DP Tool Club 21
< prev
Text File
460 lines
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// The Aurora Editor v2.0
// Copyright 1993-1995 nuText Systems. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
// WordStar/Borland IDE Menu definitions (included by MAIN.AML)
// If you have made any changes, save this file and select 'Recompile
// the Editor' from the Set menu. Exit and re-enter the editor for
// your changes to take effect.
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// Edit Window menu bar and tool bar
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
function EditMen
// menu bar
menubar "" 1
item "&File" "editFile"
item "&Window" "editWindow"
item "&Block" "editBlock"
item "&Search" "editSearch"
item "F&old" "editFold"
item "&Edit" "editEdit"
item "&Clip" "editClip"
item "&Print" "editPrint"
item "Se&t" "editSet"
item "M&acro" "editMacro"
item "&Help" "editHelp"
// tool bar
menubar "" 2
item "<&&≡>" toolbar // close tool bar
item "<&&?>" quickref 'u' 'f' // users guide
item "<&&*>" open "*.*" // display file manager
item "<&&/>" copywin // copy window
item "<&&─>" splitwin 'h' // split window horz
item "<&&|>" splitwin 'v' // split window vert
item "<&&o>" askopen // open prompt
item "<&&s>" save // save file
item "<&&F>" askfind // find prompt
item "<&&f>" findlast // do last find/replace
item "<&&r>" formatblock2 "kr" // reformat block
item "<&&«>" undo // undo last change
item "<&&»>" redo // redo last change
item "<&&>>" foldblock2 // fold block
item "<&&<>" destroyfold2 // destroyfold
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// Edit Window pulldown menus
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
menu "editFile"
item " &New" opennew
item " &Open.. <ctrl k><e> or <f3>" askopen
item " Open and &Insert.. <ctrl k><r>" askinsert
item " Open &Binary.." askopenb
item " Open Las&t <alt z>" openlast
item " &Rename.. <alt n>" askname
item " &Save <ctrl k><s> or <f2>" save
item " Sa&ve As.." asksaveas
item "-"
item " &File Manager.. <f4>" open "*.*"
item " Ne&xt" nextfile
item " &Prev" prevfile
item " &List.. <alt 0>" filelist
item "─"
item " &Close <ctrl k><q>" close
item " Close &All <alt x>" closeall
item " Sav&e and Close <ctrl k><x>" close 's'
item " Save an&d Close All" closeall 's'
item "─"
item " Abo&ut.." about
menu "editWindow"
item " &Restore" restore
item " &Move/Size <ctrl f5>" sizekey
item " P&an <ctrl f6>" pankey
item " M&inimize" minimize
item " Ma&ximize <f5>" maximize
item " &Next <f6>" nextwindow
item " &Prev <shift f6>" prevwindow
item " &List.." winlist
item "─"
item " &Copy <ctrl q><w>" copywin
item " Split Hor&z" splitwin 'h'
item " Split Ver&t <ctrl q><v>" splitwin 'v'
item "─"
item " Ca&scade <shift f5>" cascade
item " Tile &Horz <shift f4>" tile 'h'
item " Tile &Vert <shift f3>" tile 'v'
item "─"
item " Tool &Bar <ctrl f8>" toolbar
item " St&yle Toggle <ctrl f4>" togglestyle
