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Regular Expression Searching
The Regular Expression search option 'x' allows you to specify complex
search patterns when searching through buffers or strings. Option 'x'
can be specified in both end-user search prompts and macro language
searching functions (such as 'find' and 'replace').
Regular expression search patterns are created by combining normal
characters with regular expression 'operator' characters in the search
string. These operators take on a special meaning when the search
option 'x' is specified.
Each operator matches a pattern. There are operators which allow you
to anchor searches to the beginning or end of a line, match any
character, match a class of characters or its complement, optionally
match a pattern, match one of several patterns, match repeating
patterns, and match groups of patterns.
A rich set of regular expression operators are provided. The following
table lists and describes each of the operators:
Operator Description
──────── ───────────
^ Matches the beginning of a line. If the search is confined
to a marked block with search option 'b', then this operator
matches the beginning column of the mark. For example:
^ // matches the beginning of a line
^a // matches 'a' at the beginning of a line
^apples // matches 'apples' at the beginning of a line
$ Matches the end of a line. If the search is confined to a
marked block with search option 'b', then this operator
matches the ending column of the mark or line. For example:
$ // matches the end of a line
o$ // matches 'o' at the end of a line
oranges$ // matches 'oranges' at the end of a line
. Matches any character. For example:
. // matches any single character
.. // matches any two consecutive characters
t.o // matches 'two' or 'too', but not
// 'toe' or 'true'
[ ] Specifies a 'class' of characters that a single character
can match. For example:
[ab] // matches 'a' or 'b'
[abc12!] // matches 'a', 'b', 'c', '1', '2', or '!'
[AaZz] // matches 'A', 'a', 'Z', or 'z'
Note that the character class is always case-sensitive, even
when the 'ignore case' search option 'i' is specified.
[ - ] Specifies a range of characters to match when used between
characters in a class. Note that '-' is treated as a normal
character if used as the first or last character of the
class, or if used outside the class. For example:
[a-z] // matches characters 'a' through 'z'
[-+0-9] // matches characters '0' through '0' and
// '-' and '+'
[a-zA-Z0-9] // matches any alphanumeric character
[~ ] Specifies the complement of a character class against which
to match a character. The '~' operator is only meaningful
when used as the first character after the '[' bracket,
otherwise it is treated as any other normal character. For
[~ab] // match any characters other than 'a' or 'b'
[~12~] // match any characters other than
// '1', '2', or '~'
[~0-9] // match any non-numeric character
? Optionally matches the preceding pattern. For example:
thes?e // matches 'thee' or 'these'
the[sm]?e // matches 'thee', 'these', or 'theme'
| This is the alternation ('or') operator. It matches the
preceding or the following pattern. For example:
the|in // matches 'then' or 'thin'
// (but not 'the' or 'in)
thes|me // matches 'these' or 'theme'
Multiple '|' operators can be chained together. The 'or-ed'
patterns are searched in the order in which they are listed.
For example:
thes|m|r| |e
// matches 'these', 'theme', 'there', or 'the e'
// matches 'apples', 'oranges', or 'bananas' (see below
// for a description the grouping operator '{}')
* Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding pattern,
matching as few occurrences as possible (minimum closure).
For example:
// matches 'fbar', 'fobar', 'foobar', 'fooobar', etc.
// matches any string starting with 'apples' and ending
// with 'oranges':
'Minimum closure' means that the shortest possible string is
matched. For example, if the search pattern is 'ab*b' and
string to be searched is 'abbbbbbb', then 'ab' will be
matched. Thus, the '*'and '+' operators are seldom used at
the end of a search string).
+ Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding pattern,
matching as few occurrences as possible (minimum closure).
For example:
// matches 'fobar', 'foobar', 'fooobar', etc.
apples +oranges
// matches any string starting with 'apples', followed
// by one or more spaces, and ending with 'oranges':
@ Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding pattern,
matching as many occurrences as possible (maximum closure).
For example:
// matches a string starting with 'a' and ending with
// 'z', for the longest possible string
// matches a single-quoted string for the longest
// possible string
'Maximum closure' means that the longest possible string is
matched. For example, if the search pattern is "ab@b", and
the string to be searched is 'abbbbbbb', then 'abbbbbbb'
will be matched.
# Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding pattern,
matching as many occurrences as possible (maximum closure).
For example:
// matches the first occurrence of one or more
// alphabetic characters, for the longest string
// possible
// matches 'string2', 'string22', 'string222', etc.
// (matching the longest possible string)
{ } Groups characters or other patterns together as one pattern,
so that regular expression operators can act on the entire
pattern. For example:
// matches 'apples' or 'oranges'
another{ fine}? mess
// matches 'another mess' or 'another fine mess'
// matches 'ab', 'abab', 'ababab', etc.
// matches 'ab', 'xy', 'abab', 'abxy', 'xyab', 'abxyab',
// etc.
The '{}' operator also identifies or 'tags' patterns for
replacement (see below).
\ Indicates that the next character is to taken literally and
not used as a regular expression operator. For example:
// matches 'apples+oranges', 'apples++oranges', etc.
whats all this then\?
// matches "whats all this then?"
// matches 'c:\filetxt' or 'c:\file.txt'
The '\' operator can also be used to match specific
\a matches the alert (beep) character (ASCII 7)
\b matches the backspace character (ASCII 8)
\f matches the formfeed character (ASCII 12)
\n matches the newline (linefeed) character (ASCII 10)
\r matches the return character (ASCII 13)
\t matches the tab character (ASCII 9)
\v matches the vertical tab character (ASCII 11)
\xHH matches the hexadecimal character 'HH'
For example:
// matches two tab characters
// matches a binary zero or a return character
// (ASCII 13)
The '\' operator is also used within a replacement pattern
to reference a pattern which was tagged with the grouping
'{}' operator (see below).
The following are a few additional examples of regular expression
search patterns:
^$ // matches blank lines
^.*$ // matches all the characters on any line
^.+$ // matches all the characters on any non-blank line
// matches a few 'C' language keywords
// matches identifiers in most languages
^ *{function}|{key}.*$
// matches AML function headers
[a-zA-Z0-9_]# *= *[0-9]#
// matches statements of the form: variable = number
Regular Expression Replacement Patterns
A pattern which was 'tagged' by the grouping operator '{}' in the
search string of a regular expression search-and-replace operation can
be referenced in the replacement string by using the '\' replacement
operator. Tagged patterns are numbered from 1 to 9 based on the
leftmost '{' symbol in the search string. The pattern number is
specified after the '\' character in the replacement string. For
search string: "{.*}" // changes double-quoted strings
replace string: '\1' // to single-quoted strings
search string: {[a-zA-Z]#} +{[a-zA-Z]#}
replace string: \2 and \1
The example above reverses two adjacent alphabetic words and places
the word 'and' between them.
Specifying '\0' in the replacement string references the entire search
pattern. For example:
search string: ^.+$ // encloses non-blank lines
replace string: (\0) // in parentheses
search string: [a-zA-Z0-9]# // duplicates alphanumeric
replace string: \0\0 // identifiers
To enter the '\' character in a replacement string, enter it twice.
For example:
search string: ^ // insert '\\' at the beginning
replace string: \\\\ // of each line
Summary of Regular Expression Operators
Operator Description
──────── ───────────
^ match the beginning of a line
$ match the end of a line
. match any character
[ ] specify a characters class
[ - ] specify a range of characters
[~ ] specify the complement of a character class
? optionally match the preceding pattern
| the alternation ('or') operator
* match zero or more of the preceding pattern (min closure)
+ match one or more of the preceding pattern (min closure)
@ match zero or more of the preceding pattern (max closure)
# match one or more of the preceding pattern (max closure)
{ } define a group or tag a pattern
\ literal operator, or reference a tagged pattern
\a match the alert or beep character (ASCII 7)
\b match the backspace character (ASCII 8)
\f match the formfeed character (ASCII 12)
\n match the newline or linefeed character (ASCII 10)
\r match the return character (ASCII 13)
\t match the tab character (ASCII 9)
\v match the vertical tab character (ASCII 11)
\xHH match the hexadecimal character 'HH'