DP Tool Club 21
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170 lines
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// The Aurora Editor v2.0
// Copyright 1993-1995 nuText Systems. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
// Syntax highlighting definitions (included by MAIN.AML)
// (additional definitions are contained in SYNTAX2.AML)
// Note: to conserve editor resources, include only the syntax
// highlighting definitions you actually use.
// If you have made any changes, save this file and select 'Recompile
// the Editor' <alt f2> from the Set menu. Exit and re-enter the
// editor for your changes to take effect.
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
object a
// The 'onsyntax' function is called by the editor to return the
// syntax highlighting object (defined below) associated with a file
// name.
function onsyntax (file)
forward getext
case getext file
when ".C", ".H", ".CPP" "c"
when ".AML" "aml"
when ".DOX" "dox"
otherwise ''
// syntax highlighting for Aurora macro language files (.AML)
object aml
'bfin' // options:
// b=show through marked block
// c=don't highlight cursor line
// f=use only foreground colors
// i=ignore keyword case
// n=highlight numbers
'()=+-*/<>|&^,[]:' // symbol set
'"\'' // string characters
'\\' // string literal char
'' // numeric symbol
'//' 0 // eol comment 1 / start column
'' 0 // eol comment 2 / start column
'/*' '*/' // multi-line comment 1
'' '' // multi-line comment 2
0 // number of lines to scan backward
color brightcyan on black // keyword color
color gray on cyan // symbol color
color brightred on black // string color
color brightred on black // numeric color
color brightgreen on black // eol1 comment color
color yellow on black // eol2 comment color
color brightgreen on black // comment1 color
color brightgreen on black // comment2 color
and, break, call, case, color, databuf, define, do, end, else,
elseif, eval, forward, function, if?, if, include, key, loop, mod,
menubar, menu, not, or, otherwise, object, queue, return, repeat,
ref, shl, shr, send, setxfun, setx, setxobj, setobj, set, sizeof,
then, until, var, when, while
// syntax highlighting for C/C++ files (.C, .CPP, .H)
object c
'bfn' // options:
// b=show through marked block
// c=don't highlight cursor line
// f=use only foreground colors
// i=ignore keyword case
// n=highlight numbers
'()[]{}.=+-*/:;<>|&,~!^?' // symbol set
'\'"' // string characters
'\\' // string literal char
'' // numeric symbol
'//' 0 // eol comment 1 / start column
'' 0 // eol comment 2 / start column
'/*' '*/' // multi-line comment 1
'' '' // multi-line comment 2
0 // number of lines to scan backward
color brightcyan on black // keyword color
color gray on cyan // symbol color
color brightred on black // string color
color brightred on black // numeric color
color brightgreen on black // eol1 comment color
color yellow on black // eol2 comment color
color brightgreen on black // comment1 color
color brightgreen on black // comment2 color
#define, #else, #endif, #ifdef, #ifndef, #if, #include, #line,
#undef, asm, auto, break, case, catch, cdecl, char, class, const,
continue, default, delete, double, do, else, enum, extern, far,
float, for, friend, goto, huge, if, inline, interrupt, int, long,
near, new, operator, pascal, private, protected, public, register,
return, short, signed, sizeof, static, struct, switch, template,
this, typedef, union, unsigned, virtual, void, volatile, while
// syntax highlighting for Aurora document files (.DOX)
object dox
'bfn' // options:
// b=show through marked block
// c=don't highlight cursor line
// f=use only foreground colors
// i=ignore keyword case
// n=highlight numbers
'.:,-+*;=()[]<>{}|─│┌┐┘└┤┴┬├┼' // symbol set
'"\'' // string characters
'\\' // string literal char
'' // numeric symbol
'//' 0 // eol comment 1 / start column
' ' 0 // eol comment 2 / start column
'/*' '*/' // multi-line comment 1
' ' ' ' // multi-line comment 2
0 // number of lines to scan backward
color brightcyan on black // keyword color
color gray on cyan // symbol color
color white on white // string color
color brightred on black // numeric color
color brightgreen on black // eol1 comment color
color yellow on black // eol2 comment color
color brightgreen on black // comment1 color
color brightcyan on black // comment2 color
// default syntax highlight object (for highlighting words in
// text files)
object syndef
'bfi' // options:
// b=show through marked block
// c=don't highlight cursor line
// f=use only foreground colors
// i=ignore keyword case
// n=highlight numbers
'.,;:\'"?!()<>|' // symbol set
'' // string characters
'' // string literal char
'' // numeric symbol
'' 0 // eol comment 1 / start column
'' 0 // eol comment 2 / start column
'' '' // multi-line comment 1
'' '' // multi-line comment 2
0 // number of lines to scan backward
color brightcyan on black // keyword color
color white on white // symbol color
color brightred on brightred // string color
color brightred on brightred // numeric color
color brightgreen on brightgreen // eol1 comment color
color yellow on yellow // eol2 comment color
color brightgreen on brightgreen // comment1 color
color brightcyan on brightcyan // comment2 color