item " Pr&ompt Style.." askprompt
// wordstar emulation only
forward markblock
forward marktoggle
menu "editMark"
item " Mark &Line <ctrl k><l>" markline
item " Mark &Block <ctrl k><b>" markblock
item " Mark &Toggle Column <ctrl k><n>" marktoggle
item " Mark C&haracter" markchar
item " Mark &Word <ctrl k><t>" markword
item " Mark to &EOL <alt 2>" markeol
item " Mark &Paragraph <alt 3>" markpara "tb"
item "─"
item " &Unmark <ctrl k><h>" destroymark
menu "editBlock"
item " Mar&k.. " submenu "editMark"
item " &Copy <ctrl k><c>" copyblock2
item " Copy &Over <ctrl k><z>" copyblockover
item " &Move <ctrl k><v>" moveblock2
item " Mo&ve Over" moveblockover
item " &Delete <ctrl k><y>" deleteblock2
item " &Indent <ctrl k><i>" shiftblock 1
item " Uninden&t <ctrl k><u>" shiftblock -1
item "─"
item " &Fill <ctrl k><f>" fillblock2
item " &Reformat <ctrl b>" formatblock2 "kr"
item " R&eformat Right <alt y>" formatblock2 "rj"
item " S&ave.. <ctrl k><w>" saveblock2
item " &Sort <ctrl k><o>" sortblock2
item " Lo&wercase" caseblock 'l'
item " U&ppercase" caseblock
item "─"
item " &Left Justify" justblock2 'l'
item " Ri&ght Justify" justblock2 'r'
item " Ce&nter" justblock2 'c'
menu "editSearch"
item " &Find.. <ctrl k><f>" askfind
item " Re&place.. <ctrl q><a>" askrepl
item " &Repeat Last Find/Repl <ctrl l>" findlast
item " &Scan Files.. <ctrl o><s>" askscan
item " &Incremental Search <ctrl q><i>" isearch
item " Find &Occurrences.." askfindo
item "─"
item " &Quick Bookmark <ctrl 2>" quickbook
item " Pre&v Bookmark <ctrl 6>" cyclebook
item " Place &Bookmark.." placebook
item " &Go to Bookmark.." askbook
item "─"
item " Go to &Line.. <ctrl q><j>" askrow
item " Go to Bloc&k Start <ctrl q><b>" gotomark 't'
item " Go to Block En&d" gotomark 'b'
item " Go to Ne&xt Fold <alt 7>" search2 "f/f"
item "─"
item " Find &Matching Char <ctrl q><[>" gotomatch2
item " Go to Compiler &Error <alt f7>" gotoerror
menu "editFold"
item " &Fold Next Line <alt 8>" foldline
item " &Unfold Next Line <alt 9>" foldline 'u'
item "─"
item " C&reate Fold" createfold
item " &Destroy Fold <alt g>" destroyfold2
item " &Open Fold <alt \\>" openfold
item " &Close Fold <alt \\>" closefold
item "─"
item " Fold Bloc&k" foldblock2
item " Fold Block Fl&at" foldflat
item " Des&troy Block Folds" foldblock 'ds'
item " O&pen Block Folds" foldblock 'os'
item " C&lose Block Folds" foldblock 'cs'
item "─"
item " Destro&y All Folds" foldall 'ds'
item " Ope&n All Folds <alt [>" foldall 'os'
item " Clo&se All Folds <alt ]>" foldall 'cs'
item "─"
item " &Export without Folds.." asksaveas 'x'
item " E&xport Block without Folds.." saveblock2 'x'
menu "editEdit"
item " &Undo <ctrl u>" undo
item " &Redo <ctrl o><r>" redo
item "─"
item " &Insert Line <ctrl enter>" insline2
item " &Delete Line <ctrl y>" delline
item " &Split Line <ctrl n>" splitline2
item " &Join Line <alt j>" joinline
item "─"
item " &Erase to End <ctrl q><y>" delchar (getlinelen)
