the operating system version
getrawtime // return the time and date in raw format
gettime // return the time in international format
getversion // return the current version of the editor
builtin functions:
enhancedkbd // enable or disable the enhanced keyboard keys
getkey // wait for a key and return a keycode
getkeycode // get a keycode for keyname
getkeyname // get a keyname for a keycode
inheritkeys // enable or disable keyboard event inheritance
keyhit? // test if a key was pressed
queuekey // push keycode(s) onto the event queue
sendkey // execute keycode(s) immediately
shiftkey? // test the shift key state
extension functions:
askrepkey // prompt to repeat a key or keys
prefix // generate multi-key events
builtin functions:
button? // test the mouse button state
closemouse // disable the mouse
getmousex // get the mouse virtual X coordinate
getmousey // get the mouse virtual Y coordinate
getregion // get the window region at the mouse position
hidemouse // hide the mouse cursor
mousepos // change the mouse pointer position
mousesense // change the mouse sensitivity
openmouse // enable the mouse
showmouse // show the mouse cursor
virtocol // convert a virtual X coordinate to a column
virtorow // convert a virtual Y coordinate to a row
library functions:
trackmouse // move the cursor to the mouse pointer position
menu // define a pull-down or popup menu
menubar // define a menu bar for a window
builtin functions:
getmenu // get menu information
getmenubar // get menu bar information
hilitebar // highlight menu bar item
library functions:
gotobar // highlight a menu bar item
gotobar2 // highlight a toolbar or drive menu item
gotomenu // display a pull-down menu
popup // display a popup menu
submenu // display a submenu
library functions:
begdesk // mark the beginning of the current desktop
currdesk // set the current desktop to the window layout
enddesk // mark the end of the current desktop
opendesk // load a desktop and make it the current desktop
openhistory // load history buffers and the current desktop
restoredesk // set the window layout to the current desktop
savedesk // save the current desktop to a file
savehistory // save all history buffers and the current desktop
Prompts and Dialog boxes:
library functions:
about // display an about dialog box
ask // prompt the user for a string
askfile // display a file selection picklist
askprint // display a print settings dialog box
finddlg // display a find dialog box
msgbox // display a message in a window
okbox // display an Ok-Cancel message box
repldlg // display a replace dialog box
say // display a message on the window title bar
scandlg // display a scan dialog box
shortbox // display a message box without an 'Ok' button
yncbox // display a Yes-No-Cancel message box
extension functions:
asciilist // display an ASCII chart (with char entry)
askrac // replace/append/cancel popup menu
askbinary // binary line length prompt
askc // generic prompt to change a config variable
askcomplete // filename completion within an open prompt
askdelim // default line delimiter prompt
asklmarg // left margin prompt
askprompt // change the prompt style
askprthdr // change the print header/footer
askrmarg // right margin prompt
asktabv // variable tabs prompt
asktabw // tabwidth prompt
askx // generic prompt (with command execution)
picklist // display a file selection picklist
Prompt History:
library functions:
addhistory // add a string to a history buffer
askhistory // display a history menu for the current prompt
gethistname // get the history buffer for the current prompt
gethiststr // get the most recent string in a history buffer
nexthist // display the next history string in prompt
openhistory // load history buffers and the current desktop
pophistory // display a popup history menu
prevhist // display the previous history string in prompt
savehistory // save all history buffers and the current desktop
Primary Editing:
library functions:
close // close the current edit or file manager window
filelist // display a popup menu of open buffers
nextfile // display the next buffer in the current window
open // open a new edit or file manager window
openbuf // display a buffer in an edit window
opennew // open a new edit window with an empty buffer
prevfile // display the previous buffer in the current window
reopen // refresh the current edit or file manager window
save // save the buffer in the current edit window
setname // rename the current edit window and buffer
extension functions:
askasave // prompt to set the autosave time interval
askinsert // prompt to insert a file at the cursor
askname // prompt to change the current file name
askopen // prompt to open an edit or file manager window
askopenb // prompt to open a file in binary mode
asksaveas // prompt to save the current file under a new name
autosave // set the autosave time interval
close // close the current window (higher level)
closeall // close all windows
opencfg // open an AML configuration file
openlast // open the last file closed
openword // open the filename at the cursor
print // print current file or marked block
printfile // print a file on disk
printstr // send a string to the printer
quickref // display the function reference or quick reference
DOS Shell:
builtin functions:
exec // execute a DOS program (low level)
extension functions:
askrun // prompt to execute a DOS command
askruncap // prompt to capture DOS command output
os // execute a DOS program (change and restore path)
run // execute a DOS command
runcap // execute a DOS command and capture output
shell // shell to DOS
Key Macros:
builtin functions:
playing? // test if a key macro is currently playing
library functions:
assignkey // assign the scrap macro to a key
erasekey // erase the scrap macro or all key macros
openkey // load key macros in a file
playkey // execute a key macro
savekey // save all key macros to a file
setting // turn record mode ON and OFF
extension functions:
askopenkey // prompt to open a key macro file
asksavekey // prompt to save current key macros
erasekey2 // erase key macros (with messages)
openkey2 // open a key macro file (with messages)
play // play the current scrap macro
record // toggle the record setting
File Manager:
library functions:
fdobrk // break out of the 'fdomark' function
fdomark // execute a function for all marked files
fmark // mark or unmark files
fmark? // test if files are marked
fscanstr // get the scan string for a file manager window
fsort // sort files
ftype? // test file manager window type
fup // display the parent directory
getffile // get the filespec at the current line
openf // open files (low level)
extension functions:
fattr // change the attributes of a file or marked files
fcopy // copy a file or marked files
fdelete // delete a file or marked files
fmkdir // create a new directory
fmove // move a file or marked files
fopen // open a file or marked files
fprint // print a file or marked files
frename // rename a file or directory
frun // execute a file
ftouch // update date/time of a file or marked files
Internal Events:
builtin functions:
oncompiling // called while compiling a file
onloading // called while loading a file
onprinting // called while printing a file
onsaving // called while saving a file
library functions:
onalarm // called to sound the PC speaker
onclose // called before closing a file or fmgr window
oncomment // returns language comments for a filename
onentry // called after starting the editor
onexit // called before exiting the editor
onfocus // called after switching to another file or window
onfound // called after a string is found
onhotkey // called after a filelist hotkey char is entered
onopen // called after loading a new file or fmgr window
onscanning // called while scanning files
onsyntax // returns a syntax object for a filename
extension functions:
onsave // called before a file is saved