item " Delete Right &Word <ctrl t>" delword
item " Du&plicate Line <alt 4>" insline (gettext)
item " Sw&ap Lines <alt 5>" swapline
item " Ce&nter Line <ctrl o><c>" centerline
item "─"
item " &Comment Line <alt f1>" commentline
item " Enter &Literal.. <ctrl p>" literal
item " ASCII C&hart.. <alt =>" asciilist
item " Date/&Time Stamp <ctrl q><o>" timestamp
item " E&xpand Tabs" tabfile
item " Hi&ghlight Word <ctrl \\>" hiliteword
menu "editClip"
item " Cu&t <grey->" cut
item " Cut &Append <ctrl grey->" cut 'a'
item " &Copy <grey+>" copy
item " Cop&y Append <ctrl grey+>" copy 'a'
item "─"
item " &Paste <grey*>" paste
item " Paste &Over <ctrl grey*>" paste 'o'
item "─"
item " C&lear <ctrl grey/>" clear
item " Current Clip&board..|*" askclip
menu "editPrint"
item " &Print" print
item " Print &Block <ctrl k><p>" print 'b'
item " Print &Formfeed" printstr (char 12)
item "-"
item " &Header/Footer..|*" askprthdr
item " Printer &Settings..|*" askprint
menu "Fonts"
item " 80 cols x 1&4 rows|*" videomode 80 14
item " 80 cols x 2&1 rows|*" videomode 80 21
item " 80 cols x 2&5 rows|*" videomode 80 25
item " 80 cols x 2&8 rows|*" videomode 80 28
item " 80 cols x 4&3 rows|*" videomode 80 43
item " 80 cols x 5&0 rows|*" videomode 80 50
item "─"
item " 40 cols x &25 rows|*" videomode 40 25
// Note: do not change the first 12 lines of this menu
// (except for key definitions)
menu "editSet"
item " &AutoIndent <ctrl o><i>" setting 'A' TOGGLE
item " &Backup" setting 'B' TOGGLE
item " Line &Draw" setting 'D' TOGGLE
item " Line St&yle.. " submenu "LineStyle"
item " &Match Character" setting 'M' TOGGLE
item " &Smart Tabs" setting 'S' TOGGLE
item " Synta&x Highlighting" setting 'X' TOGGLE
item " &Translate <alt f4>" setting 'T' TOGGLE
item " &Undo" setting 'U' TOGGLE
item " &Variable Tabs" setting 'V' TOGGLE
item " &Word Wrap" setting 'W' TOGGLE
item " &Live Word Wrap <ctrl o><w>" setting 'L' TOGGLE
item "─"
item " Word &Processing.. " submenu "WordP"
item " Bi&nary Line Length..|*" askbinary
item " Line D&elimiter..|*" askdelim
item "─"
item " V&ideo Mode.. " submenu "Fonts"
item " Save &Current Settings" saveconfig
item " &Recompile the Editor <alt f9>" recompile
menu "WordP"
item " &Tab Width..|*" asktabw
item " &Variable Tab Stops..|*" asktabv
item "─"
item " &Left Margin..|*" asklmarg
item " &Right Margin..|*" askrmarg
// Note: do not change this menu (except for key definitions)
menu "LineStyle"
item " &Single" setdraw 0
item " Double &Horizontal" setdraw 1
item " Double &Vertical" setdraw 2
item " &Double" setdraw 3
item " &Eraser" setdraw 4
menu "editMacro"
item " &Record Toggle <ctrl f7>" record
item " &Play <shift f7>" play
item " &Erase" erasekey
item " Era&se All" erasekey 'a'
item " Ope&n.." askopenkey
item " Sa&ve.." asksavekey
item " &Assign to Key.." assignkey
item "─"
item " &Configuration.." opencfg "config"
item " &Keys.." opencfg "kbd"
item " Sample Utility &Macros.."
runmacro (getbootpath + "MACRO\\" + "utility.x")
item "─"
item " Macro E&xpression.." askeval
item " R&un Macro.." askrmacro
item " &Include Macro.." askimacro
item " Compi&le Macro.." askcmacro
item "─"
item " &OS Command.." askrun
item " OS Cap&ture.. <alt f8>" askruncap
item " OS S&hell <ctrl k><f>|*" shell
menu "editHelp"
item " &User's Guide Topics"
runmacro (getbootpath + "MACRO\\" + "helpuser.x")
item " User's &Guide" quickref 'u'
item " User &Tips" quickref 't'
item "-"
item " &Language Reference Topics"
runmacro (getbootpath + "MACRO\\" + "helplang.x")
item " Language &Reference" quickref 'l'
item "-"
item " &Function Reference <shift f2>" quickref 'f'
item " Function &Quick Reference <shift f1>" quickref 'q'
item "-"
item " &Ordering Information" quickref 'o'
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// File Manager window menu bar
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
function FmgrMen
menubar "" 1
item "&File" "fmgrFile"
item "&Window" "fmgrWindow"
item "&Mark" "fmgrMark"
item "&Command" "fmgrCommand"
item "&Sort" "fmgrSort"
item "&Print" "fmgrPrint"
item "Se&t" "fmgrSet"
item "M&acro" "editMacro"
item "&Help" "editHelp"
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// File Manager window pulldown menus
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
menu "fmgrFile"
item " &New" opennew
item " &Open.. <ctrl k><e> or <f3>" askopen
item " Open &Binary.." askopenb
item " Open Las&t <alt z>" openlast
item " &Parent <ctrl baksp>" fup
item " R&efresh" reopen
item "─"
item " &Close <ctrl k><q>" close
item " Close &All <alt x>" closeall
item "─"
item " Abo&ut.." about
menu "fmgrWindow"
item " &Restore" restore
item " &Move/Size <ctrl f5>" sizekey
item " P&an <ctrl f6>" pankey
item " M&inimize" minimize
item " Ma&ximize <f5>" maximize
item " &Next <f6>" nextwindow
item " &Prev <shift f6>" prevwindow
item " &List.. <alt w>" winlist
item "─"
item " Ca&scade <shift f5>" cascade
item " Tile &Horz <shift f4>" tile 'h'
item " Tile &Vert <shift f3>" tile 'v'
item "─"
item " Pr&ompt Style.." askprompt
menu "fmgrMark"
item " Mark &Toggle <space>" fmark
item "─"
item " &Mark All <alt m>" fmark "ma"
item " &Unmark All <alt u>" fmark "ua"
menu "fmgrCommand"
item " &Open <enter>" fopen
item " Open &Binary <shift b>" fopen 'b'
item " Open &Key Macro <shift k>" openkey2 (getffile)
item "─"
item " &Move.. <shift m>" fmove
item " &Copy.. <shift c>" fcopy
item " &Delete <del> or <shift d>" fdelete
item " Re&name.. <shift n>" frename
item "─"
item " &Run <shift r>" frun 'c'
item " &Print <shift p>" fprint
item "─"
item " &Attributes.. <shift a>" fattr
item " &Touch <shift t>" ftouch
item "─"
item " Cr&eate Directory.." fmkdir
item " &Scan Files.. <ctrl s>" askscan
menu "fmgrSort"
item " &Name <alt n>" fsort 'n'
item " &Extension" fsort 'e'
item " &Size <alt s>" fsort 's'
item " &Date-Time <alt d>" fsort 'd'
item " &OS Default <alt o>" fsort 'o'
menu "fmgrSet"
item " Bi&nary Line Length..|*" askbinary
item " L&ine Delimiter..|*" askdelim
item "─"
item " &Video Mode.. " submenu "Fonts"
item " Video To&ggle <ctrl f1>|*" togglemode
item "-"
item " Save &Current Settings" saveconfig
item " &Recompile the Editor <alt f9>" recompile
menu "fmgrPrint"
item " &Print <ctrl k><p>" print
item " Print &Formfeed" printstr (char 12)
item " Print &Settings..|*" askprint
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// Miscellaneous menus
// ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// yes/no/cancel popup menu
menu "ync"
item " &Yes"
item " &No"
item " &Cancel"
// ok/cancel popup menu
menu "ok"
item " O&k"
item " &Cancel"
// replace/append/cancel popup menu
menu "rac"
item " &Replace"
item " &Append"
item " &Cancel"